《The Goddess’ Chosen》The Bridge outpost


“And there’s the Translucent forest,” Berken declared as the group got onto higher ground. It overlooked a lone bridge that went down into a large forest partially covered by overarching rock formations. A strange blue glow could be seen coming from further in as the forest became swallowed up by the earth and alien metal itself.

“…. That’s where we need to go?” Allisa asked.


“Right across that bridge?”

“Of course,”

“Behind that large base filled with those ravenger things?” Allisa furiously pointed to a complex directly in front of the bridge. It consisted of metal palisades and stakes, watchtowers, capsule buildings made with scrap metal and bones and filled with ravengers, the wolf warframes and two bipedal machines standing vigilant at the gate.

“…… I never said anything about it being safe. I just said it’s the way to go,” Berken said mater-of-factly. Allisa ran her hand over her face, taking in a few deep breaths.

“I can’t fight off an entire base! I barely survived that last battle!”

“Well unless you can fly, we have no other way into the translucent forest!”

“You can fly. Maybe you can carry both of us instead of just yelling at me all the time!”

“I can barely support the weight of a buniken! Do you honestly think I can take the star singer and a spy across that base without being seen and shot at!”

“Uh, I don’t think yelling at one another is going to get us anywhere,” Ion finally intervened. She then pointed to the cliff on the left of the base. “Maybe if we make it over there we can drop down into the base. Then it’s just a manner of sneaking through without being seen,”

Allisa squinted at where Ion was pointing. There was indeed a cliff that hung over the left of the base. It could let them into the compound without having to go through the main gate, though she couldn’t see any way there save from scaling the cliffside that ran up an old spire. Regardless, it seemed the path of least resistance compared to charging blindly to their deaths.

“Alright… Let’s get this over with,” Allisa groaned, wondering if the day of endless fighting was going to end. Her thoughts were interrupted by the rumbling of an engine flying overhead.

“Uh oh! Phantom!” Berken cried out before dropping to the ground. Ion did the same and Allisa followed suit. A single ravenger dropship passed them by, lowering itself as it descended upon the complex, landing in an opening at the center. The trio watched as the ravengers all lined up in front of it, bowing low to the ground.

“What now?” Allisa whispered.

“Beats me,” Berken said in a low volume.

The doors of the drop ship opened. First to disembark was a massive, sabertoothed warframe. Then, more imposing was a single skar. It was exceptionally bigger than anything Allisa had encountered so far. It’s armor was bolder and ornament than the smaller creatures; it’s four legs were armored in gold and bone plates covered by a loose patchwork skirt with bones and shards of metal hanging from it. Its chest plate was no less embroidered with the same patchwork pattern of bones and metal with a seven-lined cross on the front. Its helmet was a tall helmet fashioned from a metal sabertooth skull with the two fangs coming down the center allowing room for what could pass for eye sockets. The warframe responded to her, rushing up and allowing her to brush her three-fingered hand on its forehead. Behind the large skar were two imposing regs, just as big as the skar was, dressed in more armor decorated with more bone and metal amulets, and both holding massive cannons in their hands.


“Oh no. Krell.” Ion muttered grimly.

“Krell?” Allisa asked.

“It’s the later part of a Ravengers life. If they live for at least a decade, they’ll evolve into a krell.”

“Basically, bigger, stronger and more resilient than the ones you’ve fought so far. And by that virtue, are the defacto leaders of the clans.” Berken added. “Needless to say, we really do not want to get involved with them.”

“I’m with you there…” Allisa continued to watch the krell, seeing her communicate with the bowing ravengers. Slowly they got back up and moved to their original posts while the three krells walked to the gates of the base. If it meant she wouldn’t have to fight them, Allisa was all for it.

As they moved away from the cliff, unknown to them, the sabertooth warframe looked in their direction. The krell noticed, staring off where her pet was looking. With an amused click, it turned to one of her guards, waving a hand. With a bow, the left guard turned and headed back towards the base. The krell then continued onward into the plains.


“Okay, just up here spy,” Berken floated upwards along with the broken spire, followed by Allisa and Ion who had to maintain their balance on the narrow beam.

“Uhh, this really isn’t safe,” Allisa muttered as the climb became steeper. She had to lower her body, using her hands to continue. If not for all her adventuring experience, Allisa wasn’t sure how she would have lasted this long. “You okay back there?”

Ion however was a different story. She was further behind and clearly struggling to scale the object. “I-I’m okay!” She called back. “It’s… steeper than it looked back there,”

Allisa stopped her ascent, keeping an eye on Ion as she struggled upwards. Only when she was close Allisa set off once again at a slower pace.”We’re nearly there. Can you make it?”

Ion looked up at Allisa and nodded.

“Come on! Pick up the pace, spy!” Berken shouted.

Allisa continues to climb. “Could you keep the volume down so they don’t hear us?” She hissed as she reached Berken’s level. The robotic rabbit rattled his head, waiting for Ion, flying upwards when she passed him by.

Allisa was the first to reach the top, jumping off the collapsed spire to the ground. She waited for Ion, helping her down before the three of them moved to the edge of the cliff which overlooked the base. With the birds-eye view of the entire base, Allisa could see it was far worse than she had imagined.

Along with the overwhelming number of ravengers and warframes, there were several circular machines with at least four gun barrels located at the front dotted around certain choke points, including the bridge they had to cross. Allisa had hoped there was another way into the forest but seeing that it was completely separated from the plateau they were on, as well as the surrounding rock that covered it, the only way was across that bridge.

“Okay, what now?” She asked.

“I dunno. I assumed you had a plan, spy,” Berken said.

“What makes you think I have a plan? I was just following you guys!” Allisa pouted looking back at the base. “… Ion, can your songs make us invisible?”

Berken rammed into Allisa’s head. “Ow! What was that for?!”

“For suggesting we use-” Berken looked over Allisa’s shoulder to Ion, who gave him a scowl. “N-No Ion’s songs can’t make us invisible,” He huffed, lowering himself to the ground. Rubbing her head, Allisa turned to look at Ion. She simply shook her head.


“If there is a song, I don’t know it.”

Allisa sighed loudly. “Let’s just get down from here first.” She scanned the cliffside for anything that would allow her to descend into the base. No matter where she looked, it was a straight dropdown. Maybe we didn’t think this through.

“Say spy, can’t you teleport yourself?” Berken suggested.

“Well yeah, but only a meter or so. We’ll still be in the air when-” An Idea came to mind. “Okay Ion, we’re gonna jump.”


“Are you out of your mind?!” Berken yelled as Allisa grabbed hold of Ion.

“If I get closer, I can cut the fall by half.” She explained. “I think.” She looked at Ion who was holding onto her tightly. Ion simply nodded.

“A-are you sure this is a good idea?” Berken said skeptically.

“Nope. But since we got nothing else,” Allisa took in a deep breath before pushing both Ion and herself off the edge. They fell a few feet before Allisa teleported both of them into an empty lot, landing on their feet. The sudden impact caused both of them to trip and fall on the ground as the shock traveled through their legs.

“Okay…. Not doing that again,” Allisa grunted as both her and Ion sat up. “Are you okay?”

Ion gave her a thumbs up-


Smiling as Allisa coiled over, grabbing the back of her head where Berken had just rammed her.

“And what was that for?” She hissed.

“For the stupid stunt!” Berken snapped back in a low volume.

Allisa slipped out her tongue as she stood back up. She poked her head out of the entrance to the lot before ducking back as a ravenger guard passed them by. They were inside the base. Now the difficult part has begun.

“If we’re caught, we won’t last long.” Berken pointed out as he and Ion joined Allisa.

“No kidding,” Allisa kept an eye on the guard as it vanished. “Okay, Berken. Do you remember the layout of this place,”

“Ba! Of course. My memory is far superior to your imperfect hune mind!”

“Great. Then you take point.”

“……. Huh?” The rabbit’s eyes flashed. “Wait! Me?!”

“You’re the only one who knows where we’re going,”

“We’re in your hands Berken.” Ion said cheerfully.

“….. Very well. Because you asked, Ion,”

“Whatever,” Allisa muttered. Berken flew past Ion, deliberately banging Allisa in the back of the head, saying “Ops.” before floating out ahead, turning right.

Resisting every urge to destroy the rabbit with her sword, Allisa followed with Ion close behind. She felt the same kind of dread she felt aboard the Sovereign's Hope. She remembered she got through that with the help of Berken, yet she wasn’t sure how much help he would be against the ravenger’s tech. The first test came when they reached the first chokepoint that was covered by a single current. It looked far cruder than it had from above. Literally resembles a trash can with jagged points and a turret.

“Can you hack that thing?” Allisa asked Berken.

“….. Unfortunately no,” Berken shook his head. “Ravenger tech is very different from most tech we use.”

“Even when it looks like scrap put together?”

“That’s more or less what they are. However, the logic engines they use come from the warframes. What you’re looking at is a living machine. We can’t just hack into them.”

Allisa looked back at the turret. “So what do we do? Destroy it?”

“I can short it out temporarily. Then you can close in and take it out before it reactivates.” Berken flew past Allisa, hovering in the air before vanishing out of sight. Allisa pushed Ion back into the shade while keeping an eye out for any ravenger patrols. When she looked back she saw Berken flying towards the machine with sparks coming from his fingertips. There was a quick burst that coated the turret. Allisa saw this as her opportunity, teleporting out of cover, closing the distance and plunging her sword into the machine’s center just below the gun. There was a small wirl, followed by smoke coming from the affected center before the machine stopped.

“Whew, it worked.” Allisa signaled Ion to follow. After catching up the trio continued into the base. They took cover again when they passed through another checkpoint. At their heels was a wolf warframe which worried Allisa infused it could smell- or sense- their presence.

Fortunately for her, they didn’t and the patrol soon passed.

This sneaking stuff isn’t good for my heart….

Taking in a deep breath, Allisa continued forward, getting closer to the bridge. After another turret take down with Berken they arrived in a lot where there were four of the bipedal machines crouched down. The bridge was very close now. Just above from the low ground.

“Right up there,” Berken said, pointing to a ladder that led up to the bridge.

“Good.” Allisa rushed towards it, taking one last look around as Berken flew up to check if the cost was clear.

“Looks safe up there. Only a handful of ravengers.” He said.

“Alright then,” Allisa moved up the ladder with Ion close behind her. “Home fre-”

No sooner had she said that a massive ravenger suddenly appeared at the ladder. Before Allisa could react, the creature had already grabbed ahold of her by her ponytail.

Allisa cried in pain as she was hauled up into the air, staring down at the fighting bone mask. She quickly summoned Excalibur, taking a swipe at the creature. The sight of her weapon seemed to spook the ravenger as the next thing she knew was thrown, landing hard on the ground. Allisa got up quickly with her weapon at hand.

She was now facing one of the large ravengers she’d hoped to avoid; the krell. With a loud roar, attracting other smaller ravengers to its side, the monster began to charge up it’s large cannon.

“Jarg. Never wrong.” It spoke, which shocked Allisa. All she heard from the other ravenger were clicks and snaps. “Intruder. Interfere with hunt. Those. Defy. Kelshik hunt.” The ravenger took aim. “Die!”


After Allisa was hauled up, Ion lost her grip by the shock and fell down, landing on her back.

“Ahh! Ion!” Berken flew towards her. “This is bad! This is bad! That was a krell! That was a krell!”

“A-Allisa?!” Ion pushed herself back up, rushing towards the stairs. “We have to help her!”

“Wh-what are you going to do?”

“I-I’ll sing-!”

Berken floated in front of her. “Just leave her! You need to think of yourself!”

“I will not abandon her!” Ion snapped back. She was about to force the ASD when she heard the sounds of ravengers approaching the lot.

“At least consider the situation! We’re screwed if we stay here!” Berken insisted, zooming back and forth trying to find a way out. “Oh this is bad! This is bad! We need to hide you now!”

Ion grabbed Berken and hid behind one of the walkers as a group of ravengers ran past them, skittering up the ladder. No doubt they were all converging where Allisa was fighting.

“…. I have an idea.”

“….. No. Nonononono, bad idea!!”


Allisa teleported away as the krell fired a large ball of energy that burst upon impact. This was followed by bursts of small arms fire from the ravengers that were pouring in, crawling from every nook and crevice along with the wolf warframes. This was exactly what Allisa was hoping to avoid.

Rushing down the path away from the bridge, Allisa teleported into the air and fell on a wolf warframe, plunging her weapon into it’s torso. Pulling it free, Allisa parried a charging reg armed with a spear. After cutting it, Allisa raised her sword to block incoming shots from other ravengers, firing their spear guns and other firearms as regs with weapons moved in. Allisa had to retreat again but found herself blown back by a blast from up above.

Approaching her again was the krell that had dragged her away. With it’s gun charging, it clicked orders at it’s fellow ravengers before filling. Allisa teleported away as the shot hit against the wall behind her.

“Oh crap…” Allisa’s jaw dropped when she saw a large hole now burned into the side of the wall, floored by the sheer power of the weapon. She was brought back to the battle as a reg kept at her with two blades. Allisa teleported before being hit, striking the monster’s back. She ran into a nearby lot, still followed by a large group of ravengers, all of whom were firing at her.

“I don’t have time for this,” Allisa hissed as her weapon transformed into azure flame.

“Vermilion Strike!”

Allisa’s flames burst forth from the lot, eviscerating any ravenger that was directly in the line of the attack. The crude metal wall was shattered under the power of the attack.

“Did that do it…?” Allisa asked as she panted from the attack. She was hoping that unleashing her most powerful attack would scatter the attackers.

A snap from shots fired at her direction immediately put those through away.

“Oh come on!” Allisa ducked through the now smoldering passage, deflecting a strike from a ravenger, cutting the head off a wolf warframe before running out into the open.

The ground began to shake. Allisa was stopped by two explosions that happened just in front of her. When the dust settled, Allisa looked up and to her horror saw the two large bipedal walker machines moving towards her. The shooting had stopped for that moment as the ravengers moved in, slowly surrounding Allisa.

“Crap…” Allisa turned back around, seeing the krell taking the lead and another bipedal machine moving towards her. Ravengers hissed as they kept their weapons honed on Allisa, hissing and clicking, some skars stamping the ground as they impatiently waited for the order to move in. “What now?”

She looked at the two machines in front of her. She could probably take both out with Vermilion strike but the one behind her would shoot at her. As she was thinking, the ravengers behind her began to look up at the third bipedal machine coming towards them. Allisa turned her head and saw it was moving in a completely straight line, not even bothering to avoid the ravengers that were in the way. It then fired on the machines in front of Allisa as it rampaged through the crowd. The ravengers were thrown into confusion, some firing upon the rogue machine. Allisa however, saw the opportunity presenting itself. Conjuring as much flames as she could, she turned back to the machines.

“Vermilion Strike!”

She unleashed the attack in a horizontal slash, watching as both machines were hit with the full force of her flames. The one on the left exploded upon impact while the right was knocked to the ground, it’s hull scared and molded by the intense heat. She then ran through the confused crowd, taking out two ravengers before teleporting to the third bipedal machine.

“There you are! Let's go spy!”

Right in the open cockpit, she found Ion seated at the complicated control panel with Berken floating behind her.

“You know how to drive this thing?” Allisa said as she jumped in behind Ion, trying to be heard above the snaps and bangs from the small arms fire hitting the hull.

“No.” Ion wrestled with the controls, finally turning the machine around. “I’m learning as I go along!”

The machine shuddered as something powerful struck its hull. “Hang on to something!” Ion pushed down the leavers in front of her, causing the machine to move at full speed towards the bridge. Allisa grabbed hold of Ion due to the sudden jolt.

“Whew, that was close- WHA!” Berken swirled to avoid a wayward shot. Seemed every ravenger in the base was now firing at them as they got closer to the bridge, and some were firing weapons that were clearly doing damage to the outer hull.

“What the hell! You said it was clear!!” Allisa shouted as the walker began crossing the bridge ignoring the peppering of shots behind them.

“It was! I didn’t know that Krell was there! It must have… active camo or teleported-”

Scratches appeared just in front of Ion’s position. Something then shimmered in front of her. The krell began to appear, looming over her while it’s weapon charged, keeping the barrel aimed at the cockpit.


As Berken flew into a panic, Allisa immediately took a swipe at the weapon. Her super-heated blade damaged the machine. She then rushed forwards and plunged the weapon through the krells torso. As it howled in pain, it dropped its weapon, and with all four hands grabbed Allisa, holding her by her waist and head trying to crush her.


“Get…. Offff!!!” Allisa growled as she felt the pressure on her head mounting. She channeled flames through her weapon into the creature. Its entire torso immediately caught fire. Mercifully, the krell dropped Allisa as it burned, falling backward onto the bridge.

“Go! Go!” Allisa yelled, keeping her head down as Ion charged the machine at full speed into the woods before them with the ravengers still firing at them with everything they had.

“Don’t look back!” Allisa rushed to the back of the walker, channeling flames into her weapon. “Vermilion strike!”

A large section of the bridge was destroyed by Allisa’s attack. The rest quickly lost its integrity and began to fall, taking several ravengers with it into the mist below. Ion kept the walker moving forwards as fast as she could as the bridge behind them collapsed in their wake.

“WE’RE NOT GONNA MAKE IT!” Berken screamed as Allisa rushed to the cockpit, grabbing ahold of Ion’s hands, as though willing the machine to move faster.

“Come on!”

Walker barely made it, stumbling as it trudged its way into the forest before them, smoke rising from the damage it had sustained. Those that were left on the far side all hissed and snarled, firing at the escapees as they vanished into the thick undergrowth.

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