《The Goddess’ Chosen》The Lady of the Lake


"Wh-What in the…?" Allisa couldn't help but gasp in horror.

She'd seen things that were quite terrifying in their own right, fighting through the crumbling ruins of Sterland Village. Yet seeing such a distorted figure before her with a poor impaled soul on its terrifying sword, Allisa couldn't help but feel shocked. The oppressive feeling that radiated from the monster bore a horrifying resemblance to the formless beings that possessed the bodies of the Homunculi.

However, unlike all the knights that were before her, she had seen at least something akin to such horror, even recently against the strange and horrible baby-like monster. That was clearly not the case for this Arthur and the men around him.

"HOLD YOUR GROUND!" Vellron called out to his men waving his arm about. "If we break formation, that is what this..." He swallowed, "This abomination wants!"

"Father!" Fredrik called out, only for Merlin to step in his way, holding out his staff.

"That is not your father anymore,"

Arthur, standing at the rear with Lancelot and Rina, held out a kite shield with his left and Excalibur in the right. "Rina... what did you call it?"

Rina gulped, clutching a silver rod in both hands. "I.... I can't remember.... But," She stuttered, looking pale. "In the void.... There are horrible monsters, creatures born from the darkness."

Arthur took a step forward, keeping his blade at the ready. "King Roudolf!" He said invoice portraying his authority, "I am King Arthur of England! And I have come to avenge my people whom you have shown no mercy!"

"....." The monster said nothing, barely even acknowledging the man. "King.... A king...." It raised its sword up, the impaled body still attached. "The world needs one king.... One king to rule."

It moved its shield in front, holding its sword back. "ONLY ONE KING!!"

With a cry, it threw its rose blade forwards, the body flying off towards Arthur, who sidestepped as the body flew past, slammed into the ground before bouncing, passing his comrades.

Allisa jumped out of the way as the body flew past her, and with as much bravery as she could muster, threw out her right hand-


- only to find her sword refusing to make an appearance.

"What...?" Allisa regained her stance, trying to summon her sword.

"This is only a memory," The Rina beside her said. "You will not come to harm, but you also cannot intervene."

Allisa shot her a perplexed look, coming to her senses after she failed to summon her weapon, yet feeling unnerved, almost naked that she could not draw out her means to defend herself.

"Stand your ground!" Vellron called out, trying to calm his men as they began to panic. "If we give in we-"

All of a sudden, the monster lunged forwards, pushing out with its four odd legs with its ruby sword raised, landing on the ground with a skid, swiping its blade which tore through three armored men with one swing. As the others began to be gripped by panic, the creature slammed its horrid shield into the ground, before them. A red aura burst from the face, taking the shape of a screaming face. The man in front was hit, instantly bursting into naught but blood as the others behind was sent hurtling across the room, two rolling to a halt alive, another two that were closed with there front burned away, while the third hit the thorn wall, impaling against one of the large thorns.


"No!" the Rina from the memory gasped, horrified by the gruesome skeptical.

"By God...." Lancelot muttered, just as taken aback.

The two men that survived the blow slowly looked up, seeing two of there comrades dead before them as the giant monstrosity began to walk towards them, its two feet walking across the dusty floor, swiping its blade out, a puff of rose-colored mist seeped from the blade.

"HYAAA!!" A hammer then struck the rear of the monster, causing it to rush aside, holding out his blade as it turned about. Before it was Vellron, holding a war hammer in both hands. Fredrik took his side, branding a claymore.

"Your Highness, my apologies," Vellron said to the prince, "It shames me I must bear my weapon against my own king."

"You have nothing to apologize," Fredrik said, "It's as Merlin said... that is not my father!"

"That he isn't," Vellron said slamming his hammer to the ground as the monster let out a roar. "I, Louis de Vellron, ally to Arthur, the Goddess Chosen and sworn hammer of his majesty king Roudolf challenge you foul fiend!"

With a roar, the monster lunged forwards, pulling back its rose sword. Both men jumped out of the way as the blade let out a burst of rose energy. Vellron charged forwards at the monster's left, waling his hammer at the monster's exposed rear while Fredrik wailed his sword at its right. The monster, dearly giving such pests in its eyes a second glance, brought its blade close before turning sharply, taking both Fredrik and Vellron by surprise, staggering both. With its blade drawn back, it tried to cleave the former general of his army in two but was thwarted by a blue energy shield that repelled the blow.

Merlin stood back, holding out his staff. "This will be a taxing battle," He said as he slammed his staff, gathering energy at its tip. "Do not relent!"

A blue projectile fired at the beast, smashing into its upper body. Rina took Merlin's side, holding out her rod as a strange water aura surrounded her feet.

Arthur and Lancelot both charged forwards at the monster which responded by slamming its shield into the ground, letting out the horrible red aura burst, only for it to be dodged by Lancelot who rolled out of the way, while Arthur teleported, getting at the side of the monster as he began to strike at it, his blade coated in the flames as it took the form of the weapon that Allisa recognized as Azure Flame. However, unlike her, the flames emitted was a strange hue of Azure, mixed with the red of the flames she used to project.

"Fi, na, shi, fe," Meanwhile, Rina stood in place, water particulars forming around her, taking the form of sharpened spears. With a wave, the projectiles were sent flying into the monster, combined with more energy shots from Merlin. At the same time, both Arthur and Lancelot rushed in, hacking at the beast, each blow cutting the skin, letting out a rose mist.

The monster swung its sword as it backed off, landing with a thud as it tired to ready its ghastly shield. Suddenly, Vellron charged, skidding before swinging out his hammer, which shone with a bright light, the impact, crashing into the beast's right side, letting out a spark of light. With a roar, the monster staggered, its forelegs dropping.

Arthur then teleported up to the beast, plunging his blade into the monster's lower abdomen, letting out a burst of flames. The monster cried as it was pushed back. Getting back to its four feet, the rose aura grew on its blade. It swiped out its blade in two saber slashes, reach releasing a rose crescent slash at Arthur, who teleported to dodge. The monster then lunged into the air, landing behind Arthur before sweeping out its blade, letting out a burst of rose energy in the swing. It then rose its blade and slammed it vertically down to the ground, releasing another projectile that flew past Arthur, continued past Merlin and Rina, heading straight for Allisa.


"WHAA!" On instinct, she jumped out of the way as the energy passed by.

Glancing back, she saw the battle continue, a combined assault by Arthur, Lancelot and Fredric who slashed at the monster as it flung itself around, attacking with their swords which carved at the ashen skin, leaving marks that only closed seconds later. Vellron who attacked when an opening was made, his attacks staggering the monster, broke this up. All the while, Merlin and Rina continued launching projectiles at the monster, providing support to the combatants.

The monster's attacks were relentless; a combination of sword swings which sometimes threw out projectiles, its shield's horrific 'scream' as well as using its own body, lunging all over the battlefield.

Even though just a spectator, Allisa was strongly reminded of the horrible creature she had fought moments ago, how unnerving its attacks were. She could tell at first glance how strong the fighters were, and even how far above her Arthur was in using Excalibur. Even then, the battle was fierce.

There was one occasion where Arthur's shield was ripped off, and he was forced to the ground, where the monster lunged its blade forwards, forcing the man to roll out of the way to avoid being impaled. After that there was an attack on Rina and Merlin by lunging forwards, its attack only flaunted by Rina putting up a water barrier in defense.

Even the tank, Vellron, was caught off guard by a sudden sweep of the monster's shield, which caught him in the flank before trying to finish him off with a shield 'scheme' dodged by him recovering in time and backing away far enough to avoided being completely obliterated like the poor soul who was turned into naught but blood.

However, the attacks continued and seemed to have something of an effect, as the monster began to slow in its attacks, allowing Arthur's companions to continue hacking at it.

"As you can see," The Rina besides Allisa suddenly spoke, breaking her immersion in the battle, "The battle was fierce. But even so, we were close to achieving victory. However...."

There was a loud clank. The rose sword flew into the air and embedded itself into the ground. Beside it, the monster collapsed to the ground, using its hands to support itself, the shield dropping from its left side, slowly beginning to break apart. Rose mist spewed from multiple cracks in its skin that refused to heal, spitting out what could very well have been its lifeblood.

"N-No...."It spoke, its voice sounding melancholy. "I.... I'm the king.... I'm.... I'm....."

Before the beast, the wiry fighters gathered a few meters from its collapsed body. Arthur was about to take a step forward when Fredrik put a hand to his shoulder. No words were exchanged, yet he looked at the king with sadness. Arthur then stepped to one side, allowing Fredrik to approach the monster that was once his father.

The beast rose its head, looking down at the man who stood before him. "My son..... Why?"

Fredrik's expression hardened, pained at the sight of the twisted remains of his father.

"I am king.... I did all.... To protect this kingdom...." It's voice sounding strained, confused, conflicted. "So why.... Why do they turn on me....? Why.... My own son? My hair....? Why.... Does this world..... only take.... Only contradict.....?"

"Farther...." Fredrik's voice began to crack, biting down on his lips. "I.... I never once turned on you." He said, a tear strolling down his cheek. "I WAS ALWAYS ON YOUR SIDE!!" He cried, slamming his fist into his chest. "I always served our country! Your Kingdom! YOU ARE MY KING! BUT YOU THREW THAT ALL AWAY!!!"

His arm swiped out, pointing at the dead soldiers at the side of the room. "WHAT KING WOULD HARM THOSE WHO THEY ARE SWORN TO PROTECT!!"

The monster turned its head. ".... A king..... What king....?" It turned back to Fredrik, "Am I.... King?"

Fredrik was taken aback by the strange response.

"It's no use..." Rina spoke up, holding her rod close to her as a form of comfort. "His existence is breaking apart. Your father... he's disappearing."

"Your highness...." Vellron bowed his head.

Meanwhile, Allisa looked confused, yet also saddened by the bizarre skepticism. The Rina beside her was looking away, "The worst is yet to come."

Allisa looked at her puzzled. Rina pointed back to the scene, where Fredrik was raising his sword, ready to deliver the killing blow to his father. Beside him, the giant rose sword began to glow an ominous color, the light seemingly bleeding mist.

"Oh no!" The Rina amongst the group noticed the glow, turning pale. "FREDRIK!!"

Fredrik responded, looking up to see the rose blade beginning to glow brighter, tortured faces floating across the surface. It then burst forth, releasing an onslaught of specters, floating around the blade before rushing towards Fredrik.


Without warning, Vellron grabbed a hold of Fredrik and threw him away. As he turned, the specters slammed into his body, burrowing through his armor, penetrating deep into his very being. The general seized up, growling and screaming as mist and specters busted from his body before burrowing back into him, clawing at his face which began to emit smoke, his hammer, dropping to the floor with a loud clang.

"VELLRON!!" Lancelot was about to rush forwards before Merlin stopped him, holding out his staff.

"... There's no helping him." The wizard said as Rina took a frightful step back, mortified.

Vellron stopped squirming by the time Fredrik got back to his feet, hunched over clutching at his face.

"S-Sir Vellron?" he said as he tried to take a step towards the general. With a snarl, Vellron grabbed a hold of his hammer, wrenching it upwards before bringing it down at Fredrik's location.

Fredrik, having dodged at the last second, held up his sword, horrified by what he saw. The good general he had fought alongside was no longer before him. Before him was a man with cracked, ashen skin, soulless black eyes that bleed in long strips, letting out a snarl that was beyond that of human understanding.

With a roar, the being that was once Vellron lunged towards Fredrik, trying to bludgeon him with his Warhammer.

"Oh no..." Rina muttered.

"Fredrik!!" Lancelot shoved past Merlin, coming to his friend's aid.

"Wh-What...?" Allisa couldn't help but gasp. Even though she knew nothing about the man, seeing him attacking comrades he had fought side by side with was enough to send shivers down her spine.

Arthur was even more taken aback, horrified at the prospect of fighting his old friend.

"That's not Vellron anymore," Merlin told him, holding out his staff. "He's our enemy now. We must slay him."

"What?" Arthur looked at him, looking as though Merlin had told a very bad joke. "What are you saying? That man is-"


Arthur was interrupted by the creature that was once king Rouldof, who watched Lancelot and Fredrik fighting the deranged Vellron. A rose glow suddenly washed over its face, causing a shadow amongst its strange horns that covered its forehead.

"Ahhh... of course...."

As though entranced, the monster got back to its feet, slowly reaching towards the blade's hilt, slowly curling its clawed hand around the strange metal. The sword responded, glowing ever brighter with more faces becoming visible amongst the haunting surface.

"How could I have forgotten....?"

With a tug, the blade was freed. The monster held it up to the sky, transfixed by the glow. "I am King..... Rouldof Bargumen Rosaria VI."

Gently, it gripped the sword in both hands, turning to face Arthur, who stood at the ready.

"You... are the invader to my kingdom." It spoke, sounding far more regal and authoritative than before. "As king it is my duty to protect my land from all threats." Taking a step forward, it brought its blade close to its face, covering the left side of its face with the rose blade. "Therefore.... As king, I shall force you from my land!"

It then lunged forwards, bringing down its blade on Arthur who teleported out of the way, the weapon crashing into the ground, letting out plumes of rose energy.

Arthur charged again, slashing at the monster, yet causing noticeably little damage. The monster turned around sharply, wiping out its blade, causing another burst of energy, which blew Arthur back. It lunged forward again, swinging out its blade in both hands, its combat style changing completely. Using both hands, it swiped its blade around at Arthur, lacking the ferocity of the previous encounter, possessing showing of skill with the large blade.

"Lady of the Lake!" Merlin shouted at Rina, snapping her out of her daze.

"Y-Yes," She said startled, holding out her rod. With a mutter, water began to form around her. At the same time, Merlin slammed his staff into the ground, gathering light on the tip of his staff.

Meanwhile, both Fredrik and Lancelot were fighting the deranged Vellron, waling his hammer around with reckless abandon, leaving openings that neither man exploited.

"Vellron! Come to your senses!" Fredrik called out, trying to get through to his former comrade.

"It's no use.... He's just like the others we fought," Lancelot clicked his tongue.

Looking over his shoulder, he saw Arthur struggling against the king Rouldof, skidding back across the ground in time to see the monster holding its blade inverted as it shone, impaling it into the ground, releasing more of the ghastly specters that flew after his king.

"You're Majesty!!" Lancelot called out.

"Vellron! No!"

With his back turned, he did not see the hammer blow that slammed into his left side. With a cough of blood, Lancelot was hurtled across the battlefield.

Arthur meanwhile, fought off the specters with the blue flames from his sword, in time to see Roudolf lunging towards him, swinging his blade towards him in a low vertical arc, digging into the ground. Arthur teleported out of the way, only for Roudolf to follow up his strike, slamming its blade into the ground, sending out a plume of rose energy that blew the king of his feet.

Before it readied another strike, Merlin launched a large blue projectile of energy, followed by a large water cannon from Rina, both hitting the monster with enough force to stagger it momentarily.

However, it recovered fast, turning about before galloping forwards towards the two magic users.

On reflex, Merlin raised a barrier, reinforced by Rina, but one that proved insufficient to the rose blade that merely swiped through the transparent object, releasing a burst of energy that sent both wizards flying. Merlin toppled on the ground, letting out a loud yell in pain. He squirmed, unable to sit up.

"Lord Merlin!" Rina, who had crawled back to her feet.

The monster was about to attack again when Arthur teleported up to its rear, slashing at the monster. "I am still your opponent!" He cried as he teleported away, avoiding a swipe from Rouldolf.

Rina ran up to Merlin, who was still squirming on the ground, grasping his back. "Oh no,"

She held out her rod to perform a healing spell before Merlin raised a hand. "Th-There's.... no time," He said through the pain. "there's something you must do...! It... is our only option!"

"Wh-What?" Rina looked confused. Merlin waved his hand, indicating Rina to come closer. She did as instructed, putting her pointed ear as close to the old man as possible, who presided to whisper. "?!" She lurched back, shocked.

"It's... the only way..." Merlin said, gesturing to his staff. "For the prophecy..... this must be done...."

"The.... Prophecy...?" Rina looked back towards Arthur, who was still struggling against Rouldof. The conflict was plain on her face, yet, she simply bowed her head. "Yes.... Your right..." With a heavy heart, she discarded her rod, reached to Merlin's staff, slowly bringing it close.

"I... will bear the sin," Merlin reassured her, slowly taking back his staff, his voice sounding heavy. "It was.... It was an honor to meet you, Rina, Lady of the Lake."

Further back, Allisa was absorbed by the two battles, found her left broken away when she overheard Merlin and Rina talking, in choices that while so far away, sounded so clear and vivid, besides for one aspect of the conversation.

"What was he saying to you?" She asked Rina by her side.

".... Of something that only I can do, to ensure that the Chosen lives." She responded in a sad tone.


"I told you of Excalibur's ability, of absorbing mana from others and using their power." She looked down to the ground, not wishing to look Allisa in the eye. "In order to do that, one much make direct contact with Excalibur in order for such absorption to take place."

"Direct.... Contact?" Allisa didn't understand at first. Looking back at the scene, she saw the Rina in the memory pick up a small rock while Merlin clutched his staff, a light emitting from the tip.

"Merlin told me.... Before the battle, that Arthur was too kind to perform such an act." Rina continued. "So if the need arises, if his highness requires such a power...."

Allisa looked back at her again. Slowly, light began to dawn on what she was referring to, her eyes slowly widening. "N-No...." She looked towards the scene, seeing Rina preparing to throw a stone while a golden circle was forming below.

"Power.... Must always come with sacrifice."

"Y-You can't...." Unconsciously, Allisa's feet began to move, "Don't...." slowly breaking into a run as Rina threw the stone. "You can't!"

The small rock flew through the air, going over Arthur who was skidding to a halt, just dodging a swing from Rouldof, holding his sword in both hands.


the rock continued to fall, just as Arthur lunged forwards. Allisa, screaming at the top of her lungs, reached out, running towards Rina, who raised both her arms out, the light from the circle engulfing her.


"..... Goodbye.... Brave Arthur." Rina muttered as the light grew brighter, tears flowing from her eyes. "Please..... bring forth the salvation of our world."


Time seemed to have frozen in that split second. The light swallowed Rina whole, replacing her with a small rock.

Crimson blood poured out, as the black blade of Azure Flame ran through Rina.

Allisa's eyes widened with horror, seeing the small elf impaled right before her eyes, her mouth opening and closing, unable to form any conscious words. The scene around her suddenly began to crack like glass, fissures forming around her before bursting to shatter into millions of tiny fragments, replacing the horrible scene with the total blackness of the passageways from before.

In such an environment, an oppressing weight began to way down on Allisa. Her knees buckled as she collapsed forwards, her hands pressed against what could count as the ground.

The Rina she was speaking to walked beside her, looking at her with guilt. "I do not know what happened after that. My memories of this world ended on that day. After that, Arthur inherited my power....." She glanced at the ground. "But through this form.... I could tell something changed in Arthur that day."

"Why…?" Allisa muttered, her hand rising to her mouth. She had turned as white as a ghost, eyes still widened.

".... It was my decision, my choice."

Allisa looked up at her, looking almost astonished by her response. "Y-Your choice?" She rose to her feet. "You died! How could you have chosen that?!"

Waving her arms around. "Are you telling me the way you get power is by killing someone else?! What the hell is that crap?! You 'chose' this?! How could-"

"It wouldn't have mattered even if he hadn't. The time I had let..... was running out," Rina interrupted her. "...... Remember what I said about the void, how those who fall in become less of what they are?

"Ever since that dreadful experience... I could feel something gnawing at me, a strange voice in my sleep. There were times when I used my magic.... The more powerful the spell, my mind began to waver. In all honestly.... Venturing through that void infested castle, I could feel the darkness crawling all over me like small insects."

She chuckled softly to herself. "Ironic. In order to acquire power, something must be given in exchange."

"But that's.... that's just screwed up..."

Rina turned to Allisa, who was slightly taken aback by the response. "What would you do? If I were to prove a threat, and If there were only one thing I could have done, and passed my power to another, what would you do?"

"..... Easy," Allisa spoke, clenching her fists. "I'd find another way!"

She spoke with as much determination as she could muster, sounding as imposing as she could. "What's the point in it all, if you're just going to lose someone you care about? And what's the point in gaining power if that means sacrificing your friends? I refuse to accept any of that!"

"Even if there is no other option?" Rina asked. When Allisa's posture didn't change, she gave a wry smile. "Arthur was the same. He refused to allows those close to him pass away. But at the same time, he understood the needs of a king."

She walked away from Allisa, indicating her to follow.

"On that note.... There is something about you that concerns me."

"Hm?" Allisa responded, walking alongside the elf.

"Allisa..... Why do you swing your sword? What is your goal? What is it you fight for?"

"....." The simple question was enough to render Allisa speechless, "I-I...."

"Arthur was king, he had a duty to his people, his companions. He understood his destiny, his purpose. But.... You are not a king, nor do I sense you fully understand your destiny. I told you before that you had a weak constitution in comparison to Arthur, a part of that is brought about by a sense of confusion within you, as though a part of you is oblivious to your destiny.... Or, you're reluctant to accept it."

"......." Allisa couldn't find the words to respond, as nothing came to mind. Why was she fighting? Why was she here, risking her life?

No matter how much she thought, there was never a clear answer besides stopping Ellie.

"Ah, we're here!"

Interrupting her thoughts, Allisa looked, seeing a wooden door before her. Despite the total darkness that surrounded her, the door was oddly visible as though a light were bearing down on it from an unknown location.

Slowly, Allisa pushed the door open.

Opened up before her was another large domed room like the one she arrived after falling through the calming water. The difference, however, was an orb of Water at the center, with a light in the center that reflected the water's ripples across the room.

At the opposite end, however, was a large gate of gold, wings and angels depicted across its surface. Yet it was cracked, holed emerging, and a black substance spewing from the cracks.

".... Is that.....?" Allisa took a step forward-



- only to be warded off by a sharp pain in her head.

"It's a physical manifestation of the enchantment placed upon you," Rina explained, taking position bedside the water orb at the center of the room. "As you can see, it's been damaged through recent events. If it continues, it will break and shatter, and the power it holds within will flood into you all at once. At your current level, your mind will buckle and shatter, leaving you even less than an invalid."

She gestured to the water orb. "My power won't halt its degradation, yet it should repair and reinforce the enchantment for a few years at best. Hopefully, by then, you should be more experienced, and possess a stronger constitution to wield such power."

"This.... Is your power?" Allisa took a step forward, still clutching her pounding head. She felt reluctant, seeing how Rina had been stabbed through the chest to acquire such a power, "......"

"I told you, it was my choice to do this," Rina reassured her with a warm smile, "My destiny is to aid the chosen on their journey. Even if I am only an echo, if I can continue to be of service, then my time lost in the void was not in vain,"

Allisa looked back at the water orb, still confected about such a decision. "..... if I don't accept it..... how long will I have?"

"Hard to say, if I'm honest." Rina glanced to the golden door, "However, at its state, it could be a year, or even tomorrow when it fails."

"...... right," Allisa let out a reluctant sigh, reaching her hand towards the orb.

"You didn't answer my question from earlier," Rina interrupted her again. "I realize the situation you're in, but I must ask again; why do you swing the sword?"

"Oh... uh...." Allisa's hand retraced slightly, trying to think of an appropriate answer. "...... I," Letting out a loud sigh, she pulled back her hand, her gloved fingers clenching tightly. "...... I don't know."

She responded in barely a whisper, as though admitting such a thing was painful for her.

"But.... What I do know is my friends are out there, trying their hardest to save Rodger's town. I can't just stay here and do nothing where they're out there giving it all they got!"

With a determined look, Allisa pulled back her right hand, clenched her teeth, and plunged it straight into the water. A bright light began to emanate from the surface as Allisa's hand clenched something within the surface. "I have to stop Ellie!"

She dug her feet in, pulling back her right hand.

"If there's something I can do-"

The light grew brighter.

"- then I'll be damned if I do nothing!"

Allisa's hand was wrenched free of the water, dragging a shining object, one so bright that she had to close her eyes as she continued, dragging out the object inch by inch.

"I see."

Rina's voice echoed through the room as it began to be bathed in light.

"Even if you do not possess such a goal now, I'm certain there will be one in the future. I know not what may await you there, but you have a kind heart and a wonderful soul.

"I am grateful we were able to speak, Allisa Reed.

"Please, save our world from the chaos that draws close,

"Please..... continue where Arthur left off."

Delusion or a fairy tale

"Allisa....... Up....... All......"

".......ing. Human! Are you awake?"


Allisa's eyes struggled open, bombarding her with a buried image that seemed to move, swerve around. As her eyes adjusted, the image of a dark bricked wall illuminated by crystals could be seen. Before her were two creatures standing around her, both with looks of concern, both she recognized.

"G... Gimdo?"

The man on the left, Rodger's grandfather Gimdo, let out a loud sigh of relief. "Thank the goddess. When we saw you collapsed on the ground, I feared the worst."

By his side was Dorian, the human-hating samiet who looked less concerned for her safety then Gimdo did.

Glancing around, Allisa notices she was leaning against a wall. Getting back to her feet, she let out a cough, realizing her neck felt tender. "Wh-What happened?" She muttered while glancing around, rubbing her neck. "I remember fighting that baby thing then.... Kira!"

She startled, looking around desperately, trying to find any sigh of her companion. "Did you see Kira anywhere? My friend with the gun?"

"What are you blathering on about human?" Dorian spoke, "We're the ones who should be asking you what's been happening. First, we fought that human woman with the silver hair, then we woke up to find ourselves here."

Allisa wasn't listening. Instead, her eyes caught sight of something within the room she had fought the demonic baby. She ran forwards, unaware that she was being called upon, coming to a halt on a small piece of parchment amongst several bullet casings. Bending down, she picked up the parchment.

It was a black and white photograph; once again dragging up the question of how advanced the world of Avalon was from her initial impressions, yet the image was what caused Allisa to bring the picture closer to her.

In it were four people huddled around each other. One to the left was a large woman with brown hair, while another was far smaller, yet bearing some resemblance to the woman. In the center were two figures that she recognized instantly.

Kira giving a goofy grin; her arm wrapped around an awkwardly smiling Ellie.

Further back, Gimdo and Dorian were confused by Allisa's sudden actions.

"What is she doing?" Dorian said, folding his arms. "And more importantly, where are we?" He turned back to Gimdo, who couldn't help but glance away. "..... is this the village secret I've heard so much about?"

"..... It is." Gimdo nodded. "I'll tell you if you wish. The situation does not call for secrecy amongst us."

Dorian considered Gimdo's words but intimately shook his head. "Secrets are secrets for a reason, aren't they? If we stop that human, there will be no need to speak of such things, will there. I'll hold my tongue for now,"

Gimdo bowed, showing his appreciation for his understanding on the matter.

"That said, we can both agree that the humans who have invaded our village are the enemy. I don't know what is going on with that girl, but you know I won't drop my skepticism of her."

".... I understand." Gimdo bowed her head. "But I will personally-"

Allisa suddenly ran past the two, charging down the dark corridor as though possessed.


"Wh-wait! Human!"

Both samiets ran after her, forgetting that they were in council to catch up to the teenage human girl, whose legs could far outpace the two.

Kira...... please don't do anything stupid!


Kira took a position against one of the pillars, her back pressed against the ancient rockwork, gun held at the ready. Mercifully, the water around the walkway was shallow for her to walk across, only coming up to her boots.

However, there was one key disadvantage which she would never have considered given the environment.

She heard splashes close by, getting closer and closer.

Gritting her teeth, she rushed out form her cover, baring her weapon and pulling the trigger. The figure she was aiming at darted left, continuing to charge using the pillars as cover, the bullets fired picking away at the rockwork.


"Shit..." Kira cursed as the ammunition within her gun ran out.

At that moment, Ellie emerged from her cover, charging towards her with her blade held low. Kira rolled right, ejecting her magazine, turning about to block an incoming vertical strike from Ellie.

"Six Elemental:"

As Ellie began her incantation, Kira pushed off her attackers' blade, just as Ellie brought her left hand forwards.


Kira ducked and rolled out of the way in time, moments before the burst of wind emanated from Ellie's palm, taking out another magazine before slamming it into the open slot in her rifle.

She fired a short burst at Ellie from a kneeling position, who leaped out of the way of the first salvo, waving her left hand as Kira got to her feet, letting out a second salvo which weaved out from there intended projectile.

Ellie then shot forwards, forcing Kira to swerve again.

"Six Elemental: Fire!"

As Kira took aim once again, Ellie positioned her left palm facing directly at her, letting out a burst of flames that forced Kira to flinch from the sudden heat.

Ellie rushed forwards, grabbing ahold of Kira's gun, wrenching it from her grasp. In a clockwise spin, she swiped down on Kira who drew out her combat knife, blocking the strike. Ellie applied more pressure, grabbing her sword with both hands. Kira moved her right hand against her combat knifes blade to keep her guard up, all the while clutching a cylinder object in her hand.

With a grin, Kira released the object into the water below. Alarmed, Ellie jumped back as Kira shielded her eyes as a flash of light erupted from the water. Ellie, being less prepared, was partly blinded by the flash.

"S-Six Elemental:"

Kira unshielded her eyes and lunged towards her discarded rifle wrenching it from the water as she rolled.


Kira turned about, firing out a salvo which peppered the pillars as she turned. However, before she took full aim of Kira, something sharp shot past her left side. "URG!"

The moment she rushed to her rifle, Ellie had levitated water into her hand, forming it into a spear. Predicting where Kira would be, she launched her projectile just in time, only receiving a graze on her left cheek by a narrow miss from one of Kira's bullets.

Having her momentum disrupted, the water below her beginning to turn red, Kira turned about, trying to retreat to a nearby pillar while clutching her wound.

"Six elemental: Fire."

Ellie meanwhile, ran her left blade over her sword, which ignited into flames.


She then lunged into the air, turning counterclockwise as she approached Kira, who turned about, holding out her rifle as a shield only to see Ellie's fiery blade slice through the barrel like butter.

She then pivoted, kicking Kira in the gut. As a finisher, Ellie pivoted counterclockwise, striking her leather armor which bore the brunt of the attack, yet left a gash in her chest.

Silence befell as Kira lurched backward, hitting her back against a pillar before slumping down. Fortunately for her, the wounds she received were not fatal, with her amour only just keeping the wound from being deeper. Yet her flesh below was signed in the area where she was cut, and she was bleeding from two open wounds.

But what truly sealed her defeat was Ellie looming over her.

"Ha ha..... Oh boy... looks like I'm screwed," Kira said in a voice sounding both cheary yet in pain. "That...(groan)... that magic trick of yours really suits ya... gotta say...."

Ellie looked unamused. "You held back. Why?"

".... Caught on, huh?" Kira shrugged as she shifted her balance against the wall. ".... I donno.... Just couldn't go through with it." A sad smile kept on her lips. ".... And I thought Allisa was the soft one.... Guess I'm just a softy...." She looked down at the water, unwilling to look Ellie in the eye.

Ellie raised her sword close to Kira, aiming the tip at her throat.

"I won't waver. Not when I'm this close." She said in barely a whisper. She raised her sword, crossing her right arm over her body, preparing to decapitate her lover. "Goodbye... Kira."

With her final word, she swung her sword.

See ya, Ellie.


The sound of metal slamming against metal reverberated throughout the chamber. Ellie's sword arm flung backward, a look of shock painted on her face. Startled, she leaped back twice, her boots splashing against the water. "But how?!"

Kira, awoken by the crash of metal, looked more shocked than Ellie. Standing before her, blond hair flowing behind her, sword held in one hand, was the very girl she had strangled a moment ago, standing between her and Ellie.


"Allisa! Wait!" At that moment, both Gimdo and Dorian charged across the walkway, stopping to find who they were chasing to find another unexpected find.

"I-It's her!" Dorian said pointing at Ellie. "Wh-Why is she here?!"

"....." Gimdo's eyes fell on Ellie, standing at a distance with a shocked expression. He then glanced towards Allisa, who stood defiantly against her.

"Wha-" Kira noticed the two samiets, recognizing them as the ones she carried across into the temple. "Wh-Whats-?"

"That hurt."

She looked up to Allisa, who had her back turned to her. Her shock began to wear off, and she lay clenching her teeth. "Stay outta this!" She cried before coughing. "..... This.... This is my problem.... Not yours...."

Allisa ignored her, lowered her hand and took a step forward to the bewildered Ellie, fixing her with a determined glare.

"...... How can you be here?" Ellie hissed, her face contorting with anger. "Even if by some miracle you survived that wound, you couldn't possibly have recovered that fast." Her fist went white as she clenched her sword tightly with anger. "No matter, I'll just have to make sure your dead this time!"

".... Ellie, stop this," Allisa said.

"... What?" Ellie's stance lowered. "You can't be serious.....? You think I'll stop after I've come this far?!"

"What are you even fighting for?! What possible reason do you have to put so many people at risk?!" Allisa yelled back, waving her arms. "I still don't get your reason, but you were chosen for something like me, right? Then why are you working for that madman?!"


"You said we were kindred spirits like you were given something that you weren't ready for, like Garlahad. That guy..... when I fought him, I could tell he regretted what was going on. I... I feel the same thing.

"Before all this, I was just an ordinary girl living in a small town. Nothing interesting ever happened, nothing bad ever happened. And all of a sudden, I got this sword. It was hard, and sometimes I wanted to give up. But..... if I did that, then I'll be turning my back on my friends, the people who put their trust in me like Dran, Elaina Arthur, Azure Flame and Rina.

"Ellie.... Whatever power you were given, it's not something you can abuse like this! Think of Kira! Think of everyone who you're hurting! How is any of this worth what this 'freedom' you're talking about?!"

"...... You are serious." An uncomfortable silence befell the chamber, with the only sound being the water that flowed into the room. Slowly, Ellie raised her bandaged hand to her head, gently stroking her hair before covering her eyes.

"Ha... ha ha..." A soft chuckle came from her as her body began to shake. "Ha ha ha... haha... BWAHAHAHAHA!!!"

All of a sudden, she erupted into a burst of loud and unsettling laughter that caused Allisa to jump back with surprise.

"Haha... I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life...." Ellie said softly, moving her hand down her face, allowing a slit between her fingers to show off her closed right eye. "WHAT DO YOU THINK THIS IS?! A FAIRY TALE?!!"

Her eyes snapped open like a viper, yelling as loudly as she could, causing Allisa to jump back.

"Nothing interesting? Nothing bad? It's hard but you don't want to let people down? Hahaha! I can't tell if you really believe that or where just told some sweet nothing. If it's the former, forget brainwashed, you're flat out deluded! Hahaha!"


"E-Ellie....? I-I...."

She then slammed her sword into the water, embedding it in the ground. "You think it's a good thing to be 'chosen?' You think you're doing this for yourself?" Her right hand moved to her bandaged arm, taking hold of a loose thread. "Well take a good long look at me, chosen. Let me show you're future!"

With a tug, Ellie ripped into the bandage, letting it fall into the water below, finally revealing her left arm. Allisa's mouth dropped, her eyes widened with shock.

Scaring her lower arm, just below her elbow was a strange tattoo, one that bore disturbing similarities to Garlahad. Seeing it up close, it was a mixture of marks and runes on her flesh, drawn with a red pigment that seemed to move and swerve as though it were a living being.

"This," Ellie brought up her left arm, allowing the gobsmacked audience to see in full the marks on her arm, "is the command seal for Kitsune, the Nine-Tailed Fox.

"On the death of the previous host, I was chosen to bear it by the Arch Sage. I was five years old at the time, and I didn't have a clue what it was, only that it must be kept hidden.

"My life.... It was actually pretty good. I got everything I could have ever wanted. A first-rate education, a commission in the army, the beast Squad, even the imperial guard. I was truly happy, living in ignorant bliss as I achieved everything I could possibly want through merit and effort alone.

"But when I met Master Yensin.... He opened my eyes to the truth. Everything..... every achievement... every position.... It was all a lie. A chain wrapped around my neck to ensure I would kneel and shake my ass when asked like a good little dog!

"Everything I ever worked for.... It was never about me..... it was about this god damn thing on my arm. BWAHAHA! ISN'T THAT JUST HILARIOUS?! Hahaha-HAHAHAHA!"

Allisa couldn't help but take a step back, feeling utterly speechless.

".... And guess what they did when they learned that I pieced all the lies together. They were going to kill me and take my entire arm. They lavished me with gifts to keep me locked in a cage, yet when I wanted to break free of it all they planned to dispose of me like a rabid dog!"

Ellie slowly lowered her left arm, a sinister grin coming over her as she studied the tattoo. "Well if I'm such a threat to them...." Slowly, she clenched her fists as her smile disappeared into one of anger. "I'll show them how right they were.....

"First Tattoria.... Then I'll torch Miltesa! Rosara, Aquia, Kugarat.... Anything that the Arch Sages touch I'll burn it all away!! Everything, everything, everything everything EVERYTHING!!" She then raised her arms out, staring up at the havens. "Then.... At long last.... I can finally be free of it all.... Haha... I can finally be me!"

"..... Ellie," Kira muttered before looking down, sadness washing over her like an ocean.

"And I won't let anyone get in my way!" Ellie grabbed her sword and wrenched it from the ground, her expression unreadable. "Not Kira.... Not the Arch Sages.... Not this forest of monsters or this village of tailed freaks...." She then shot her blade forward, pointing the tip at Allisa. "AND CERTAINLY NOT SOME STUPID KID WHO THINKS ALL THIS IS A GAME!!"

Silence fell once again as the stand-off grew, the tension now permitting the room, robing those not involved of breath. Allisa could say nothing in response, as there was truly nothing to be said.

She knew all along that such an outcome was unavoidable, that she would have to fight Ellie in the end as though destiny had ordained it from before she was born.

She knew, yet she wanted to avoid such an outcome.

But destiny seemed to have other plans for her.

Now, only one option remained.

"Gimdo." Allisa finally spoke, addressing the old samiet who jumped in response, surprised at being directly addressed. "Please look after Kira." She said as she took a step forward.

"Wh- Wait!" Kira tried to speak, but the pain she was in silenced her.

Allisa looked forwards at the enraged Ellie, and with a heavy heart, rose her sword, pointing the tip at her.

Both girls lowered their blades, taking a combat stance.

Here, in a forest of pillars on a floor covered in water, the battle between two kindred spirits began.

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