《The Goddess’ Chosen》Kitsune, the Nine Tailed Fox


"Awesome. Simply.... Awesome," Yensin commented, brushing his hands against the cold surface of the circle in the wall. "I wonder how old it is? Probably a few hundred years, easily outdating the coming of Saruin."

"Far... mont es u prootaa!" Lire Lim wheezed, approaching Yensin while waving her arms. "Nargor... Kinfo... voltretoooreee..."

"Yes, I'm getting to it. Honestly, you have the patience of a cat at times. Patience is a virtue you know," Yensin scoffed, pulling back from the circle. "Fine fine, I think the show's been put off long enough. Whoever's invested in whatever this is would be bored by now, we need to show them a surprise to keep them invested."


"No one, in particular, my good woman."

Folding his hands, he faced the mummy, which remained standing at the very center of the room, unmoving from its position, uttering no words or any human interaction.

"Well get those damn bandages off him!"

Lire Lim raised her jade skull, which responded with a green shine. A black mist began to spew from the bandages which slowly began to unravel. The figure in the bandages was soon laid bare, flopping to the floor, catching himself with his hands and knees, gasping for air; A white trench coat that had lost its shine long ago, torn and broken in several places, spiky blond hair and a face dominated by a long chin which saw signs of damage. The man, covered in bangs and bruises, curled up before glancing upwards.

"Good to see you again, Dolton Horus. Did you enjoy your little nap?"

"Wha- Y-you?" Dolton, the former leader of the dispensed Celtic Hoard, shot to his feet, almost tripping over. He looked around, disoriented by his surroundings. "Where... where am I?"

"Sterland village," Yensin told him as he slowly approached. "Well, underneath it."

"Sterland... wait?" Yensin glanced around fast, his expression turning to rage. "Where's that brat?! Graham's little kid? After what he did to me-"

"Don't bother, you don't have anything left." Yensin said, "Didn't you know? Celtic Hoard's gone."

"Gone? What do you mean gone?"

"Disbanded. Destroyed. Ruined. I can come up with other words, but we'll be here all day."

"Gro no shinsi!" Lire Lim wheezed, pointing a clawed finger at Dolton. "Fra, Sengosho... lepro cartarweee!"

"Lire Lim, you know I love you, but Dolton and I need to have a serious conversation before we move things along. So until then, mind shutting that encrusted shit hole you call a mouth while the grownups have a chat." Yensin rebutted.

"Da tome!" Lire Lim huddled back, keeping her bird mask trained at the confused Dolton.

"I do apologize. Lire Lim is a little too impatient for her own good," Yensin said as he returned his attention to Dolton. "Now, I'm going to just say I'm not angry at you."


"No. Nonono. Not angry. But I am.... Disappointed." Yensin sighed, walking up to Dolton, "As a businessman myself," putting a hand on his shoulder, "I couldn't help but admire your sense of business. You know what something is worth, you charge it based on that worth, not too much, not too little. Truly inspiring."

Dolton shifted, feeling uneasy.

"So I, a man interested in conducting business with the likes of you, saw a chance that was beneficial to both of us. How much.... 100,000 Rundes? Actually, you asked double that, didn't you? Anyway, I paid you a lot for you to acquire stuff from that contact in Fira,"


Dolton's eyes widened.

"Oh yes, I knew." Yensin said casually, taking his hand off of Dolton's shoulder, circling around him, "And you destroy Sterland Village, something we both wanted. Something I, with barely half of what you had, achieved in a matter of minutes,"

Dolton gulped, breaking out into a cold sweat.

"And we walk in just like that." Yensin came in full circle, back turned while his hands were pressed together. "But no, no, you did not deliver." He said softly, shaking his head. "Instead, Lire Lim and I had to spring you from that prison transport when I could have... I don't know, do something fun." Turning Yensin shook his head. "For shame my friend. For shame. I mean, I wasn't expecting much if I'm honest but... you know the feeling."

"..... Th-Things got, c-complicated," Dolton said, finding it hard to form words. "I-It's not my fault... Wait... no, no it's not my fault!" he spoke up, scrunching his eyes, "That swordsman and those damn kids ruined everything! If it weren't for them this place would have fallen long ago!"

Yensin shook his head again, clicking his tongue. "Excuses, excuses." He said in a soft voice, which only helped to unnerve Dolton more. "Again, not angry. NOT...... angry. Disappointed. Worse then angry. Like when you go to a restaurant, expecting a fine delicacy only to be given leftover scraps. Wouldn't you just hate that."

Dolton took a step back, feeling his body beginning to seize up. Catching his breath proved difficult, as the atmosphere put forth by this one man was stifling, almost causing him to drop to the floor.

"Still," Yensin clapped his hands, "We are here, right where we need to be. So.... No harm." He approached the unnerved Dolton, "We have something we need you to do."

"Wh-What?" Dolton spoke, tensing his body.

"We still need you to destroy Sterland Village."

"........... huh?" Dolton crocked his head, confused by Yensin's response.

"Yes, I need you to destroy the village. That's why we are here in this underground ruin." Yensin raised his arms, drawing attention to the damp confines of the space that surrounded the three figures. "You see, there's a monster hidden underneath the village. That's the entire reason I bothered with this little shit hole in the middle of nowhere."

"A.... monster?" Dolton said enviously.

"Lire Lim, if you'd be so kind?" Yensin turned to the bird-masked hag, who raised up her jade skull.

A green mist formed in the air before Yensin, a stone coin emerging from the center, floating into Yensin's outstretched hands.

"Perfect." With a Chester smile, Yensin turned back to Dolton. "See. We have everything we need. The key," He held up the coin, "and the hole," pointing with his free hand to Dolton's feet.

Dolton looked down and saw a large circular impression in the ground at the dead center of the strange circle.

"All that's left," Yensin approached Dolton, holding out the coin, "Is someone to use the key."

Dolton gazed at the coin, still feeling uneasy about the entire situation. His nervous expression focused on the strange ruin of a fox that dominated the center. "..... Why me?"

"Why?" Yensin let out a chuckle. "No particular reason. I just thought you would like to do the honors. After all, this is the home of Graham D. Huxal," Dolton's expression hardened, "the only known adventurer to come out of the whole of Sterland Forest to see the world, and I believe you had a scuffle with him.... Twice?"


Yensin then snorted, pulling the coin away from the immobile Dolton. "Alright, I'll do it if you're not up for-"

"Wait." Dolton finally spoke up, just before Yensin was about to turn away. "That village.... It's above us, right?"

Yensin nodded.

".... And it will be destroyed? Wiped off the map?"

"I guarantee not a speck of water will remain."

"......" Dolton's had shot forward, taking ahold of the coin before wrenching it from the pleased Yensin's grasp. Yensin slowly stood to one side, allowing Dolton to pass by, clenching the coin in both hands. He slowly approached the impression in the ground, dropping to his knees before it.

"Graham," a smile began to appear on his lips, "that village.... Your brat..." the coin moved closer to the impression, "watch from wherever I sent you," slowly fitting into place, "as your home," and with one last push, "burns to the ground!" clicked in place.

Dolton leaned over the coin, unable to contain his excitement, letting out a deranged chuckle, happily with the knowledge that this simple act was about to lay waste to what he hated most of all.

"Awesome," Yensin said behind Dolton. "Now we need just one last thing."

"Yeah? What's that?"


Dolton remained still, seeing blood splatter all across the coin he had just inserted. He could feel nothing, just frozen in place. Then, he vomited blood, letting out a groan in pain. He looked down at himself, and his eyes grew wide.

On the left side of his coat, a small hole had opened up, a red circle beginning to form around the hole. "Wh-Wha...?" Dolton gasped, realizing only when he pushed at his wound he had been shot.

"These seals are quite pesky things," Yensin walked in front of Dolton, a silver revolver twirling in his right hand. "It's not enough to get all the pieces together, no. It requires blood. Lots of it, and very specific, which makes it that much more challenging. I mean, they wanted to make sure no one touched the beasts, so... it does it's job."

Yensin turned to the wounded Dolton, a large smile on his lips. "Dorstera, the being of Envy, required the blood of an unspoiled virgin, a beautiful maiden who withheld her chastity. Envy of all other women, they say.

"For this," Yensin crouched to his knees, leaning close to his victim, "Blood of a wicked. Anybody would do, say a bastard who would slaughter an entire village for the act of one."

Dolton looked up at Yensin, eyes burning with shock and rage.

"Sound familiar?"

"...... You.... Planned this .... From the start..." Dolton wheezed, barely containing his rage while pressing his right hand down hard on the wound.

"Well.... Yes," Yensin nodded shamelessly. "Though I admit there were some.... complications along the way." Fiddling with his revolver, Yensin let out a smile. "Do you think I was throwing so much money your way because I believed in your victory? As I said, what you failed to achieve with an army I achieved with a handful of mana users. No, what I was buying wasn't your service to take this village," his grin grew, "It was your life, which you sold at quite a low price."

Dolton's head slumped down, letting out a small chuckle. "Yeah... everything.... Has a price.... And i.... evaluate its worth.... Money... weapons.... Even life... it all has value." His left hand, hidden behind his boy, began to stir, "Yet.... I feel my life.... Is worth... a little more than that...." His fist clenched with only the index finger pointing, "And if someone takes something from me..... be it my army..... or my life.... I make sure it's compensated,"

Dolton's head snapped up, "IN FULL!!" and shot his left arm forwards, hitting Yensin in the throat with his mana enhanced finger. "Ha Ha Ha...." Dolton chuckled, half delirious from his blood loss, half ecstatic that he got his revenge.

"...... And that's what I like about you,"

Dolton's excitement vanished as a gun's barrel was pointed directly at his forehead.

"You know exactly what something is worth,"

He stared in horror at the smiling Yensin, resembling a devil in his eyes. Below on his neck, where his finger had stabbed, a black, inky surface had emerged across the skin, flickering at his chin. His finger, which could penetrate a man's skull, was pressed against his throat, yet going no further, blocked by the strange, swirling black patterns that appeared around the center.

"But I would disagree about that last statement. I'd say what I've paid for your life was exactly on point."


Dolton slumped on the ground following a second bang. The leader of Celtic Hoard now lay dead. Standing up, Yensin took aim and fired again, hitting Dolton's back.

"That certainly was anti-climatic," Yensin shrugged as he walked away, rubbing his neck as the black patterns began to melt away. "I was expecting a bit more, I have to be honest."

"Do tor bruu nee...." Lire Lim wheezed.

"And this is why no one likes you my dear. You don't enjoy life to its fullest." Yensin said to her as he took a position by her side by the large circle in the wall.

A red puddle was beginning to form around Dolton as his blood began to seep out of the man. The red liquid flowed into the impressions in the floor, flowing through the man-made canals until the image of the circle came into full view. The blood continued, seeping through long canals towards the giant circle in the wall, flowing upwards without regard to the laws of gravity, filling in the impression until every nook and cranny was filled. An ery light began to glow from the ruin, casting a red glow across the room.

"Mar kesh! Mar ken doochen!"

"That's the most excited I've heard you speak," Yensin said with a smile, transfixed by the glowing red light. "Only one thing left to do. So Ellie, time to show your true colors."


Allisa and Ellie's blades clashed against each other, both entering into a deadlock. Allisa broke off, leaping backward as her blade transformed into her new sword form, Aqua Heart, gliding across the water's edge. Turning counterclockwise, Allisa brushed the surface of the water, drawing forth water before launching it towards her opponent, who leaped out of the way, shooting out a string of fireballs in retaliation.

Allisa skirted across the water's surface, skidding across the water, weaving around the pillars as she dodged, leaping on one of the pillars before pushing herself off, launching towards Ellie.

Flames in hand, Ellie coated her blade, pivoting around as Allisa drew closer before following with a downward slash to match Allisa's upward blow. Following a loud crash, flames spewing forth from impact, Allisa and Ellie passed each other by, blades held out.

".... I can't tell what's happening over there," Dorian said, putting his hands over his eyes as though it increased his field of vision. ".... Are they really human? I've never seen such a thing. Even those Celtic Hoard bastards or Dolton could fight like that."

After the battle began, Dorian, along with Gimdo, moved the injured Kira back towards the walkway that ran through the center of the room.

Kira was laying on the stone walkway on her back, being treated by Gimdo as best he could with his limited healing magic. "My apologies. Healing magic is more my wife's specialty," He said, hovering his hands over her, a green light emanating from them.

"... It's cool," Kira muttered. Her eyes were glued on the battle within the forest of pillars, watching the clashes between her former lover and a girl she had only met a week ago.

"That woman," Gimdo begun, noticing his charge's distress, "I spoke once before when she was with a group of bandits who threatened this village."


"I ended up asking her why she was doing this, and she said it was for freedom, liberation for those who ruled above the kings of this world."


"Those of Celtic Hoard, the bandits, they were one thing. But the fire I saw in her eyes, the hatred, I thought there may have been more to it." Gimdo continued, letting out a sigh. "I had no idea she had such a heavy burden."

"...... I had no idea." Kira finally spoke, looking up at the ceiling of the chamber, "But..... Something in her did change... I noticed it right after that mission." She clenched her fist, raising her left arm to her head, covering her eyes with the arm. "..... Damn it.... If I had known.... If I knew what that thing was..." Her teeth gritted as a single tear fell down her cheek. ".... What the hell do I do now?"

"You should not blame yourself for what has come to pass. That was the sort of thing my son use to say." Gimdo said in a reassuring tone. "He was quite the dreamer, yet his words inspired many of the youth in this village, his son among them. He acted on not what came before, but what was happening in the here and now, even if that got him into trouble."

With a smile, he turned his attention back to the battle. "That girl.... She does remind me of him in some ways. I heard when I was taken prisoner, she actually spoke up against Dorian over there and came to our aid without a second thought. I believe if anyone can get through to that woman, it would be her, who sees the world through different eyes."

".... Allisa huh?" Kira said softly, not moving her arm from her eyes. "..... she's a mystery, I'll give her that."

Gimdo turned his attention back to the task at hand, and no sooner he did, the entire room began to shake and rumble, causing him to flop over onto Kria's belly, who in turn moved her arm trying to see what was going on.

Dorian, who was on his feet, was knocked over following a violent shake, splashing in the water. "Wh-Wh-What in the blazes?!" he exclaimed, glancing around confused.

Further out, Allisa was taken by surprise following the first shock, losing her balance as the water began to ripple before toppling into the water, landing on her left shoulder. "Ahh," She groaned as she pushed herself up. "Wh-What?" She got back to her feet, trying to stay upright despite the shaking going on around her.

Ellie meanwhile, starred up blankly at the wall, then to her left arm. ".... It's time." She said in barely a whisper. The marks on her arm had lit up, letting out a purple glow while black smoke emitted from her limb.

"Six elemental:"

Allisa looked back to her opponent-


-In time to see a large sheet of Ice spikes aiming towards her burrowing directly after her.

"WHAA-!" Allisa teleported out of the way just before the ice sheets hit her. Reappearing a few feet to the left. The shaking threw her off balance, causing her to trip, catching herself on a nearby pillar before she fell on her face.

"You lose, Chosen."

Allisa glanced at Ellie, who held up her left hand.

"Harbinger of desolation. Reaper of the east. Let no chain bind you. Unleash your fury upon this world!"

By the time Allisa realized what was happening, how she had seen such a scene transpire once before, "Ellie, STOPPPP!" even as she lunged from the pillar, fighting as hard as she could to regain her balance, it was far too late.

"Come forth, KITSUNE!!"

The Beast of Wrath

The embrace of water, a cold and dark embraced.

Its red fur flowed freely, the nine long tails curled up.

Long iron chains wrapped around the being.

It lay there, suspended in the depths where not even a speck of light broke through. It hated that light, the rays and warmth. It hated the dark, the cold and the black.

It hated all, this entire world.

Yet.... Even in the darkest black, a sound could be heard, a soft melody that echoed even in this cold.

The beast began to stir, stretching its long talons, opening its mouth, parting its teeth. It had been so long since it had heard such a song, so very long.

The chains began to fall from its body, collapsing through the depths. The nine tails began to move, uncoiling for the first time in eons.

From the cold depths, the monster of Sterland Village snapped open its eyes.


"Looks like it's more or less over,"

Nel stood upon the edge of the plateau, overlooking the ruined village. Despite the desolation, things had seemed to have settled down. She had a hunch that her collages were ok. No matter how groundless they were, she had faith that they were in good health (more or less).

Her attention however was divided between two of her biggest concerns.

One was Allisa down in the ruins. She had left her with the woman Kira, someone she did not trust one bit.

But another matter was clenched in her left hand, the cylinder she took from one of the twins.

I should probably keep this to myself, for now, She thought, tucking the cylinder away. Her mission was to find Allisa before something happened to her. Out of prosses of elimination, Nel estimated that there was still Yensin, the bird monster that apparently summoned the horrid monstrosities, the strange mummy, and of course the woman who grievously wounded her, Ellie.

As much as she had confidence In Allisa's abilities, fighting four people, presumably at once, with a woman Nel didn't trust didn't fill her with confidence.

"If the others have finished what they're doing, I'm sure they'll be on their way too." Nel said to herself as she turned to the ruined entrance, ".... Wait," and unexpectedly turned back to the lake, peeking down at the water with a puzzled expression.


"Nyew, Looks like he was the last one," Meracle said, standing at the edge of the plateau, surveying the devastation Max's final attack had wrought.

"..... Damn, you guys actually managed to pull it off," Leone said, still laying on her front, still numb over her beating she took from Meracle, astonished by what she had seen.

That was definitely Fark that kid sent flying..... that means....

Lowering her head, Leone got lost in thought. If Fark (unquestionably the strongest amongst Yensin's followers by her reckoning) was defeated then there was no denying it. They lost.

She lost.

After all that.... I got nothing to show for it.

Leone's claws dug into the ground, her frustration building. Meracle had hit the nail on the head during their battle, there was something more to Leone's motivation that even she denied. But now, faced with the prospect of defeat, not being offered what she was promised, it began to hit her home.

Slowly, Leone looked up to Meracle, seemingly unaware of her lamentation, trying to gaze across the plateau's to see what was happening, her tail wagging back and forth.

She glanced down again, biting her lip as her fist began to clench. Screw it.....

"Hey, Meracle."

Meracle's ears suddenly twitched. "Nyew? Did you just-?"

"Listen..... Yensin's got something important to me." Leone said quickly. "...... I know I got no right to ask, not after everything I did..... But you're the only person I can count on."

Leone looked up at Meracle, and the little cait sith was shocked, seeing a look she had never seen on her senior before, a look that was far more serious then she had ever given to anyone before. "A small emerald pendant. Steal it from that lunatic." Leone looked down, letting out a sorrowful sigh. "Do that and it's yours to keep. I don't care anymore."

".... Leone," Meracle was taken aback. Leone had never once asked her to do anything, at least with such a sense of urgency before. Whenever she needed such a favor, it was sweet words, a joking personality, or simply lying about it. This was perhaps the first time she had ever seen Leone asking her something with such sincerity and with such seriousness in her eyes.

"...... Ok. WHAA-!!"

Suddenly, a tremor occurred, nearly knocking Meracle off her feet while Leone dropped fully on the floor to stabilize herself. It occurred for only a second before subsiding.


"Whoa..." Rodger raised his arms, stabilizing himself until the unexpected tremor passed. "What was that?"

".... I don't know?" Melvin said, grunting as he got up clutching his still injured left side. "And Earthquake?"

"That shouldn't be possible," Bush spoke up, brushing his beard. "In all my years there has never been an earthquake within the forest, even one so slight as that."

"Hmmm...." Melvin muttered looking lost in thought.

"By the way, do you mind filling us in?" Dora said, taking a step forward along with Fred. "I mean... who were those guys anyway."

"A-And what were they even after?" Fred asked. "I-I mean, they wouldn't have d-done something like this for no reason!"

"That human we encountered mentioned something about stagnation or correction or something ridiculous like that," Van chimed in.

"So was that tentacle freak..... I think," Gura added, folding his arms.

"Rodger and that cait sith said something about a fox hidden below the village," Steve spoke, folding his arms. "Which... doesn't really answer anything."

"Hey! I explained it to you to the best of my ability!" Rodger pouted.

"It's.... a little complicated," Melvin said sheepishly, realizing the only two who had a grasp of the situation were him and Rodger and would be up to them (or him) to explain. He then glanced to the chief's house at the far end of the village. Speaking of which.... Allisa, Nel and Kira are going up against Yensin over there. Given how strong that maniac wizard was, they might need all the help they could get.

"Over there!"

"Yo bro's!"

Melvin's train of thought was interrupted as three humans came to join them; the defectors of Celtic Hoard, Shay and May, with Yuki trailing behind.

"Oh, Shay and May are ok!" Dora said waving.

".... They look familiar," Rodger said, putting a hand to his chin as he thought.

"Oh right, I forgot that they stayed in the village," Melvin added. "Looks like they had a rough time of all of it too." He then let out a deep sigh, "Speaking of a rough time,"

Yuki walked towards them, his chest wrapped in thick bandages, covering his entire upper body, the only article of clothing that was on him was his pants, which looked burnt, the leggings eroded to his shins.

"Whoa! You're here!" Rodger said, waving at Yuki as he approached.

"See you're a mess as usual," Melvin sighed.

"Like you two can talk..." Yuki grunted, looking over the two boys whose appearances indicated they had as much of a rough time as he did.

"Ha... fair point," Melvin shrugged.

"So... mind telling me what's going on?" Yuki said, after which Melvin gave him a brief overview of what had transpired; how he and Bush dealt with the insane wizard Helpono while Allisa, Nel, Cliff and Kira went on ahead.

"I see..." Yuki muttered, glancing down at the lake. "And the big guy's down there which means something happened to him too."

"And out of elimination, I guess you fought that half-naked swordsman," Melvin asked, where Yuki returned a grunt. "You've taken out that floating elf, right?" He asked Rodger who seemed surprised by the direct question.

"O-Of course!" He said proudly, folding his arms. "After all, a real man always settles the score! I squashed that little bastard like a fly so he's not gonna be getting up anytime soon!"

"...." Steve, who had overheard the three talking, looked away from Rodger, clenching his fist. Yuki noticed, and then looked back at Rodger, narrowing his eyes.

"Ok," Melvin nodded, raising his fingers. "Cliff bet that bald guy, Mary's beaten Leone," He glanced down to the lake, "And Max has just taken down that guy," He looked at his right hand. "That means all that's left is those two assassins, the girl with the bandaged arm, the black mummy, the bird mask..."

"And Yensin," Yuki finished. "That's still a tall order."

"What! You think our leader can't handle all that on her own?" Rodger pouted.

"I think we all barely won against his minions. Do you honestly think she'll do any better against their boss?" Yuki responded grimly.

"H-He has a point," Dora chimed in, "... The 'bird mask.' We only saw it once from afar but.... Whoever that was, it summoned those horrible monsters."

"And that floating elf was no pushover either. Sure we won, but look what he did to us." Steve added folding his arms. "I don't know much about this 'leader' you keep going on about, but I've only seen her challenge my father and she didn't strike me as all-powerful. If we could barely hold out against those guys, I doubt that girl can fight off their leader."

"You're being too negative bro!" Shay boasted.

"Yeah! We fought that little blond chick in the ruins! She's a lot tougher than she looks!" May added.

"And if fire bro and Sword bro follow her, then she's gotta be wicked strong!"

"Ain't that right Sword bro?!"

"Just like you said a while back, sword bro!"

".... When did I say that?" Yuki said awkwardly. "And stop calling be 'bro.'"


Without warning, another tremor occurred, one much worse than the last. The samiets and Melvin crouched to the floor while Yuki used his sheathed katana to stabilize himself, unlike Shay and May who toppled over.

"Another one?" Melvin said once the tremor died down.

"Uh.... May not be the best of time," Yuki spoke up, "But.... What's with the mutt?"

"Cerberus? He's-" Melvin glanced to his familiar, and was puzzled to see him at the edge of the plateau, growling at a force unseen. "What is it boy?"

Another tremor hit, this one for longer.

"... I'm gonna go on a whim and say this isn't natural," Yuki said to Bush, who shook his head.


Then another tremor, lasting for over four seconds before subsiding. ".... Again?" Faust said as he raised his arms.

"What's going on? I keep feeling the ground shake." Max said, still laying on his back.

"I wish I knew sir Colt...." Faust replied, sounding unsure of his surroundings.

"......... Uh, say Faust." Cliff spoke up, pointing to the ground. "I know you haven't been here long but..... has the water always reseeded like this?"

Faust's eyes widened as he looked at the ground. It was has Cliff had pointed out, the water level seemed to have flowed away. What used to come up to just above there foot was now draining out. Max, who was submerged from his face in the shining blue water was now laying on the sparking, uneven ground below the water.

It wasn't just in that spot. All around Sterland Village, the reservoir was beginning to drain away, revealing the long-forgotten ruins that lay below. The rock and ancient stone run smoothly by millennia of erosion now felt the tangent air, glittering with sparkling lights of the mythic that lay below the water's edge. The water's draining showed the various chasms that lay within the water's surface, with some deep holes still filled with shining blue water, while other obscene rock formations were laid bare.

All of a sudden, a tremor even worse than before struck the village, one that lasted longer than the others. Several of the old ruins toppled while cracks emerged in some of the ruins. Of the worst were a close formation of three plateau's, which began to crack and fissure, before toppling to the ground in a formation that moved away from the center of the three.

The tremor's then subsided for an instant. What followed was something none could have imagined. Without warning, something burst from the ground at the epicenter, sending up plumes of dust and debris into the atmosphere.

All the onlookers, from those who were present during the battle and the Samiet's who had come to see what the tremors were, stood mouths agape, eyes widened as something out of a nightmare came into view.

At first, a large limb emerged, slamming into the ground near the opened hole, followed by a second, slamming into the remnant of one of the pillars. Tallon's digging into the rockwork, water dripping from blood red fur. A shadow suddenly emerged, one that took the form of a giant fox. The dust continued to settle, as nine, long bushy tails tipped with blood-red flames swerved. A pair of red eyes opened, gazing at the word around as a snarl amongst a pare of adherent teeth slobbered.

In a barely continued rage, the creature raised its body, towered over 10 meters tall, and let out a scream that shook the entire forest to its core, one that spelled the end of all.

"Wh-What in the name of the goddess is that?!" Welma stuttered.

"...... It's the end." Junbi muttered, clutching his staff close. "The being has been unleashed."

"What?! What do you mean?! What is it?!"

"..... It is Kitsune, the Nine-Tails."

The beast reared up, gazing at the blackened skyline, opening its mouth wide. Red flames spued from its jaws, coalescing into a red orb. It then bit down, puffing its cheeks before roaring again, sending an orange ball into the black trees, swallowing it hole.

Then, a red glow shone through the leaves, the first light to pierce the darkness. Then, everything went white. From above the thick tree line, the light penetrated, reaching to the sky. A flash followed, consuming all the trees around. Violent winds blasted throughout Sterland Forest, so strong that several trees were toppled, rocks sent flying. The lookout that stood for countless eons toppled in one blow. the monsters of the forest were disrupted, charing or ducking out of the way as the waves of hot air passed them by.

In the end, when the winds finally died out, a large mushroom cloud rose from the center of the forest.


"WHAA!!!" Allisa caught herself, stabbing her sword into the ground before the violent tremors finally subsided. "What's going on?" She asked.

"Ha ha ha! It's over, you dumb hero!"

Allisa glanced to Ellie, who remained standing through all the tremors. The mist that exhumed from her arm had stopped, yet the ruins were still alight, just like with Garlahad's.

"Ellie...." Light began to dawn in Allisa's eyes. "..... What did you do?"

"I just awoke Kitsune,"

That one phrase was enough to chill Allisa to her very core. Her eyes drifted to the far end of the room, seeing the door in the distance. "Oh no...."

"Deny it all you want, but the proof is right here," Ellie said raising her left arm. "All master Yensin had to do was break the seal, then I give the word to activate it. At the moment, it's going to go on a rampage as it begins to regain its power. I have the very key to control it, right here."

She then chuckled, lowering her left arm. "Some hero you turned out to be. You could have simply ignored me and chased after master Yensin. In fact, I was so captivated with Kira I don't think I would have even noticed. I doubt you could defeat him and Lire Lim, but by my guess, just one strike could destroy the tablet.... ruining everything I've worked for for the past four years." A small smile forming on her lips. "But here you are, trying to save me, forgetting the entire reason you persuade us."

"No... I-I..." Allisa raised a hand to her head, the images of her friends flashing before her, all of them fighting above her, all putting their faith in her.

"You failed," Ellie pushed, her voice turning deadly. "Now everything the Arch Sages built will be destroyed."

"I-I..." Her free hand began to tremble, her breathing becoming more and more ragged. "....Guys....."

"I almost pity them. Out of all their resources, they put all their trust in you. A nobody from who-knows-were, so caught up in playing the role of hero she thought she could do anything because she thinks she's the 'chosen one' like in a tale of old."


"What an absolute joke. Even I can't find the humor in it."

Gritting her teeth, Allisa freed her sword from the ground, gathering a large volume of flames around the edge. Snapping her eyes to her opponent, trying to block out her words, trying to ignore what she should have done, she swung her blade forwards. "EEEELLLLIIIIEEEEE!!!"

The flames were unleashed, thrown towards Ellie in a raging inferno. Ellie just stood in place, raising her left hand. "Six Elemental: Darkness."

The flames crashed and exploded outwards, obscuring Ellie from view. Allisa stood in place catching her breath. "..... Huh?"

Then something strange occurred. The flames began to whirl around in a spiral, converging at a single point.

"Kitsune has been unleashed,"

Ellie then came into view as the flames were sucked towards her extended left hand.

"All that stands between me and my freedom," They then vanished into a black orb that floated in Ellie's left palm. "Is you."

She swiped her sword out, pulling back the left orb that remained transfixed in place. Glaring at the distraught Allisa, she twitched her fingers.

"So let's finish this, Goddess Chosen!"

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