《The Goddess’ Chosen》What would you do for a wish?


"Ha ha ha ha! I told you, didn't I! She is the true chosen!"

Elaina let out a deep sigh, slumping down in her chair. Before her on her desk was a crystal ball, and projected on it was the one person she didn't want to communicate with, Dran.

Since she had set the gauntlet for Allisa to prove her worth, she said she would be expecting bragging rights. In this communication, however, she had to do the one thing the vain selfish woman like her would never do under the best of circumstances; eat her own words.

"So, I expect I get bragging rights for the next year over you! I believe that was the term you set!"

"Ever heard of a sour winner?" Elaina posed to the image of Dran.

"Yes?" Dran nodded still sounding overjoyed.

"Well I'm a bad loser, so screw you," Elaina said turning her nose.

"Oh come now. Not only did she meet your expectations she fought against Yensin of all people! I think I deserve some form of penalty from you!" Dran said with a large smile.

"True," Elaina returned a sly grin, "But I also don't like it when people hold out on me more than once."

Dran blinked. "What do you mean?" he asked.

"Oh Dran, Dran, Dran," Elaina shook her head, raising up her right hand, "I thought we agreed," with the yellow gem held between her middle and ring finger, "not to lie to one another,"

Through the image in the crystal ball, Elaina watched as the joy on Dran's bearded face drained until an expression of shock was left. He leaned forward, bringing his face closer to the crystal ball on his end. "Where did you get that?" he asked urgently.

"I have my ways," Elaina responded, throwing up the crystal into the air, catching it as it fell. "And if you thought you could fool me, you certainly are an idiot. I could immediately tell the resemblance."

Dran didn't respond. He moved back from the crystal ball, putting a hand over his eyes as he let out a deep breath.

"Dran," Elaina glared at the crystal ball. Any humor she had before was gone, replaced with an expression she only gave when she was irritated. "just what are you planning?"

Dran lowered his hand.

"It's bad enough you withheld her presence from the rest of us, but this,"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't screw with me! I tested the crystal out! It's not tracking the mana emitted from the sword, its tracking Allisa specifically! You knew about her long before all this happened."

"............" Elaina's fury was met with more silence from Dran.

"If you have a reason for all these smoke and mirrors, I'm likely the only person who will hear your side of the story."

On the other side of the crystal ball, Elaina could see Dran contemplating his excuse or reason. After a full minute which tested Elaina's patients, he leaned forwards locking his fingers together. "We're on a time clock."

Elaina raised an eyebrow.

"The Goddess Prophecy, it refers to a battle. That means great darkness, the likes of the coming of Saruin is coming. I've researched into the void, and it is becoming more and more turbulent than before. What's more, the organization has been more active, with the Boy in White being seen far more frequently than before.

"I admit, there is something about that girl I'm keeping hidden, but I assure you she is the only hope we have to avert the 'destruction' the prophecy spoke of."


"But the prophecy refers to two," Elaina interrupted Dran. "A Chosen and a Pathfinder. We have the chosen-"

"But there is a Pathfinder! I'm sure of it!" Dran cut Elaina's sentence short. "There is a trigger from when Excalibur appeared, and that's when a Pathfinder is chosen as well. I don't know who it is, but I do know that the fate of both are interlocked.

"1500 years ago, something happened to the first Pathfinder, and because of that Arthur was lost. I know it's a long shot, but if something were to happen to the Pathfinder, Allisa must be strong enough to save them. And if worse comes to worse, she will have to make the decision of Salvation."

"...... Or else she'll be doomed to the event's of 1500 years ago, is that it?" Elaina said, not hiding her disdain. "You're raising that girl to be a weapon, stringing her along without even informing her what she's gotten herself into. On top of that, you are operating on the assumption that there is a Pathfinder somewhere out there with no proof to back it up. Say what you will about me, but if nothing else I'm a realist.

"Goddess' Chosen or not, Allisa is still a child, a teenage girl that you're expecting to shoulder the weight of everything. Do you have any idea how close she came to breaking down? When she learns that you've been hiding things from her- not if, when- she won't be pleased. Assuming, of course, she doesn't break down before that."

Dran leaned back on his chair, running a hand through his brown hair. "Just trust me on this, alright. I may not show it, but I do care for her wellbeing."

Elaina's deadly gaze lingered on the image of Dran in the crystal ball. "Trust is a valuable commodity and not one that is to be used lightly." She said dangerously. "...... But alright. I'll go along this once," she raised her hand, pointing her index finger, "and only this once."

"Thank you," Dran bowed his head.

"But," Elaina continued on, not relenting on her disapproval to her college, "the other's will find out about her eventually. And when they do, you will have to answer."

"I'm aware," Dran gave a weird smile to Elaina. "and once again, thank you my friend."

"Don't push your luck."

The image then blurred until the crystal ball resumed a milky, misty haze. Elaina let out a deep sigh, resting her elbows on her desk leaning her forehead on the back of her hands.

"Milady?" Cory emerged from the dark of the room. She looked concerned having listened in on the entire conversation. "I-If that's true then Mary-"

"Cornilia," Elaina looked up to her aid, using her full name rather than the shortened Cory. The assassin jumped with surprise at the seriousness in her tone just speaking her name. "Speak of this to no one."

".............. Yes Milady." Cory bowed her head, her worry outweighed by the loyalty to her master.

Elaina's gaze looked back to the crystal ball, letting out a deep sigh. If the incident had taught her anything, it was that the story of Allisa Reed was far more complex then she had initially thought. Even putting Yensin to one side, the chosen's presence, various abnormalities occurring within the dead space known as the Void, on top of the news of the prophecy and the Pathfinder she knew nothing about seemed to be leading to an incoming disaster.


"Allisa...." Her mind went back to the strange human teenaged girl, who was from a world where all of this was beyond comprehension and now thrust into a dangerous maelstrom she was clearly not ready for. "I have a feeling it's only going to get harder from here....."


Deep underground in an unknown part of the world lay a giant azure try growing around a crystal-clear lake. The strange tree illuminated the cavern with its glow, sparks and rainbow-colored lights breaking off from the tree, circling around the cavern.

The light revealed a city submerged underneath, one of ancient design long lost to time, architects long passed. Broken, split around the tree in a circle as though some unknown force hand uprooted the buildings and threw them around. Several of the buildings, from towering buildings, monoliths and small homes penetrated the surface of the lake, creating small pockets of artificial islands.

"This place is as early as ever," Robin thought out loud, hovering at the edge of a slanted roof, blindly gazing at the azure tree.

"Well what did you expect? It's only been about two months since you were last here."

The elf looked over his shoulder. "Oh, there you are Sasuke. I was wondering when you'd show up."

Stepping from the darkness was a fellow member of White Rose; Sasuke Saratobi. Dressed in his black Shōzoku with his arsenal of ninja tools hidden in pouches and sheaths, Saratobi gave the elf a smug grin. "You took your time."

"That's because I was doing the job you should have done in the first place," Robin complained.

"Ha! Fair enough," Saratobi nodded in agreement. "Unfortunately, Yensin's a little too sharp for his own good. He'd certainly know who I was if I went in your place."

"Not sharp enough," Robin said, pulling out the crystal tear he took from Sterland Village.

"So, you were successful." Sasuke smiled as he walked up to Robin.

"Just like the boss said. Only way in was to drain the lake,"

"Which was why it was necessary to awaken the nine-tailed fox. She's quite the devious one."

"I still think it's a pain." Robin let out a sigh, holding the crystal up to the tree. "All this trouble for a few shiny stones. Why not something a bit easier and less demanding for us,"

"Aww, but then there'd be no point to all this," a girlish voice echoed around the two, followed by a collection of black mist. "After all, if the big treasure was that easy to find, the old witch would have dragged that thing out long ago,"

Emerging, dressed in a short dress with a grey hoodie was Karren, flipping back her dark hair while fixing the two with a blood-red eye.

"Hm, true enough," Saratobi chuckled. "Wasn't expecting you to make an appearance."

"I was getting bored of that place." Karren let out a sarcastic stretch. "Needed to stretch my legs and breath in some clean air for once," She grinned through her teeth as she lowered her hands. "Although, you make it sound like I'm not wanted," she added playfully.

"I never said anything of the sort." Saratobi chuckled, playing along with Karren's wiles. "Your personality is a change from the boss and the knight."

"Yeah, I'd rather someone like you or Getheru, someone who's not all serious or just evil." Robin added as he threw the crystal towards Karren.

"Aw, don't lump me in with that lunatic," Karren pouted as she caught the crystal. Spinning it in her fingers, she looked back up to Robin. "By the way, I hear talk that you ran into Allisa Reed of all people."

"Hm? Oh, the chosen," Robin shrugged. "Ah, she wasn't much. I heard she had something of a breakdown after Yensin killed one of his followers before her."

"Ha ha! You don't say? Aw, sounds like something I would have loved to see for myself."

"Still, regarding the chosen," Saratobi said, folding his arms, "I still don't see why she shouldn't eliminate her now and save us the trouble."

"Apparently Gillian needs her for his plan," Karren answered, walking past the two while keeping her gaze on the azure tree. "The last Arch Sage put one hell of a barrier between Gillian and his ultimate objective. That barrier is something only the chosen can dispel.

"That's why it's only now he's going forward with it," Karren spoke as though it were a source of amusement, playing with the crystal by rolling it across her fingers like a coin. "It's funny. People like us have literally all the time in the world, yet still we are limited to what we can and can't do."

"People like you?" Saratobi chuckled. "If you ask me, the price of what you are is far too high for my liking."

"Oh, you haven't seen the worst of it. There are losers out there who are more messed up than I am. Outside this band, there's a guy who's fighting so hard to make a world of dreams or something ludicrous like that, another who's sick of how her home's forgotten its dark past, and some guy whose entire history has been rewritten and he's pissed off about it. You know, typical villain shit." Karren threw the crystal into the air, catching it in one hand, "and then there's people like Gillian and his allies, people who have a hope to cling to, like crawling for a light at the end of a long dark tunnel."

A wicked smile crept on her lips, "But what makes people like him so fun is that he has literally nothing to lose. Everything he does he can only gain from because he will be sacrificing nothing. Even White Rose's lives are as insignificant to his eyes so long as they meet his ends."

"Gee, thanks. I feel very honored," Robin sighed.

"Hm Hm. But are you cut from a different cloth?" Saratobi pushed.

"Who's to say," Karren responded, holding up the crystal tear to the azure tree. "But I find this all the more fun. Will Allisa Reed be the hero and stop the dastardly villain, or will she fall right into his trap? It makes this existence almost worthwhile."

"..... So, what is his goal?" Robin asked, folding his arms. "I know what we're after, but I still have no clue as to why he's going so far to find it."

Karren clenching the crystal in her palm before turning around to face Robin with a sinister grin. "What would you do for a wish?"


"I've come to see you again,"

Gillian stood at the threshold of a large onyx stoned door twice his size. Beyond the threshold was a room almost pitch black with no source of light save from the unnatural purple flames that eliminated the dark basilica. Nothing but a chequered floor with several parts eroded away by grim.

Inside, very faint sobs of a woman could be heard, casting a haunting echo that reached Gillian's ears. The man stood before the darkness, closing his eyes with a look of sadness. "It won't be long now. Soon I shall grant you what you desire most," his hand clenched into a fist, "and undo the curse Arthur has placed upon,"

"YAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" An otherworldly shriek bellowed from the confines of the chamber, followed by the sounds of loud crashes. Opening his eyes, Gillian clicked his fingers. On response, the door slowly began to close as the horrible wailings continued on and on, slamming shut.

Gillian turned, making his way through the haunting corridor. Its architecture was of gold and black design, with a chandelier descending at intervals. At his feet, the floor shone with a disorienting black with stairs creating the motif of a night's sky.

Gillian stopped at the T junction, smiling to himself. "It's rude to eavesdrop."

Standing to his right, leaning against the wall was the dark knight. "You insist on communicating with that thing," he said in a low distorted voice. "You've seen what becomes of their kind. Try as much as you like, that thing can never become anything else."

Gillian continued to smile, turning about to face the dark knight. "If you believe that then why are you even here?"

"You know why," The Dark Knight leaned up from the wall, raising his gauntleted right hand, "my only goal," clenching it into a fist, "Is to see that man's legacy destroyed."

"Then you can understand why I cling to her." Gillian snorted. "We are cursed, long free of the shackles that bind us to that reality. The only thing we have known is what we can't throw away. It is the fate we all share."

"Well said darling," A black mist began to form in the distance. From that a woman emerged, dressed in a purple dress with a diamond cut out in the belly to a green amulet at her color, a long black staff in her hand topped with an inverted star with an onyx crystal in the center. She had short brown hair, complimenting her youthful face, and like Gillian and his allies, shared his blood-red eyes. "If we have nothing left to cling to, we end up no better than the lost ones that rome the void."

"Morgana," Gillian greeted with a bow while the black knight snorted under his helmet. "It has been a while.

"Indeed it has," Morgana said flirtatiously, elegantly walking along the starry background. "And I hear you have been very busy in my absence."

"But of course," Gillian nodded. "And I take it you were successful?"

"But alas," Morgana sighed, putting a hand to Gillian's chest. "As I thought, people like us cannot break the barrier that pesky arch sage place upon it. She ensured that only the blood of the chosen can release it." She then smiled. "Speaking off, I hear it is in the hands of a lonely little girl from Terra. Blond hair, green eyes, surrounded by companions who adore her."

"You're well informed for someone who has been away on a dead errand." The knight spat.

"Oh, do I detect hostility from you?" Morgana said, pushing away from Gillian. "Let's not forget, I was the one who saved you from Arthur all those years ago. It is not fair to treat me with such hostility, you know."

"......." The knight didn't respond to the whims of the woman he hesitated to call an ally. "If blood is what we need, then perhaps we should just kill her now and save us the trouble. As it stands, she is of no threat to us as she is now."

"Ah, how it would make things that much simpler," Morgana sighed. "Sadly, we need her to be very much alive and to have removed that enchantment and awaken to her full potential. Only then can she hope to remove the barrier.

"For now, I'd say we should string her along like our little puppet until we can force her power to remove the barrier. Then you're free to kill her."

".... If only it were that simple," The knight pushed himself from the wall. "Arch Sage Dran has become a problem. He sent Allisa Reed after that mortal Yensin, and recently her group has defeated Kitsune on top of Dosteria. You can carry on this little ficid, but soon she will become a far bigger threat then you could have intended."

"That's why you are here my friend," Gillian spoke, stepping towards the dark knight. "So long as we can use her to dispel the barrier it is worth giving her the space she requires. But, if she were to catch wind of our goals, I believe you should be the one to deal with her. After all, destroying that man's legacy is your only reason to be,"

The dark knight snorted as a black mist began to swirl at his feet. "When that time comes, I will not hesitate." He said as his parting words, consumed in the dark mist.

"That child certainly has anger issues..." Morgana sighed. She glanced at Gillian, seeing him giving a distant stair. "Is there something troubling you darling?"

".... A curiosity," Gillian said raising his left hand, clenching it into a fist.

"Oh?" Morgana corked her head letting out an amused smile. "Then why don't you act on it?"

"I think I will..." Gillian let out a sinister grin. "After all, what's a good fairy tale without the evil overlord making an appearance."

Feeling an excitement, one he hadn't felt for a long time, Gillian began to chuckle, tingling with anticipation, giving in to the compulsion he felt building in his chest. Too long had he remained, locked in an endless torrent of darkness. Too long had he felt the true rush of the outside.

Too long had it been since he pinned his blade against that sword.

"Allisa Reed.... I hope you won't disappoint."

That's why I lean on unhappiness

It was a sunny day in the forest around the peaceful Atelier. The sun was shining, birds were singing their songs. Inside the small hut, the room was as much a mess as it had been, with books scattered all around.

Sitting on the sofa was Pressa, engrossed in reading. In the center of the room was a large stack of books, wobbling back and forth as a pair of legs walked slowly and carefully balancing the heavy load.

"Put them over there," Pressa instructed, not looking up from her reading.

The book pile responded, shifting towards the right.

"No, over there."

The book pile shifted back to the left.

"Over there."

Then to the right.

"Where I'm pointing."

Then to the left.

"Over there. You have eyes, don't you?"

Then they stopped moving.

"That's....... ITTTT!!!"

The books fell to the ground as an enraged Leone threw them to the ground, japing her finger towards Pressa, "Listen tramp! If you want these books outta the way, get off your ass and do it yourself!"

Pressa finally looked up, adjusting her glasses. "It's the duty of the slave to do housework." She said matter-of-factly before returning to her book giving Leone a dismissive wave. "Now stop complaining and get to work. You would have been done if you spent the time actually working instead of complaining."

A large vain pulsed on Leone's forehead. "Why you...."

"Now now! Let's calm down," Cory said worriedly, jumping in-between Leone and Pressa.

"Not until four-eyes stops treating me like a mule!" Leone exploded pointing at the dismissive Pressa.

"I treat you like a slave, not a mule. They are widely different," Pressa responded in her usual dismissive tone. "Mules don't complain when you give them work to do."

"That's it!"

"Pressa!" Cory snapped at Pressa before trying to calm down Leone. "C-Come on Leone. No one actually thinks of you as a slave."

At that moment, Elaina emerged from her study into the main living room. "Hey slave, I told you to clean this place up."


Leone turned about, pointing at Elaina while still fuming. "Listen, I agreed to work for you and I expect some level of fair treatment, given you're the arch sage and all! I'm not ya damn slave, ya hear!"

"You're right," Elaina let out a sarcastic sigh. "I suppose you could always rot in a cell for the rest of your natural life. That would be better than me treating you like a slave, giving you food and a place to sleep that doesn't have rats and bugs crawling about. Oh, I guess that is too much effort on my part, and yours."

"....... You're one twisted, evil chick," Leone growled, conceding defeat.

"Why thank you."

With a grunt, Leone kneeled down and began picking up the books she had thrown in her tantrum. Her part in Yensin's group and the Everndail heist made her a wanted criminal with virtually nowhere safe for her to go. If she was caught, forget a fair trial, she would be lucky if she was granted a swift death; that was how feared Yensin's group was.

While not officially a member, Leone still had the stigma of being a part of his group. So, when Elaina gave her the option to become an aid instead, Leone had very little reason to refuse.

"So..." Leone picked up a stack of books, smaller than the pile she had, "You make the little kitty clean up this dump."

"Of course not," Elaina said sitting down at her desk, "I want this place cleaned up after all. If I was bored, then I'd have her clean up and laugh at how badly she screws it up."

"Milady...." Cory sighed.

"Starting to see all them rumors about being you was true," Leone muttered under her breath. "So why clean this dump up? No one's gonna come to this ass-end of the world."

"That's mostly true," Elaina nodded. "However, today I'm entertaining a very special guest, and I want this place as cleaned up as possible."

"Guest.. huh," Leone muttered. "Bet it's some kinda rich perv who's paying you a fortune ta screw that ass'a yours."

The door then flung open, "G-good after-ahh!" followed by a loud crash.


"Oh, goodness! Are you ok?"

Lying flat at the door was a young girl in a pure white dress with flowing blond hair, arms and legs sprawled out in front of her. By her foot was a tome that Leone had dropped recently.

"Whoa! Sorry, my bad." She said as she dropped the books, walking over to the girl who was slowly getting up. "You ok?"

The girl looked up, rubbing her nose. "Y-Yes. My apologies."

"No that's my... huh?" Leone crocked her head to examine the side of the girl's head. It was then she noticed her ears which were pointed. "An elf?"

A dark shadow then loomed over her. Leone looked up and saw a large man blotting out the sun, giving her a terrifying glare. With baggy trousers, half-naked beside a simple carapace, long silver hair tied into a ponytail with a scar running across the bridge of his nose, Leone felt like a rabbit staring up at a fox.

She jumped back, her cat instincts warning her of danger.

The man kneeled to the fallen girl, putting out his left hand. "You need to be more careful about your surroundings." He spoke in a deep, gravelly voice.

"Ow... I know...." The small elf girl said embarrassed, taking hold of the man's outstretched hand before he helped her up.

"Okay...." Leone was at a loss as to who this was. He could see the man was an elf as well, and there was something.... Of about a man this terrifying around such an angelic little girl. "Just who are they....?"

"Ah, perfect timing," Elaina said, sounding uncharacteristically formal. "It's wonderful to finally make your acquaintance, Aura."


Cory scooted close to Leone, leaning close as she whispered. "The next arch sage of Aquia."

".................................................... Eh?"


"Wha-?!" Leone jumped back, not holding back her surprise. "T-t-t-t-t-t-t-the next Arch Sage? This kid?!"

Elaina sighed at her new aid's outburst. "I apologize for my new slave. She's new, so she's quite useless."

"O-Oh no! That was my fault! I-I have a habit of being clumsy." The girl Aura said timidly. She then coughed and bowed, trying to regain her air of dignity. "It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Arch Sage Elaina!"


"Ya ma ka to for mo sha ka morhaa."

In the center of a small circular room, a girl kneeled in the center. The room, made of metal with strobe lights running across the ground to the very center, gave the room a certain ray of artificial light.

"Foo mo habe, nor sa ba nohremata."

In the center, dressed in a dress of white with red and golden hems, the girl kneeled, singing a song. Around her, a white mist circled around, responding to the course of her divine melody. Hands placed together as though in prayer, the girl continued to sing.

"See se ke marto-for-koree,"

A single tear dropped down her cheek, leaving her face before levitating upwards. The girls chestnut brown hair swayed as though a gentle breeze were blowing through her. The mist around her began to become thicker, taking the form of a shining stream, illuminating the silver and chrome arena where she sang.

"Nee he yanar-ka for sorna,"

A light began to envelop her, a gentle glow that resonated with the stream and the girl continued her melody, listening to the divine tune only her ears could pick up.


The girl's eyes snapped open as a voice came from a speaker. In that instance, the light died out, the streams of energy dissipated until all that remained were the lone girl.

"It's time."

A mechanical hiss sounded as a cylinder was lowered from the ceiling before bending outwards. With an audible hiss, the glass door opened to the green gel bed inside.

Silently the girl stood up, taking in a deep breath. Slowly she walked forwards, her bare footsteps making light on the metal floor, slowly running her hand across the cold metal of the cylinder.

Without question, she climbed into the gel bed, laying to rest with her hands clenched on her chest. The door slowly closed, fastening with barely a sound.

"INITIATING STASIS." A mechanical voice echoed.

Slowly a light hiss sounded from within the capsule. The girl gazed to the glass, keeping her eyes open as long as possible.

"Don't be concerned." The same voice from before spoke over the intercom. "I intend to uphold my promise."

"Yes," The girl smiled as her eyes grew heavy.

Her mind began to go blank as she felt herself drifting off.


Her worries began to fade,


- and felt herself wondering,


Wondering why-


- she leaned on,


- Unhappiness.


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