《The Goddess’ Chosen》The Day a Monster was born


Where am I?

Max found himself floating, drifting in water. There was nothing around him, just endless dark waters with bubbles floating to a light that shone above.

Why am I here again?

Max found himself wondering as he drifted downwards.

Is there anyone around?

His eyes grew heavy as the light began to grow in its intensity, nearly blinding him with its light.

Who.... Who am I again?

What am I again?

Am I.... human?

The boy who lived

(10 years ago)

"GHAA!" A large boy cried as he fell backward, landing on his backside while two other boys rushed into him, standing in front with their fist raised while the third boy got back from the ground. "Damn you Colt..." The boy hissed. "You have a death wish or something? There's three of us and one of you."

"So what," stepping forwards was a six-year-old boy with black hair, pounding his fist into his palm with a cocky grin on his small face. "Just cause there's three of you makes no difference. I'm still gonna kick your asses!"


Running down the spine of Unasner, blending into the Quintara desert to the north and Rosaria to the south, stood the Serolen's Gate mountain range, the tallest mountain range in all of Avalon. Its rocky peaks and misty covered valleys made it the ideal location for many myths and fairy tales centered around the ancient race known as dragons. The legend goes that even before the coming of Saruin and the age of conflict, dragons had made their nests within its rugged terrain.

Very few would dare call such a place there home, yet still, there were who sought out an existence, living off the monsters and game, while others mined the rare ores. Amongst this chain, on the Rosarian section of the mountain, lay the village of Rockfall.

Built into the side of a mountain, the town was constructed from the rocks that gave the town its name. Population little under 200, this was a town that was connected to three others by a mine that lay at the very center of the three peaks which situated the three villages.

In this town lived a boy, a boy who dreamed of being an adventure like his family before him.

His name is Max Colt.

On this seemingly normal day, an event would occur beyond the boy's power. The next day, the boy's life would forever change.


"Oww...." Max moaned as he rubbed his swollen cheek. His fight didn't end well and resulted in multiple bruises, which covered his body.

His battle with the bullies didn't end well, resulting in them overpowering him and knocking him to the ground.

"You should count your blessings it wasn't anything worse than a few cuts and bruises." A voice called from the small kitchen area located off to the side of the room. Standing there was a girl with long black hair, wearing an apron with glasses. Erica, Max's elder sister. "Honestly, how many times have you fought Bucky and those guerrillas by now."

".... They're the ones who started most of them." Max pouted. "You know I can't just let that asshole get away with whatever the hell he wants!"

"Language." Erica said while she rummaged through the draws, getting out ointment and bandages before making her way over to her brother, "I know he's a jerk, but I'm the one who always has to pick up the pieces afterward." She said sternly as she set the medical items on the table. "Mom and Dad are coming today, remember. They're not gonna be impressed to see you black and blue like this."


Erica then set to work, opening the ointment to applying it to Max's bruises. "Sheesh... they really went all this time." She said. "So what were they doing this time?"

Max puffed his cheeks. "They were getting in the way of Tor's play. Throwing rocks, scaring away some of the other kids. Someone had to do something." He said as Erica wiped his forehead. "It pisses me off that he can do this crap and gets away with it."

"Him being the son of the village elder doesn't help, I guess," Erica said as she put away the ointment. "Though you two have fought so many times now that the elder's given up on chewing me over it." She took a plaster and placed it on Max's right cheek. "Impressed you can keep this up given how many times you've ended up like this."

"It's Dad who says we should stand up to assholes like Bucky."


"He looks down on everyone just cause he's the son of the chief. I can't stand that."

Erica let out a loud sigh as she stood back up. "You certainly take after dad." She said. With a smile, she ruffled Max's head, "Can't really fault you on that. But keep in mind you have a big sis that worries about you, so don't go too crazy helping others."

Max looked up at his sister, giving her a goofy smile.

Erica then marched over to the kitchen. "Got stuff to prepare for when mom and dad arrive, so take the time to change clothes. Can't have them see you wearing stuff that looks like you've been dragged through the street." She glanced back at Max. "You... weren't dragged across the street, right?" She asked out of concern.

"N-No, of course not!" Max huffed as he jumped from the table. "..... Grown-ups broke us up before they could," he muttered under his breath.

"What was that?"



By mid-day (after Max had been cleaned up to look as presentable as possible), both siblings left their home, making their way down towards the village proper. Max and Erica's house was located along the slope of the mountain, leading towards the mine. Towards the bottom of the village were the plaza and the main market. As per usual, it was bustling with activity, centered around a stone obelisk in the center, an engraving on the goddess on the surface.

"There we go..." Erica said as she licked her hands before brushing Max's naturally wavy hair down. "You look a little more presentable now."

"I can do this myself," Max said, sounding irritated by his sister's care.

"You say that," Erica said putting her hands on her hips 'and you end up messier than before."

Max pouted. "Not all the time!" He then pointed to his black hair. "And besides, I take after dad's when it comes to my hair!"

"That doesn't excuse you from coaming it down." Erica looked up and down at Max, inspecting his clothing and making sure most of the bruises he got from earlier had vanished enough to look presentable.

"Erica!" A voice called out from behind them.

Standing a few feet away on a path leading up towards the village proper was a red-haired girl Erica's age. By her side, ducking behind the hem of the dress was a small girl with matching red hair.

"Tiffany!" Erica said waving back.

"Oh, and Lyla too," Max said, giving a small greeting.


"Oh right, today's the day you're folks are coming home. I totally forgot," Tiffany said as she approached the two with Lyla following behind. "Awww, and here I was ready to invite you over for dinner. Even went out to get everything I'll need."

"Ha ha! Sorry about that," Erica said with a chuckle.

"I'm only teasing," Tiffany laughed back. "Still, can't believe Sam and Socia's coming back. How long has it been?"

"Coming up to a year now," Erica responded nostalgically. "Yeah.... it was quite a long one this time around."

Max meanwhile moved closer towards Tiffany, keeping his eyes on Lyla who was still hiding. "Hey, Lyla. Everything ok now?"

"Y-Yes..." The little girl squeaked glowing red.

"Aw, is that all you have to say to your hero after he saved you this morning," Tiffany said with a big grin. Turning to Max she gave him a warning smile. "Hope you didn't cause your sis too much trouble this time, though. According to Lyla you put on quite a fight this time."

"Cause I didn't!" Max said, puffing out his chest. "I so could have one if sis hadn't come and stepped in."

"Really?" Erica mused, narrowing her eyes. "Cause when I arrived, you were on the floor covered in bruises. Again."

"I-I was just about to unleash my special move," Max said resting his hands over his head.

"Riiiight," Erica said with a smirk.

"Aww, don't be too hard on him. If it weren't for him, all Lyla's hard work with the play would have been smashed to bits." Tiffany said.

"Y-Yeah," Lyla nodded, stepping out from behind the dress. "Wh-when they came towards that arch I made, Max punched him to the ground."

"Yeah... but I still couldn't do anything to those two gorillas of his," Max grumble quietly.

"B-But still! Y-You fought all three of them by yourself! You were really cool, l-like a real hero!" Lyla said, causing Max to fluster.

"Whoa there. Best not to butter him up too much," Erica interrupted. "After all, I'm the one who has to put him back together in the end."

"Hey!" Max snapped at her.

"S-Sorry..." Lyla said meekly.

"Hey, don't worry about it."

Lyla looked up and down Max, "B-but you got hurt because of us again. I-I'm so sorry." She said looking as though she were about to cry.

"Wh-Whoa hey! No need to cry!" Max said waving his arms, unsure of how to properly respond. "It ain't your fault or anything! I would have done it anyway."

"Y-You would?"

"C-cause I would," Max said, approaching her and patting her on the head. Lyla's color changed to a bright red as a result. "I would never allow anything to happen to you or anyone else. You're all my friends after all."

"F-Friends....?" She muttered, still glowing red. "E-Even me?"

"Cause," Max said, pulling back his hand with a toothy grin.

"O-Oh..." Lyla said meekly, looking disappointed.

Meanwhile, Tiffany leaned in towards Erica. "Looks like your brother's as dense as ever," She said with a cheshire smile.

"Yeah... he's definitely from Dad's side alright from what Mom described," Erica said letting out a loud sigh. "Oh! Hold on," she turned to Tiffany, "Wasn't today the day you set off for Riser?"

Tiffany nodded. "That's right. I was actually out to get ready for the trip."

Max looked up to Tiffany confused. "You're going to Riser?"

"Yep," Tiffany nodded. "Some of our cousins run a restaurant in the city. They want me to help out during the restoration festival. I should be gone for a month." She approached Max and ruffled his hair. "So until I get back, I trust you to watch over my sister, ok."


"H-Hey! Cut it out!" Max pouted.

"You know... I just groomed him..." Erica grumbled.

After Tiffany finished rubbing his hair, Max rustled his hair (to Erica's annoyance), "I-I'll watch over her, ok." He said.

"Wha-Watch over me...." Lyla mumbled.

"Good. Promise nothing's gonna happen to her." Tiffany said with a cheerful smile.

"Yeah, yeah, promise." Max shrugged.

With a big smile, Tiffany walked over towards the still beaming Lyla, taking her gently by the hand. "Say hi to your parents for us." She called over to Erica.

"Will do." Erica waved back.

"Good luck in Riser!" Max waved, seeing Tiffany and Lyla waving back. "See Lyla's just as shy as ever," he said when they were both out of sight. "It's weird, she's fine around the others but always clams up when I'm around."

"You can be pretty cruel to a fair maiden's heart." Erica said with a sigh.


"Nothing," Erica then kneeled as she tried to fix Max's hair again, grumbling "all my hard work." as she struggled to keep his wild hair down.

"Try all ya want! Colt hair won't stay down for anyone!" A loud, boisterous voice thundered from behind Erica.

Turning around, Erica saw two individuals waving at them. A large muscular man with spiky back hair, a spear strapped to his back. Besides him was a woman with long black hair tied in a bun. On her back was a staff with a shell at the tip. Sam and Socia Colt; Max and Erica's parents.

"Mom! Dad!" Max waved, jumping up and dad.

"You're here," Erica said standing up, looking just as pleased as Max.

"Long time you see you two," Socia said as the two approached their children. "Good to see you two are keeping well. But Max... you look a mess."

"Hahaha... long story," Max said, rubbing the back of her head.

"Erica! You're starting to look more and more like your mother each time we visit! Can't believe ya haven't found a husband yet at your age!" Sam said in a loud voice.

"I-I'm not looking for a husband yet!" Erica stuttered. She then chuckled, folding her arms. "Good to see you two again."


Sam and Socia Colt were renowned adventurers within Rockfall. However, due to their work, Max and Erica were left to their own devices for most of their lives. Erica worked as a doctor, who earned her more than enough of a living due to the hazards work in the mines. Max worked as a curiosity for the town, earning some pocket money, expecting to work the mine when he reached the right age. His dream was to follow in his parent's footsteps and become an adventurer. In his free time, he spent it beefing himself up, as well as getting into fights and attempting monster-hunting jobs for some of the lesser creatures that roamed the mountain passes (getting patched up by his sister afterward).

There were occasions where both parents returned to Serolen's Gate. Rockfall was the first place they would always visit. Each visit would involve the same routine; Erica and Socia would prepare dinner while Sam entertained his son with tales of their adventures.

"You had to fight a troll barehanded?!" Max exclaimed in amazement.

"Hoho! It wasn't easy." Sam said, sitting cross-legged across from his son. "Cornered in the middle of a swamp, no way out, weapon out of my hands. Standing five-foot-tall and with a big thick wooden stump, It was gonna be a tough battle. Yet thanks to my training, perseverance-"

"And me supporting you with magic," Socia called out from the kitchen.

"AH! Y-Yes and your mother," Sam coughed awkwardly, regaining his composure. "We were able to kill the damn monster with the caravan surviving."

"Awesome!" Max said with stars in his eyes.

From the kitchen, Erica couldn't help to chuckle, overhearing the story while cutting vegetables as her mother prepared the stew bubbling away above the open stove. "I see dad's still as reckless as he always is."

"He's still a handful to deal with, no doubt about that." Socia chuckled, "I have to pull him out of a lot of his dangerous gambles. It's going to drive me up the wall one of these days, you take my word for it."

"Haha! Don't doubt that."

Socia glanced over at Max, letting out a warm smile. "He's gotten so much bigger since the last time we visited. Sometimes I wish I could be at home longer so I can watch him grow up."

Erica didn't respond, holding back her sad expression. Their family was very poor when she was a child, and they could barely support the three of them. When Max was born, Sam and Socia needed to find some way to support both beside the work in the mines. This led them to become adventures and explore the world outside Serolen's Gate. This earned them more than enough to support the family, but it certainly wasn't without its faults. Both Max and Erica had to live with Tiffany and her family until the situation stabilized around Max's 4th birthday where Erica began working as a doctor.

However, Max was complete without both his parents for most of his life, being raised by Erica alone. It wasn't ideal for a growing boy but somehow they made the complicated situation work.

"Tell me, how's Max been doing," Socia asked Erica looking concerned. "I've heard he's been getting into more and more fights with Bucky lately."

"Yeah...." Erica let out a loud sigh, followed by a smile. "He certainly takes after dad in that regard. Always jumping in when someone's in trouble. But he's been doing just fine. Made it his dream of being an adventurer like you two when he's older."

"Really?" Socia said looking down.

"I think he'd make a great adventurer one of these days. May not be the brightest kid in the village but I think he'd do well out there." Erica said.

Dinner that night was a mixed meat stew, a specialty of Socia and Erica. The mountains provided a lot of game, with most of the monsters being edible, all of them caught by Max early that week in preparation for their parent's long-awaited visit.

When it was ready, they all sat down at a table within theirs. living room, topics shifting from various subjects, from Erica's career as a doctor to their parent's grand adventures. These rare family moments were what Max had long missed. He had grown up without both in his life, so he cherished every time his parents visited. He looked up to both, even understanding the sacrifice they made, taking jobs outside Rockfall.

The rest of the evening went on like normal, Sam giving Max and Erica exaggerated stories, laughing when Socia corrected some of the events at her husband's expense. That night was like every other night, a normal family reunion, a day that was long awaited by the Colt siblings.

But on that night, only a few miles away in the mountain of Dawn's break, at the entrance to a large cavern stood a lone figure with gauntlets of purest white, blue orbs embedded in the backhand. A battle was to begin, one that would change everything.

Rockfall's destruction

The sunrays caused Max to stir from his sleep. He began his morning routine of slipping into his clothes, ignoring his usually messy hair before exiting his room. Since his father was here, he was hoping the two would venture out into the mountain paths as they would always do when they arrived.

However, as soon as he opened his door-

"Foothill was what?"

He heard his father's voice from the living room. Quietly making his way to peek out, he saw his father and mother standing at the threshold. Before they were the town's mayor, Overt, a tall, bespectacled man with chestnut, dressed in an elegant suit.

"Hm? Max?" Erica snuck up on him, nearly startling the boy. "Isn't that Overt?"

"We don't know all the details, but there was some kind of disturbance last night by Dawn's Break," Overt said. "They contacted me and the other mayors last night through a Crystal ball communication. We heard nothing after that. More alarming was Foothill going dark a few hours ago."

"But that's the next mountain along," Socia said, looking concerned.

"I've dispatched messengers to check. It may only be a problem with the crystals. But until we know whats-" Overt stopped when he spotted Max and Erica out of the corner of her eye.

"Oh! Max!" Socia said glancing over towards the two. "And Erica,"

"Sorry, we didn't mean to eavesdrop," Erica said. "Uhh.... What's going on?"

"Something about Foothill?" Max added.

"It's nothing to concern yourselves with," Overt said quickly. He glared at Max, folding his arms. "Also, I heard you got into another fight with my son."

"... So," Max grunted, folding his arms.

Overt maintained his gaze before letting out a sigh. "I could lecture you but frankly that would make no difference." He said reluctantly. "Just don't cause any commotion today. I'll have a word with my son on the topic as well." He turned his attention back to Sam and Socia. "We'll be gathering at the plaza around noon."

"Got it," Sam said.

"O-Ok," Socia nodded.

Overt took his leave, shutting the door.

"... What was that about?" Erica asked. "It sounded pretty serious."

"Oh, it's probably nothing," Socia said turning to them.

"Sorry, Max. We aren't gonna be able to hunt today." Sam said approaching Max.

"Aww," Max let out a groan of disappointment. "But I wanted to show you how much I've improved."

"Haha!" Sam chuckled, rubbing his hair. "Don't look so down. We'll do it tomorrow. Sure whatever's happening is nothing to worry about."

"For today, don't go outside the town," Socia said to Max, her voice masking her worry. "Same to you Erica," She added to her daughter.

"Ok." Erica nodded. "Be careful."

Both nodded before walking out the door.

"Huh? Wonder what's going on?" Max said to himself while rubbing his chin. "Foothill’s not that far away right?"

"Yeah...." Erica said, not being able to hide her worry.

Noticing her worry, Max turned to her sister with a big grin. "Don't worry. If mom and dad are there, everything will be fine."

Erica gave a weak smile. ".... I wish I could share your enthusiasm." She said weakly.


The sun shone brightly over the town as Max and Erica finally left the house, feeling the open mountain breath on their skin. Despite Overt's attitude, the day seemed as normal as every other day.

"Ok, I need to make a house call," Erica said to Max. "I'll be at Mr. Thomas for a while. Apparently, he had trouble with some lizard monsters outside the village on his hunts. I'll be at the clinic for the rest of the day."

"Ok," Max said resting his hands on the back of his head. "I'll probably go find Lars." He began to walk down the slope before Erica called out.

"Remember! Don't go outside the village today!"

"Yeah! I know!"

Max ran down the street, swerving between the various villagers who were beginning their early morning routine. After a mile, he turned down a street towards a curtained area. It was a hideout he and his friends, Lars, Lyla, and Riket made.

"OH! Max!" Inside was one of his friends, Rikert. A chubby boy with a round bob haircut, wearing a patched jumper.

"Hey Rikert," Max waved as he entered the narrow confines. The hideout was limited due to the narrow confines, consisting of a bench at the end of the wall and a dartboard hanging on the wall to the left.

"What are you doing here? I thought you'd be with your dad?"

"Yeah, but something came up," Max said as he approached the boy. "Apparently something happened in Foothill that's got the mayor spooked.

"F-Foothill! But that's not too far away!!" Rikert exclaimed, huddling himself together. "D-Do you think it's a monster attack! Did something happen there!"

"I'm sure it's nothing," Max shrugged, putting his hands over his head. "I bet someone there broke the communication crystal thingy and that's got the mayor spooked."

"H-How can you be calm about this? What if it's something else? Something worse?"

"Then my mom and dad'll take care of it. Honestly, you can be such a scary cat at times."


"Oh, fancy meeting you here."

Two new voices came from the entrance to the hideout. The first was Lyla, the sister of Tiffany. The other was his other friend, Lars, a thin boy with spiky brown hair.

"Didn't your dad arrive yesterday? Thought you and your sister would be catching up." Lars said as he approached, Layla cowering a few meters behind.

"Oh, they got called out by the mayor about something," Max said casually.

"He said something happened in Foothill! That's not far away!" Rikert exclaimed.

"Relax. I can guaranty nothing bad's gonna happen." Max said to the boy folding his arms. "And if it is a monster attack, the town's got walls and the guards have fought off Rock Rogands without anyone getting hurt. Even without any adventures about."

"S-So your gonna hang out with us today....?" Lyla asked, sounding timid.

"That's right. But we can't go out of the village today. Mom and dad don't want us going out."

"S-So there is-"

"There's not!"

"You mean we can't go outside the village? Aw bummer." Lars groaned, folding his arms.

"Th-That's ok," Lyla pitched in. "There's some stuff I need to take care of while she's gone. I wouldn't mind a hand with them."

"For miss Tiffany?" Lars said, folding her arms.

"Oh yeah, she said she was leaving for Riser," Max said, recalling the conversation he had with her in the plaza.

"Wha! She's leaving?!" Rikert exclaimed, looking like it's the end of the world. "Noooo! What about the snacks she usually brings?!"

"AHH!" Lyla jumped back, surprised by Rikert's outburst. "Sh-she's just going to help out my cousins in the city! I-It's not like we're never going to see her again!"

"Well, I'm sure helping her out is better than doing nothing all day," Lars said. "So what do we gotta do?"

"Oh.... Uh, well there's a rug my sister ordered. We need to pick it up from the post office." Lyla said, holding her hands to her chest. "And a new broom."

"A rug and a broom? Sounds simple enough." Max said resting his hands over his head.

"B-But what about-" Rikert began.

"You worry too much," Max shrugged as he and Lars made their way towards their hideouts exit. "Let's get started. Best to get this stuff out of the way first thing."

"You sound just like my mom," Lars jokes.

"T-Thanks guys," Lyla said as she went after them, leaving Rikert alone in the hideout.

"Wh-Wait for me!" He said as he ran after them.


The post office was located close to the village plaza. Due to the distance of Rockfall from major hubs such as Riser, the post office was the only major connection to the outside world. Orders for items from the city would be made, and be delivered through a caravan that arrived once a week with everything from letters to packages.

That included the giant rug that Max and Lars carried over their shoulders, leaving the stone building with Lyla and Rikert behind.

"Ok, this is much bigger than I thought," Lars grunted, leading from the front while Max took the back.

"Why does Miss Tiffany want something like this? It's huge," Max asked Lyla.

"S-She thought it looked nicer than the old one we have." Lyla answered, "Thanks for the help. There's no way I could have lifted it on my own."

"No sweat," Max said, flashing a grin at Lyla. "It's not as heavy as it looks."

Lyla flashed a bright red.

"But definitely not a one person job," Lars said as he slowly took a right turn, allowing Max to swing outwards. "Let's get this back to your house, then we'll pick up the other stuff."

"R-R-R-Right...," Lyla muttered.

Rikert, who was walking beside her, noticed how red she had gotten. "Are you ok? Looks like you're coming down with something."

"I-I-I'm fine! Really!" Lyla stuttered, trying to hide her face.

The group turned into a back alley between two of the stone buildings, which they used as a shortcut to get to Lyla's home.

"Well well well. Fancy seeing the gang of dorks coming through our turf," Standing before them was a tall, blond-haired boy flanked by two large boys that stood at his flanks with their arms crossed.

"WHAA! It's Bucky!!" Rikert squalled.

"Fancy seeing you two here," Max rebutted with a sly grin. "Thought you'd still be resting in bed after the beating I gave you."

"I should be saying that to you after what happened," Bucky said with a sound of intended arrogance and snobbiest. "Though you're lucky your sister is a doctor. Given how your family can't even afford the rock your home is made off without your mom and dad gallivanting around the world."

"Tough talk coming from a guy who can't fight his own battles," Lars snickered. The comment clearly caused Bucky some frustration as he held his tongue, taking a step forward from his two friends, Benson and Kevin.

"U-Um... we just want to get back to my house. don't want any trouble," Lyla said, sounding nervous.

Bucky scoffed, folding his arms to look as intimidating as possible. "Frade I can't do that. You losers are on our turf after all."

"Since when is this your turf?" Max asked sounding irritated.

"Since yesterday," Bucky said, not even hiding the fact they chose the back ally because it's a path the four friends use often.

"You guys must really have a lot of time on your hands," Lars said as he and Max placed the rug down on the ground. Max walked to Lars's side as both began to stretch.

"Y-You're not going to fight them?" Lyla asked, sounding scared at the prospect. Rikert looked as though he was about to ask the same question.

"They're not giving us much choice," Max said. "I owe that bastard one for yesterday."

"Get in line. I owe him something for that crap he pulled with Tor's play." Lars added.

"That makes things simple," Bucky said with a wide grin as Benson and Kevin put out their fists. "Come on! Lets put these losers in their place!"


Before the fight could begin, a horrible sound echoed through the entirety of Serolen's Gate, an ear-piercing cry to the heavens that shook the very earth. So powerful the roar that the very mountain shook.

Max, Lars, and Bucky toppled over while the others crouched to the ground, trying to block out the horrifying noise. When it died down, all the children got up, looking to the sky.

"Wh-Wh-What was...... what was that?" Rikert stuttered.

"That.... Doesn't sound like a wyvern..." Lars commented. Wyverns were small dragonoid monsters that inhabited the mountains, often attacking in packs. While they let out roars, it was nothing as loud as what they just heard.

Max ran past the group out of the exit, glancing down to the blue sky above. "....... I think it came from outside the village." He said as his friends along with Bucky and his two friends ran to join him.

"I-If it's outside, father's guards can deal with it in no time," Bucky said, trying to sound brave.

".... Max?" Lyla looked at Max, expecting him to have an answer.

"It also sounded high up ..... let's go to the monument. We might be able to see what it was from there." Max announced as he ran forwards, his friends chasing after him.

"H-Hey wait!"


The center of town was busier than usual. The guards and combatants had all gathered together along with the warriors. Joined were various citizens leaving their homes to inspect what had made such a horrible noise.

Outside the village, the caravans and prospectors were just as on edge by the roar that was powerful enough to topple over the caravans as well as terrifying the horses pulling them.

Max and his friends reached the edge of the plaza, seeing the crowd of people gathered. Amongst them, he saw his parents, standing with their weapons ready.

"Mom! Dad!" He called.

Both turned and saw their child waving to them.

"Max!" Socia turned and saw Max waving. "Get back to the house and stay there!!" She instructed strictly.


"All of you as well!" Sam called out to the children. "Our house is closest! Go with Max and stay there!"

"What's gotten into them....?" Lars asked, sounding unnerved by their stern voices.

"We should probably......" Lyla began. "Probably..... P-Prob-"

The children all turned to her, confused by her strange tone. When they did they saw Lyla had gone completely pale, all her pink completion going a ghostly white, mouth agape as she continuously repeated the word "probably."

"Lyla?" Max said, shaking her with no response on her part.

"MAX!!!" Riker suddenly called out, jabbing a finger to the sky.

Max followed the indication. There, coming into view in the valley, he saw it.

Flying in the sky with massive, bat-like wings, dim gold scales, a long neck with a reptilian head with the biggest sets of teeth that everyone could possibly imagine without losing their sanity. A legendary monster, a sight that spells fear into the hearts of any who gaze upon it.

A dragon.

"Wha.... What the..." Lars muttered as he took a step back. "Is that a.... is that a dragon?"

"That's impossible...." Bucky muttered. "Everyone knows dragons don't exist."

"Well, what's that?!" Lars said pointing at the sky.

"A Dragon..... a real dragon...." Max found himself taking an involuntary step backward. He felt in awe of the majestic creature before him, as well as an oppressive terror shaking him to his very core.

He was not alone in the feeling. Many of the onlookers began to stir, some beginning to walk slowly backward or fleeing outright, while the rare and majestic beauty of the creature transfixed some.

Overt, who stood at the base of the monument was one such onlooker, his jaw dropped at the sight. "So..... it was true...."

On the rock path, the situation was just as tense, with the horses rearing in terror, the villagers and traders, mines and prospectors alike stood with unease at the sight while others struggled to keep their jaws from dropping.

The moment was shattered when the dragon began to dive towards the path, flames spewing from its mouth. The people began to panic as the dragon roared, sending its flames at the end of the path as it flew.

The scorching flames that blasted apart the path instantaneously eviscerated the hundred or so people and animals standing on the narrow path.

The rush of flames was visible from the village plaza, causing panic to settle in as the dragon continued towards the town, its mouth still leaking flames.

"MAX RUN!!!" Socia called out as she ran to her son just as the dragon approached.

"GET EVERYONE OUT!!!" Overt instructed as everyone began to move in panic and terror.

Max, frozen in place, watched the dragon flying low, letting loose a ball of flames into the monument.

Then..... Everything went dark.


"Urrrrrgg...." Max's consciousness slowly began to return. He felt groggy, his body feeling heavy. "Wh-What happened?"

He reached to his head, feeling something sticky on his forehead. He raised his hand to his eyes, his vision beginning to return. The sky above, which was blue as he recalled, was now an orange color. His right hand was a dark crimson color by comparison. Heat washed over him, feeling oddly comforted by the warm glow.

"Huh......?" Max's eyes suddenly widened. He remembered what had happened. Getting up, ignoring the heaviness his body was feeling, his newly regained vision was greeted to something out of a nightmare.

He couldn't even tell if he was in Rockfall as everything was now unrecognizable, nothing but burning rubble with fire and embers reaching high into the night sky.

"Wha-What the...."

Max found himself rising to his feet, his eyes fixated on the horrible sight before him. There was nothing left, no soul in sight.

"Wait.... Guys!" Max turned sharply, looking around for his friends. He searched for a sign, anything amidst the flaming wreckage for his friends. "LARS!! RICKET!! LYLA!!"

He then found something. A small, pale hand covered in soot, buried loosely under the wreckage of a nearby house.

"Lyla....?" Max's body began to move forwards, spurred on by the discovery. Despite it only being a hand, he'd know the hand of the shy girl who mostly kept it pressed to her chest when she got shy. "Lyla!"

Max ran over to the hand, grabbing ahold of it. "Hold on! I'll get you- WHA!" With a gentle tug, Max fell down on his backside. "Ow... what-"

Looking forwards, Max's eyes shot open. He still had a grip on the hand which was pulled free from the wreckage, with nothing else just short of the elbow, the end a mixture of burnt flesh and bone.

"WHAAA!!" Max threw the hand away as he jumped upwards, his eyes widened in horror. Lyla, the shy little girl, Tiffany's little sister.... All that was left of her was that hand.

"L-Lyla…?" Max walked back, horrified at what he saw. He continued walking back until his feet hit something, causing him to topple backward. Looking, he saw a body directly in front of him. The body burnt away horribly to the skull but had remnants of spiky brown hair.

"L-L-Lars...." Max breathed as he scooted back, his eyes fixed on what remained of his best friend since he was four.

His back hit a wall. A rock fell on his head, followed by an arm that flopped down on the scared boy.

"WHAAA!!" Max jumped, scooting away. He looked at the destroyed building, seeing a chubby face staring back at him, his face frozen, staring at Max with milky white eyes.

"R-R-R..." Max choked on his words, recognizing who it was. "R-Rik...Riket?"

Slowly getting to his feet, he looked around, feeling a wave of nausea bellowing itself upwards. He looked back at what was the plaza. Among them were blackened figures that used to be human beings. Bodies that bore some resemblance to humans were buried within the rubble of nearby burning houses, all of whom were beyond saving. Amongst the corpses were two blacked figures, with the only identifiable proof of who they were, was the staff in one and spear in another.

"Mom..... Dad...."

Tears began to well up in his eyes as Max fell to his knees. He could not tair himself away from the site, forever burned into the young boy's mind. Everything he had ever known, even his own friends and family. It was all up in smoke, literally.

"Erica...." Max's eyes suddenly widened. "ERICA!!!" He shot up to his feet, charging down what remained of the main street.

She was at Mr. Thomas! She's gotta be there! Max thought desperately as he charged down the burning street, body feeling heavy and aching. Despite tripping up several times to unexpected drops and bumps in the road. Yet he continued on, thundering down the street.

It's gonna be fine. It's only the monument! I just turn around and she'll be ok!

Max turned what looked like the corner to where Mr. Thomas's home was-


-and stopped dead in his tracks, staring at the ruined house before him.

Just visible in the wreckage was a black-haired woman, half buried in the rubble.

"ERICA!!!" Max charged forwards, claiming up the wreckage to look down on his sister. She looked just as bad as the other bodies he had passed, clothes where singed, and there was a distinctive red patch forming underneath the rock that seemed to pin her to the ground from her belly, reaching her ribs.

"M......M..... Max....?"

Max's eyes widened as he saw his sister's head-turning towards him. The color had vanished in her eyes but her lips were moving, her chest slowly and rheumatically pumping up and down.

"ERICA!!" Max skidded down towards his sister until he was at his sister's side. "Don't worry! I-I'll get you out!"

Desperately, he grabbed ahold of the smoldering rock. The surface scolded his hands, causing him to back off in pain.

"Wh-What happened.....?" Erica asked, wheezing in her voice. "I-I heard..... a roar..... then......" her voice trailed off, then let out a weak cough. "I...I'm gonna die..... aren't I?"

"No, sis! You're gonna be ok!" Max desperately grabbed at the rock, ignoring the scolding pain in his hands as he pushed with all his might.

"M-Max...." Erica turned to look at her brother as he struggled. "Mom and Dad? Are they...."

"T-They're just fine!" Max lied as he leaned his body weight on his push. "And so will you!"

A gentle hand reached out, grabbing Max's arm gently tugging him. Max turned slowly, Seeing Erica smiling at him, telling that his lie didn't work. Gently, she placed her had to Max's damp cheek, cupping it. "R-Run..." She said weakly. "Go to the next village...."

"You're coming with me!" Max protested, grabbing ahold of Erica's hand.

With a snicker, Erica's blank gaze drifted to the orange sky above. "Sorry.... I don't think I can move.... I can't feel my legs..."

"I'll carry you!"

Erica's eyes began to slowly close, a look of peace on her face. "Wh-Whatever happens.... Just know...." Her voice trailed off, "I'll always.... Lov...lo...." and suddenly stopped.

"Erica...." Max's eyes widened as he saw his sister's head begin to flop downwards. Her hand, which Max's grip loosened, flopped down, hitting the ground.

"ERICA!!" Max grasped a hold of his sister, shaking her. But it was no use, even he realized it as tears fell on top of her face. The fact had finally sunken in. Everyone, his entire world he knew, all of it was dead "D-Don't leave me... You can't leave me!! Get up.... Please...


The boy's cry echoed through the dead town as the flames raged through the entire mountain. The boy collapsed embracing his sister as the tears flowed uncontrollably from his eyes.

Suddenly, the sound of rumbling came from behind the boy, interrupting his grief. Slowly the boy turned, seeing a shadowy head rising high above amongst the embers, the flames illuminating the broken scales.

Directly in front of his eyes was the dragon that had done all this, fixing its green eyes on the boy. Up close, the dragon was badly wounded. One of its wings had torn, as well as its entire left arm, bleeding a puddle on the ground. Its once-majestic scales were scorched and burned, with large holes opened through its body. Its head had one horn on its left side while its right was ripped off completely along with a patch of its scales, revealing raw flesh behind.

"You....." Max's eyes fixed on the dragon. Getting to his feet, he spied a sword laying on the ground a few meters from the house, no doubt belonging to Mr. Thomas.


Max slowly made his way over to the sword, grasping it in his burnt hands.

"I'll kill you...."

He dragged the blade along the ground, tears still pouring from his eyes.

"You damn monster....."

Max's eyes burned at the dragon, not out of horror or fear.

"I'll kill you...."

In his tear-soaked eyes, burned nothing but pure, unbridled rage.

"I'LL KILL YOU!!!!!"

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