《The Goddess’ Chosen》Dagon


"HAOOOOOOO!!" Helpono let out a deranged howl as one of the water spheres rose up into the sky, bubbling before releasing a wave of water tendrils.

Melvin raised another barrier, protecting both him and Fred as the water tendrils struck the ground around them.

"Wh-What are you saying?!" Fred yelled, flinching as the tendrils smashed into the barrier. "I-I told you I haven't had a chance to test them out!"

"Well...." Melvin gritted his teeth, trying to keep his barrier intact under the assault, "if you have a better idea..... Please share!"

As the tendrils finally subsided, Melvin collapsed to his knee, holding his injured left side.

"M-Melvin!" Fred was about to rush to his side until Melvin stopped him by raising a handout.

"That madman is what's keeping us in here," He said, "if this is gonna end, we need to take this guy down. And that.... thing is keeping us from reaching him."

Fred glanced up at the wizard perched atop the monster, surrounded by the four water spheres that orbited him, moving randomly. Melvin's plan was full of uncertainties, but Fred couldn't see any other way.

"F-Fine," Fred nodded and dashed to the right.

"And if it doesn't work, worst that can happen is we all die." Melvin got back to his feet, gazing up at his opponent. "Talk about pressure."

Up atop the crown, Helpono held his staff close, gazing at the aquamarine which had nearly lost its blue glow, replaced by an ominous purple. "She is coming... She is nearly here...." His eyes drifted towards Melvin, who glared back at him. "Pests....." His eyes drifted to Fred who was running in the opposite direction. "Pests..... Everywhere I look....." his eyes once again shifted towards Melvin, who tightened his grip on his wand, ignoring the pain to his left side. "You..... disturb her sleep.... You who look like him...."

Raising his staff, the water spheres began to rise into the sky, increasing their speeds as they orbited above. Melvin raised his wand as a caution, unsure what was going to happen.

"Won't forgive.... Won't forgive.... Won't forgive...."

Large drops of water separated from the ball of water, sharpening into spears aiming themselves at Melvin.


The spears fired towards Melvin. Not wanting to test his barrier, Melvin jumped, rolled, and dodged with as many athletic skills he could muster to avoid being skewered. Having received some near misses (a hole through his mini cape and a small cut on his leg) he managed to evade the assault, waving his want to send out fireballs towards the wizard. The shell once again blocked the spell. Another water ball emerged from behind the shell, positioning itself just above the high reach of the shell, the surface bubbling.

Melvin ran to the right as the ball fired out another water cannon, smashing into the ground with enough force to blow a crater in the earth. As Melvin recovered, the water cannon shrank into a thin jet of water, dragging itself along the ground, leaving behind a small grove. Melvin jumped back before the cannon could reach him. It carried on a few paces further before changing its direction towards him. Melvin decided to leap forwards as it approached, ducking to the ground to avoid the beam. Despite the near-miss, the beam just scraped his barrier ever so slightly, yet still left a small gap in its foundation.

The beam continued on, zigzagging until it began to rise up, hitting the water cage before finally dying out. Melvin got back to his feet. When he realized that the beam had left a small hole in his barrier, he was grateful that he chose not to put his faith in that thin sphere around him to take the attack.


When he looked up, he saw one of the spheres had drawn down to the ground, firing water droplets into the ground which began to make their way towards the boy. Melvin continued to dodge, jumping between each blade that was coming his way.

Meanwhile, Fred had come to a halt by the creatures 3 o'clock, rummaging through his pouch. He pulled out his latest experimental shot, a tiny circular shell. "I hope this will be enough." He prayed as he pulled back on his slingshot.

He fired towards the base of the monster then continued to run. He didn't get too far when he noticed the monster extended out a massive tentacle to crush the boy. Gulping, Fred leaped forwards, rolling along the ground as the tentacle hit the ground.

"FRED!" Melvin cried out, seeing the giant tentacle smashed into the ground. Looking up, he was forced to jump back as more water spikes were fired at him. The tentacle then moved counterclockwise towards Melvin, threatening to crush him again. "Oh come on!" Melvin swore as he aimed his wand to the ground. "Wind Blast!"

The bust of wind fired him up into the sky, right over the tentacle, while he was hovering in the sky, he saw Helpono holding his staff high in the air while another water sphere positioned itself beside him, changing its shape into an oval.

Oh not good.....

On reflex, Melvin huddled himself into a ball. His barrier began to glow, revealing its form as opposed to his usual invisible state. The sphere suddenly fired its water droplets towards him like a machine gun. They hit the sphere, forcing Melvin away, bouncing on the ground like a ball as the bullets continued to pepper against the barrier.

Come on....Melvin ground his teeth, keeping his concentration up under the constant barrage. Come on.... Cracks began to surface, threatening to shatter at any moment. Just a little more.....

Mercifully, the barrage subsided, giving Melvin space to breath, letting down his barrier. Landing on his back, he found himself gazing up at the dome of the water cage, catching a glimpse of a flow of water tendrils flowing from above.

Melvin rolled backward, avoiding the first spikes that slammed into the ground, jumping to his feet to avoid the second set, weaving in and out. At this point, the adrenaline that was pumping through his system had dulled the pain he felt.

When they finally subsided, Melvin turned back to the monster in front of him, trying to catch his breath. Should I.... summon Cerberus?

Calling his familiar was certainly an option, and with his power, it may be enough to turn the tide against the monster. But the time he could keep him out was limited and used far too much mana in the process. What was more, even if the monster were to fall, Melvin had a strong suspicion that it would not mean the end of the battle.

No.... I gotta trust in Fred. I'm sure he'll pull it off. He glanced up at Helpono. I need to just buy some time.

He raised his wand to the air. "Raging gods of calamity unleash-"

One of the water spheres' bubbled as it positioned itself closer towards the ground, interrupting Melvin's spell. "Crap!" He leaped out of the way as a water cannon fired, scraping across the ground before crashing against the cage walls.

Guess he won't let me get off a level two spell. Melvin thought as he rolled to safety. Electricity gathered on his wand as he stared down his opponent. Guess it's gonna have to be simple spells!


"Thunder bolt!" He fired off his spell, aiming directly at his opponent. A shell formed once again, blocking the piercing strike of electricity, but not before it managed to burn a small hole in the shell.

The shell lowered, revealing Helpono surrounded by water spears. With a swing of his staff, the spears fired towards Melvin.


Melvin formed a barrier in front of him, succeeding in blocking some of the incoming strikes while others managed to breakthrough. Anticipating it, Melvin was prepared and dodged the incoming blows while more electricity sparked from his wand.

"Lightning blast!"

Another burst of electricity burst from his wand, making its way towards Helpono. Another shell formed, blocking the strike spell. When it hit, it burst out into a wide area, impacting Helpono's own barrier, sending ripples as the electricity raged all around.

"Heeeeeeeeee...." Helpono muttered as the shell lowered. In front of him was Melvin with his wand drawn back; a sphere of electricity forming on his wand, taking advantage of the seconds that the attack brought him.

"Engulf them in thy anger and rage. Thunder sphere!"

With a wave of his wand, a blue aura gathered around Helpono. Within seconds, a sphere of electricity began to rage in the area, bypassing the creature's shell. Helpono's barrier broke under the assault, and the wizard within was subjected to five seconds of painful electrical shocks.

When the sphere subsided, Helpono used his staff to steady himself, smoke emitting from his brute cloths and flesh. "Hurt.... Hurt hurt hurt...." He muttered, dragging his nails on his cheek, peeling back some of his own skin with repeated strikes. "Hurt Hurt hurt hurt hurt HUUUUUURRRRRRTTTTTTT!!!!"

With a deranged whale, the water spheres collided into each other above him, bursting out a storm of water tendrils, aiming themselves directly at Melvin. Seeing them coming, Melvin pointed his wand to the ground. "Earth Mold!"

The ground rose up and coated him as the tendrils slammed into the ground. While not as powerful as Rodger's, Melvin was confident that it would at least provide some form of protection against the assault going on outside. For the most part, it held as the water tendrils slammed into the thick layer of mud, burrowing in. Three managed to burst through, striking the ground to Melvin's right, behind him, and close to his face. He was getting by with so many near misses; he was grateful to the goddess for the fact he had survived so long.

When the tendrils lost their form and turned to water, the earth barrier crumbled and collapsed into the dirt. Melvin emerged from the mud pile, once again staring down the massive obstacle in front of him.

"Kill him.... Consume him...." Helpono continued to mutter. The claw marks on his face had vanished. "He must.... Be consumed... she wants him.... She needs him...."

Getting back to his feet, keeping his wand faced to the ground, Melvin gulped. It's now or never.


At the monster's nine o'clock, Fred knelt to the ground, pulling back a fairly large object on his slingshot. A green bark-covered oval with an orange tip.

"H-Here goes,"

His finger moved slightly, pressing down on the orange tip before launching it. The object landed on the ground near the base of the monster. All of a sudden, roots burst from the ground at the monster's left, lifting uptilted, revealing the squirming tendril base with a disgusting tentacle jutting from a suction cup in the very center. Helpono was forced off his feet, falling on the monster, hitting the ground below. From the tips of the roots, vicious flowers with teeth jutted out, biting into the tendrils and tentacles with iron grips.

"Ok! It's open!" Fred called out.

Melvin nodded, praying to the goddess again that the two experimental projectiles Fred used worked. The one just launched was a scene from a flora monster located within the forest, whose seeds can burst out in full bloom when aggravated. The first was a shell that was used to emit gas that the samiets used for their lamps and was spilling out gas from when Fred launched it. While flames hitting it directly didn't work, as Allisa demonstrated at the beginning of the battle, there was still one place where that wasn't put to the test.

"Flame Pillar!"

The spell began with an orange base forming below the monster. What came next was a massive firestorm that engulfed the entire monster, burning away the plants that held it up. The creature could be heard with a distant moan that seemed as though it was screaming.

With one last cry, the flames died out, revealing the monster, still propped up by the charred embers of the plant that held it in place. Before it could give way, both Fred and Melvin were greeted with the results of there combined efforts. The shell remained intact, but the fleshy insides where fired to a crisp, the tendrils either shriveled or burnt off, the tentacle at the center in a similar manner.

"It worked," Melvin said with amazement that his ridiculous plan actually worked. He then groaned, clutching his left side as a painful reminder that his ribs were broken.

"Melvin!" Fred called out, running towards him.

"D-Don't worry..." Melvin said with a wry smile to his partner as he approached him. "Its... not too bad."

"Fred! Melvin!"

Another cry came from behind the two. Looking back they saw Dora running up to them waving. Behind her was Bush, Gura and Redwol. Neither Melvin nor Fred needed to ask anything. If they were here, it meant that they had finished their battles.

The respite came to a close when the burnt roots finally gave way, and the carcass of the shell monster collapsed to the ground. Turning, Melvin saw Helpono, hunching on the ground with his back turned. As much as they all needed a brief respite, their battle was far from over.

"No more monsters," Melvin said taking a step forward, keeping his wand to his side. "Let's put an end to this!"

Helpono then raised from the ground. "...... She's here." He said in barely a whisper, his eyes glued to the now fully purple jewel. "She's finally here...." He then reached for the jewel and wrenched it free.

Melvin and his companions stopped as they say Helpono raising his hand high in the air, the jewel in his fingers dangling above his open mouth. Before any of them could react to it, he dropped the jewel into his open mouth, swallowing it in one gulp.

"H-He swallowed it?" Fred said holding his throat.

Helpono turned around slowly, raising his arms. A purple mist began to flow from his body, emitting in a steady glow.

"I don't like the look of that..." Gura said as he took a defensive stance.

"Wh-Whats going on...?" Dora asked, sounding terrified.

Bush moved in front of her, raising his arms. "Stay close to me." He instructed not just her but the other samiet youths.

Melvin was frozen in place as he watched. The scene before him struck him as disturbingly familiar. He remembered back to the end of the battle with the Homunculi, who the one called Thatch began to emit miasma, as well as the possessed Gamba and Weedree.

This scene he was witnessing.... the feeling of terror that now began to loom.... It was the exact same he felt back then.

No way....... It..... It can't be....

"Raise from the depths," Helpono muttered as the miasma emitting became thicker and thicker. He raised his head, fixing his pray with eyes that began to glow purple. "DAGON!"

The creature from the depths

Those on the outside could only watch in bewilderment. From the base, a shadow began to encroach on the water cage, worming its way up until the entire cage was coated in a thick blackness.

"Hey.... Leone," Cliff said, not taking his eyes off the water dome. "What's going on.....?"

Everyone on the central plateau could only watch as they witnessed the scene before them. Even Rodger was lost for words as to what he was seeing.

On the ground, Leone turned her head to the new shade that had coated the dome, looking somber as she considered that there were actual people inside. ".... Believe me, I ain't got a clue,"


It happened so fast. As soon as Helpono uttered those words, a shade began to cover the dome, blotting out all light. Even the purple miasma that had coated the wizard had all but vanished.

"Is everyone still here?" Melvin called out, unable to see a thing.


"R-Right here!"

"What's going on now?!"


"We're all accounted for."

The samiet's responded, making themselves known to one another indicating they were somewhere in the darkness.

"Does anyone have anything that can give us some light?" Bush called out. As though answering his question, the area lit up with a blue glow. Looking at the source, they saw Fred holding a blue crystal in his hands. "A mythril shard?"

Fred nodded and threw the rock gently on the ground. "A-Always have a few on me," he said as he took two more out, throwing them behind him. The soft light fought back the darkness. The group coddled together, finding comfort in the small circle of light, the sanctuary, in the sea of utter darkness. "N-Never know when-" Fred reached into his pouch and took out a fourth, glancing up as he did, "When......." and completely froze. His eyes widened with shock, mouth agape, skin going pale

"..... Fred?" Dora spoke, unnerved by her friend's sudden reaction.

Melvin followed his gaze upwards and instantly regretted his decision.

Floating above them, illuminated by the light, was a creature, one that drew fear from the very hearts of those who dared to look upon it. The robes a shadowy vale, the withered fragments emitting from the edges. Skin milky white and scaly, with webbed hands clutching a barnacle-encrusted staff with a tip that resembled a collection of tentacles, moving and squirming like a living being. Most disturbing of all; the face. The cloak shrouded the upper head, but what could be seen was shining purple orbs illuminating the darkness. Below where the mouth should be, a disgusting collection of eight tentacles, wriggling and squirming.

"Wh-What in all of Avalon is that.....?" Redwol ended up asking.

"Could it be.... Another familiar?" Bush said, sounding more hopeful than sure.

"At last." The creature spoke, a voice that sounded distorted, as though it were not from this world. "At last I am one with her. She is finally one with me!" It extended its arms outwards. "At last! We are finally free from the shackles of this world!"

Melvin felt a horrible realization forming in the pit of his stomach. The way it talked, even though sounding completely different, still had that underlying tone behind its words.

"That's..... That's him.... It's the same guy as before!"

The samiets glanced at him after he spoke, hoping that they had misheard him. "What did you say?" Bush asked, glancing back at the monster.

"The barriers have finally been lifted. The two of us can finally become one entity." The creature identified as Helpono continued, holding its staff close, fixing its unnerving eyes on the group in front of him. "I must thank you. Each end every one of you. At long last, the final obstacle has been removed.

"Years of feats. Years of Sacrifices. She required so much fresh meat, so much blood."Helpono suddenly extended both his arms outwards, holding his staff in his left webbed hand. "They were all cowards! Fools drunk on fear of the unknown! But I did not reject her like those horrible men. No.... I EMBRACED HER! I AM ONE WITH HER! THE MESSENGER OF THE VERY VOID ITSELF!"

Unease gripped Melvin. It had taken no less than a considerable effort just to fight off the familiars, and now they were faced with something that was beyond anything he had seen in this world. While he lacked the ability to sense mana, just looking at this man was enough to indicate that he was more powerful then he was when he appeared human.

"..... Is that why you killed my wife?" Bush spoke up in a serious tone.

Everyone turned to look at him, confused by his declaration.

"Eleven years ago, my wife left the forest to go with a caravan," Bush said pointing at Helpono, "and all of them were slaughtered by you!"

".... Grampa?" Dora muttered. She had never heard Bush speak out as he was now, nor had she ever seen him with a look of such hatred in his eyes.

"We cannot remember,"Helpono said. "A man would never recall the face of its meal. They are, after all, just animals, nourishment."

"What...?" Bush's eyes lit up with fury.

"Calm down!" Melvin called out to him. "We have no idea what this guy's capable of now."

"So many.... She consumed so many...." Helpono continued, bringing his left hand forwards, pointing his finger at Melvin. "We swore we would take revenge on the world that rejected her, the man who scorned her...... the man who betrayed her."

Melvin looked behind him, seeing if he was pointing at someone else. He then realized he was pointing directly at him. Me...? But what did I do?

He recalled back to the very beginning of the fight when he mentioned his master's name and Helpono's reaction. He didn't think back much on it, but with all the concentrated attacks on him specifically occurred after he said that.

"Do you mean Arch Sage Dran?"

Before he could get a response, Bush had slammed a hand to the ground, launching out a thin spike towards Helpono. Before it hit, the man turned, shrunk and vanished without a trace.

"What?" Bush muttered.

"Redwol," Gura said as he glanced around, holding his mallet close.

"....." Redwol squinted at his crystal ball, trying to find out where he was. "... No good. I can't see him."

Everyone huddled in a tight circle, looking out into the blackness illuminated by the crystals Fred had dropped moments before. Within the very center, Helpono emerged from out of thin air, huddling close while a distortion gathered around him. When the party finally took notice, a pulse sent them flying outwards.

Melvin tumbled across the ground, the pain in his left side coming back. Gritting his teeth, he saw Helpono, pulling back his left hand.

"Since you are the one who finally awakened her," A sphere of water formed close to his hand."I will grant you this mercy and kill you swiftly."

He threw the ball towards Melvin, who was forced to roll out of the way, not willing to take the hit. He aimed his wand, just to see Helpono vanish again.

Helpono reappeared floating amongst the sky, swinging his body which fired off water spheres at Melvin. Unlike before, Melvin threw out his wand, blocking the incoming projectiles. Helpono disappeared once again.

The transformed wizard reappeared behind Melvin, a large body of water forming at the tip of the tentacle staff. With a lunge, the water fired out like a cannon, aiming towards Melvin, forcing him to dodge again. Melvin grunted as he finished rolling, stopping as the blast died down, leaving behind a groove in the earth.

Helpono disappeared, floating around Melvin, water spheres forming behind his trail as he continued his flight path, the projectiles forming into spears to fire towards the boy, who blocked them with his barrier. After a full circle, Helpono stopped, weaving in mid-air while swinging his staff, allowing the tentacles to skim the ground, creating a ripple. A blade of water suddenly burst from the ground, throwing itself vertically at Melvin.

"WHA!" Melvin let out a small yelp as he jumped to the side, narrowly avoiding being sliced in two. "That was a way to close,"

Looking back, he saw Helpono squirming in place as he scraped across the ground, sending more water blades at him. Melvin was forced to jump and dodged out of the way, avoiding the water blades.

Meanwhile, Fred positioned himself behind the wizard, firing off a ball at Helpono. Like before, Helpono squirmed out of the way, folding in mid-air.

"H-He's gone?" Fred said, looking around to see if he could find his target. Beside him was Redwol consulting his crystal ball, trying to find him.

"Behind us!" He called out. The two turned around, he saw Helpono emerging from the ground, turning with a tip of water forming on the tip of the staff.

Fred fired his shot. Helpono's unnatural movements caused the shot to miss. He continued to the left, swinging his staff, which fired off water spheres that hovered in the air behind him. Like before, they shaped into small spears before firing off in intervals at their intended targets. Both Fred and Redwol were forced to move as they were fired, narrowly dodging them.

Helpono stopped and turned, gathering water into a giant spear, throwing it at the boys. Before they could respond to the danger posed to them, a thick mud wall burst from the ground moments before the spear hit. The projectile slammed into the wall, causing a large dent to form in the foundations, bursting out in a small trial of water leaking from the other end.

"You two!" Bush called out, standing a few paces away with both hands on the ground. "Stay together!"

Gura rushed past them, dragging his mallet behind him as he approached his opponent. "Dora! Now!"

A few paces to the right of Helpono, within what was assumed to be a blind spot, Dora slammed her hands to the ground, sending roots upwards to coil around the wizard who didn't seem to register her appearance.

Before they could take a hold of its target, Helpono disappeared, once again folding in mid-air.

"What?!" Dora exclaimed.

Gura skidded to a halt, realizing his opponent was no longer in front of him. "Redwol?" He asked, keeping his mallet close.

Both Fred and Redwol scanned their surroundings. Redwol kept his eyes on the crystal ball while Fred threw out more light crystals to fight back the oppressive darkness.

Melvin meanwhile, remained where he was, scanning his surroundings, trying to ignore the pain. During that time, his eyes fell upon Redwol and Fred; and most disturbing of all, a light ripple that was forming below them.


His warning came too late as a violent geyser of water burst from the ground. Both boys were sent skywards by the current before plummeting to the ground.


"Oh no, REDWOL!"

As their friends cried out, Bush rose the ground, the two soft mud platforms catching boys before they slammed into the ground. Fred's slingshot, however, was lost, while Redwol's crystal ball slammed into the ground, causing cracks on impact.

The two were lowered down gently, Dora and Gura running towards their friends. Both boys appeared to be knocked out but were still alive.

Letting out a sigh of relief, Bush stood back up. Dora looked at her grandfather, and immediately her face lit up with fear. "Grampa!" She cried pointing.

Bush turned to see Helpono behind him, pointing his staff at the man. Before he could react, the eight tentacles extended, growing out as they latched themselves onto the man. "Urrrg!" He struggled as he was lifted into the air, all the while, a white light built at the center of the tentacle base. In a flash, Bush was sent flying backward, smashing into the mud wall he created, digging into the surface to leave an impression before flopping onto the ground.

"Grampa!" Dora called out as she charged towards him. All of a sudden, Helpono emerged from the ground, right in front of her. The girl could do nothing but skid to a halt before falling on her backside. Her eyes filled with fear, staring at the grotesque monster in front of her as he brought down a webbed hand towards her. "R-Rodger......." She muttered without thinking, tears welling up in her eyes, her breathing becoming ragged. "H-Help me....."

"WHAAAA!!" Gura let out a war cry as he charged forwards, his mallet pulled back to strike the monster.

Helpono kept his hand held out as Gura reached Dora's position, swinging his mallet over Dora's head. The weapon slammed into his outstretched hand, or the air just before it. Light ripples formed as a barrier prevented it from coming any further.

"HAAAAAAAA!!!!" Gura continued to yell as he applied more of his strength into his blow, determined to breakthrough. Suddenly, cracks began to emerge behind the barrier. Gura couldn't help but let slide a smug grin. It was short-lived as fissures began to form within his mallet's head. Eventually, the entire weapon shattered into fragments.

Gura's bewilderment was short-lived as he noticed Helpono withdrawing his hand, bringing forth his staff with a small sphere of water that had formed on the tip. Crap!

Gura turned sharply, lashing out his leg at the still frozen Dora. Hitting her in the chest as gently as he could, he forced her away from her position just as the tip of water fired a violent water cannon, sending him flying halfway across the battlefield before the cannon died down.

"GURA!" Dora called out, seeing him lay in the ground motionless. A chill ran down her spine, too afraid to look back to see the tentacle monstrosity looming over her.

"DAMN YOU!!!" Melvin suddenly yelled, a spark of lightning fired from his wand at Helpono, who weaved out of the way, avoiding being hit by the attack.

"Ahh... I can hear it,"

Melvin turned around, to see Helpono wave his staff, creating water spears around him. With a flick of his wrist, he sent them towards the small wizard.

"B-Border!" Melvin called out, creating a shield that blocked the attacks. When he looked up, he saw Helpono spin, vanishing from his position.

"They are calling to me. Calling to us,"

Helpono reemerged, rolling as he pointed the tip of the tentacle staff at Melvin. Seeing it, Melvin leaped back, hoping to avoid getting grabbed and fired across the battlefield like Bush. A spear of water, no thinner then a needle formed within the tentacles that opened.

With his eyes widened to the incoming danger, Melvin unconsciously sent out a burst of wind to blow him to the ground, just as a thin line of water fired off. Melvin tumbled across the ground, attempted to get back to his feet, "Ahh!" when a sharp pain radiated from his injured left side. He'd been ignoring the building pain as he squirmed to get out of the way of each crazy attack, and it was getting to a point where it was becoming unbearable.

"Come on... not now," Melvin gritted his teeth as wind gathered on his wand. "Wind blades!" He fired his spell at point-blank range, but Helpono once again vanished. "Shit," He saw as he positioned his free hand over his wound. A green aura began to emit from his hand as he applied his healing magic to the injured spot. He knew he couldn't hope to heal completely while in battle, but the first aid would dampen the pain enough to keep him moving (In theory).

Looking down, he saw ripples forming at his feet.

"Oh come OONNNN!!!" Melvin groaned as he leaped away as the water spout fired into the air.

Helpono had reemerged a few feet in front of him, sending water blades at the boy. "It's beautiful."

Melvin dodged again, still feeling the horrible stinging at his left side. Helpono flew around to Melvin's right, creating water balls that fired towards Melvin, who formed a barrier to block them, gritting his teeth hard.

Helpono rose into the sky, waving his wand which sends out trickles of water that flowed together, joining into a massive sphere of water hovering above the wizard.

With a flick of the wrist, Helpono sent it hurtling towards Melvin who began to run. He managed to clear the distance before the ball hit the ground. When it did, the ball expanded and popped like a bomb. Melvin was caught in the backlash of the water, sent flying towards where Dora and the injured samiets were, coming to a halt a few meters off.

"Melvin!" Dora called out.

Melvin struggled to try and get to his feet. In the end the pain was too much. All he could do was turn about while prone, gazing up at Helpono. ".... What are you?"

"I am the future. One our father designs." Helpono spoke, clutching his staff in both hands. "This world is rotten and decayed, allowed to wallow in an endless age of light. But light cannot last forever, and when it fades only the darkness remains.

"Yet mortals will refuse the darkness, see it as an evil that must be purged. But what they act on is fear. It is the most powerful of human emotion, to fear. And what is greater than fear of the unknown, what we don't understand, what we can't see.

"But master Yensin has seen this revelation and seeks to end this age of light, so that the natural order may take its course. A fire must fade over time, becoming embers. Its light, its warmth, all memories of time. And when that light gives out the dark remains."

Clutching his left side, Melvin glared back at the monstrous wizard. "You really are insane." He spat.

"You remind me of the ones who rejected my beloved Dagon's words. They called me insane, not for their faculties, but out of that primordial fear. I utterly detest them. All of them." As Helpono spoke, water began to gather in front of him, growing and growing into a large sphere. "But.... you did awaken my beloved." Helpono drew back his staff. "And thus, I shall grant you this mercy."

He waved his staff forwards, and the water spear fired out a water cannon towards Melvin. Coming too fast for him to even comprehend, Melvin could only watch his death fast approaching.

But then, in that brief moment, flames erupted from the ground in front of him, followed by a powerful roar. The water cannon burst upwards, dispersing all its power.

"Wha...." Melvin could only lay on the ground. In his field of vision, flamed fur and blacked armor, standing on all fours was someone familiar to him, someone, very dear to him. "C-Cerberus.....?"

Dora, who had not been above to follow what had happened, was speechless. Fred and Redwol, even Bush, who had regained consciousness, woken to a sight they could not describe. Gura, who lanced up from where he lay, could not make out what was going on. Only that a new monster had just saved all his friends and comrades.

"Cerberus..." Melvin repeated, his eyes glued on the main of his familiar as it glared to Helpono. Did.... did I summon him? No. I-I'd remember casting the incantation. B-But.... that's Cerberus.... My Cerberus.

"YEEEEEEEEE!!!!" Helpono let out an inhuman screech as he waved his staff in front of him, hovering back a few feet. "Why! Why are you here?!" He pointed towards Cerberus, sounding panicked.

"Huh...?" Melvin looked to Helpono, then back to Cerberus.

"I remember.... That vile man.... He rejected her... became food for her....." Helpono clutched his staff close to his chest. "He's dead..... yet you're still here.... With this child....."

"Wha.... Cerberus?" Melvin glanced up at Cerberus again. Questions exploded in his head, ones his companions cannot answer.

"Won't forgive, won't forgive," Helpono continued to mutter, razing up as he clutched his tentacle face. "Won't forgive won't forgive won't forgive WON'T FORGIVE!!!!"

With a howl, he swung his arms out. The water cage wall behind him burst, emerging forth were various aquatic monstrosities, each more gruesome than the last. Some with a light, showing off their building-sized teeth, others with webbed hands, barricaded muscles, horrific amalgamations of monsters and men, squirming as one being.

"Ahhh! What now?!" Dora called out.

"S-So many...." Fred said, petrified by what he saw.

"Y-You're kidding....." Redwol muttered, getting on his hands and knees. "Wh-We're all gonna die?"

"G-Get behind me...." Bush said as he struggled to his feet.

Gura said nothing and limped to where his comrades had huddled together.

Melvin took no notice of the monsters emerging, his eyes glued on his familiar. "Hey, what's going on?" He asked. "D-Do you know him boy?"

Cerberus finally looked back, his orange eyes. Though no words were exchanged, no gesture or wave, Melvin could see something in his loyal companion, one he had never seen in all their time together.



Cerberus turned its attention back on Helpono, slamming its foot into the ground. It began to growl, flames pouring from its mouth. Its mane began to grow in intensity, flames overflowing.

"What are you doing…?" Melvin said, trying to get back up. "S-Stop! I order you! Stop!" the boy desperately waved his wand in vain as the flames grew more and more intense.

Cerberus then raised its head and let out a roar. The flames exploded outwards, consuming the form of the familiar. They grew upwards, curving at the front while a wall of flames rose above Melvin and the Samiets. Two pillars broke off, landing on the ground as the flames morphed into a large beast. The flames began to disperse, revealing the creature within.

Legs coated in the same black armor, running all the way up to another that extended across the back, blazing spikes flowing from the gaps in the vertebra. The main was the same golden color, blazing so intently between the gaps in the armor that ran across the body. Two heads adorned the front, blacked armor covering the head, leaving the jaw exposed. Broken, black chains fell in five joints from the metal color that dangled below its knack.

"Wh-What is that?" Dora asked as she gazed up at the creature that was shielding them.

"M-Melvin...." Bush glanced to the young wizard, who was kneeling on the ground, his eyes widened in disbelief.

"C-Cerberus....? I-Is that you....?" He said in barely a whisper.

"It is you.... a sight I can't stand...." Helpono spoke, holding his staff in the air. "I remember.... She remembers..... We won't forgive that man.... And the Arch Sage...." With a shine in his eyes, he waved his staff forwards, sending the hoard of monsters forwards towards the two-headed monster. "CONSUME THEM!!!!"

As they charged, the two heads opened their jaws. Flames poured from their mouths towards a central point, creating a sphere of flames, illuminating the darkness as it grew. As the monsters drew closer and closer, the orb grew and grew. Positioned directly in front of the monster, the two heads drew back, opening their mouths wide; and roared.

The light blinded all as a wave of scorching flames fired forwards into the monsters. Those who touched the beam were vaporized instantly while those on the outside began to blister as their skin was peeled off.

In the center, Helpono raised a barrier as the flames consumed him. The white was all around, pressing on the figure within.

"Won't forgive.... Won't forgive...."

Cracks began to emerge all around,

"Won't forgive.... Won't forgive...."

Growing more and more.

"Won't forgive.... Won't forgive,"

Until finally.... Giving way, consuming the wizard in a sea of white.

"Won't.... won't..... YHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!"

Under the intense light, those who sought cover underneath covered their eyes as the blinding light surrounded them.

All but one.

One who remained kneeling, looking upwards, he could not see the massive creature that was protecting them, nor did he register the light all around him.

His mind locked on one thing; his lifelong friend.

His small, fire-furred mutt.



"And I thought it couldn't get any weirder. I clearly underestimated these ancient folks." Kira said as she entered the large chamber, steering at the pillars that took up the canals of the room, interlocking with one another. An ominous blue light from the water illuminated the surroundings, giving off a sense of wonder at the decorated structures.

Stopping, Kira whistled, resting her rifle on her shoulder. "Sure knew how to pick em, huh Ellie?"

Standing a few yards away, back bikini, a bandaged left arm, sword in her right, stood Ellie. Eyes closed, she slowly raised her head to her old lover, opening her eyes. "So you've come, Kira."

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