《The Goddess’ Chosen》Chance encounters


"So you're name's Ion,"


"And you're from this world called Sora,"

"That's right."

"Which is not Avalon, or this world, Terra."

"I... Think so."

"And you're on the run which is why you're here in my room."

"That's... also true,"

"For a spy you're pretty clueless."

"For the last time you stupid rabbit, this is MY ROOM!!"

Allisa remembered how she had made a wish to have a normal birthday, one with no surprises about her current position. Now, sitting cross-legged on her bed facing the mysterious girl Ion and her mechanical floating rabbit Berken, it seemed her wish did not come true.

For the past hour it seemed, Ion had told her a summary of who she was and why she was kneeling in her room with a mechanical rabbit. She said she was from a world called Sora. A certain catastrophe caused her to 'teleport' away from her ship (without explaining what she meant by that) and she wound up entering her house through the backdoor and into her room to 'sing.' Not to Allisa's surprise, she understood none of it.

"And you two still haven't explained why you're here in my room!"

"We already told you dumb hune," Berken said floating upwards in front of Ion who looked taken aback by the machines continued rudeness, getting closer to Allisa, "Ion used a whole bunch of eather in getting us here. She needed to replenish and this room had a strong either flow. What part of that is so complicated to understand?"


"Well for starters, I still have no idea what you are!" Allisa snapped, prodding at the mechanical rabbit.

"Hey! Don't prod me like that!" Berken floated away, resting beside the flustered Ion. "If you must know, I'm an Automotive Support Droid constructed by Markus to keep Ion out of harm's way. That's not so complicated to understand I trust hune?"

"So you're an annoying talking robot?"

"Automotive Support Droid! Automotive as in I can move, talk and think on my own! Support, as in my primary function is to provide any form of assistance to my master, in this case, Ion! Droid, as in an artificial construct!"

"That sounds like a robot to me."

"Automotive Support droid! And why do I have to waste my time explaining all this to an Altosk spy?!"

"I'm not a spy, and for the hundredth time, this is my room!"

"I-I think we're getting sidetracked," Ion said, panicking as Allisa and Berken growled at each other. "Um, again we're really sorry for intruding on you like this,"

With a huff, Allisa broke her gaze away from Berken to focus on Ion. "How did you get in my house anyway? Was the door unlocked?"

"Uhhh...." Ion tapped her fingers together.

"Ba! That 'lock' was child's play." Berken boasted with his two metal hands on his hips. "Using specific sound waves and magnetic vibrations, that device's primitive security protocols could do little but tremble at my superior processing power."

"....... Wh-We're really sorry." Ion said bowing her head as Allisa furrowed her brows. "The door should still lock, I promise,"

Allisa let out a loud sigh.

"A-Anyway...." Ion let out an awkward cough to defuse the situation. "Sorry to ask this of you, but we could really use your help."

"My help?"

"Well... we came here with three others, but we've been separated on arrival. They should still be in the area, but we don't know the area very well."


"So... you want me to help you find your friends?" Allisa clarified.

"That's right," Berken chimed in, pointing a bronze finger to Allisa. "So, where should begin searching? The nearby settlement seems not too far from here, or even the foliage to the-"

"Wh- Hold on! I didn't say I’d help!" Allisa snapped at the floating robot.

"Wh-What do you mean?!" Berken snapped waving his arms around. "This is the Star Singer! Something amounted to a goddess! Saying no to her would be the greatest disrespect!"

"Believe it or not, I have my own problems apart from you guys breaking and entering."

"Such is a trifling matter compared to what's at stake-"

"B-Berken, that's enough!" Ion raised her voice, surprising the mechanical rabbit before turning to Allisa. "S-Sorry to put you on the spot like this. But we really need to find my friends. They could be in great danger."

"Danger...." Flags raised in Allisa's head. Looking at the girl and her (annoying) companion, she could tell immediately that getting involved any further will lead her into further trouble. Her normal life was already a jumbled mess since the beginning of summer vacation, and from the explanation, this was likely something that was far beyond the scope of Avalon. However, looking at the distressed girl, Allisa found it very hard to say no.

"Hold on." With a sigh, she reached for her cell phone. "I know someone who might be able to help. In finding you're friends-"

She opened her phone and tapped on the number as Ion's expression brightened. However, as Allisa put the phone to her ear, all that came through was a loud static sound so loud that she was forced to move her phone away from her ear. The noise blurred for ten seconds before the call cut out.

"What the....?" Allisa tapped on the number again, but the same sound blasted through her ear.

".... Who are you trying to commune with?" Berken asked as Allisa tried a different number.

"I've got some friends who deal with this kind of stuff. They should be able to-" Allisa forced her phone away as the same static punctured her ear before cutting out. "Even Cliff...?"


With a sigh, Allisa looked to Ion then at her window. Letting out a loud sigh, Allisa turned back to her two unwelcome guests. "Look, there's a place in the center of town where my friends are. I can take you to-"

Suddenly, the sound of the front door caused Allisa to jolt. "Oh crap..." Looking at her clock, she saw it was closer to 7 then she realized. She'd been so absorbed in her new problem that she had completely forgotten her that her family was on their way home. "Oh nonononono, why now?"

"Allisa! We're back" Her mother Alicia called from downstairs. "You're auntie and uncle are here too!"


"Y-Y-Yeah! I'll be right down!" Allisa called out quickly, leaping off her bed in a panic. Her family was back, and she had two problems sitting in her room that she couldn't even begin to explain.


"Who are you talking to?"

Allisa walked around the two problems, looking at the two with a panicked expression. "Ok, I'll be right back." She said reversing towards her bedroom door with both arms raised. "Just stay here and don't make too much noise."

Before Ion or Berken could respond, Allisa ran out the door and slammed it shut. She slammed her head against the door, letting out a loud sigh. This was the second time she had unexpected guests in her home, yet this one felt very different given how little she knew of her guests.


Turning on her heels, gently smacking both cheeks to break her daze then again to perk herself up, she made her way down the hallway. "Hey," She said as she ran downstairs. Her mother was standing in the hall with her little brother Luke who was still wearing his football gear.

"Hey sweety. Did you put the stove on?" Alicia asked.

"Uh, yeah. Tables also set."

"Thanks. I'll go check on it. Luke," Alicia turned her attention to her son. "Shower, then change your clothes."

"Aw, I don't need a shower," Luke pouted stubbornly.

"You've been playing all day. You're still covered in dirt. Go."

With a sigh, Luke walked past Allisa with his head down. Baiting was something he hated.

"And no video games!" Alicia called after him. "Ok. I'll get dinner ready. Go say hi to your cousins. There outside with Dad."

"Right..." Allisa let out a deep sigh as Alicia walked past her.

"And try to get along with Madison tonight. I know you don't get along but tonight is special,"

".... No promises," She would like nothing better to ignore her cousin, but Madison always seemed to poke at her in ways that irritated her. What was worse, her auntie and uncle don't seem to recognize (or choose not to recognize) when Madison was being rude to her, which was most of the time.

She made her way outside where she spotted her dad, Herb standing in the front lawn walking with a man who like a younger version of her father with hair combed back.

"AH! There she is! The birthday girl herself!" The man said, widening his arms and pulling Allisa in a bear hug. "Ah ha! Look how big you've gotten since we last saw you!"

"Hey uncle Nathan," Allisa said, hugging him back.

"Man, look at you. You're looking more and more like Alicia," Nathan said as Herb walked up to the two of them, "So glad you didn't end up with our ugly mugs. Right Herb."

Herb laughed at the joke. "Ok, that was a good one."

"What'ya mean, that one? All my puns were good. I'd be axed if not for them." Nathan looked back at Allisa. "My puns are good right? You watch my show over the summer, all the kids did."

"Uh...." Allisa gave a wry smile while scratching her cheek. "What show was that again?"

".............. Not a word." Nathen pointed at Herb who looked like he was about to burst into laughter. "Not a word."

"I-I didn't say anything,"

"You were going to."

"Was not."

"I can sense it,"

"Whatever Nate."

The two men walked to the front door, leaving Allisa alone in the front as two more figures emerged from the black car, a woman with dark raven hair, warring a business suit holding her phone in one hand, talking to someone in a quick voice.

"Get me the schedule by Monday, not a moment later or there will be trouble." Hanging up, the woman opened her arms, "Allisa! Darling!"

"Hi auntie Catherine," Allisa said as the woman gave her two air kisses on the cheeks before walking off.

"Hi," This left a girl her age wearing a stylish dress, long brown hair with a braided extension hanging on her right, looking at Allisa with a disapproving scowl. "Weren't you wearing that last time we came?" She asked with a snort.

"Nice to see you too Madison," Allisa said exhaustively with a sarcastic wave. "See you're..... wearing something different,"

With a scoff, Madison walked off, pulling out her cell phone, tapping away at the screen as she made her way to the door.

"But you're still as insufferable as ever," Allisa muttered quietly to herself, slamming the door of her cousin's car closed. "Yeah.... This is gonna be a long night,"


"So.... Uh, Markus right?" Cliff said awkwardly, sitting on a rock cross-armed. "You're.... not from this world, are you?"

"Yes." Perched on a rock was the head of Markus, the strange mechanical head that Meracle had found. "As I stated, I'm from the artificial world of Sora, existing within a different dimension from this one."

"Uh huh...." Cliff nodded, letting out a loud sigh. "I am.... Actually talking to a head,"

All around him, the others sat and stood in a semi-circle around the strange head, with Meracle still cowering behind Max.

"Hmmm," Nel looked as though she was lost in deep thought. "I believe I've seen this in-"

"Not another horror movie reference from you for the rest of this mission," Dale snapped. Nel responded with a deadpan gaze.

"Ah ha, this is awesome," Max said, picking up Markus’ head , throwing him up and down, "Look he's like a big metal ball that talks."

"DON'T THROW HIM AROUND YOU MORON!!" Cliff, Yuki, Dale and Melvin snapped at him.

"Anyway, how on earth can you even talk?" Melvin ended up asking while Max slumped the head back down. "I mean... you're not human, I can tell that much, but there's no way you could still be alive."

"Maybe he's just cursed to live out his life as ahead for all eternity," Yuki said sitting on a nearby rock with Meracle poking her head over his shoulder. "Don't you have some kind of backbone?" He grunted at the cait sith who hissed at him.

"I suppose that is an accurate assessment if I were a normal hune, or 'human' as you refer to us," Markus said, closing his eyes. "As I explained before, I'm a cyborg. Due to an unfortunate event, I lost around 62.7% of my original body. To suspend my life, a colleague of mine and the star singer saved my life by keeping my brain in a suspended state while a cyborg body was constructed. Now, only my brain and heart is organic."

"Ok...." Dale said, sounding more confused by the explanation. "And that's the reason you're just a head?"

"No. This is from a separate event." Markus explained. "You see, I was involved in a dangerous situation when I was forced into teleportation along with the star singer, her Automotive Support Droid and two pilots to escape the Enforcers."

"En.... Forcers?" Rodger said, looking as though his brain was beginning to fry from trying to make sense what Markus was talking about.

"You have just fought off the drones. They were part of the enforcer's network."

"Network?" Max crocked his head, looking just as lost as the young samiet.

Cliff let out a deep sigh, seeing that the conversation was bringing no closer to reaching a revolution. "Ok, let's make sure we're on the same page. Those robots, the enforces,"

Markus closed his eyes, thinking of how to explain. "They are a collection of trillions of programs with the prerogative to petrol the void that encircles our world. Anything that crosses into their territory is seen as a threat."

"Ok..." Cliff nodded. "So you're running from them?"

"Not them specifically. I was a part of a mercy mission to escort the Star Singer out of Sora for...." Markus paused. ".... My apologies, but I cannot reveal the details of my mission. In short, we committed a grave crime in transporting the Star Singer through the void, therefore she has been flagged as an anomaly that could threaten the existence of Sora itself, therefore they are seeking her out to eliminate her."

"......... I still don't get it," Sasha said, standing close to Mirage who was sitting on a rock, "but these robots are after this singer person who's really really important."

"That is correct," Markus said to her. "As you can see, things did not play out as planned and we were forced to teleport out in order to survive. Unfortunately, my head was removed from the body when our ship's power systems suffered a catastrophic meltdown so only my head was transported out. I've only just regained enough cognitive and vocal recognition systems when I witnessed your battle with the drones. Then I met your strange humanoid friend there,"

Meracle's eyes narrowed, peeking behind an irritated Yuki.

"Ok.... I think I get it," Cliff spoke, ".... Sort of,"

"You mentioned a singer," Mirage spoke up, "Is she the one these robots- um, enforcers- are after?"

"That is correct," Markus said grimly. He was interrupted by a sudden burst of gunfire that lasted for a moment before returning to silence. "And it seems they have set up a perimeter while they bring their constructs to hunt her down. Are there any settlements close by."

"Y-Yeah," Dale nodded, looking pale. "Y-Your not suggesting they'll attack the town?"

"That is a possibility," Markus said. "Enforcers don't discriminate between their targets, threats and those who happen to be in their way. If the system deems it necessary they will slaughter an entire settlement until their target is found. And as you have seen, they can materialize behind any defenses."

"Why is this sounding like we're getting in way over our heads again...?" Melvin mumbled.

"Ah, so what," Max grinned, pounding his fist into his palm. "We already beat a bunch of them before. We encounter any we'll just wreck'em."

"Yeah. Any bot that messes with a real man will be turned to scrap metal," Rodger chimed in, resting his silver hammer on his shoulder.

"..... And once again you miss how serious of a situation this is," Cliff said with an expressionless face.

"These... enforcers," Nel approached Markus, crouching to his level. "How many are we dealing with."

"Unfortunately, they have an infinite number of constructs at their disposal. Destroying a handful would do little more than hinder them." Markus said grimly. "Also, while you all certainly possess the capability to resist them they did not retreat due to being broken. After their initial attack failed they sent drones after you all purely to analyze your abilities and attack patterns."

"A-A-Analise....?" Dale muttered.

"Meow, what does that mean?" Meracle said, pushing down on Yuki's head to lean in closer to where Dale was.

"Would you get off me!"

"It simply means they are in the process of developing a counter-strategy to contend with all of you."

".... In other words," Nel folded her arms while the others took in a deep silence at the information provided to them, "they retreated because they had enough information on our abilities."

"In all likelihood yes. And every encounter you have with them, they will adapt to any changes in your behavior patterns."

"This is sounding better by the second," Dale said, biting his nails.

"Alright," Cliff took a step to the center of the group. "We can drill this guy for information later, but right now we need to stop these machines from reaching the town. Agreed."

Everyone gave a verbal response.

"So how do we stop them?" Melvin asked Markus. "You said that it won't matter how many we destroy, they'll just replace them."

"There is one among them, a primes, that is acting as a beacon to the Enforcer network and acting as the gateway for their machines to materialize within this area. If you destroy it, the link will be lost and the machines will be forced to retreat from the world." Markus explained.

"So... just gotta destroy the boss machine to stop them from appearing out of thin air? Sounds simple enough," Yuki said, unsheathing his sword.

"Hold your horses," Nel spoke up with her hands on her hips, "These woods are a big place, plenty of places to hide. And as we learned, my sensor abilities are useless at detecting those things."

"Mine too." Dale sighed rubbing the back of his head. "We're practically in the dark here."

"That shouldn't be too much of an issue," Markus said. "Enforcers can't enter another world on their own due to the limitations of the network. Therefore, in order to breach into another world, they require to use an external pathway."

"..... Can the head speak normally?" Rodger muttered looking very lost.

"So..... do you know where their boss is?" Max asked, crocking his head.

"Around the ruins of our ship is the most likely location for the primes to have set up." Markus's eyes twirled to the left. "Due to my sensors, It seems the rest of my body is still there as well. That should kill two birds with one stone as it were."

"So we're going deeper into the woods?" Sasha said looking up to Mirage.

"Seems so,"

"Alright, we have a heading," Cliff unfolded his arms, striving to the center of the group. "The machines, the enforcers, they'll show up again."

"In all likelihood, yes." Markus nodded.

"Ok, Max, Mary and Cerberus. Since you guys can seem to detect when they arrive, you guys will be on point."

"Got it,"

"Meow? I-In front?"

"All that's left is Markus," Nel said, drawing her blades. "He clearly can't walk as he is now."

"True. Someone will have to carry him," Melvin said. "Someone who wouldn't use him as a ball, preferably."

"And someone who doesn't contribute much in combat. If that person is carrying around the head, that person won't be able to fight."

"So someone who can't fight and won't treat him like a ball," Yuki summarised, rubbing his chin.

To no one's surprise, Markus wound up in the hands of the timid Dale, who looked like his pride had just been shattered into pieces. Meanwhile, the others were making their preparations, getting into a formation as they prepared to march further into the woods.

"You bastards...." Dale cursed under his breath.

"I do apologize for the inconvenience that it will cause," Markus said, oblivious to his carrier's crushed feelings.

"I did say I'm the field man after all...."

"Ok," Cliff spoke up, facing Max, Cerberus and the unenthusiastic Meracle. "Notice anything even remotely off, let us know immediately."

"Got it. I'll keep my nose sharp," Max said tapping his nose with a wide grin.

"We're in your paws boy," Melvin said as he stroked his familiar's fiery fur. "I know you'll keep us safe." Cerberus let out a yelp of acknowledgment.

"Meowww...." Meracle let out a small sigh as a sign she really didn't want to be present.

"Don't worry Mary," Sasha came up to her, pumping out her fist with an innocent smile, "I'm sure you'll keep us all safe."

"Yeah," Rodger said as he walked up behind her, his silver hammer resting on his shoulder. "after all, you got a real man watching your tail. Got nothing to worry about,"

"Th-Thanks...." Meracle said, not sounding convinced.

"Well... they got the spirit at least," Mirage said to Cliff, Nel and Dale standing a few yards away.

"If we pull through this it'll be a miracle...." Cliff said, finding a reason to doubt the odds of nothing going wrong.

"I'll take point as well," Nel announced, walking to the front runners. "Someone needs to cover our eyes out here."

"I'll go to," Yuki announced, strolling past them. "No way I'm leaving the Pyro to do all the work.

"Oh! So the guy carrying the head gets the short end of the stick!" Dale snapped before running to catch up with the group as they began to make tracks. "Wait! It's only fair I'm in the middle! That way you can all protect me and this piece of junk!"

"P-Piece of junk? I assure you my head is constructed-"

The loud rumblings of the party as they began walking echoed throughout the forest. Cliff and Mirage by default were left to bring up the rear as something resembling a formation were clumsily put together through very loud arguments and counterarguments and one exchange of fists between two of the front runners. All in all, their preparation in delving into the unknown had not changed much. The only difference was they knew the names of what was going to kill them.

"Yep.... This is gonna be a long, long night." Cliff let out a loud sigh.

A Strange dinner

Allisa was the last one to enter the house. Closing the door she was about to join her family in the living room when she stopped, her eyes darting to the stairs. Her two uninvited guests were still in her room, waiting for her to return to help them with their problem.

"Allisa, are you gonna join us?" She heard her uncle calling.

"B-Be right there!" Allisa looked back up the stairs. There was not a sound or any strange noises at all. "... Just for tonight," She prayed as she left the stairs. I'm having an ordinary dinner with my family, no weird crap to screw it up. Then I'll deal with Ion and that stupid rabbit.

Even before she entered the living room she could hear the unmistakable sound of her uncle. He was a TV host, and known for his quick wit and humor. As she walked in she could see her father and uncle sitting on the couch, still continuing there back and forth argument from before.

"-you interview aren't exactly what kids would be interested in."

"Oh, and a cop would know,"

"More than you because I have to deal with a lot of them on the job."

"Wh..... Alright, I'll give you that one," After letting out a chuckle he finally took note of Allisa entering the room. "So how have you been Allisa? It's been ages since we last saw you."

"I'm ok," Allisa replied, sitting on the couch opposite her uncle and father. Madison was also sitting down across her, resting her head on her hands, clearly wishing she was anywhere else. "How have you guys been? Dad told me you went to Italy over the summer. Part of your show."

"That's right," Nathan said. "Rome, beautiful city. The Roman ruins and the Vatican are sights to behold. I think you'd enjoy yourself. You strike me as someone who likes that mysterious ruins vibe."

"Uh... y-yeah," Allisa nodded meekly. The truth was she had already seen things that were truly out of her world (literally), from the vista of Riser, the ruined temple built onto a cliff face, a beautiful city that had collapsed into a sinkhole and the village of plateaus nested on top of a glowing lake.

"Well, make yourself at home," Herb said as he sat up. "I'll go check on Alicia and Catherin. See if they need any help."

"Ah, there's the man of the house." Nathan waved as Herb left. "Oh, that reminds me," he turned back to Allisa, "heard you've gone to Belgium on a world war one trip."

Allisa froze. The 'Belgium' trip was a lie invented by the Elder and Mirage for her to go to Avalon for over a week to visit Arch Sage Elaina, and was the cause for all her current problems at home.

"Where abouts did you go? Ypres?"

"Uh, Y-Yeah," Allisa nodded quickly. She had no idea where Ypres was.

"Ah, lucky girl. What did you think of the Menin Gate?"


"And which cemeteries did you visit?"

"Um.... A-A lot of them...."

"Ah, sure takes me back." Nathen leaned back on the couch, staring blankly into the ceiling as he began to talk about his own holiday with Allisa only half listening as it got her out of the awkward situation of trying to come up with a cover story of her own. "Oh crap, did you find great great grandad, Mitchel Reed?"

"Huh?" Allisa snapped back to the conversation, realizing she was being addressed.

"God its been years... think he was around Yipee."


"AH, and there's the star of the game! The MVP, Luke Reed!"

Uncle Nathen shot up from the couch, walking with his hands open wide for Luck who had just arrived (which came as a relief to Allisa). Her brother's hair was still wet, which meant he had only just jumped out of the shower after barely jumping into it. Her brother didn't take bathing all that seriously.

"Come on! Dinner should be ready soon! Let's bag some seats and get into some serious men's talk."

"Yeah, sure," Luke nodded enthusiastically. He and uncle Nathen got along very well, and he was the only member of the family who could seem to keep up with his uncle's rapid-fire questions. "Oh yeah, Allisa I think you left something on in your room. Keep hearing some whirring noise while I was taking a shower."

"O-oh... You did?" Allisa cursed silently, knowing the whirling noises were coming from Berken flying around.

"You girls play nice now," Uncle Nathen waved. It wasn't until after they left that Allisa realized that she had just been left alone with Madison of all people.

She was glued to her phone, paying no mind to Allisa's presence or even acknowledging she was even here. This suited her just fine, and with no one else around it provided an opportunity to check on Ion and Berken before dinner began.

"So," Madison suddenly spoke up as Allisa was about to leave. "Do you have a boyfriend yet?"

"Uh... no," Allisa said sitting back down.

"Really?" Madison snorted, not bothering to look at her. "No surprise there,"

Allisa scowled. A silence filled the room, with whatever noises coming from elsewhere in the house. "So.... What have you been up to?" She said once she plucked up the courage to speak.

Madison looked up surprised. "Oh, you haven't heard?"

"Heard what?"

".... Oh right. You don't bother with fashion so there's no way you'd know." Madison snorted, speaking with airs that deepened Allisa's scowl. "Well, I've been modeling for Stephen Ralph." She said putting her phone away.

"Oh... Really?" Allisa said unimpressed. She recognized the name as a fashion magazine Lucy occasionally glanced through. "Good for you."

"And guess where I've been for the shoots. Greece," Madison continued ignoring Allisa's silent groan, "Have you ever been to Greece?"

"No," Allisa grunted.

"And get this, I could keep the clothes and jewelry," Madion said as though to rub it in. "You know you should try it. It might give you a better wardrobe then... well that."

Allisa looked down at her green hoddy. Madison was big into fusion and would constantly criticize Allisa's uninterested in the subject. "Modelling doesn't interest me," She said, her eyes darting to anywhere but her cousin.

"Clearly," Madison continued, leaning forwards. "I mean, ever heard of makeup?"

"Yes, I just don't like makeup, like I've told you a hundred times already."

"I mean, you're not athletic, your not popular, you read all those geeky comics-"

"I happen to like them."

"- and you can't even put in the effort to take care of your skin, and you look like a mess. This is why you have no boyfriend."

"You said that last time you were here too."

"I don't get why we're even related."

"I'm wondering that too,"

"Hm? Did you say something?"

"Not a thing," Allisa sighed. She hadn't seen her cousin in over a year and she was still the same person as she was when she was fourteen.

"Say, where's that four-eyed friend of yours?" Madison said looking around.

"Her name's Lucy and she's babysitting her step-brother," Allisa grunted. "Otherwise she would be here to help me get through your crap." She said quietly.

"It's so weird how you only have one friend in the entire world," Madison snorted. "I mean, no guy friends or any other girlfriends-"

"For your information, I have a bunch of friends!" Allisa snapped. There was only so much of her cousin's ramblings she could take. If not for Yensin, the mad terrorist who lead the assault on Sterland Village and killed one of his subordinates for no real reason right in front of her, Madison would easily be the person she hated the most (even more then Francesca who had continued keeping her distance after the Alchemist incident).

"Oh really?" Madison said, finally putting her phone away showing a sign of interest. "And are they all losers like you?"

"I'll have you know all of them are really cool people," Allisa retorted, folding her arms, "Well.... A few of them," Her eyes narrowing awkwardly, "One of them...." as her arms slumped, "m-most of the time."

Thinking on all the people she knew her posture slumped more and more. Every single companion and friends she had made, she realized that it was hard to think of them as being cool as each of them had something wrong with them whether a childish disposition, overly violent, complaining or had a bizarre hobby or interests.

"Allisa! Madison!" Alicia called from the dining room.

"Coming!" Allisa said quickly, praying god (or the goddess) for the saving grace. She leaped up from her seat, making her way to the dining room. She could hear the voices of her uncle, brother and father as well as auntie Catherin.

"Allisa, darling," Auntie Catherin waved, pulling out a chair to her right. "Come. Sit."

With a smile, Allisa set next to her. Anite Catherin was also in the television business and worked as a producer for her uncle's show, and certainly looked the part and acted the part, with Uncle Nathen telling Allisa and Herb about how strict and on point his wife could be. Fortunately, Allisa never had to see that side of her auntie. While she wasn't the easiest person to talk to, Allisa still enjoyed her visits.

"It has been too long." Auntie Catherin spoke as Allisa sat down. "How's school been treating you?"

"Uh... N-Not that bad...." Allisa said. She heard a quick snort coming from behind her. To her disappointment, Madison was sitting next to her (intentional or because it was the closest seet available). "I don't think I'm failing at least."

"That's good. I wouldn't be the woman I am today if not for my studies. Oh, and speaking of school," Catherin leaned in close, prompting Allisa to lean In close, "Any guy's that have caught your eye."

"Wha-!" Allisa let out a small yelp as her cheeks burned. "N-N-N-No, nothing like that!" She squealed.

"Oh really?" Auntie Catherin said leaning back with a surprise and disappointment at the news. "That's a shame. I thought you would have someone by now,"

Why does everyone stress about my love life....?

To save her from the uncomfortable discussion, dinner was finally being served by both Herb and Alicia. The roast was sat at the center of the table, "Ah, Alica! You've done it again!" which was cut with the help of the excited Nathen. Steam Vegetables were placed on the table along with a large bowl of homemade French fries while dinks of wine were passed along the adults while the children were given juice.

"Well, looks like we're just about ready to start. Time for the toast," Uncle Nathen rose with his wine glass in a hand, raising it with one hand to indicate a speech coming along. "So, to our hosts, Herb and Alicia for this delicious feast we see before us. Our star player Luke who showed us there truly is no I in the team. And of course, to our beautiful birthday girl Allisa who has taken another year towards adulthood. Cheers!"


Everyone raised their glasses in unison to their uncle's toast, putting their glasses to their lips. Allisa paused before drinking, savoring the feeling of eating dinner with her family before taking a sip of her juice-

"Wow, that looks delicious."

- only to suddenly spit and choke in response to a familiar voice behind her. Oh no....

Startled and terrified, Allisa slowly creaked her head behind her only to see her worst fear of that evening rear its ugly head. Standing directly behind her, in full view of her bewildered family, still dressed in her strange clothes, looking as though she hadn't quite grasped the severity of the situation, was none other than Ion.

"Uh... hello," Alicia was the first to speak as all eyes on the room centered on the mysterious stranger that had interrupted their dinner.

"Sorry... who are you?" Herb said, sounding cautious.

"Oh, my names Ion." Ion responded, clapping her hands together with a bright smile. "You must be Allisa's family."

"S-s-s-s-she's a friend of mine from school!" Allisa said very quickly as her head raced over a thousand miles an hour to think up on how to explain this strange situation.

"What is she wearing?" Madison wrinkled her nose at her bazaar white dress.

"S-She's a.... cosplayer."

"Cosplay? Whats-?"

"E-Excuse me for a sec!" Without giving her confused relatives a chance to ask, Allisa shot up from the table, grabbed the unprepared Ion's arm and dragged her out of sight by the stares before finally letting her go.

"What are you doing down here?!" She hissed. "I told you to wait in my room!"

"I know. But you didn't come back so I was getting nervous," Ion said innocently.

"Then why did you come down?" Allisa said frantically panicking at the mess this mysterious stranger had caused. "And why introduce yourself to a bunch of people you've never met in your life?"

"Well... I was curious. I love meeting new people and they didn't seem like bad people. Not to mention the food smelled delicious,"

Allisa buried her face in her palms, trying to keep her anger at bay. "Look, my family’s just next door. Just go to my room and wait for-”

"We're not going anywhere you dumb hune."

Allisa's head snapped up to see Berken floating down to Ion's side, hands to its hips while it's light bulb eyes glared at Allisa. "I never said I trusted anything you'd say. If you are telling us to wait in that room to trap us while you contact Altosk-"

"And you absolutely can't be down here!" Allisa hissed as she pulled her hoody off her to throw it at the mechanical rabbit while he was giving out his speech, slamming him to the ground as she tied her sleeves together wrapping it into a ball.

"Uh, I-I don't think you should be so rough on him," Ion said panicked as Allisa wrestled with the ball of cloth in her hands as the mechanism inside struggled to break free of its bonding's. "I know Berken can be a little harsh but he's only concerned for my safety.

"Oh! B-But that doesn't mean I think you're a bad person or anything."

Finally getting the wiggling ball under control she glared at Ion. "Listen, I have a life that I really would like to keep secret from my family, and you're definitely part of it."

"I am?"

"Yes! I'm (hold still) I'm supposed to be having a family dinner... With people who don't know I can... summon a magical sword... or have gone to another world..." Allisa grunted as she struggled to keep Berken tied up. "So just... take this stupid rabbit and-"


"Y-Yes!" Allisa quickly turned around, hiding the moving ball behind her as she addressed her mother. "S-Sorry just.... Uh.... Needed to have a word with- ow- with Ion."

"I see," Alicia said looking to Ion, giving her a warm smile. "I'm sorry we were so surprised. We weren't aware Allisa had a friend around."

"Ah-ha-ha, it certainly surprised me too," Allisa let out a dry laugh before squirming to keep the rattling behind her at bay.

"I'm sorry. I probably shouldn't have barged in like that." Ion apologized sincerely, bowing her head.

"I see." Alicia's gaze went back to Allisa, who was still squirming.

"Y-Yeah uh... (cut it), S-sorry. I forgot she was – ah - she was here." Allisa said, trying to keep a straight face.

"Allisa....?" Alicia arched her brow at her daughter's strange behavior. "Are you holding-"

"No! Just an itch on my back driving me (ah) driving me nuts...." Allisa said, "And Ion was just about to-(urgh)," her back jolted responding to a jab from the object in her hoody, "-To leave."

"Oh, you're leaving already?" Alicia asked.

"W-Well... I don't wish to impose any further," Ion said sincerely, earning her a piercing glare from Allisa.

"Don't be silly. We have enough food so why don't you stay for dinner."

"Really? It's ok?" Ion's expression brightened as she clapped her hands together. Allisa was about to protest but the wriggling behind her was getting worse.

"Of course." Alicia nodded. "We would be delighted."

"That hurt you little-!" Allisa hissed to the ball in her back before turning around slowly, keeping the ball behind her out of sight, "I-Ion... you don't have to force yourself. You said," giving it a sharp punch and biting her lip to mask the pain that rang through her bone, "Y-You said you had a ton of homework to do, right?"

".... Homework?" Ion blinked absentmindedly.

Realizing that there was no way out of this situation (and Berkens struggling growing more violent) Allisa forced out a smile to admit defeat. "Alright. C-Come on Ion." grasping Ion by the arm" Let's get you c-changed," clamping down onto the ball to stop Berken from squirming, "I-In to your normal clothes." while she dragged Ion upstairs.

"B-But these are all-"

"Just follow me." Responding to her protist through gritted teeth.

Allisa dragged Ion into her room, not even bothering to be gentle. When she reached her room she pulled Ion through before slamming her door shut. Running to her drawers, pulling a cabinet open, unwrapping her hoody to drop Berken into the small space "What's the big I-" and slammed it shut and for good measure used her chair to jam it shut.

"How did this happen?" she moaned, raising her hands to her face while a banging came could be heard from the cabinet. Her eyes snapped to Ion, who was starting to realize what she did.

"Um.... Sorry." Ion said, bowing her head while tapping her two fingers together. "Everyone says my curiosity can get the better of me..." She said with a small giggle, trying to brush off the topic.

Still angry, Allisa strolled past her before slamming open her closet, surfing through her clothes before pulling out a small red dress and a matching t-shirt.

"Here. You look my size." Allisa grunted as she threw the garments to Ion. "And when you're down there, do not mention anything about you, Sora, that stupid rabbit, me, and that you broke in. Got it."

"Y-Yes," Ion nodded, realizing that arguing the point with Allisa was unwise. She began stripping out of her white garments as Allisa walked past her, trying to calm herself down, putting her hands over her face as she took deep breaths.

Her phone then began to buzz in her pocket.

"Oh perfect," Allisa pulled out her phone, half relieved that her friends finally contacted her, half furious that they couldn't respond earlier when she needed one of them (presumably Nel) to take Ion and her mechanical pet to the home.

Without even looking to see who was calling her, she flipped her phone open and pressed the call button. "About time. I've been trying to get a hold of you." She said, trying to conduct herself calmly. "Listen, I got a huge problem here. A girl called-"


"Lucy! Hey!" Allisa shot her posture up as she heard Lucy speaking back to her. "Wh-Wh-What's up? Is it about tomorrow?"

"Uh... yeah." Lucy spoke back slowly. "Is everything okay? What's this problem you wanted to talk to me about?"


"Yeah, you just said you've been trying to get in touch with me for a problem."

"Oh... r-right," Allisa recalled she almost told Lucy that she had a stranger from another world sitting in her room since she thought she was talking to either Mirage or Cliff. "Uh... J-Just... you know, Madison being a pain as usual. Nothing too bad."

"Really?" Lucy didn't sound too convinced.

"S-So what's up?" Allisa asked to change the topic as fast as she could. "Is it about tomorrow?"

"Uh... Y-Yeah," Lucy said, still sounding suspicious about Allisa's outburst. "Gina and Gabriela have texted me back. We're all gonna meet up outside the north entrance of the mall at 11."

"At 11. Got it."

"Oh and guess gonna be there," Lucy's tone changed to a playful tune.



"Ast-A-A-Aston?! He's coming too?!" Allisa exclaimed. Aston had been her high-school crush, someone she had always had trouble talking to. While her courage had picked up following her various brushes with danger, her luck hadn't played out due to her punishment over her disappearance.

"Yeah. Gina talked to Troy to bring him with us. Not too bad huh?"

"B-But-" Allisa stuttered, her voice failing her. "H-He's really coming."

"Yep."Lucy's cheerful voice rang through. "And we're gonna make sure you have some alone time. Make sure you don't screw it up."

"Lucy...." Allisa smiled, her heart still beating. "Tha-"

"Is this the friend who you were trying to contact?"

"WHA?!" before jumping with surprise, nearly dropping her phone. Ion was standing directly behind her with a curious look, still dressed in her white gown. Allisa had completely forgotten she had company.

"D-Don't sneak up on me like that!" Allisa hissed.

"Allisa?" Lucy's voice came back, sounding puzzled. "Is someone there?"

"N-N-No! TV! Forgot it was on!" Allisa said very quickly.

"But that sounded-"

As though the situation couldn't get any worse, Allisa's drawers began to rattle and shake, making a loud banging sound with each nock. Allisa could only predict Berken was trying to ram himself out.

"Not you too..." Allisa rammed her foot on the drawer, trying to keep it from opening. "S-S-So tomorrow by the north entrance at 11, right?"

"W-wait! What's that banging-?"

"Sorry! Gotta go!" Allisa hung up her phone just as silence fell on her room once again. "Whew... that was close."

"Should I have not interrupted?" Ion asked, once again looking lost at the turn of events, not even recognizing what she had done.

Allisa glared at her before closing her eyes, letting out a deep sigh of frustration. "..... I don't care anymore."


Luckily Ion fit into her clothes perfectly. Before they went down, Allisa made sure her drawer was completely barricaded. Much to Allisa's reluctance, she led Ion downstairs into the dining room. There they were greeted by Allisa's family. A chair was pulled up between Allisa and Madison for Ion to sit.

"So... Ion was it," Nathen spoke as Ion seemed to settle in. "How long have you known Allisa?"

"Oh, only since this afternoon." Ion said cheerfully while Allisa facepalmed.

"Only for... the afternoon?" Herb repeated, raising his eyebrow.

"Sh-She's kidding," Allisa said quickly. "I've known her for a day though."


- Quickly jabbing her foot at Ion before continuing. "Sh-She's new to town and, uh, s-seemed lost when I first met her," raising a hand to her head, "She can be a bit absent-minded."

"I see..." Herb let out a sigh as a sign he was satisfied. "We were expecting you'd bring Lucy."

"Y-Yeah. But it's her mom and Chris's anniversary so she couldn't come."

"Ah, now that you mention it," Alicia said as though she had forgotten the day.

"Well you certainly took us by surprise," Uncle Nathan said cheerfully, holding his fork with a slab of meat at the tip. "Allisa, where were you hiding her while we were here?"

"Uh.... M-My room," Allisa muttered. She glanced at Ion sawing through her slab of steak (holding her knife like a dagger), holding it up to her mouth attached to her knife while taking a comp out of her meal. When she noticed Allisa's narrowed eyed glare, Ion beamed at her, again not noticing the blond girls' intent behind her gaze.

Can't I ever meet anyone normal for once....?

"So you're one of Allisa's friends?" Madison finally spoke up, putting a morsel in her mouth. "I can totally see that, with the way you dress and act and all,"

"Aw, why thank you." Ion said bowing her head while Madison gave her a strange look.

That wasn't a compliment… Allisa turned her attention away from her strange guest as she finally took a bite of her meal, hoping that no one picks up on Ion's strange table manners. Fortunately, they seemed to be too busy tucking into their meal, even to notice a small flying object that was hovering in what she could see in the kitchen.

Oh no! Startled, Allisa choked on her food.

"Allisa?" her mother looked up as Allisa coughed and spluttered.

"I-I-I'm ok!" Allisa said quickly, gulping down her juice to calm her throat, jugging it down fast and slamming the glass on the table before getting up. "Um, Scuse me! Need to go to the bathroom!"

Without listening to any response or confirmation, Allisa ducked into the kitchen. "Please, please, please..."

She looked to her left and right, all over the walls and any area where a small mechanical rabbit could be lurking. There was no sign of her query or any other sign that anyone had been in here since dinner began. Seeing the coast was clear, Allisa let out a sigh of relief. "Guess I was just seeing things."


Just as she let down her guard, something familiar rammed into the back of her head. "No.... definitely not." She muttered, gritting her teeth.

"That's for locking me in that drawer spy!" Sure enough, Berken was hovering a few feet above her. "Don't think I haven't dropped my-"

"Shhhh!" Allisa shot up and hissed for the rabbit's silence. "I'm begging you, please don't make too much noise."


Waving her hand, Allisa pointed to the opening that led into the dining room. "My parents and cousins are right in that room. I barely got away with Ion, I'm not gonna have the same luck explaining a flying, mechanical rabbit to them."

"Automotive support Droid!" Berken snapped, though thankfully lowering his volume as per Allisa's request.

"Whatever! Just go upstairs and stay there until we get back."

"Ba! You think I'm gonna put my trust in a group of strangers I've never met before? That's probably your goal all along, spy."

"If you both stayed upstairs and out of sight we wouldn't have a problem."

"You think I'd listen to anything you would say! I still don't trust you, and Ion is my responsibility to protect!" Berken said matter-of-factly, putting his hands on his mechanical hips, "And besides, you've seen how much of a ditz she can be." as his eyes dimmed indicating that they were metaphorically closed.

"Yeah... I noticed." Allisa said down casting her eyes recalling how Ion had just barged in without much thought to what was happening.

"So that's why I need to be present in case someone is getting close to her to stab her in the back or sell her back to Altosk." Berken finished.

While his face was lacking anything like expressions, Allisa could tell he was glaring directly at her. "Uh.... I don't have the energy to argue...."

She glanced back towards the open room, listening to loud voices that she could easily identify as her uncle. Letting out a sigh, she put a hand to her face. "So... you just need to make sure Ion is safe?"

"That's right," Berken said floating past her with the intention of entering the dining room.

"Nononono!" Realizing what was happening, Allisa grabbed Berken, digging in her feet as the mechanical rabbit tried to wiggle free. "Not in... there!"

"Unhand me!"

"I told you... No!" Berken applied more and more thrust, pulling Allisa along as he got closer and closer to the archway. With no other option, Allisa teleported both her and Berken back a few meters.

"Wh-What the?!" Berken's head glanced around, noticing that they had been pulled back a few feet.

"Look... I'll think of something, alright!" Allisa hissed, not relenting on her grip of the mechanical rabbit.

"What's there to think about! I need to see Ion!"

"The worst thing... that can happen is my cousin... insulting her." As they were being pulled forwards more and more Allisa teleported backward again. Berken looked confused again as to how they pulled back instantaneously.

"Look, I get it. You wanna protect Ion from... whatever. But my life's already screwed up enough before she barged in and I can't explain why there's a flying talking rabbit-"


"Whatever!" Allisa finally released Berken, who floated a few feet into the air as he turned on the flustered Ion. "Let me think of something that doesn't get me, and Ion into a world of trouble."

"And why should I believe you?" Berken snapped back. "Ion may be a ditz but I'm not so easily swayed."

"Yeah yeah, I get it." Allisa waved her arms before slamming her hands together in prayer to show how desperate she was. "Just… Just hear me out. If anyone finds out Ion’s not from this world, who knows what’ll happen.”

Berken looked as though he was about to say something, but looked back towards the dining room, contemplating what Allisa had just said with only the sounds of whirling and gears meshing together could be heard.

"........ What do you propose?"

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