《The Goddess’ Chosen》Leo the Gunbreaker


The troopers fanned out as Ion slowly approached, slowly encircling her. They wouldn't dare open fire on her, yet they were cutting off every chance she had to escape. Ion ignored them, as her focus was towards Leo and his lieutenants.

"Damn, she really did show up," Rall said. "Was sure she would make a run for it,"

"Ion knows better than that," Felt said, her four proxy spheres circling her. "Don't you, Ion?"

Ion stopped, glaring at the empty-eyed girl. She was the one who hacked Berken, one of her closest friends. And it brought her face to face with Leo. With the same stoic expression, Leo took two steps forwards. Ion gulped, tightening her grip on her dress.

"Ion!" Leo called out. "We're leaving."

With only a simple statement, a declaration, Leo turned his back, walking towards the Hermit transport.

"..... No."

He stopped, slowly turning towards Ion once more.

"I... I won't." Ion shook her head, looking as determined as she could muster. "I won't go back to Altosk!"

"Do we really have to go through this again, Ion?" Felt said, brushing against one of her proxies. "As I told you, we know all about that little scheme Markus and Bec concocted?"

"Honestly, changing your allegiance? You don't think it would be that easy?" Rall said. "Who would accept a Star Singer who betrayed her home? Think of your mother. Think of that friend of yours. You know what will happen to them if you go through with this."

Ion bit her lip. "I.... I know...." She muttered. "But I...." Taking a deep breath, she fixed the two lieutenants with as much resolve as she could. "I can no longer condone Altosk for their actions! I know what I'm doing will be seen as a betrayal to all of Sora, but if that is what it takes to save my home I would gladly bear the shame of betrayal-"


Ion flinched as Leo silenced her.

"I understand why you are doing this," He said calmly. "But, Markus and Bec have deluded you to think this is the only choice of action open to you. But consider this. You've been under Altosk's yoke for all your life, would your actions lead to change?"

"....." Ion didn't or rather couldn't answer.

"All you will achieve is to sully your name, the name of your predecessor Iola, all Star Singers that will come after you! You may look at me as a villain, you may hate me, scorn me; but all I do, I do not for Altosk, but for the Star Singer!"

Ion could do nothing, say nothing. Any words of protest were robbed from her by her guardian, any argument made vanishing. Two of Felts proxies surrounded her, ready to use its shield if need be.

"We are leaving."

Her feet began to move ever forward, her lips trembling. The most powerful entreaty in all of Sora, and yet this man could render her completely powerless. It was unfair, but she could not protest. She knew he was right.

I'm sorry.... Everyone.


Light returned to her eyes. Ion froze in place. Leo, Felt, and Rall looked to the sky. The troopers all turned their attention upwards. Slowly, Ion turned her head. To the right, something rode along with a small metal sheet, launching into the sky. The sun caught the golden glow sheen of her hair flowing in the wind.

".... Allisa?"


"What the-WHA!" Allisa landed her bike directly on a human trooper at the rear. The bike broke apart on impact as Allisa rolled across the ground.


"Allisa?! Why are you here?!"

Groaning, Allisa saw Ion moments before a shield surrounded her, emanating from two back orbs that surrounded her.

"Ion!" Summoning her sword, Allisa was about to charge forwards but froze as the troopers surrounded her taking aim with their weapons.

"Looks like the ones from the report do have some common sense. Still, I was hoping we wouldn't have to make a mess in front of the Star Singer."

"It was a long shot, eather way."

Two individuals, a man in a helmet, and a girl with empty eyes strolled past the captive Ion. From their appearance, the staff, and the floating orbs, Allisa could tell they were not ordinary rank and file the others appeared to be.

"Wait! Please don't hurt her!" Ion begged, banging against the shield as the two passed. "Allisa! Please run!"

"IOONN!!" Berken suddenly rushed the scene, slamming into one of the brutes charging towards the captive Ion.


"You idiot! Look out!!"

"Don't worry Ion! I'll save you from these Altosk fends-"

The small rabbit was struck by a torrent of energy fired from the man's clockwork staff. "Berken!" Allisa jumped back as the small rabbit landed by her feet smoldering smoke. The attack seemed to have deactivated him as the lights in his eyes had vanished.

"Damn it.... You'll pay for that!" Allisa growled.

"I'd be more worried about yourself then the droid." The empty-eyed girl said flanked by two of the sphere drones. Her partner walked alongside her, the gears grinding on his clockwork staff.

"Stand down! All of you!"

Everyone froze. The final pink-haired man strolled out, passing by the terrified Ion. The two who were converging on Allisa did the same, the girl snorting as they turned their backs. The troopers did the same, easing their weapons before dispersing, walking back towards the main warehouse close to where their ship was located, standing far behind the man.

Allisa could tell he was the man in charge, but she did not drop her guard.

"My name is Leo; First Star of Altosk and the Guardian of the Star Singer." The man greeted.

".... Guardian?"

"In short, I am responsible for the safety of the star singer."

Allisa relaxed her guard slightly but kept her wits about her. "What are you doing to Ion?"

"We are simply here to escort her back to Sora. Nothing more." Leo answered bluntly. "The Star Singer is critical to the survival of our people. If she is gone from Sora it could see the collapse of the very foundations that keeps us safe from what destroyed our homes 3000 years ago. Understand we do not seek to bring harm to her, far from it."

The man looked back to Ion strapped in the barrier, seeing her terrified expression before turning his head away. "You have my thanks for keeping her safe in this unfortunate set of circumstances. For that, I will not bring you or your home harm."

"What about your flunkies attacking the base up north?"

"That is not me. And our objective is the retrieval of the Star Singer. When that is fulfilled they will leave." Leo turned away from Allisa.

"Do you know why she ran from you guys in the first place?!" Allisa yelled at the top of her lungs. "Ion told me everything! About how she has to sit by while you bastards do whatever you want while hiding behind her! You really think I'm just gonna stand here while you take her away?"


Leo stopped, looking over his shoulder. His eyes narrowed, reflecting an unwavering resolve. Allisa did not back down, glaring defiantly despite the intimidating aura the man was giving off.

"..... What is your name?" He finally asked.

".... Allisa. Allisa Reed,"

Leo ever so slowly turned around. "So, Allisa Reed, let me ask you; what do our affairs matter to you?"

"Wha-?" Allisa was taken off guard. "Wh-Well.... Uh...."

"I will not deny, nor will I make excuses for Altosk's actions. That, however, is our business alone. It is a matter for Sora to judge us for our actions. But I ask again; what do our affairs matter to an outsider like you?"

Allisa could not answer.

"For your own sake, walk away. Pretend you never saw us and live the rest of your life." Leo said with a menacing tone. "If not.... Then you will suffer the consequences."

"ALLISA!!" Ion shouted banging against the shield, "Please.... Please just go..." Despite the tears rolling down her cheeks, she forced through a smile, "I'll be fine, really. Altosk won't hurt me at all."

"Ion...." Allisa stared back. Her grip tightened on the hilt of Excalibur as she saw the pleading hopelessness in Ion's eyes.

"I'm sorry... after everything you've done. But please... please don't risk your life for someone like me..."

Allisa looked back to Leo, to the troopers surrounding her, to the two subordinates that stood close to Ion. The odds were against her, in a battle that she knew had nothing to do with her. Yet for Allisa, there was only one thing on her mind, and it was staring at her through tear-soaked eyes. And so Allisa took in a deep breath, let her body go loose and with her head held high walked forwards.

Despair washed over Ion, her forced smile vanishing. Biting her lip she started banging on the shield again. "Leo, please! P-Please.... d-don't...." As a glow emitted from within the Shield, Ion's eyes began to close before collapsing on the ground in a deep slumber.

"She doesn't need to see this," The empty eyes girl said.

"She's got guts if nothing else," The masked man said, folding his arms. "I almost feel sorry for her."

Allisa stopped short of Leo, fixing him with a sharp and determined glare. Her sword felt heavy as she brought it upwards, taking her battle stance.

"..... As you wish," Leo threw out his right hand before plunging it into a blue cybernetic hologram that suddenly appeared inches from the left side of his face, his hand practically disappearing. It then emerged, this time dragging out a large revolver weapon, the bulky cylinder attached to a long and bazaar grip that curved downwards in an ark. Leo's eyes snapped open as he wrenched the weapon free from the limbo it came from, showing off the long silver-edged blade attached to it, the gun barrel rolling across the backbone of the blade. Allisa stood in guard, never having seen a weapon as that in all her experience so far, a weapon that looked like the melding of a gun and a sword.

"On your guard, Allisa Reed!" Leo bellowed, swiping the air twice, the sword practically singing in his hands before he let it rest at his side, moving his weight to his left foot as he stood combat-ready. He took aim at Allisa and pulled the trigger on the hilt of his sword.

Allisa blinked as a red projectile was launched towards her, exploding a few feet behind her. Skidding to a halt, Allisa charged forwards swinging her blade overhead. Leo parried her strike with a quick whip of his hand, repositioning himself so both were facing back to back. Allisa turned, swinging her sword only for Leo to parry the resulting strikes effortlessly, retreating several feet away crouching on the ground and pulling the trigger. Allisa was hit by some form of projectile, which exploded when it hit her, fortunately causing minimum damage but knocking her off balance, barrel rolling across the ground before getting back to her feet.

Her opponent stood back at ease, the gun cylinder twirling. Allisa regained her stance as flames erupted from her blade. "Azure flame!"

Her sword changed its shape as Allisa charged in again, swinging her super-heated blade at her opponent in a flurry of attacks. Leo blocked and parried each strike effortlessly with only his sword hand and footwork as sparks flew from the clashing metal. Allisa tried to take him by surprise, teleporting into his blind spot coalescing flames on her blade.

Leo turned sharply as his fingers pulled the trigger, his blade radiating a crimson hue. Spotting this, Allisa jumped back as Leo swiped his blade, creating an orange wave that exploded, knocking Allisa backward a few feet. Leo turned on the spot, taking aim with his sword as the cylinder wheeled clockwise. Allisa teleported right as Leo pulled the trigger, narrowly avoiding another shot, gathering flames across the surface of her black blade.

"Vermillion Strike!" Allisa swung her blade horizontally, letting loose a torrent of flames at her opponent.

Standing at the ready, Leo pivoted as the cylinder changed position. With his blade embedded in the earth, Leo wrenched it upwards pulling the trigger. Allisa's flames were cut in half as the blade was swung upwards followed by a burst of energy.

Leo gave Allisa no respite, aiming his blade behind him as the cylinder whirled. Pulling the trigger, Leo was sent flying towards Allisa. Startled, Allisa only just parried his incoming attack before teleporting away. Unfortunately, Leo was not finished, resting on his knee before firing, knocking Allisa backward.

"Aw... damn it....!" Allisa struggled on as Leo strolled towards her, the cylinder in his sword twirling once again, approaching her before raising his blade high in the air.

"Pathetic," He said, positioning his fingers over the hilt's trigger. "Don't go picking fights you cannot win, child."

The second he pulled the trigger he swung down. Dust plumed around them, settling to show Leo looking shocked.


Allisa rose up to her feet. Excalibur's silver-edged blade grinding against the glowing blue of Leo's weapon, sparks flying from the surface of impact. With both hands pushing, Allisa glared at her opponent. "I'm... Not finished yet!"

Leo leaped back, dropping to one knee as he opened fire. Allisa dodged two shots, bringing her sword close to her, the blade transforming into Aqua heart, keeping her eye on the swords cylinder as it moved again.

When it spins, his attacks change. She thought.

With his weapon behind him, Leo pulled his trigger, launching him towards Allisa once more. This time, Allisa held her ground, quickly parrying the strike with Aqua heart. Water squirt from the souls of her shoes, quickly turning on the spot. Leo brought his weapon forward narrowly blocking the strike before following up. On impact, Allisa intentionally skidded back, gliding across the ground as water emitted from her feet. She spun twice, bringing her sword to her shoulder as the blade molded into liquid, spinning in a cone. "Aqua burst!"

For the first time in the battle, Leo was taken off guard. The jet of water fired from Allisa's weapon struck him in the chest, launching him off his feet flying backward. However, he was far from out. The cylinder in his weapon twirled as his sword glowed white. Leo twirled in the air, swiping twice sending two projectiles towards Allisa, landing on the ground as they impacted the ground.


Allisa appeared directly behind the man, her sword a blazing inferno. Leo only just turned his head, realizing the position he was in. "STRIIKEE!!"


The force of the flames was so strong, the two bunika troopers were blown off their feet. Dust and smoke were thrown into the atmosphere, shielding both combatants from view.

"First Star!" One of the hune troopers bellowed, preparing to run forwards before stopped by Rall, simply blocking his advance with his staff.

"Guess you haven't been with us long, huh?" He said to the trooper before lowering his weapon. "So, when he switches, how long do you think the girl will last?"

Felt hummed. "..... I'd say-"


Allisa caught her breath as the smoke finally began to clear. "Did I... Did I do it?"

She got her answer momentarily. Leo was several feet away, having been pushed back by the flames. He was crouched while holding his sword inverted, clearly having withstood the full force of Allisa's attack.

"You're better than I thought," He said, as the cylinder began to spin, emitting a bright light, "Second barrel," The cylinder stopped as the weapon began to change color from steel silver to a mixture of blue and gold. "No matter," He stood back up, aiming his weapon behind him.

Allisa put her guard up as he pulled the trigger-


Time seemed to slow to a crawl. Allisa only blinked at the crack of the gunshot that launched Leo to her right side.


Her eyes widened in horror, turning her head ever so slowly to Leo. The man simply glared back, the cylinder in his sword moving once more, as an orange hue radiated from the blue blade.


A mighty explosion erupted. Allisa was sent flying from the epicenter, her body bouncing across the ground before slamming back first into a metal silo. The air in her lungs was forced out of her as she bounced, falling to the floor in a smoldering heap. Her body felt heavy, all the strength she had simply evaporated. Yet Allisa tried to force herself up, her grip on her weapon tightening as her arms trembled.

Leo relaxed his stance, his weapon disappearing in a strange digital light. "Felt!" He called out just as Allisa's strength gave out. Whatever he said next sounded muffled. Her vision began to fade as the heaviness of her body was replaced by pain. "N-No...." Allisa growled as she tried to stand up again. "N-Not like this...."

A black sphere suddenly floated into her field of view emitting a bright light. I-Ion...." Her eyes grew heavy as her strength began to fade. "E-Everyone...." She reached out, towards Leo as he turned his back, a large brute coming into her diminishing field of view before her strength finally gave out.


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