《The Goddess’ Chosen》Attack on the Black ops base


Little Wood had many public walkways, some of which were often unused and overgrown and even blended into one another, and some that did not appear on the town's official maps lost in nature and time. Mirage, however, had memorized almost every pathway and had taken upon herself to scout out different routes to the Black ops base in the event that the hunters would have to infiltrate the base.

The scouting had paid off as Mirage lead the party from the mall to the base. The route had its difficulties due to Markus's body standing out like a sore thumb due to his metal frame. Even blanketing him in bedsheets still drew a lot of unnecessary attention due to his massive build.

Sticking to the backstreets as much as possible, Mirage managed to lead them into the woods where they could dump the bed sheets and proceeded without fear of being spotted by people in the town.

"Ok, wait!" Mirage stopped them as they reached the highway where a military checkpoint was set up.

"So what? Do we charge in and knock them out?" Max suggested.

"If we are, you're staying put," Cliff snapped.

"That's weird... there usually should be someone standing on guard," Mirage said moving in first. "Wait here." She crouched to the checkpoint before standing and waiving the party.

When they got there, they saw all the soldiers were laying on the ground or slumped on the desk.

"Are they dead?" Sasha asked, cautiously poking one of them.

"No, just unconscious," Mirage said, picking up a pair of binoculars. "Someone must have knocked them out,"

"It's probably Nel," Yuki said pushing one with his foot. "This looks like her handy work when she holds back."

"Uh... guys," Melvin suddenly called. When everyone turned to look at him they were drawn to the edge of the railing of the highway like moths to a flame, mouths agape.

"Oh... that is not good." Cliff ended up saying.

The Black ops base was in flames. Smoke rose as bursts of gunfire could be heard with the occasional explosions erupting every now and then as eight large flying aircraft circled around the battlefield.

"I was praying they would not resort to such heavy-handed methods...." Markus grumbled.

"You mean these are those Altosk guys?" Rodger asked, pointing at the flying aircraft.

"Hermit transports. A popular vehicle used by Altosks Military as a mobile troop transport due to its heavy armored plating. It seems Aralius is the one leading the Star Singer reclamation force."

"Aralius?" Cliff asked.

"Altosk's supreme military commander who's not afraid to use aggressive tactics to achieve Altosk's agenda. It would not surprise me if they were to move onto the town proper."

"Oh no," Sasha gasped. Mirage gripped her shoulders in support nodding at her.

"We won't let that happen," she said to her reassuringly.

"Right, what are we waiting for?!" Max declared leaping off the highway.

"Don't think you're getting all the fun," Yuki snorted, leaping off after the Salamander.

"Hey! The co-boss goes first, you know!" Rodger said climbing on the rail, "Let's GOOO!!!" before jumping off.

"Uh-! Wait you can't-!" Mirage called out in vain while Cliff and Melvin let out a deep exasperated sigh. "I guess this is normal for you guys?"

"Pretty much," Both Cliff and Melvin nodded while Cerberus let out a small bark.

"Myow? Somethings coming this way?" Meracle suddenly said pointing to the sky. Above them were three black dots floating towards them.


"Oh no." Markus's eyes widened. "TAKE COVER!"

Bursts of light emitted from the dots, racking the ground with bullet holes as the attackers strafed the party. Meracle hissed as she leaped out of the way. Cliff and Melvin hit the ground while Mirage leaped over Sasha to protect her. Markus raised one of his metal hands, creating a glowing blue shield that absorbed the bullet run.

"Nya, what was that?!" Meracle said poking her head from the car she took cover behind.

"Attack drones!" Markus answered, keeping his eyes on the cone-shaped aircraft that circled around for another strafing run. Melvin fired off a fireball spell, catching one as the other two unleashed another strafing run, only for it to be absorbed by a shield emitted by Markus. The drones zoomed low, passing by the shield towards the checkpoint. Before reaching it, Meracle pounced from her hiding place, somersaulting backward while kicking one to the ground, destroying it as it shattered against the hard concrete.

"Nice one Mary!" Cliff called out. "Just one more!"

"Got it," Melvin said throwing out another fireball as the drone banked, scraping it on the left side causing it to lose altitude as it descended towards the group before being swatted aside by a roundhouse kick from Mirage, sending it smashing against the railing and falling over into the woods below.

"I take it they have more of these?" Mirage asked Markus.

"In all likelihood." Markus nodded as he flexed his right hand. "In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they brought other combat drones or even war frames."

"War frames....?" Melvin said, looking pale.

"Large machines that have been purpose-built for combat."

"I had to ask..."

"Looks like we're in for a rough ride," Cliff said as Meracle rejoined them. "We'll have to be cautious when we're down there."

"It is those three that ran ahead that concerns me. I neglected to inform them of the possible dangers they will inevitably face." Markus said grimly.

"Aw, don't worry about them. Those idiots would charge even if they did know what was coming," Melvin said narrowing his eyes.

"If anything, this works to our advantage," Cliff said looking over the base. "While those idiots draw the enemies' attention we can slip in and rendezvous with Nel. Hopefully, she would have found those pilots."



"Sasha, stay by my side no matter what. Understand."

"Uh, yes."

While the party prepared to leap down to make their dash to the base, Markus brought up a holo screen. "My weapon systems are not fully restored." He said grimly. "I apologize, but you will have to begin without me for the time being. I need a bit more time to recover my weapon systems."

"Alright," Cliff nodded, banging his fist against Markus's torso. "Let's go!"

"I will join you as soon as my primary weapons have been fully restored!" Markus shouted as the party leaped down from the highway.


Max landed on the ground first, charging through the woods in the general direction of the base, followed by Yuki and Rodger landing behind them. Max was the first to leave the undergrowth onto the road, skidding as he spotted three blue armored soldiers standing in his way, along with a massive armored gorilla standing behind them.

"Hostile sighted!"

"WHA-!" Max ducked and leaped as the brute fired from its weapon, a large gun that fired single shots that detonated against the pavement. Max bounced around, dodging nine rounds before taking one in the gut. He was pushed back before righting himself, catching the ground with his hands, shooting a grin at the bewildered troopers.


"H-He took that!"

Growling, Max began to charge forwards as the other soldiers opened fire, bullets peppering his skin.

"What the hell is this guy?!"

"I'm still reloading!"

When he got close enough, Max burst out flames from his feet, lunging over the three stunned soldiers, turning in the air descending on the large gorilla as it tried to bring its weapon to bear. His feet slammed into the brute's helmet, cracking the visor and knocking the creature down. The helmet flew off, showing off the gruff face hidden underneath resembling an ape.

Max hit the ground, turning as the brute rose to its feet, wiping the blood leaking from its large nostrils. "He's an Eather user!" It bellowed as he began opening fire, the large rile fun strafing the ground with each shot. "Pin him down!"

The soldiers behind him backed up as they unloaded their guns in Max's direction. A rock spike suddenly shot up from the ground hitting the man at the rear, flinging him across into the woods.

"What the-!"

Yuki burst from the bushes, charging the pacing soldiers. One opened blind fire, letting out ten rounds before his gun clicked. "Shit!"

Yuki skidded to a halt by the man's left side, holding his blade over his exposed chest before passing by, cutting the man down. The final solider failed to reload his gun, quickly ejecting his empty magazine.

"Up here!"


As the soldier looked up, Rodger was descending on him, gathering stones to grow his hammer before slamming the man down into the earth.

"Why you-" The brute turned to fire a shot at Yuki who ducked as the round burst the ground. With a roar, the brute turned sharply towards the charging Max, raising its large weapon intending to bludgeon Max with the butt. Max slammed a flaming fist into its belly, cracking the armor before retreating as the weapon slammed into the ground. The brute heaved the weapon from the ground, taking another swing at Max. With his fists faired, Max ducked under the swing and punched into the armor, breaking through it in a burst. The brute staggered back, dropping its gun, holding the smoldering hole in its chest before collapsing to one knee. Max finished it off with an uppercut to the jaw, hitting hard enough to knock out a few of its teeth before it collapsed to the ground.

"By the Eikons!"

"Open fire!"

Max's celebration was short-lived as he was peppered with more bullets fired from two small creatures with bunny ears pertaining from their helmets firing automatic weapons. Standing at the center was another giant brute, holding a large hand over his helmet. "Be advised, we have eather users converging on our position!"

Max ducked into the undergrowth as the small creatures fired, bellowing a flame roar towards the formation. The small creatures hopped out of the way while the gorilla drew out a large cleaver on its back which lowered an ephemeral blue, swatting the flame aside.

"You two fall back! Request air support!" The brute barked, drawing out a second cleaver from its back. The small bunny creatures nodded before holstering their guns. Yuki and Rodger tried to peruse but were stopped when the brute smashed a cleaver to the ground, sending a blue shockwave tearing through the asphalt, dodging as the energy passed them by.

"You're the one from the report, the ones who kidnapped the Star Singer!" The brute bellowed/

"Star Singer? Oh, you mean Ion?!" Rodger crocked his head.

"And if we said we didn't?" Yuki smirked.

The brute slammed its blades to the ground, lowering its posture before letting out a loud warcry. Max rocketed out of the woods, throwing a punch towards the brute, who in turn blocked the blow with the flat of its right blade, swatting the salamander aside. Yuki charged, delivering two slashes to the blue armor before jumping back, raising his blade as it clashed against an overhead strike from the brute, pushing him back from the impact.

"Take this!" Rodger slammed his hammer to the ground, raising parts of the road into the air before launching them at the brute. It took two hits before bringing its blades together to block the remaining salvo. At its back, Max lunged into the air, coalescing the flames into his hands into a fireball and throwing it at the creature. With no time to react, the brute was struck by the fireball which blasted apart fragments of its armor, staggering it.

With it now open, Yuki charged in again. The brute heaved one of its cleavers and swung it at Yuki, who blocked and parried it, sending it passing overhead, catching the brute off balance before stabbing it in the exposed holes in its back. The creature howled in pain, trying to swat Yuki aside as he withdrew his blade, ducking under the flailing blade before slicing the creature's neck, pivoting 180 degrees and swiping his blade out as the brute collapsed to the ground.

"Looks like they mean business," Yuki said as Max and Rodger approached him.

"Geez, are these those Altosk guys? They sure have some crazy weapons," Rodger said looking at the fallen brute. "And what was he talkin' about?"

"Yeah, something about kidnaping Ion? What the hell!" Max said, folding his arms.

"Probably just their justification for all this shit. If so, these guys must be pretty low in the food chain." Yuki pondered turning his back to the other two, resting his katana on his shoulder. "Either way, it's clear these guys aren't just typical thugs. Bet you they came out in force for this,"

"Good," Max said, punching his palm with a grin. "Means I won't have'ta look for them too hard."

"Ha, for once we're on the same page, pyro," Yuki said with a grin.

"Alright! Let's kick these guys back to whatever world they came from!" Rodger said leaping into the air.


Between the woods and the base was a wide-open stretch of land that would leave any attacker exposed. Only now the same environment was littered with debris from parts blown from the base to destroyed trucks and armored carriers. The base was in sight of the three, running across the open ground to the ruins of the base.

Strong winds blasted them as one of the dropships converged on their location, hovering low to the ground. The side doors opened with blue more solid peering at the side- human, gorilla, and the small bunny creatures- one bringing a mounted gun to bear on the three.

"Shit! Rodger!"

"Right!" Rodger slammed his hand to the ground, creating a curved wall that absorbed the rounds of white energy fired at them.

"Either user in sight!" From the base a number of soldiers exited, flanked by three brutes armed with war hammers and shields, supported by a squad of human soldiers. "They must be the ones who kidnapped the star singer! Show no mercy!"

"Tch, looks like they're rolling out the welcome wagon," Yuki said, hunkering down behind the wall. "Looks like we're fighting through them after all!"

"I'll take care of the big guys!" Max said charging out from behind the wall, raising his arms as the soldiers opened fire on him.

The dropship had descended completely, letting out three human soldiers armed with batons that burst with energy and one bunny creature with a pole, before ascending upwards again with the door still open.

"Alright! Hit it!"

The bunny raised the pole. The tip began to glow as a hologrammatic circle began to glow, shooting out a fireball that impacted the wall, blasting it apart, obscuring it in smoke. The soldiers with batons approached carefully, inching closer with weapons at the ready. Yuki suddenly burst from the smoke, bringing his blade down on one of the nearest man, rending his armor with the blow.

"Shit! He's still alive!"

Yuki kicked the soldier aside, parrying the second before cutting him down.

"H-Hey! Little help!"

"O-Oh it!" The bunny raised his staff again.

"On no ya don't!" A stone fist erupted from the ground, knocking the bunny off his feet before slamming down on it, leaving the final soldier at the mercy of Yuki.

Max meanwhile leaped off the ground, dropkicking one of the shielded brutes, blasting flames from his feet as he made contact. The resulting blast pushed the brute several paces back. The creature grunted beneath its visor, bashing its shield before letting out a loud roar.

The other two charged towards Max, who jumped back as a hammer was swung overhead, hitting the ground while emitting a short shockwave. Landing on the ground, Max burst flames from his feet, launching himself upwards over the brute as it swung, kicking it in the back of the neck, throwing himself towards the final brute as it swung, clinging to its wrist before kicking the monster in the chest. The armor fractured from his superhuman strength, loosening its grip on its weapon. Max immediately disarmed the brute, landing on the ground with the hammer which was the same height as he was. With a roar, Max swirled the hammer behind him towards another shield brute, striking its shield.

"Wha-!" Max was quickly staggered as a force was emitted from the hammer as the brute was forced away leaving groves in the earth as it tried to keep its balance. "The hell was that?"

Max examined the hammer's head, which was a cylinder with several holes embedded with what looked like a pink orb. His concentration was interrupted when the unarmored brute charged to ram him with its shield. Max dodged by bursting flames from his feet, landing several feet away (Almost losing his footing due to the hammer he was carrying). In the corner of his eye, he spotted the human squad, one firing a rocket at him. Max fastened his feet into the earth, readying the hammer as though it was a baseball bat, hitting the incoming rocket. The same force was emmeted from it which blasted the rocket away into one of the brutes. Taking it by surprise, the rocket struck it in the chest.

"You bastard!" One of the remaining brutes charged Max from behind, swinging its hammer overhead. Max dodged the blow, lunging the hammer upwards, smashing the brute's helmet, then while it was staggered, swung overhead, hitting the brutes head and forcing it into the ground. The impact shattered the helmet in the process. The force was emitted again, yet was directed downwards onto the brute, incapacitating it.

The final brute took a step backward, discarding its shield. Max turned to it, seeing it slamming its fists into the ground before letting out a roar, charging at Max like a beast. With a grin, Max readied the hammer, ready to swing it, but was interrupted when the brute leaped into the air, rocketing towards Max before landing on top of him, knocking the hammer out of his hands in the process before slamming both fists down on Max like a feral ape.

Even with his hardened skin, Max felt each blow as he was pushed into the earth before being picked up by one hand, throwing him halfway across the battlefield into one of the wrecked trucks.


Max rolled away from the wreckage in time to see the human soldiers racing in front of the brute, the rocket trooper taking aim. With a grin, Max charged forwards as the rocket troop pulled the trigger, letting loose a rocket. Undeterred, Max ran towards the incoming projectile, dodging at the last second. He skidded to a halt, turning counterclockwise as the rocket struck the truck, letting out a flame roar towards the troopers.

Taken by surprise, the humans were blasted away as the brute skidded across the ground having defended himself, its front breastplate now cracked from the impact of the flames.

"Just you and me," Max launched himself into the air, flaring up his right fist. "YOU DAMN MONKEY!" His fist struck the brute in its visor, shattering the black surface as is fist drilled into the now unarmored face, landing in a role as the brute collapsed in the ground.

"Whew... these guys are tough..."

Max's moment of calm was interrupted by a shot to the head, only being blocked by his dragon traits. Growling, Max looked up to the dropship that was circling around. The brute within could be seen with a large rifle in its hands.

"Shit!" Max began to run as the gunship began to turn with the minigun firing, peppering the ground behind him.

Meanwhile further back, Rodger and Yuki were caught in the midst of more squads converging on their position. Free of the dropship's attention, both of them counter-attacked. Yuki charged towards the cost squad fo troopers, using his blade to deflect several of the incoming bullets before leaping off the ground into the formation, cutting each and everyone down before blocking an incoming strike from a cleaver-wielding brute, parring one blow before stabbing it in the chest in the gaps between the plates.

Rodger used his earth mold, creating stone walls to absorb incoming shots while launching both rocks and created fists and spikes at a formation of three brutes armed with large guns. He knocked out two of the three. The final brute caught itself from the large rock that was hurled at it, roaring with rage before resuming firing. Rodger created a wall, embuing it with mana as the large rounds peppered against it, blasting several chunks as it charged forwards.

Rodger ducked out from behind his cover, whacking his hammer into the ground, creating a stone spike that slammed into the brutes, knocking the weapon out of its hand. With his opponent disarmed, Rodger ran up the spike, gathering rocks to his hammer, growing it several sizes before leaping off the edge and slamming it into his opponent.

The rocks around the weapon shattered as the brute collapsed to the ground. Rodger caught them with his levitation magic and hurled them at an incoming squad of human and bunny troopers, one armed with a staff. The staff wielder was about to launch an attack when Yuki suddenly appeared, hitting the squad from the flank, cutting down the human first in a wide swing before turning on the others who scrambled after the formation was broken.

"Hey! It's coming back!" Rodger suddenly called out. The dropship was hovering a few feet away in low orbit, its attention was fixed on the Max who weaved between the debris.

Yuki spied it passing close by, spying the engines located at the rear of the craft. "Hey! Boost me up there!"

"Uh... what ya gonna do?" Rodger asked, looking between him and Yuki.

"Ain't it obvious," Yuki responded with a wide grin. "I'm gonna clip its wings,"

".... Alright. Best'a luck!"

Yuki ran forwards towards the craft. Rodger slammed his hand into the ground, using his magic to create a tilted pillar on Yuki's feet. The swordsman has launched a short distance into the air, coming at the crafts left flank close to one of its rear engines, holding his blade overhead.

Reijingu Mizu Stance 6: Taki!

Yuki swung his blade downwards, forward flipping once before landing on his feet on the ground, standing up straight before swiping his blade outwards. A small explosion occurred in the engine, and the craft found itself pulling left. The occupants could be seen bracing themselves at the unexpected loss of control. The brute ended up dropping its weapon as it clung to the rail as the craft struggled to maintain altitude.

"Hey Pyro! Care to finish it off!"

"Even have to ask Sword bastard," Max leaped on top of a destroyed APC, taking in a deep breath before letting out a fire roar, hitting the craft's front starboard side. An explosion followed as the craft began to spin out of control, trailing smoke from two sources before slamming into the base walls.

"Shit! Retreat! Pull back!" The remaining soldiers began to run back into the base, with the three hostiles charging in hot pursuit.


"Jarino 5 is down! I repeat, Jarino 5 is down!" The Borgo operative barked, typing away at the hologrammatic keyboard within the command Hermit. "Lieutenant! Squad 4 and 5 report heavy casualties!"

"What took them out?" A high-pitched voice said from behind the optative.

"Three combatants. Hune, one armed with a sword and two eather users." An image came up on the monitor, showing the ones responsible for taking out the force in charge of securing the bases southern perimeter. "The Squads are falling back into the base propper to rejoin with squads 6 and 1 for back up."

"They must be the ones from Xeno's report. The ones who repelled the enforcers," A deep gravelly voice spoke.

"Looks like they took the bait. But only three...."

"Is there anything from the recon drones?"

"Uh... yes sir." The operative nodded. "Three drones were taken down on the southern perimeter at the same time as Squad 4 encountered the hostiles."

"That means the others should be close by." The high pitched figure said.

"Send a message to the Sovereigns Hope! Prepare the prototype war frames for deployment! Order the sargents within the perimeter to dig in and prepare for extraction! Have the North force continue the pressure on this world's military! They must hold out before the war frames arrive!"

"Yes sir." The operative nodded as loud footsteps could be heard behind him.

"Pilot! Prepare to take us down! We'll handle the Star Singers captures personally!"


"Alright. Looks like they've got the enemy's attention." Cliff barked as he and the rest of the party charged through the open field towards the Black Ops base. They skirted around the debris of the battle aiming for the crashed dropship they saw taken down moments prior. Max, Yuki, and Rodger had run in pursuit of the fleeing enemies which gave them the opening they needed to slip in and rendezvous with Nel.

"Ok," Cliff took point after crawling over the crashed ship. "Nel must be in the center of the base. That's where the control center is."

"Nyew... I'm hearing a lot of fighting nearby." Meracle said hopping down to Cliff's side. Melvin followed, carefully minding his step as he crawled over the wreckage with Cerberus, Mirage, and Sasha bringing up the rear.

"I think that's the direction those three ran off too," Mirage said as she helped Sasha down from the craft. "From the sounds of it they've drawn most of the enemy towards them."

"I doubt all of them," Melvin said grimly. He nodded at Cerberus who seemed agitated, barking to their north-west. "It's probably a few sentries or more of those drones to keep their flanks secure."

"Most likely," Cliff said cracking his knuckles before turning to his companions. "Remember, we're fighting completely unknown forces. Be ready for anything."

"Right!" Everyone nodded.


The cell shook with enough force to roll Larek off his cot, hitting the solid metal floor face first. Groaning he got on all fours rubbing his nose. "Geez, that's one rough wake up Otto."

"Uh... that wasn't me." Otto was sitting on his own cot on the adjacent wall, "Sounded like something happened up there."

"Whatever it is, these guys have no sympathy from me," Larek grunted as he returned to his cot, laying on his back. "How the hell did things end up like this....?"

"I'm still struggling to believe it myself," Otto was sitting at the side of his cot looking towards the ballistic glass doors that made up their cell. After being teleported away from the Yasliee, both Larek and Otto had a run-in with the hune soldiers with black clothes armed with kinetic weapons, then bought at gunpoint to their base. After a brief interrogation they were locked up in the cell they were in now. At first, they thought they were terrorists or a group of the underground, but when they saw the sky they realized that they were no longer in Sora. They were in another world, and with no way back.

"I hope Markus made it out. Or the Star Singer at least."

"Aw, they'll be fine. It's us I'm worried about." Larek said dismissively. "How in the void did we get talked into this crap. 'Nice easy job. Just get the Star Singer to Marina, no problem for skilled pilots like yourself.' If I ever see that bastard again I'm gonna feed him to the Ravengers!"

"What do you think they'll do to us?" Otto said, coiling his small legs closer to his chest. "They acted like they'd never seen another Bunika before. Y-You don't think they'll do something to me?"

"Who knows. I just hope Markus shows up to spring us out."

"But he might not even know we're here. And even if he does find us... I doubt the Yasliee would take us back to Sora after the damage it resaved from the Void."

"You're a real pessimist, you know that."

"I'm being a realist. Like, if we can't get the Star Singer back to Sora.... What's gonna happen to it?"

Larek finally sat up, letting out a deep sigh. ".... W-We'll work something out. Come on. We've been through worse shit than this. All we gotta do is-" The cell shook once again. The tremor only lasted a few seconds before subsiding, yet was followed by a loud crescendo of banging and rattling that continued on. "Geez, are they throwing a party or something!"

With a loud groan, Larek jumped off the cot, moving towards the glass. "Hey! What's going on up there? Hello! Anyone?!"

".... It... It sounds like a battle up there."

"Hey! Anyone there?!" The noise grew louder, and most alarmingly, closer, enough for both pilots to identify them as gunshots that were echoing through the metal hallways. ".... Friend or foe?"

"Could it be Markus?" Otto said moving off the cot, cautiously approaching Larek.

"Hey! Is there anyone there?!"

A door was then slammed open. Two soldiers ran towards the cell aiming their weapons at the two pilots.

"Whoa, hey!" Larek exclaimed, backing away from the glass. "Just wanna know what's going on! That's all!"

The soldier closest looked to his partner and nodded. The man in turn tapped the control console, opening the door to the Cell. "Back up! On the ground!"

"Okay! Okay...." Larek and Otto did as instructed to kneel on the ground with their hands behind their heads. "J-Just take it easy okay..." The soldier didn't relax his guard, keeping his gun pointed at the pilots while the other tapped on a black box attached to his vest.

"Prisoners secured..... I repeat. Prisoners are secured..... shit, anyone on this frequency responds!"

"I-Is something wrong?" Otto asked.

"Don't move!"

"Captain Brice! This is-" Something suddenly struck the man in the neck. The man struggled before collapsing to the ground.

"Wha-!" The final soldier was struck by something similar, collapsing to his knees as he clutched his neck before falling forwards. Blood pooled around both men.

Larek and Otto had backed away from the open cell door, unsure of what had happened, unsure if they were saved by their captors or not. Larek mustered the courage to take one step forwards and open his mouth. "Hello.... Markus?"

Their savior slowly came to view around the corner, his image immediately dashing all hopes of rescue, even survival. A hune, clad in black armor with silver plates in his for arm and wrist, face concealed by a visor showing no traces of what his face could look like, a black single-edged blade clenched in his metallic hands.

"L-L-Larek...." Otto's tiny legs gave way.

"You.... You're Xeno...." Larek gasped. While never officially acknowledged, everyone in Ter'figma had heard of the cyborg assassin Xeno. Every suspicious death, every high profile 'accident' of Altosk's political enemies, most of these acts were said to be caused by a cyborg Hune clad in black armor.

Xeno didn't move a single artificial muscle. His eyes were not visible but both Larek and Otto could feel a cold, unfeeling gaze wash over them. "The Star Singer," He finally spoke. "where is she?"

Larek swallowed. "I donno.... and even if I did I wouldn't tell you."

Xeno raised his sword arm, holding it out horizontally. "My orders are to bring the Star Singer back alive. They say nothing about you two."


Nel rounded the corner her commandeered weapon at full auto. The black-armored man spun on his heel counter-clockwise, deflecting each bullet with his black blade, and in the same movement threw something from his left hand. With her piercer eyes activated, Nel leaped, curving her bodies as two shurikens passed over her belly and back. She retaliated by throwing the rifle at her assailant, who cut it in half with a vertical arc.

With the distance closed, Nel pounced like a cougar, kicking against the wall before descending on the man with her short blade. The two blades clashed, with the black blade cutting through Nel's weapon like a knife through butter. Nel continued to turn as she passed, eyeing the black blade as she spun her body. When they passed by each other, Nel rolled as she turned in a crouched position as her opponent jumped back a foot in a low posture.

"Wh-What now?!"

Nel glanced to the right, seeing the two people who matched the description of what Markus had told her; a human and a bunny looking creature in orange pilot uniforms. Both were huddled down from the volley Nel had unleashed.

The black-armored man seemed to have noticed. Two shurikens appeared in his left hand coming out of slots between his fingers. In one quick movement, he threw them towards Nel's throat and forehead. Her golden eyes picked up on the incoming projectiles, allowing Nel to swerve her head avoiding both, kneeling close to the ground and throwing her now ruined short blade at the man, who in turn simply stood to one side catching the flying blade, distracting him for a brief second.

Nel covered the distance, leaping before the man, putting out her leg to kick down the man while swiping her mana enhanced dagger at the man's neck, who leaned his body back. The dagger missed its intended target as he tried to put distance between the two. The very edge of the blade caught the black visor, leaving a small line on the front plate.

As the distance between them increased, Nel swiped another assault rifle from one of the dead soldiers at her feet, firing at full auto. The man backed away, swinging his black blade deflecting the bullets. When the gun ran empty Nel threw it aside, charging forwards at the man who swung at her. Nel leaned back, dropping to her knees, leaning back as far as she could allowing the blade to pass overhead. The man threw out his left hand, a second blade shooting from below his wrist, jutting from the palm.

Nel grabbed the man's outstretched arm, hooking it under her right elbow, kicking the man's ankle, slightly staggering him. She let go of his arm, using the new opportunity to put some distance between her and the man who recovered fast, launching two attacks with his black blade. Nel dodged both, ducking under another swing, dropping to the ground as the man threw an overhead attack, blocking the attack by grabbing the man's wrists. The man pushed himself off the ground, vaulting over Nel, retreating closer to the door before the two faced off again.

With the brief respite, the man felt the scratch on his visor with his left hand. "Not bad." He mused.

Nel raised her dagger, keeping on guard. She could feel the eyes of both pilots on her back, peaking out of the side of their cell. The man pointed his blade at Nel, poised to attack again. Then, to Nel's surprise, he looked away, raising his free left hand to where his ear would be. His weapon then lowered as he relaxed his stance before raising his blade to his back. A hissing sound followed before the weapon disappeared completely.

"Looks like you get to live a little longer."

Nel didn't relax her guard for a second. Even with his weapon gone a murderous bloodlust still lingered in the faceless gaze. Yet the man turned his back on Nel and walked out the door without so much as a glance over the shoulder.

Nel let out a sigh of relief, relaxing her posture while keeping her guard up. Kneeling down she retrieved her short blade, and to her dismay it was completely unsalvageable, the blade had been sheared with only a fraction of metal near the crossguard. Unlike Yuki, she had no particular attachment to her weapons, but having used the weapon for over two years it had become something of an extension to her. With a sigh she discarded it.

"Larek and Otto."

The two pilots stuck there head out from the cell, clearly cautious of her. "Um... y-yes, that's us." The one she identified as Otto nodded, slowly walking out from behind his hiding place. "How do you know our names?"


"Markus....?" The one called Larek repeated. "As in... the big Borgo cyborg? Metal frame? Speaks all formal?"

Nel nodded.

"So he's alive..." Larek sighed with relief. "Though he may have gone down in the engine room."

"So who was that?" Nel said looking towards the door.

"Xeno. The cyborg assassin of Altosk." Otto said as he and Larek approached her, carefully stepping over the bodies of the dead soldiers. "We only know him from rumors but his augments are all designed to make him a hune weapon. Everyone he targets is as good as dead."

"But damn, you've got some moves," Larek said rubbing his chin. "You two moved so fact I couldn't even tell what was happening."

"An assassin...." Nel knew it wasn't the same as the assassins of Avalon, all divided into clans each with a unique skill and ability and she sensed no mana coming from the man named Xeno. Yet his skill and reflexes where beyond anything a normal human could achieve. One wrong move and Nel would have easily been killed.

"Why was he after you two?"

Both pilots exchanged concerned looks at the question. ".... It's not us he's after," Otto said.

"Yeah..." Larek said, rubbing the back of his head. "There's uh.... We came here with someone, that's who he's really after."

"You mean Ion?" Nel asked.

"Yeah she's- wait, you know Ion?" The building shook again following another loud bang of an explosion that must have occurred above. "What's going on up there anyway?"

Nel gave them a quick summary of current events; starting with her and her friends finding Markus in the woods (omitting the Enforcer battle), Ion being brought to the home, and finally the assault on the base.

"Altosk is attacking?! Here?!" Otto exclaimed.

"I know they're a little heavy-handed at times but isn't this going too far even for them?" Larek said. More footsteps could be heard from behind them along with raised voices.

"Cell's are that way! If the Star singer's here they'd keep her locked up in there!"

Nel drew out her dagger. "I'm sure you have a lot of questions but now's not the time," She said to the startled pilots. "Can you two fight?"

"Uh..... we've been in a few shoot outs... with's revengers at least," Larek replied unsurely.

"Then grab a weapon and stay behind me." Nel instructed them to move to the door. Both Larek and retrieved weapons from the dead soldiers, both taking out the holstered pistols while Larek swiped up the remaining assault rifle, unhooking the magazine belts from the soldiers saying "sorry dudes."

Nel peaked out from the door, seeing the bodies of four dead soldiers, likely victims of the man Xeno. She ducked out the room with the two pilots scurrying behind her.


"Lieutenant Haida!" A Borgo heavy burst through the door into what once was the base's mess hall, devoid of all life save for one individual. "Those three eather users are approaching the central complex! We're taking heavy casualties holding them at bay!"

"I see.... Right.... Ok." A cold, disinterested female voice came from within.

"Lieutenant Haida-!"

"I heard you!" The voice snapped. "That's right. Those three should be coming up at the center. I trust you'll be dealing with them.... One sec. Are they the only three?"

"Uh, no ma'am. Squad 2 encountered another group along the bases western perimeter moving through the buildings! Only five hune's, two of them children with strong eather abilities! Squad 2 took heavy losses and we lost several of the PT drones-"

"Jarino 7, do you see anything in your parameter." The woman interrupted again. "Alright.... Did you hear that...."


"Right. So far they've taken out half our manpower. They are clearly nothing to underestimate." The woman turned off her communicator, jumping down from her table. "Prepare to withdraw."

"Uh..." The Borgo heavy stepped aside as the lieutenant walked past, flexing her hands letting out a spark of electricity.

"You've all done your part. Now it's our turn."


"Here they come!" The Troopers formed a defensive line opening fire on the incoming trio. Max and Yuki split up as Rodger created a rock wall to defend himself from the tracer fire. Taking several bullets on his skin, Max charged to an overturned vehicle, grabbing it and throwing it overhead towards the defensive line. The human troopers scattered while one of the brutes with a shield bashed the thing aside with its hammer. A rock lance then flew through the air, slamming into it knocking it out.

With the opening, Yuki charged into the formation, leaping off a nearby truck landing boot first on one of the bunny creatures, dispatching the remainder of its squad, charging forwards with strikes at the human soldiers using his katana to swipe aside incoming bullets as he continued slicing through the enemy ranks. Rodger remained further back, using his earth mold magic to disrupt the enemy at their flanks with a combination of rocks he sent flying into the enemy ranks. Max meanwhile went on a rampage, charging into the brute formations using his flames and whatever he could get his hands on to clobber the larger brutes. The three were causing utter chaos through the ranks of troopers, breaking off as they each converged to the center of the complex.

"Damn it! Who are these guys?!"

"Hold them off! It won't be much longer until the lieutenants get here!"

Slowly the troopers began to draw back, with half their numbers retreating to the center while others remained firing off their weapons in an attempt to slow down the oncoming attackers with a shield wall of four brutes forming before them.

"Gonna need more guys then that!" Max chuckled as he skidded to a halt, bellowing a flame roar that smashed against the shield wall. The brutes held their ground against the roaring flames, throwing up a smokescreen. Max charged into it, leaping on one of the shields to leap over the shield wall. Welling up flames in his hands, a toothy grin on his face, Max slammed into the trooper formation, the outward blast throwing the men everywhere.

"What happened." The shield wall broke up as the smoke began to clear, revealing Yuki crouched below them, sword sheathed, a murderous glint in his eye.

Stance 4: Rassuhu!

In a flash Yuki passed through the shield wall drawing his katana. Wind blasted behind him as the brutes were sent flying before collapsing on the ground in a heap, their weapons laying broken at their side.

"Damn you!" Another squad approached Yuki and Max's left flank, one trooper armed with a rocket launcher. He fired at the two but was intercepted by a rock wall that sprung from the earth. "What the-?!"

A dark shadow began to loom over them as a giant stone golem rose from the earth with Rodger riding on its head. "Sweep em away!" With his command, the golem swatted the troopers with one swing, sending them crashing into one of the sheet metal buildings. "Alright!"

Slowly, the troopers began to retreat further back into the base. "Don't think you can get away from us!" Max jeered as he set off in hot pursuit.

Yuki did the same but stopped when he noticed the troopers retreating in a peculiar manner, some raising their hands to their ears, tapping their comrades on the shoulder before backing off. Something was off.

"Huh? What's that?" Rodger suddenly said pointing to one of the dropships with an open door. A dark shadow suddenly leaped out.

"Shit... PYRO! HEADS UP!"

Max noticed the falling shadow and skidded to a halt seconds before something big landed just a few feet away, throwing up a blinding amount of dust that quickly began to settle, giving Max full view of a giant metal hand with a stereo speaker in the palm. A loud boom echoed. Max was thrown through the air, past Yuki and Rodger before he had the chance to recover himself, skidding across the ground.

"Villains! Your rampage ends here!"

Before the three was a large brute of a human, standing as tall as the other brutes they had faced along the way, a chunkily and blocked, almost comedically cartoonish face, a blue coat draped over his shoulders revealing his bulky chest. His arms were completely encased in metal, similar to Markus yet with more fractured plates.

"I; Mardo, Lieutenant of Altosk will be your opponent!"


"Here they come again!" Cliff yelled as he ducked to the ground.

Melvin beside him threw up his wand, firing a fireball at an incoming drone, hitting it on the wings sending it crashing into the ground. Another circled around readying another strafing run but was intercepted in the air by Meracle, kicking it directly into a machine gun-wielding trooper while Mirage and Sasha dealt with two other troopers wielding stun batons, with Mirage disarming the trooper she was fighting and stunning him by jamming the weapon into his neck until he went as limp as a fish. Sasha meanwhile used her small stature to her advantage, tripping her opponent as he lunged at her, staggering him before following up with a solid punch to the back, her mana enhanced strength cracking the armor. As the man staggered forwards, Meracle finished him off as she landed, delivering an axe kick to the top of the head slamming him into the ground.

"Damn you!" A final duo charged the girls trying to gun them down with their assault weapons but was intercepted by Cliff who grabbed them by the helmets and slammed them to the ground.

"Think that's the last of them!" Cliff said as he got up.

"Not yet!" Melvin shouted pointing at another formation forming, made up of humans and a single brute.

"More of those things?!" Sasha said regaining her combat stance.

"Tch, It's just one thing after the other," Cliff clicked his tongue, preparing to charge forwards-

"Stand down." Suddenly the troopers stopped in their tracks looking behind them. "Proceed to the RZ. We'll be taking care of them."

The troopers looked back at the confused party then began to fall back down the street, passing by a single woman walking straight towards them. Unlike the troopers she wore no battle armor, instead dawning a white coat with a blue shirt underneath with purple plated gloves, short bright blue hair with shades.

"Nyew... who's that?" Meracle said.

"Donno," Mirage said, taking a front position alongside Cliff. "But she definitely isn't like those other soldiers."

"A noteworthy deduction." The woman said, stopping and removing her shades, showing off her turquoise eyes. "Lieutenant Haida of Altosk. I lead these men in the assault on the base."

"Lieutenant?" Meracle repeated. "That means you're their boss?"

Haida ignored Meracle, instead eyeing the party. "Got to admit, I wasn't expecting all this chaos to be caused by such a small group. Wasn't expecting children to be among you." She took a step forward, her shades still between her fingers. Cliff and Mirage ran ahead of the group, each on high alert as they stood in direct opposition to Haida.

"Are you sure you should have done that?"

Cerberus suddenly began barking into the air. Melvin looked up and immediately went pale. "Oh crap-!" He suddenly threw up a barrier as the ground was peppered by a hail of energy projectiles. Dust was thrown into the atmosphere obscuring the four.

Cliff and Mirage turned sharply, both going pale as they saw the explosions hitting their mark.



".... Y-Yeah... just." Melvin's voice came through.

Cliff sighed with relief but was quickly dashed when his instincts kicked in. Instinctively he turned back around and grabbed something that was thrown at him. It was the shades that Haida was holding. In that second he was distracted Haida had closed the distance, slamming a palm into Cliff's chest. Cliff was thrown back several paces following a burst of electricity.

Mirage threw a punch but was grabbed by Haida. Increasing her grip Haida locked Mirage's hand behind her back, slamming her free palm into Mirage's back, the shock threw Mirage to the ground before she righted herself. Cliff stood at her side, clutching his chest which had several burn holes through his vest.

"Fighting off those idiots likely gave you the wrong impression," Haida said, raising her right hand while grabbing her wrist. "But those who defy Altosk," She flexed her fingers that cracked with electricity, "rarely live to tell the tale,"


The dust finally began to settle as Melvin, Meracle and Sasha finished coughing. Melvin's barrier had created a safe space around them, giving out only when the barrage had finished. The ground had been scorched, dotted with craters that surrounded them.

"Nyew... what was that?" Meracle said, swatting the dirt away.

"I... I think it came from above," Melvin said once the dust had finally settled.

"Oh ho. You kids are still in one piece?"

Everyone looked up and saw a machine hovering down towards them. It resembled a torso (not dissimilar to the Primes from the other night) with no arms and a large cog slotted in the center frame with a glowing core with six holes dotted around it, smoldering smoke. Riding on top of it was a small bunny creature, wearing no armor or helmet showing off its bright white fur. It wore a blue coat with a black designer tunic.

"Wha- Is that a robot?" Sasha said.

"Nya! It's not one of those enforcer things?!" Meracle said shocked.

"I've got a bad feeling about this," Melvin said grimly looking at the devastation wrought around them. "Are you another one of those soldiers?"

"Ekon no. I'm a lieutenant." The bunny creature said. He raised a single small hand. A small blue circle appeared above. From it dropped a small white cane with a blue orb placed at the top. "Name's Fukinoki." Strange flames began to burn at the tip. "And I already have an idea who you are."

Melvin sensing the danger, Melvin raised another barrier as Fukinoki threw a white fireball at him. Is that magic?!

The spell hit the shield, bursting on impact. "M-My barrier?!" Melvin's mouth was agape seeing that a single spell (for lack of a better name) had broken through his defenses.

Fukinoki threw his cane downwards. "Crush him."

Digital squares emerged in front of Melvin beginning to take the shape of a tall thin humanoid machine with a square head much like that of the machine the lieutenant was riding. It appeared before Melvin could properly respond and immediately threw a fist at the small wizard.

"Melvin!" Sasha suddenly shoved Melvin aside, raising her arms to block the incoming strike. Her feet dug into the ground following the impact. "M-Mary!"

Meracle leaped on top of the machine, launching herself at the floating machine above with the intention of attacking the 'wizard.'

"Mary! Lookout?!" Melvin suddenly called.

"Nyew?" Meracle looked to her right. They're positioned on top one of the buildings was another machine emerging out of thin air, morphing into turret. As the gun began to spool, Meracle sensed the danger and sky jumped, changing direction to avoid the blue energy tracer fire, pouncing as she dodged in mid-air. With flames appearing on his staff, Fukinoki threw the spell at the air-born Meracle, seeing the incoming attack only too late.

"MARY!" Melvin and Sasha yelled as the cait sith was hit in the air, crashing through a window of one of the sheet metal buildings. Sasha finally forced off the machine in front of her, forcing it back and was preparing to counter-attack. Melvin however looked back up at Fukinoki and the machine he was flying on, and to his shock saw the six holes begin to light up before unleashing another salvo.


"Who the hecks this guy?" Max said brushing himself off.

"Called himself a lieutenant. Guess that means you must be the leader of this sorry bunch?" Yuki said, taking a step forward.

"I have no reason to answer villains such as yourselves," the man Mardo said, taking a single step forward. "Now, where is the Star Singer?"

"Have no idea what you're talking about."

"Huh?" Rodger and Max looked astonished. "What'ya mean! He's talking about Ion isn't he?" Rodger said.

"How could you forget about that you jerk!" Max snapped.

"....... You guys are idiots," Yuki said expressionlessly.

"So she is here," Mardo stopped walking flexing his right fist, the metal components scratching against one another as he moved them. "Where is she?"

"Like we'd tell you that," Yuki said, raising his blade.

"Then I am left with only one option," Mardo threw out his right hand. "If you will not tell me where the Star Singer is willing, I will force it out of you."

"Like that's gonna happen!" Max yelled, flames spewing from the sides of his mouth before he let out a fire roar. A sonic boom erupted, dissipating the flames. Max, Yuki, and Rodger braced themselves as a wave smashed into them. Mardo lowered his arm, taking another combat stance, standing as imposing as he could. The battle began in earnest, with all three charging him at once.


Mirage slammed through the sheet metal door into a mess room, performing a handstand to jump back to her feet as Haida charged, electricity coursing through her hands. Mirage parried the first-hand strike moving right trying a roundhouse kick only for it to be blocked.

Mirage backed off as Haida began her assault, breaking Mirage's defense in three attacks, landing a solid blow to the gut. She suddenly backed off, turning about and blocking a solid punch from Cliff, taking it on her left for arm. She then moved into Cliff, elbowing him in the gut, turning to parry a left hook from Mirage, punching her swiftly to the chin, ducking under a left hook from Cliff while kicking Mirage away before swiftly dodging Cliff's incoming attacks ending with her grabbing a left hook from the man not moving back an inch.

"Damn... you're way tougher then you look," Cliff growled. "Some kind of mana user?"

"If you mean eather user, no." Haida kicked Cliff in the gut, moving behind him as he staggered before slamming him with his palm, letting out a burst of electricity. Cliff grunted with pain, falling to one knee before receiving a roundhouse kick to the face sending him crashing into the floor.

Haida put some distance between the two. Mirage charged her again with a chair held in her hands. Haida threw out her palm as Mirage tried to hit her with it. A bust of electricity burst from her palm blew the chair away, throwing Mirage off her footing. Haida raised both hands to Mirage's head, shocking her with a torrent of electricity that coursed between the two. Mirage screamed in pain. The current lasted a second. When it was finished Haida backed away, intending for Mirage to fall to the ground. However, Mirage stood her ground, panting as she raised her fists again. "Still standing after that?"

"We're just full of surprises," Mirage said with a grin, "Right Cliff?"

Haida looked behind her, only to see Cliff swinging a couch at her. She brought up her arms taking the full brunt of Cliff's mighty swing. The couch shattered on impact as Haida skidded backward. As she looked up, Mirage closed the distance kicking her in the gut sending her flying across the room only to recover in mid-air, landing on a table knocking over the empty beer cans, crouching as it slid towards the TV at the opposite end stopping just short.


"I'm ok..." Mirage told the worried Cliff as he joined her. ".... Cliff, I don't think she's human,"

"What do you mean?"

"That kick just now.... And when I punched her before it felt like I was hitting a solid metal wall."

Haida stood back up, now towering over both of the experienced Hunters. From her posture she didn't seem at all as though she was in pain, casually brushing away a loose strand of her fringe then clicked her fingers-

Electricity suddenly burst from her body for a split second, subsiding almost instantaneously. "Alright, I think I've indulged you two long enough," Electricity sourced through her fingertips as she flexed them. Both Cliff and Mirage put their fists up, preparing for her to-

In a flash of lightning, Haida appeared right behind, back turned with electricity sparking from her fists, leaving both Cliff and Mirage dumbstruck, "Time to get down to business."


Sasha glanced out the window spotting their opponent landing on the ground, the hovering machine disappearing behind it, leaving only the slim machine at his back. Another landed beside it, sporting thicker and bulkier armor plates.

"I don't think he saw us," She said, feeling Cerberus at her heels.

On the floor was Melvin using his healing magic on Meracle. Fortunately, the damage from whatever spell had hit her was not as bad, letting her off with a handful of burns that Melvin could patch up.

Unfortunately, they still had no idea as to the full extent of their opponents' ability, who far surpassed the troopers they had been fighting through the base. In fact, had Melvin not notice the salvo and thrown up a barrier both he and Sasha could have been killed.

"Myow... where did that machine come from anyway?" Meracle said as the green glow in Melvin's hands stopped. "Is it like Cerberus?"

"You mean a familiar?" Melvin glanced at Cerberus, who was being picked up by Sasha. "I think it's similar but.... Familiars are spiritual beings we wizards are contracted too. Those machines don't feel like that, they almost feel like those Enforcers we fought last night."

"Nyow!?" Meracle sat up fast surprising Melvin. "They can actually call these things?!"

"I said like," Melvin said, trying to reassure her. "Remember what Ion said, no one can control them."

"But... if they're not familiar or those robots, what are they?" Sasha asked, poking her head back out the window, seeing the rabbit touching the ground with the bottom of his staff. When he did, Cerberus began to growl.

".... Did you feel that?" Meracle said looking absent-minded.

Melvin was initially confused, but it wasn't quick for a pit to form in his stomach at the approach of impending doom. "Something's happening?" Sasha suddenly yelled. Pointing at one of the bulky machines approaching them before suddenly morphing into the same turret that tried to gun down Meracle.

"Sasha! Cerberus! Get close!"

Sasha ran as blue tracer fire burst through the thin metal walls with Cerberus still tucked under her arm. Meracle and Melvin both hit the ground. Outside, Fukinoki strolled forwards while the turret continued its fire, flanked by the tall machine on his right. "That's enough. We need them to tell us where they are holding the Star Singer."

The machine stopped firing. The dust began to settle, revealing the wall had been ripped through by the continuous bursts of fire. Inside, Melvin and Meracle could be seen, protected by a domed barrier that the young wizard had conjured in desperation.

"Interesting." Fukinoki snickered. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're this world's equivalent of a Tecnomancer."

"A... A what? You mean a wizard?"

Sparks formed on the tip of Fukinoki's staff, which he casually shot towards Melvin. The 'spell' struck his barrier, shattering it into pieces knocking both Meracle and Melvin on the floor.

"I saw you using something like my eather casting like me. Though it differs as it seems you use the eather in your body for it rather than channeling the energy of Sora through you like me. Unfortunately, it seems my power is servery limited when I'm away from Sora," Fukinoki monologues while brushing his staff with a furred hand. "Which makes it so much more disappointing how I can destroy the three of you with only limited eather casting and proxies,"

"..... Myow, I don't know what you're saying! It sounds so complicated!" Meracle said, bobbing her head.

"I always seem to attract people who won't shut up," Melvin said wobbling to his feet.

".... Hang on, where's the other one?" Fukinoki finally caught on that Sasha was missing. Cerberus then pounced, grabbing the little rabbit's staff. Sasha then charged in, passing the large robot and slamming her fist into the turent, creating a small dent in the body armor, forcing it aside.

"Mary! Go after that rabbit!" Melvin said aiming his wand at the large robot, casting a lightning bolt that shattered off its head before it vanished in digital squares.

"Myow! Playback time!" Meracle pounced forwards intending to dropkick the rabbit-

"Nice try,"

The staff in Cerberus's jaw vanished, only to reappear in the same manner in Fukinoki's hands. Meracle's kick struck a barrier that suddenly appeared, blocking her from the rabbit. Gritting her teeth she backed off, standing at the ready.

"But don't underestimate us, lieutenants."

"Melvin! Behind you!" Sasha suddenly shouted. Melvin only had to look behind him, just in time to see the tall machine looming behind him preparing to hammer him into the ground.


"Take this!" Rodger slammed his hands on the ground, creating several stone hands that tried to circle around Mardo until each one was shattered to pieces when the man slammed his open palm to the ground. Max was the next to attack, pouncing while flaring both his feet. Mardo raised one of his arms, taking the kick on his arm. Flames sewed on impact, pushing the massive man backward.

Max pounced backward as Yuki joined the fray, his blade slicing against the metal arms. Mardo backed away as Max joined the fray again, using his flames to propel himself upwards, kicking the man in the face. Mardo reeled backward, lashing out his metal hand to grab the still airborne Max, aiming his free hand at Yuki. The swordsman leaped right as a sonic wave chewed through the earth before being knocked back when Max was thrown at him.

Rodger charged in as well, slamming his hand down on the ground. The earth around him rose as two golems formed beside him, charging in tangent with him. Mardo turned around, firing off two sonic blasts that shattered both on impact. He then turned and thew out his left hand at the charging Max, blasting him backward until he smashed into a destroyed APC.

"Damn you!" Rodger used a rock pillar to launch himself into the air, rocks forming on his hammer, growing in size-

Mardo swatted Rodger away like a fly before turning to the incoming Yuki, grabbing his blade. "You three villains are very predictable," he said as he tightened his grip.

"Naw," Yuki grinned. "We just go with our gut. Right Pyro!"

Mardo looked up to see an APC being thrown towards him. On reflex he released Yuki's blade to blast the vehicle away. With his sword freed, Yuki slashed at the man's thigh. Mardo collapsed to one knee, giving Yuki the opportunity to run him through. Rocks shot out from the ground, encasing his arms in stone.

"Yeah! We got'em!" Rodger celebrated.

"Have you now," Mardo grinned at Yuki. The rocks that encased his hands were blasted away from the sonic blasts.

"Shit?!" Yuki found himself pulled into the air as Mardo stood up, his sword still embedded in his large body. He then found himself grasped by the large metal hands, wrenching him away.

"Oh no you don't!" Rodger drew his hammer but was interrupted when Mardo fired off a sonic blast, launching him backward. Mardo then grabbed Max as he flung himself to the rescue. Both were then slammed against the ground followed by sonic blasts that tore apart the ground beneath them. Both men coughed blood as the sonic pulse tore through their bodies.

Rodger squirmed on the ground as Mardo released his grip on both Max and Yuki, leaving them broken on the ground. "That was quite disappointing. I was expecting you to put up more of a fight,"

Gritting his teeth, Rodger reached for his hammer, slowly standing back up. "W-Where just gettin' started," He hissed.

No sooner had he regained his stance a loud explosion came from the buildings to the right. From the smoke he saw Melvin and Meracle rocketed from the debris, collapsing to the ground. From the smoke came a tall machine with Sasha in its grip, followed closely by one of the bunny creatures.

"Fukinoki. Are you finished?" Mardo said.

"Just about done," the bunny Fukinoki said as the tall machine threw Sasha on the ground beside the injured Melvin and Rodger.

Another blast came from a building block ahead. This time Cliff and Mirage were thrown from it, both landing on the ground ahead of Mardo. From the wreckage came a blue-haired woman clapping her hands together letting out sparks of electricity before raising a hand to her ear. "Hostiles suppressed. Move-in."

The injured party struggled to get back to their feet as troopers began to emerge from their hiding places, up to forty men, bunnies and brutes. They quickly surrounded the lieutenants and the party, all honing their weapons on them.


Nel rushed at one of the troopers standing with his back turned, plunging her dagger into the man's throat allowing him to fall to the ground. She crouched behind the command center with the two pilots behind her, trying to catch a glance at the commotion that was occurring in front. To her shock she saw all her friends laying beaten on the ground, now surrounded by the troopers and three other figures that stood out to the blue battle armor.

"Not good," Nel was about to move when she was stopped by Larek.

"Hold on!" He hissed pulling her back. "Those are lieutenants of Altosk!"


"They lead the ground troops you've been fighting," Otto explained. "And they are not to be taken lightly. Monsters each one of them."

Nel scowled, keeping her eyes trained on her fallen comrades as the lieutenants walked about them.

"Looks like those guys learned the hard way," Larek said looking over Nel's shoulder. His rifle trembled in his hand. "Shit, please tell me those aren't the friends you were talking about."

".... Unfortunately."


The dropships hung low as they circled the perimeter like vultures, ensuring their pray could not escape the cage they had set in place. The party looked around concerned. Not only had they been overpowered by the lieutenants, but were now trapped with no visible way out of their current predicament.

"This isn't looking good....." Cliff groaned as Mirage flopped off him.

"I trust you didn't have much trouble dealing with these vilians?" Mardo asked Haida who casually strolled up towards Mirage and Cliff.

"No. They proved to be more tenacious then we anticipated but we have the situation under control." She said casually brushing her bangs.

"I was expecting us to require the use of the warframe prototypes, but I had no trouble even with the limits on my Eather casting," Fukinoki added, aiming his staff at Melvin who had his wand fixed on the bunny creature.

"Now then," Haida crouched down and grabbed Mirage by her bangs, lifting her upwards until they were staring at each other face to face. "where is the Star Singer?"

"Wh-Who?" Mirage said through gritted teeth.

'Don't play dumb." Haida increased her grip. "A hune girl, physically 16, blue eyes and light brown hair, travels with an Automotive Support droid styled like a baby bunika."

"And don't try to deceive us," Mardo said, stomping on Max, hovering his left palm over the boy's face as he squirmed to break free. "We know she's here and you've made contact with her and the criminal Markus, the Borgo Cyborg."

"But even if we tell you..." Cliff said, trying to get back to his feet. "You're all going to kill us anyway, right?"

"What do you bastards want with Ion anyway," Max hissed as he tried to force off Mardo's foot. Mardo responded by pressing down harder on him.

"I'd watch your tone if I were you boy," He said menacingly.

"It's only natural we would want her back," Fukinoki intervened. "We are talking about the fate of our world after all."

"What do you mean ‘fate of the world,’" Melvin demanded. "And how could it justify this kind of bloodshed?!"

"It's what could have been avoided if the Star singer hadn't run away like she did, talked into betraying all of us by changing her allegiance."

"Myow! It's you jerks who forced Ion to run away in the first place! We're just trying to help her out!" Meracle bellowed out, still crouched on the ground.

Haida released Mirage's hair, taking two steps back from her fixing the two children with a deadly gaze. "It appears you've been misinformed over the nature of the situation. We of Altosk have never harmed, or brought harm to the Star Singer in any way. She chose to flee of her own accord despite knowing the consequences, even knowing what could befall Sora if she were to come to a place like this."

".... Consequences?" Sasha looked puzzled.

"Didn't Markus tell you? The Star Singer and Sora are tied together. You can't have one without the other. If Ion were to come here, Sora's mechanisms would cease functioning completely," Fukinoki said, taking in the shocked expressions of the party spewed forth on the ground while Haida pressed a finger to her ear. "You think we're the villains here, yet by keeping Ion locked up here, you condemn our world to destruction."

"That's not what we're doing at all!" Sasha yelled, shocking both Meracle and Melvin. "Ion came to use and asked for help because of all the horrible things you've done! And you guys have come here killing people so close to my home town! You guys are the real villains here!"

"What... when..."

"This is going nowhere," Mardo growled. Whirling noises hummed as his palm began to extend outwards, aiming directly at Max's head. "I don't think you would want to know what this will do to your friend if it hits at this range. One more time. Where. Is-"

"Tch, MARDO!"

Something then shot past the troopers hitting Mardo's extended left arm, exploding, destroying everything up to his shoulder. The man howled, collapsing to the ground clutching his still smoldering stump. Max and Yuki used the opportunity to back away. Panic struck the troopers, seeing one of the lieutenants now disarmed.

"Wh-WHERE DID THAT COME FROM!" He bellowed in rage.

"My apologies for the delay." Everyone turned to the south. Walking towards them was the large metal giant Markus, strolling through the carnage of the base, his left arm noticeably different, morphed into a cannon. "Weapon systems are now 100% operational."

Markus stopped, aiming his cannon forwards, fixing the troopers with a cold gaze. "So long as I stand, you will never cause suffering to Ion again!"

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