《The Goddess’ Chosen》Figmar’s Edge


Light gleamed in the air before erupting into the portal between worlds. Max, Yuki, Dale, Rodger, Otto and Sasha were the first through, landing roughly on the loose ground. Meracle came through next colliding with Max while Melvin landed on top of Dale. Cliff and Nel emerged, with the former landing atop Otto while the latter landed gracefully. Mirage came through, landing on her feet while Larek landed face-first on the ever-growing dog pile. Last was Markus, landing with a slight thud.

“Are you okay?” Nel asked while Mirage helped Sasha up.

“Yes. It seems my fall was cushioned by something.”

“That would be us…” Cliff groaned from underneath Markus.

“Oh, my apologies.” Markus picked himself up while the dogpile unraveled with a lot of groans and curses. While dusting themselves off, Meracle found herself drawn to a massive wall looming over them, separated by a giant chasm whose bottom was obscured by a thick fog, letting out an ominous glow that illuminated the darkness of night.

“Nyew, where are we?”

Ahead of them was a large landfill, the likes anyone had ever seen. Piles upon piles of trash of broken machines such as robots and ships were crudely smashed together forming the artificial mountains.

“This is Figmar’s Edge,” Markus said, checking one of his hologramatic displays. “That ring seems to have worked. We are in Sora.”

“So… this is Sora?” Max said, hands on his hips as he surveyed the garbage. “Man, this place is a dump.”

“Hey, that’s rude!” Sasha pouted.

“No he’s right. This is a dump.” Larek said, rubbing the back of his head. “Hey Markus, why’d you bring us here of all places?”

“It would look strange if we simply appeared in the middle of a settlement,” Markus said as his hologram deactivated. “Regardless of where we landed, we’d be reported into Altosk or a criminal gang.”

“Yeah… cause landing deep into Ravenger territory makes way more sense,”

“So, where do we go from here?” Cliff asked.

“First off, we should head to the nearest settlement, Figmar’s End.” Otto said, pointing off to a mountain in the distance, visible only by four bright lights. “There’s an elevator over there that will take us up to the town.”

“Of course it's so far away...” Melvin groaned while Cerberus brushed against his leg. “Are there any monsters along the way?”


“Like, ferocious beasts?”

“Oh, no nothing like that here.” Otto shook his head. “Our biggest threats would be warframes.”

“W-Warframes? Like that huge thing we fought before?!”

“Hopefully not… Likely one’s we’ll see are-”

A pile of garbage began to move close by Yuki and Dale, “Holy shit!” the latter of which fell on his back, stuttering away while two figures rose from the pile; two bipedal machines that resembled children wind up toys, a damaged round head with a blinking eye and small thin arms. They slowly approached Yuki, sparks flying from their joints and eyes flashing red as they lunged before being sliced apart by Yuki in only two swings of his sword.

“Well, things like that.” Otto finished as Yuki sheathed his sword.

“Ha. They weren't so tough.” He boasted as Dale scrambled back to his feet while adjusting his glasses.

“That's not what we should worry about,” Larek said. “A place like this is swarming with Ravengers.”

“And what are they?” Nel asked Markus.

“One of the sentient races of Sora, and a dangerous one at that.” The cyborg responded. “A natural cyborg race renowned for their ingenuity, able to turn any pile of scrap into a fortress, ship or weapon. They are also violent and will attack any outsider on sight.”


His blue, mechanical eyes surveyed the large trash piles that stood between them and the elevator. “This place is their suited environment so expect ambushes along the way.”

“Terrific,” Cliff sighed while flexing his fingers. “Not that I was expecting anything less.”

“Ah, so what? A real man never walks away from a challenge.” Rodger boasted, readying his hammer.

“So, which way do we go?” Mirage asked Markus who took point.

“Follow me. My navigation systems should be sufficient to plot a course through Figmar’s Edge.”

The party followed after the cyborg as they ventured forward into the unknown. Unbeknownst to them, two creatures were watching from a hidden vantage point overlooking them. In the shade of a scrapped ship, one of the figures lowered its mechanical binoculars, turning to the second while speaking in a series of clicks.

Nel, who brought up the rear stopped and looked behind her, scanning the environment.

“Hey Nel. Are you coming?” Sasha called out.

“Y-yeah.” Keeping her eyes glued on her surroundings, Nel followed on keeping hold of the feeling that they were being watched.


The party followed a path, layered down by a mixture of rock and plates that snaked through the drops and rises of the trash piles looming precariously over their heads. Markus took point, using a holo map to navigate through the insistent junk piles, consisting of nothing but mechanical parts and scrap.

“Hey, you sure you know where you’re going?” Yuki asked.

“Not exactly…” Markus said, his eyes glued to the map. “This gives me a rough estimate on where to go. Unfortunately, the terrain changes every so often that accurate navigation is impossible.”

A large beam suddenly fell from the large piles hanging above. Yuki, who was underneath, leaped out of the way as it crashed into the ground. “Hey metal head! Is this place even safe?”

Markus turned with a curious gaze. “Are you referring to me?”

“Tch, never mind,” Yuki dismissed.

The party continued forwards unopposed until something crawled from beneath the trash piles. Five of the stocky warframes emerged, their camera lens eyes flashing red.

“Ha, more of these walking buckets,” Max cheered as he stretched. He suddenly stopped as Sasha walked in front of him with her hands on her hips.

“Lemmie take care of them.” She declared.


“If you don’t mind,” Mirage grabbed Max’s shoulder and pushed him to one side, taking position alongside Sasha.

“Hold on! I got this!”

“Ha, try not to go overboard ladies,” Cliff said, folding his arms. Mirage winked at him while Sasha stuck her tongue out at Max.

“Are you certain? Even small warframes can be dangerous in large numbers.” Markus said.

“Don’t worry. Sasha’s a lot tougher than she looks.” Cliff said while Max sulked beside him.

“Well, she did hold her own against Altosk.” Melvin said.

Upfront, Sasha and Mirage took their stances as the warframes slowly inched closer towards them.

“Remember, if things get tough, fall back.”

“Okay,” Sasha rushed out forwards, delivering a solid punch onto a warframes stocky body, punching it twice more cracking its body like an egg before jumping back as the machine exploded. She sidestepped another as it charged her spinning its thin arms at her. When it stopped, Sasha counterattacked, punching it twice followed by an overhead kick to its round head sending it flying like a soccer ball.

“Ha, not bad,” Yuki said, folding his arms.

“Sasha’s always been something of a protege,” Dale said. “She mastered the fundamentals of mana channeling. Takes a lot after her brother.”


“Her brother? She has a brother?” Meracle asked.

“Yeah, but that’s a story for another time,” Cliff said brushing the question off.

Back in the battle Sasha dispatched the third with a punch through its chest. The final two began to swarm in, one approaching her front while another approached from the rear.

Mirage suddenly attacked, throwing the rear machine into the air, delivering two high kicks, leaping back and delivering a final punch that threw the warframe back into the trash pile. Sasha finished off the final machine, punching the machines four times before throwing a roundhouse kick to push the machine back as it exploded.

“Alright. Nice going.” Mirage congratulated her. Sasha beamed as she bumped fists.

“Hey Cliff! Did you see me! Did you see me!” She said running up to Cliff.

“Haha, sure did.” Cliff chuckled patting Sasha on the head. “You’ll probably make a stronger hunter then me or Mirage one of these days.”

“.... What kinda monsters did you make friends with?” Larek asked Markus.


The party continued on along makeshift paths that weaved through the environment like a maze. The looming night sky (with strange clusters of stars shimmering overhead) cast the trash piles in an erly darkness fought back by lamps conveniently dotted around along with an ethereal light emanating from the mist below.

Warframes continued to hound the party, the same stocky machines as well as a small bat-like variety as well as a larger pinwheel looking machine with razor blades attached to the rims. None posed a serious threat, and given how large the group as they were able to defend themselves effectively.

A group of five or three took the front of the formation and would swap out with the rear guards after two engagements allowing those who had fought time to rest. Dale remained on the rear guard, using his healing magic to fix up any wounds the party had.

The way through Figmar’s end didn’t improve, with large gaps in the rock they were walking on evaporated to the mist below and large and perilous valleys only hindered their movements further.

“Doesn’t look like we’ll be getting across this way,” Dale commented at one such canyon, kicking a piece of metal down into the foggy depths below. “So where to now?”

“... Strange,” Markus said, bringing up his map. “The navigation indicates this is the way to go.”

“Hey. There’s a bridge over there.” Cliff shouted pointing at a metal bridge that was drawn on the opposite side of the canyon.

“How do we lower it?” Melvin asked.

“I could try busting it down with this,” Max suggested flaring up his hands before receiving a chop to the head by Cliff.

“Let's not.”

“I think the controls are over on the other side,” Mirage said pointing to a box close by the bridge.

“Of course it is.” Cliff chuckled to himself. “Anything you can do about it?”

Markus shook his head. “There’s no mainframe with that machine. Someone will have to go over and flip the switch.”

“Or I could make a new bridge,” Rodger smirked, twirling his hammer before slamming it to the ground. Nothing happened. “Huh?” Rodger put his hand to the ground before realizing they were standing on metal. The group stood atop a large ship that was buried nose-first into the earth for several decades, owing to the parts missing.

“I see a way across,” Nel pointed to a perilous path to the right, involving tight walkways and small platforms. “I could get across and drop the bridge.”

“I wouldn’t recommend going alone. You will need back up just in case.” Markus said.

“In that case…” Nel looked at Meracle.

“Nyew?” Everyone was now staining at the young cait sith. It slowly dawned on her what Nel meant.


Meracle landed on the lower platform followed by Nel.

“Why me?” She pouted, her tail going ridged indicating her annoyance.

“Cause you’re the most acrobatic out of all of us,” Nel said to her mater-of-factly.

“We’ll hold down the fort here!” Mirage called from the ridge the duo had jumped off. “Take care. Who knows what could be hiding out there.”

“Roger,” Nel gave Mirage a thumbs up.

“Okay,” Meracle said reluctantly as the two set off, ducking under a small opening where they were greeted by the various narrow beams and platforms among the misty drop below that glowed with the blue hue.

“Think you can manage,” Nel asked.

“Nyew, piece of cake,” Meracle said, leaping to one of the platforms, followed by Nel. Meracle led the way, leaping from platform to platform following a loose path that circled back to the same side they were on, shimming across a narrow ridge to more open ground (another wing jutting from an aircraft).

“Impressive. I’m actually struggling to keep up with you.” Nel remarked once she reached the platform.

“Myahaha. I did this all the time back at home.” Meracle boasted. “Though I never expected to come to a place like this,”

“Doubt any of us were,” Nel said. To her experience, the only place that came to mind which felt alien and unfamiliar was Allisa’s hometown, Little Wood. If that was alien, then Nel couldn’t think of a word to describe where she was now. Never had she seen such piles of discarded metal and machines.

The duo continued, moving across another set of platforms and metal bars that eventually brought them to the opposite side.

“Made it,” Meracle cheered as she reached the rocky ground of the opposite bank.

Nel had just arrived when she noticed something moving in the piles close by. “Mary!” Nel kicked Meracle’s leg as they both dropped to the ground, a blue beam passed overhead.

“Nyew!” Meracle was the first to her feet when something lunged from the shadows at the still prone Nel.

Drawing her dagger, she parried a blow from an electrified heilbard, staring face to face at her attacker; a face half-covered by a crude helmet with eight glowing lenses, with the bottom resembling that of a spider with pincers coated by metal plates, hissing at her. Meracle kicked the creature, sending it falling into the mist below.

“More of them!”

Emerging from the junk where four figures resembling the first attacker. Crude metal body armor covered its thin body. Three had four thin arms that seemed more metal then organic, with one having knives in all four. The third was a four legend creature holding a long rifle in its two hands.

The enemy attacked, two firing blue energy blasts with chunky pistols at the pair while the knife-wielder attacked Nel, who ducked under the attacks before plunging her dagger into the back of its neck when the opening presented itself, letting out a shriek as it died.

Meracle dodged under the energy shots before closing the distance, sweeping the leg out from under one before delivering an axe kick to its body, seemingly breaking through the armor and crushing whatever organs it had, killing it. She then weaved about the final one as it fired, kicking it into the air, leaping up before kicking it back to the ground.

The final one was killed by Nel as it tried to retreat. The assassin closed the distance with a quickstep, wrapping her legs around its neck before delivering the killing blow to its neck.

“Nyow! What are they?” Meracle cried, backing away from the defeated enemy. “Those warframe things?”

“.... I don’t think so,” Nel said, keeping her dagger drawn. “Come on. Let's get that bridge down.”


“Did you hear that?” Otto said standing at the edge.

“Yeah…” Max joined him, crouching alongside the bunika.

“Care to fill us in?” Melvin said.

“Just some weird sounds from over where Nel and Mary were heading. Probably ran into those warframes.”

“... I don’t think it was,” Otto said. “It sounded like… energy discharge from a gun.”

Before anyone could respond, something came into view from beyond the trash pile on the opposite end of the chasam. Flying from behind the blind spot was an airship. Its design was the shape of a leaf, an orb-like nose with a long body with various spikes jutting from the length.

“Is that a spaceship?” Dale asked.

“More importantly, is it friendly,” Mirage asked.

“No…” Larek had gone pail. “No, definitely not!”

“Ravengers! We’ve crossed into their territory!” Markus called, immediately morphing his left arm into a cannon. No sooner had he done that blue fire began to rain down from the ship, exploding around the party. “Behind me!” Markus zoomed ahead, throwing out his right hand to create a barrier. The rest of the party huddled behind the cyborg as the fire continued to rain down. Melvin did the same around Max and Otto while Dale created one to protect Mirage, Cliff and Rodger.

“Not a friendly bunch,” Yuki said, drawing his sword while everyone readied themselves for battle.

From the opposite end, a swarm of ravengers emerged, taking positions at the edge of the chasam as they joined in on the fire. Four skiffs of crude metal zoomed overhead, crude vehicles that resembled flying boats loaded with ten ravengers a piece.

“Everyone! Be vigilant!” Markus yelled as he dropped his barrier and fired his cannon, destroying one of the skiffs as it crossed the chasem.

“Bout time we had some action!” Max grinned before roaring, destroying a second skiff. The remaining two crashed into the ground around the party with its passengers leaping off. Yuki, Rodger and Mirage were the first into the fray, with Yuki slicing one of the melee ravengers in half while Rodger used his levitation magic to throw a slab of metal on one of the ranged attackers, slamming his hammer into the leg of another melee ravenger. The silver instrument shattered the joint, where it squirted out a turquoise fluid. The creature hissed before Rodger delivered a blow to its head, breaking its neck and killing it. Mirage wrestled with a halberdier ravenger, throwing it back into one of its companions.

Dale, Larek and Otto all ducked for whatever cover they could find while Markus and Melvin returned fire across the expanse while those who could fight tore into the ravengers that had crossed the distance.

The ravenger drop-ship loomed to the parties right, dropping twenty more enemies, all hissing as they disembarked and descended like a wave.


“Myow! What’s going on?” Meracle exclaimed, pointing to the chaos that was erupting around them, with fire being exchanged across the expanse.

“Nothing good,” Nel said. “We’d better hurry.”

The duo leaped to the next platform and was immediately beset by more enemies, scurrying out of burrows within the garbage, baring both blades and guns.

“More of them!”

“Keep moving!” Nel skidded, knocking an enemy to the ground, ducking under the swing of a halberd before killing the creature with a quick stab to the neck.

Meracle leaped overhead, drop-kicking another, somersaulting back to avoid the bladed enemy. She performed a handstand, whirling her legs like a windmill, knocking two blades out of its four hands, before delivering a solid kick to its chest, throwing the creature back into the garbage.

With a hole in their ranks, both girls ran through the path, ducking under the fire that rained from above. Ducking through a small tunnel, they were greeted by another pair of enemies, both of whom were quickly dispatched as they continued up the path to the higher ground. More of the enemy was waiting for them. Blue tracer fire and Melvin’s spells distracted a majority of them, with only a handful turning to the girls. The strange leaf airship passed overhead, stopping over the raised bridge as ten more enemies dismounted. In their number were three four-legged creatures with large cannon-like weapons mounted on their shoulders.

With hisses and clicks, the cannoneers fired. Nel and Meracle ducked as fiery red projectiles fired overhead. “Damn, I’ll take care of them! Get that bridge down!” Nel called as she ran forwards, activating her piercer eyes, ducking under the incoming fire, kicking over an incoming attacker.

Meracle broke from cover and leaped into the air, putting both her feet together before performing an air kick at one of the cannoneers, sending it flying back. She landed on an incoming attacker's feet first before running towards the box controls. The enemies at the ridge were busy firing across the chasm to notice. It was only when Meracle got close to them did they realize, only to receive a kick before they could respond.

“Myowkay, how does this work?”

The box only had one large button on it. Meracle slammed her fist on it. Metal began to grind together as the bridge dropped down, closing the gap.

Nel meanwhile had reached the cannoneers, dodging fire from one, sliding under its four legs before stabbing upwards. The creature cried, pulling the trigger on its cannon weapon, blasting two of the enemy apart. Nel pounced on the second, running her dagger in its throat, dropping it to the ground.

The other two were preparing to fire at her when blue tracer fire killed both. The bridge had been lowered, and Markus was leading the way, firing his chain gun at the enemy with the others following behind them. Dale and Melvin took up the rear, casting spells to keep the remaining pursuers away. One had broken through and pounced on them, but was knocked back by a punch from Mirage.

Max, Sasha and Rodger rushed to Meracle’s aid with Yuki and Cliff aiding Nel. Markus stood in the center of the field with Larek and Otto cowering behind him, watching the airship passing by. His left arm morphed into a cannon. He took aim and fired. The shot struck the ship’s midsection, splitting it in half sending it falling into the depths below.

After a minute of fighting, the enemy began to pull back, disappearing in the trash piles around them.

“Whew… I think we got them,” Dale sighed, collapsing on the ground. “That was intense…”

“Myow… what were they?” Meracle said, letting out a sigh of relief.

“Those are revengers,” Larek said, prying a rifle off the body of one of the fallen enemies. Otto did the same, salvaging the pistol. “You just had to bring us here of all places,” The pilot complained to Markus, who brought out his holograms.

“Again, it would look strange if we simply appeared in Figmar’s End.” Markus said, closing his holograms. “We should continue forward. But stay vigilant. Now that the ravengers know we’re in their territory they will be sending more after us,”

“Oh wonderful,” Dale complained.

“I got used to this back in Avalon,” Cliff said, patting him on the back. “Sasha. Stay close to us, okay.”

Sasha nodded.

The Sweeper

True to Markus’s predictions, more ravengers launched hit and run attacks against the party more frequently than the warframes (which still emerged) and with more numbers. Markus identified the two variants they had fought. The four-armed ones being regs (the male of the species) and the four-legged ones as skars (the female of the species).

“Shit, how many of them are there!” Yuki complained, parrying an incoming reg before decapitating it.

“You don’t wanna know,” Otto replied, firing his borrowed pistol at an incoming reg while the skar ducked out of sight. “A single warband can consist of thousands.”

“Terrific,” Cliff groaned before grabbing a reg’s polearm weapon before knocking the creature to the ground and finishing it off with a swift punch to the head, watching the final creatures scuttling away. “How much further?”

Markus consulted his holo map. “The halfway point should be just up ahead. Let's go before they regroup.”

The party pressed forwards, unopposed for the most part (bar a few warframes). Through thin walkways and tunnels through the trash piles and one crude stairwell upwards they reached a large open area with a long drop to the left, reinforced by a large, crude metal platform that seemed to exist to widen the area supported by three support pillars. The trash mountains to the right with a large ship resembling half of an airbus in Terra. Up ahead was a large machine strung up and stripped for parts, dangling from wires tied from the six support poles around the area. Several plate antena were crudely bolted to the object.

“Myow? What’s that?” Meracle asked, gawking at the machine.

“A ravenger totem,” Markus said checking his map. “It marks their territory.”

“Is there any way around it?” Cliff asked. Markus simply shook his head.

“This is the only route open to us.”

“Well, what’re we waiting for,” Max said slamming his fist into his palm. “Any more of those things jump us, I’ll just blast’em away.”

Cerberus gave a wine while Melvin narrowed his eyes at the salamander. “Just don’t go rushing off by yourself. Last thing we need is to get separated.”

Nel stood behind them, scanning the trash piles that loomed overhead. Before the others could move, she stopped suddenly and drew her dagger. “We got company.”

“Ahh, again!” Dale groaned readying his wand.

Atop the ship walked a lone Reg. Unlike the other’s the party had seen, this one was noticeably larger, a few inches bigger than Markus. The crude armor that coated it was bulkier and more decorative than the norm, from chest, legs and the four thin arms, all dressed with a sense of tribal authority. In hits left two hands was a long trident crackling with energy. Its helmet covered its entire head, antenna attached to the bottom with five-pointed spikes jutting from around the large cluster of blue lens eyes.

“Oh shit,” Larek said as he and Otto backed away. “A krell!”

Beside the ravenger dubbed the ‘krell’, a skar scuttled to it and handed a small device. The ravenger took it with its lower left arm and attached it to a port at the base of its helmet.

“Outsider.” A synthetic voice boomed from it. “You. Have no business.”

“Whoa, they talk?” Yuki said, drawing his katana.

“There’s a translator module attached to its helmet. Very few ravengers have one.” Markus said readying his chain gun.

“Hold on,” Mirage stepped out in front of the cyborg. “We don’t mean any harm! We’re just trying to get to- where was it?”

“They won’t listen,”

“We’re going to the town nearby! Please let us pass!”

“No.” The krell responded. “Outsiders. Trespass. On our land.” It slammed its trident into the ground. “Punishment. Death.” It finished before letting out a loud shriek.

“Guess negotiations off the table,” Cliff said, taking his stance.

Suddenly, a part of the trash pile moved. A large door opened before them.

“Sweeper. Kill you now. Yes.”

From the darkness, five skars scuttled out followed by a large machine. Its body resembled something close to a small train with large chunky arms attached to its sides, small legs propelling it forwards. Unlike those the party had seen, this one had plates attached to it resembling the totem above.

“What’s that? Another warframe?” Max asked standing at the ready.

“Those skars are herding it,” Melvin thought out loud pulling out his wand.

“It doesn't look like the other’s we fought. Everyone, be careful!” Nel called out, twirling her dagger.

“Outsiders. Trespassers Die.” With a final hiss, the krell banged his trident before leaving.

The warframe banged its arms into the ground, emitting sparks of yellow energy. The two bulbs on its face blinked as it let out a loud moan. The skars behind it prodded with spears, urging it forwards while they quickly retreated. Markus wasted no time, opening fire as the warframe lowered its body, billowing flames from exhausts in its back propelling it forwards. The party all ducked out of the way as it zoomed past, leaving a path of flames before skidding to a halt, banging its metal fists into the ground while letting out a deep moan.

Cliff backed up, clenching his fists. He then noticed the metal door behind them was starting to close, with the skars falling back into the darkness. “Hey wait!” He called in vain as the door slammed shut. “Looks like we’ve gotta do this.”

The warframe banged its fists into the ground once more as it charged forwards to the party, all while Markus laid down suppressing fire with his chain gun, peppering the armor of the warframe. As it swung its fists at Max and Yuki who was out in front. Both ducked out of the way as the fist passed overhead with Yuki raising his sword as the arms came back around. He only just blocked, skidding across the ground.

Fire and light shots were fired from both Melvin and Dale as the machine attacked once more.

“You two get back!” Mirage instructed Sasha and Meracle as the machine turned its attention to her, charging guns in her direction. Mirage, Sasha and Meracle both dodged, hitting the trash pile and dislodging one of the six support pillars that held the totem in place.

“It’s got guns too!” Larek complained as he fired his weapon at the warframe, the shots peppering harmlessly against its armor. Max meanwhile leaped into the air and let out a fire breath on the machine from above, causing some damage to its main body.

“HAAAAA!!!” He growled as flames erupted on his fists before slamming into the top of the warframe. Fissures formed at its feet as Max forced it into the ground. The warframe moaned but remained standing. Max leaped off but was then grabbed by the flailing hands of the warframe before slamming him into the ground.

“Hold on!” Rodger yelled, slamming his hammer into the ground, sending a rock spike at the warframe, forcing it off the salamander.

“Th-Thanks!” Max said. The warframe backed off, preparing its rockets once more. Max and Rodger rolled in different directions as the warframe skidded past at high speeds before grinding to a halt, then burst towards the party, Markus specifically. The cyborg skidded out of the way, arming his cannon and firing at the warframe, causing a small explosion at its left side. He fired again, but the warframe dodged, the shot hitting another of the support pillars. The totem began to buckle.

“.... Hey, I got an idea!” Nel yelled. “Lure it to the edge over there!”

Markus looked at the assassin, then nodded. “Roger that!” He fired his cannon at the warframe, forcing it to follow him to the metal platform.


“.... I’ve got a really bad feeling about this.” Melvin gulped and fired a fireball at the support pillar at the trash pile, hitting it in the base. The totem, no longer able to support itself toppled down, swinging like a pendulum towards the warframe as it pursued Markus, who jettisoned out of the way as the totem struck. The warframe crashed through one of the support pillars on the metal platform side, throwing it into the chasm below.

“Whew… it worked…” Dale said cheering. “Yeahhaha! Take that-!” Suddenly, the ground shook. “Uhh… too soon?

Cliff was the first to look behind them and saw the large scrapped ship the krell was standing on sliding down the trash mountain nose first towards the party. “Oh shit! Run!”

Cliff, along with Yuki, Dale, Mirage, Cerberus and Markus ran to the narrow path up ahead as the remainder ran towards the metal platform in the opposite direction. Meracle, who was closer to the falling ship, grabbed Sasha and Rodger who were both nearby and leaped up into the air, landing on the top of the ship.

“Nyew! NOOO!!!” The three screamed as they ducked down, grabbing onto whatever they could while the ship rammed into another of the support pillars and skidded down the drop like a slay.

Max, Nel, Melvin, Larek and Otto had run towards the platform, only just making it to the remaining support pillar as the ship only just missed them.

“Whew…” Max sighed with relief “We made-”

The metal platform began to buckle.

“Ohhh I told you I had a bad feeling about THIIIIISSSSSS!!!!”

The final support pillar gave way, causing the metal platform to drop to the slope.

“Hold on!” Nel yelled.

“Oh SHIIIIITTTTT!!” Larek cried as the five of them hugged the remaining support pillar as the platform slid down the slope at blistering speeds, crashing into the occasional rock and pile of garbage as it continued to fall like a slay down a mountain road.


“Ohh that doesn’t look good,” A caped figure stood at the edge of the cliff, watching the devastation unfold, seeing two large objects falling down the mountain's edge. “Common sense would say to head somewhere other than there.”

Twirling a revolver in his hand, the figure jumped down to a cable suspended across the cassam. “Not the first time I didn’t listen,”

Under the darkness of the night cycle, the figure tightrope over the mist-filled cassam towards, making his way towards one of the fallen objects.

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