《The Goddess’ Chosen》Choice


The grey sky loomed over Ellie, as though setting the mood for the decision she has made. Walking down the canyon path from Miltesa, surrounded by no-one, Ellie allowed the downpour to soak her from head to toe, wallowing in her sense of sorrow.

It all began a week ago, where she was sent on a mission with the Imperial guard to exterminate a vicious band of mercenaries. They were completely unprepared for the horrors they commanded and were quickly annihilated, all but two. Then, she met the mastermind behind it all, Yensin.

He showed through the death of one of her comrades that there was a leash placed on her, one that had always existed. After that, she did some more digging, discovering what it was that made her, or rather her arm, so special. Then she overheard something she shouldn't have, and in a spur of a moment, did something that would forever ruin her life.

At this point, she no longer cared. Walking down a mud trail that very few people had walked on. Perfect and secluded for the crimes she had just committed.

After a while, she suddenly stopped, glancing down with a conflicted expression. "......... If I go with you," she asked two figures looming in the shadows, "Will I be free.....?"

"That does depend on your perspective of freedom." A voice spoke. "The laws of man require chains to keep the world from descending into anarchy. That is what I intend to destroy."

Yensin trod from the shadows, drenched by the downpour, with Lire Lim at his side. "I'm not going to stop at just the arch sages, no. I'm going to drown this entire world in flames."

Ellie kept her back to the man, not responding to his antics.

"It's up to you," Yensin said waving his hands. "As I told you before, I prefer people who want to join me. If you don't want to, walk away. Pretend I was never here and you can go back to your perfect pampered life." His eyes fell upon Ellie's sword. "Or.... Try and stop me. You'll die in the process, don't get me wrong."

Ellie raised her hand to her sword, slowly unsheathing the blade and holding it at her side. "You know what I've done,"

"News travels fast." Yensin said, not alarmed by Ellie drawing her weapon.

"........ All my life I lived how others told me to. I did everything they wanted, expected of me." Ellie's slowly raised her blade. The rain pattered against the metal surface while Ellie remained frozen on the image of herself.

Ellie lowered her head, reaching her left hand to grasp her long silver hair. Raising her blade, she cut through with one fell swoop.

"At this point, it won't matter if I get rid of this thing. I know too much for them to allow me to live. Like you said, I won't ever be free if this world is the stagnant peace-loving society it is....." Slowly, Ellie turned around, fixing Yensin with a determined expression, holding out her cut hair. "So yeah, let's destroy this fucked up world."


"Urgg..." Allisa groaned as she picked herself up, clutching her wound. Drops of water fell from her bangs as she studied her breathing, dimming down the pain as much as she could.

Across the threshold of the chamber, Ellie was doing the same, glaring at her as she held her left arm out, holding back her black flaming sword.

She had no idea or any indication of how long it had been since the battle had begun, nor did she know what was going on outside the ruin. She wanted more than anything to go out and help her friends, but it was clear Ellie wouldn't allow that.


On the walkway, Gimdo and Dorian stood at the edge of the brickwork, watching the battle unfold. Kira had recovered enough to sit up. Her wound had closed thanks to Gimdo's magic but she was in no shape to interfere in the battle. All she could do was stare at Ellie.

Allisa closed her eyes, slowly moving her hand off the burned patch of flesh on her left side. Letting out a slow breath, she let the image of all her friends flash in her mind, the trust they placed in her, the support they had given her. The reason she was here now.

Snapping her eyes open, Allisa took a giant leap forward landing on the water's surface before gliding along its surface.

"A frontal attack?" Ellie pulled back her left hand, black flames spilling from the palm. With a fierce glare, she threw her hand out, sending a barrage of black fireballs towards Allisa.

Allisa lowered her body, weaving between the broken pillar stubs and debris that littered the battlefield, dodging the incoming projectiles as she circled around Ellie, closing the gap as best she could.

Skidding to one of the broken pillars, Allisa leaped from her slide (Avoiding another black fireball), landing on a broken pillar before teleporting in the air, a few miles above Ellie.

Allisa held her sword over her head, flames erupting from the ocean blue surface as the weapon changed its form with flames shooting from its surface, extending upwards into a blazing sword twice her size.

"Blaze Revolution!"

A burst of flames exploded from Allisa's swing, consuming both her and Ellie from the view of the onlookers. As the blaze died out, Allisa was suspended in mid-air, gritting her teeth as she tried to force her blade down further. Below the extended blaze, Ellie held up her left hand. A black orb had formed in her palm, which was absorbing Allisa's flames.

Gritting her teeth, Allisa allowed the flames to die out, dropping down before teleporting out of the way as Ellie swung her blade at her. Turning sharply, Ellie threw the black orb at the reappeared Allisa, who swerved out of the way, rushing forwards with her sword ablaze.

Ellie swung her own sword inverted, blocking Allisa's strike. The two began to trade blows, each strike knocking off bursts of flames.

"What are you even fighting for?!" Ellie yelled, swinging her blade overhead, while Allisa dodged by ducking, teleporting out of the way by another strike, reappearing a few feet back while swinging her sword, locking blades with Ellie.

"Don't you see how pointless all this crap is?" Ellie hissed. "You threw everything away just to fight me?! Want to be the hero this badly?!"

Clenching her fist, Ellie punched it into Allisa's brunt left side. Allisa let out a cry of pain from her tender flesh, loosening her guard. Ellie broke Allisa's guard, turning clockwise with her blade held out.

Allisa raised her sword, clumsily blocking the strike. Taking a step back, Ellie swung her blade, taking Allisa unprepared as she once again clumsily blocked the strike. With a sharp turn, Ellie sent a roundhouse kick into Allisa's left side.

Gritting her teeth, Allisa held her left side as she felt a sharp pain radiating across her body. Desperately, she raised her sword, blocking a downward strike against Ellie, dropping to her knees. Ellie swung her sword again, breaking Allisa's guard, followed by a sharp kick to the face.

Allisa flopped to her backside, and Ellie raised her sword up high. With a yell of rage, she brought her blade down on the stunned Allisa, who teleported seconds before her blade struck, splashing into the water.


Allisa remerged a few feet away, splashing through the water and rolling on her front, panting as she pushed herself up.

"Persistent little...." Ellie growled as she glared at Allisa.

"..... What about you?"

Ellie stopped in her tracks, hearing Allisa speak. "What?"

"You heard me..... What are you even fighting for? Cause I can tell it's not that crap about being free..." Allisa glanced up, getting to her knees as she rubbed her bleeding nose. "Destroying everything is not gonna make you free. You know that,"


Pulling her hand away from her nose, Allisa furrowed her brows. "All your doing is running away like a coward."

Ellie's eyes snapped wide open. "..... Running away.... Like a coward?" She began trembling with rage, bitting down on her teeth hard enough to crack them. Flames erupted from her blade as she held it behind her. "What would you know anyway...?"

Her eyes shone murderous intent, "You have no idea," before swinging her blade across the water, "THE SHIT I'VE BEEN THROUGH!"

A line of black flames ran across the ground, burrowing towards Allisa. At the last second, Allisa jumped left, turning counter-clockwise, "Of course I don't," she said, pulling her sword, from the water, which had changed form to Aqua Heart, "And I don't care about that now." Along her sword was a long whip of water that sank below the water level.

Ellie's eyes narrowed, then looked shocked. Her eyes snapped downwards and saw something had coiled around her left ankle, translucent, yet flowing in an unnatural manner.

"And you're the one," Allisa stomped her foot in the water, grasping the hilt of her sword with both hands. "WHO'S GETTING PREDICTABLE!!"

Ellie raised her left hand to try to stop Allisa but was too late. With a cry, Allisa lurched the water whip out of the water, yanking Ellie off her feet before being wrenched up in the air like a fish caught on a hook, lurched over Allisa before slamming down hard into one of the broken stubs, landing hard on her left shoulder.

Ellie pushed herself away, from the debris, splashing back into the water, clutching her shoulder, hissing as she tried to suppress the pain. In the impact, she had let go of her sword, which lay submerged in the water before her.

Allisa swung her blade to one side, charging towards Ellie. Gritting her teeth, Ellie charged forwards, wrenching her blade out of the water, pivoting around as black flames burst from her hand, running it across the steel surface. She finished a complete turn as Allisa had closed the distant, holding her sword behind her with her left hand extended.

The two swords clashed, first blow causing the two blades to bounce back. Ellie swung her blade in a horizontal swing, Allisa dodged the strike by ducking, parrying the second and third strikes with Aqua Heart, leaping back at the four strikes.

Skidding across the water, Allisa held her blade out. Water droplets began to dance around her body, forming at the tip of her sword. Gritting her teeth, she fired a burst of water towards Ellie, who swung her blade vertically. An arc of black flames spilled from the blade, intercepting the incoming projectile. Spinning on her heels, she sent a crescent of black flames to Allisa, who dodged the strike, by skirting across the water's surface.

Finishing the spin, Ellie struck the ground, sending a wave of black flames directly in front of Allisa's path. Allisa skidded to a halt in front of the wall of flames. Turning counter-clockwise, Allisa skidded backward a few feet in time to see a black orb heading towards her.

Startled, Allisa bent back, accidentally losing her footing on the water and flopping backward, missing the orb. Ellie charged forwards, leaping onto a stub, black flames plumbing from her sword. She then spins into the sky spinning as she descended towards Allisa.

As Allisa got back to her feet, a wall suddenly burst just in front of her. Ellie was caught by the unexpected obstacle, which slammed into her stomach, pushing her back as it rose sharply, slamming back into the water, recovering with a backward roll.

"Wh-What the-?!"Startled, Ellie looked at the wall in front of her.

"A.... Wall?" Allisa was just as baffled by the sudden appearance of the obstacle as her opponent.


Looking to her right, she saw Gimdo a few yards away, both hands in the water. "Wh- Gimdo?!"

"You...." Ellie hissed as she glared at the old samiet. Black flames plumed from her left hand. "Right, I let you live back there,"

She then raised her left hand across her body, "I must be getting too soft!" then fired shots towards the old samiet. A silver shot intercepted the black fireballs, causing them to burst before getting close to their target.

"Good shot old friend." Gimdo beamed. Standing beside him was Dorian with his silver pistol drawn, looking irritated to have been referred to as such.

"Dorian?" Allisa said astonished.

"Regardless of your thoughts towards me, human," Dorian huffed, "this is still my home. I won't allow anyone, human or monsters to wreck it."

Meanwhile, Ellie swiped her blade to her side, glaring at the two samiets before charging at them. Hearing the splashes on the opposite side of the wall, Allisa teleported to the opposite side directly in front of Ellie, locking blades again.

"Again and again...." Ellie hissed as she broke the deadlock, releasing a furious flurry of slashes, "Why do you keep getting in my way?!"

"I told you," Allisa spoke through the blows, "I'm going to stop you!"

Both blades clashed again, locking in place. Gritting her teeth, Ellie threw out her left hand, forming a black orb in her palm.

Allisa teleported back, just as Ellie lunged her palm forwards, avoiding the black orb burning a hole through her body. Realizing she missed, Ellie was determined to continue her assault before a silver shot passed her by, narrowly missing her.

Her eyes fell on Dorian, who had his gun aimed at her. "Why don't you all just," Ellie raised her sword, "DISAPPEAR!"

She was about to launch her attack when the silver shot curved around, coming straight back at her. Ellie only just realized due to the whizzing sound, turning and swerving out of the way. The shot struck her on the left shoulder, burrowing through the limb.

Ellie let out a cry of pain, completing her turn before glaring at the two samiets, throwing the black orb at them. Gimdo raised a wall in the path of the orb. When it struck, the orb expanded, erasing a large chunk of the wall in the process.

Ignoring the pain, she faced Allisa, who had leaped onto the wall Gimdo created to save her from Ellie, transforming her blade into Azure Flame, which emitted a plume of flames as she descended towards Ellie. With a swung, Ellie blocked Allisa's strike, allowing her to follow through in the water. The silver shot came back around, aiming for Ellie, who raised her left hand towards it, creating a black orb when it got close enough, erasing it. At the same time, she inverted her grip, blocking an incoming vertical strike from Allisa.

With a heave, Ellie broke the stalemate, swinging her sword at Allisa, forcing her on the defensive. After four consecutive strikes, Ellie jumped back, twirling in the air as she threw the black orb at her opponent. Allisa teleported out of the way, allowing the orb to expand on the ground, reappearing a few meters to the left, rolling before jumping back to her feet, just as Ellie pulled back her sword, letting out plumes of black flames.

"URG!" All of a sudden, Ellie dropped her form as her face contorted with pain. Allisa stood uneasily as Ellie took several steps back, gazing at the tattoo on her left arm, which now began to emit sparks of red energy, with smoke pouring from the marks. "Wh-Whats..." There was then a violent burst of smoke, so much that even Ellie began to cry with pain. The smoke died out instantly, with blood erupting from the marks on her tattoo.

"What...?" Allisa dare not make a move in the face of what she didn't understand. Instead, she watched Ellie take a step back, examining her bloodied left hand with a look she had not seen, one of shock and disbelief.

"The link...." Ellie muttered, just loudly enough for Allisa to make out. "It's..... gone?"

Shocked, Ellie began to run, desperately breaking away from the engagement. Allisa didn't fully understand, but she knew that there was a chance to end the battle once and for all.

"Gimdo! Trap her!"

On her instruction, a wall emerged directly in front of her. As Ellie skidded to a halt, three more emerged around her, trapping her in a square. Ellie looked around, both angry and desperate.

"You think this parlor trick can hold me?!" She cried as she held out her left hand. Before she could do anything though, one of the walls lowered. Ellie turned to the opening, seeing Allisa directly in front of her, holding her sword out in front of her gathering flames along its dark blade.

"Vermilion," Allisa spun on her heel counter-clockwise, throwing her flaming sword overhead. "STRIKE!!"

A wave of flames unleashed from Allisa's sword, a path of devastation converging on the trapped Ellie. Gritting her teeth, she held her left palm to the incoming inferno, standing defiantly in the face of what many mortals would run from.

"Six Elemental: Light."

The flames struck the box, exploding in a violent torrent of flames, sending ripples through the water, blasting down the walls that confined Ellie, throwing the broken pieces of wall in every direction.

As the flames died down, Allisa collapsed to one knee. Excalibur reverted back to its original form as she stood back up, examining her handiwork.

"Did you get her?" Dorian said as he and Gimdo ran up, taking up position by Allisa's flanks.

"... I don't know. I think so," Allisa responded. It was difficult due to the dust and debris that were thrown up, obscuring the fate of Ellie.

".... She certainly was a formidable opponent," Gimdo said, sounding sad. "I certainly wish things were different."

"...." Allisa didn't respond but silently agreed with the old man's statement. If things had been different, and Ellie hadn't gone with Yensin, would things have been different?

"What are you talking about?" Dorian said, sounding offended Gimdo was showing remorse for their fallen foe. "In case you have forgotten, that human-"

Dorian was then sent flying back as something hit him in the chest. He hit against the stubs of one of the broken pillars with a thick layer of ice covering his chest, gluing him to the foundation.

"Doira-!" The same happened to Gimdo. A white shot hit him just as he turned, and stuck him against the pillar.

"Gimdo?!" Allisa exclaimed, shocked. She looked forward, and to her shock the smoke had died down, revealing a shimmering domed shair with the images of rectangles making up the surface. Ellie strove out of the dome of light unscathed, white particles of ice flowing from her left hand.


"You have quite a short memory," Ellie said menacingly, raising her left hand to show off the crest in her palm, which had a turquoise symbol lit up, "I can change elements for any situation. I'd just rather not use light and darkness as they use up a lot of mana."

Allisa gritted her teeth, holding her sword in both hands as flames coalesced around it. "?!" The flames then burst, and Allisa's sword regained its shape. Startled, she took a step back before nearly tripping over. It was then she realized how heavy her body felt, with the pain she had suppressed with adrenalin beginning to sink in.

"With mana users, there's a way to tell a novice from a pro," Ellie continued, stopping short of Allisa. "It's how fast they exhaust themselves."

"N-No...." Allisa slouched down. It was true, she had been unconsciously burning through her mana in the battle, and was now completely exhausted. All she could do at that moment was raise her sword, only capable of defense.

"6 Elemental: Darkness." A black sphere formed in Ellie's left palm, "Something's happened up top, so I can't linger around much longer," her eyes stared daggers at Allisa, "however."

She took a single step forward, "You've caused me enough problems," followed by another. "So this time, I'll make sure you're actually dead."

She then charged forwards, holding out her the black orb. "This is the end for you!" before lunging it forwards, "CHOSEN!!"

Allisa stood paralyzed, unable to move, barely any strength left to lift her blade or teleport to safety. Then, someone barged into her at her right, shoving her to the ground. Allisa toppled, landing in the water with a splash. Groaning, Allisa glanced up. The second she did, all color in her face drained as her eyes widened with horror.

Ellie was where she was before, her left hand extended outwards, penetrating the body of the one who had shoved Allisa to the side, the one who had just taken her place. "KIIIRRAAAA!!!"

Ellie remained frozen in place, as though time had stopped. Her mind was spinning, comprehending that the woman she loved was standing before her, and her left hand had just opened a gaping hole where her heart was and was sticking out of her back.

"K-Kira...?" Ellie muttered, as though the strength she had once had was gone. The black orb that had penetrated her love had vanished. The black flames on her sword subsided. "Kira......?" Ellie's mouth gaped like a fish, her eyes refusing to blink, and she remained oblivious to her surroundings.

Slowly, Kira's hands began to raise upwards. They reached Ellie's head, gently cupping her two cheeks.


Without warning, Kira moved forwards, pressing her lips against Ellie. She remained there for two seconds before releasing her. She backed away, a look of peace on her face.

"S-Sorry..... For everything..." Kira gasped as she began to fall backward, Ellie's bloodied arm sliding through the hole she created. "I love you......... Ellie....." With her final words, Kira toppled backward freeing herself from Ellie's arm. With a gaping hole in her heart, a trail of blood spilling after Ellie's arm was freed, she landed in the water on her back with a loud splash.

The ice that held Gimdo and Dorian thawed, and the two flopped in the water, looking up to see the horror of what had transpired, both unable to talk.

"Kira!" Allisa jumped to her feet, ignoring her fatigue. She ran to her fallen comrade's side when a swing from Ellie forced her to block, causing her to back off.

Ellie stood in front of Kira's body, glancing down at the water. Her left arm began to tremble, her right clutched her sword so hard her fist was going white.


With a blood-chilling cry, Ellie lunged at Allisa like a wild animal, swinging her sword with reckless abandon.

"Ellie... Stop!" Allisa said, being forced on the defensive. "It's over!"

'SHUT UP!!" Ellie cried as Allisa ducked beneath a wide swing from her, "DROP THE ACT AND FIGHT ME!!" she cried, swinging her sword at Allisa again.

Their blades clashed again and again, with Ellie's blows growing more and more feral as she gave in to her rage. "What's the point?" Allisa called out, using all her strength to keep the momentum of her parries up, intercepting each wiled swing while trying to keep herself from buckling under each ferocious swing. "Why are you still fighting?!"

"WHAT ELSE IS THERE?!!" Ellie responded, breaking Allisa's guard, followed by a kick to Allisa's stomach, forcing her to the ground. Ellie raised her sword high in the air to impale the grounded Allisa, but was interrupted when Allisa put her legs together, kicking Ellie back in the stomach. So blinded by rage, Ellie lost her footing and toppled backward.

Allisa rolled to her stomach before getting back to her feet, just as Ellie stood back up, swinging her blade out. "I HAVE," she charged again, swinging horizontally at Allisa, "NOTHING LEFT!!!"

Their blades clashed again. Ellie hit hard enough to break Allisa's guard.


Allisa spun on her heel blocking another strike,


and spun again to block a second blow,

"Someone like you.... A stupid wannabe hero...."

A third,


The strikes continued one after the other.






Just as Nel's group arrived in the chamber, a loud crash echoed throughout the chamber. Ellie's sword flew out of her hand following a counterattack by Allisa.

"Would you just-" In mid-swing, Allisa took a step forward, releasing her sword, allowing it to vanish, "Shut-" clenching her right hand into a fist, Allisa threw it towards the startled Ellie. "UUUUPPPP!!!"

The blow landed in Ellie's right cheek. The berserk swordswoman found herself losing her footing and toppling backward, splashing through the water.

The room went dead quiet. Even the new arrivals could help but freeze, unsure what had transpired.

"...." Ellie slowly picked herself up from the ground, holding a hand to her right cheek, looking dazed as though the simple blow had knocked something out of her.

Allisa remained standing, hunched over with her right fist extended. As Ellie got back to her feet, she saw drops of water hitting the water below. Her body trembling, Allisa's face shot up, glaring at Ellie through watery eyes. "YOU THINK YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE WHO'S SUFFERING?!!"

Her voice, full of pain, breaking from sorrow.

"Open your eyes for once! How is any of this ok?!"

Ellie's teeth began to grind together. "WHAT WOULD KNOW ABOUT IT ANYWAY?! YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'VE BEEN THROUGH?!"


Ellie flinched, for the first time, a crack formed in her resolve.

"...... Just because someone screwed you over, you think its ok to do the same? NOTHING GIVES YOU THAT RIGHT!!"

Tears began streaming from Allisa's eyes. "..... Kira..... she nocked me out before I got here...... She knew she couldn't stop you.....

".... The only way to save you.... Was for her to die... You were so far gone, the only thing she could think about was to give you the one thing she had left!


Ellie's eyes began to widen. Light, that had long been absent began to return.

"You've felt pain? Hate? Desperation? You've suffered all alone?" Allisa's fists began to tremble. "Well I got news for you, EVERYONE FEELS THAT!! Everyone feels pain, hate, desperation... Everyone suffers one way or the other!


"................... Kira," For the first time in what felt like a lifetime, Ellie felt her frozen heart begin to thaw. So long had she been consumed by hatred, by rage, that she had long forgotten what it felt like to feel anything else. All dispelled by this silly little girl playing hero.

Trembling, water beginning to form in her eyes, Ellie began to raise her head. "...... I-"


Time for Allisa froze once again. A sound echoed through the chamber, a whizzed that cut past her left ear, parting her hair. Ellie's head lurched upwards to the sky, a fountain of blood squirting from a small hole in her forehead.

Allisa's damp eyes began to open wide, just in time to see Ellie falling backward in slow motion, hitting her back against the water with a splash.

Her breath escaped her, her body froze, unable to comprehend what had happened. "E-Ellie...." She gasped, taking an involuntary step back.

Ellie lay before her, not moving a muscle.

"E-Ellie....?" Allisa began to choke, her legs going numb. Her brain felt like it had shut down, refusing to acknowledge what had happened in only a fraction of a second.

"Oh dear, looks like I killed the mood. Not that I was a fan for these sorts of events mind you,"

Slowly, Allisa's head turned in response to the cruel voice echoing behind her. Standing on the walkway were two figures; a tall man with white hair, twirling a revolver in his right hand, and a hunched creature with an iron bird mask.

"Greetings, Allisa Reed," The man said, hoisting the revolver, extending his right hand before bowing. "I am Yensin."

"....... You're Yensin?" Allisa asked, sounding distant.

"I apologize for the.... Spartan decor," Yensin said, glancing at the destroyed room, "It certainly looks like you and dear Ellie tore this place apart in your bids to kill one another. Nonetheless, I've wanted to meet you in person. This," his arms extended as his head dashed around the room, "wasn't quite what I had in mind for our first meeting, but we can't plan everything can we."

"Mar shrishi! Noor bes," The iron mask wheezed, glaring its red eyes at Allisa.

"Oh, yes, nearly forgot." Yensin stood to one side, waving an arm at his companion. "This is Lire Lim. I believe you're familiar with her work in the village."

"In the village?" Rodger ended up asking, standing behind Nel with Melvin standing beside her, all standing tense at the unpredictability of the events.

".... A bird mask. So this is the one responsible for the demons?" Melvin said while Cerberus growled.

Nel fixed her eyes on Yensin. She took a step forward, ready to pounce, end his life. However, Lire Lim swiped her hand out. Green flames burst, forming a circle around Nel and her group of samiet, trapping them. The same happened to Gimdo and Dorian. Despite being in water, green flames burst around them, trapping them as well.

"Thank you my dear," Yensin said to his companion, who let out a metallic growl.

"Heryo Merpasa to gros fel kass!"

"Because I said so," Yensin responded to the inhuman hisses as though he understood them plain as day.

"What is this....?" Rodger said, reaching out to touch the flames before Nel grabbed his hand and wrenched it away.

Melvin launched a water spell at the green fire in an attempt to extinguish it. The flames lurched upwards, evaporating the water. Behind him, Steve tried with his blowgun, but the shot couldn't even blow the air away.

"I wouldn't touch that if I were you," Yensin said with a sarcastic wave. "Cursed fire. A specialty of Lire Lim."

"Why....?" Allisa finally spoke in a monotone voice, devoid of life. "She was on your side, wasn't she? Why did you do it?"

"You mean Ellie?" Yensin said with a smug smile. "Well, the nine tails has been destroyed, therefore I have no further use for her and terminated her like the piece of trash she is. Is that the kind of response you were expecting?"

Allisa didn't respond.

"Yes... to cliché." Yensin mused, rubbing his chin. "Oh! I know," theatrically, Yensin put a hand to his chest. "I was completely in love with Ellie, ever since I first met her! Yet realizing I could never make her mine, selling her heart to that detestable childhood friend! Thus in a fit of rage and jealousy of their bond, I took it upon myself to ensure no one can ever have her! Better?"

Allisa's fists began to shake.

"Hmmm... I put more effort into that one. You could at least be a sport and play along. If you want another reason why I killed Ellie.... Perhaps it was to see what you, her arch-nemesis, would react."

"IS THIS SOME KIND OF GAME TO YOU?!!" Allisa exploded. She never felt so much anger and hatred for anyone in her life before.

"That's exactly what this is," Yensin responded casually, shooting Allisa a devilish grin. "It's all one big game."

That proved to be the final straw.

"YAAAAAAAAA!!!" Allisa cried with fury as flames exploded from her sword, illuminating the entire room, sending violent waves of wind and heat as the fire sword grew more and more. The onlookers trapped in the green flames raised their arms, shielding themselves from the violent winds.

"ALLISA! DON'T!!!" Nel called to no avail.

Allisa paid no heed, deff to all around her. Eyes burning his hatred, she raised her sword, oblivious to everything. Her mind was only focused on one thing, as though everything else in her life didn't exist. In that moment, she had one goal, to wipe Avalon of the fiend in front of her.


The flame sword was brought down, unleashing its devastating power on the two individuals in its path. The blast consumed them, blasting through the entire untouched left side of the room. Pillars shattered and broke apart, the water below evaporated. The backlash sent a deafening boom throughout the chamber, echoing its crescendo. Everyone hunkered down, feeling the hot winds blast over them for that instant.

When the flames died down, Allisa collapsed forwards, using her sword to prop herself up as she huffed and puffed, gasping for air. Smoke and dust rose from the area in front of her, obscuring the devastation. She now felt exhausted, drained of every last drop of mana, pouring everything into an attack she was sure to have erased Yensin.

When she looked up, the dust was beginning to settle.

"..... Wha-?!"

To her shock, standing before her was Lire Lim, and a smug Yensin directly behind her, brushing his trench coat of the dust that was settling. The walkway they were standing on had been reduced to a V shape with Lire Lim at the helm. Behind was the left side of the room, where nearly every pillar had been blasted away, with only four still standing despite large chunks blown from it.

".... You missed some," Yensin pointed out.

Gritting her teeth, Allisa wrenched her blade from the ground and charged haphazardly towards Yensin when a green jet of energy struck her in the chest, sending her flying backward, splashing through the water.

"D-Damn it....." Allisa groaned as she pushed herself up, sparks of green energy coming off her.

When she charged, Lire Lim held out her jade skull, and with a wave of her hand sent the energy shot towards Allisa. She stood as a sentinel between the exhausted girl and her foe.

"You shouldn't have my dear," Yensin said sarcastically.

"Gor ma fa todor mo haka," Lire Lim wheezed, retreating her jade skull behind her thick cloak. "Dar farmote un ga o plifee,"

"I know you want to finish her off," Yensin said, walking to the hags side, folding his arms, "But I think we've had enough bloodshed already. For once, I want a peaceful dialogue."

Still blinded by rage, Allisa tried to force herself to her feet only to flop to her hands and knees. The fatigue she was in was almost too much to bear. Every muscle aches, the pain from the damage she sustained was returning, whatever was keeping her going throughout this long and arduous battle was beginning to wear off.

"Besides, you should rejoice!" Yensin boasted, "Don't you know, my plains have been completely ruined! The nine-tails is dead, my companions have been slaughtered left and right. Everything points to your victory."

Allisa raised her head. It was almost puzzling why Yensin sounded so happy.

"Don't get me wrong, I am inwardly furious that you stopped me the second time. I'm sure Ellie let it slip the incident involving Dorstera was my doing.

"Wasn't easy too, taking that knight Garlahad, convincing those lunatics that worshiped him like a god. I was willing to let it go, realizing that I may have underestimated the reach of the Arch Sage Dran and his web of informants.

"And..... I was right." Yensin shook his head. "That man... he's more diabolical then me, I swear."

"Don't you dare compare Dran to a murderous asshole like you!!" Allisa snapped.

"Ohhh, did I say something wrong?" Yensin said, rubbing his chin with an amused look. "Well, let's not dwell on that for now. I'd hate to shatter your image of the great and noble arch Sage. The time's not right."

Lire Lim swung a hand out behind the two. A green portal burst into life right behind the two. "Unfortunately, there's nothing left to do here anymore. I only stayed behind because I wanted to take a look at the Arch Sages latest plaything."

"You're running away?" Nel spoke up, reaching for her blades.

"There are two types of villains my dear assassin," Yensin said, raising two fingers. "There are those who refuse to accept a loss and throw their shit around, acting like a spoiled child. Like your hero over there."

He lowered his hand, "Then there are villains like me, who accept the loss, take the hit.... And move on."

The green flames suddenly vanished, freeing the onlookers.

"Honestly! The victory's yours, savor it! You fought tooth and nail to stop me after all. Show a bit more vim and vigor." Yensin took a step backward. "After all.... I still have options. And I am a patient man. I'm sure I'll be seeing you all again in the near future."

Lire Lim vanished into the green portal, just as Yensin turned on his heel. "Oh, and Allisa Reed," He stopped short, his back turned to the still fuming Allisa. "One thing to ponder until we meet again. Ask yourself,"

He turned his head, flashing a devilish grin at Allisa. "Did you really have a choice?"

In response, Allisa flinched, "Wha-What?"

With a final wave, Yensin stepped into the portal. The portal quickly vanished, and Yensin along with it.

Allisa was left kneeling in the water, her mind spinning on Yensin's last question.

"Allisa!" Nel called out, breaking her from her trance. "Are you ok?"

Now freed, the group that had just entered had dispersed, with Rodger and Steve running off to help Gimdo and Dorian while their friends and Melvin couldn't help but gawk at the damage to the chamber.

"Y-Yeah," Allisa nodded. "I'm-"

The moment she looked down, however, she froze, seeing the water around her turn red. Felling a sudden surge of strength in her legs, Allisa jumped up, fixing her unblinking eyes on the red color that began to swirl around her legs.


Much to her regret, her eyes followed the flow of red to its source, seeing Kira lying at its source.


Allisa took a step back. Looking back to the water, she saw another flow of red merging together. Her head creaked, her mind trying desperately to avert her gaze. Yet something won out, and she found herself staring at the body of Ellie.

Taking a step back, Allisa's breathing became ragged, as though the air was being sucked from the room. Everyone took notice of Allisa's distraught behavior, but none could find the words to say.

"I...." Allisa's voice began to break. Her gaze fell on her hands which began to shake uncontrollably. Tears began to trail down her cheeks.

"The fighting, the battles, they will never end."

Allisa began to sob, trying desperately to stop the tears from falling.

"Now that you have accepted your fate, that will become your reality."

Her hands brushed against her ears, trying to blot out everything.

"The peaceful existence you have grown accustomed to is now forever lost to you, drowned in the blood of the enemies you will certainly encounter,"

"I'm......" As much as she tried, as much as she fought the tears back, It was far too late.


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