《The Goddess’ Chosen》You are not a Monster


"Hey brat! Time to get up!"

Max stirred from the sound of someone banging on the barn door. Pushing the torn rag off him, he rubbed his eyes, trying to regain his senses.

"The same nightmare...." He muttered, putting a hand to his head.

His gaze drifted to the large X shaped scar on his chest, raising a hand to it, a sorrowful look spreading across his face, wishing it was not there.

"Hey brat!" The same voice sounded, slamming on the wooden barn door.

"I'm up!" Max yelled back irritated, pushing off the ragged cloth. Walking away from the straw matrices, he saw a cow sticking its head out of its pen, eyeing him with a curious expression.

"Oh, morning," Max said, gently stroking it. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you,"

The boy made his way to a small area at the back of the barn. There housed a washbasin and set of ragged clothes hanging on hooks. In front of him was a mirror. Max stopped before it, seeing the reflection of a boy with toned muscles beyond what an average 7-year-old boy should in reality possess, dominated by the terrible scare that dominated his chest.

"......" The boy glanced down at his body, looking distraught. It had been over a year ago since the devastating event destroyed Max's hometown of Rockfall. As far as he knew, he was the only survivor.

That fact, knowing that he survived when everyone he knew went up in flames, was nothing compared to what had happened to him.

With a heave, Max pushed open the wooden gates, walking out on the farm he was calling home for the past two uneasy months. The farmstead was within the region of the Fernen, the east of Rosaria, known for its agriculture due to its fertile land.

"Ah, there you are."

Max turned to see the man he was living with. An old, age-worn man, wearing a striped checked shirt with patches and signs of its age present, long stubbed beard took up the lower half of his face while his white hair covered by the straw hat he wore.

His name was Celdic Redom, a man Max truly hated more than Bucky back at Rockfall.

"Well don't just stand there like an idiot. Ya got a lot of work to do, starting with getting that cart loaded for our trip ta Axem today," Celdic said, turning about slowly with his cane.

"Got it you old bastard," Max hissed under his breath.

"Don't take that tone with me!" Celdic snapped, turning about sticking his cane towards the boy, "Mark my words, if ya weren't Sam's kid I would put ya inta the ground like the beast ya are!" He then turned, huddling back towards the farmstead. "My bro must be turning in his grave, knowing his son's turned inta a damn monster."

Max glared back towards the old man. He then persuaded onwards to get about his daily chores, starting with loading the old wagon full of sacks of grain, something no child could possibly do. However, for Max, each sack which could way as much as 15kg, was about as heavy as a pillow.

Carefully picking up two and slinging them over his shoulder, Max walked them towards the cart, slamming them down into the cart. The way the wagon bounced following the placing of the grain showed the true weight that Max could literally no longer feel.

He had no idea why, but after challenging the dragon, something within him changed. He had forgotten how the fight went, only that when he opened his eyes the flames of Rockfall had long died down. The dragon was nothing more than a skeleton before him, still laying was it was on that night. As for the boy, his chest was covered in blood due to a massive X, which seemed to have been carved on his torso.


Leaving the devastated town along the ruined road now dotted by the remnants of the broken highway, trying to find the next village. Wolves beset on him as he walked, a pack that managed to lunge at him, sinking their teeth into his skin as they tried to rip him apart.

However, none of their teeth penetrated Max's skin, and one punch fractured one of the wolf's skull while another left a burn in its fur. When he got up to confront them, something bellowed up inside him. When the dust settled, all the wolves were dead, some burnt to cinders.

Half a year later, and he found himself with his half-uncle on his father's side, an old local guard with a bad leg, who begrudgingly took him in, at the very least gave him a roof over his head.

Those days were not by any means present. Celdic never lamented on showing his disdain for the boy, partly due to his past relationship with Sam being rocky, and another being what Max was now capable of.

However, there was no were else for Max to go. He had no money for travel, nor did he have any idea what had happened to him. His goal was to reach Riser, with some hope finding help for his.... Condition.

Until then, he needed to work as a farmhand for someone (probably not Celdic) to get enough money to survive in the big city.

That meant doing chores for the man he hated.


Axem was a market town, situated on the road leading to Aquia. A small town with a grand plaza in the center where the local farmers converged to sell off their products grown on their farmsteads.

The stone buildings with the occasional plants and ivy growing along the side, the occasional oak tree penetrating the ground within the towns small wooden walls, gave the sleepy town the rustic atmosphere, blending into the green scenery instead of sticking out like a sore thumb.

Despite the scenic tranquillity, Max hated the town just as much as he did Celdic.

"Stop scowling brat," The old man grunted as he snapped at the ranges of his steed, trotting through the cobbled streets.

"I hate coming here....." Max grumbled.

"And everyone hates ya coming. But I need someone ta help unload all this." Celdic said pointing behind his back at the sacks in the carriage.

He then pulled into a low walled off area leading into a medium depot where farmers unloaded their stock, all of whom glanced at Celdic as they entered, spying Max with him.

"He's back...."

"That little monster. Why'd Celdic bring him along?"

"You know who's coming right?"

"Sure Celdic knows. He's the last person who should be here."

Max's expression hardened, picking up all the whispers and gossip about him as Celdic parked in a stable, setting down the ranges, picking up his cane. "So shut that mouth and get ta work. That's your only use after all." He said as he struggled down from the cart. Still scowling, Max jumped off the cart, walking to the back where he reached for the closest sack of grain, hauling it over his shoulders.

"One more thing!" Celdic called from the front, stroking the horse who was munching at the feed presented before it. "Very important person is passing through! After you're done, make yourself scarce! Don't want whoever it is getting the fright of her life seeing a freak like you walking around!"

"I got it," Max said sternly as he thumped the first sack into a large cart in the next lot beside them.


"Celdic!" A plump man, dressed in a black suit, a top hat and a monocle approached the old farmer.

"Mr. Mayor." Celdic nodded, giving the man a smile.

The mayor of Axem, George Kobrad, waved at the farmer with a jolly smile. That smile disappeared when he saw Max returning to the carriage, picking up another of the sacks. "I see you brought..... him with you."

Celdic turned to Max, letting out a loud sigh. "Trust me, I'd love ta keep him from the town, but with this blasted back of mine,"

George coughed, gently grabbing a hold of Celdic and pulling him away. "That's true. Don't want to see you hurt yourself. You're not as young as you use to be." He glanced back to the barn, looking uneasy. "But you know someone important will be passing through today. Seeing someone-" his eye closed for a brief moment, "-unusual could cause damage to our town's reputation."

"Yeah. Don't worry about the freak. After he's done, he's gonna make himself scarce." Celdic dismissed. "By the way, who's this VIP you mentioned. Way we'd been preparing, ya think Prince Edward or Princess Elizabeth were paying us a visit."

"Oh no. But close to that status," George chuckled. "Lady Caroline Hofcrad."

"..... Who now?"

"I wouldn't be surprised you haven't heard of her. She's the youngest daughter of the chancellor of Fira."

Celdic's eyes widened. "Fira? That winter island that hates wizards?"

"The very same," George nodded, "It's part of the nation's bid to establish trade with the other nations. Apparently, they're coming down in one of those new magitek things I've heard so much about."

"Ba... loud a rubbish I think." Celdic dismissed. "From what I know the country's been closed off for, what.... Since the age of Conflict? Ask me all this branching out malarkey's a load'a crap. Cold lands breed cold people after all."

"I'm done!"

"Wha-!" Celdic jumped in surprised. He glanced down and saw a dirty Max standing behind him. The boy casually pointed over his shoulder towards the stable, showing off he had unloaded everything in the cart. "Oh, right...," Celdic muttered, remembering how fast the boy could unload a full cart. "Well then-"

"Yeah yeah, make myself scarce," Max interrupted the man before the old farmer could finish.

"Watch your tone boy!" George snapped. "Show gratitude to that man that taken you in despite everything you are."

"Yeah.... I'm real grateful," Max snorted, walking away with a small wave. "Don't worry, I won't embarrass you or that old bastard."

Walking through the stockade gates, Max found himself walking towards the center plaza of Axem, trying to find the road north.

The town was preparing for its annual harvest festival. The circular square already lines with stools with merchants preparing their products grown out on the fields.

Already the merchants were preparing their stocks, lining there stands with fruit, meat and wines, all in anticipation of the hustle and bustle of the upcoming festival.

Max stayed out of sight as much as he could, but an occasional onlooker caught a glance of the boy sulking in the shade, quickly turning about, acting as though no one was there.

A ball suddenly tapped him gently against the foot. He looked down and saw a small leather ball. Several kids then ran after it, stopping short when they saw Max.

"I-Its him!"

"Wh-What should we do? Mom says we shouldn't get close to him."

"But he's got the ball."

Scowling, Max ignored the ball at his foot, continued onwards to the edge of town, ignoring the strange looks he was being given.


The peace and tranquillity of Fernen, the sounds of the wind and the rustling of the grass-



It was all interrupted by the loud humdrum of a motorized vehicle, making its way down the road. Letting out an occasional bang as it drove along.

An ornate carriage on four wheels, but drove on its own without the need of horses. A large machine dominated the front of the vehicle, the heart exposed to the elements. A strange blue hue emitted from the engine, with pipes bellowing the occasional puff of steam.

Eventually, the blue hue died down, vast amounts of steam emitting from the front.

"Oh, damn and blast!" one of the doors to the vehicle was violently kicked open from the inside. Strolling out was a ruffled man in brown overalls, covered in dirt and grime. Reaching down into his seat, he brought out a metal box and made his way over to the engine.

The second door opened. From it emerged a younger man with long, raven black hair, highlighting his sharp features. Unlike the first man, he was dressed in a fine suite. Black with golden leaves woven down the front.

"This is the second time this has happened." He said, strolling to his side of the exposed engine. "By the goddess.... That smell,"

"Don't knock progress," The engineer said, opening his toolbox. "The MW's only been around for a year. Bound to be several slip-ups along the way."

"In case you have forgotten, Mr. Vect, Milady is on an important diplomatic mission for the future of our nation. These unforeseen breakdowns hamper our mission." The man said, sounding irritated. "We honestly should have gone by traditional horse and carriage."

"Quite nick picking at new tech," Mr. Vect said, pulling out a spanner, climbing up on the bonnet. "It was the chancellor who bought this for the mission. Can't exactly argue with that,"

The second set of doors on the carriage opened on the left. Walking out elegantly was the eight-year-old girl with long back hair tied with an elegant hair band. Her dress was bright white, decorated with stitches of blue flowers around the hem of the dress.

"Do you wish me to assist, Mr. Vect." She stood before Mr. Vect with elegance beyond her age, speaking in a tone of regency beyond her years.

"Don't concern yourself, milady." Mr. Vect said to the small girl as he began to work on the engine, letting out the occasional grunts. ".... Had this thing moving for most of this journey... Be damned if it doesn't if I let her call it quits here."

"Would you mind watching your tone when you speak to her highness." The second man said, making his way around the front of the vehicle, getting a small grunt as a response. "Lady Caroline, please return to the carriage."

"I'll be fine Sebastian." The girl Caroline said pouting. "I simply wish to provide some assistance to Mr. Vect."

"Besides...." Mr. Vect spoke, his face still buried within the engine. "Any beasties come around, good old Sabastian'll take care of them."

"You're not helping," Sebastian said to Mr. Vect.

"Come on. It's been four hours since we left West Port. Her highness properly needs to stretch her legs a bit." The engineer looked up from the engine towards Caroline, "I appreciate the offer milady, but it won't be necessary." He then jumped down from the engine, raising his spanner before slamming it down on the engine.

All of a sudden, the mechanical heart whirled into life, billowing steam once again as the peace and quiet was drowned in with the industrial screeches. "Just takes a little tough love to make this baby begin to pour again."

Sebastian looked skeptical, backing away from the billowing steam. "Will this make it to Riser?"

"It'll make it to Axem," Mr. Vect said packing away his toolbox. "While we're there we need'ta fill her up with water. The rate we're boilin it, we'll be completely out before long."

"Water?" Caroline looked at the machine with curiosity. "I'm unfamiliar with these machines, but I'm I not mistaken they use manarite?"

"As the power source, yeah." Mr. Vect nodded, picking up the toolbox. "Unfortunately, using manarite like this produces lots'a heat, which is the reason for the breakdowns. The machine uses radiators to keep the engine from overheating and potentially exploding."

"E-Exploding?!" Caroline gasped.

"Ha ha! Don't worry, nothin that serious," Mr. Vect dismissed while waving his hands. "But if it does go up in smoke, we'll be walking for the rest of the journey. Certainly not a situation we want in this part of the world."

"As interesting as this lecture on the internal workings of the mana engine is," Sebastian said, opening the door on the right side. "May we continue when we're on the move again."

"Yeah, yeah," Mr. Vect sighed as he placed the toolbox back into the front.

"Sebastian!" Caroline snapped, puffing her cheeks. "There's no need to be so rude to Mr. Vect."

"I only press because we are behind schedule," Sebastian said, bringing out his pocket watch. "The Axem festival will be beginning in an hour. We, as the guests of honor, must be present, and these unforeseen breakdowns are interrupting said schedule.

"You and schedules," Mr. Vect sighed.

"I do apologize," Caroline said to the engineer.

"Ah don't worry bout it, milady." The man said rubbing the back of his head. "Like he said, we are a little behind cause of the engine issues. We should get the show back on the road before super butler blows a cascade if she show up a second behind his schedule."

"Haha! Yes, we should." Caroline laughed as she began to climb back into the passenger seat.

"Being a second late is no different than being an hour late!" Sebastian protested as they began to move again. "It means everything gets set back and creates inconveniences!"

"Yeah yeah. Just gives us something to joke about."

"It certainly does provide no shortage of humor on our long journey Mr. Vect."

"Haha! Even milady agrees!"

"Yes yes. Lets all laugh at my expense until we are an hour late because of this contraption,"

"Sound's like a challenge. Ok, Dolly! Ya prides on the line! Show this stuck up prick what modern science can do!"

"Go Dolly Go!"

"Keep cheering milady! She's feeling the energy as she hauls her ass to our destination!"

"Would you keep your profanity in check in front of her highness."

"Lighten up ya stuck in the mud!"

As the vehicle continued on its long journey, the sounds of the engine vibrated across the fields, causing something in the distance to sture.


The plains of farmland stretched out seemingly forever. Fields of wheat and grain so tall one could find themselves lost in its tranquillity forever. To the farmhands who suffer countless hardships and calesses tending to the fields, it was home, a way of life. Yet no farmer would be anything without those to interact with, the nature of human beings.

To Max, however, the view far removed from civilization was the only pit of solitude from his misery. His current circumstances were to blame, the changes he had undergone, making him stick out like a sore thumb.

It was the same everywhere he went. When someone saw he could do things beyond what someone his age could do, they would look at him with a sense of fear.

They were scared of him, what he was.

Max hated the looks they gave him. He hated how he was ignored by everyone. He'd been called many names in the year that followed, one hurting the most.

"Damn it...." Max sighed as he sat up a nearby oak, losing himself in the tranquillity of the farmlands, feeling the gentle breeze washing over him. It was times such as this that made him forget his woes, that he was no longer considered a human.


Max suddenly jolted as he heard something out of the ordinary. A strange, man-made sound that echoed throughout the fields.

"What the...?" Max looked behind him, sensing the sound was coming from the road.


Despite the goodwill Dolly got from Caroline, the motorized vehicle inevitably broke down again.

"Ooookay," Mr. Vect muttered as he looked directly at the unamused Sebastian, who glared at him with an unamused expression. "Good news, she should be able to make it to Riser."

"And the bad news?"

"..... We're gonna hav'ta push Dolly the rest of the way."

Caroline stood beside Mr. Vect, looking upset as though she'd lost a friend. "Aw, and we're so close to..."

"You don't expect us to push this piece of junk all the way to Axem?" Sabastian said with an unamused expression. "That defeats the entire purpose of this blasted contraption."

"I told ya its new tech! Can't expect everything to work like magic, specially where we're from!" Mr. Vect scowled.

"That is why I insisted we take a horse-drawn carriage over this thing, regardless of the chancellor's orders." Sabastian glanced at the broken vehicle, putting a hand to his temple, massaging it with two fingers. "I'm going to regret asking this... but how much does this thing weigh."

"Uh...." Mr. Vect's eyes drifted downwards. "Bout a ton."

"It's that heavy?" Caroline asked with astonishment.

"How do you expect the two of us to push this thing all the way to Axem?" Sabastian asked.

"We don't get a choice in the matter! We can't leave Dolly out here!" Mr. Vect retorted.

"Why don't we ask one of the locals to assist us?" Caroline suggested. "These are farmlands, so there's bound to be farmers."

"I appreciate the suggestion, your highness," Sabastian said, glancing around. "But if memory serves me well, today is the Axem harvest festival where all the farmers gather in the town. We would be hard-pressed to find assistance at this time of year."

"Hey. You guys need help?"


The three turned and saw Max approaching them, giving them a small wave.

"Oh, hello," Caroline said, sounding startled by the boy's sudden appearance. "Are you one of the farmers?"

"Uh... something like that," Max nodded. He glanced at the vehicle, squinting his eyes. "What is that heap of junk?"

"Hey," Mr. Vect turned to Max with a dissatisfied look. "I'll have you know this is the latest in transportation technology to come out of our fair island of Fira."

"But as it stands, 'heap of junk' is a more accurate description," Sebastian commented.

"Baa! Mark my words butler! These babies'll take over the world in fifty years!"

"Ah ha ha..." Caroline let out a small chuckle as she approached Max. "Please forgive them. They don't see eye to eye over our transportation."

"O-Oh, uh... no problem." Max said, taken aback by the girl's beauty and radiance. His cheeks changed a small hue of pink as she approached, giving Max a small curtsy. "My name is Caroline. Caroline Hofcrad."

"M-Max..." Max stuttered.

"Name's Claude Vect." Mr. Vect called out. "But you can just call me Vect, or mister Vect. Everyone does."

Sabastian didn't introduce himself, but gave the boy a nod, keeping a narrow eye on him.

"As you can see, we are in a bind," Caroline continued. "We are trying to get to Axem, but as you can see our transportation is indisposed at the moment."

"In....discosed?" Max repeated, still blinded by her beauty, but bewildered by the girl's manner of formal speech. "So.... It's broken."

"It's not broken!" Mr. Vect called out, "But.... We could use some help getting her to Axem."

"Because it's broken," Sebastian said as he looked at Max. "I understand Axem's not that far. If it's not too much trouble, could you run back to the town and-"

"I can push it if you want." Max interrupted.

"Push?" Mr. Vect looked perplexed by Max's declaration.

"Can you really push the carriage?" Caroline asked in amazement.

"Uh, Y-Yeah," Max nodded. "I may not look it, but I'm very strong."

"Oh ho," Mr. Vect mused with an ear-to-ear grin, rubbing the stubble below his chin.

"Don't be absurd," Sebastian sighed, rubbing his temple again. "The carriage weighs a ton. That's certainly not the weight a child such as-"

"Thanks. No way I can handle it on my own." Mr. Vect said nodding, causing Sebastian to stare at him as though he'd just lost his mind. "Come round the back. Two of us'll push."

"Wha- hold on!"

"Mr. Butler, you push from there."

Max walked towards the rear of the carriage with Mr. Vect, taking a position alongside the man.

"What should you have me do?" Caroline asked, popping her head around the side.

"You can take a seat in the back," Mr. Vect said as he began to stretch his arms. "A man's job, this is."

"Don't worry. I got this," Max said as he placed his hands on the back of the carriage.

"O-Ok," Caroline nodded as she jumped into the rear of the carriage while Sebastian took his position, letting out an inaudible curse under his breath.

"Ready kid," Mr. Vect called out as he placed a hand on the back. "One. Two. Three. Heave!"

As the three pushed, Mr. Vect almost fell over as the carriage began to lurch forwards. "Wh-What...?" He then looked to Max, who was pushing the back with what looked like barely any effort.

"I must say...." Sebastian called out as he pushed from his position, "You are.... A lot stronger... then I gave you credit Mr. Vect...." He said between muffles.

"Uh.... Bout that..." Mr. Vect spoke as he contributed to moving the carriage. "I ain't.... really doing... much."


"Never....Never mind..." Mr. Vect looked at Max, raising an eyebrow. "Damn kid.... What they have you doin.... Out there....?"

".... Long story," Max answered.


It took an hour for the weary travelers to reach the town, pushing the strange vehicle through the country town with very little in terms of machinery, making the ornate carriage stand out like a sore thumb.

"So this is a farm town..." Caroline said, looking out of the window with a sense of aw, taking in the rustic buildings to the farmers.

"Ok.... This is... far enough," Sabastian said as he stopped pushing, allowing the others behind to stop.

Mr. Vect almost collapsed to the ground on one knee, panting. "I'm definitely.... Not the man I use to be...." He said, standing up while patting his back. He looked to Max, who didn't seem tired. "Damn kid.... You're a lot tougher then you look. Make ya lift cows every day."

"....." Max retained his silence on the matter. Noticing, Mr. Vect decided it was probably best he dropped the subject.

Suddenly, the rear door of the carriage swung open, with the excited young Caroline leaping out, taking in the atmosphere of the farming town. "It's so lively. I've never seen anything like it." She said, barely containing her excitement. She looked back behind the carriage, seeing the exhausted Mr. Vect along with Max. "By the goddess.... Are you both alright?"

"Ahh... no worries milady," Mr. Vect said waving a hand as though he were swatting a fly. "Though credit for getting us here's gotta go to the kid. He did most of the work."

"He did?"

"Uh... it was nothing," Max said stroking the back of his head. "I'm used to pushing carts on farms, nothing to it."

"Hardly call it nothing. I use to be in the army back in Fira, even I can't push something like that like it was nothing." Mr. Vect said, wiping his brow.

Sebastian had made his way to the back, looking at Max with an inquisitive stare, resting his hand on his chin.

"Well then, I suppose we owe our thanks, Max," Caroline said with a curtsy.

"Oh uh... it was nothing, really." Max said with a grin.


A loud voice suddenly broke Max's smile, feeling his body freeze up. Glancing up he saw Celdic along with mayor George walking over towards him, both looking furious.

"I told ya ta make yaself scarce, didn't I?!" Celtic yelled, ignoring the people around him.


"YA TRYIN TA MAKE ME LOOK BAD OR SOMETHIN?!" Celdic screeched as he raised his cane. "HAD ONE JOB AND YA DIDN'T-"

"H-Hold on!" Caroline suddenly darted in front of Max, holding out her arms as Celdic swung, much to the mayor's dismay. Before he made contact, Sebastian stepped in, grabbing a hold of the cane.

"Wha-" Celdic looked at the butler, coming to his senses.

"Please, we didn't mean to get your son in trouble." Caroline pleaded, lowering her arms, giving a short bow to the bewildered Celdic and mayor. "Our carriage was stranded out in the fields. Max only wished to assist us. If you are to punish anyone, then I ask you to punish me."

Max stood mouth agape. Since his change, no one had ever defended him for anything. When people saw him screw up, or he showed off his strength, he would be beaten.

"Bare in mind," Sebastian spoke, releasing the cane, regaining his posture; "I will not allow you to lay a hand on her highness, regardless of the circumstances.

Celdic glanced at Max, still looking shocked. "Y-Ya means..." he pointed towards Max. "Ya mean this... this boy helped ya?"

"We'd honestly still be in that field if not for him." Mr. Vect spoke up, narrowing his eyes at Celdic. "While I know it's none of my business, think that reaction was a little extreme. Speaking as a father myself."

Celdic took a step backward, keeping his gaze away from the little girl who had stepped in to save the boy he hated. "He... ain't really my son."

"A-Anyway," George stepped in, trying to recover his posture following the hostile introduction his guests saw. "L-Lady Caroline, it's an honor to have you visit our humble town."

Caroline curtsied. "The honor is all mine. Rosaria certainly has an air about it that is different from my home. It's been quite the experience so far."

"Glad to hear that, milady," George said with a nod as Celdic began to waddle away. "If you don't mind me being so bold, but by midday, we will be holding a prayer to the goddess for our bountiful harvest. It would be my honor to invite you the best seat for the event."

"Oh, that sounds wonderful," Caroline said. "I would love to accept your offer.

"Midday, that gives us some time to kill," Mr. Vect said, rubbing his chin. "Say Max, mind showing milady around town?"

"M-Me?" Max stuttered as George's smile quickly disappeared.

"What a wonderful suggestion Mr. Vect," Caroline said, clapping her hands, looking overjoyed.

"If that's ok with you, mister butler?" Mr. Vect asked. "Don't worry, I'll be with them to keep milady safe."

"It's alright by me. I have some business to take care off anyway," Sebastian said. "One of them involves finding someone who can fill this heap of junk with water if you recall."

"Baa.... Still going on about Dolly," Mr. Vect let out a sigh.

Caroline turned to Max, who shied away from her, "A-Are you sure?" He asked, taking a step back. He could feel George's eyes bearing down on him.

"Got a reason not to show us around?" Mr. Vect asked.

"I would be most grateful," Caroline pressed. "After all, you know the town better then we do."

"Sorry kid, but milady can be pretty pushy if she wants to. Trying to change her mind would be as pointless as trying to teach birds how to bark like a dog."

"Uh.... O-Okay." Max nodded.

"Hooray!" Caroline cheered. Without warning, she grabbed Max's hand pulling him along. "Then let's go! Time's wasting as they say!"

"Wh-Whoa! Hey!" Max muttered as he was dragged along, almost tripping over himself.

"Ha Ha! Told ya as much," Mr. Vect chuckled as he followed on after the two, giving Sebastian a wave. "Take care of Dolly for us, will ya!"

Sebastian glanced at the carriage, letting out a loud sigh. "I hope her highness doesn't get too excited."

"Uh.... S-sir," George approached the butler with a concerned expression. "There's something you should know about that.... That boy."

The mayor whispered into Sebastian's ear so he would not be overheard. After the hushed explanation, the mayor leaned back as Sebastian let out a sigh.

"That certainly explains how he could push the carriage." He said. Despite what he had been told, his expression remained unchanged.

"So you understand my concern." George continued. "Lady Caroline should not associate with that boy for her own safety."

"I appreciate the concern," Sebastian said as he turned to the mayor. "Now, I would hate to ask, but could you arrange some horses so we can pull this accursed contraption away so it can be fixed."

"B-But the boy-"

"Mr. Vect is with her highness as well. He may be a filthy grease monkey but he's someone I have complete trust in." Sebastian looked over his shoulder, putting a hand to his temple. "And I doubt that boy will do anything to harm her."


The festival was in full swing by the time Max returned, dragged by the ecstatic Caroline. Farmers from all over the region had converged, bringing with them their families, friends, and pets. The stalls and attractions were various and numerous, from stake roast to archery.

Despite the looks Max attracted, Caroline dragged both him and Mr. Vect along to each and every one. Her regal act had all but dropped, with her behaving like her age with a wide smile that lit up the entire world.

"Whew..." Max said as he took a seat on a nearby bench. After two hours of being pulled from stall to stall, he finally felt exhausted.

"Ha ha! You can push Dolly but it's milady that grinds you to the bone?" Mr. Vect said as he took a step next to him, letting out a loud sigh. "Then again... I probably have no room to brag."

Max looked forward. Caroline was currently engaged with a petting zoo and was being shown by the sheep and cows by the farmers. Despite the exhausting experience of being dragged, Max couldn't remember the last time he felt so happy. He'd been isolated for so long, to have someone his age not only talk to him as a human being but also have him keep her company was a welcome change.

It brought back memories of Rockfall, of Lyla, the shy little sister of Tiffany. Those were both happy, and painful memories.

"Here." Mr. Vect broke Max from his trance, placing a meat pie on his lap. "Worked up an appetite following milady around all day, I bet."

"Uh... Y-Yeah." Max nodded. The truth was he was hungry, but his appetite and the amount of food he required was far beyond normal.

"So," Mr. Vect leaned back on the bench, taking a large bite of his pie, "What ya think of milady? Cute, huh?"

"Yeah," Max said without thinking. His face lit up when he realized what he said. "Uh, I mean no I-!"

"Ha ha ha! Relax kid, I'm only teasing!" Mr. Vect laughed. "But it's good to know you think milady is cute. Nothin to be embarrassed about."

Max pouted, feeling embarrassed.

"But on a serious note," Mr. Vect's tone changed, his eyes drifting to the other farmers who were watching them, "Couldn't help but notice the looks you've been getting around town."

Max tensed, his grip on his pie increasing, almost ruining the pastry.

"Got something to do with why you could push something that heavy I bet." Mr. Vect's eyes drifted down, taking in Max's reaction. The boy said nothing, keeping his gaze to the ground. "Thought so," Mr. Vect gave a weak smile before glancing away.

"Don't worry. Won't change my opinion of you." His eyes drifted to the onlookers, a sorrow filled his voice. "Those looks you've been getting.... You get that a lot where I'm from."

"...... Y-You're ok with me around her?" Max said, glancing to the still beaming Caroline in the distance.

"Course," Mr. Vect said without hesitation. "I don't think you're a bad kid. Neither does super butler and he would have guessed something was up with you out in the field. If he wasn't ok with you being around milady you wouldn't have been allowed anywhere near her."

Max looked to his chest, his clothes hiding the horrific scare on his chest. "........" He held his silence, lifting a hand to his chest.

"Max! Mr. Vect!"

"Speak of the devil," Mr. Vect waved as Caroline ran towards them. "You look like you've seen the goddess."

"A sheep! I actually petted a sheep!" Caroline said with glee. "It was so adorable with its little nose and fluffy wool!" She looked to Max, noting his somber expression. "Max?"

"Hm?" Max grunted, only realizing Caroline was right in front of him. "Oh, your back."

"Is something amiss?" Caroline asked.

"N-No." Max shook his head, glancing down at his chest. "Say.... Are you sure you want me around?"

"Well of course. I wouldn't have asked you here if I didn't want you around." Caroline said.

"But.... What if.... What if I wasn't human?"

"Wasn't... human?"

"Hypothetically speaking," Mr. Vect chimed in, "Say if the boy was something more then me and you. Like..." the old engineer rubbed his head, thinking of how to word it. "Say if he was a mana user or a wizard?"

"O-Oh..." Caroline put her hand to her mouth. She then looked to the ground, grasping her hands. "Well... I think it shouldn't matter."

Max glanced up at the girl, who smiled at him.

"You sure about that?" Mr. Vect push. "Someone in your position saying that."

".... I'm all too aware," Caroline said looking down.

With a smile, Mr. Vect pushed himself up from his seat. "Saw a cake stall somewhere." He looked back at Max. "Can I trust you to keep an eye on her?"

"O-Of course." Max nodded.

"Great," Mr. Vect said as he departed with a wave. "I'll pick you out something sweet for your trouble."

The man disappeared into the crowd, allowing Max to come to the realization he was all alone with Caroline. His heart pounded, more than it ever had the past year. An awkward silence befell as Max pondered what he should say. The only experience he had was with Lyla, and even at first glance, Caroline was in a station far above her, and certainly him.

"It's a lovely town," Caroline broke the silence, gazing out into the busy festival, a bittersweet smile on her lips as she was lost in trans. "The people here are so full of life, so friendly. And this town is so bright, even warm."

Picking up the sorrow in her voice, Max placed his pie on the bench before walking over to the girl. "It's not like that where you're from?"

Caroline shook her head. ".... It's only coming here I've come to realize." She turned to Max, locking her fingers together, her face saddened as she recalled a memory. "Fira's a winter island. No matter the time of year it would constantly snow. I grew up isolated from many of the harsh aspects of my nation, so much so when I finally ventured out.... It wasn't the nation I wished to live in."

"What do you mean?"

"Well.... Take these people," Caroline turned back to the crowds of smiling faces, "In Fira, it is through the cold has frozen over people's hearts. When I first saw them, and they smiled.... It looked fake, as though the cold had frozen their hearts. But here, they laugh and smile without a care in the world."

Max glanced at the farmers before him, seeing their happy faces. One caught a glance at the boy, losing his smile before quickly returning to the festival.

"..... It's not as great as you think," Max said, surprising Caroline. "They may look that way, but if.... If a freak like me gets close they show who they really are." His fists clenched. "I hate this place, and always will..."

"Max...." Caroline approached the boy, trying to reach out a hand to comfort him.

At that moment, Mr. Vect was returning with a cake in his hand. Glancing up, he suddenly stopped, his eyes widening. "MILADY!!"

Mr. Vect's call caused both Max and Caroline to jump. When they looked to the engineer he pointed to the sky. Following his indication, Max looked up.

When he did, his blood froze. The last time he did so, his life changed completely to the hell he's in, seeing the monster flying towards him just before it destroyed his entire world.

Looking up again, he saw something descending towards him, barrelling through the sky with purple bat wings. A long thin body that could be mistaken for human if not for the purple skin, claws and talons. Its face was something of a nightmare, from a child's darkest dreams. The scalp bulged with a web of lines that resembled a human brain, covering where the eyes and nose of a normal human would be. A row of pointed teeth, jutting from its mouth in horrific fashion.

"Wha... What the..." Max took a step back, his breathing growing ragged. Images of that fateful day flooded his vision, causing his entire body to shake.

"KID!!" Mr. Vect called out, rushing over to him, pointing frantically. "COVER MILADY!!"

Max glanced at Caroline, who looked just as terrified, eyes wide with terror at the nightmare descending towards them.

Max glanced back to the monster, seeing it descend toward them with its claws outstretched. Reacting on instinct, Max embraced Caroline and threw themselves out of the way as the monster landed, swiping its claws down. It's claw's digging into the ground with little effort.

"Are you ok?" Max asked the startled Caroline.

"Y-Yes," She nodded weakly. Looking up at the monster, she shuffled backward, seeing the creature moving upwards, raising its imposing claws as a sigh of its clear strength over the defenseless little girl.

Pandemonium had taken a hold of the farmers, frightened by the horrific creature that had appeared in their fair town. Panic had already ensured the populous, running for their lives, knocking over the stands, leaping over tables, the once organized and festive plaza was being ruined in a matter of seconds.

The creature paid them no mind, focusing on the two children in front of it. It strode forwards, the talons supported by the hind legs diffing into the ground with each step. Max tried to hold his ground to shield Caroline from the unsightly creature.

"D-don't you.... Even think about it..." Max said to the monster. He tried to sound brave, sound like he could take on this towering monstrosity, keep Caroline, the first person to speak to him like he's human.

But he was terrified. Seeing the purple-skinned monstrosity towering over him brought back scenes that would forever plague his dreams. A sea of flames, his home destroyed, his friends dead, his sister died before his eyes....

And the towering monster that caused it all.


Suddenly, two sounds echoed followed by holes opening up in the cranium styled head. The beast howled, retreating back while holding its head.

"Wha-" Max stood at a loss, wondering what had happened.

"KIIIIDDD!!" To his left, he saw Mr. Vect. He hadn't moved from his position, yet he drew out a strange weapon he'd never seen before. A large bulky piece of metal with a grip and a smoldering barrel. "Take Milady and get her outta here!!" Pushing down on a button on the grip, the weapon flashed an orange color, banging four more times. The beast coiled backward, still holding on to its bleeding head while holes were opened in its chest.

With a flick of Mr. Vect's wrist, the cylinder part opened up, six smoldering objects descended as he held the weapon up. "GO!"

On his instruction, Max grabbed Caroline's hand, dragging her away from the monster which had removed his hands, the hole wounds now beginning to close.

With an ear-splitting roar, the beast charged forwards towards the children, opening its two claws wide. Mr. Vect desperately fired at the beast, hoping to draw it away from his ward. Not taking any notice, the beast caught up to the two children, drawing back one of its claws.

Looking over his shoulder, Max saw the claw coming towards Caroline. Without so much as a rational thought of his own, skidded to a halt while throwing the girl away, sending her flying towards a nearby fruit stand. Turning, the boy was slammed by an incoming claw, hit with enough force to send him flying across the air, smashing into a nearby building with enough force to crack the wall, something that should kill a normal child.

"Ahhh...." Max groaned as he picked himself up from the ground.


A loud scream could be heard a few feet before him. Caroline, still buried in the fruit stand, remained frozen in place, watching the purple monster slowly approaching her.

"Oh no." Max jumped to his feet, trying to run to her side, to save her from the creature bearing down on her, preparing to grot her with its long claws.

At the same time, Mr. Vect was firing his weapon as he ran, trying to draw the monster's attention, each shot opening a small hole that closed almost instantaneously.

Both were too far away from the trembling Caroline, now at the prey of the monster.


Max tried to run.


Tried to reach her.


Visions of Rockfall flashed in his eyes; The hand of Lyla, the burnt body of Lars, the milky whites of Rikert. The burnt bodies of his parents. His sister died right before his eyes.


As he let out a scream, trying to deny the reality before him, flames burst from his mouth, sending a fireball towards the creature, smashing into its left side, launching it across the plaza. Its body scraped across the ground, destroying the stands and decorations in its wake before crashing into a nearby building.

"Wh-What the?!" Mr. Vect skidded to a halt, his eyes widened.

"Mr. Vect!" All of a sudden, Sebastian came running up from behind with Mayor George in toe just as the monster burst from the debris, letting out an ear piercing screech.

"B-By the goddess..." George muttered in terror.

"What is that doing here?" Sebastian asked, drawing out a dagger. "Curses. I should have known something like this would happen!"

"..... the kid just breathed fire." Mr. Vect said, drawing both George and Sebastian's attention. "Y-You saw it right? That kid... he just breathed fire from his mouth."

"F-Fire?" George looked at the messy engineer with a puzzled expression. "From his mouth."

"....." Sebastian glanced towards the boy, who looked just as bewildered as to what he had just done. ".... A Salamander."

Both George and Mr. Vect glanced towards Sebastian.

"A.... Salamander?"

"A form of Demi-human who takes on the power and properties of a dragon."

"D-D-Dragon?!" George looked just as shocked, his skin losing all its color, "Oh my....."

"Well, damn...." Mr. Vect lowered his gun, his eyes fixated on the boy. "I thought something was up, but I sure didn't see that coming."

Meanwhile, Caroline had emerged from the fruit stand, bewildered as to what had happened. The last thing she recalled was the giant purple monster was preparing to strike before a fireball blasted into the side of it, forcing it away.

".... Max!" She then recalled the boy who had thrown her away before the monster struck. She had no recollection of what had happened, but if he had taken a direct hit, then there was no question that the boy was dead.

Before she could continue her line of thinking, the purple creature flapped its great wings, propelling it a few meters in the sky before lunging forwards at blistering spreads, widening its claws as it launched itself towards her at blistering speeds.

The scared girl could do little, only taking note of the monster when it was a few meters away, lunging its right claw forwards to the girl. The ground below cracked, vicious winds sewed forth as the purple creature's flight was halted, its claw still extended as it struck.

Caroline had collapsed to the ground and closed her eyes on instinct, as though all that was happening was nothing but a bad dream. As she opened them, she saw something she could scarcely believe.

Directly in front of her, clutching the monster's middle and ring finger, holding back the claws just short from impaling the little girl was none other than Max.

"........ M-Max?" Caroline stuttered, realizing the boy was holding back the immense strength of the monster. His feet had dug into the ground, fissures forming around his feet which looked to be buckling.

"I.... won't....." Max spoke through gritted teeth, "Let you...." His grip tightened on the beast followed by his hands spontaneously combusting, burning away the purple flesh. "Hurt her...."

Max eye the monster, which lowered its face towards him, baring its imposing teeth. It was fortunate that his back was turned to her, but not even he had noticed the black of his eyes had split, making them out as reptilian eyes.

"I won't.... lose anyone..." Max pushed back, taking the monster unaware by his surprising display of strength. "EVER AGAIN!!"

With a heave, the monster's claw was pushed aside, causing it to crash into the fruit stand, causing the monster to lurch forwards. Max pulled back a flared fist as the monster's face came towards him and collided it right in the center of its hideous face. With a burst of flames from his fist, the monster lurched backward, staggered by the blow.

Max rushed forwards, grabbing a hold of the monster's leg before pushing forwards. Already off-balance, the monster toppled back, crashing into the ground. Max then leaped up in the air, flames bursting from his feet before descending towards the monster, pulling back a flaming fist, gritting his teeth as he decanted, slamming his punch straight into the monster. The ground below ruptured, fragmented, broken apart as flames erupted from the surface. The monster screeched, black blood escaping from its mouth as its body sunk into the ground.

Max pulled his fist back from the blackened skin, looking over the monster which lay motionless. "Did I... did I do-"


The next thing he knew he was flying away across the plaza, hitting the ground four times before coming to a stop.

"Wha-What....?" Max got up, dazed and confused. Glancing up he saw the monster lifting its body up from the ground, digging its talons and left claw into the ruined earth below, letting out a snarl as its wings extended outwards.

It then lunged forwards, flying low to the ground. With its lowered left claw, it scooped up Max, pulling up before reaching the buildings while extending its left arm outwards, allowing Max to crash into the stonework, scraping him along as it pulled up. The monster barrel rolled and dived down into an empty street, dragging Max along the ground, leaving deep grooves as the boy was helplessly dragged across.

The beast turned sharply, this time dragging him along the edge of the building, crashing into everything from the rockwork to signs before pulling upwards, hovering over the plaza preparing to throw the boy.

All of a sudden, flames erupted from the left claw, violent enough to blast apart the entire hand. The beast howled in pain just as a small figure landed on its back, coiling his arms around the right wing.

"Had enough?" Despite his ruined clothes, despite the bruises and cuts, Max was still from out. "Cause I've had," He began to pull at the wing, pooling all his unnatural strength behind him, "ENOUGH OF YOU!!"

With a cry, the wing was ripped straight off the monsters back. Now losing its stability, the monster began to plummet towards the ground, landing on the city hall like a meteor, destroying the entire building in the process.

Within the rubble, the monster struggled forwards, trying to claw its way out despite losing its right-wing and left claw. It had a mission, a design, a reason to exist laid down by its father.

"Where are you going?" Max stomped them in the nape. Lowering himself, he grasped at the monsters head and began to pull. The monster wailed and cried, desperate to carry on its design, raising its right hand forwards, wanting to claw itself forwards. The skin around its neck began to give way, black blood spewing outwards as its tendons began to snap one after the other. With a final tug, a final cry, a final screech of desperation, the head severed itself from the body, flying upwards into the sky. Its purple skin changed its color, becoming an ashen gray before cracking. As the severed head flew, it lost its shape and disintegrated, becoming lost in the wind.

The body began to follow. As Max jumped off, the body began to turn ashen gray before cracking and crumbling apart until nothing was left as proof of its existence.

"Huh?" Max looked puzzled, seeing the monster disintegrate before him. "Its.... Disappearing?"

"You damn monster!"

Suddenly, a solid rock hit him in the temple, causing him to flinch.


Turning, he was met with a barrage of rocks, each haphazardly thrown. Raising his arms he saw where they were coming from. In front of him were the farmers of Axem, crowding in front of him with rocks armed in their hands, an expression of furry on their face.




"Wha-" Max took a step back, the bravado he crumbled away. Against the imposing monster, he felt powerful, standing proud as he fought the monster to protect his new friend. But against the eyes of the villagers, seeing such hatred being directed towards him was something else.

"You never said you got that... condition from a dragon!" The Mayor marched to the front of the angry mob, a look of disgust displayed as visibly as possible. "We took you in, gave you a home and a place to work," He then extended his arms towards the devastation, "and this is how you repay us?!"

"B-But I...." Max took a step back. He glanced around, seeing the devastation he wrote fighting the monster. "I-I was just-"


Before he could defend himself, a cane slammed him into the ground. Looking up, he saw his garden looming over him with anger and disgust that he had never seen before on the old man. "That's... the last straw..." Celdic said taking a step back. "Get out." He hissed. "and don't ever so your face to me again you..... YOU DAMN MONSTER!!"

Those very worlds caused Max to freeze. Celdic turned back allowing the populous to chime in, throwing their angry curses, yells to leave, the word monster becoming a common insult.

"But... but I...." Max took a step back, feeling overwhelmed by the mounting pressure mounting against him. "I-I just wanted..." His eyes then spied Caroline in the distance, who was joined by Mr. Vect and Sebastian. Max froze again, seeing the expression on the girl's face, contorting as though she were to cry, eyes still full of terror. Terror aimed at him.

"I-I...." Biting his lip, Max turned about and ran.

And ran.

And ran.

Through the ruined street, through the small gate of Axem, through the fields, off the road until the town could no longer be seen, and kept running, crying to the heavens.


By the time he finally lost his energy, finally tired of running; the sun had begun to set. Waving back and forth, finally feeling the strain in his muscles, Max came across a small stream. Setup there was a broken fishing rod and a knife who's blade had long seen better days.

Having run all day, Max approached the stream, collapsing by the water's edge. He had long lost track of where he was, only that he was far far away from the town.

Now that he was alone, he could reflect, pondering on how things had gotten to this point. Sitting up, he reached into the chilled water, splashing his face, washing his hands. When the water settled, he could only see his reflection looking back at him. His shirt had been completely ruined in the fighting, leaving only shreds of cloth covering his body. His eyes fixed on the deforming scar dominating his chest.

It's because of this....

Max's hands reached to his chest, dragging his fingers across the surface.

Ever since I got this....

Anger bubbled up inside him. Ever since that day, his life had been nothing short of hell, and the mark on his chest was a painful reminder of that event.

"It's all because of you...."

Without thinking, Max reached for the knife, raising it up bellowing roar of rage and sorrow before plunging it into his chest.

Max remained frozen in place, crouched while gritting his teeth. His grip on his knife increased. Tears then began to well in his eyes, pouring down his cheeks as he pulled the knife back, now bent with not a trace of blood on it, as not even the ordinary knife could penetrate his skin. A further point to hammer home the fact that he was no longer human.

Dropping the knife, Max curled into a ball, no longer capable to hold his emotions back.

"My my child, what ails you?"

Max's sobbing was interrupted by an old, cackling, yet soothing voice emanating from somewhere behind him. Wondering before him was a sight that was odd, even giving the events early that day. Waddling before him was a frail woman, looking no more than a stick, dressed in a ragged cloth the willowed and blew in the wind, even wrapping around her head, bandaging her eyes, supported by a worn wooden staff. The most striking feature was her skin, onyx black and charred, as though a great fire had once consumed her.

"Who... who are you?" Max asked, sniffing while wiping his eyes.

"Who am I? Whom am I?" The woman mused as she waddled towards the lake. "I have long forgotten.... It has been so long.... So very long," The woman said as she took a seat next to Max, holding her staff close.

"Must have some idea," Max said, sounding skeptical.

".... It began with a G.... I think."

Max's eyes narrowed. He scoffed, turning away. "What do you want.... G?"

"I'm not sure.... My faculties do fail me at times." G said with a soft chuckle, her voice sounding strained. "But for now... I wish to know," she stretched out her long, blackened hand towards the bent knife laying by Max's feet. "Why does a child wish to take his life?"

Max flinched, coiling his legs further up to his body. "C-Cause I'm...." His voice began to crack, his hands tightening around his legs. "Cause I'm.... not human."

"Why, prey tell?"

"Well... I'm super strong. I can breathe fire...."

"That is reason enough to doubt your humanity?" G asked.

"What would you know about it?!" Max snapped.

"Not much...." G said unfazed. "But you think yourself a monster because of abilities out of the ordinary disprove that you are man....."

Max scoffed, looking away from the old lady. "Stupid old hag," he muttered under his breath.

"Then pray to tell..." The woman's hand drifted to the boy's left arm. Max startled at her icy touch, causing him to back away. "You are wounded.... Why?"

Max looked away, ".... Cause I tried to save someone. And I...." his expression increased its look of sorrow. ".... I destroyed parts of their town trying to beat that thing."

"All to save someone else?" G chuckled. "I don't see how that would paint you a monster."

Max glanced at the old lady with a curious expression. "B-But looks," Max flicked his wrist, causing his left hand to combust. "That's.... that's not normal."

"But you doubt your humanity even though you saved a life...."

"...." Max was rendered speechless. Thinking back, he barely knew Caroline, yet he put himself in danger to save her. He knew if he displayed his strength, or is a strange ability to combust his hands (though the breath was an unexpected surprise), even though it could draw him the ire of the town. "Why did I...?" He ended up asking out loud, a question he wasn't expecting an answer to.

"It's simple...." G said, struggling back to her feet. "When one asks for help, you simply help. Why must it be complicated?"

Max looked back at her with surprise.

"Humans are interesting creatures," G continued, brushing her worn clothes, "They commit sins, heinous acts, impose cruelty on others. They fall, make mistakes, endure pain. Yet at the same time, they can love, they can care for others, they assist others in need as though it were natural.

"Humans, nay, all living beings, both pulled in two different directions, are complex and undefinable." She gently hovelled over towards the boy, slowly reaching out her left hand. Max took a step back out of instinct but held his ground as the woman gently brushed her fingertips along his scar, flinching as her icy hands ran along the disfigured center. "Just because you are different from others doesn't make you any less a human. If anything, the pain you feel.... That is what makes any mortal,"

As she hovered back Max put his hand to his chest, feeling the lingering chill from the woman's touch. The pain and anguish he felt had somewhat demised. For the first time in a year, he felt calm, not bothered by what he was.

"If I...." He muttered, "Will I ever.... Will anyone ever see me as a human again?"

"That I cannot answer," G said as she began to waddle away. "But if you give into despair, then you will truly lose your humanity, something I assume you fear. Humans are weak, and frail creatures who could break if tempered to rough. Yet.... I believe those who endure... those who strive to move forever forward.... They are true humans."


Max's eyes snapped open. Wading his arms he felt the resistance of the water that surrounded him. He remembered, remembered who he was, what had happened.

He was a boy who was given the power of a Dragon, a dragon that burnt his entire village to the ground. Ten years, ten long years he spent wonder with no destination and nowhere to call home.

He was alone. He was scorned for even existing, feared for his power. Everywhere he went, no matter how much he tried to hide it, people would call into question his strength and power, and when discovered what he was either chased him out or tried to kill him.

But the worlds of the mysterious old lady all those years ago, they still played in his head, repeated like a mantra. The tragedy that befell Rockfall played in his mind time and time again. When someone asked for help, he helped regardless.

He helped despite being scorned, helped despite being hated, helped despite being feared. He helped so many people....

"You were destined to always be alone. You don't belong anywhere."

.... And yet he remained alone.

As though destiny had set his fate out in stone, no matter the good he did, he was treated as a monster.

"You damn freak!"

"What did you do you monster?!"

"S-Stay back! Don't come near us!"

"S-Stop," Max gritted his teeth, covering his ears as a barrage of noise assaulted him from all around.



"Damn monster!"

"Stay away you monster!"

"I'm.... I'm not..."

"All that is left is for you to die. Alone."

Max's will began to fade, drifting away in the abyss of water. "I'm...." Biting his lip, he began to coil up. He was alone, always alone. "I'm.... I'm a...."

"You've probably noticed no one in this world can use mana or any of the powers and strength we have."

Max's lament was interrupted by a familiar voice.

"I know it's nothing like what you could have possibly gone through, but I kinda understand how you feel not fitting into the world. Don't worry, the fact you're a Salamander means as much as Dale's addiction to cheese puffs."

He slowly began to uncurl, eyes widening to the light above.

"Honestly, I don't gotta clue what this salader thing is. All I know is you’re super cool and strong. 'A real man is not what he is outside, but what he is inside.' That's what my pa would say."

The light began to glow brighter.

"Scared of you? Ha, don't make me laugh. I don't care one bit that you're a Salamander or whatever the hell you are. I'm still gonna kick your ass regardless,"

The scorned voices began to mute with each of the passing comments.

"Trust me, I've seen way worse than you in the Hoberd district. As masters apprentice, I think you're quite fascinating, someone who can use the power of a dragon yet still acts like a human. Don't you think so boy?"

"Woof Woof,"

Friendly voices, ones he had not heard in what felt like years began to radiate around him, echoing through the great body of water.

"I make it my policy never to be scared of what I can kill with my own hands. To me you're just a reckless moron who charges headfirst into danger. That's the only part of you that worries me."

The light shone brighter, rays of its warm embrace shining on the drifting boy. Once again, hope returned to his eyes, remembering that he wasn't alone.

"You're not a monster."

A final voice caused his eyes to widen, the sight of a smile, a smile ten years from the horrible event that ruined his life, one single sentence, one declaration that at long last caused him to begin to lower his guard, to knock down the walls that kept him safe. All from one who saw who he was, what he was, and gave him a look he had long forgotten.

"I mean, you're weird, but I think you're too nice to be a monster."


Gritting his teeth, Max attempted to swim towards the surface, desperately fighting the dense body of water that held him back. "I... I gotta get up there!!" He yelled to himself, kicking as hard as he could. "I... I gotta keep fighting!"

Struggling as much as he could, he was unable to continue. Waving and kicking his arms and legs, he tried to fight back against the unnatural weight that pushed down on him all around.

"I.... Promised....!" He squealed, reaching towards the light in a vain attempt to pull himself free from what held him back. "To be..... on her side.....!"

"Do you desire power?"


Max's struggling came to a halt as a loud thump pounded in his chest. All around him, a voice, sounding ancient in origin and awesome in delivery echoed.


"Do you desire power?"


"Urg!" Max flinched, reaching to his chest as the thumping sounds began to grow louder. The mark on his chest began to glow as Max felt a burning sensation deep within his breast, a feeling of something slowly clawing its way to the surface, long nails scratching away at his chest from within threatening to burst any second.

Above him, the warm light that provided him hope was beginning to fade, darkness returning to him once again.

"You wish to become strong, you wish to protect. As you are now, you are too weak."

Max's breathing quickened, letting out moans of pain as he lunged forwards. Bubbles began to form around him, the very water starting to boil.

"If you wish to be strong, if you wish to protect, then you must cast aside the weakness of your flesh."

"I..... I...." Max bit down, his canines beginning to grow and sharpen, the image of his friends, the ones he lost, the ones he travels, the one he cares for, all flashing before him.

"You are to be the successor to the king,"

From the dark depths behind the boy, two yellow eyes shone, a horrifying silhouette of a creature forming. From the blackest abyss, two scaled hands emerged from the depths, converging slowly on the boy, positioning themselves as though grasping at an orb.

"It is time to accept what has been granted."

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