《The Goddess’ Chosen》The Hanging Edge


“Dale’s log. Star-date: Unknown. Location: Unknown. After a close encounter with an unknown alien life form, which we have dubbed ‘ravengers,’ our motley crew has been separated. Status of the missing members unknown with a strong possibility one of them is causing a shit storm wherever he is. Now, cold, hungry… terrified, we depart deeper into the unknown to rescue our missing comrades.”

“What are you doing?” Yuki asked Dale who was talking into his phone.

“There’s a show where after shit happens the captain always leaves a log about what’s happened. I’ve always wanted to do something like this…” Dale said proudly.

“Sound’s like your going nuts,” Yuki scoffed.

“Hey! I’m trying to keep my mind occupied!” Dale shouted. “We’re stuck in this trash heap with possibly no way for any of us to return home. Least I can do is try to keep my spirits up while leaving a log for the next unfortunate souls that end up walking into this trash heap.”

“Geez, all you ever do is complain,” Yuki growled.

“Yes. Yes I do. That means I at least have some of my common sense left in this group of superhuman imbeciles.”

Cliff looked back at his old friend with a sigh. “Dale really hasn’t changed much, huh?” He said to Mirage. She however said nothing, following Markus who lead the way.

The group had just exited the tunnel, now back onto the rocky path that leads down to the large fissure that split the land in two half. From the high ground, the path downhill was visible. At the cliffs was a large dome built into the side of the cliff face.

“Really gives hits you that you're in another world. Not even Avalon took my breath away quite like it,” Cliff said. “Mirage?”

“Hm? S-Sorry…” Mirage finally responded.

“Hey, she’ll be okay.” Cliff tried to reassure her. “She’s Jack's sister after all. She’s more suborn than he is,”

Mirage’s gloom did not lift.

“Shit… Sorry. I wasn’t-”

“Don’t worry. I know what you mean,” Mirage smiled at him. “Just… will feel better knowing she’s safe.”

Cliff sighed as Mirage pulled ahead. “Really stepped on a landmine there,” He looked down and saw Cerberus at his leg looking up at him. “Worried about your master, huh?”

Cerberus simply whinned.

“He’ll be fine. You know Melvin better than any of us to know he’s got a knack of getting out of trouble,”

Cerberus barked.

“Wait,” Markus then stopped suddenly. Dale, who was still talking into his phone, did not see the group had stopped and walked straight into the cyborg as he brought out a small hologram.

“Wait is it? More ravengers? Are we under attack?” He said frantically, waving his wand out in front of him like a sword.

“Strange. I’m receiving a transmission.”

“That doesn’t sound like an emergency!”

Markus ignored the man, focusing on the loud static now emitting from the hologram.

“Do you know who it is?” Cliff asked.

“No. I cannot fathom who would be trying to- hold on. The signal’s clearing.”

A voice then began to come through. “.... -llo. M...kus…”

Everyone huddled around Markus as a voice began to come through more clearly than before.

“Mark…….ou hear me?”

“Bec?” Markus looked shocked. “Bec?! Is that you?!”

“Markus! You really are alive!” The voice came through, loud and clear with the exception of the occasional static burst.

“Who is it?” Yuki asked.


“It is a colleague of mine but,” Markus flabbergasted. “Bec, how did you contact me? Are you in the Edge?”

“Sure am. Was minding my own business when I ran into Larek and Otto -and between you and me, there really pissed out about us not telling them about Ion,”

“Larek and Otto? Are they there?”

“Yep, long with your new, and really strange friends.”

“New friends? Does he mean the others?” Mirage spoke up.

“Hold on, one of them wants to talk to you.” There was a scuffle in the transmission before another voice came through.

“It’s me.”

“Nel?” Cliff’s brows widened before pushing in front of Markus. “Nel, it’s Cliff! Can you hear me?”

“Yes, I can hear you,” Nel replied. “Max and Melvin are with me.”

Cerberus barked hearing his master's name.

“And Sasha? Is she there?” Mirage cut in.

“No. Isn’t she with you?”

“No. It’s me, Mirage, Dale, Yuki, and Cerberus here.” Cliff replied. “Look, we’ll try to meet up with you. Where are you now?”

“I don’t know. We’re heading to somewhere called Hanging Edge,”

“What?!” Markus suddenly exclaimed. “Would you put Bec back on!”

There was a shuffling before the man called Bec spoke. “I know what your gonna say-”

“We have the attention of the krell in charge of this clan that’s after us! You know full well the dangers of going there with the ravengers rilled up!”

“Trust me I know, but that landslide ruined a lot of the paths so If we’re gonna reunite we have to go through Hanging Edge.”

Markus took in a deep breath.

“Relax, this isn’t the first time I’ve hit the Hanging Edge after pissing off the ravengers.”

“That does not fill me with confidence.”

A rum of the engine caused the party to tense. They moved to the shade as a ravenger ship passed overhead. The dragon-fly shaped craft flew towards the valley and towards the dome in the distance.

“Doesn’t look like it spotted us,” Yuki said. Crouched, he had his thumb on his crossguard ready to unleash his blade.

“Listen, love to stay and chat but I had to up the range of this thing as high as it can. So, chances are we might get jumped.” Bec continued. “Just head down to the Hanging Edge. We’ll meet up there.”

“Please be cautious. Especially with Larek and Otto.” Markus said.

“Wait! Is Sasha there with-?” Mirage rushed in but the transmission was cut before she could speak. She cursed shortly afterward while Markus brought out the holo map.

“So where's this Hanging Edge?” Cliff asked.

“It’s further down. That, unfortunately, means we would have to venture deeper into ravenger territory.”

“Where they’ll be more laying in wait to jump us,” Dale sighed.

“Unfortunately,” Markus’s arm morphed into his chain gun. “Follow me. And keep your eyes on the sky as well as your surroundings.”

The cyborg broke cover first with both the holo map in front of him and his weapon primed. Yuki and Cerberus followed with the former drawing his weapon.

The hunters were the last. Mirage still had Sasha at the forefront of her mind. Cliff tapped her on the shoulder before chasing after his departing comrades along with the still petrified Dale.

“Right,” Mirage smacked her own cheeks before following. Sasha, please be safe.


With a hiss, the large metal doors slowly creaked open. Bec was the first inside the small cave. He pounded a switch, lighting up space within. Everyone couldn’t help but gasp when they saw what was inside. Racks of firearms from assault rifles to rocket launchers, boxes containing everything from pistols to explosives line the small rocky grotto.


“This reminds me of Celtic Hoards weapon stash,” Nel said to herself as the group entered.

“Okay, help yourself,” Bec said theatrically waving his arms. “Guns to explosives. Everything you could possibly want and need to make it through the Edge in one piece.”

“Wh-What is all this?” Melvin asked.

“One of Altosk’s old stashes hidden around the place,” Bec replied rummaging through the rack of rifles. “Back in the day, they would send squads in to pick off krell and generally keep the ravengers in check. Eather abilities or not, having a sidearm or a grenade never hurts. Since they now don’t even bother with the outer settlements like Figmars End this stuff’s just left to collect rust.”

“Uhh, not that I mind,” Otto began as he picked a submachine gun. “But… we won't get in trouble for using these, right?”

“In theory, yes.” Bec nodded as he picked out a rifle. “But in reality, squads almost never come down these parts. Plus, all this has been decommissioned years ago. Second generation FRA weaponry.”

“In other words, antiques,” Larek said as he picked out a shotgun. “Least it’s better than nothing.”

Max walked into the cavern and immediately picked up a rocket launcher. “Say Nel, didn’t you use this at that spider warframe-thingy back at the black orc’s base?”

“Something like that,” Nel nodded. “Though it was certainly of a different design than that one.”

“Your not thinking of using it?” Melvin looked distraught.

“Why not? This thing’ll make short work of those ravengers.”

“If it doesn’t blow us up along with it…”

Nel meanwhile took out a pistol from a box. Not quite my style but…

While examining it, her eye caught on a pair of combat knives hanging from a hook close by. Curiously, Nel drew both and gave them a few experimental swings. With a satisfied smile, Nel sheathed the weapons before removing them from the hooks, fastening the weapons to her belt.

“Hey, Markus was really freaked out when you mentioned Hanging Edge,” Melvin said to Bec. “What kind of place is it?”

“Ravenger central is what it is,” Larek said begrudgingly. “Can’t believe you taking us there of all places.”

“Like I said, some idiots caused a landslide blocking off all the other paths,” Bec said innocently.

“It’s a well-known ravenger stronghold.” Otto continued. “You can actually see it from here.”

Outside the cave, where the two cliffs met was what looked like a hive of capsules stuck to the wall, hanging from cables with visible bridges between both sides. Small lights could be seen from the distance.

“And the ravengers there really don’t like outsiders,” Bec said taking a pistol. “Which is why you should pick something out.” He handed it to Melvin who waved his hand.

“Thanks but I’m gonna stick with my magic.”

“Your what?”

Realizing that Bec was unfamiliar with Melvin’s abilities, the young wizard drew his wand and conjured a fireball that exploded on an empty part of the wall.

Bec made a whistling sound. “Nice, kinda like eather conjuring technomancers do.”

Melvin stowed away his wand.

“What exactly can we expect from there?” Nel asked.

“Let’s see,” Bec muttered to himself. “As those two said, there’s a massive ravenger presence. Also a few walkers, some converted warframes, small clankers, some condors, though nothing too big hopefully. Then again, there was that one time they had a crab warframe in there. Oh, and possibly a spider tank. They love those things. Uh, few gun placements, skars with flame units. Expect some sharmens; ravengers that can use eather-”

“Basically there's a lot that can kill us,” Melvin summarized with a sigh.

“I’m not worried,” Max said with two rocket launchers in his hands.

“You do know how to use those, right?” Bec asked tapping on one of the weapons.

“Sure. Point and shoot,” Max said before walking to the entrance with Nel, who carried with her the knives she picked out and a pistol with a scope.

“Right, you two better keep your heads down,” Bec said to the pilots.

“Gladly,” Larek said.

“Alright team,” Bec walked to the entrance of the cave resting a rifle on his shoulders. “Let’s get moving. Shoot anything that has four arms or four legs.”


Among the corpses of Verr ravengers, a handful of survivors were corralled by the victorious Yiski. None dared made a move to freedom, yet all knew the fate that was in store for them. Before them, the imposing figure of Shanks towered over the huddled thralls. At his flanks were his most trusted lieutenants.

At his left was the skar krell Shahaza, whose helmet was notable for its rounded shape that covered her entire head, five-light scopes. Her fearsome railgun was slung at her back, her accuracy feared by all of the Edge.

At his right was the reg krell Vic’to the blade master. Standing an inch shorter than the krell chief, Vic’to was identified by his helmet, fashioned into the vistage of a borgo skull and painted with the blood.

“You Verr dare to trespass on our lands,” Shanks growled, banging his staff on the ground. “Worse, you lured outlanders into our territory! You have certainly grown bold!”

“The hune’s are our query!” A Verr reg hissed. “They trespassed on our lands, killed our clansmen! They are ours to-!”

Shanks grabbed the reg by its thin neck, hauling him into the air.

“You Verr are weak, cowering in the shadows of the edge, unable to defend yourself against a handful of hunes, let alone us. We of the Yiski have struck against the outliers beyond the edge! When those hunes crossed into our lands, they are our ours to dispose of!”

The reg began shaking as Shanks’s grip tightened. “Yet you came here in force! And now your warriors are dead! Your machines, destroyed! All to us Yiskie!”

Shanks released the reg, letting him fall to the ground. “If there’s one thing I cannot stand more than those who dwell in the light of Sora,” raised his staff. “IS WEAKLINGS LIKE YOU!!” And brought it down, stabbing the reg in the back with the bottom of his staff. Hisses and curses came from the remaining captives.

“Vic’to,” Shanks withdrew his staff and stood to one side as his fellow krell passed him by, drawing all four of his sabers. “Return these curs to Sora.”

The deed was done in two swings. With arcs of energy, Vic’to slew the Verr captives, standing with his blades drawn amidst the fallen Verr. As he sheathed his weapons Shanks banged his staff on the ground.

“The hunt is on!” He bellowed to the gathered ravengers of Yiski. “Find these trespassers! Bring me their heads!”

A cry from his warriors returned, branding their weapons before scuttering back to their territory.

“Inform Hanging Edge.”

Shahaza bowed her head before emitting a shreak. From above, a converted warframe zoomed overhead, banking and charging straight for the krell. As it approached, Shahaza leaped onto the warframe, zooming off into the night sky.

Vic’to fell in behind Shanks, sheathing two of his blades while sharpening his other two. “How long has it been since we had a hunt?”

“Far too long,” Shanks growled.

As the Yiski scuttled away, a single object rose from its hiding place; a small orb with a single blue lens.


It did not take long for the five to reach Hanging Edge. A vast collection of casual hubs were both fastened and hanging over the overarching cliffs, illuminating the darkness with small lights on each building illuminating the sides to resemble lights of an actual city. Large bridges and steel cables extended across the expanse with moving lights between the two sides. Huddled in a small grove, Bec slowly edged himself out to get a better look at the entrance, peeking through the scope of his assault rifle.

“Regs…. Skars…. And what looks like a handful of converted Stub warframes.”

“Stub?” Nel asked. Bec handed her his rifle to look through. Along several of the ramparts, Nel could make out a few of the small round warframes the party had fought, with additions such as more plates and guns instead of arms.

“Probably ran into a few of them back at the wall. Not that dangerous in small numbers. Slightly more of a threat when a ravenger tinkers with them.”

“So what’s the plan?” Max kneeled closer to Bec. “Charge in and taken by storm.”

Bec slowly looked at Max. “.... I like your style, kid.” He said tapping on one of Max’s rocket launchers.

“Let’s not do anything that’ll rile these things up,” Melvin said, narrowing his eyes.

“Yes, let's not do that. We aren't fighters like you.” Larek added, clutching his newly acquired shotgun close to his chest.

“It looks pretty heavily defended from here,” Nel said, observing through the scope of Bec’s rifle. “But maybe… If I go in alone, I may be able to take out some of the sentries, letting you sneak in without causing too much of a scene.”

Nel then returned Bec’s rifle. “Any other ideas?”

No one said anything.

“Okay, best’ve luck.” Bec scuttled back behind the cover while Nel pushed past, disappearing over the small drop. “So… anyone got a plan B?”


Nel landed on the ground, immediately ducking under the closet cover she could find. Infiltration was her specialty, delving deep into an enemy layer in order to deliver a swift and decisive end to her target. In those experiences, the layers were mansions, castles, or camps to kill off a target. This ramshackle collection of capsules guarded by an unfamiliar race was certainly a fresh experience. Off in the distance, she could see the ravengers patrolling the ramps in groups of at least two with ‘stubs’ walking alongside them like pets. While the gear they had was crude compared to what she had encountered with the Enforcers and Altosk, they were still technologically superior to anything in Avalon, and even terra to an extent, and while easier to kill than a human, their speed, maneuverability and the shear swarm that would be unleashed if discovered made the ravengers a force to be reckoned with.

This would prove a challenge, but not one Nel was unaccustomed to. Keeping to the shadows as much as possible, unknown to how good the ravengers eyesight was in the dark Nel navigated as much as she could before reaching the ledge by the bridge connecting the ground to the entrance capsule. Below was another capsule built onto the cliff that seemed relatively unguarded.

That must be my way in.

Nel dropped down, landing on the metal gangway with a clang. Clicking was then heard followed by footsteps. Damn!

Nel ducked into an opening as two ravenger skars scuttled into view, their weapons at the ready. By their postures, Nel guessed they had heard her. The ravengers clicked to each other as they slowly approached the assassin’s position, one getting dangerously close to her, its blue lensed eye beaming. Instinctively, Nel reached down and grabbed the hilt of her new knives, slowly drawing them. When the ravenger ducked down and aimed its weapon in the gap, Nel lunged like a panther, Stabbing the ravager in its helmet. Her new weapon pierced through the metal with surprisingly little resistance. With the first threat killed, Nel pushed it towards its companion who had just realized it was under attack, leaped off the ground, somersaulted and swung both knives decapitating the creature.

Not bad. Nel twirled her new knives in her hand. They seemed like ordinary weapons for this world, yet she cut deeper than her old short blade without enhancing it with mana.

The jubilation of her new weapons aside, the small encounter was enough to confirm her caution for ravengers. I’ll need to be more careful going forward.

Hiding the bodies, Nel ducked into the main capsule. Like the outside, the inside was ramshackle of various machines and the like with a single, fairly odd ladder located at the rear above a circular hatch. She navigated out onto the walkway. Above her, she could see the stairwell, which was where she needed to go. Unfortunately, there was no ladder leading up there in the capsule. Instead, there were several bars built into the side that lead to the capsule above. Nel took those up and spotted the same group of ravengers guarding the entrance, and one reg with a halberd turned its head.

Nel quickly ducked down, hoping she wasn’t noticed. The scuttering she could hear above and the clicking sounds the ravengers were making getting louder said otherwise. She quickly jumped to a nearby pole under the walkway, just as the ravenger loomed overhead, gazing over the ledge.


“Okay… looks like they’re moving off,” Bec said, looking through the scope of his rifle. At the entrance, about three ravengers and a stub were beginning to move away from their defenses.

“Where's Nel?” Melvin whispered.

“No clue,” Bec said shuffling forwards. “Still, this is our chance. Keep low and follow me,”

Everyone slowly emerged.

“Oh and,” Bec stopped at the ledge and looked back. “If you spot anything sneaking up on you in there, don’t hesitate to shoot. Trust me,”


The ravenger jumped down to the second level, holding its halberd close, just below Nel who was still hanging on the railing above it.

They are far more observant than they appear. Nel cursed under her breath as it slowly turned to face her. Seeing no other option, Nel dropped down, landing on the creature forcing it to the ground before quickly (and surprisingly easily) snapped its neck.

There was commotion above. Nel drew her weapons just as the stub fell off the ledge, landing on the ground on its front. Nel froze as the thing quickly pushed itself off the ground with its small arms, slowly creaking its head left. Nel had retreated into the shadows, keeping her weapons close at hand. She would rather not make too much of a commotion just yet.

The two ravengers above, another reg with a halberd and a skar with a rifle dropped down and saw their fallen comrade. There was then a loud hiss and click from the reg while the other and the skar began coaming the area for the culprit.

“Now or never…”

Twirling her knives in her hands, Nel pounced on the skar, stabbing through its helmet. The halberd reg looked back moments before Nel attacked, slicing through its neck with her knife. In a final move, she wenched the halberd from the regs hands and plunge it into the stud before it had a chance to retaliate, running the weapon through its metal head right out the other end.


“They’re still up there!” Melvin hissed as the group took positions around the walkway guarded by a squad of ravengers. “What do we do if Nel doesn’t make it?”

“Well, there’s always the option to take them by storm,” Max said.

“Let’s save blowing stuff up as a last resort for once!”

Bec slowly edged out from his cover, readying his assault rifle. “You two okay back there?” He asked the pilots.

“We’ll manage,” Otto said, clutching his sub-machine gun.

Hisses and grunts could be heard from above. Everyone ducked back into their respective covers. When they died down Bec slowly leaned forwards. The ravengers were gone, and Nel was standing at the entrance waving. “Alrighty. Let’s move.”

The group ran up the walkway joining Nel. At her feet were the ravenger guards she had disposed of.

“Had any trouble?” Melvin asked. Nel nodded.

“They’re far more observant than I thought.”

“Yeah, sounds about right,” Bec said kicking a reg to its front. “Every time I’ve come in here it’s always been a shitstorm.”

“This is not helping my stress,” Larek hissed.

Bec walked towards the edge, slowly peering out from the side. “Alright, we just need to pass through here… Up one level, then there should be a cave that’ll take us to the elevator.”

“You make it sound easy,” Max said.

“Yeah… if only,” Bec muttered. “Alright Red. You take point and try to clear a path for us.”

Nel looked behind her before realizing she was being asked. “I don’t remember saying I liked being called ‘red,’” She muttered quietly to herself before walking ahead, jumping on a railing on the next capsule.

“Alright, check your guns’re loaded. I got a feeling we’ll be needing it,” Bec turned to the group, finding himself staring down the barrel of one of Max’s rocket launchers. “And please watch where you point those things, mister.” He banged the barrel before following Nel.

“What’s that suppose to mean?” Max scowled.

“It means please don’t blow us up,” Melvin narrowed his eyes.


“Wha-” Sasha retreated from the edge of the walkway, staring down at the misty drop below.

“Careful,” Th’lak said, as he led Rodger and Meracle through the walkways. “Hune, not steady like ravenger. Fall you might. Return to Sora, you will.”

“S-Sorry,” Sasha ran to catch up.

“Myew… what is that place?” Meracle asked, gazing at the strange town built into the cliffs.

“Hanging Edge. Home to ravenger, years.” Th’lak explained. “War’s in Edge, clans fight over the cliffs. Destroyed many times. Rebuilt.”

“And that’s where we’re gonna go smashing this fleet?” Rodger asked.

“No.” Th’lak shook his head. “Further into valley. Hanging Edge, we avoid. Hidden paths we-'' Suddenly, Th’lak’s ghost zoomed ahead, blinking wildly. Th’lak’s posture changed. Clutching his staff, he moved to the edge, peering outwards.

“What’s up?” Rodger asked.

“Darkness!” Th’lak yelled as he retreated into the shadows. “Darkness! Now!”

The three ran into the shadows. A rumbling could be heard echoing in the valley like a deep roar of a monster. Something then shot past the party’s field of view like a meteor. A tailwind blasted through the walkway which shook on its foundations.

“What was that? A rocket?” Sasha asked.

“Shahaza,” Th’lak said. Even though his voice was the same, it was clear by his posture he was afraid. “Shanks lieutenant. Master of the Hanging Edge.” He explained. “Another route. We must. Too dangerous, Shahaza is.”


Nel dropped down on a Stub, stabbing it through its head before kicking it away. “Alright. We’re clear,”

Behind her, Bec leads the others, keeping low as not to draw unnecessary attention. They were now deeper into the tangled mess of capsules that made up hanging edge, approaching the center where long suspension bridges stretched across the expanse. Large cables went back and forth like vines, some dangling over the drop with totems entangled.

“Alrighty. Let’s take a little looksy,” Bec took point, looking through the scope of his rifle to one of the bridges. Max did the same with one of his rocket launcher scopes (which made Melvin, Larek, and Otto nervous).

“There’s a lot'em down there,” Max remarked. In his peripheral vision, he saw several hundreds of ravengers walking on the bridge. “Whoa, what’s that?” At the opposite end, he spotted a crab-like machine walking across.

“A tank,” Bec said. “Something we’d better avoid.”

“We’re gonna miss that, right?” Melvin asked Bec as he looked over the edge to the bridge.

“With how it’s going, we might not have anything to do with it,” Bec said. “Alright Red-”

Nel scowled.

“Don’t like it?”

“Not particularly.”

“Alright uh.... Nel?”

Nel nodded.

“Right, much better.” Bec gave Nel his rifle and took her to the edge. “We need to get over there, just near that relay. One of the cables.”

Nel looked through at where Bec was pointing. It was a far off cable in the distance which connected to a machine that was billowing steam. “I see it.”

“Same deal. Clear out as many as you can so we can sneak by unseen. Goes without saying but if we’re caught now we’ll be in a world of-”

“Hold on.” Otto suddenly spoke, holding a hand to one of his ears. “Do you hear that?”

“.... Kinda,” Max said squinting.

“What is it?” Melvin asked. It then became apparent. A rumbling could be heard echoing throughout the valley. “Is that thunder?”

“Na, sounds like an engine but…” Larek said.

Something then came into view, thundering through the valley leaving behind a trail of flame. The ravengers all took note of the object, several pointing to it.

“Oh crap. Get down!” Bec yelled as the object fast approached. The object suddenly descended rapidly, disappearing into the mist below. Then, with a loud boom, the thing shot, flying vertically upwards before coming to a loud stop. An audible boom rang through Hanging Edge, one that nearly blew the eardrums of the group (with the expedition of Bec who didn’t seem to have ears).

“.... That looks like trouble,” Nel muttered.

There, hovering directly in front of the bridge was a krell, though one that was clearly different from the one they had seen at the summit. Unlike that one, which looked like a large reg, this one was a large skar. Unlike what they had fought, this one’s armor was radically different. Its armor was far thicker, large plates covering its body with its arms and legs more exposed yet still covered in the armor’s overlay. Its helmet was spherical, compared to the pointed half-helms of the rank and file they had seen, with five lens scopes decorating where its eyes would be, a gas mask-like apparatus at the bottom and five glowing tubes sticking out the back with a large weapon holstered with wires feeding into the suite it wore. What it rode on was a board with two large engines at the side billowing flames as it kept itself suspended in the air.

“Yeah, that really isn’t good,” Bec said, looking through his scope once more.


“The Verr has been repelled!” Shahaza bellowed, hovering close to the onlookers on the bridge. “But not before they lured trespassers into our land! By order of the patriarch, they must be hunted down and exterminated!”

The yiski all hissed and bellowed, throwing their weapons up in the air as they proclaimed their excitement.

Shahaza was about to move on, but something caught her right eyes. Slowly, she unhooked her railgun from its magnetic locks on her back. “Be vigilant! Be deadly!” She took aim to a spot off to her right. Sparks of energy began pulsing through the split as her railgun began to charge. “As the enemy walks among us!”


“Uh oh,” Bec lowered his gun. “Move! Move!”

The party followed Bec as he broke into a run.

“Why are we running?”

Barely a second later after Max asked an explosion occurred at the rear, destroying a large section of the capsule behind them. The backlash had blown both Max and Larek off their feet while the others ducked.

“That’s why,” Bec said mater-of-factly.

The krell raised itself into the air, letting out a loud series of clicks. The hoverboard’s engines turned as the forwards, propelling the krell down into the mist below. A crescendo of hisses and cries echoed through the valley. Doors flung open, machines wired, and a hoard of ravengers poured out of the capsules like the insects they appeared, all baring weapons.

“Oh great…” Larek went pale. “That’s just great…”

“How did that thing notice us?” Melvin asked.

“Honestly, I have no clue!” Bec said before turning about to a group of three ravengers that were charging them, unloading his automatic weapon into the creatures killing them. “And I’d recommend we get a move on before we get overrun.”

“Agreed,” Nel whipped out her pistol and fired it into the air, sending a red beam into a ravenger above them that fell to the ground. Across the gap created by the explosion, a couple of ravengers had gathered and were opening fire. “Let’s go!”

“Don’t have to tell me!” Melvin said as he threw a fireball behind him before running. Otto returned fire while Max and Larek ran after the front runners before retreating with Melvin.

Bec led the way, running and gunning through the new threats that were beginning to drop on them, reaching a small bridge before stopping.

“Back-back-back!” He dived as a hale of gunfire erupted from the other end. At the joining end was a four legend, spider-like walker with a gun turret on the top. Around it, ravengers were gathering, unloading at the opposite end with their weapons. Everyone ducked except Max, who took three shots to the chest.

“Damn you-”

“No Max, NOOOOO!!!”

“DAMN BUGGS!!!” Max fired his rocket launcher at the opposite end, missing the walker completely exploding within the capsule. The sheet metal that made it up came undone. The walker, skidded right as the ravengers scurried out of the way, falling into the mist below. The rest of the building then began to disintegrate, with the bridge snapping and falling to the opposite side.

“Whoa,” Max barked at the devastation he had caused. “Ha-hallright! Did ya see that?!”

Everyone else stared at the devastation slackjawed.

“.... Bec.” Larek finally spoke.


“Please tell me that wasn’t the way we were supposed to go.”

“That wasn’t the way we’re supposed to go.”

“..... Could you say it like you mean it?”

“..... No.”

“Behind us!” Otto yelled as halberd reg’s charged at them.

“I got it!” Max grinned, aimed his rocket launcher and pulled the trigger. Nothing happened. “Ah, seriously?” Max threw the weapon down and aimed with his other one- “Hey!” Nel moved in front of Max and stopped him from firing, shooting her pistol at the incoming attackers, scoring headshots on three of them before the others were gun down by Otto and Larek.

“Hey, what was that for?”

“So you don’t blow us all up.”

“What now!” Melvin said, throwing out a fireball at the ravengers that were still firing at them on the other end.

“Okay uh- Lemmie think,” Bec said as he reloaded his rifle. “We need to go up one level-” An energy round impacted close to his head, “- find a way to that bridge,” he pointed to one of the suspension bridges above them. “That should have a path to the top of the cliff!” Bec finished his point by returning fire at the ravengers. “It’s the safest route in this situation.”

“Are you sure?” Otto asked, firing on another ravenger that was coming around the corner.

“No, but if you got a better idea, I’m all for it.” He then broke from his cover and ran back, drawing out his revolver and shooting two ravengers that were trying to flank the group. “Come on!” Larek and Otto followed.

Max was about to run before Nel stopped him. “Don’t fire that under any circumstances.” She said sternly.

Max growled as Nel ran. A ravenger with a halberd fell from above, trying to impale one of the group. “Fine!” Max dodged the attacker before ramming it with the rocket launcher, smashing it through the metal walls of the capsule.

“And don’t use it as a ram or a club!” Melvin barked.

Max cursed under his breath.

His brooding was interrupted by the same roar of the engines that had brought the krell to them. Sure enough, it zoomed overhead, looming over the party like a hawk while charging its rail gun.

“Shit!” Bec unloaded his ammo as he ran at the new threat while Melvin threw out fireball after fireball. Each shot either missed or came close to hitting before the krell swerved in the air before leaving itself and firing its shot, destroying the capsule the group was just on. Max was bringing up the rear and had just reached the group before it fired, leaping as the explosion took out the ground below his feet. The krell hissed again, retreated several feet while steam erupted from its weapon before zooming off again.

“What kind of weapon is that?!” Melvin explained, looking at the devastation behind them.

“Something we really don’t wanna get hit by,” Bec said before opening fire on another group of ravengers that came from above. “Come on!”


Shahaza pivoted on her hoverboard, the afterburners set to max as she dived once more into the mist below. It seems the trespassers were making their way up, likely to escape out onto the edge and towards the elevator to the settlement.

“Activate the wardens!” She barked into her com unit built into her helmet. Her rail gun finished its cooldown. Pulling a lever, Shahaza fulled eather into the nozzle for an overshot. If all went well, the trespassers would be trapped. And once they were trapped, they will be annihilated.


There was a running firefight all the way up, as ravengers hounded the group from all directions, utilizing the verticality of the metal compound to launch surprise attacks. Added to the harassment was skiffs launched from hidden bays, showering the party with fire from above.

“Lightning bolt!” Melvin cast his spell, destroying an incoming skiff’s engine, sending it falling into the mist. He was then forced to raise a barrier as two more zoomed past. Bec drew his revolver, scoring headshots on three of the ravenger passengers before they retreated. The other was destroyed with Max’s fire breath, blowing out the engines.

“Nice!” Bec cheered as he reloaded. “Creepy but nice!”

The group continued onwards and upwards with harassment from the ravengers and warframes only growing. With the growing attacks, the party had to stop at one of the capsules with Bec firing none stop at the incoming ravengers with Melvin casting his magic at the advancing stubs. Each spell hit its mark, blowing them apart.

“Nice shot kid!” Bec nodded.

“Thanks, but I can’t keep this up forever!” Melvin said. As his spells were mana based attacks, it was only a matter of time before he would burn out.

Skiffs zoomed past, firing down on the party. Max took a few hits before throwing a fireball at one of the barges, blowing it out of the sky.

“How are you not dead yet?” Bec said once Max retreated back into cover with smoke trailing from where he was shot.

“Ow, this is nothing! I could do this all day!” The salamander said with a grin.

“That makes one of us,” Melvin scowled. “You haven’t used that, right?” He asked pointing at the rocket launcher.

“No. You guys told me not to.” Max pouted.

“Well, with how things’re getting having some extra firepower won’t hurt,” Bec said. “How many rounds do you have for that?”


“Well, each one fires one rocket you’ll need to reload in order to-” It quickly dawned to Bec that Max was only carrying the single rocket launcher in his hands and nothing else. “You did grab some ammo for it, right?”

“Was I suppose to?” Max asked absentmindedly.

“Were so screwed.” Larek groaned before firing his shotgun at a charging reg that came up from behind. Nel meanwhile contended with two more armed with blades, killing one by shooting it in the head, dodging the other’s swings before jabbing it in its throat with one of her knives.

“Guessing you don’t have a spare thermal clip for that,” Bec asked Nel as the group continued onwards.

“I don’t even know what that is,” Nel replied bluntly.

Bec’s mouth moved back and forth, metaphorically grinding his teeth. “Welp, Ekon watch over us.” He reloaded his weapon, “Cause boy do we need it to.” With that he broke from cover, followed by Melvin, Max and Larek.

“Just don’t let it overheat,” Otto said, stopping before firing at ravengers coming from the rear. “Otherwise it won’t fire.”

Three halberdier regs leaped down from an upper level and charged. Nel fired her pistol, killing one. She tried to fire again, but the weapon refused to fire. With the enemy closing in, Nel drew a knife, dodging and killing one while Otto gunned down the second before it could reach them.


Nel pushed the dead ravenger to the ground and examined her pistol. She noticed the circular node embedded in it was blinking red. “How do I use it again?”

“If you don’t have a thermal clip you’ll have to wait for it to cool down. That could take a while.” Otto said as he ran to catch up.

“This is why I don’t use ranged weaponry,” Nel grunted to herself, stowing away her pistol keeping a knife out.

Up ahead, Bec had taken the lead. With his rifle slung and pistol drawn he climbed up to the next level. The high bridge was just overhead.

“Alright! We’re nearly there!” Bec yelled down. Melvin had just poked his head out from the ladder before his eyes widened.

“Look out!” Bec turned to see a halberdier reg charging at him. Simply standing to one side, Bec grabbed the weapon, forced it downwards into the ground. The reg was sent flying with its own momentum before falling into the abyss.


Twirling the weapon in one hand, Bec then threw the weapon like a javelin. The weapon struck a skar that appeared. In the same movement, Bec fired his pistol two times scoring headshots on the emerging ravengers. Two more halberdier regs charged Bec as he ducked down. The cylinder in his pistol rolled out, ejecting a spent ammo clip. Weaving through the attacks, Bec repositioned himself behind the enemy just as he slipped ammo into his weapon, turned on his heel, and fired. The ravengers fell, smoke rising from the hole on their helmets.

“All clear,” Bec said twirling his pistol in hand. Melvin and Nel were the next ones up, followed by Max and the two pilots.

“Man, he’s good,” Max said looking at the fallen enemy.

“No arguments here,” Larek said, firing his shotgun at an incoming stub.

Eventually, after much resistance, the group reached the top of Hanging Edge, the highest-most suspension bridge. Built into the cliff was a large cone structure different from the capsule honeycombs that made up the rest of the complex. Its design was also a departure from the crude metal, looking more like the various pylons and the great wall.

Nonetheless, it seemed to be the group’s only way out.

“All right! This way!” Bec was first onto the bridge, firing his rifle at the skars and stubs waiting for them. The others followed behind him, keeping their heads down as they made their way towards the structure.

“Looks like we’re in the clear,” Melvin commented, panting.

“Yeah, so long as we don’t run into anything like a warden we’re home free.”

“Dare I ask what a warden is?” Nel asked.

Suddenly, two large metal doors in the cone hissed. The group froze at the sound, all standing at the ready. The door then opened. A swarm of ravengers and armed stubs crawled out. I the center was three bipedal machines with legs inverted. A single box body was built on top with gleaming blue lenses at its center. On each side is an array of armaments; left containing two chain guns and the right housing a cannon with flames billowing from the nozzle.

“Those,” Bec pointed out before everyone ducked for cover behind the various crates and junk laying about the bridge’s edge. The wardens advanced down the ramp, firing both the chain guns and sporadic bursts from their cannons. The flaming projectiles exploded against the makeshift cover, which only just held. Skars and stubs added to the suppressing fire, unloading all they had.

“What now?!” Melvin yelled over the gunfire. A small bubble barrier had been erected around him as he crouched.

“Do I use this now?” Max held up his rocket launcher.

“There’s three of them and you’ve only got one shot!” Bec pointed out, reloading his rifle. “If we can get them all in-”

“Look!” Otto pointed to the sky. Hovering close by was the krell, taking aim with its weapon which was bursting with orange light.

“Oh shit,” Bec swore. “Grab onto something!”

The krell fired her weapon at the very edge of the bridge that separated the party from the attackers. The shot tore through the bridge, severing it from the edge. The entire structure then fell back towards the opposite side of the valley. On impact, the heavy metal structure smashed through several of the capsules waving in the wind, a shower of metal raining down to the depths below.

Everyone had done just as Bec had instructed as the bridge began to fall. Max punched his hand into the bridge creating a hook, keeping ahold of the rocket launcher even as he fell. Nel had done something similar, stabbing both her knives into the bridge. Melvin however was less fortunate, grabbing ahold of Max’s leg before he fell to his death. Bec dug his fingers into gaps of the metal but slipped on the impact of the bridge on the opposite side, grabbing ahold of a loose wire. His rifle fell from his grip in the process. Both Larek and Otto scrambled as the ravenger fired. The hune managed to grab ahold of a gap in the metal but the bunika had no such luck, sliding down before being grabbed by Bec, handing by his foot watching his own weapon fall.

“Everyone still in one piece?” Bec called out.

“Somehow….” Melvin groaned, clutching Max’s leg for dear life. “And I thought Sterland forest was bad.”

“I’m gonna kill Markus when I see him…” Larek declared. “Bringing us here of all places…”

“So that means I’m off the hook?” Bec called up.

“Oh, you’ll get yours!”

The roar of the engines heralded the coming of the krell, zooming past at breakneck speeds before turning sharply, zooming back and stopping directly in front of the venerable targets. Steadying itself, it began charging its weapon, this time determined to send its enemy to meet its maker.

“This is bad… this is really bad!” Melvin yelled.

“What now? Do I use it?” Max said holding up his rocket launcher.

Nel meanwhile stared at the krell, her piercer eyes activating. “Save that shot for later.”

Before anyone could ask, the assassin brought her legs together in a crouch and pulled her weapons-free. Before she could fall, Nel performed quickstep, covering some of the distance between her and the krell when she reappeared, backflipping the rest of the way. She then landed directly on top of the krell. Taken by surprise, the hoverboard suddenly veered right. The shot that was being charged fired, hitting a group of capsules. The hoverboard went back and forth before the engines roared into life, blasting both Nel and the Krell off into the distance.

“NEL?!” Melvin called out.

“Shit!” Max growled.

“I’d worry about ourselves!” Otto pointed to a bridge just below them. On it was the same crab tank they had seen before, which was now aiming at them. “Bec, do we have a plan?”

“At this point,” Bec began to swing on the cable. “Nope!” At the apex of the swing, he threw the bunika to an outstretched capsule. Before following, landing in a role.

“WHAT ABOUT US?!” Larek yelled.

“Hold up…” Max began to move, hoisting himself upwards before extending his rocket launcher to Larek. “Grab on!”

The pilot reached and grabbed ahold of the barrel. Max lurched him back as he hugged the weapon for dear life.

“Max, what are you up to?” Melvin asked.

“Could ya move up?” Max called back.

“O-Okay,” Melvin scrambled upwards, grabbing at his waist. “But what are you-?”

“Hold on real tight!” Max then let go, falling just as the tank fired on their position.



As they fell, Max aimed out his feet before letting out a powerful burst of flames, shooting him to where Bec and Otto had landed. Bec stood to one side as the three crashed landed, skidding past before landing at a heap at the far wall.

“Oh, nice move. Shame about the landing.”

“I’m alive… I’m alive… I’m alive…” Larek sobbed still hugging the rocket launcher.

“Why do I keep letting you do this crap?” Melvin groaned.

“Whew, that actually worked,” Max sounded chipper, retrieving his rocket launcher after prying it from the shaken pilot. “Ain’t we suppose to be on that side though?” He pointed to the far end.

“Yes. Yes we were,” Bec sighed stretching his neck. “And the bridges are likely gonna be reinforced causes of this so crossing here’s gonna be a bit… hard.”

Hisses and cries erupted from all around them.

“They’re coming!” Larek scampered to his feet.

“Alright, we double back and get on top of this cliff,” Bec said twirling his pistol.

“Then what?” Melvin asked.

“Then… we’ll see.” He nodded before breaking into a run.

“What do you mean we’ll see?!” Larek yelled.

“Guess we’re making it up as we go along!” Max said heaving the rocket launcher over his shoulder. “That’s my kinda plan.”

“It’s improvising, not a plan.” Melvin hung his head, staying behind with the two pilots.

“You guys are nuts…” Larek said with his jaw dropped down.

“Yeah… we really are.” Melvin nodded, reluctantly agreeing. “Come on. Before we get swarmed.”

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