《The Goddess’ Chosen》Herald of Desolation


Cliff's ears rang following a loud blast that occurred miles above him. His eyes slowly opened, adjusting to the light that shone down from the sun that hung above.

....The sun?

Above him was a clear blue sky, with a few clouds floating mindlessly past.

Wait....? Why can I see the sky?

Sterland village was covered by a canopy so thick and dense no ray of light from the sun could penetrate its blackened skyline. Cliff's eyes were slowly adjusting. They confirmed he hadn't moved. He was still within Sterland Village, at the drained-out lake within the forest of plateau's that made up the village.

Yet above him, he could see a blue sky, light from the sun illuminating the village.

"....................... What?! Wh-What is this?!"

Light dawned as he realized, the trees that had covered the village, the branches that had obscured the sun, it had literally been blown away.

"That's.... That's impossible...." Cliff muttered in shock, his head looking back and forth at the clear sky above him.

"Sir Gail!"

Faust's voice broke Cliff's concentration. Looking forward, he saw the large fox glaring at the three beings below it. It snarled, its red eyes burning with hatred at the two.

"That thing sounds pretty pissed...." Max said, still laying on his back.

The fox then raised its body, letting out another roar. It then slowly began to claw its way forward, keeping its eyes on its prey.

"Sir Akoga mentioned a fox..." Faust said speaking in almost a whisper, taking an involuntary step backward. "I think it prudent to retreat for now."

Cliff couldn't help but agree as he walked back along with Faust. They had to retreat, to regroup. However, there was one flaw in the plan.

"Max, I think you've rested enough...." Cliff said to Max who was still on his back, moving only his head. Meanwhile, the fox was closing the distance, getting closer and closer. "Seriously.... You can get up now!"

"I.... I can't!" Max said, weaving his head around. "I..... I can't move!"

"What do you mean you can't move?!"

"Seriously! My body's completely numb! I can't even move my fingers, let alone stand up!"

"It's coming!!"

Faust shouted as the Fox began to charge forwards, its feet striking the ground as it closed the distance.

"Damn it! Grab an arm!"

Cliff and Faust grabbed a hold of Max's arms, pulling him along as the fox leaped forwards, raising its right forearm up before slamming it down into the spot where the three once were.

The claws dug into the ground, sending displaced earth flying. The beast's cheeks suddenly puffed, spitting out another red orb at the three men, flying past them only just missing them. It continued on, slamming into a nearby plateau. A mighty explosion occurred as the entire structure was obliterated in a smaller blast.

"That was too close!" Faust called as he and Cliff ran, keeping themselves from being blown away by the backlash.

"Damn it! Why do things keep getting worse for us?!" Cliff groaned, carrying the immobile Max on his back, only capable of moving his head.

"It's coming again!" He called out.

Cliff and Faust ducked as the fox lunged at them, slamming its right foreleg into a nearby pillar before lunging at the three who curved by another plateau, avoiding its snapping jaws.


The backlash from the second blast hit the damaged central plateau, strong winds that blasted over the samiets, Melvin and the two grown humans in Shay and May while Yuki held his ground, skidding back as he raised his arms in defense.


It came without warning, a flash of light nearly blinded them, following the massive backlash of hot air that followed. When their eyes finally adjusted, they were greeted with the sight of the sun shining down from above.

".... What the....?" Yuki muttered in shock at the now opened skyline. He looked down, seeing the fox giving chase to the three that were within the dried-up lake. "Hey," he glanced to Melvin and Rodger who were getting back to their feet, "If you're here, then who's gone on ahead to stop this?"

"..... Allisa, Nel and Kira," Melvin muttered as he looked back at the fox. ".... If that's the nine tails....." He glanced at the chief's hut at the far end of the village, "then...."

Clicking his tongue, Yuki drew his blade. "We'll worry about that later! We've killed one of these things, we'll just kill another!"

"You're not gonna fight that thing?!" Dora exclaimed.

"Yeah bro! I mean, your awesome and all but that things fricken huge!" Shay blurted out.

"Ya gonna take that on with just a sword?! That's fricken nuts?!" May added.

"I didn't ask for your opinion!" Yuki snapped, pointing at the fox. "I think we can all agree we can't let that thing get out of this forest!"

"..... I agree." Melvin nodded. "But you're in no shape to fight something like that." He then faced forwards, pointing his wand forwards. Technically I haven't summoned Cerberus in battle form. It's worth a shot..."

"Cerberus! Battle form!"




"...... Cerberus?" confused at nothing happening, he glanced towards his familiar. Still in its small form, Cerberus looked at its master, giving a small whine while shaking its head. "Wh-What?"

Cerberus simply sat, looking up at its master.

"Uh.... He's not doing anything." Rodger pointed out. "Isn’t he supposed to get big like when we fought the lion?"

"Y-Yeah...." Melvin nodded, confused and concerned. What's going on? He can't transform? Was it because of what he did?

"Hey guys!"

At that moment, Meracle had wandered onto the central plateau with the injured Leone handing over her shoulders.

"M-Mary!" Melvin waved at the young cait sith.

"And that thief from the ruins!" Rodger pointed at Leone.

"..... Isn't that the cait sith that we fought before?" Gura pondered to Redwool and Steve.

"Yeah, apparently that blue haired girl beat her," Steve clarified glaring at Leone.

"You brought her?" Yuki asked thoughtlessly, pointing at the injured Leone.

"Y-Yo," Leone said wryly with a wink. "Anyone ever told you you're pretty hot with bandages on...?"

"Leone!" Melvin and Rodger ran up towards the two cait sith with Cerberus running alongside them, "That thing! Is that the nine tails?" Melvin asked, pointing to the monster in the water basin.

"....." Leone glanced, her cheerful persona evaporating. "..... Think so. It's not like they ever tell me anything,"

"Weren't you on their side?" Yuki said, folding his arms skeptically. "Surely they must have told you what's was going on? You’re one of them, right?”

"..... Wouldn't put it that way." Leone said, glancing down.

"Leone....?" Meracle glanced towards her injured friend.

".... Look, I was just hired help for that guy. I hardly call him master or not- GACK!" before Leone could finish her sentence, a jet of water no smaller than a grapeshot through her belly, leaving a small trail of blood as it flew out.




Before Meracle could comprehend what had happened, a blast struck her in the back, forcing her into the air. Meracle turned in the air, skidding across the ground until she was alongside Melvin, Rodger and Yuki who stood at the ready.

"..... I know you," Yuki growled, grasping his sheathed sword while hovering his hand over the hilt.

"Long time no see, swordsman. I take it Sokaku has been defeated."

Standing before them, with the injured Leone at their feet was two figures. One was easily identifiable as Ling, standing above the wounded cait sith with a wide grin despite his tattered clothes and injuries. "That's a shame. He will be missed."

The other was in the shape of a man yet with scaly grey skin, a shadowy cloak, and a mouth of four full tentacles. All over his visible body were horrible burns with his left leg completely missing, half the tentacles in his mouth were either signed or burnt off completely, the webbing on its left hand torn while a finger on its right was missing, and its staff snapped, rendering it no more than a wand.

"Wh-What the heck is that thing?!" Rodger exclaimed at the grotesque monster.

"N-No way....." Melvin took a step back in horror while Cerberus growled. "He survived that?"

"..... Hurts..... RRRRRAAAAAAGGGHHH!" The creature, Helpono screeched, grasping his face with its left hand, howling in pain. "It hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts!!!" he growled in an inhuman voice. "Burning..... it burned.... Burnedburnedburnedburned...."

"Impressive you actually managed to survive Helpono in his demon form, boy." Ling said at Melvin with a smile, "Not to mention reducing him in this state. I needed healing desperately following that brute's attack. Yet because of his state, I can feel pain from my still broken bones." He raised his right hand, showing off his swollen two fingers.

"Ha, Looks like the big guy was able to take you down." Yuki mocked while Melvin and Rodger looked uneasy. Further back, Dora, Redwol and Fred went pale, seeing the nightmare creature again, while Van, Freya, Bush, Gura and Steve stood braced in the admits of the tension.

"It matters not now, we have what we came for," Ling said pointing to the fox. "That only leaves a few loose ends."


A loud roar came as the fox slammed its massive paw into the side of one of the plateau's in its chase down the three men through the drained out basin.

Cliff, with Max on his shoulders, and Faust continued running away from the monster, hampered by the uneven ground which almost tripped both men several times, particularly when the monster slammed its paws into the ground, as well as there own exhaustion following the battles they endured.

"This way!" Cliff shouted as he made a hard right. Faust followed as the fox overshot them, turning its body before skidding to a stop, its claws leaving grooves in the rock.

"It's still in pursuit!" Faust pointed out.

"I gathered that much!"

"Why are we running away from it?!" Max exclaimed, "It's just a monster after all and we beat the others no problem!"

"Says the guy who can't even move!" Cliff snapped at him. "Seriously! What did you do back there?!"

"I don't know! I just beat that guy with the cross in his hand!"

"Doesn't explain why I'm carrying you!"

"DUCK!" Faust warned as the fox shot overhead, turning abruptly before skidding to a halt, red flames gathering in its fearsome maw.

"Oh shit!" Cliff said skidding to a halt.

The fox opened its mouth side, ready to obliterate the three men. All of a sudden, something large crashed into its right side like a wrecking ball, sending it toppling across the ground before recovering, skidding to its feet, letting out a hate-filled roar at what had dared to attack it.

Before it, standing definitely despite the horrible wounds that covered its body, both horns broken with it's only right eye unharmed was the albino behemoth, the King of the Forest.

"Hey, it's Dug!" Max called out over Cliff's shoulders.

"Oh right. I forgot about this thing." Cliff said, sounding relieved to see the monster for the first time in the short time he's known it.

"..... Those wounds," Faust said, looking at the various bites and burns that littered the once glorious beast. "He must have fought all those creatures by itself."

The king turned its head, staring at the immobile Max, bowing its head before turning back to the fox. Slamming both front legs into the ground, it let out a thunderous roar that echoed throughout the village, challenging the ancient evil that dared to threaten the piece of forest. The two then charged at each other, a clash that echoed throughout the village.

"Ok... that's our cue to run." Cliff said as he turned about, running in the opposite direction of the battle between the two monsters.

"What?! What about Dug?!" Max protested. "He can't fight that all on his own?!"

"In case you haven't noticed, we are in no condition to fight something called an emperor!"

"I must agree with Sir Gail." Faust said as he ran alongside Cliff. "Your battle was a fierce one. There is little you can do in your condition."

He then stopped suddenly. Noticing, Cliff stopped and turned to the man.

"It is my honor that this village comes to no harm," Faust said, slipping on his knuckle dusters.

"Hair dew guy?"

"Y-You sure about this?"

With a smile, Faust turned about, slowly walking back across the uneven ground, "You have all done more than enough. Please leave the rest to us," slowly raising a thumbs up, "those who seek atonement, must never turn their backs from there charge after all."


Nel braced herself as the violent wind passed her by. Lowering her arms, she witnessed the ongoing devastation conducted by the monster that was sealed below the village.

".... Is that the nine tails?" She asked, not expecting an answer. "...... Oh no,"

Eyes growing wide, Nel turned about, charging towards the ruins entrance. "Allisa!"

Before she could reach it, a green portal opened up before her, causing Nel to skid to a halt. Seven black creatures emerged from it, human in form, dressed in cloth with an array of iron masks distinguishing each from the next; A flat human face with small rectangles for moth and eyes, a round helmet with a spike on the top, a cylinder caged helmet with iron spikes sticking out of the joints, an elongated pyramid helmet, a beast styled helmet, a hammerhead-shaped helmet and a thin helmet with a T visor and horns. All of the figures were armed with twin black blades with cross guards which seemed organic in nature, pulsing slickly as the figures wandered from the portal which closed behind them.

"What now?" Nel cursed as she drew out her blades in response to the seven strangers that now blocked her way.

The hammer-head creature swiped out its blade, at the entrance to the ruin, green flames erupting from the ground, blocking the entrance. The front creature, the pyramid head, stepped forwards, swiping out its blades as it slowly approached.

"I don't have time for this," Nel cursed as she quickstepped forwards. Appearing above the pyramid head before stabbing her short blade down into the monster's left shoulder.

Putting her feet on the figure's chest, she stabbed her dagger into the back, somersaulting over the monster, widening her legs to kick at the incoming domed helmet's two swords, hitting him in the wrist. Unexpectedly, the pyramid head began to stir, despite the two blades that were digging into its body. Nel reacted in time, curling upwards as the pyramid head swung its blades at its back, kneeling over to allow Nel to black-flip, freeing her two blades before skidding across the ground to a halt, holding out her two blades as the seven began to slowly converge, the pyramid head acting as though it hadn't been hit.

"It's just one thing after the other...." Nel bit her lip as she readied her blades. Allisa.... You better be alright.

Fight of desperation

Allisa's back slammed against a pillar hard. She gasped as she lurched forwards. Gritting her teeth, Allisa found her footing to teleport away, just as Ellie lunged forwards, a black orb hovering in her left hand. It hit the pillar, expanding outwards to consume a large section of it, leaving nothing but a smooth surface behind when the orb disappeared.

Allisa reappeared, skidding across the water with Aqua heart in hand. Looking back, she saw several black orbs following her. Skidding and scatting, she narrowly avoided each one which flew off to hit a myriad of pillars and the floor, expanding outwards upon impact. The backlash from each of them caused Allisa to lose her footing on the water, toppling forwards into the water before rolling to her feet.


Ellie ran her hand over her blade, coating it in black flames. Swiping her blade back, Ellie ran her blade across the ground, sending a wave of black flames barrelling towards Allisa, who jumped out of the way.

Ellie then lunged forwards, letting out a cry as she spun in the air, black flames emitting from her sword.

Gritting her teeth, Allisa teleported out of the way as Ellie landed in the water. Flames coating Allisa's blade as it transformed into Azure Flame. "Vermilion Strike!"

As Allisa pivoted around to release her strike of flames, Ellie raised her left hand, firing off five black orbs. The flames released by Allisa were absorbed into each orb. With a swipe of her hand, Ellie launched them forwards towards Allisa who teleported as far as she could as each slammed into the ground before expanding.

Reappearing behind a pillar, Allisa turned around to confront Ellie again. Seeing her charging forwards, she raised her sword to parry a wide strike, flamed of red and black burst from each strike. Two more strikes followed, then Ellie pivoted, kicking Allia in the stomach.

Allisa staggered back, and Ellie wasted no time to take advantage of her broken guard, forming a black orb in her hand before launching it at Allisa who rolled out of the way. Ellie lunged again, and Allisa was forced to block while kneeling. The two blades clashed against each other as Ellie pushed against Allisa.

Raising back her left hand, a black orb formed in Ellie's palm as she applied pressure with her sword in her right hand. Allisa teleported away just before Ellie lunged her black orb towards her.

Allisa reappeared a few feet away, rolling to a stop while she struggled to catch her breath.

"What's wrong?!"

Eyes widened, Allisa jumped to the right as another line of black flames shot past her.

"Didn't you say you were going to stop me, hero?!"Amidst her furious taunts, Ellie swiped her blade across the ground, sending another wave of flames. Allisa jumped right again, hitting her right shoulder against one of the pillars. "Or was it all just empty words?!"

Allisa jumped back as Ellie lunged forwards again, jumping and spinning clockwise. The black flamed blade struck the pillar, cutting through the pillar with no resistance.

Allisa backed up until she came to one of the broken pillars she destroyed with her 'vermilion strikes' earlier, tripped and toppled backward, landing on the destroyed foundation's.

"If not," Ellie remained in place as black orbs fired out of her palm, each emitting the same black flames as her blade. "THEN JUST DIE ALREADY!!!"

"!!" Allisa placed her feet on the ground as the black flames slammed into the broken foundation in a dark explosion.

Ellie lowered her hand, panting as she resumed he guard. There's no way that would kill her... Where did she go?


A cry came from somewhere above Ellie. Turning, a boot collided with Ellie's right cheek. Teleporting directly behind her, Allisa kicked against one of the intact pillars, launching herself towards Ellie as her blade transformed back to Aqua Heart before dropkicking her opponent. Allisa continued through her freefall, gliding on the water's surface, her wave blade scraping across the water's surface.

Shaken from the sudden attack, Ellie recovered as Allisa landed on the surface, an orb of black flames formed at her left palm, completing her turn as Allisa pointed her blade at her opponent.

"Aqua Burst!"

A jet of water fired from Allisa's sword hitting Ellie just as she released her black-flamed orb, which hit Allisa's front. Both girls were sent flying back, Ellie slamming through one of the damaged pillars before skidding across the water. Allisa meanwhile was pushed backward, losing her footing before toppling in the water.

Both girls raised from the water, both visibly taken damage by the mutual attacks. Ellie, got back to her feet, waving about as she tried to regain her balance. Allisa did the same, but acting as though she were in more pain than her opponent. The black flame had hit her belly to her left. If it weren't for her mana enhancements, Allisa could imagine the damage being much worse, despite her receiving a horrible black burn on the left of her stomach, singing a small part of her top.

Gritting her teeth, she clutched her wounded left side as she could feel horrible pain from the strange burn, as well as a warm, wet substance that didn't feel like the water. Raising her hand, she saw it was in fact blood.

Damn.... How long can I keep this up...?


"AAARRGH!" Leone let out a yelp of pain as Ling stomped on her open wound. "Y-You bastards.....!" She hissed, glaring up at her comrades, "Ain't I on your side....?"

"Our side?" Ling snickered as he twisted his foot, causing Leone to flinch, "You were never on our side. In fact, I believe you made that perfectly clear you’re only doing this for the payment that was promised."

With a wide grin, he fixed his eyes on Meracle. "You're the one who Leone tricked to steal the tablet from Evendail? And if I may be so bold, I believe the two of you have a history?"

"..." Meracle didn't respond.

"No response?" Ling's smile grew. "Don't you want to know why she betrayed your trust?"

"You keep her outta this!" Leone snapped.

"Oh come now, Leone." Ling continued reaching into his bottoms. "No need to be bashful. After everything you've done for us," he then reached his left hand out, clenched into a fist, "It's only fair I give you your dues,"

Then he opened his hand. A small, green diamond fastened onto a thin string dropped from his hand, held by his fingers. He gave a wicked grin at Leone, who's eyes widened with shock.

"Myew...?" Meracle strained her eyes to see the jewel in Ling's hand.

"..... A pendant?" Yuki ended up muttering confused. "Doesn't look special or anything,"

"It's not." Ling answered truthfully, "All it is is a worthless trinket that use to belong to a nun." He then looked back to Leone on the ground. "Isn't that correct," his grin widening, "Leone St. Gertrude."

"Wh-What...?" Meracle looked shocked.

"St..... Garta? .... Ain't that your last name?" Rodger asked Meracle.

"Y-Yeah... that's the orphanage where I grew up." Meracle answered, her mind spinning. "but.... Leone?"

Leone, still under Ling's foot, looked even more shocked then anyone, "Th-The hell'd you know about that...?" She hissed before gritting her teeth in pain.

"You should know better than anyone not to underestimate Master Yensin. How do you think we knew how to hire your services for our endeavor," With a quick whip of his fingers, the charm disappeared into his fist. "It is almost comical how people can commit such heinous sins for the promise of a few worthless trinkets. Master Yensin has quite the talent, inspiring no loyalty from those around him, but knows precisely how to motivate someone to do his bidding."

Leone gritted her teeth, her eyes fill with rage. Meracle kept her eyes glued to Leone. The usual cheery, sly, flirtatious and manipulative cait sith that Meracle remembered teaching her about how to be a thief, stabbing her in the back, teasing her, stealing from her with a smile on her face, looked in agony. Turning her head around, she let out a small, dark chuckle.

"Yeah.... Fucking hilarious," she muttered, her claws digging through the dirt. ".... All that crap.... And this is what I get..... RRRGH!"


".... What's with that look kitty?" Leone's eyes darted up towards Meracle. "Starting to feel sorry for me.....?" She spat, "Screw you.... I told ya we're.... I'm just a bitch.... Who uses people... Including you," Fire shone in her eyes, burning her gaze at the bewildered cait sith. So stop looking at me like that! was what she wanted to say.

Her face then contorted with pain as Ling began to twist his foot in her open wound. "Hate to cut this short, but we are on a tight schedule." He said, glancing at the fox in the valley. "Unfortunately, the nine tails is not at his full strength. We need him at his strongest if we are to destroy the Arch Sages." His eyes then shifted towards his opponents. "You all pose a grave threat to master Yensin and his ambitions. Those three women are likely dead, either by the twins, Ellie or whatever ghastly monstrosity Lire Lim drew out from the void.

"Those three down there are going to be killed by the nine tails. That just leaves all of you."

"It hurts.... Hurts hurts hurts hurts...." Helpono continued to mutter, clawing at his wounded face.

"And with Helpono in this state, I doubt it should take too long."

"Yeah, just try us!" Rodger said, drawing out his silver hammer. "We beat those other jerks after all, and you two have already had your asses kicked by us!"

"Ha! For once, I'm gonna agree with the kid." Yuki smirked, drawing out his katana. "After seeing the pyro give it his all, no way I can just let that slide."

"Be careful," Melvin said, drawing out his wand, Cerberus growling, "The one on the left is no joke. He took a blast from Cerberus and survived."

"Hm Hm Hm," Ling chuckled menacingly, taking his foot off Leone, slowly striding towards them. "You are all quite the tenacious bunch. I must give that much at least- Hm?" He got a few paces out when something grasped his left ankle, tugging him backward. Looking to the ground, he saw Leone with an outstretched arm. "Oh ho, even wounded you wish to protect them?"

".... Ha ha ha.... No fucking way," Leone chuckled darkly, glancing up at her former comrade. ".... If there's one thing we thieves can't forgive...... Is double-crossers."

"Hm, fair enough," Ling said, sweeping his left leg to free himself from her grip. He turned slowly towards her, raising his left hand beside him while bending his elbow, sticking out his middle and index finger. "With how much blood you lost, I reckon a blow to the heart should be enough to-"

Before Ling took notice with his sensor ability, an outstretched leg slammed into the right side of his neck, hitting with the force of a hammer. Grunting in pain, Ling was forced off his feet as he was sent flying to his left. As his body flipped over, Ling shot his hand to the ground, blue aura forming along his right leg.


With a downwards kick, a transparent blue tail took shape as it whipped down on the position where Leone lay wounded, shattering the ground beneath.

A small figure flew from the location, both feet into Helpono's tentacle face before using it as a springboard. skidding across the ground a few feet away as Ling snapped to his feet, rubbing his neck. "You.... Sneaky little..."

"Urgh...." Leone groaned, feeling pain from being suddenly moved. When she opened her eyes, she slowly realized she was draped over someone's back. And that someone was the last person she was expecting. "M-Meracle?"

Standing defiant against Ling and Helpono was none other than Meracle, holding onto Leone's arms while parting her legs, glaring at her two opponents.

"Not bad, that actually hurt." Ling said, a smile creeping back on his face while cranking his neck.

Leone, thinking she was deluded by her injuries from earlier blood loss, blinked to make sure it was, in fact, Meracle had a grip on her. ".... Put me down....." she growled. "I didn't..... ask you for help,"

"She betrayed you and you'd still protect her?" Ling said as he took a step forward.

"Of course," Meracle smiled, raising her left hand in front of her, letting a green pendant dangle in her grip. "Cause we're like sisters."

Ling shot forwards his left hand where he noticed that Leone's payment was no longer in his grasp. "Ha ha..." Seem's I underestimated you like kitten."

"Hurts hurts hurts hurts....." Helpono continued to mature, floating back to his feet with its webbed hand on his disgusting face. When it moved its hand, the purple orbs that made its eyes shone intensely. "DISGUSTING CREATURES!!! YOU WILL PAY FOR HARMING HER!!"

Helpono threw his hand down. Water formed on the ground, almost out of thin air, creating a strange whirlpool. From it, a long, brown eel with two layers of razor-sharp teeth burst from the water, fixing its black eyes on the two cait sith.

"NYOW! What is that?!" Meracle blurted out shocked.

"Yeah.... Probably shouldn't have kicked him...." Leone warned weakly.

"Won't forgive.... I WON'T FORGIVE!!" Helpono thrust his broken staff out, commanding the eal to lung forwards. "CONSUME THEM, OVIA!"


The monster's head slammed into the ground before the insane wizard. "Orvia....?" Helpono looked back at the main body. Now headless, the creature began to sink back into the whirlpool which vanished without a trace.

"I'm gonna go out on a whim and say you're the one responsible for that giant squid that attacked our ship."

Helpono looked upwards, seeing Yuki casually pacing in front of the two cait sith, sword drawn and resting on his shoulder, a large grin on his face.

"Gotta thank you for that. Didn't taste half bad after we grilled it up."

"Stevie...." Helpono muttered, waving his staff close by, forming three water bubbles by his side. "RRRRAAAAAHHHHH!!!!"

With an inhuman scream, Helpono waved his arm's out, sending spears of water towards the grinning swordsman. Slamming his foot into the ground, Yuki charged towards the spears, dodging each and everyone grasping his katana in both hands.

As he approached, he swung his blade towards Helpono, who folded and vanished in mid-air. Unfazed, Yuki skidded across the ground before turning sharply to the right, swinging his blade overhead towards the remerged Helpono. Before Yuki's blade could cut him, Helpono's broken staff moved to intercept. The tentacles burst from the tip, wrapping around Yuki's katana.

"AHAHA! Without your weapon..." A white light began to shine in the center of the tentacles, "YOU'RE JUST A DEFENSELESS HU-"

Before Helpono could even finish his sentence, Yuki grabbed a hold of Helpono's mouth tentacles before throwing the insane wizard overhead, slamming him head first into the ground, all while wearing a savage grin.


"THAT'S OUR BRO!!" Shay and May cheered while the samaits, particularly those who had caught the terrifying wizard barely an hour earlier, stood with their mouths agape.

"All that trouble trying to hit him and that human just floored him in one shot." Redwol ended up thinking out loud.

Helpono's broken staff landed on the ground away from its master who lay squirming on the ground, his webbed hands grasping at the strong human hand that was pressing down on his skull.

"You know, there's something about you wizard types that seem to piss me off," Yuki said menacingly, holding his katana in his right hand. "Just cause you can use magic makes you think you're practically indestructible." His eyes narrowed. "Take that away and you're left practically defenseless."

Yuki then attempted to stab Helpono, before the wizard folded his body towards his head before vanishing into thin air.

Ling then charged forwards towards Yuki, pointing out his fingers. This man is the biggest threat here. I should take him out-

His train of thought was interrupted when he suddenly skidded to a halt before leaping back as a rock spike shot out from the ground.

"Where'd ya think you're going?!" Rodger blurted out, spinning his hammer before slamming into the ground. The earth before him rippled before individual lumps of rock spears were fired.

Clicking his tongue, Ling used his martial arts to block and parry each of the incoming rocks. "Little pest..."

"Rodger! Back me up!" Melvin called out, raising his wand in the air.

"Got it!" Rodger nodded, slamming his hand to the ground sending a fist flying towards Ling, who held out his hand, three fingers pointed.


With a vertical swipe, the rock fist was sliced in half, the two sides passing by harmlessly.

"Try this!" Rodger slammed his hammer into the ground, creating a golem with a large hammer for a hand. "Get him, Hammer Ga Ga Golem!"

The animated rock obeyed, charging forwards wheel raising its large hammer at the increasingly irritated Ling.


Spinning on his heel with his left leg extended. The monster was split in half from its round belly, causing the upper body to topple forwards. Finishing his turn, Ling kicked the falling half towards Rodger, who scampered out of the way before it crushed him as it landed.

"I've had enough of these childish games," Ling said menacingly as he regained his posture.

"Burning Hearts!"

He then looked to his right, seeing a large fireball being thrown his way, baiting him in the heat as it drew closer and closer. Clicking his tongue, Ling turned about to face the incoming fireball, pulling back his right hand. Nùhou!

Thrusting his palm forwards towards the fireball, a pulse emitted, blowing back the fireball a few feet before it burst.

"What?!" Melvin exclaimed with surprise.

As the flames dissipated, Ling shot a dangerous glare at the young wizard. "I seem to recall crushing your throat last time so you couldn't speak." He said as he stood upright, holding out his hand with three fingers pointed. "Perhaps I should just save myself the trouble and sever your head from your neck."

Before he could follow through with that promise, something suddenly washed over him, a sense of malice and a strong intent to kill. It could be easily described by a wildcat spying its prey, ready to pouch.

Gritting his teeth, Ling turned on his heel swinging his fingers out behind him.

Only to find there was nobody behind him, yet a deep gash had emerged on his right cheek at the same time, squirting out blood. ".... What in the-?" Ling raised a hand to his cheek, feeling the warm, sticky fluid, letting the fact he had been cut sink in.

Meanwhile, Helpono reappeared, sweeping his broken staff from the ground before turning in mid-air, swiping his staff outwards to launch more water shots at Yuki, who dodged and parried. The wizard then disappeared.

Ripples then began to form around Yuki, who leaped and rolled out of the way as water burst from the ground.

"Hurt hurt hurt...."

Helpono shot out of the ground in front of Yuki, letting out a pulse that blew him off his feet. Yuki rolled on the ground before jumping to his feet. Swinging his katana out, the man charged forwards to the insane wizard who raised his right hand to the incoming swordsman. With a swing, Yuki's blade hit an invisible barrier formed by the monstrous wizard, hitting hard enough to crack it.

"He's... human?"

Stance 6: Taki!

With a strong, overhead slash, Helpono's barrier was shattered, much to the wizards dismay and bewilderment.

Stance 5: Piasu!

With the defense down, Yuki shot past the wizard with his blade pointed. Blood erupted from Helpono as parts of his shadowy cape were torn apart along with large chunks of his white, scaly skin.

"He got him!" Bush sounded astonished.

"BROOOO!!!" Shay and May cheered while the samiets who fought the wizard were stunned.

However, their applause was cut short when Yuki collapsed to one knee, looking in pain as he grasped at his chest. "S-Shit.... Not now...."

His wounds from Sokaku were not completely healed, as Faust had explained when they finally got underway. Yuki knew that, yet chose to ignore it knowing the battle was far from over.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" A horrible shriek came from Helpono as he raised into the air, grasping his body which was slowly beginning to close. "ITHURTSITHURTSITHURTSITHURTS!!!"He shrieked repeatedly as Yuki turned back around, panting heavily.

Good thing he's in worse shape than me, Yuki thought as he held his katana out in front of him, suppressing the pain as much as he could. Just gotta take this guy down, plus the bold guy. Then that fox.

"Won't forgive..... won't forgive...." Helpono raised his broken staff, which let out a misty white light.

Another ripple of water formed below, and what emerged was a large, walking whale-like monstrosity that towered over the swordsman. Long, muscular and barnacled arms crashed into the ground as it stood on two, horrifically malformed appendages that were a grotesque mix of human legs and a fish dorsal fin. Its mouth took up the full length of what could pass for a head, letting out a whale noise showing off four layers of large, shell-like shark teeth.

"Oh that's fair," Yuki said slightly letting out an exhausted sigh as he gazed up at the monster before him. "More of his freaks to cut down."

"Won't forgive.... Won't forgive...." Helpono continued to mutter, hovering over the monster while his wounds finished closing to stop his bleeding while leaving a large gash visible on his milky white skin. "Won't forgive... I WON'T FORGIVE!" he raised his staff overhead, pointing at the swordsman. "CONSUME HIM, HECTOR!!"

"Compress water bullets."

Before the monster could make a charge, its skin was suddenly peppered with small holes that pierced its gray skin.

"And burst."


All of a sudden, the monster's entire upper body was blown up with only the lower body left intact. Chunks of flesh and blood rained down as the remaining half-collapsed to the ground in front of the bewilder Yuki.


Helpono let out a horrific screech, seeing another of his monsters being destroyed so fast-breaking what was left of his patients and faculties.

"How interesting. I suspected there was something off back in Everndail, but I never took you for a host."

All eyes turned as a new figure stride forwards with an air of dignity and grace, wearing a familiar, revealing dress, pink hair, pushing her glasses up on the bridge of her nose as she fixed her gaze onto Helpono. "Your little group seems to be more fascinating than I first gave you credit."

"A-Another one?" Van said nervously.

"Who's she....?" Steve asked, clenching his blowgun.

"Whoever she is she's seriously hot!" Shay blurted out without thinking.

Yuki lowered his blade, raising an eyebrow at the newcomer before letting out a smirk. "Was wondering when you people will make an entrance."

"Pressa?" Meracle asked as she identified the newcomer.

"Sorry we're late. The countermeasure took longer than we thought." Another new voice resonated across the plateau.

Ling turned about while holding his bloodied cheek, eyes widened with surprise. ".... I know you. You were at Everndail."

With a sai spinning in the air, the newcomer grabbed a hold of the hilt, holding it at her side with another at hand, smiling while fixing the man with her green eyes.

"Cory!" Meracle said cheerfully with a small tear of joy in her eyes.

"... You?" Leone ended up muttering.

Cory's eyes sifted to Meracle, giving her a warm smile. "Good to see you're all ok." She then looked up to Leone, looking less pleased. "You we'll deal with later."

"Ah ha.... So you remember me?"

"Cory!" Melvin spoke up with Rodger pushing himself up, fixing his helmet. "But how did-?"

"Same way we sent you guys," Cory said, twirling her sai's parting her legs, glaring at Ling. "And I have a score to settle with this guy for Everndail."


"Hold on, Hair dew guy!" Max protested, struggling on Cliff's back as Faust walked away towards the battle between the nine tails and the king. "You can't fight that thing alone! Let me back you up! I can still-"

"Max." Cliff took Max off his back, holding him out in front of him by below the arms like an infant.

"Wh-What are you- there's no time! We gotta-!"

"I'd say sorry for this, but I have a feeling I'll be doing this sometime in the near future."


The sound of a loud bang caused Faust to jump and turn around. He saw Max resting on the ground, eyes rolled back in his head with a red mark on his forehead.

"Ahhh... for someone with barely a brain, his skull's surprisingly hard," Cliff said as he walked away, rubbing his forehead.

"S-Sir Gail?" Faust looked puzzled, glancing back at the now unconscious Max sprawled on the ground. While distracted, Cliff strolled past.

"If I know that kid, he's gonna do everything he can to charge in like a moron and get himself killed," Cliff said as he stretched his arms.

"Wh-Wait a moment! You can't mean to...?" Faust ran after the man, racing in front of him while raising his arms. "In your condition, you're no better than sir Colt!"

"Could same for you," Cliff countered, glancing over his shoulder. "But if that thing leaves the forest, it won't matter if we are in peak condition. We have to stop it now." A grin appeared on his lips. "Besides, I still have my trump card to play yet."

Faust looked uneasy but ultimately considered. Letting out a sigh of defeat, he lowered his arms and took his place beside Cliff. "You and sir Colt seems to be cut from the same cloth." He chuckled as he and Cliff began to walk towards the crashes before them. "So.... Do you think we can fell this foul creature?"

"Max, Yuki and Melvin managed to kill something similar. That should count for something." Cliff said cracking his knuckles. "Let's just hope this is no different."

The world was spinning. Crawling in the dried-up reservoir, Fark pulled himself forwards, gritting his teeth as his body was assailed by unimaginable pain. After he finally regained consciousness, he found himself amongst the dried-up river miles from where he was originally.

He then slipped out of consciousness again, only to regain it amidst a loud crashing sound. He saw the sky above him, something that he should have been unable to see before due to the thick tree coverage.

With his body weak from the battle, broken from his power up as well as the beating he took, he could tell that this was the end. Both of the silver crosses, gifts from his master, were now ruined, melted into his own flesh.

He continued to pull himself forwards, fighting the urge to fall into slumber. His mind drifted back to the boy he had fought, the fire in his eyes as he tried with all his might to overcome him, to overcome the curse that was placed on him. Never before had he encountered a Demi-human that surpassed his own expectations of their kind, one that embraces the curse and fights against it; one who has chosen to protect, even if it kills him.

That boy.......

Finally dragging himself to an elevated part of the old rock bed, Fark caught a glimpse of the source of the noise. Before him, two giant beasts, a behemoth and a fox, battled for dominance amidst the forest of rock, letting out ferocious roars as they lashed at each other with their claws.

"..... Is that..... Kitsune...?" Fark's eyes locked to the giant fox, watching it lung onto the behemoth's back, taking a bite out of its thick hide before leaping backward.

"..... He did it," Fark let out a small chuckle, dropping to the ground as his body weight became too much to bear. Yet despite that, a look of true peace could be seen on his face. "Master Yensin..... you did it...."

Looking back up, he could feel his eyelids growing heavier and heavier. Forgive me.... This is as far as my path will take me....

Rottagehahen. Farkometekochen. Looks like I'll be joining you shortly.....

Letting out a sigh, he was ready to give in, allowing the tranquillity to overcome him.

Boy..... you wish to continue living, you know the path will be a rough one. For your sake... I hope you will still be yourself by the end of your path.

His eyes then began to shut.

....... What?

Then opened again. With what little strength he had, Fark pushed himself up again. Before he closed his eyes, just for a moment, he saw something out of the corner of his eye.

Pushing himself to the edge of the elevated rock, he scanned the basin below. There he saw someone familiar, hovering over an ancient door, silver bow in hand.

That's..... Robin?

Shifting his head around Robin moved back, drawing back an arrow before firing at the ancient door, shattering it with one shot. He then glanced around, looking like he wished none would follow him. With a nod he then floated forwards, entering the thrashed of the now open passageway.

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