《The Goddess’ Chosen》To keep moving forwards


Elaina had set herself up a small building a few miles from the ruined city. Despite the degradation of time, this rectangle brick building overgrown with flora of the forest, as large as Allisa's house back in Terra, had survived relatively intact, even when the buildings surrounding it had long been reduced to its bare bones foundations.

The door (if it could be called that) had yet to crumble into dust despite the large holes at the side. Allisa gave it a small push to open. Inside left much to the imagination. Anything that was not made from stone was now scattered on the floor, with a stone table in the far end of the room, an old and crumbled shelf at the left of the room.

Elaina sat at the old slab table with several instruments and a chair that looked to have been brought from her atelier, including a crystal ball and several tomes.

"Well, looks like you did a good job." The arch sage said as Allisa approached her. "Very few people who've stood against Yensin has lived to tell the tale. So, I guess I can admit I was wrong about you."

"O-oh, great," Allisa responded with no energy or satisfaction that the woman who practically insulted her was admitting she was wrong. "T-Thanks,"

Elaina let out a loud sigh, leaning back on her chair folding her arms. "Alright, out with it."


"Somethings bothering you. No point hiding it. Spill."

"Oh... uh..." Allisa, taken off guard, took a step back. "I-I just...." It was true, she wanted more than anything to prove herself to this woman. But here and now, something weighed heavily on her mind.

"Please understand that you are not a prisoner. No one is forcing you into this."

A question that she never asked a second time.

"Just bear in mind that there is a reason why he, and the other Arch Sages, have taken you under their wing. No one in his position would do things out of the kindness of his heart,"

Something she had pushed aside as much as possible.

"They'll do the same to you, make no mistake about that. That power you have is never yours to use freely."

Raising her right hand, she clenched it into a fist.

"Ask yourself-"

"Did I really...... have a choice?" She finally asked a question she forced out as much as she could, a simple question she was praying not to hear the answer too.

Elaina folded her arms, let out a deep breath and gave her answer. "No you didn't."

Allisa froze at Elaina's blunt reply.

"And I'm sure we don't need to go into the reason why."

Slowly, Allisa lowered her hand to her side, keeping her head down staring at the tips of her boots. "So that's it? I really am just a tool to you people?"

"You're free to call yourself that if you want," Elaina continued. "To me you're either a miracle or the Goddess' idea of a joke."

"IT'S NOT LIKE I ASKED FOR THIS IN THE FIRST PLACE!!" Allisa exploded. She then painted, her temper reaching boiling point.

"I suppose you have a point," Elaina said unsympathetically. "But nonetheless, here you are. The fabled Goddess' Chosen and wielder of Excalibur. Putting it that way, it's no wonder why Dran kept you a secret this long."

Allisa looked up to Elaina with a surprised look. "Wh-What?"

"Want to know how I found out about you." Elaina gave her a sinker. "Through Yensin." She took in Allisa's frozen expression of shock. "That's right. I learned about you through that madman because Dran was keeping your identity hidden as much as possible. It's likely the other two don't even know you exist."


"B-But.... That can't be..." Allisa shook her head. Her mind thought back to the kind-hearted man she met in Riser when all this began, the man who gave her the encouragement she needed at that moment. "Why would Dran do that?" She asked, refusing to believe or accept the possibility that she had been used by the man she trusted.

"Can't say for sure. That man loves his secrets, I'll tell you that." Elaina continued, leaning on the table, locking her fingers. "What it does look like is that he wanted to have some form of control over your development, one separate from the agenda's of the rest of the Arch Sage's."

Allisa's head began to spin as a pit in her stomach began to sink further down. "My..... development?"

Elaina bowed her head, considering if she should press the point further. She recognized that Allisa's state was unstable. A wrong word could affect her in a negative way. That doubt, however, was fleeting as Eliana looked up. "If not Dran, someone else would have done the same thing. I certainly would focus on your development in a more hands-on approach than that man. For one, I wouldn't have given you the illusion of a choice because of this very thing nor would I have given you a void ring until I thought you were ready. As it stands now you're-"

"Shut up," Allisa interrupted quietly. She took a step back, shaking her head while gritting her teeth. "SHUT UP!"

After three months, Allisa's frustration had finally snapped. "STOP TALKING LIKE I'M NOT EVEN HERE!!" Tears began trailing down her cheeks, "I... I DIDN'T ASK TO BE A CHOSEN, HERO OR WHATEVER!! I FOUND THIS BY ACCIDENT! I DIDN'T MEAN TO BE PART OF ALL THIS CRAP!!!

"..... I.... I don't care about any of this! The chosen, prophecy or whatever it is! I DIDN'T WANT IT IN THE FIRST PLACE!! But you.... You and Dran... you just think you can just use me whenever it's convenient and send me out to do all your dirty work while you just sit back and watch. HOW COULD YOU POSSIBLY KNOW HOW I FEEL!! I COULDN'T DO A DAMN THING, BUT YOU DON'T GIVE A DAMN BECAUSE IT'S GOT NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU!! THIS IS MY POWER ISN'T IT?! IT'S ALL ME, RIGHT?! IF YOU WANTED IT SO BADLY YOU SHOULD HAVE JUST HAD IT IN THE FIRST PLACE!!"

Allisa grasped her knees huffed and puffed, tears continuing to stream down her face as she fought to get her breath back.

"........ Don't push it, you brat."

Elaina's response, a cold and sharp, caused Allisa to freeze. The Arch sage sat on her desk, giving a disapproved glare at Allisa. "What exactly were you expecting? A story out of a fantasy book where you, the chosen hero, must defeat the madmen or lunatics fighting for justice then ride off into the sunset marrying a handsome prince and live happily ever after?"

"........" Allisa didn't or rather couldn't respond.

"The world doesn't work like that. You've experienced it first hand, the world your part of is dark, cruel and unrelenting. People like me have to make tough decisions all for the sake of making sure things don't devolve into chaos like before. Your willingness to cooperate, as the Goddess' Chosen is irrelevant. Whether you chose this path is irrelevant. That is the reality you're in."

"...... But that's... that's just messed up!" Allisa argued again. "It's my power and your saying I have no control over it?"


"Ok, then let me ask you," Elaina continued, leaning back on her chair. "Say we didn't find you. You found Excalibur on your own and no one came to even explain what it is you've gotten yourself into, what would you do?"

"I-I..... uh.... I...." Allisa was taken aback by the forward question she wasn't expecting. She thought long and hard, but each time she drew a blank. She tried to imagine her life, if Nel hadn't shown up to save her, hadn't told her what had happened to her, hadn't taken her to meet Dran. Each time, she kept drawing a blank. If it were up to her, if no one had come, she would be dead at the hands of the assassins sent to kill her. Yet even if they hadn't come, if her life wasn't threatened...

"I.... don't know." It hurt for her to admit those words. The words of Ellie and Yensin still rang in her head. But now, the haze cleared up, it was slowly dawning on her. "I..... would live my life,"

The life I would have given anything to escape from.....

"And is that what you want?" Elaina threw another hard question at her.

"..... No," Allisa admitted, one that seemed so forced to admit, "I-I mean......." In the end, she let out a sigh. "I.... I just don't know anymore."

Elaina leaned forwards, resting her elbows on the stone table, "As much as you want to complain about our, let's call it assistance, in your development, in my book it was necessary. That doesn't mean I agree with how Dran handled it, but it at least gave you something in return." She leaned back again, folding her arms. "I still hold to my opinion of you, but even I can recognize your traits that make you interesting, to say the least."

"My... traits?"

"The power to move and inspire others through nothing but your actions and words alone," She then raised her left hand pointing out her index and middle finger, "For example," She then spun them in a clockwise position. All of a sudden, a portal opened on the ceiling.


Meracle fell down, landing on her left side, positioned as though she were previously leaning against a wall.


Meracle jumped to her feet, throwing her fists down while she hissed at Elaina. "What was that for you evil witch?!"

"For eavesdropping on us, obviously," Elaina said fanning innocence, snickering when the young cait sith stuck out her tongue. "And watch how you speak to your master."

Meracle pouted, her ears and tail flailing. She then looked at Allisa, and her ears picked up, a large smile came on her face. "Allisa!" She leaped up suddenly, catching Allisa by surprise, coiling her legs around Allisa's waist.

"Wh-Whoa! Mary, h-hey!" Allisa leaned back, catching herself before she fell backward.

"Are you ok? You've been sleeping for ages now!" Meracle said, sounding upbeat.

"Uh- Y-Yeah," Allisa nodded, having caught her footing.

"Meow, I bet the others would be really happy to see you awake. They've been really really worried about you." Meracle said leaning backward with a big grin, still clinging to Allisa like a small monkey. "We all came, me, Max, Melvin and his dog monster, Yuki got out to get ya something to eat and ended up getting kicked out cause he argued with Max. Oh, and Rodger and his friends came to see you."

"O-oh... really?"

"And of course, Dran's assassin never left your side even after you woke up," Elaina chimed in as Meracle jumped off her. "It clearly wasn't about you being the goddess chosen. She was very concerned for your wellbeing." She chuckled, leaning back on her chair. "I was quite surprised if I'm honest. Assassin's like her don't tend to show regards to other people. Say what you will but your very presence has moved people in ways I couldn't have predicted."

Allisa blinked, weakly scratching her cheek as she thought of what Elaina had told her. She remembered back to something Nel had told her after the incident with the Alchemist, to pull someone from the darkness. "B-But I...."

"Speaking of moving people in ways I couldn't have predicted," Elaina tilted her head to focus her gaze on Meracle. "Mary, I believe there's something you want to ask Allisa?" She asked, sounding amused.

"Meow?" Meracle crocked her head, giving a blank expression.

"Ask me?" Allisa looked to Meracle, whose ears and tail shot up.

"Meow! That's right!" Her ears then dropped as a conflicted look overcame her. "Myowell... uh..." she nervously tapped her fingers together. "Y-You see I-"

"She wants to go with you," Elaina interrupted.

"MILADY!" Meracle exclaimed before looking shocked. "Y-You knew?"

"You didn't think you could keep something like that from me," Elaina said looking smug.

Meracle's enthusiasm dampened slightly, feeling as though her decision was a betrayal towards the Arch Sage who took her off the street and gave her a purpose.

"Wait," Allisa looked to Meracle, "You want to come with me."

"Mywell yeah," Meracle nodded, nervously fighting with her fingers. "I mean, I know it was short but, traveling with you guys was the most fun I had in ages. And you...." Her ears dampened, "you stood up for me with Leone. Even though you knew I screw up a lot you still took me with you and let me settle things. So I.... I don't wanna say goodbye!

"I know I'm not perfect and I'll screw up every now and then, but I really really want to keep traveling with you and everyone for a bit longer!"

"Mary..." Allisa smiled, feeling her wounded heart beginning to mend.

".... Uh, Milady," Meracle turned her attention to Elaina, bowing to her as low as she could without getting down on her hands and knees. "I-I'm really grateful for everything you've done! But I... I mean I'm so sorry I. No uh...." She flustered as she tried to form her words together to convey her message.

"What on Avalon are you apologizing for?" Elaina interrupted her, letting out a deep sigh. "This is what you want right?"

"Nyow?" Meracle looked back up puzzled. "Y-Yeah,"

"So don't let me stop you." Elaina nodded, giving a reassuring smile.

"B-But I.... I'm your aid and..."

"I didn't take you off the street just to have you bound to me for all eternity. I took you in because I saw you have potential, even if it's not with me. If you see this as something you want or something you feel you have to do, then just do it. If you use crap excuses like the one you're giving me, you'll only be holding yourself back. I'm sure I taught you better than that,"


"So, how about it?" Elaina turned back to Allisa. "She may be a bit of a handful but I can't think of anyone better suited to coming with you then Mary here.

"I mean, Pressa may be better than her in every possible way, but she's far too tightly wound that I could think to part with her. As for Cory.... Well, she doesn't want to leave my side same as that Assassin friend of yours, so klutz Meracle's the best I can offer to your band of weirdos."

"Milady...." Meracle pouted.

"Uh..." Allisa looked back at Meracle who looked up at her hopeful.

"And so we're clear, you do have a choice in this," Elaina emphasized.

Allisa took one last look at Elaina then looked back at Meracle. "..... Actually, I don't." She said, feeling the doubts and pain finally beginning to pass. She turned back to Elaina with a smile. "Mary's our friend after all. How can I say no?"

Meracle's brightened up like a child on Christmas morning. She jumped on the spot, letting out a "MYAHA!" with glee. Allisa couldn't help but chuckle at the young cait sith as she leaped for joy, letting out cat meows left and right.

"Then you'll need this," Elaina threw something towards Meracle, who stopped jumping long enough to catch it. Opening her palm she saw a silver ring.

"A void ring. Make sure you don't lose it." Elaina threw a second one to Allisa, who caught it. "One for the samiet. I take it he doesn't have one yet."

"Oh, uh right." Allisa nodded grasping it in her hand. She then looked to Meracle who was still beside herself with excitement. "We should find the others. I got a feeling they're gonna be in for a surprise," she said with a chuckle.

"Myeah," Meracle nodded.

"This won't be the last time you go through something like this," Elaina spoke, bringing Allisa back to the current conversation. "Sooner or later you will be forced to go through a similar situation. Are you going to break down every time?"

"......" Allisa grasped Rodger's ring, contemplating on the Arch Sage's words. She was correct. As much as she didn't want to admit it, as long as Allisa walked down the road she was on, she will be forced into difficult situations like what happened with Ellie.

"You may think of yourself as a tool, but you're still human," Elaina spoke, leaning forward on her desk. "And as a human, you will stumble and fall. It will be hard, and I'd imagine it will be painful, but no matter what happens, you must keep moving forward.

"If you felt like you failed, then work to ensure you don't fail again. If you feel loss, keep going and protect what you still have. People who genuinely care about you, so if you feel yourself moving backward, have them push you forwards. The second you give up is when everything ends."

"L-Lady Elaina," Allisa looked stunned. "But..... how do I do that?"

"What is it that you want?"

"....... To find out why I've been chosen," Allisa said, not sounding convincing, almost ashamed that it was the only thing she could think of.

"And?" Elaina pushed.

"....... And I....." Allisa raised her right hand, looking blankly at it before clenching it into a fist. "I..... I want to keep traveling, with all my friends. To keep going on adventures with everyone."

Elaina nodded. "Then use that as your excuse to keep moving forward. No matter how long the road, use what you have to keep going. If you think what you want is not enough, then find something else. If you succumb and fall, that's the end. So no matter what the road ahead may bring you, keep moving forward. Focus on what you want, what you have and make sure you don't let it go."

Allisa was speechless for a few seconds as she took in Elaina's speech. It was far blunter than what Dran had told her when she first arrived in Avalon, but for some reason, it seemed to resonate to her very core. For the first time since her journey her doubts about herself and what she's fighting for seemed so insignificant. She felt relieved, as though a tremendous weight tied to her ankle, pulling her deep into a lake of doubt and confusion was beginning to lighten.

".... Thanks." Allisa said nodding. "I guess you're not so bad after all lady Elaina."

"You make it sound like I'm some kind of monster," Elaina said sarcastically. "And drop the 'lady.' I'm not one for titles."

"Myow? But you make me call you milady," Meracle asked, crocking her head.

"That's because you're my servant. It's only natural you address me as such." Elaina said with a mischievous grin.

"Hm," Meracle pouted, her ears and tail shooting up to reflect her annoyed mood.

"The same goes for you too," Elaina continued, changing the topic. "You are named after a miracle, after all, so show your new companions that you are someone deserving of that title."

Meracle flinched, looking surprised at the mention of her name. She reached up, gently holding the green pendant that she was given to by Leone. ".... I still hate that name," She said stubbornly before straightening up, looking bright-eyed at her former master. "After all, miracles don't just happen. You gotta make one happen."

Elaina nodded. "It's going to be strange not having you around." She sighed, "Now I have to find someone else to provide me some fun entertainment."


Allisa chuckled, nodding towards the Arch Sage before turning to her new companion. Meracle looked up, giving her a toothy grin. "Ok, let's go!" the blue-haired girl shouted enthusiastically.

"Right." Allisa walked behind her, making her way to the door.

"Oh, before you leave-" Elaina suddenly stopped them. "Mind summoning Excalibur?"

"Hm? Why?" Allisa asked puzzled by the bazaar request.

"Just want to see it. Nothing wrong with that, is there?"

"Uh.... N-no," despite her confusion, Allisa raised her right hand, summoning her sword to appear in her hand. Elaina leaned forwards on her desk, concentrating on Allisa for a second before leaning back.

"Ok, you're free to go."

Allisa blinked, still baffled as to the arch sages actions. She looked to Meracle who shrugged. "O-Ok, well.... See you." Allisa waved as she and Meracle left the building, leaving Elaina all alone.

"To find out why you were chosen, huh," Elaina's eyes darted to the left side of the room, located within a small hole, hidden just out of site from Allisa was a yellowish stone that shone a dim light, only brightening when Allisa summoned her sword. To her knowledge, that was the stone the assassins sent to kill her had on their position, which seemed to be tracking the mana given off by the sword.

On the right side, hidden in another out of sight hole was a similar stone that was possessed by the assassin Nel. Unlike the first stone, this one was shining the second Allisa walked into the room, and was now only getting dimmer.

"You're not the only one."

To home at last

After a long and lengthy visit to Avalon, the party was now prepared to go back to Allisa's world of Terra. Feeling that they would not be back before long, the group went about saying their goodbyes.

Although the only one who went out to say good-bye was Max, who paid a visit to the recovering King of the Forest in the underground of the ruined city. After a lengthy parting, the group said their farewells to Faust and his two men.

"It has been quite the ordeal, but I am grateful to have met all of you."

"Say goodbye to Sis for us."

"Take care bros!"

Rodger spent more time with his parting, largely because it took several more times for Melvin to explain where he was going and he wasn't sure he didn't fully understand. However, that did not stop him from saying his farewells to his two friends Dora and Fred.

While their parting was a sad one for Rodger (who had already gone through it once already) he nonetheless gave them a promise to see all of them again.

Gimdo stopped by on the departure, once again expressing his gratitude to the saviors of Sterland Village. The village council followed, with even Dorian expressing how grateful they were this lonely band of human's stepped in and saved all their lives twice.

The meeting point was by the Lookout, far out from the village. Nel was the first, being there long before the others arrived. There was a sense of unease, as the one who hadn't arrived yet was Allisa. They hadn't seen her for the two days they were recovering, let alone the state they had last seen her.

However, not long after the party reconvened Allisa showed up with an unexpected surprise.

"............ WHAT?!" Cliff, Yuki and Max exclaimed their surprise.

"Myahaha! That's right!" Meracle stood by Allisa showing off her void ring.

"Mary's coming back with us," Allisa chimed in.

"Uh.... I've got nothing against it, but what about the Arch Sage," Cliff said. "I mean, Mary's still her aid isn't she?"

"I bet she got dumped on us again," Yuki said disgruntled.


"Pretty much," both Allisa and Meracle nodded their heads, causing Yuki to let out a sigh.

"...... That sounds right," Cliff said. Despite both his arms still in a sling, he couldn't help but smile. "Not that I'm complaining. Would be weird without you around now."

"Yeah, welcome aboard," Max said with a large grin.

"You're officially one of us," Melvin said with Cerberus giving a yelp.

"Great ta have ya with us," Rodger said proudly. "Stick with me and I'll show ya how we do things around here and one of my henchmen."

"You only just joined us recently too, remember," Cliff pointed out.

Meracle grinned, rubbing her nose in a triumphant manner, feeling the acceptance of her new-found friends.

"And uh...." Allisa spoke up, bowing her head. "Sorry for worrying all of you." She said softly. "I know I've been really pathetic recently.... I'm supposed to be the leader yet I couldn't do anything and just coiled up and tried to deny everything."

"Would you give it a rest already with the petty speeches." Yuki interrupted her. "Seriously, this constant back and forth with you is really pissing me off,"

"Hey! I'm being serious here!" Allisa snapped at the swordsman.

"And I'm saying you're wasting your time with this constant winning of yours," Yuki said back. "You wanna be a hero, right? Then stop with all this apologizing with words and speak with your actions."

"Uh... Y-Yuki?"

"You're not perfect. None of us are. You screw up every now and then, big deal. We all screw up every now and then. What's important is that we don't let it get you down."

After Yuki finished his speech, everyone was giving him curious looks like one would give an animal roaming around a safari. "..... What?"

"That's just.... Really out of character for you." Melvin pointed out.

"Yeah, usually you'd go around bashing everyone on the head saying to mind your business," Max said.

"He's right. Cheering people up is the last thing you'd do." Cliff said grimly. Starting to think we may have actually lost you back in the Village,"

"Oh shut up!" Yuki exclaimed, swinging his sheathed sword at Cliff, missing and slamming Max in the head, knocking him to the ground.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR SWORD BASTARD?!" Max exploded upper-cutting Yuki.

"I WAS AIMING FOR THE BIG GUY! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO DIDN'T MOVE PYRO!!" Yuki retorted as he punched Max in the cheek.

"Oh, there he is." Cliff nodded triumphantly as Max and Yuki continued their childish fight, exchanging blows while Melvin and Rodger laughed as they made fools of themselves again.

"Myow...." Meracle was a little bewildered by the surprise fight. "S-Shouldn't we stop them...?"

Her question went unanswered. She turned to Allisa, and to her surprise she was laughing too, expressing joy she hadn't shown the young cait sith since they met.

Nel remained further away from the group, not chiming in on the conversation. However, seeing Allisa in a much better state then she was in before, the assassin couldn't help but let out a smile.

After the fight between Max and Yuki was broken up (by mostly Nel), the group gathered around an empty spot with Allisa at the point.

"Ok," Allisa let out a deep breath, raising her right hand forwards. "Open!"

The green streamed portal opened up before them.



Meracle and Rodger jumped back in surprise. They'd seen it once before back at Löwe Höhle, but due to the chaos, they didn't have time to fully appreciate the sight.

"So... that's how this work?" Rodger asked looking at his left hand where he had his void ring.

"Yep." Melvin said with Cerberus letting out a yelp. "Just point forward and say open and a portal will open to wherever you've been before."

".... I've got a lot of explaining to do when I get back," Cliff said, realizing that all of them with the exception of Allisa still had bandages to cover their injuries. In addition there two new companions which he'd have to explain to Dale and Mirage.

"Not as much explaining as I have," Allisa said, lamenting that she was supposed to be gone for a week on some story from the Elder. It was well over a week since she arrived to see Dran, and that involved a boat ride, a trek through a monster-filled forest and conflict with a bandit group, and to top it all of the huge battles.

"Oh well..." Allisa sighed, looking straight ahead. Before the portal was something that scared her, something that dragged her from the life she once knew to a world she wanted no part of. Looking at it now, she no longer felt that anxiety. She was still terrified of the future, knowing that something would likely happen along the way, but the road seemed less daunting to her.

"Ok guys, time to go home!" With a smile, she ran and jumped into the portal, disappearing.


"She's gone?!"

Rodger and Meracle exclaimed their surprise before Max picked both of them up, tucking them both under his arms.

"Myaaa! What are you doing?!"

"Whoa, hey?!"

"You heard her, let's go!" Max bellowed enthusiastically as he leaped into the portal with both Meracle and Rodger flailing their arms in protest.

"Ready boy?" Melvin asked Cerberus, who yelped in approval.

"We've really got a lot to explain when we get back," Cliff said looking at Cerberus.

"Oh well. One thing at a time, right?"

"Ha, got a point."

Cliff, Melvin and Cerberus slowly approached the portal, disappearing when they got close.

Nel slowly walked slowly towards the opening-

"You haven't told her?"

- but was stopped when Yuki spoke up. He stood behind her, folding his arms while giving her an inquisitive stare.

"....... How could I?" Nel sighed, sounding conflicted. "You saw the state she was in. If I told her one of my orders was to kill her....." Slowly, she turned to face Yuki, keeping her gaze to the ground. "Am I.... Evil?"

"..... Can't say for sure." Yuki said scratching his head to show a sense of disinterest. "I learned long ago that there's no such thing as evil in the world. Just assholes and even bigger assholes."

"...... If worst comes to worst if I were forced into a position to kill her...." Nel posed a question, but couldn't find it in her to finish.

"Honestly, you should do what you think is right," Yuki said as he walked past her, stopping a few feet away. "You said it yourself, you don't think you can kill her anymore. So.... That should be your answer. Worst comes to worst like you said I'll just beat some sense into her."

It was such a basic answer, one that answered nothing. For Nel however, it seemed to put her somewhat at ease. "That does sound like something you'd do."

Yuki snorted, putting a hand to his katana's hilt. "Although, if you really believe what you're spouting, you should tell her. If you put it off for too long, it'll only come to bite you in the ass."

"...... I know that," Nel sighed, "but how do I tell her something like that. Human interactions are not exactly my strong suit."

"Yeah, we noticed...." Yuki said rubbing his neck, recalling how Nel almost took his head off when he pushed her on the matter. "I'm probably not the best person to ask. If you want advice, best go to the big guy." He then began to walk towards the portal, ready to leave Avalon again.

"You know, you never did answer my question." Nel interrupted him. With a mischievous smile, she took a step forward folding her arms. "Why stay with us?"

Yuki looked back at Nel before giving a huff and a small smile. "Honestly," he turned and continued walking towards the portal. "I can't think of one good reason,"

Nel couldn't help but chuckle as Yuki disappeared into the portal. "..... Can't think of a reason huh?"


And so marks the end of the beast of Wrath, killed in an unexpected of means. However, as I write this paragraph, it's clear to me that this is only the precursor to a much larger catastrophe waiting to happen.

It is curious to say the least. These events are clearly orchestrated by him in some ways. Whether to further his goals or just amusement. I would place my bet on the latter

In the shade of the thick trees, a lone woman stood watching the last of the chosen companions leave. Wearing a pure white frilled shirt, a black skirt with long black stockings lining her legs, hair as black as night, tied into a long ponytail that extended at the full length of her back. In her hands was a large black tome open with a pen in her right hand, scribbling down as the portal closed.

Regardless of the circumstances, it appears fate is beginning to converge around the Chosen and her companions. If things are to proceed as it did before, then this chosen would most certainly share the same fate as the previous Chosen.

However, in view of recent events, it appears such an eventuality may indeed come to pass. While I have no support for this hypothesis, I feel these unexpected events may divert the calamity in the immediate future.

For the moment, I shall proceed to further evaluate the anomaly, Allisa Reed.

The woman slammed her book closed, tucking the tome in her arms, adjusting her round spectacles hiding her blood-red eyes.

"So, I wonder what's next for you, Allisa Reed?"

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