《The Goddess’ Chosen》Battle of Conduit T7: Part 1


“Commander. We’ve received confirmation from the conduit.”

“Peppering the Sovereigns hope for docking.”

“Conformation with Sora’s tractor beams.”

Aralius sat back as the bridge was awash with activity. In front of him, the image of Sora utterly dominated the windows. The sheer majesty of their saviour world never failed to make even the strongest of borgos weak at the knees.

The massive sphere, created by Star Singer Strelizia to save their races from the horrific advances of the void that ravaged the homeworlds to the point where they were unable to support life. The surface was constructed from a metal unknown to all who lived within its shell, illuminated not only by the dim light of the sun but the ethereal blue lay lines creating patterns within the shell, converging around several circles embedded within the shell’s formation.

As they approached one of the circles, a thin ray of light shone from the centre. The surface began to open, exposing the interior of the shell. The dreadnaught pushed forward into the open maw. It was like a helpless prey about to be consumed by a colossal entity. As the Sovereigns Hope entered the maul sealed behind them.

The ship passed through the narrow confines of the inner shells many paths, a large space of metal cubes lit up by way lines. Beyond that was a massive open space that would lead to the inner shell of Sora. Large pillars extended in the gap securing the surface world, various inverted towers extended downwards, letting out the occasional cackles of energy. All around the expanse, drones and warframes few from the labyrinths of metal that made up the outer shell’s interior. Closer to the surface where the opposite door was located was a large installation of hanging platforms and rails dotted around the circular door that would lead a ship to the interior of Sora, some suspended in the air through cables embedded in the very ceiling of the inner shell.

These sections were built by the inhabitants of Sora, modifications built into the ancient chasm. Grave trains zoomed through, carrying supplies back and forth from the entrance. Across installation, Altosk’s forces manned the gantries and hanging roads and dry docks, waiting eagerly for the return of the very pride of Altosk itself. Tanks and war beasts patrolled the maze of walkways while drones flew in the air.

Large air bridges flew from junction to junction, giving the defenders an easier way to move around without having to find its way through the confines of the web way. Security was beefed up considerably given what was about to arrive and what it was bringing.

Yet in a complex arena such as this, having every corner under control was next to impossible.


The first to discover this was a squad of three troopers, two hunes and a borgo patrolling one of the outer walkways of the outer perimeter of the dry dock. All of a sudden, the borgo collapsed to the ground.

“Huh-?” The hune that turned to look fell as well, something piercing his helmet.

“Shit! Hos-” The final hune fell, a thin beam piercing through his visor.

Far away, perched atop the nearest tower was the sniper. A middle-aged hune, covered by a face mask, exposing only his aged face around his chin and long dried-out goatee. He wore black and red-colored combat fatigues with his red jacket tied around his waist. He was crouched, with his sniper rifle resting on the railings.

“Ok. You guys are clear.” He called in on his COMM.

On his signal, a dozen people emerged from one of the structures connected to the walkways, with two borgos carrying a large cannon which they proceeded to set up while the bodies of the fallen troopers were removed. They all wore the same combat fatigues as the sniper, red and black with a red jacket embroidered with a sword and wing emblem. Some even wore helmets and armed with a mixture of kinetic and energy weapons from rifles to shotguns and one borgo armed with a two-handed energy blade.


“Alrighty, that’s the last one,” The sniper grinned. Now the dry dock was surrounded with four powerful anti-ship energy lances with pockets of fighters now occupying the deserted yet strategically important positions.

“This is Ace. The guns ‘re set up.”


The vehicle depo, was located close to the dry dock, stocked with tanks all ready to be mobilized at a moment’s notice. Given the firepower it continued, it was fully manned with personnel, both drivers and armed guards with far more security than usual given the importance for what was about to happen.

A lone guard patrolled between the vehicles yet stopped at one. He thought he saw something glowing beneath. He ducked down to check it out and saw something that looked out of place; a small device that beeps with a red light.

“What the?” The hune trooper backed away, keeping his gun held out. He turned the corner, only to be blindsided by a bunika dropkicking him, landing on the ground as the man collapsed.

‘Whew… that was too close,” The bunika, dressed in the same red fatigues of the fighters, dragged the hune to a nearby container were several bodies of troopers lay tucked away out of sight. The bunika brushed her hands and pulled out a small device, hopping over to the fuel tanks before setting it just out of view.

“This is Felicia. Charges are all set.”


Closer to the dry dock a squad of five troopers was patrolling in tight formation. From up above, a large borgo fell on them, landing on the two bunika and borgo that brought up the rear. The remaining two turned only to be whacked over the heads with a chain gun.

“Yeahaha, take that tin heads!” The borgo chuckled as he slammed his foot into the borgo trooper as he tried to get up. dressed in the same red and black fatigues with a bandana tied around his hairy forehead. More fighters began to swarm the bridge, each setting up at the edges of the railing.

“Alright, you guys know the plan. Don’t let out a shot till those guns have burnt a hole in that monstrosity.”

Various confirmation came as the fights of three races fanned out along the railing. A handful commandeered one of the mobile platforms, ready to ferry troops to where they needed to be. Everything was set. Satisfied the borgo lowered his heavy chain gun to answer his communicator.

“Warrol here. Fireteams are all set to rain hell on these Altosk bastards.”


“Good. All of you wait for the signal then commence the attack.”

A woman walked out the opening to one of the security boxes, walking over the bodies of the dead Altosk troopers. She had long red hair flowing down her back, dressed in a red coat, wearing a cap and wielding a staff in her left hand. Various other fighters ran past her with several carrying heavy weapons being hauled by Borgos.

“Fan out! We need to cause as much damage as possible before they can recover.” She commanded walking out towards the main road. There parked three wheel-driven vehicles. Riding on the top of them were more fighters, each one looking as nervous as the last. At the very edge was another anti-ship cannon, already set up and being manned by operators.

“Yo Ciryn. I can see the Sovereigns Hope’s coming up.” Ace called over the radio.

“This is it.” Ciryn took in a deep breath. Zero hour was fast approaching. “Gunner teams, fire on my command. Target the life support systems, shield generators and weapon systems of the Sovereigns hope. Do not destroy it until we have liberated the Star Singer.” She ordered through her communicator before cutting the link.


Clenching her staff, Ciryn hopped the front vehicle as they moved out down the ramparts keeping out of sight as much as possible. Below them, the massive hulk that was the Sovereigns Hope came into view, emerging from the entrance of Sora far below. The massive ship cruises through the expanse. With its prow facing upwards, the ship docked in the drydock. Large clamps flew piloted by drones to secure the ship, fastening it in place. The sound of the clamps echoed throughout the expanse, locking the dreadnought in place, its prow pointing directly upwards.

“There it is,” Ciryn breathed. The fighters around her gawked, mostly out of fear for what was about to happen. Ciryn understood that fear, but they had come too far to let it all go to waste now.

“Start charging up the guns.”

Allisa vs. Mardo

“Ion!” Allisa yelled. “Hey, wake up!”

“Ion!” Berken chimed in hovering closer to Ion who still lay in the capsule. Slowly, the star singer's eyes began to flutter open.

“.... Allisa? Berken?” She muttered. Allisa let out a sigh of relief as Ion sat up, still groggy from her deep sleep. “Good morning…” she said rubbing her eyes.

“Ion! Are you okay? They didn’t hurt you, did they?” Berken asked, floating right in Ion’s face.

“No… I don’t think so,” Ion swung her legs over the side of the capsule trying to stand.

“Hey, easy,” Allisa caught her before she could fall.

“Wh-where am I?”


“The stasis pod’s gonna leave her a bit disoriented. It’ll wear off soon,” Berken said.

“... I remember Leo… then…” as her senses return, Ions eyes grew wide with shock. “Allisa! Why are you here?!”

“Believe me, I’d love to know myself.” Allisa said.

“I found her in the brig. They must have captured her after Leo completely destroyed her.” Berken said while Allisa glared daggers at him.

Ion then threw herself at Allisa, who took a step back in surprise by the embrace. “I’m sorry….”


“I’m so sorry… you should’ve been involved. And now you..”

“H-hey, come on. Don’t apologize.” Allisa pulled Ion away with a smile. “I have a feeling I would’ve been involved one way or the other.”

“B-but-” Ion sniffed, her face heavy with guilt. Allisa gave her another reassuring smile.

“Come on, let’s get you outta here before-”

“Before that happens,” Berken suddenly said.

Allisa turned around and her mouth dropped. A squad of six troopers had filed into the room, followed by the giant man with one arm she had seen in the cargo hold, the very one who was on his way to execute her.

“I had a feeling you’d be here, villain,”

Allisa summoned her sword as she stood between him and the frightened Ion with Berken floating close by. I was really hoping I wouldn’t have to fight him.

The large man saw the fallen borgo before glaring at Allisa once again. Allisa could feel her grip tightening on the hilt of her sword. The gorillas were hard enough for her alone and she had been soundly beaten by one of their leaders. Her confidence was not high.

“Seems Leo has trained you well, to be able to take out heavies and technomancer all on your own.”

“..... huh?” Allisa could feel her ears twitch, thinking she had misheard him.

“Don’t play dumb!” The man boomed. “You cannot fool me. You are one of that so-called guardian’s cronies sent to abduct the star singer so he can topple the sovereignty of Altosk!”

“...... What are you talking about?”

“It was almost perfect.” The man continued with a satisfied grin as he stroked his theory. “First, he used that traitor Bec to have the star singer taken away from Grand Vaults to have her planted on a backwater world. Then, when we’re all busy dealing with those other agents, the first star has his sleeper agent hand deliver her to him under the pretext that she’s a frontier agent!

“Oh hoho, so close. Yet there was one fatal flaw in the plan. It was too predictable! Having been released, the only place you’d go is to the Star singer, abduct her while we’re docked in the conduit and make your escape, forever destroy the authority of the commander in the process! Well, you may have everyone fooled, but not me!”

“..... Where did you get all that from?”

“Don’t worry Star Singer! I, Mardo, will free you from these despicable villains' clutches. On my honour when you shook my hand two years ago- though I may have lost into those agents- but an oath I intend to keep! The very words you said to me back then, they have been forever ingrained in my heart!”

“Uhhhh…?” Slack-jawed, Allisa turned to Ion who seemed just as confused as she was. “Ion… do you know this guy?”

Ion crocked her head. “.... Sorry, but I don’t remember you at all,” she told the man, Mardo.

“Wh-what….?” It looked like he’d just been shot.

“And I don’t work for that guy! I have no idea why I’m here!” Allisa yelled.

“I see,” Mardo clenched his hand into a fist. “You’ve brainwashed her, haven’t you!”

“How’d you arrive at that conclusion?!”

“Silence!” Mardo threw his arm forwards, showing off the speaker in the palm. “It’s time I brought you vile villain to justice,” parts of his hand began to extend while the centre began to glow, “IN PIECES!”

Sensing the danger, Allisa grabbed Ion and teleported to the right as Mardo unleashed a sonic blast that destroyed the capsule (while tossing Berken into the air due to the backlash).

Allisa and Ion reappeared, and Allisa gawked at the damage the blast had wrought. The pod was smashed into the wall like a car had just rammed into it.

“Ion, get back!” Allisa said getting back to her feet.

“Allisa….?” Ion reluctantly retreated to the edge of the room. Mardo took a giant step towards Allisa, clacking his metal fingers with a satisfied grin.

“Won’t ask where you got those ideas from,” Allisa said bravely. “But right now, you’re standing between us and our ticket outta here!”

“Seal off the exit!” Mardo barked, holding his arm back. “This villain’s mine!”

With a boom, Mardo launched himself halfway across the room. Allisa teleported out of the way as the man’s aim as he threw forwards another sonic blast that shattered the wall behind her.

“Aqua Heart!” Allisa’s sword changed as she skated across the floor avoiding another sonic blast. Using the momentum of the water squirting from the souls of her feet, Allisa launched herself into the air over another sonic blast, twirling in the air as she descended on the large man.

With a grin creeping on his lips, Mardo moved his right arm and fired off a short sonic burst moving him a few feet left. Allisa reacted to the change in position, blocking a lariat that launched her backward, slamming her onto the floor.


Hearing Ion’s voice calling, she looked up to see Mardo covering the distance, charging another attack. Allisa rolled as the man threw his hand downwards unleashing another sonic blast that tore the floor into pieces. Allisa had only gotten back to her feet when she was forced to teleport again, avoiding another sonic blast. Despite the man’s size, he was far nimbler then she had given him credit for.

Reappearing behind the man skidding backward from him, her blade changed into a water whip which she threw forwards wrapping around the man’s leg, intending to topple him. Unfortunately, as she pulled the man used a sonic blast to launch himself towards Allisa, spinning in the air slamming his metal arm on Allisa throwing her to the side of the room.

“Oww…” Allisa groaned as the man charged forth once again, charging up a sonic blast.

“I’ll take your head back to Leo to show him-”

“Azure flame!” Allisa threw out a torrent of flames that struck the incoming man, throwing him backward. He skidded across the ground, with his arm raised.

Allisa teleported, appearing behind the man preparing to unleash her most powerful attack. “Vermilion-”

A bullet suddenly struck her in the thigh. Allisa cried in pain as she turned to see the troopers open fire with their automatic weapons, throwing up a flame wall at the incoming projectiles. “Shit!”

Looking back to Mardo, just in time to see him charge up a sonic blast, registering the attack too late. Allisa was blasted back, slamming into the wall hard enough to make a dent.


“ALLISA!” Ion cried.

“Ion!” Berken had floated towards her. “Come on, let's get outta here!”

“But Allisa’s-”

“Who cares about her! Come on! We won’t get another chance to escape!” Berken pointed to the door. Now that the troopers were converging on Allisa, they could make their escape.

“No!” Ion shook her head. “I-I can’t just abandon Allisa! Not after getting her involved in my troubles!”

“But what can you do to help her?” Berken said frantically. “That’s a lieutenant! And it’s only a matter of time before Leo shows up! This is our only chance to get you outta here! Don’t let her sacrifice go to waste!”

“But…” Ion looked back to Allisa, seeing her struggling to get back to her feet. The troopers were closing in, ready to surround her. “There… There has to be something I can do?”

“Ion, if Leo comes down here you’ll be taken back. You don’t want that, don’t ya!”

“…. N-No. I won’t go back!”


“But I won’t abandon those who’ve risked their lives for me!” Ion said stubbornly.

“But you can’t fight! There’s nothing you can do unless-” Berken cut himself off, seeing the determination flashing in Ion’s eyes. “I-Ion…. You can’t mean?”

“Berken… forgive me,” Ion closed her eyes and put her hands together.



Allisa struggled to her feet, feeling the heaviness of her body. The impact had left her body feeling as though several weights were attached to her. There was a sharp pain in her thigh, making it difficult to stand straight.

“I’m impressed you are still in once piece,” Mardo said, surrounded by his men.

“So much for a fair fight,” Allisa said holding her blade out.

“A student of Leo must never be underestimated!”


Mardo raised a hand to the air. The troopers crouched and took aim.

“Not good,” Allisa gritted her teeth, her sword reverting back to its original form.


“FIRE!!” Mardo threw out his arm, letting out a sonic burst while the troopers all opened fire. Allisa was about to dodge, to teleport out of the way.

But there was no need. As Allisa blinked, she saw all the attacks coming towards her as though they were in slow motion. Allisa moved forwards, ducking under the sonic blast, skirting in and out of the incoming bullets and energy shots. Time began to pick up as she reached one of the troopers, throwing his gun and raising his arms in panic as Allisa struck the man down, moving forwards as Mardo’s sonic blast struck the wall as time returned to normal.

“Wh-What?!” Everyone turned back to Allisa, finding she was standing at their rear. “H-How did you-?!”

Even Allisa didn’t understand it. Even more, she felt… light. The heaviness that had struck her body was gone, even the pain from her thigh was gone. “Wh-What…?” Looking down at herself, she saw something peculiar. Strange glyphs were hovering just above her chest, arms, forehead and her sword, letting out a golden glow of light.

“L-Lieutenant!” One of the troopers pointed.

“I-Impossible!?” Mardo’s jaw dropped.

Allisa followed their line of sight. She saw Ion walking to Allisa’s side letting out a radiant glow. Her eyes were closed, hands pressed together as she sang in the same otherworldly mystical and synthetic voice she had before. At her back were six thin pillars of light arranged as wings on her back.


Ion opened her eyes, her blue ires's now glowing with a strange flowing, almost inhuman fluidity like waves. She looked as though she was in a trance, yet was conscious enough to see the burning glare she directed at Mardo.

“What are you standing around for, spy!” Berken slammed into Allisa’s head.

“Ahh, why’d you-!”

“Ion’s singing her song to help you out! That’s gonna draw pretty much everyone on this ship here!”

“Ion’s…” Allisa looked at herself once again. The glow that was radiating off of the glyphs on her body was the same as what was radiating from her.

“You… how…?” Mardo’s face was awash with disbelief and fury. “Damn you…. DAMN YOU TO THE VOID!!”

Allisa looked back at her foes, taking her stance once again. Questions could wait. Ion’s singing began to pick up as the second round began.

Time slowed again as Allisa charged forwards, weaving in and out of the bullet and energy paths before striking at the troopers taking them by surprise. One fell to a quick slash while the second was dispatched by a quick slash upwards.

Mardo charged in once again, throwing a punch that Allisa managed to block. There was no weight or blowback as the metal hand smashed against her weapon. Allisa teleported away, appearing behind the remaining three troopers as her sword changed to Azure Flame. Golden flames erupted from its surface as Allisa threw the attack at them, blowing all three away.

Enraged at the loss of his men, Mardo launched himself towards Allisa with a sonic burst. Time slowed again. Allisa changed her sword form to Aqua Heart as she ducked under the lariat, slashing the large man as he overshot her.

“Too slow!” Allisa threw out a water whip (her liquid blade shimmering like the sun's rays reflecting in water). Mardo was toppled to the ground easily with one pull. Allisa continued her momentum, throwing Mardo into the air with a torrent of water. Leaping up behind him, she unleashed a flurry of water whip attacks, finishing off by wrapping her water whip around his neck before throwing him away like a pendulum.

Mardo slaked against the ground but righted himself. “F-FOR THE COMMANDER!”

Throwing his arm forwards, several plates began to part, steam erupted from vents as energy began forming in his palm. “Overcharge-”

Allisa suddenly reappeared before him, stabbing Excalibur through his charging palm.


As the light and glyphs began to vanish, Allisa pulled her weapon free, skidding in the ground before turning 180 degrees, swiping her weapon out in a self-made victory pose. Behind her, Mardo held his arm up, panic written all over his face while his arm began to crack with worrying energy and mini-explosions.

“N-no, it can’t-AHHHH!” He screamed as his arm exploded, then fell on the floor defeated.

“I… I did it,” Allisa sighed in relief as her sword vanished. For a minute there, she wasn’t certain she would make it. If not for Ion’s power then-


The sense of victory was suddenly lost when Ion collapsed tool fours breathing heavily.

“Whoa, Ion!” Allisa ran towards the collapsed Ion.

“I-I’m ok….” Ion said. She still sounded out of breath.

“What happened? Did they hurt you? Is it the stasis thing?”

“You happened!” Berken snapped with his volume turned up as loudly as he could. “Her songs take a huge chunk of eather to perform even just the blessing you got! If you took any longer-”

“Berken!” Ion said sternly. “I-I’m fine…” she struggled back to her feet, only to stumble again before Allisa caught and stabilized her.

“I-Ion…” Allisa looked concerned. “Wh-what did you do?”

“Like Berken said, I gave you a blessing.” Ion said with a smile. “Don’t worry. It just takes a bit out of me when I sing songs like that. I just need to find a spot to restore my eather.”

“But Ion-!” Berken tried to protest but was silenced by a quick glare from Ion.

“Allisa, I got you into my affairs. For that, I must take responsibility for it.”

“H-Hey it’s fine, really,” Allisa said. “Seriously, I can take care of myself. I managed to beat those gorillas all on my own, after all,”

“I’m helping and that’s!” Ion pouted. “I’d never forgive myself if I sat aside and did nothing while you risk your life for me.”

From the look in her eye, Allisa could tell there was no changing her mind. Berken also seemed to have relented, letting out a whine before jabbing a finger towards Allisa. “Listen spy! Ion’s songs take a lot outta her so don’t go relying on them! Got it!”

“Y-yeah. I got it.” Allisa nodded. Seeing Ion collapse was enough to tell her she shouldn’t rely on her power. “Just… hold back until I say so, okay.”

Ion smiled and nodded. “I’ll do my best,”

Suddenly, the room shook violently. Ion was almost knocked off her feet before being caught by Allisa. A loud banging echoed throughout the chamber so loud it was almost deafening. Allisa ground her teeth as she steadied herself from the shaking. A klaxon blared.

“What was that?” Allisa asked, having to raise her voice over the klaxon.

“Berken?” Ion asked.

Berken’s ears began to rotate. “The hull’s been breached. The Sovereigns hope’s shields have been disabled.”

“What?!” The news came as more of a shock to Ion. “What could have done that?”

“Can’t say without access to their systems. Must have been pretty big to make it through the hull.” The ship rocked again as another blast rocked the ship. “I’d recommend we evacuate. Protocol dictates Altosk will seek to minimize the damage to the Sovereign’s Hope. We should use the confusion to make our escape.”

“Yeah.” Allisa nodded. She had enough of the ship to last a lifetime. “Ion, let’s go.” She took Ion’s hand as she made her way towards the exit with Berken flying overhead.

Frontier Assault

“Docking procedures complete.” Operator Ricagi announced. “Incoming communication from the control tower.”

“Good. Transmit access codes.” Aralius ordered. Leo was still on the bridge, much to the commander’s cringe. Neither he nor Aralius had much to say to one another and Aralius was perfectly content to pretend he wasn’t present.

“Commander, I’m picking up strange readings from the ship's sanctuary.” An operator said. “I detected a brief eather spike.”

Aralius sat up while Leo walked towards the operator.

“What do you mean?” He asked.

“.... I’m not sure, First Star. There was a powerful spike, like nothing I’ve ever seen. Not even a technomancer has this kind of resonance.” The operator brought up the display, showing the spike. Seeing it, Leo’s brow furrowed.

“That’s no technomancer…” he turned to Aralius who seemed baffled.

“Sargent Ogoru, report! Sargent!” There was no response. Get me a visual!” A monitor flashed by his command chair, showing the Borg squad standing on guard beside the Star Singer. There was nothing out of the ordinary, but…

“Epoch Squad report!” None we’re answering hales.

“I’m going,” Leo announced while taking his leave.”

“Commander,” another operator called. “Energy spike detected.”

“I know! We’re dealing with it!” Aralius snapped.

“No sir, it’s…. it’s coming from outside the ship.” There was panic in the operator’s voice. “RAISE SHIELDS-”


“Fire!” On Ciryn’s order, the four anti-ship lances fired in unison. The concentrated energy struck the underbelly of the ship in several areas. A loud boom echoed as an explosion rocked the ship’s core systems, disabling the shields and life support. A smile keeps on her lips at the sight hearing the cheers of her comrades behind her.

The battle had finally begun.

“Charging lances for another shot!” Came a call on her COMM.

“Good. Target the gravity systems and open a hole in the cargo bay.” She said hopping on one of the transports. “Frontier! Begin the assault! Time to liberate the Star Singer and our homes!”


With one blast of the lances, the entire conduit was caught in a manic grip of pandemonium. The Altosk security forces scrambled, moving to secure the ramparts and mobilizing the drones.

“Alright, there it isn’t!” Warrol grinned as he spooled his chain gun. “GIVE’M HELL! Whahahaha!”

At the top of his lungs, he opened fire on a formation of four Altosk squads moving to a defensive position in response to the attacks. One squad was gunned down before the others returned fire only to be whipped out by the fighters by the fighters.

“Keep up!” Warrol yelled and he changed his targets to another squad that was returning fire, his chain gun blaring.


All around, Altosk’s response was hampered as fire teams took the scattered formations by surprise and in a matter of minutes, the outer perimeter fell.

“Damn it! Get the armor out there!” A bunika Sargent barked as pilots began to flood the vehicle depot, ready to bring their armor to bear on the enemy.

“Yeahhhh, I would go in there if I were you.”

The Sargent along with two troopers stopped and looked up. Just above them was Felicia pressing down on a detonator. As the first tank began to roll out, the depot exploded in a fiery inferno. Everything inside was destroyed in the blast. The pathways became unstable, with a section collapsing along with the depot, dropping both the surviving tank and the poor souls who had yet to enter, falling into the void below.

“Damn you-GHAK!”

Before the troopers and Sargent could respond, Felicia leaped off her perch, drawing out twin energy sub-machine guns, gunning down both troopers before landing on the Sargent. Then she ran as survivors tried to pursue her only to be gunned down by a fire team.

“Thanks for the save,” Felicia winked as the fire team dug into their position, returning fire on a moving walkway that was loaded with Altosk troopers. A borgo fighter stepped forward and fired his rocket launcher at the walkways hover unit, throwing the squads off as it descended, crashing and destroying a walkway below.

“Come on! We got a war to win!” Felicia rallied the fire team as they charged to their next position.


“YHAAAAA!” Warrol roared, standing on a makeshift battlement firing his chain gun, supported by the fighters who had ambushed the outward patrols, now gathered to make a push to the Sovereigns Hope.

Altosk had abandoned their positions along the outer perimeter, setting up defensive lines along the pathways, setting up roadblocks, and gun emplacements. Warrol’s fighters returned fire in a deadly exchange of fire that claimed a handful of fighters while Altosk suffered minimum casualties.

“Shit!” Warrol swore as he ducked behind cover, watching a borgo comrade falling to a hail of energy shots. “Yo Ace! Got trouble on my position!”

“Got ya. Hang tight.”

All of a sudden, one of the gun turrets stopped firing as the gunner was shot through the helmet. The second fell soon after, and five of the troopers hidden behind their defences were all shot from an unknown position, some frantically searching for the shooter.

“COME ONNN!!!” Warrol roared as he charged forwards followed by Frontier fighters. The defenses soon fell, with troopers routing, some shot while they were making their escape.


“Thanks man! I owe ya one!”

“Good, cause I’m keeping a tab,” Ace said over his COMM, pulling on a leaver to slow his weapon to vent. From his position on the inverted spire, he had a birds-eye view of the battlefield with most of the major firefights visible.

“ACE! This is Team 2! They got us pinned down over here!!”

Ace drew his attention over to Felicia’s group’s location. Sure enough, he saw her blind firing over the chasm to a floating platform where Altosk had set up another gun emplacement. It was hovering just above them, which made it difficult to fire back.

“I see it….” Ace took aim. He fired, putting a round through the helmet of the hune gunner. He took it a step further, hitting a bunika about to throw a grenade, the detonation killing two of its comrades.

“Alright! Knock it down!”

A rocket was fired at the carrier, which buckled over and fell down.

“Thanks, Ace! Keep that fire coming!”

With a smirk, Ace moved his sights elsewhere. He spotted another gun emplacement being set up in the path of one of the fire teams. He took out the gunners, throwing the rest of the squad into a panic.

“Team 7, comin’ up on a gunner nest.”

“I see it!”

“This is Team 5. We’re under heavy fire! They got a technomancer with them!”

“Got ya. Hold tight.”


“Here they come! Summon the proxies!”

Altosk eather users and technomancers took the field. The latter summoned their proxies, mechanical beasts that began to pounce and revenge the Frontier fire-teams. Teams 1 and 2 managed to fend them off without little incident, yet Teams 4, 6, and 13 took heavy losses. Yet with assistance from Ace as both spotter and sniper, casualties were kept to a minimum as the element of surprise was still with them.

At the center road, a mass of Altosk eather users, Hune swordsmen and Borgo heavies had converged as Frontier’s convoy barrelled towards them. Three armored vehicles, one with a mounted rail gun. Altosk armored transports to block the road, setting up a defensive line behind the heavies and eather users.

“Blast them!”

Rockets were fired, and to Altosk’s shock, a barrier blocked all rounds.

“There’s a technomancer among them!”

“No… look!” One of the Borgo’s pointed to the lead vehicle. Standing at the top of it was none other than Ciryn, her staff in hand emitting powerful energies. “It’s her! The red devil! Ciryn of Frontier!”

“Charge! Cut off the head of the serpent!”

Ciryn grinned as she saw the Borgo heavies charging, followed by the hune eather users. They were predictable if anything. “Carry on. Focus fire on the defenses. Leave them to me.”

The convoy stopped as the fire teams flanking set out mobile cover and began returning fire at the roadblock. Ciryn casually jumped off the lead vehicle and strolled towards the formation of charging borgos.

As it brought its hammer down, Ciryn gently tapped her staff on the ground. An energy shield emitted, throwing the attack off. Ciryn leaped up, using eather glyphs to leap up above the borgo, kicking off against its head. With her staff crackling with energy, Ciryn fired off a lighting arc that struck two of the charging borgos, landing behind the formation before throwing out an eather spear that penetrated one of the heavies.

With a smirk, Ciryn turned about, parrying an energy sword of one of the hune eather users, letting out a force blast from the tip of her staff launching one over the edge, raising an energy shield to block an eather art from another swordsman before retaliating with an energy blast. She continued her dance, parrying two more strikes before taping her staff on the ground. A glyph opened up beneath the hune’s, electricity erupting from it stunning all caught. As planned, a borgo heavy had charged in, unleashing a mighty swing. Ciryn used eather glyphs to launch herself into the air (allowing the grav-hammer to swat the hapless hune’s.

In the air, Ciryn threw out her staff. Four large glyphs formed around her, unleashing several balls of purple energy that devastated the area below, eliminating all melee fighters below.

“Get her!” A technomancer at the barricade summoned a proxy; a goliath, a large machine that resembled a bipedal beast armed with a massive blade with a buzz saw at the tip. “Don’t think we’ll play it fair when it comes to dealing with a terrorist like you!” The technomancer yelled as the beast prepared to crush Ciryn under the massive buzz saw blade.

“Who said I was playing fair?”

Explosions racked the beast as the rail gun and two rockets hit their mark. Ciryn stepped casually to one side as the blade smashed into the floor grinding the metal below. A tip of green energy formed on the point of her staff, and with a quick jab, it struck the beast in the neck, burrowing through whatever systems and joints that kept it apart, forcing it to phase out.

The troopers were setting up firing positions, ready to gun her down. Yet under the cover of the light emitted from the phase-out, Ciryn twirled her staff before throwing it out, sending a concentrated beam into the center vehicle. It exploded with enough force to knock the others off the edge.

Ciryn adjusted her cap as the convoy began to move once more.

“Lances are fully charged!” Came a call over the COMM.

“Good, target the artificial gravity and open a hole in the cargo bay.” Ciryn instructed as she hopped on the closest vehicle. “This is it. Fireteams, keep the pressure on them! Don’t give Altosk a moment to breathe!”

“Ya heard the lady! Get wild!” Warrol roared over the COMM.

“You’re still running a tab here,” Ace said calmly.

“We get outta this alive, I’ll set you up with some of the strongest stuff from Destiny’s judgment!”

“Ha, now you’re talking!”

“Geez, can’t you two take this seriously for once?” Felicia said.

“I am. That’s why you’re running a tab."

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