《The Goddess’ Chosen》The Will of a Knife


"Achoo!" Leone sneezed, waking her from her slumber. Sitting up she rubbed her nose, wheezing. "..... That was a weird dream. Though I was shot through the gut and put behind bars.

Glancing down she saw a thick gore wrapped around her belly, with several pads and bandages wrapping around her body. "...... Oh right. It wasn't a dream,"

She had no idea what happened, but when she regained consciousness, she found herself sitting alone in an old ruin of overgrown moss and ivy, with the entrance barred by thin rock pillars that looked to be made of magic.

She got a jist of what had happened while she was out. Two days ago, the battle she was involved with ended, the nine tails had been killed and Yensin had vanished.

In other words, Leone had lost.

"Hey old man!" Leone called out to her warden sitting beside the bares, whittling a piece of wood to entertain himself.

"Bush," The man said with a chuckle. "You really need to brush up on your manners.

"Yeah, whatever," Leone said resting back on the rock that made up her bed, resting her hands over her head. "I'm hungry. Mind fetching me something?"

"What's the magic word?" Bush said not looking back.

"I'll make it worth your time," Leone said with a flirtatious wink.

"Then no," Bush chuckled, holding up a flute he had whittled.

"Booo, you're no fun." Leone pouted childishly, slumping down. "If I die of starvation, it's on your beard!"

"Hm," Bush chuckled. "You're oddly cooperative for a prisoner. I was expecting you to attempt to escape with your strength back."

"..... Yeah, and then what?" Leone said nonchalantly, "I ain't got no idea what to do after this. Yensin's up and gone, my drinking buddies dead....." Sadness washed over her, "And I got what I wanted anyway," she held out her hand in the air, allowing the green pendant to dangle from her fingers.

Bush tore his gaze from his work, seeing the lament that the cait sith was in. He then faced forwards, seeing someone approaching them. "You have a visitor."

"A visitor?" Leone looked puzzled. She couldn't think of anyone who would want to see her.


A familiar voice caused her to flinch. Turning her head, she saw Meracle standing by the cage dressed in her repaired bodysuit with some bandages visible here and there.

Leone couldn't help but feel surprised. Meracle was the last person she was expecting. With a chuckle, she turned her gaze back at the pendant. "Thought you'd be out celebrating kitty," She said with a humorous voice.

Meracle didn't look amused. Stealing her resolve, she took a step to the bars. "Leone St. Gertrude?"

Leone let out a dry chuckle. ".... Yeah. Guess sister Beatrix never told the other kids about me." With a sigh, Leone lowered her hands, keeping her eyes at the moss-covered ceiling above her head. "Believe it or not, I'm actually a noble bastard. My father- the asshole- was some wealthy merchant and owned part of the Ferkles bizarre in Tattoria. Guy spent most of his fortune of wine and treated women like objects.

"And that's where I'm from. Apparently, he assaulted one of his maids while drunk, and that's where I'm from. Needless to say, I was pretty much trash from the second I was born. My father barely noticed me, my mother couldn't stand to look at me, I stole from the kitchens to survive. I learned there that I only gotta look out for me and no one else.


"One day when I was like.... 6 I think, that bastard tried coming down on me while drunk even though I was his own flesh and blood, and I killed him without a second thought.

"Don't really have many memories after that. Just ran away and lived off the street, stealing and knocking people around. Even picked up a few tricks and mana abilities.

"Then sister found me and pulled me from the gutter and took me to the orphanage. I was.... pretty distant from the others. Got inta lots of fights, kept stealing from the other kids. The only person that seemed to take my side was the sister. No matter how much shit I caused, she never gave up on me."

Leone then held up the pendant. "But me being the bitch I am, I just didn't listen to one bit. Swiped this thinking it was valuable and sold it." For the first time, there was regret in her voice. "That was the first time sister ever hit someone, ya know. It was very important to her, but I didn't think of that at all. After that, I left, and just lived out my life on the street."

Meracle was taken aback by Leone's story.

"Ha ha... why am I even telling you all this?" Leone said as she lowered the pendant.

"....... So, why did you look after me?" Meracle ended up asking. "You said you look out for yourself, and you did. You kept betraying me and using me.... But you also took care of me. Why?"

"........." Leone let out a loud sigh. "Guess I just wanted to make it up to sister Beatrix in some way." She turned her head, ensuring the young cait sith couldn't see her lament. "When the demon blight hit... and I heard the orphanage was whipped out..... I remember feeling like shit. Then I met you, a little kitty who survived that. I tried to make it up to them..... and did a shit job at it. Then about a year ago, got approached by Ling and he took me to that lunatic, Yensin. He told me about that plain with the nine tails and all that shit and how they needed something swiped from Everndail. I didn't want any part of it at first. But the minute that bastard pulled out the pendant...... Well, you know the rest of the story."

Leone let out a loud sigh. "...... That's pretty much it. That's my shit life in a nutshell."

Meracle cast her gaze down to the ground, processing all the information.

"....... Do you hate me?" Leone asked, resting her hands behind her head as she gazed blankly up at the ceiling. "It's alright. After all I've done-"


Leone snapped her head towards Meracle, who gave her a warm smile. "S-Seriously?" She said, sounding shocked. "You do know I've stabbed ya in the back dozens of times by now?"

"I know," Meracle nodded. "But... we're sisters, right? We grew up in the same place, and you taught me everything I know. Nyeah, there were times I really hated you. But more than anyone else, you stuck with me no matter what. Even after I screw up a job, you still pick me back up. So.... I don't think I can ever hate you."

Leone stared at the young cait sith, then burst into laughter. "Man you're such a sap! HAHAHA!"

"H-Hey! I was being serious!" Meracle pouted.

Leone's laughter died out. Letting out a loud huff, she raised her right hand clenched into a fist. She gazed at it for a second before smiling.



She then threw something out of her hand towards Meracle. Startled, Meracle fumbled as she attempted to grab it before getting a grip with both hands. Opening her hands, Meracle saw the green pendant in her hands. "Nyew?"

"It matches your eyes," Leone said, sitting up on the slab she was laying on. "Make sure you don't lose it. Sister will haunt you if you do,"

"B-But-" Meracle glanced up at Leone, taken aback by her out of character action, "You worked so hard to get it!"

"And you're the one who swiped it, remember," Leone said with a wink. "Think you deserve it more than me."


"Seriously you deserve it more," Leone bowed her head in remorse, "after all the crap I've pulled, I'm the last person it should go to." She leaned back, resting her hands back over her head. "Besides, I'm Leone 'Vastia' , remember. You still have 'St Gertrude' so makes way more sense for you to have it."

Meracle glanced back at the pendant in her hands. Her eyes fixated on the cut green jewel, coated in a steel mold with a very fine chain attached. She then smiled as she raised the pendant. The chain was just big enough to go over her head, the green jewel coming just above her chest.

"She's right. It does suit you." Bush said. He remained silent throughout the discussion that Meracle forgot he was even there, jumping when he finally spoke before giving him a bashful smile.

"So, what are you gonna do now?" Leone asked.

"Nyew?" Meracle glanced back at her old partner, now resting on her back staring blankly on the ceiling. "What do you mean?"

"You want to go with Allisa, right?"

Meracle's ears twitched with surprise. "M-Myew?"

"Come on, I can tell back at the ruins." Leone chuckled. "I saw the look you had when she stood up for ya."

Meracle's ears sank as she contemplated what Leone said. There was truth behind those words. Her time with Allisa was brief, but amongst that cast of misfits, she felt right at home, more so than when she was in the thieves guild or even her service under the Arch Sage. "But.... I-I can't! I-I'm an aid to milady! She took me in when no one else would!" She argued, shaking her head. "I can't... I...."

Leone couldn't help but chuckle at Meracle's conflict. "I know it won't mean much coming from me," She said, glancing back at the ceiling, "but it's your life, no one else. So if you wanna do something for yourself, just do it." Her voice became distant, as though she was looking back at her own life, "And whatever you do, make sure you have no regrets."

Finding a new home

Deep in the forest of Sterland Village, situated within a large sinkhole was the lost city of Berkara. This ruined city that time had abandoned lay as it had for centuries, with no soul even attempting to resettle its decrepit confines.

That was until two days ago.

All around the ancient ruin, the sameits of Sterland Village set about resettling the city. The village itself lay in ruins due to the fighting. Many of the plateaus that made up the village proper lay in ruins, with the shimmering lake completely drained. Therefore, the sameits left there ancient home and moved to the lost city.

Losses amongst the sameits were light, in no small part to the efforts of Faust's group and the King of the Forest as well as the small band of humans who fought and triumphed over the invaders. However, in the initial attack, over thirty sameits lost their lives to the demonic horde, with some of their bodies being mutilated beyond recognition, a handful that was unaccounted for. Before the reconstruction process, a ceremony was held in memory of the fallen before the work began.

As for the heroes of the battle, they were given healing treatment for there various wounds.

Despite its grievous wounds, the King of the Forest survived the battle with the demons and the nine tails. It now lay in rest within the old cavern where it once made its nest as healers continued to restore their new protector close to its former glory.

Faust, Shay and May, despite all three being badly hurt in the battle, pitched in to assist with the reconstruction, brushing aside their wounds.

Meanwhile, Rodger sat atop a broken building in the plaza, watching the rebuilding efforts. Dangling his feet over the edge, he looked at peace, seeing his home he had left being rebuilt.

"There you are!"

"Wh-We've been looking for you."

Rodger turned around, seeing Fred and Dora approaching him. "Oh, there you are guys," he said as the two took a seat at his side. "I tried ta find ya guys after waking up,"

"Wh-we were looking for you," Fred said, adjusting his glasses. "Wh-What are you doing out? I thought you still had to rest."

"It's Rodger we're talking about, he'd be up and about the moment he can walk," Dora said humorlessly.

"Hey, what's that suppose ta mean?" Rodger pouted, "And shouldn't you guys be resting? I thought both of ya got hurt worse than me."

".... Ok, you got us," Dora said sticking out her tongue before giggling. Fred joined in, and then Rodger.

The three friends gazed back out at the ruined city, watching the rebuilding effort continue.

"Never thought I'd be back here like this," Rodger said mostly to himself. He'd been in the city a week ago fighting against Celtic Hoard. Now, here he was again watching his home being rebuilt within its ancient confines. "Wonder if pa every went through stuff like this on his travels?"

"A real man always goes with the flow," Steve and his friends arrived on the rooftop, much to the surprise of Rodger and his friends, "That's what you're dad would say, right?"

"Wh-What are you doing here?" Fred asked.

"Unlike you three, we've been busy with fixing this dump," Redwol said with a huff.

"Hey! I've been busy too!" Rodger said, folding his arms.

"You were asleep for a day loser!" Steve argued.

"So were you," Gura said matter-of-factly. "In fact, we all were. The fight against that octopus face really took a lot out of us."

Redwol shivered, "Don't bring that up! I'm trying to forget everything about that freak."

Rodger's head dipped. He only remembered the 'octopus face' from his brief encounter with him after the fox was awakened. He didn't ask at the time, but he had a feeling the battle was a fierce one, more than his with the floating elf.

"You thought I was taking it seriously?"

The elf he couldn't defeat.

He, who had beaten Dolton of Celtic Hoard, was the only one in the party who couldn't defeat his opponent. Even after pushing himself to his limit, he couldn't even fend off the elf with significant damage.

"Rodger?" Dora spoke up, breaking his chain of thought. "Are you ok? You're being unusually quiet,"

"Hm? Oh nothin!" Rodger said giving her a smile of assurance, one that he forced. "Just... can't believe all that happened in such a short time, that's all. Like.... It's a week since I set off, and I got to see the outside world my pa explored. Then, I found myself here, defending my home from threats from the outside world."

Steve narrowed his eyes at Rodger. He knew him well enough to know there was something else that was bugging him.

"Wonder if that's how pa felt?" Rodger continued to ponder, his little hands beginning to clutch the old rock hard. "Wonder.... If he ever felt... ya know, scared."

"I'm sure anyone would be scared," Steve said, surprising everyone. "I mean, we lived our whole lives in this forest, never once going outside. So... to just drop everything we know and go out there must be pretty terrifying. Those humans you're with.... I'm sure they must've felt the same thing.

"But that fear to go out..... it holds a lot of people back. But for those to say to hell with it and just go out take an iron will. Ya pa had that, and I sure as hell couldn't even live up to that...."

Steve then looked around him, taking note that everyone was now giving him an odd look.

"What?" He said, not noticing the joke.

"... N-Nothing," Rodger said, shaking his head chucking. Dora and Fred followed.

"Wh-What! Did I say something funny?!" Steve flustered.

"Not really," Gura said. He had a straight face while Redwol had turned his head to one side shaking. "That's just very uncharacteristic of you. Usually, You try to say something that makes you an uncalled for remark out of jealousy and spite."

"Who's side are you on here!? And I never once said anything like that!"

"Y-You do it all the time before storming off," Fred pointed out.

"Why you....!" Steve puffed out his cheeks, "Fine! Last time I try to cheer this loser up! I hope he dies from doing something dumb like he always does!"

"And there's the leader we know," Gura said as Redwol let out a sigh.

"Good. For a second there I thought his personality had changed."


The samiet youths laughed at the expense of the increasingly flustered Steve. Rodger glanced back towards the city, leaning back using his arms to balance himself. When everyone had finished launching, they all did the same, taking in the scenery of the reconstruction. With a smile, Rodger jumped to his feet, examining the scenery, slamming his cheeks to knock him out of his funk.

"Ok," he said, pumping his fist in the air. "Just ya watch! I'm gonna go on even greater adventures that pa ever could! I'm gonna see even crazier stuff and take down enemies even stronger than Dolton or that flying jerk! Just ya watch!"

Everyone simply stared at Rodger, letting him bask in the spotlight with the proud look on his face.

Rodger knew that from here on out, his real adventure would begin now.


Meanwhile, in the ruins of the old town center, a large building with a tower that used to contain the ancient clock, the other heroes of Sterland Village sat on an open rooftop as part of their recuperation.

"I cannot express how grateful Sterland Village is to your efforts," Gimdo said, bowing down to the ground. "Not once, but twice did you put your lives on the line in our hour of need."

"Aw, it was nothing," Max said sitting on a large slab cross-legged with a large grin. He only wore his black shorts, with his chest, arms, legs and forehead covered in a thick layer of bandages.

"Yeah, we always find ways to get involved in stuff like this," Melvin said sitting beside Max. Like him he had several bandages, though covered by his usual garments. "Makes me shudder what crazy crap we're gonna get involved in next time."

"Sure hope it's nothing as crazy as what we've just been through...." Cliff moaned, resting on the ground next to a pile of rubble. Like the others, he was covered in bandages all over, with the additions to his arms being in casts, held up by slings. "If this is what I look like in that kinda crap, I don't even want to think what I'll be like for something worse."

"Ha ha, that's what you get for being too reckless," Max chuckled.

"That's rich coming from you!" Cliff snapped. "The reason why I'm all messed up is because you wore yourself out before all that crap happened!"

"You're the one who knocked me out, remember!" Max yelled back.

"That's cause you acted like a reckless moron and burnt yourself out," Yuki said, laying on his back gazing up into the sky, covered in a layer of bandages and pads. "While we're on the subject, what was that?"

"Hm?" Max cronked his head, staring blankly at the sky. "You know, I'm not really sure..." He knew they were referring to how he defeated Fark, someone who completely overpowered him in their first battle. "I remember my chest felt like it was burning," He put a hand to his scare. "And..... a voice?"

"A... voice?" Melvin sounded puzzled.

"That's the best I can describe it. I passed out, and everything went dark. Then.... I heard some kinda voice and then the burning in my chest started," Max folded his arms, letting out a deep sigh. "Sorry, I don't get it at all,"

"..... guess I can understand that," Yuki sighed, lazily glancing up at the blue sky above.

All of a sudden, his view was blocked as something orange landed on his face, dragging claws across Yuki's face, then leaped off. Yuki's hands grasped his face as he wrenched upwards, shaking with rage before shooting to his front. "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT STUPID MUTT STILL DOING OUT?!!" He exploded, jabbing a finger at the small Cerberus that leaped to his master's side.

"Aww, that's a good boy," Melvin said, stroking the fiery mane. "Next time, make sure you gouge an eye out,"


"So," Max leaned forwards, catching a glimpse at Cerberus, "You still can't send him back?”

"... Yeah," Melvin nodded, sounding sad. Unlike before, where Cerberus had been called out, Melvin was able to send him back without issues. But now, no matter what he tried, Cerberus wouldn't vanish. On top of that, he was unable to assume his battle form. As far as he knew, Cerberus was stuck in the human realm.

"It's probably a result of that transformation he did," Cliff chimed in. "After all, if Allisa's sword was only able to burn a small hole, then he must have done something pretty drastic to break the entire cage."

"I'm just as stumped about it as the rest of you," Melvin said, taking his hand off his friend, who sat wagging its fiery tail. "It's weird. I knew he was never at full power, but I didn't realise Cerberus was that strong."

"Oh, that reminds me!" Max's gaze snapped towards Gimdo. "How's Allisa doing?"

Gimdo flinched. "Wh-Well.... Uh," A melancholy atmosphere began to worm its way through the four as Gimdo struggled to word his answer. "Physically she's fine. In fact, Helina was amazed by how fast she was able to recover."

"Oh... that's good." Max nodded, feeling his spirit draining from the sudden heavy atmosphere.

"But?" Yuki asked, sitting up.

Gimdo withdrew himself, letting out a loud sigh before continuing. "The wound to her heart is quite deep." He waited to allow the words to sink in. "Apparently she hasn't eaten anything since she woke up yesterday. In fact, she's barely spoken a word. All she's done is stand in front of that grave. What happened with that woman has hit her pretty hard."

He then bowed, "I'm terribly sorry. I wish I could say more to ease your burden."

"No, it's ok," Cliff said, shaking his head. "At least we know she's up. That's good news."

Gimdo nodded slowly. "Once again, you all have my gratitude." Realizing that there was nothing left to say, Gimdo turned his back, slowly walking down the broken staircase.

The remaining four stayed on the rooftop, bathed in the sun's rays. None made a sound, or even attempted to break the heavy atmosphere that descended on them.

"S-So um...." Melvin spoke up, shifting his eyes to his three comrades, Cerberus giving a small bark. "Uhhh..... well this is awkward. Uh-"

"You saw her after the battle, right?" Cliff spoke up.

"Uh... Y-Yeah," Melvin's head slumped down. "If I'm honest..... I'm really worried about her. The look she had..... she looked..... dead."

"..........." Max suddenly jumped to his feet.


"I'm just going out for a walk," he said to Melvin nonchalantly as he walked with his hands over his head.

"If you're going to see Allisa, forget it. You'll just make it worse."

Max stopped. Lowering his arms, his eyes drifted over to Yuk. "What?"

Yuki lifted his gaze up at him, narrowing his eyes.

"What the hell'd you mean by that?" Max said angrily.

"Exactly what it sounds like, pyro," Yuki responded, getting back to his feet.

"Uh-H-Hey guys...." Melvin jumped to his feet, waving his arms in the air with an awkward smile, "Come on. Nows not the time to be fighting-"

"So what? I should just sit by and do nothing while she's hurting? No way I'm gonna do that!"

"Ok, and what exactly are you gonna say to her?" Yuki continued to press, striding out to block Max's route, "'Oh Allisa, I completely understand your feelings. I know exactly what it feels like. Please don't feel down, you'll always have me, the one person who understands exactly how you feel.' Some shit like that?"

Max's scowl grew more intense.

"Ha, if you want her to just end it all by jumping off those high cliffs, please go right ahead."

"You jerk!" Max growled grinding. His hands clenched into fists, shaking with his building anger.

"O-Okay, I think you're taking this too far."

"Like I said back in the valley," Yuki continued, folding his arms, "She has no idea what kind of shit any of us has been through, let alone you. That goes both ways. If she can't understand what we're going through, how the hell'd you think you could possibly understand what she's going through! Ask me, you the one who's being a selfish prick who only thinks about himself!"

Max closed the distance, grabbing a hold of Yuki's bandaged chest, glaring into his expressionless face. "Listen here you-!"


Max's outburst was interrupted by Cliff, who finally broke his silence. His gaze snapped towards the man, who sighed before giving him a melancholy look. "I'm gonna take his side on this one."

"...." Max's grip on Yuki loosened as he stared in shock at Cliff. His rage began to die out, and slowly, Max released his grip.

"Like he said, there is no way we could understand what Allisa's going through right now." Cliff lowered his head, scooching against the rock. "Three months ago she was an ordinary teenage girl in Terra, growing up without knowing about any of this, and in one fell swoop, it was taken away from her. I can't imagine that kind of shock that could cause. When I saw her fighting the ghouls at her school, I could tell she was holding back a lot of pent up stress. I'm no physiatrist, but it was clear she was trying her hardest to adjust. In the end, I'd say she finally reached a breaking point.

"If you go up to her and try to use the hell you've been through as a means to understand her, she'll probably feel even worse then she is now. The last thing she needs right now is to feel as though she's being pitied."

"C-Cliff...." Melvin muttered as the tension began to fade away.

Yuki stayed silent, walking away from Max who was frozen in place.

"Then..... what can we do for her?" He asked, sounding almost desperate, his fists shaking as he gritted his teeth due to his powerlessness.

"......... I honestly don't know." Cliff said gazing up at the sky. "It's fair to say all of us have undergone our own personal hell. For Allisa, I'd say she's going through hers. Question is, can she pull herself from the abyss, or is this the end of the road for her. There's nothing we can do to sway that. It's all on her now to piece herself together."

A shattered hero

In the outcrop of the city, right at the edge of the slope, Allisa stood blankly before a makeshift grave, made up of a sword and two halves of a broken rifle.

She didn't know much about what had happened after Yensin left, but Helina had confirmed that she had lost consciousness. There she learned that she was in the lost city. She also confirmed that the bodies of the two women were buried separate from the other villagers at the request of her friends.

She stood before the grave, holding out the photograph she found in the ruin. It was Kira's, one that she meant to give back. Now, she should only stare at it as her hair fluttered in the wind.

"Allisa." Nel came up behind her. "The Arc sage's asking for you."

Allisa didn't respond.


Instead, she crouched down, tucking the photograph under the broken rifle.

"Don't you think you've mopped around enough?" Nel said more sternly, putting a hand to her hip. She was met with more silence. In the end, she clicked her tongue in irritation, turning on her heel.

"You know..... I actually thought it was pretty cool." Allisa finally spoke.

Nel stopped, turning back around to see Allisa, still with her back to her.

"It's just like a movie.... Or a game.... The ordinary teenager just living out there lives," Allisa continued, her voice heavy, "Then.... They're chosen to be heroes.... They go on adventures.... They save the day and get to live happily ever after....." She then let out a chuckle, one that was almost too painful for Nel to hear.

"Allisa...." Nel couldn't help but lower her gaze, feeling a rush of emotion from Allisa's broken state.

"..... This is the third time," Allisa continued shaking, "We won, right? Everyone's safe, right? So why......" Tears began dropping before the grave. Allisa's hand shot up to cover her eyes, only for the tears to pour through the gaps. "..... Why do I feel like this?!"

Nel bit down on her lip as Allisa burst into tears, pounding the ground.

"WHY?! I'M SUPPOSE TO BE A HERO, RIGHT?! SO WHY DO I FEEL LIKE CRAP!!" Allisa' hunched over more, "Why.....? Why did it have to be like this.......? WHY THE HECK DID IT HAVE TO ME OF ALL PEOPLE?!! ANYONE ELSE WOULD HAVE DONE A BETTER JOB THEN ME!!! Ellie.... Kira...... If-if it was someone else then....... Then......"

Nel moved closer to Allisa, slowly reaching out a hand. As it got close, her hand began to twitch, slowly clenching into a fist. Nel withdrew her hand, taking a step back. "The arch sage wants to see you." She repeated, "It's best not to keep her waiting."

Letting out a soft sigh, Nel turned on her heels slowly walking away from Allisa.

"H-Hey Nel...." Allisa spoke after she calmed down enough, stopping Nel in her tracks. "Did..... did you ever kill anyone for Dran?"

Nel flinched at the blunt question. "............. Yes."

"Th-They were all bad people..... right?" Allisa turned her head, looking at Nel with her tear soaked eyes.

"............ Most of them, I guess."


Nel began to walk away.

"Wh-N-Nel wait-!"

"Allisa!" Nel stopped, keeping her back turned to the distraught Allisa. She raised her head, taking in a deep breath. "These turn of events.... I've made a decision. From this day onwards, I will follow you, no matter what. Not as a servant of the Arch Sage, but as your friend."

"Wh-" Allisa pushed herself to her feet, wiping her eyes with her arm. "N-Nel what are you-?"

"So as your friend, let me give you some advice." Nel interrupted Allisa suddenly before walking away, "The less you know about me the better."


The wind blew across the forest like a gentle wave, soothing all manner of life that called this dense, inhospitable forest there home. Yet for Nel, such a feeling was lost to her. Instead, she walked them through the trees with her head bowed low.

She was an assassin, a killer for hire. She could slaughter all her friends and family with her heart closed to all, bath in their blood. Yet in the face of the distraught girl she called her companion, her heart felt heavy.

Never had she felt such an oppressing weight, a hole that seemed to exist in her chest. She stopped, pressing a hand to her heart as though it was plugging the hole in her heart.

All I could do was just stand there......

Slowly, she lifted her hand off her heart watching her left hand beginning to shake. "I thought it had stopped," Nel sighed, letting out a weak chuckle. Sorry Max..... but I'm the true monster here.....

Nel's hand slowly began to sink down to her side, slowly moving to her side, "......" slowly reaching towards her short blade, brushing her hand over the hilt, slowly grasping it.

In the space of the second, Nel freed her blade from its sheath, shooting it upwards towards the throat the incoming attacker, hovering just below their throat as a sai was pressed just below her chin, almost penetrating the flesh.

The two figures remained frozen in time, poised to kill the other. Nel on the left, Cory on the right.

".......... Just what I'd expect from the survivor of the Crimson blade," Cory said in a cheery tune despite the perilous position she was in. "A second slower and you'd be dead."

"........." Nel slowly lowered her blade from her throat. At the same time, Cory lowered her sai from her chin.

"Ha ha! Sorry about that. Just couldn't resist." Cory chuckled as she walked past Nel, sheathing her sai. Nel sheathed her own blade but kept her gaze solely on Cory, remaining on guard as she strove forwards, putting her hands behind her back. "So, when'd you figure it out?" She asked bemusedly. "It's a secret between me and milady. Not even Pressa knows."

"The way you walked when you led us to the arch sage." Nel clarified. "I noticed you walk without making a noise. But I didn't think much of it back then." Nel's eyes narrowed, "But you let it slip when you told us about Leone."

Cory's ears twitched.

"We don't make blank statements. When assassins' declare we're gonna kill someone, we kill them." Nel finished, "Isn't that right?"

Cory tilted her head, giving her an amused grin. "Yeah, guess I really let it slip back then." She slowly turned to face Nel, lifting up her battle skirt, showing off a tattoo of a beast skull with two long fans.

"Sabertooth. The only cait sith assassin's clan."

Cory nodded, letting the battle skirt run lose again, covering the mark. "Gotta hand it to you. Didn't think you'd be able to work it out with such little evidence," she leaned against a nearby tree, folding her arms.

Nel kept her distance, narrowing her eyes at Cory.

"So.... I'm guessing there's a reason why Dran's assigned his assassin to the Chosen," Cory pondered, her tail coiling around her while she hummed. "I'd say, insurance. If she were to, say, join someone like Yensin-"

Scowling, Nel grasped the hilt of her short blade.

"Whoa-whoa-whoa! I'm just giving an example," Cory said waving her hands in front of her.

"......" Nel slowly took her hand off her short blade. "Funny, I never took you for the nosy type."

"He he, I get that a lot,"

"Then would you mind getting to the point already,"

"I see you have no sense of humor," Cory sighed, glancing up at Nel with a soft smile. "Let's suppose something like that were to happen. Say Allisa joins Yensin; would you kill her?"

Nel hesitated, her mind refusing to play out such a scenario. Usually, she'd answer one of her fellow assassins straight away. But now, "I......."

"I noticed when Milady brought it up after Löwe Höhle. You're a little at war with yourself, aren't ya?"

Nel didn't respond, but her saddened expression told Cory her answer. "It's..... Complicated,"

"Yeah, I think I know how you feel," Cory said softly. "Wanna know why I'm with Milady?"

Nel glanced up at her, giving no vocal response, but indicated she was listening.

"Well, about 13 years ago," Cory began, letting out a sly grin. "I was contracted by the previous Arch Sage of Cataka to kill Elaina."

"Wha-?!" Nel was shocked.

"It shouldn't be that much of a surprise to you," Cory said twirling her hair. "But.... This is where the story gets interesting. Before becoming Arch Sage, Milady was part of Miltesa Academy, her research into the Six emperors earned her a bit of a sour reputation amongst the faculties. Even back then she was famous for her awful personality."

"..... And she made an enemy through her research or her personality?" Nel asked.

"Well, she certainly did, but I wasn't hired for either one." Cory clarified. "She uncovered something about Arch Sage Gurren that he'd rather no one knew about."

Nel's eyebrows arched. "And that was?"

"That he was a member of Revolution."

"Revolution?!" Nel had heard of them before, as did most in Avalon with knowledge of Terra. A fearsome organization that operates in that world commenting assassinations, high profile attacks, even controlling most of the very underworld of Terra itself. It's leader, going by the name Vox, was the number one target for Assassins, a leader so elusive that even the members don't know his true identity. "This is the first I've heard of it!"

"There's a reason for that, but I'll get to it later." Cory continued. "Anyway, I thought it would be an easy job, but my first strike wound up missing completely due to Milady's magic. I thought I was done for, but milady just shrugged it off and carried on like nothing was happening. I tried to kill her five more times, and each time I found myself dunked into the ocean. She knew exactly who I was and who sent me, but weirdly, she never did away with me."

"Really? I'd expected she'd kill you the first time."

"Yeah, it puzzled me too. So the sixth time I just approached her and asked why she hasn't killed me. She said 'You're just a loser who just kills for a sack of coins. Why should I give a damn about you?"

"She.... Said that?"

"As you'd expect, I didn't take it lying down. In fact, that's probably the first time I ever lost my cool. So she said that I should prove her wrong right then and there. She took of her ring and said 'kill me right now.'"

Cory raised her right arm, pinching her fingers together with a small gap. "That's how close my sai got to her throat."

Curious, Nel's stance relaxed. "She stopped you?"

"Nope." Cory shook her head. "She didn't even flinch. If I pressed the attack, milady would be dead. But.... I just couldn't do it. I can take life so easily, yet against her, I was completely powerless. I was so frustrated, I dropped my sai, even collapsed to the ground and bawled. Milady then told me 'If you're gonna be a knife, make sure it's with someone you respect.'"

Nel couldn't help but feel a resonance with those words, something causing her heart to stur. "And your employer? I'm sure he wasn't pleased that the woman knowing his dark secret still lived."

Cory gave Nel a smirk. "How did Arch Sage Gurren die?"

"How did he- huh?" Nel found the question curious. To her knowledge, the previous arch sage died twelve years ago by a goblin ambush from an jab through the throat." Her eyes shot towards Cory, who gave her a sly wink.

"Shame he didn't have his aids with him then. It made it a little boring if I'm honest. Since then, I've served only milady, swore allegiance to no one else."

"......... Why are you telling me this?" Nel asked, keeping her eyes to the ground.

"It's cause we're alike," Cory said, gazing blankly upwards. "The way I feel about Milady, it's something I can't really describe. I used to believe the laws of the assassins where we are nothing more than weapons for the highest bidder. Looking back on it, I felt I was running through a life of black and white. Yet when I first met Milady, it's like the entire world just exploded with colors." She looked back at Nel "That's how you feel about Allisa, isn't it?"

".........." Nel didn't respond but instead raised her right hand. "I.... I don't know what to do," She said conflicted. "I stopped caring about others when my clan fell. Everywhere I looked, I saw no people, only targets for me to kill..... Even Dran. But with them.... I just don't think I can bring myself to do it." Nel admitted, clenching her fist. "I..... I feel like it's where I'm meant to belong. But at the same time, they shine so brightly while I cloak myself in shadows. Max, Melvin, Yuki, Cliff, Rodger..... especially Allisa. Even with these eyes, I can't see why they shine so brightly next to me."

Cory couldn't help but smile. "What's wrong with being a shadow?"


"Like Milady told me, if you'll only be a knife it's only fair you choose who's knife you'll be. If they're your light, then make sure they shine as brightly as possible. If you feel like there shadow, make sure it's a long one."

Nel couldn't help but smile as she lowered her hand, feeling the hole in her chest beginning to close. "I never thought of it like that,"

Cory gave her a toothy grin. "That's also from milady," her expression then changed, glancing to the west. "And right now, I think she needs as much help as she can get."

"..... Yeah," Nel raised her left hand, watching it beginning to twitch. She raised this hand, a hand that was soaked in blood from countless lives, in order to comfort the distraught girl. Such a contradiction, she thought, to raise the same hand to comfort when it's only brought death. "But that's not my job."

Cory turned to face her again.

"I.... just don't know what to say." Her hand clenched into a fist. "I've vowed to take lives as an assassin, descending into darkness until I finally kill the ones who took everything from me."

Cory flinched.

"That's not the path for the others to take. It's mine alone."

"........ you're talking about White Rose, right?"

Nel's eyes widened with surprise. Quickly, she snapped her head to Cory, who pushed herself up from the tree. "You know them."

Cory nodded, for the first time looking sorrowful. "Question," she looked at Nel seriously. "There are about 48 assassin clans in Avalon, including the Crimson blades, and excluding those affiliated with the Oniwaban in Kujarat."

"Okay...." Nel sounded puzzled. "What does this have to do with White Rose?"

"You know they've been targeting other clans, right?"

"Yes, I know."

"So, starting with the Crimson Blades to now, how much clans do you think are left?"

Nel thought on the question. The incident with her clan was fourteen years ago, where they attacked and destroyed the stronghold and slaughtered her clansmen. If they have been targeting others since then, there would be less. Even so, assassin's were not to be taken lightly, especially for one group. "About...... 30." She made a rough estimate.

"Nope," Cory raised her right hand, opening it wide. Nel didn't understand at first, but as she thought on what it meant, her eyes widened.


"Dhil Aleaqarab, Black Horse, Phantom Pain, Féng Zhuīzhü, Déraciné." Cory counted down each one with her fingers. "Out of all the Assassin clans in Avalon, only five remain."

It took a while for the information to sink in. Nel couldn't believe that out of all the assassin clans in the world could be counted on one hand. She wasn't surprised about the Oniwaban, an organization of Assassin clans in Kujarat collected into one organization ruled by the Kage. But for the others, despite being independent and autonomous, to be wiped out left and right in the space of fourteen years was unthinkable.

"Even Sabertooth saw the same fate," Cory continued, sounding sad. "I was still young, but I remember our home of Ker Horten burning. And...." Her expression became unreadable, "I encountered two of them. A girl with a parcel and some huge brute with what looked like hands on his palms and the left side of his mouth peeled away to show his teeth."

Nel remained frozen in place. All she remembered of the incident was a dark figure who dropped a white rose in front of her. Even for someone who can recognize faces at first glance, she couldn't seem to dig up the identity of the figure. Yet, this was the most detailed description she got of the elusive White Rose.

".... You came just to tell me this?" Nel said, her voice robbed of the calmness she had before.

"To warn you," Cory said sounding serious, "If you're going to travel with Allisa and her friends, then for their sake don't go to war with these people."

Nel didn't respond.

"Don't get me wrong, those guys are strong. This incident proved that much," Cory continued, "but White Rose has destroyed the assassin clans left and right. I don't have to tell you of all people how serious a threat they are."

"....... So you're saying I should just forget?" Nel said, sounding deadly. The light in her eyes began to fade out as she spoke. "I can still see it every time I close my eyes. My home burning to the ground, my people slaughtered. I should just forget about it?"

"I'm not saying that," Cory shook her head, drawing out her sai. "Believe me, I know how you feel." She twirling her sai in her hand. "More than anything I want to make them pay," she then grasped her sai, looking distant. "But I swore to protect milady above anything else. If I seek these guys out, it will mean I could be putting her, Pressa, Mary, even all of Tattoria at risk."

She glanced at Nel whose gaze was locked on the ground, not looking the cait sith in the eye. "If you pursue your vendetta, you'll be putting all of them at risk."

"........." Nel let out a sigh of defeat. "I know that," she then put a hand to her chest. "But there's something inside me that won't let go." Slowly, her hands began to tighten. "Some kind of monster that's raging inside me, waiting to take over at a moment's notice." Her mind went back to Löwe Höhle, where she saw Allisa fall before her and lost complete control of herself. "Even just being there will put them all at risk from the beast inside."

"Sounds like quite the burden," Cory said pushing herself from the tree, sheathing her sai. "Well, it's not like I can tell you what to do or anything," She began to walk off, resting her arms behind her back. "Just.... Think about what's important to you. What is it that you want?"

She turned around, giving her a warm smile. "If all you think you are is a tool, at least decide who's tool you want to be." She continued forwards, giving the silent Nel a wave. "Take it as advice from a former tool with no master."

Nel watched as Cory began to disappear within the thick trees. When she was out of sight, Nel pondered on what Cory had told her.

A tool.....?

She drew her short blade, examining her reflection in the blade. Looking back at her was someone she had a hard time recognizing. Before, she was a tool, a hired blade teetering on the brink of being a killer. Whenever she looked in a mirror, all she saw was herself, the assassin who could slaughter without any emotion or concern for the fallen.

Now, what reflected back at her was someone who looked lost in who she was. Was she an assassin? Or was she something more?

"You told me after we saved Elizabeth that you don't feel anything when you kill people."

She couldn't help but smile,

"If you went through with it, I might end up losing the Nel I know."

"The 'Nel' you know," She glanced up to the treeline, seeing the suns rays penetrating through the branches. "....... I do wonder, was it really me?"

"Even if it was a mission, you still saved my life that day, and you've stuck with me ever since."

Nel couldn't help but chuckle with melancholy. She remembered when she came back from her rage, seeing Allisa trying with all her might to save the 'Nel she knew.' Thinking back on her life, she couldn't really recall who she truly was, nor did she care. All she knew how to do was kill. But after meeting Allisa, no matter how small or insignificant it seemed, Nel was changing into someone she couldn't recognize. And yet, she couldn't tell if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

"For now, keep looking forward. Leave watching your back to me,"

"I really said that," Nel sheathed her blade, closing her eyes as she let a rare sense of calmness wash over her.

"No matter what she chooses, if she continues walking in the light-"

A smile, one of peace, beamed in the rays of the sun. At that moment, Nel made her choice.

"I guess I'm stuck being her shadow,"

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