《The Goddess’ Chosen》Devilfish


“Make way!” Bec skidded through the opening, rushing over to a nearby control panel for the large shutter hanging overhead. The pilots, Melvin and Max charged through the opening, still hotly pursued by the hoard of ravengers.

“So long,” Bec slammed his fist on a button. The shutter slammed shut, blocking the ravengers from their pursuit. “Okay, that should hold them for now,”

Melvin and Otto collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath.

“Everywhere we go we’re always chased by something,” Melvin groaned.

“Yeah, never a dull moment huh?” Max said with a grin. He still carried the rocket launcher with him.

Melvin looked expressionless at him before dismissing his comeback ready. He was too exhausted for it.

“I sawer it’s one thing after another with you guys,” Larek had collapsed on the ground face first. Otto was beside him, slumping down on the ground.

“Where are we now?”

The group had reached a large station, constructed out of the same patchwork of metal. Large pylons and wires went up to a rail located on the ceiling that sparkled with energy. Lamps were arranged all along the tunnel. Despite the lack of any natural light, the room was lit enough for the group to see.

“What is this?” Melvin asked.

“Ravenger gondlars rails. Most clans around the edge have them. Do come in handy when you need to get around.” Bec said approaching a terminal. He tapped a few buttons before walking away with his hands on his hips. “Of course it’s not working.”

There was a loud bang from the door behind them. Max was quick to jump to his feet while Larek and Otto scampered away.

“That’s not gonna hold them for long. We’d better keep moving.” Bec said. “Now…. which way?”

“That way.” Max pointed down the tunnel to their right.

“What that way?” Melvin asked.

“Just a hunch.”

“.... Good enough.” Bec jumped off the platform.

“Wait! We’re going on a hunch?” Larek argued.

“Got a better idea?”

Still grumbling, Larek carefully lowered himself to the ground below. Max jumped down before helping both Melvin and Otto out.

“Okay, keep your eyes open. No telling where those bastards’ll jump us from.”

Unbeknownst to them, something stured in the dark confines of the hive tunnels. With lights flashing red, the object began to slowly crawl behind its prey.


“Whoa, what is this?” Rodger gawked at the carriage suspended in the air. It was shaped like a bus with a hollow center and circular doors with a catwalk over its circumfrence. Two turrets were on the guard rail, one on the front the other on the back.

“Looks like a gondola,” Nel said examining the rails above. The gondola was connected to them with large pincers.

“Wow, I’ve never been on one,” Sasha said excitedly. “Mirage promised me to take me on one age ago.”

“We’re not on vacation,” Nel said bluntly before turning to Th’lak. The ravenger was at a consol, tapping away at the buttons with his top two hands. His staff was gripped in his bottom right hand. “Where will this take us?”

“The fleet,” Th’lak said.

“So… this’ll take us there?” Meracle asked.

“Yes.” Th’lak pulled a switch. Lights on the gondola flashed, flooding the passage above in light. “Ride. End. The fleet.”

Meracle nervously moved towards the gondola’s edge. “Is this thing safe?”

“Safe,” Th’lak scuttered towards her, stepping on the gondola’s edge. Nel followed with the machine rocking under her weight. The other three slowly did the same while Th’lak fiddled with the controls. With a jolt, the gondola began to pull away from the station. Meracle let out a squeal before clinging onto the side of the door.


“Nyew… this thing doesn’t feel safe at all,”

“Trust. Ravenger design. Reliable.” Th’lak kept his attention to the console.

“I have to give them that?” Nel said folding her arms.

“Was this all made from scrap?” Rodger asked banging his foot on the patchwork metal that made up the floor.

“Everything. Machines, weapons, vehicles. Crated from material of warframes and Sora. Machines that outsiders don’t wish, disposed off. We come, claim them.”

“You sound more like scavengers,” Nel said.

“Common knowledge to all,” Th’lak turned to face the group. “Yet you, ignorant of us.”

“Well I told ya, we ain’t from here.”

“Everywhere, ravengers. Dobomas and Almyrishi, active clans. Known we are.” Th’lak clicked. “Curious hunes, with ears and tail,” He pointed to Rodger and Meracle, the latter of which had her tail go ridged while Rodger’s raccoon tail wagged like nothing was wrong.

“That’s none of your business,” Nel said.

“..... True,” Th’lak turned his back on them, “Th’lak sorry. Will not pry further.” and continued to fiddle with the console.

Nel never took her eyes off him, her hands ever within reach of her weapons.


After what felt like an hour, the group’s route seemed to be going on for every. The smooth walls, cut not by man, reinforced with alien metal beams supporting the tracks hanging overhead.

“Geez, this seems to go on forever,” Melvin groaned.

“Ravenger hives are pretty dense,” Bec said. “We could wander in it for years and never see the light of day.”

“And this doesn’t bother you?” Larek glared at him exhaustedly.

“Trust me, I’ve been through worse.”

The tunnel eventually opened up, with the left side giving way to a deep chasm. Along the rim were more ravenger constructions, from the capsules to platforms similar to that of hanging edge. Unlike that settlement, however, these seemed long abandoned, the metal on them beginning to flake off. Fatigue was already beginning to set on the pilots with Bec, Max and Melvin kept their pace up.

“You know, for the youngest here you seem to be doing better than us,” Otto said.

“Oh, this is pretty normal for us,” Melvin said exhaustedly.

“All this wandering around reminds me of Rodger’s forest,” Max said.

“That was certainly an experience. So uh, Bec. Been meaning to ask but, how’d you know Markus?”

“Oh, uh…” Bec rubbed the bottom of his chin. “Let’s just say the two of us were both in the wrong place at the wrong time.” He turned to the two boys, “I walked off with this mug,” and tapped his metal face. “And Markus… well you’ve seen him. Poor bastard got the worst of it.”

“Geez, what happened?” Max asked.

“... Let’s just call it a ship accident. Damn engines blew up and killed nearly everyone on board with us. It’s the Ekon that knows how I made it outta there.”

“So… how did you end up with that face?” Melvin asked.

“A friend of Markus, and one of the best cyborg docs in Ter’figmar. Able to perfectly recreate a lot of what I lost. Face, both arms and my right leg, heart and lungs, and I think some of my intestinal tract are all machines. Without them, I wouldn’t even be ”

“Man, this world’s so weird,” Max said hauling his rocket launcher.

“I think it’s incredible,” Melvin said. “So uh… did Markus get turned into a cyborg by this doc?”


“Sure did. What, he didn’t tell you?” Bec turned.

“Well, honestly we don’t know much about him. We’ve still only just met.”

“Fair. Markus is a little different. He was an eather user beforehand so that kinda blended into his arguments. He’s able to not only maintain his body on his lonesome but can add onto it.

“You’ve seen his cannon and chain-gun, right. That’s only cause of his abilities. Sure comes in handy in a pinch.”

“And that’s how he can survive as just a head?” Max asked.

“A head?”

“Long story.” Melvin waved his hand. “Short version is; when we found him he was in pieces. When we brought them together his body began to glow and the metal began to mold in place.”

“Hey, can you do that?” Max asked.

“Ha, I wish.” Bec laughed. “I got nanomachines in me which handles keeping my augments running so I can recover from most damage. Lose an arm though and I’ll need a replacement.”

Max then suddenly stopped, hauling his rocket launcher on his shoulders before looking back.

“Max?” Melvin stopped.

“... I smell something,”

“Yeah, it’s called ravenger crap,” Larek said walking past Max.

“No, its probably the lubricant from the tracks above,” Otto said pointing up.

Bec tapped the center of his face. “.... Man, do I miss having a nose,” He muttered under his breath (amplified by his speaker in his mouth).

“Na, it’s definitely not that,” Max said. Melvin had his wand drawn, scanning the tunnel.

“Max, what do you smell?”

“I donno… It kinda smells like one of those warframe things we fought.”

“Of course it does….”

Now, Bec and the two pilots had stopped and looked back at Max, puzzled by his strange behavior.

“Okay, am I missing something?” Bec asked.

“It’s hard to go into now but, let’s just say Max’s senses are far sharper than a normal human. If he’s picking up something, you can bet your ass somethings out there.” Melvin said. He was rewarded by a sound coming from the tunnel behind them, a high-pitched sound of metal grinding against each other echoing creating a haunting melody.

“Now that you mention it,” Bec readied his revolver, “ravengers do have several large warframes to act as sentries.”

“And you’re bringing this up now?” Larek glared at him.

“... Slipped my mind.” Holding his weapon out, Bec slowly crept to Max and Melvin as the noise grew louder.

Just round the bend, lit up by the dim light, a large metal fish head poked around the corner. Its four blue lenses spun in its deep sockets while its jaws opened up. Buzz saws lined its lips, spinning back and forth. The lenses zoomed as they moved to spy the group in the tunnel. It then moved further into view.

“What… is that?” Melvin’s jaw dropped as the warframe into view.

While the head of it was that of a fish, the rest of the body resembled an armadillo, its round plates covering most of its body. Connected to them were two large cannons that were around the century by machines hidden between the plates. The comparisons to an armadillo ended there as it crawled along with the ceiling with eight claws fastening it to the rock. Like the warframe on the summit, revenger paint and iconography decorated it.

“What do we do?” Max brought the rocket launcher forward. “Do I use it?”

The warframe continued forwards as two of its guns began to charge.

“.... I got a better idea.” Bec turned and ran.

“I could’a thought of that?!” Larek yelled as the others followed just as the warframe opened fire.


“Myew?” Meracle’s ears twitched. She moved to the back of the gondola as it passed by a fork in the tunnels before coming to a stop.

“Why have we stopped?” Nel approached Th’lak who brought out his ghost.

“Which way.” He said.

Ahead of them, the ground was giving way to a large canyon lined with more ravenger constructions. The rails were detached from ceiling, held up by wires and frames from the various constructs that lined the canyon. They split in several directions, each weaving off into openings.

“Uh… I don’t like the look of this place.” Sasha said standing up at the front. “It just looks like we’ll be ambushed for sure.”

“Likely,” Th’lak said, examining his ghost. “Vigilance.” banging his staff on the ground. Nel didn’t break her gaze.

“No need’ta worry,” Rodger boasted. “A real man is always prepared for any ambush.”

“R-Right,” Sasha clicked her knuckles, nervous about another potential ambush.

“Nyew… don’t you guys hear that?” Meracle was still at the back of the gondola.

“Found.” Th’lak dismissed his ghost then pushed a button. “Onward.”


Bec fired until his gun ran dry as everyone ran, keeping their heads down as the warframe continued firing its cannons at the group. The bullets peppered the metal fish face harmlessly, with the warframe letting out a metallic roar as it continued its pursuit.

“Well that was pointless!” Bec said as he reloaded.

“Why don’t I hit it with this?” Max held up his rocket launcher.

“Cause you’ve only got one shot, and unless you’ve got good aim, there’s no way that’ll take out a warframe that big!”

Melvin pivoted around and fired a lightning bolt at the machine. The spell scorched the plates but did little visible damage while only enraging the warframe further.

“Damn this thing!” Melvin swore. “Huh? H-Hey! There’s something up ahead!”

“It’s… It’s a gondola!” Otto pointed out. Just visible above was a gondola which slowly began to move towards a massive drop.

“Shit! We’ll never make it!” Larek yelled as the warframe fired again.

“.... Not if I can help it!” Max shoved the rocket launcher into Larek’s arms then grabbed both Melvin and Otto.

“Wh-What are you doing!?”

“M-Max…. Please nooooooo!”


“What is that?”

Everyone ran to the back of the gondola following the sounds of explosions. Coming up one of the tunnels was a massive warframe that was barreling down on them.

“Nyow! I told you something was back there!” Meracle shouted in a panic.

“Devilfish,” Th’lak said. “Patrol warframe. Must leave. Now!” He banged on a panel.

“Wait… There’s some else back there!” Sasha called as the gondola violently jolted, moving forwards over the abyss. “It could be one of our-”


“Damn you MAAAAAA-!”

Two objects then crashed into the gondola, scraping the platform while another crashed against the wall.

“Nyew? Melvin?”

“Ohhh that bastard….” Melvin grumbled as he rubbed his head. “... Mary?!”

“Whahahahaha!!” Something else then landed on the gondola, scraping across the ground moving into the platform. It was Larek cradling a rocket launcher.

“Uhhhh, I hate that- WHA! RAVENGER!” He dropped the rocket launcher moving back from Th’lak.

“LOOK OUT BELOWWWWNONONONONO!!!” Another person then landed on the platform grasping the railing with one hand. Sasha, who was closer saw it as someone she didn’t recognize, one with a strange metal face. “Hi there.” He nodded cheerfully.

Sasha lurched back in shock while the man pulled himself up.

Max then landed beside rocking the entire gondola, just beside Larek. “Nice, that worked.” He said as he retrieved his rocket launcher.

“Warn us next time!” Melvin yelled.

“Hey, you guys!” Rodger rushed over to the new arrivals.

“Rodger?” Melvin blinked. “Sasha? Nel?”

“Hey, you guys made it.” Max waved.

“And… Who’s that?” Melvin pointed at Th’lak.

“Oh, don’t worry. He’s a friend of ours,” Rodger said resting his hammer on his shoulders. “He’s helping us find you.”

“Th’lak. Of Char.” Th’lak waved his lower right hand.

“C-Char…” Bec finally pulled himself into the gondola. “Whew…. Last place I’d see one of you guys.”

“So, are you going to tell us what that is?” Nel pointed to the warframe that had stopped after the rails detached from the ceiling before the drop. It howled, unable to pursue the group over the gap.

“Haha! Not so tough now huh!” Bec taunted.

With a metallic roar, the warframe pulled itself to the ceiling. Steam erupted from the bottom as metal pincers extended and fastened to the rails. The spider-legs retracted into its body as the warframe began to move in pursuit.

“Oh come on!”

“Not just them,” Nel said.

On the hubs along the walls, the hiss and cries echoed through the chamber as ravengers began pouring from the holes and doorways.

“Looks like we woke up the whole nabourhood!” Bec fired, getting the first kill as the ravengers began to open fire.

“Th-Th’lak! Make this thing go faster!” Sasha called out as the gondola became showered with gunfire from the right side and cannon fire from their rear.

The gondola lurched forwards as it began to pick up speed.

“Little one. Take.” Th’lak stepped away from the control panel.

“Huh?” Sasha rushed to the controls, unsure of what to do. Meanwhile, Th’lak stood at the gondola’s left side. Holding his staff with both hands, arcs of electricity began to cackle from the tip before firing a thin shot of energy at the enemy, taking out one ravenger. When more opened fire, Th’lak threw up an energy barrier around his person.

“I-I don’t know what to do?” Sasha said. Otto then ran up to her.

“Let me.” He pushed Sasha aside and began fiddling with the controls. “I’ve worked ravenger tech before. Just focus on the enemy around us.”

The large warframe (which Th’lak referred to as ‘Devilfish’) picked up more speed to match the gondola. The buzzsaws of its lips began to pick up speed as the cannons fired nonstop at the gondola, storing a few hits.

“Take this! Firebolt!” Melvin fired out a fire spell. The spell launched towards and hit the machine, causing some visible damage to the plates. With a roar the warframe intensified its fire, causing the entire thing to rock.

“Ah, I think that just pissed it off!” Rodger said adjusting his helmet.

“Do I use this now?” Max held up his rocket launcher.

“Not yet!” Nel rushed to one of the mounted turrets. “But get ready! I got a feeling we’ll need it!”

Taking aim, a blue beam fired, scorching the front plate.

“Wow cool! I didn’t know it can do that!” Rodger cheered.

“Neither did I.”

All of a sudden, the weapon ceased firing with smoke billowing from it. Below, the coil was burning both red and white. “What?”

“Yeah, better not let it overheat!” Bec called out, quickly dodging a shot and firing back before reloading.

“Damn this thing!” Frustrated, Nel banged on the turret. “Melvin! Keep hurling spells at it!”

“R-Right!” Melvin threw out fire and lightning spells. The warframe’s plates absorbed most of the damage although the spells did cause some surface damage, even causing explosions in the areas between the plates. All the while, the guns fired nonstop, scoring a hit on the gondola which caused it to rock.

“Come on you worthless hunk of junk…” Nel growled as she tackled with the turret, pulling the trigger as many times as she could to force it to work.

She then got her wish as the beam fired again, scouring the front of the warframe before blowing up one of the cannons on its back. The warframe opened its mouth wide. Extending from it was another cannon, one that emitted a blue light.

“Uh, that doesn’t look good!” Melvin pointed out as he erected a barrier just as the machine fired. The blue beam struck the barrier which held. The entire gondola shook.

Bec caught himself before falling on his feet. Larek and Rodger was not so lucky, sliding into the carriage towards Otto who gripped the control panel to stop himself from falling.

“Think it’s angry now!” Bec said as he righted himself.

“Enraged. Dangerous.” Th’lak said, energy crackling on his staff. “Destroy! You must!”

“We’re aware of that!” Nel snapped.

The tracks then finally began to pull away from the capsules into another cavern with more rails above. Sasha, who was keeping her head down from the gunfire fire, saw another gondola coming towards them on the right side with a full contingent of ravengers.

“Guys! We got company!”

“Over here too!” Max yelled. Above them on the left side was another gondola. When it was looming overhead, ravengers armed with halberds leaped down. Max blasted one with a fireball while three others landed, one going for Max as more descended on them. Another that landed had its head blown off by Bec.

“Go away!” Meracle drop-kicked one sending it flying into another reg before both toppled overboard.

The gondola began to rock as the warframe opened fire once more.

“Shit!” Melvin threw up a barrier as one of the shots came towards them, deflecting it upwards to one of the weels connecting it to the track. The entire carriage shuddered and began to fall backward as the rear began to lose traction.

“Nice one!” Rodger said clutching on the railing with Melvin.

“That wasn’t supposed to happen….” Melvin said as the carriage buckled violently.

“Ottooooo…” Larek clutched the controls for support as Otto fiddled with it.

“No good, I’ve lost control!”

Gunfire then strafed over his head. On the left side, another gondola was closing in with the occupants firing on them.

“We must abandon,” Th’lak said. Unlike the others, he was unaffected by the constant rocking.

“Way ahead of you!” Bec clipped in a fresh round before running and leaping off the gondola to the other one.

“Alright! Let’s do it!” Rodger said as Max picked him up and leaped over to the other gondola. Max released Rodger who slammed his hammer into a skar as Bec effortlessly took out the remaining occupants, ending by roundhouse kicking a skar to the ground before firing over his shoulder at a charging reg before firing his final shot at the downed skar.

On the damaged gondola, the warframe was catching up to it, opening its mouth wide.

“Hey!” Bec waved as the second gondola got closer.

“Go!” Nel pushed.

“Nyew! Don’t have to tell me twice!” Meracle lept across the gap.

“H-Here goes!” Gulping, Sasha did the same. Melvin followed, missing the edge but was caught by Max.

“Screw this!” Larek and otto lunged onto the new gondola.

The warframe began charging its mouth cannon as it got closer.

“Leave. Now.” Th’lak told Nel who was still firing the turrent before leaping off.

Nel focused her fire on the right eye, destroying it before the weapon overheated. She then rushed away, leaping off the gondola before to the second before the two pulled away from one another. The warframe fired, destroying the first gondola.

“Whew! That was close,” Bec said before turning to Th’lak, raising his fist. “Nice work back there.”

Th’lak stared at him before moving his top right arm, clutching Bec’s fist and shaking it.

“Uh, close enough.”

Th’lak pushed past Max and Nel, approaching the console where he took out the ghost.

“So… He’s on our side.”

“Apparently,” Nel said.

“Hey! Thall hasn’t lead us wrong yet.” Rodger pouted. “A real man always trusts his allies!”

“Hate to break it to you kid, but your new friend’s a friken ravenger!” Larek said pointing at Th’lak. “Who’s to say he’s not with them.”

“He did fight off those other guys!” Max pointed out.

“Plus he said Char.” Bec said scanning the tunnels. “You’ve probably noticed his armors different from the ones we’ve been fighting. And as far as we know, none of the clans in the edge are eather users like our buddy here.”

“And there… friendly?” Melvin asked.

“.... They don’t shoot people on sight at least.” Bec approached Th’lak who was fiddling with the controls. “Still, you’re pretty far from home. What’s someone from Char doing all the way out here?”

“Stop Shanks. Fleet. Sabotage.”

“Shanks….?” Bec rubbed his chin. “Shanks… That rings a bell.”

Max suddenly turned about, running to the back of the gondola, his nose twitching.

“Max?” Melvin noticed his strange behavior. Before he could ask, a loud hole echoed from the darkness behind them.

“Looks like our friends back,”

From behind them, the devilfish stretched across the tracks, smoke billowing from its damaged right eye and scorched plates.

“Nyaw, It’s back again!” Meracle panicked.

“These things sure are persistent!” Melvin raised his wand. Nel rushed back to the rear turret. Melvin put up a barrier, just in time as the warframe began to open fire once more with the cannons on its back. The gondola rocked under the intense fire.

“Just make sure you don’t send them up like before!” Bec said.

“Shut it!”

Nel examined the weapon, noticing it was different from the previous one on the gondola. The coil was gone, and attached to the side was a large drum that hummed.

“I’m gonna drop it!” Melvin shouted as the barrier began to crack. “Everyone should take cover! Nel!”

“Got it,” Nel pulled on a leaver, hearing a loud clunk sound. Nel then fired. A bombardment of thin blue light peppered against the metal plates of the devilfish’s face.

“What?” Nel ground her teeth, realizing that this was a completely different weapon, lacking the firepower of the previous weapon. “Why do they have to be different?”

“I got this,” Bec pushed her aside, pulled the leaver of the weapon before pulling the trigger. He focused his fire on one of the cannons mounted on the shell. After taking a few hits, the weapon exploded. The warframe howled, slowing down as the destroyed weapon detached from the body.

“All about knowing where to shoot.”

“It’s still coming after us!” Sasha yelled as the warframe opened fire once more. The gondola then turned, obscuring the warframe from view.

“Hold,” Th’lak said.

“Hold wha-AAAHHHH!” Bec clutched the gun as the gondola suddenly began to descend rapidly, picking up more speed.

The carriage broke into another wide-open chamber, slowly picking up altitude. From the holes in the walls, drones began to fly out and fell upon the gondola.

“More enemies!” Rodger pointed out.

“Uhh, enough already!” Melvin groaned as the swarm descended on them. “They’ll swarm us in no time!”

“I got this!” Max threw the rocket launcher to Bec and leaped on the top of the carriage. He inhaled, then let out his fire breath, destroying several of the swarm.

“Late asking this but… what exactly is he?” Bec asked.

Several of the drones made it through the gap and began swarming the gondola.

“Max! Keep as many of them away as you can!” Nel said as she stabbed one of her knives into a drone.

Beside her, Meracle kicked away another drone, sending it ricochet into two others. One zoomed past the carnage, firing its guns at the cait sith.

Rodger intercepted it, smashing it to the ground with his hammer. Another zoomed past, entering the cabin. Th’lak, who was absorbed in the console, raised his electric staff with only his top right arm and zapped the machine with electricity without looking up.

“Fleet. Little more. Keep enemy’s away.”

“Fleet? What fleet?” Otto asked.

Behind them, the warframe was speeding towards them once more, picking up momentum on the descent. It let out a roar, as it approached, smoke billowing from its eye and the gap in the plates below.

“Oh, look who’s back,” Bec said manning the turret once again. “We really gotta stop meeting like this!” He opened fire as the warframe got closer, opening its mouth and charging the cannon. “Kid! We’re gonna need you back here!”

Melvin looked back and saw the warframe charging up. As Bec fired into the mouth, Melvin rushed to his side and erected a barrier. The cannon fired, smashing against the invisible wall as it only just held. The warframe did not stop, zooming up to the gondola and ramming into the rear.

Sasha nearly lost her footing before Nel caught her. Rodger meanwhile tumbled into the carriage bumping into Otto.

“Damn it!” Max nearly lost his footing on the roof, grabbing on something to keep him upright. “Looks like it’s not playing around anymore!”

“I noticed!” Bec said, connecting the rocket launcher to a lock on his back before manning the turret again. The warframe had retreated before opening its mouth again.

“I got a bad feeling about that,” Melvin muttered.

“So do I.”

Both retreated back as the warframe rushed towards them, biting the rear of the gondola. Max finally lost his footing, falling on top the warframe as it tore the rear off the gondola. Slipping down, Max grabbed ahold of the undamaged left eye socket.

“Damn you!” Frustrated, Max steadied himself above it as the lenses focused on him. With a deep breath, Max breathed into the eye. The flames whooshed upwards as the machine components inside overheated and exploded. The salamander then leaped off, landing back inside the now torn carriage of the gondola.

The warframe howled, both eyes bellowing smoke. In its mouth, its main cannon was beginning to charge again.

“Looks like you pissed it off!” Melvin said as he readied another barrier. Bec then crouched beside him with the rocket launcher over his shoulder. “Is… that gonna work?”

“One way to find out.” Bec fired. The rocket slammed into the mouth of the warframe right through the cannon. Various explosions erupted along the body of the warframe.

“Hey that worked!” Max cheered.

“How about that,” Bec said.

The warframe began to glow.

“.... Oh crap.” Bec looked to Th’lak. “Uh, little more speed!”

The gondola picked up speed as the warframe exploded, destroying a section of the rails in the process. The gondola continued as the rails behind them began to buckle and collapse behind them.

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