《The Goddess’ Chosen》To stay by her side


Fark strove forwards away from the devastated plateau, leaving his opponent half-buried within the rubble. The battle had taken its toll on the Ersken, employing much greater strength than usual, even allowing himself to take hits to leave an opening for him to employ his ability.

Hard fought, the battle was finally won. His opponent now lay broken. He recalled the look he had upon his death, his eyes clinging to hope that seemed to have been marred by years of doubt, a doubt that stemmed from his curse.

Seems you were the latter after all... Fark gazed at his right palm, feeling somber over felling his opponent.

A splash from his left broke his concentration. On instinct, he turned sharply, raising both arms in time to block a solid punch on his arms, feeling an onrush of wind blowing through his spiked platinum hair. Fark narrowed his eyes, seeing an enraged Cliff standing before him, his left arm outstretched.

"You made a big mistake pal."


"He's.... he's not seriously gonna fight that human?!" Steve exclaimed with surprise.

Moments before, after the on looking Samiet's saw Max buried within the collapsed Plataea, Cliff asked Rodger to create a path, a series of square platforms, which lead down to the lake below.

Van stared down at the lake below, watching the tense skirmish between Cliff and Fark unfold with concern. ".... These humans, just who are they?"

After the chaos of the demon invasion, the battle with Ling, the water dome and now a man who could shatter plateau's with what looked like his bare hands was far outside the realm of rational thought.

Dora and Fred looked far more concerned by the fact the human had just defeated Max, the boy who tamed the King of the Forest before storming Celtic Hoards main base.

"H-He's gonna be ok, right?" Fred asked timidly.

"...... Rodger?" Dora looked to Rodger, who was fixated on the battle unfolding below. "Just.... Who are these guys?"

Rodger stood beside the concerned Melvin and Cerberus. Melvin sat with his legs dangling over the side, clutching his broken rib.

"H-He'll be fine," Rodger said trying to sound enthusiastic. "He took way worse from that big lion from before and beat the King of the Forest in a duel. Ain't no way something like this could'a done him in."

".... I guess," Melvin didn't sound convinced. He'd known Max was not one for caution, which meant nearly all his battles left him battered and bruised, saved only by his salamander powers. However, Melvin knew he wasn't invincible. He barely survived the homunculus Edasa, even breaking his leg when he tried to launch a surprise attack. He had been getting through on not just his strength, but also luck.

There were limits to his endurance, and from what he could see of him buried within the rubble, his looked to have finally run out.

..... Max.


"Myow, something's happening down there," Meracle announced, standing at the edge of the plateau she was on close to the root bridge. "..... He looks like that dark-skinned guy from before... and Cliff's fighting him."

"..... That's Fark," Leone said, still laying on her back, gazing blankly at the black sky.

Many thoughts were swirling around her head at the events that had unfolded. From her knowledge, Robin and Ling had both been defeated, and given the fiery explosion and the lack of commotion from the next plateau, she assumed the prospect of Helpono being beaten was a safe bet.

To her knowledge, only ones still combat ready we're Fark below, Sokaku (whom she could imagine was off drinking), Ellie, Thelma and Louise, Yensin, Lire Lim and whoever the mummy was.


Even the knowledge that three of them were out of commission was unthinkable, saying nothing of the fact she was now laying on her back, unable to find the strength to move.

"... Yo kitty," Leone called out, attracting the young Cait Sith's attention. "Mind helping me over there?"

"Nyew...? Meracle looked puzzled.

"Just wanna see what's going on.... That's all."


"Ahhh! He really did get bro!!"

"NO BRO!!!"

Both Shay and May slammed their hands on the ground, bawling their eyes out to see there 'bro' buried in the plateau.

"....." Yuki sat on the edge, resting his sheathed blade on his shoulders as he watched Cliff engage with Fark. Faust had already left them, running off upon seeing Max incapacitated. It didn't take much thought to consider where he ran off to.

"We should go help him!"

"Yeah! Let's get that bastard!" Both Shay and May said pumping their fists at each other.

"Go down there and you'll end up just like the pyro," Yuki said, sounding indifferent. "From how you fought before, probably go down even faster than before." His hand clenched on his blade, "Same goes for hair dew."

"What are you saying bro?!"

"Ya gonna let that bastard get away with this! He's ya friend isn't he!"

"..... wouldn't say that," Yuki said, furrowing his brows.


Cliff skidded back, both arms raised and trembling. He glanced to see Fark rushing forwards, throwing a palm strike at Cliff's outstretched arms, the hit breaking through his guard. With the man staggered, Fark pivoted, roundhouse-kicking Cliff on the left side, followed by a solid punch to his face.

Reeling backward, Cliff managed to hold his balance, taking a single step back. He clenched his chest, his breathing growing ragged. It was clear that Ling's attack had wounded him to some degree as he felt jolts of pain each time he drew breath.

Looking forward, he saw Fark taking a step forward, palm flat. Shit!

Cliff sidestepped to the left, allowing his palm to flash past. Clenching his fist, Cliff slammed his fist into Farks right side, hitting hard enough to cause Fark to flinch. Pulling back, Cliff punched Fark into the face, landing two solid blows before Fark caught Cliff's right fist in his palm, forcing it back. He then slammed his fist into Cliff's stomach, releasing his hand. Fark then uppercut Cliff in the chin, finishing off his attack by taking a step back before launching his palm, launching Cliff a couple of feet backward, causing him to topple through the water.

"D-Damn...." Cliff struggled back to his feet. He shot a glare at Fark, standing with his guard up. "You didn't.... use your ability," He rasped, clutching his chest. "Kinda seems like.... You're not taking me seriously."

"You are human," Fark said darkly. "This power my master granted me, it is only for monsters."

The response caused Cliff's fists to clench. "Right, you the bastard with something against Demi-humans. Your partner mentioned much back at Coverstone." He pushed himself to his feet, resuming his combat stance. "Couldn't help but notice you gunning for him back at Löwe Höhle."

Cliff pushed off the ground, lunging towards Fark while pulling back his right fist, causing Fark to raise one arm.

"Fist of Iron!"

From behind him, Faust charged towards him pulling back his right arm.

Caught in a pincer movement, Fark turned his body, taking Cliff's punch with his right arm, catching Faust's mana enhanced punch with his left hand, maintaining his balance despite the attack.


"You, my friend, have crossed the line." Faust hissed, leaping backward, slamming his foot to the ground, and launching a bolder form the ground before pulling back his left fist. Breathing out of his noes, Faust punched the rock, firing it towards Fark who forced off Cliff, turning his body with his left palm outstretched.


The ability activated, destroying the rock in a matter of seconds. Turning, he saw Cliff had taken advantage of the distraction, reacting too slowly to an uppercut. Waddling backward holding his chin, Faust followed up, slamming his knuckle-dusters into his left cheek. The two men stood side by side in front of the ersken, and in unison launched their fists towards the man.

Recovering in time, Fark raised his arms, taking both blows that sent him skidding a few feet across the lake's surface. Lowering his arms, he glared at the two men standing before him, both ready to resume despite the poor condition of both.

".... Why do you fight for him?" Fark hissed, lowering his arms. "You know what he is, the risk he poses." In frustration, he swiped out his left arm. "The longer he stays this way, the greater the danger he poses not only to all around him but himself as well!"

"That's really convincing coming from an asshole who's perfectly content with laying waste to this village and the behest of a madman." Cliff retorted. "So quit acting like you know even half of what that boy's gone through!"

"I for one was like you, willing to pray on the weak," Faust said, relaxing his stance. "Unable to turn my back on the life I chose, I caused suffering to others. Yet that earnest boy beat me to my senses. I was content with giving my life before, but now.... I demand satisfaction for what you have done!"

Lowering his arm, his posture growing dangerous, Fark's fingers clicked. "As you wish." He said, raising his left hand, showing the silver cross. "I'll send you with that boy."


A loud voice echoed throughout the lake. The three combatants, and all those on looking turned to a plateau close by. Standing at the edge, using his sheathed sword to steady himself was the wounded Yuki. His eyes were fixed on the destroyed plateau, a smirk on his face. "Is that seriously all you got in you! If you ask me, it's pretty pathetic!"

"Wh-What are you saying bro?!"

"That's our bro you're talking about!!" Both Shay and May chimed in, yelling at Yuki for his rude statement.

"And I'm saying the pyro I know would never call it quits to that kinda asshole!" Yuki yelled, sounding more serious.

Fark's eyes narrowed on the swordsman in the distance, feeling irritated by how much support the demi-human he had felled was gaining.

"... Yuki," Cliff muttered, seeing what he was doing.

Buried within the rubble, something began to stur.

"Didn't you say how you were gonna stay by her side?! You won't be able to do anything buried in rubble like that! If she saw you like that, she'd see what a loser you are!"

A hand twitched as a figure began to emerge, the rubble cascading off. "Shut up.... Sword bastard...."


A foot slammed into the water.


The onlookers looked with anticipated breaths, as the tension only grew. Cliff and Faust lowered their fists, their eyes widening. Fark looked behind him, his breath taken away with an expression that one may have given to gazing at a ghost.

Standing there in the water, bare-chested, bloodied and bruised, clenching his fists, steam rising from his body and the area below his feet, stood Max. He raised his head, showing off a pair of what one could describe as the eyes of a reptile.

".... I'm.... not done yet."

Max vs Fark


Cliff couldn't help but feel nervous. Max looked to have been grievously wounded, emphasized by the blood that clung to him. Yet steam was rising from what he was assuming was those very wounds that appeared to be closing up. Then there was his physical appearance; his hazel eyes were now a golden color, with the irises split.

He also had to squint, believing his eyes were playing tricks on him. However, it appeared to be no mistake. Around Max's eyes and forearm, there was unmistakably a light pattern that resembled scales. Through his pants, he caught sight of his upper canine teeth that appeared to have sharpened, almost making him look like a vampire.

Is that.... Is that Max?

Fark turned to face the boy, his face contorting into a scowl that he never gave the boy in their previous battle. "How did you survive?"

Max didn't answer, exhaling a breath of steam as he clenched his fist which ignited.

"I suppose it matters not," Fark spoke in a dangerous tone, raising his left arm, palm flat. "I'll ensure you die this time."

Max moved his left leg back, bubbles began to below. Gritting his teeth, the boy glared at his clenching both fists. Then, as though a drum had sounded, Max was launched forwards, leaving behind a large splash of water as he rocketed towards his opponent.

"Crash." With one word, a burst of light, forming a crisscross pattern fired from Fark's palm, launching itself towards Max, prepared to cut him to ribbons. However, unlike before, Max collided with the lights which shattered like glass. "?!"

"RRRAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" With a roar of rage, Max threw his punch, which slammed into Fark's face, holding his position for a mere second before Fark was launched backward like a meteor. Both Cliff and Faust jumped aside as the Erskin passed them by, smashing against the water like a stone thrown, skidding the water before recovering, slamming both his feet into the lake, skidding to a halt, falling to a knee.

"Wha- I-Impossible!!" Fark gasped, holding a hand to his face, eyes widened with shock. That was.... A direct hit! He should have at the very least been blasted away.

Looking up, he saw Max had launched himself towards him again, using flame busts form his hands to cover the distance. Throwing up an arm, Fark blocked a punch from the boy, gritting his teeth by a surprising amount of strength that went far beyond what the boy was capable of.

With a heave, his arm was forced away. Max followed by turning his body, sweeping an upwards kick which collided into Fark's right cheek. His head turned sharply, staggered by the blow. Max landed on the ground, putting his palms fat before slamming them into Farks' belly, the impact causing his chest to convulse by the sheer force behind them.

"GACK!" Fark coughed up blood, skidding backward several feet before collapsing to his knee. He glared up at Max, eyes full of rage and disgust. "I see now......" He said as he got back to his feet. "You discarded your humanity entirely. You truly are.... A monster."

Max took in a deep breath and let out a fire roar towards his opponent. Gritting his teeth, Fark threw out his right hand, sending out another projectile, hitting the flames before shattering as well.

With little option, Fark leaped to the right, narrowly avoiding being caught in the raging inferno. Max launched himself into the air, flaring up his left leg while spinning towards Fark who seemed dazed. Fark, however, spun counterclockwise, grasping Max's outstretched leg with his right hand before slamming him into the water with a mighty splash. With his left he tried to slam his palm into the partly submerged boy, only for him to roll forwards, blenching himself on his hands while the projectile attack splashed the water, leaning his legs into themselves before double kicking Fark in the face. Jumping to his feet, he faired up his left hand gritting his teeth hard, snarling like a beast.

Slamming his right leg into the lake to regain his balance, Fark clicked the fingers in his right hand, glaring at the boy as he launched himself at him.



With war cries that could shake the heavens, both attacks collided head-on sending flames and arcs of energy flying from the epicenter, causing a mighty explosion.

Max flew back, toppling across the water before recovering, his left arm smoldering while the skin on his knuckles seemed to have been peeled off.

Fark waddled backward out of the steam generated by the explosion, looking to the heavens while he gritted his teeth with pain. His eyes glanced down to his right hand, which had been singed black. The Silver cross in the center was worse, the metal melting into his skin.

"H-He..... How did he?"

Before he could expect an answer, Max burst through the steam, performing a sweep kick that struck Fark across the face, followed by a second kick to his gut, an uppercut to the jaw, then unleashed a fire roar point-blank.

The helpless Fark was sent hurtling across the battlefield again, slamming his back into one of the undamaged plateau, burying his back deep within the rock.

As his body lurched forwards, he could feel his consciousness begin to fade. As he drifted in and out, he saw another burst from where his enemy once stood. Max flew directly at him, slamming his fist into Fark's chest again, forcing him back into the rock, followed by another uppercut.

Massive ruptures and fissures exploded through the plateau as Fark was sent flying up the rock face, floating above the rock surface as Max rocketed himself into the sky directly above the Ersken. With a faired up fist, Max roared as he sent it straight into his opponent, launching him back into the plateau which was obliterated by the sheer force, sending rock flying everywhere.


"Wohooo! Look at him go!" Rodger cheered, jumping up and down. He looked to Melvin, with a cheeky grin. "And you were worried he was down for the count. I told ya he'd be fine."

Melvin was speechless, watching with his mouth agape. "Such power..... Is that still Max?" He asked himself.


"MYAA! What was that?!" Meracle jumped as she watched one of the plateaus shatters in a fiery inferno.

"Uh... shouldn't I be asking that?" Leone said, her mouth agape as she lay prone at the side of the plateau. "I mean.... What the hell's going on down there?!"


"BROOOOO!!!!" both Shay and May bellowed at the top of their lungs, a waterfall of tears pouring from their eyes as they locked shoulders, jumping back and forth cheering their friend on.

Yuki still stood by the Plateau, not showing any emotions. He gripped his scabbard tightly as he watched the battle unfold.


Faust and Cliff still. Both were just as gobsmacked as all the other onlookers must have felt, more so being so close to the action. What looked like what would have been a one-sided battle saw an unexpected turnabout with Max completely overpowering his opponent.

Yet if he were to describe his feelings, Cliff would say he felt nervous. He knew Max held an increasable power within him, even more than what he showed before. Yet seeing it now and up close, he couldn't help but feel uneasy.

"Sir Gail," Faust spoke, breaking Cliff's train of thought. He looked at the concerned hunter, giving him a humbled smile. "I believe in your companion."

While no question was asked, no real meaning behind his statement, the earnest smile that Faust gave Cliff before looking back somehow put Cliff at ease. Sighing, Cliff looked back, clenching his fists.

You better come back to us after this.


Max landed in the lake, taking in deep breaths as he glanced to the ruined plateau. Despite the stillness in the unfolding events, his heart still thumped in his chest, pumping blood through his body at a rapid pace, steam rising from his body as his water he was drenched in evaporated due to the immense heat he was giving off. He had never experienced such a feeling before, his body feeling like it was burning from the inside, his senses heightened to levels he had never experienced, enough to overload his brain. All of it overwhelming.

Yet he knew it was not over.

In the middle of the ruined plateau, Fark lay on his back, stretching out his left hand. Despite his consciousness slipping in and out, he focused on the silver cross embeamed in his hand.

Despite the grievous wounds, the horrible burns on his right hand, a sense of tranquillity came over him, a scene of white washed over him as his mind drifted.


"... Ah, now this part you're going to like," Yensin spoke, sitting on a rock with a thick book in his hand. "'I was unconditional, Irritably in love with him.'" He quoted, taking a deep breath through his nose.

"Beautiful. Just fucking beautiful, don't you agree?" Letting out a chuckle, Yensin flipped through the book, a cheshire smile on his lips. "I mean, this is all the rage back in Terra. Vampires you know. And.... I believe this is one of the reasons, a book about a.... a girl in the middle of nowhere with vampires that love humans enough to drink the blood of dears and what not... vegetarian. Of course, we have vampires that look.... Chiseled out of marble, even in the movie.

"Oh, right. You wouldn't know what that is. Don't worry. You're not missing out on anything, the whole thing's awful. But the love story of vampires is interesting, to say the least, like beasts of wonder, something to admire. And in this particular vampire shines like diamonds in the glowing sun." Chuckling, Yensin reached down with his left hand, picking up a decapitated head that resembled a ghoul from a child's nightmare, absent of a nose with long pink appendages on its side. "Clearly the author didn't do their fucking research."

With a chuckle he threw the dismembered head over his shoulder, landing on a pile of long, naked bodies that were further from being human even if everything were set in the right order.

"That's the beautiful thing about Terra, they can come up with such trash about monsters, create fetishes from their darkest desires. You certainly would hate it there." He sat up from the rock, roaming around the mutilated bodies. "That being said.... If I were to say I just bore witness to a man ripping an entire vampire coven to pieces with his bare hands they will clearly think I'm insane if they don't think that already. What say you, Ersken?"

Sitting on the ground was the Ersken in question, covered in blood, surrounded by two bodies ripped to pieces. "I did not request your assistance." He said in a hostile tone.

"Nor did I want you to die," Yensin said playfully, gently placing his foot on the head of one of the monsters, a hole embedded in its forehead. "And I only killed the one. Hardly much considering what you've done."

The Ersken scowled. "You never said what you want?"

"Ah, yes I haven't mister.... Do you have a name? I feel it should be something more than simply Ersken."

"..... I abandoned my old name."

"Alright.... I'll just call you Fark. It's simple, it's easy to remember.... And I can't think of anything else."

The Ersken snorted. "Fine. Now, what do you want?"

"Simple," Yensin said as he took a seat next to the Ersken. "I want you to join me."

"I serve no one," The Ersken said, turning away. "I live to hunt monsters such as these. That is my destiny... one I must never walk away from." His voice mixed with sorrow and remorse.

"I said 'join me' not serve me," Yensin said matter-of-factly. "Our interests do in fact benefit from the other." His eyes fell upon the area, eyeing the monsters scattered through the area. "You know the Arch Sage Ondwill hid these monsters from prying eyes, ensured none would find them, even provided with food, condemned criminals and bottom feeders. In exchange, if they need anybody conveniently snubbed out..."

With a smile, Yensin pushed off the rock, walking away from the Ersken.

"The affairs of this world is not my concern." He said with animosity.

"I know, I know. The affairs of the world don't concern you, blah blah blah," With his back still turned, Yensin waved his left hand, showing off two silver crosses. "No, what you care about.... Is power."

Looking back, he smirked, waving the crosses around. "Interested? Special crosses from Fira, that mage hating frozen hell hole on the outside. Yet on the inside.... Well, that's another story." He jiggled the crosses, rotating them between his fingers. "That's where these come from."

He then tossed them, both landing at the Ersken's feet.

"Make no mistake, I have no interest in your grudge, just as you have no interest what shit I've got planned." Yensin continued as he turned about, putting his hands together with a mischievous smile. "All I need is you to fight when I need you... and that's all. During that time, gallivant around Avalon, slaughter those pesky Demi-humans all at your own time. Give it some thought."

He then turned about as a green portal opened up. "Oh, but you can keep those regardless! A little goodwill gift! I have faith you and I will make great partners."

Like the enigma he was, Yensin departed, leaving the Ersken alone in the cramped, cobwebbed cave. With a grunt, he scooped up the silver crosses layer out on the floor, cradling them in his left hand.

"......." A somber feeling washed over him, as he studied the two sinning pieces of silver in his large hand, cradling them gently.


"How long has it been...." Fark ended up asking himself, glancing up blindly at the cross. His journey had been a long one, so long that even he had forgotten its purpose.

He would defeat them, the monsters that wore human flesh to pray on the weak, just as he was forced to end the life of his once dear friend. His fate was always the same, to fight and to die so far from his homeland.

Even as he faced a coven of vampires, he feared nothing. Even though the battle was fierce, nearly cost him his life, would have cost him his life if not for Yensin's intervention, he still fought on. Even now, as he turned his back on everything, even his own name, he felt drawn to the single piece of silver embedded in his hand, a little trinket as living proof that he had long lost his purpose as a warrior of the Ersk.

Yet even now, something still forced him forwards, refusing to let him rest.

".... To fight a beast," Fark muttered to himself, placing his hand on his chest where his heartbeat, closing his eyes to brace himself. "One must become a beast."

A violent burst of wind and energy emitted from the center, uprooting the earth, sending the execs rubble. Max flinched, raising his hands to shield his head, feeling the wash of wind blasting through the battlefield, sending ripples through the water.

Silence fell once again, a dark silence before the inevitable storm.

Breaking the silence, another burst from the rubble, followed by a large boulder launching itself at Max. With his newfound instincts, Max leaped out of the way, allowing it to crash into the lake. Turning, he saw something emerge from the center.

"It's over...."

Emerging was Fark, stomping his right foot into a nearby rock with enough force to crack it. A strange aura surrounded him, emitting a red hue with sparks of energy, his already large bulk seemed to have grown with a criss-cross pattern on his chest, the already intimidating Ersken now seeming more like a monster then the dragon hybrid. His eyes now blank, showing only the white's in his eye, his face contorted with unequivocal anger.

Max took a step back, his newfound senses screaming at him at the danger this man posed.

Fark leaped off the rubble, landing in the lake. He tensed his muscles bringing his arms close as the red aura increased.

"RRRAAAAAHHH!!" He cried out, the aura bursting from his body in a violent torrent of wind.


"Wh-What the- Is that the same guy?" Cliff took a step back, eyes widened with shock at the sight of Fark. "It almost looks like he's leveled up like me.... But that's impossible! He'd have to be a hunter in order to do that!"

"No.... I've seen this before," Faust spoke, sounding nervous.


"Waze, one of Celtic Hoards officers, during our battle he.... He did something to himself that seemed to have overloaded his mana."

"Over-what?" Cliff looked back at the battle.

"I'm not sure what it was but he did something that drastically increased his power. I'd say myself and Master Stride won simply by the skin of our teeth." Faust gulped. "If this is a similar state..... This will be a tough battle."

Cliff gulped as well, feeling the rising tension building up from the inevitable battle. "I got a bad feeling about this..."


Grinding his teeth, Max clenched both his fists, narrowing his reptilian eyes at the man before him. Fark stood a few meters away, breathing heavily. An uneasy atmosphere seeped in as the combatants stared each other down, waiting for one of them to break the stalemate.

As though inevitable, Max was the first to make a move, fairing up his left fist before launching himself at the Ersken, swirling clockwise in the air, gaining momentum in his fist.

Fark remained indomitable, awaiting his opponent until he was upon him, moving his head forwards moments before the collision, taking the blow on his forehead. The blow connected, sending wind blasting outwards. Max ground his teeth, trying to force his opponent back.

"Too weak...." Fark suddenly shot his right fist into Max's stomach, hitting hard enough to force the air from his lungs. Being flung backward, Max landed back first into the water, rolling until he was at his front.

Fark stride forwards, a red aura building in his unwounded left palm. With a yell he slammed it to the ground, causing a burst of water, shielding him from view. Max was about to charge forwards when his senses detected something flying towards him. Another rock suddenly came to view, hurtled towards him. Max jumped out of the way, allowing it to pass him by. Fark suddenly lunged forwards while he was distracted, and it was only when Max looked forwards did he see Fark sweeping his left leg towards him, slamming into the right side of his face, forcing him away.

Max recovered just as Fark lunged forwards with his right fist. Max punched forwards, intercepting the blow. A burst of air came as the two locked fists.

The red aura charged in Fark's left hand, preparing to lung it forwards. Max raised his right arm, forcing the incoming strike away, which released the red aura in a powerful blast. Fark pulled back, pulling back his right fist as Max did the same with his right fist. Max passed by Fark's attack by a narrow margin, shifting his body to the left as his right fist passed by Fark's, slamming into his cheek with enough force to shatter a grown man's jaw.

Fark waddled back, staggered. Max lunged forwards, landing a flurry of blows on his face and chest, ending with an uppercut, somersaulting before letting out a fire roar, blowing the Ersken back.

Skidding to a halt, Fark huddled himself close before letting out another roar of rage. Max meanwhile was charging towards him again, grounding his teeth in range, blind to the red energy building in Fark's left hand. Before he reached him, Fark slammed his palm into the lake, causing the water to burst, knocking Max off his balance as he tried to stop. He passed through the water, unable to stop himself, leaving him open to a solid punch to the left side of his face. The boy lurched to the side, struggling to remain on balance. The water died down, just as Fark performed a high kick, slamming into Max's midsection, forcing him into the air. Fark then threw out his left hand. Another burst of energy slammed into Max, forcing him back, toppling across the lake before once again righting himself. The energy had hit him on his left side, and while not as bad as before, still left open wounds on his skin.

Fark meanwhile leaped to the ruined plateau, throwing both hands before reaching down. Max had only taken notice as he saw Fark hulling up a large rock, twice his size. Unfazed, Max charged forwards as Fark made his way to the edge of the rocks hurling the stone towards Max who was a mere few yards away.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" Max roared as he leaped up into the air, flared up both fists, slamming them repeatedly into the incoming rock, keeping it suspended in mid-air. "RRROOOAAAAAAHHH!!!"

With a final roar, Max forced his fist forwards into the now cracked rock destroying it, coming face to face with Fark who had lunged out his left palm, prepared to blow him back again. Max suddenly burst flames from his left hand, launching him left to avoid another point-blank blast. Still airborne, Max let out a burst of flames from his right foot as Fark turned towards him to launch another energy projectile. Max grasped a hold of the outstretched hand, using the momentum to spin around the outstretched palm, sweep kicking Fark in the right face before landing on the ground.

Skidding to a halt, Max turned abruptly to launch a right hook at the staggered Fark. However, Fark recovered, blocking Max's strike with his right elbow. Fark heaved Max off him, pivoting clockwise, raising his left leg.

Max's hands lurched forwards, grabbing a hold of Fark outstretched leg, struggling to keep from progressing any further. Fark withdrew and lashed out another punch with his left fist, which Max intercepted with his own punch. Up close, Fark reached out his wounded right hand, only for Max to grasp at his wrist.

Fark then turned sharply, spinning Max around before throwing him away. The Salamander crashed into a nearby rock, continuing to roll as Fark leaped into the air, charging red energy in his left palm. However, Max suddenly put his hands above his head as he rolled, stopping himself from rolling straightening his legs before emitting a burst of flames from his palms, sending him rocketing towards the startled Fark, slamming both soles of his feet into the Ersken's face while overshooting him. Max continued forwards, descending until he was at Fark's back, then unleashed a fire roar, blowing Fark away, launching him through the air, skidding across the lake's surface before coming to a halt.

"Rrrrrrrrhhh..." Fark let out a low growl as he tried to get up to his feet. The red aura that surrounded him was beginning to slip away. His body felt wracked with immense pain.

Max landed in the lake, flaring up his right fist.

".... You..." Fark forced himself to his feet, pulling back his right fist, drawing the pain he felt racking his entire body. "Truly are.... A monster."

Ignoring the man, Max crouched to the ground before launching himself towards Fark, pulling back his fist. He was going to finish the battle, he was going to burn the man to cinders, chare him black, rip him apart. His reptilian eyes shone with a light as bright as the sun, his fangs layer to bare, his scales now taking on a golden tinge.

This was who he was. He knew that better than anyone. He was-

"You're not a monster."


The flames of Max's hand vanished, as his eyes grew wide.


Fark's fist collided into Max's face, pushing him back as the Ersken tried to drill home a finishing blow, pouring all his enhanced strength to crack the Salamander's skull.

Max's right leg suddenly shot back, propping him up, keeping him from falling over. "..... You're wrong,"

Max's hand suddenly shot to Fark's wrist, slowly prying it off to stare face to face at the bewilder Ersken. "H-How...." He growled as he tried to fight back.

"I'm.... not a monster.... Or a human." The scales had recreated, the fangs shrank, and his eyes now returned to their normal state. "I'M ME!!"


With one clench, Fark's wrist contracted in an unnatural manner. The Ersken pulled back, clenching his now broken wrist.

"AND NOBODY ELSE!!" Max uppercut the Ersken, launching him into the air. While airborne, Max grasped Fark's outstretched leg, slamming him back into the lake with earth-shattering force.

Still grasping the leg, Max thrilled Fark around like a pinwheel before throwing him into the air.

"H-How is he so-" Fark's thoughts were interrupted when Max rocketed himself forwards, grabbing his opponent by the face before slamming him into one of the dislocated rocks of the ruined plateau.

"You think... I don't see them?" Max loomed over Fark, half-buried in a large rock, clenching his fists. He then began to punch the defenseless Fark. "Lars... Rikert... Lyla," He said after each punch. "Even that asshole Bucky... Mom and Dad.... Erica!" He cried as he continued his assault. "You think I can't still see them every time I use this!"

Suddenly, Fark's left hand reached out, grasping at Max's face. With all his strength, face contorted with rage, Fark pushed back against Max who was struggling against his opponent, trying to break free.

"You're an abomination...." Fark hissed, red energy building in his palm. "ONE I WILL ERASE FROM THIS WORLD!!!"

Flames emitted from Max's hands, its raging flames scolding Fark's skin.

"AHHH!" With a cry of pain, Fark threw Max away. The boy landed back in the lake as Fark freed himself from the rock, grasping it with one hand before throwing it towards Max.

"But I can't run from it..." Max caught the rock, just as Fark charged forwards. "Not anymore!" Huling it over his head, Max slammed the rock on the charging Fark, the entire thing shattering on impact. Fark was knocked to his knees coughing up blood as a result.

"That fear.... That helplessness...." Max pulled back his right fist, "I won't let anyone," combusting it with a brilliant flame, "ever feel like that!!"

Max drilled his fist into Fark's gut. Flames burst through the Ersken as he was forced back several feet he spat out blood, skidding to a halt before collapsing to one knee.

"N-No..." He muttered, trying to stand. The pain was now becoming unbearable, mixed between his earlier damage, the power-up he used and the further damage he sustained. He was clearly reaching his limit, as even standing now proved a chore. "I-I can't...."

Max strode towards Fark slowly, slowly opening his right hand, a small flame beginning to fall.

"This power... I'll use it for them."

Fark tried to stand, but his legs failed him.

"I'll use it.... To protect them...."

With all his willpower, Fark got back to his feet, a violent storm of red energy forming in his palm as Max's small flame began to whirled, forming a large fireball, hovering just above his palm.

"I'll use it..." Max began to run, pulling back the flame ball as Fark pulled back his left palm. Visions of all his friends flashed in his mind the ones he lost, the ones he hadn't lost..... and one who after so long, dispelled the darkness that clouded him.



A flash of light formed at the center for a second, followed by a massive blast, a collision of flames and red energy contesting for dominance. A violent wind swept out from the epicenter, so strong that the large boulders and rocks were dislodged from their rest, flying away from the epicenter. The winds blasted the tops of the plateau, the drawbridges that connected them rattling against the violent hurricane.

The onlookers bunkered down, raising their hands, bunkering down, anything to prevent them from being blown away. On the lake, Faust and Cliff were forced back before regaining their balance, arms shielding there faces amidst the winds that passed them by.

"Wh-What in the blazes?!" Faust yelled, his voice drowned out by the winds.

"Should have predicted something like this!" Cliff commented, a grin on his face.

In the center, Max and Faust were locked in a deadlock, both their attacks fighting each other for dominance, blind to the world around them.

Max ground his teeth, wincing in pain as his skin along his right arm was peeling away, cuts reaching even beyond his elbow. Yet he kept the pressure on, taking a step forward.

Fark skidded back a few feet, pouring all his strength to keep up his momentum. However, he could feel himself slipping, his hand beginning to shake amidst the violent flames that began to pour past the red aura he was coated in.

I... I have to....

Max took another step forward, turning his head to stare at his opponent, applying more pressure, more flames to his right fist.

H-He can't....!

He took the final step, applying the last facets of his strength.


The flames began to penetrate through, Fark's hand beginning to quiver, his fingers beginning to shake in an unnatural manner. To his view, all color was drained from the scene, replaced by a blinding white.



A second flash occurred, a final delay. Then came an explosion of colossal proportion, consuming the ruined plateau. Everyone watched in awe, their breath escaping them admits the deafening blast.

From the flames, something shot from it like a cannonball, smashing through three plateau's, bouncing off of two before coming to a crashing halt at the cliff face of the reservoir, fissures running along the surface with several rocks falling to the lake below.

The blast died down. At the center, bloodied, bruised, his right arm lacking skin with blood dripping from the terrible wound, Max stood defiantly.

The dust cleared at the reservoir wall, revealing a broken Fark half buried within the wall.

"HE WON!!" Rodger exclaimed, jumping up and down.

".... Talk about overdoing it," Melvin let out a sigh of relief, only realizing how much he'd been holding his breath. Cerberus nuzzled close to his master let out a yelp with his fiery tail wagging.

The samiets behind them, Dora and Fred letting out deep sighs of relief and happiness to see one of their human friends safe, while the others were gobsmacked by what had transpired.

"Th-That's a... human?" Van muttered, mouth agape.

"Just who's that loser traveling with?" Steve added, glancing over to the cheerfully oblivious Rodger.

"BROOOOOOO!!!!" Shay and May wailed as they saw their hero standing tall in the lake, water pouring from their eyes like waterfalls.

Yuki simply sat down at the plateau's edge resting his Katana on his shoulders, a smile forming on his lips. "That's the Pyro I hate,"

"Myow! He did it!" Meracle said with joy.

Leone's jaw had dropped at the sight of Fark, who was perhaps the strongest amongst her group by her reckoning, taken down in such total and spectacular fashion.

"..... Yo kitty," She finally managed to form a question, one that had been burning at her for some time. "Just..... who the hell are these guys?"

"Isn't it obvious," Meralce looked to Leone with a large toothy grin. "They're my friends."

Meanwhile, Max took a wary step back, breathing deeply. "..... It's over," With a satisfied grin, Max toppled backward, laying his arms out flat in the lake. "Ok.... That was way to close,"

He gazed up at the blotted out skyline, almost oblivious to all around him. For the first time since the Alchemist incident- no, he actually felt more drained of energy than he ever had. His entire body was racked with pain.

But the strange burning sensation he felt within his breast seemed to have subsided. In fact, he felt as though a great weight had been lifted.

"You know," Max turned his head, seeing Cliff looming above him. "Between you and that suicidal maniac, I can't decide which one of you is worse." He looked down on Max, giving him a somber, yet caring smile. "Next time, try not to scare us half to death."

Max returned a toothy grin. "Sorry.... Guess I really overdid it this time."

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