《The Goddess’ Chosen》Fear of the Rain


"A.... Fox?"

Faust, Shay and May looked at Yuki who was now looking over the ruined village. When he had recovered enough to walk (despite objections from Faust), he gave them a rough rundown of what was happening. However, Yuki wasn't one to listen to the initial explanation and gave them a very vague response.

"So.... They got this coin," Shay began.

"And they're gonna use it ta wake up some fox that's buried underneath the village," May finished off.

"That.... Seems a tad farfetched." Faust said, rubbing his chin.

"Believe what you will, I honestly don't care," Yuki said as he sat down near the plateau's edge, holding his katana by his side. "Looks like everything's starting to calm down at least."

Since coming to the village, he had separated from the main group all in order to fight Sokaku. As such, he had no idea where the others were at this point. Given how big the village was and how many plateaus there were, they could be anywhere. When the battle began, all he saw around him was the strange, grotesque monsters that were invading. While the village seemed to share the damage, everything seemed to be calming down.

There were no monsters in sight, which meant that either most, if not all were disposed of. The only strange occurrence was what seemed to be a dome of water in the distance. Hope those guys are doing ok. Hate to be the one to save them.

Further back, Faust, Shay and May huddled together, possessing what Yuki had just told them.

"Think what bro was saying was true?" May asked in a hushed tone.

".... I don't imagine why he would lie to us," Faust said skeptically, rubbing his chin. "But if what he said is true, then it certainly would explain the actions of Celtic Hoard, and the extent that these people would go to just to wipe out a single, out of the way village,"

"Well.... I guess that makes sense." Shay nodded. "After all, that chick with the bandaged arm was there before, wasn't she?"

"Yeah.... and those other two chicks with them masks," May said.

"Say," Yuki then spoke up, glancing over his shoulder at the three men who broke from their huddle. "Who were you guys again?"

"WOULD YOU STOP THAT!!!" Both Shay and May yelled while Faust let out a chuckle.

"I told ya my name's Shay!"

"And I'm May!"

"We were with Celtic Hoard before fire bro saved us from the King something!"

"And we protect this village with Faust!"

"Ok I got it...." Yuki muttered, picking his nose. "So..... Gray and Say, right?"


Faust chuckled out loud as he walked up to Yuki and sat beside him cross-legged. "You certainly are a friend of Sir Colt, that much is clear."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Yuki scoffed.

"You both charged in headfirst without much of a plan,"

"Plains are overrated anyway."

"And you have that certain recklessness that Sir Colt and your other companions have."

"....." Yuki didn't respond. It was true that most of his companions acted first without so much as a plan. Now that he was free of his battle, he was fairly certain his companions were out there fighting without so much as a well thought out plan. And even if they did take that approach, with how things go with their luck, its certain improvisation and going gut feeling will take president.


"Although.... What you said greatly troubled me." Faust said glancing out into the village.

"Say old man..." Yuki spoke. "You were with those Celtic Hoard guys, right? Didn't you have dealings with Yensin before?"

Faust nodded. "Unfortunately, I was very much a grunt in Dolton's operation so I did not have much exposure to his inner workings. However, I remembered that young lady with the bandaged arm as she was who we had dealings with before your companions destroyed the organization. Prior to that, there was another meeting with the man from Shu and an elf."

Yuki glanced towards Faust.

"Unfortunately that is all I can recall. My apologies."

Yuki didn't respond and glanced back to the village.

"S-So what's the plan bro?"

"We gonna support your other bros?"

Behind the two men where Shay and May, who looked curious as to there next move. Despite the loss of their weapons, they seemed determined to continue the fight.

"After all, they could use our help,"

"Those other bastards looked pretty nasty to boot."

"And fire bro is fighting that Ersken down below."

"Not ta mention those things might still be out there,"

Yuki glanced back at the two men, seeing their determined expressions. "Na. I'm sure the other's have got this."


"Besides," Yuki glanced at the dead body at the center of the plateau. The body of Sokaku, his opponent, "I've done my part. It's now up to them to finish this."

"Y-You're not gonna help your friend....?" Shay said, sounding shocked.

"Not even fire bro....?" May added looking disheartened.

"Don't have to," Yuki said, glancing back over village. "You can trust me on this.... Those idiots are the last people that need saving. Once they've finished what they came here to do, we'll regroup and take down this Yensin guy and be done with all this crap."

Faust let out a small chuckle. "You certainly have a great deal of trust in your comrades, sir Yuki."

"Drop the 'Sir' crap..." Yuki grunted. "It's not about trust, I expect them to make it through this," He said with the hint of a smile. "With everything those idiots say and do, they'd better make it out of this. If not, I'll kill them myself."

"Of course," Faust nodded. "Then I shall share those expectations for your comrades to succeed."

"Now you're just copying me,"

"Perhaps," Faust nodded. "I guess time in this village has caused me to grow to trust others again."

"How does that work?"

"Hard to explain. In the past, I was involved with scum and villainy where you must always have a watchful eye over your back. Never trust another, and be ready to abandon those you hold close. That was the life I lived and fiercely regretted.

"Yet doing battle with Sir Colt, seeing your comrades destroy Celtic Hoard to save two hostages, and watching your battle with the Kugarati swordsman and your dedication to your comrades-"

"I never said I was dedicated to them!"

"It seems to have warmed this old fool's heart."



Both Shay and May burst into tears, yelling at the top of their lungs their dedication to Yuki's comrades.

"...... why are you two crying?" Yuki said, narrowing his eyes at the awkward sight of seeing two fully-grown men bawling their eyes out.


"Sh-Shut up! We ain't crying!"

"We're just sweating through our eyes, ya hear!" Both Shay and May defended themselves while loving away, covering the rivers of tears coming from their eyes.

"No... that's definitely crying," Yuki pointed out.

"Ha ha, they have good souls, but don't want to show it to others," Faust said with a smile. He then looked back to the village where his smile vanished. "Still.... I have this uneasy feeling that this will get worse before it gets better."

".... Yeah, especially with our luck," Yuki said as he brought up his sheathed sword, resting it against him. "By the way," he then turned back to Faust. "You never said what's with the stupid haircut,"


Steve looked at both Meracle and Rodger skeptically, having both of them (Mainly Meracle) to explain what was going on. Unfortunately for him, Meracle's understanding of what was going on was just as limited as Rodger's.

"So.... There's some kind of fox monster below the village and these bad guys are trying to wake it up because this 'witch' told you to..." Steve summarized with what vague information he got from the two.

"Sound like you don't believe us," Rodger said, narrowing his eyes.

"Myow! It's completely true!" Meracle added.

"Hmmm....." Steve hummed folding his arms as he contemplated the information he was told. "... Given what's going on, I don't know what to believe," He looked back to the view of the rest of the village, seeing the devastation that had been worth. Given how a handful of humans could cause this much damage with less than what Celtic Hoard had was beyond belief. Not to mention the nightmarish monsters that seemed to spill forth, laying waste to many of the village in one fell swoop.

"Say... where's Dora and Fred?" Rodger asked, breaking Steve out of his train of thought.

"Who?" Meracle asked.

"My henchmen. Together we're the Walloping Willows!" He said with a smug look on his face while folding his arms. "We're the ones who protect the village from all the nasty monsters and bastards that dwell in the forest, following the footsteps of my Pa, the greatest adventurer in the village!"


"Basically his band of losers that try to fight the monsters in the forest," Steve explained, earning him a look of contempt from Rodger. "And last I've seen them they were heading towards the central plateau. It was strange.... It was raining only on that spot."

"Rain...?" Rodger thought, recalling something that happened during the battle in Löwe Höhle where it suddenly rained while there was a roof over them.

"Nyew! Do you think it's that weird guy who was crying?" Meracle asked.

"The guy who was knocked out? Hmmmm...." Rodger rocked his head back and forth as he thought on it. "I think that's the one,"

"You think that's where Allisa and the others are?" Meracle asked. It was only now that she realized that she charged off from the others to face Leone, and now didn't have a clue as to where her new comrades were and where they were going. By the looks of it, she guessed Rodger did the same thing. Both of them didn't know anything about what was really going on.

"Hey look!" Steve suddenly called out pointing to the center of the plateau. Looking, Meracle saw the broken Leone dragging herself away towards the makeshift bridge that connected the plateau to the previous one. The previous battle against Robin had destroyed it so Rodger had to create another with his 'earth mold' ability.

"That's....." Rodger muttered, looking up to Meracle.

"Where are you going?" Steve snapped as he ran towards Leone, stopping just in front of her. "I still owe you one for strangling me back there! After all you bastards did, you think-"

Prone, Leone lashed out and grabbed ahold of Steve's face. "Move...." She hissed as she shoved him out of the way. She then continued to move, dragging her arms across the ground, gritting her teeth in pain. Unable to find the strength to stand, she struggled forwards.

"That bastard.... Still has it....." She said as she fought the pain. "It's all..... gone to shit.... I'm.... getting what I came for...."

Making it a few yards, Leone stopped again as Meracle stood in her path. Looking up Leone's face contorted, "What the hell's that look for... kitty....?" She hissed at Meracle who looked down on her.

Despite all she had done, despite betraying her so grievously, Meracle looked with pity. Seeing Leone in this state, so hurt that she couldn't even stand, it sparked a strange feeling of remorse in the little thief.

"Did you really mean it....?" She asked, thinking back to something Leone had told her a month ago.

"Guess... I really didn't want ya ta leave. I mean, two of us had been through thick and thin together.... Ya know, like sisters."

"When you said that back in Everndail.... Did you really mean what you said about us being like sisters?"

Leone looked surprised that Meracle had brought up the topic. Not able to look the girl in the eye, she simply bit her lip while keeping her eye's on the ground. "Of course not...." She said without a hint of hesitation, continuing her crawl around Meracle.

"I was... just using you.... To get that piece of crap...." She said as she tried to get back to her feet. Her legs gave way again. Letting out a curse, Leone continued to crawl. "I was.... Promised something.... And I'll.... be damned if that bastard..... keeps ahold of it.... After everything goes to hell....."

The pain became too much to bear, and Leone was forced to stop once again. "D-Damn it!" Leone hissed, punching her thigh in frustration. "I.... lost way too much...." She continued to pull herself forwards, "To let it...." Clenching her teeth so hard they could break, "End here damn it!"

Suddenly, Meracle approached her left side, bending down to grab Leone's right arm and pull her up from the ground, supporting her weight.

"What.... Are you doing?" Leone said, half-dazed from the pain, half astonished by the small girl's actions.

"You're not gonna get anywhere at this rate." She simply replied. Her response caused Leone's eye's to widen. "This doesn't mean I forgive you, just so you know."

"..... I don't need your damn pity," Leone said in a voice that lacked any energy.

Ignoring her, Meracle turned to the two Samiets behind her. "Hey, uh... Rodger? Where'd you think Allisa is right now?"

"Y-You're taking her with us?" Steve said outraged. "After everything she did, you're gonna help her."

Rodger ignored Steve and thought about where Allisa could be at the moment. "Hmmm.... Probably gone to see if Gramps is alright. If anyone knows what's going on, he'd be the one."

"Nyew, where is he?"

"He's in the house by the mountain. Chances are the others are done with their stuff. Probably waiting for us as we speak." Rodger looked at the wounded Leone. "Ya sure we should take her with us?"

Meracle nodded. "I won't leave her here."

Rodger nodded back. "Ok, guess were taking cat lady with us,"

"You're ok with this?" Steve asked objectively, pointing at Leone. "She's one of our enemies! She even tried to kill me not so long ago! Why take her with us?"

"Cause Mary wants to bring her," Rodger said with his arms resting on the back of his head walking forwards towards the new bridge. "Come on, let's go find the others."

"D-Don't give me orders! Hey wait!" Steve called out as he ran after Rodger.

Meracle followed behind with the injured Leone resting on her shoulder.

"Why do this.....?" Leone asked warily. "After everything I did..... why help me like this?"

"Cause we're like sisters," Meracle said with a smile.

The naïve answer surprised Leone, hearing her own words come back around at her. She couldn't help but let out a small chuckle as her feet dragged along the ground. "You really haven't changed......" She said quietly.


"Nothing." Leone shook her head. "By the way.... You mentioned Allisa.... She's here?"

"Myeah, why?"

"No reason... Just that Ellie owes me 100 Rundes."

Unnatural magic

"Wh-What are you two doing here?!" Melvin asked in disbelief.

Just moments ago, both Dora and Fred, along with two other Samiet youth's, had broken through the water barrier and landed a strike on the crazed wizard Helpono. Their arrival had also cast a silence over the battlefield. The roots that pierced the caudal fin pulled the giant fish down. The giant water monster had gone ideal, remaining completely still following the explosion.

"Actually..." Looking at the root that had just crashed through the ceiling of the water cage, Melvin felt compelled to ask another question, "How did you even get in here?"

Given that the only way his friends were able to leave was through Allisa's 'Azure Flame,' he failed to see how slamming a massive root into the water dome could possibly have broken through.

"Not sure...." Dora said glancing up to the giant root she used, "I wasn't even sure if it would work if I'm honest...."

"You didn't?!" Redwol exclaimed.

"Get out at once!" Bush bellowed to the children. "You're all in incredible danger here!"

"It's a little late for that," Gura said, heaving his malate resting on his shoulders glancing at the water cage. "I'm not sure we'll be able to break through again even if we want to,"

"WHY ARE YOU SAYING THIS NOW?!" Redwol yelled at his friend. "You mean we're now stuck in here until we can find some way to break out?!"

"We all knew the risks when we came in. No one was forcing you to come," Gura pointed out matter of factly.

"N-N-Nice to see you again," Fred said, turning to Melvin. "Not really much of a reunion."

"Never mind that, you guy's need to find a way out!" Melvin snapped pointing at the smoke where Helpono was standing. "Trust me, this lunatics nothing like whoever you guys fought when we took out Celtic Hoard!"

"D-Don't worry," Fred gave him a thumbs up. "I-I hit him with a new explosive shot. It has a little more of a kick to it so-"


A voice radiated across the battlefield, silencing everyone with its cold voice. "Hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt....." The insane cackle that sent chills down everyone's spines, breaking the momentary piece that had befallen them.

As the smoke cleared, the unnerved combatants came face to face with what they were up against. Staying where he stood, behind the black shell that had been destroyed by the blast, was none other then the crying monk Helpono, clutching the left side of his face, which was soldiering with a large burn, along with a fraction of his habit that was burnt off, revealing the damage of Fred's attack. However, what was unnerving was that the burns where gradually regressing.

"Wh-What...?" Fred took a step back in horror.

"H-He's healing himself...." Redwol said clutching his crystal ball, standing beside Dora who looked just as startled.

Melvin was more taken aback by what he was seeing. With no visible spell or mana manipulation, he was healing his body at an accelerated rate. Allisa immediately came to mind in how her body could recover from just about anything, including a potentially life-threatening wound with the help of Phoenix dust.

No.... it seems different.... Melvin thought to himself. The wounds are healing right on the spot.

"Hurt hurt hurt hurt...." Helpono continued ranting as his injuries finished healing. "Won't forgive won't forgive won't forgive won't forgive," His fingernails digging into his skin. "Won't forgive won't forgive won't forgive won't FORGIIIIIIIIIVVVVVVVEEEEEEE!!!!"

Four water spheres reformed around Helpono, orbiting him once again. One moved in front of him, rippling as it took aim at Fred. "Won't FORGIVE!!!"

Melvin charged in front of Fred and raised a barrier just as the spear of water fired. The force of the water slammed into the wall of light, losing momentum just as the barrier cracked, dying when the wall shattered.

Helpono then howled as he raised his staff up into the air, then quickly swiped it to the left. A whip of water formed on his staff and slashed into Melvin's right side, shattering his barrier on impact. The boy yelped in pain as he was sent tumbling across the ground once again.

"Melvin!" Fred said in shock of his friend being hit.

Melvin struggled upon his feet, holding the left side of his chest. D-Damn it.... I think that cracked one of my ribs....

"D-Damn you!" Fred spoke up reaching into his pouch, pulling out another shot.

"Kill kill kill kill kill kill kill," Helpono muttered, holding his staff in both hands, "Kill kill kill kill, must kill, for her, must kill, KILL BOART!"

The large water humanoid stirred, suddenly pulling back its left fist, streaking it out like attached to a bungee cord, aiming at Fred who had his back turned to the incoming danger.


Fred turned just to see the crusted fist launching itself towards him. At the same time, a giant emergence of roots and vines appeared from above, covering the boy. The blow slammed into the roots, breaking several but losing its momentum before it could properly connect with its intended target.

Fred scuttle out as fast as he could, as the monster drew back its punch, approaching Melvin and helping him back to his feet.

"Are you two ok?!" Dora called out. Following the attack, Dora had placed a hand on the root that she used to break through the barrier, branching it off to shield Fred from the attack. Behind her was Redwool, who held out his crystal ball, which was glowing a bright light.

"Wh-We're fine," Fred called out.

"It's coming back!!" Melvin yelled, pointing to the charging monster. "Wind Blades!" He launched his spell, which severed the monster's water legs, causing it to crash to the ground.

"Wh-What is that thing anyway....?" Redwol stuttered from his position by the giant root.

"I don't know...," Dora said, glancing towards the pinned fish. Sterland forest may be home to strange and ferocious monsters like the 'King of the Forest," but she had never seen anything as strange or as monstrous as these things before.

"Uh oh!" Redwool suddenly called out, gazing into his crystal ball. "Valentine! Get us some cover over us, NOW!!"

Without questioning the sudden urgency, Dora slammed her hand on the root, branching another piece of cover. Above them, a hail of water tendrils descended on the two, digging deep into the root that protected them.

"Oliver.... My precious Oliver...." Helpono continued to mutter, clawing the left side of his face, his nails ripping into his own flesh.

Behind him, Gura was charging forwards, raising his large mallet over his shoulder.

"Damn you human!" He yelled as he leaped up, trying to hit his opponent while his back was turned.

Before he could hit, a mud whip suddenly wrapped itself around the boy's chest. Behind him was Bush with a hand wrapped in mud that extended towards Gura and pulled him back, just as a water spear fired from the ground in the spot where Gura was.

"Don't attack recklessly!" Bush snapped to the boy after he skidded across the ground, stopping at his feet. "This human..... He's very dangerous..."

Remaining where he was, Helpono began to bang his staff down on the ground, bringing up the four water spheres that began to orbit him. "No no no.... Still too early... Still too early.... Just a little more...." He muttered letting out another unnerving cackle.

Fred and Melvin, who were closer to the wizard, stood with unease. Melvin was clutching his left side, fairly certain that the previous attack had in fact broken something.

This guy's magic is strange. There's no incantation apart from the first one, and the strength of each one fluctuates between the power you'd see in a level 1 and 2 spell...... And the more he's using it, his mental state seems to get worse and worse, Melvin analyses desperately, trying to work out the ability this wizard possesses to no avail.

Wizards were Mana Channelers who used specific spell formulas and runes to cast spells and attacks, one of the most common and versatile forms of Mana manipulation in the world. While there were variations in their style, power and overall practice, the fundamentals all remained the same.

This one, however, was drastically different.

For one, magic required some form of mental discipline and concentration to manipulate mana, which was not what this man possessed at all. In fact, the more he used his power, the more unstable he seemed to get.

Then there was the inherent randomness of the spells, varying in both power and effectiveness. While this is true for the spells in his repertoire, a level one spell would generally be the same cast by anyone. While there would be some variation depending on the caster, the results would always be the same and remain consistent. Not only was the spells of this wizard cast without so much as a chant, but their effect, ability, and power seemed completely random. The water spheres, the tendrils, the whip, even the monsters that were summoned, nothing pointed to a single spell, which was the 'Devil's aquarium' that was cast at the beginning. Even if everything in the end of the day was the result of a single spell, it was so varied in its capabilities that it only seemed to raise further questions.

This was further enhanced by his strange healing capabilities. Allisa's ability to rapidly heal her body despite the grievous of injury was nothing short of miraculous. A life-threatening wound she received, with the aid of a healing potion, closed up in under an hour. However, this wizard was able to heal from what looked like serious burns in a few seconds.

And finally, and most disturbingly, was the mans constantly degrading mental state. He hadn't forgotten the sinister aura he spewed back at Löwe Höhle, which terrified even his own comrades, so much so that he was knocked out before he could participate. Thought the entire battle, his mood had been swaying back and forth, shifting from this sorrowful posture to this irritable persona. As the battle continued, his personality seemed to be drastically changing. Then there was this 'she' he constantly referred too.

"Fred! Melvin!" Dora suddenly called out from her hiding place, pointing the water hominoid who was restoring it's severed limbs once again.

"I-It's getting back up?!" Fred said holding his slingshot out.

"I'm so fed up with this thing...." Melvin growled.

"He must go... he must go...." Helpono continued to mutter, pointing his staff towards the spot where Dora and Redwol were hiding. "You two.... Are in the way..." he muttered scratching the side of his head. "Must kill... must kill... must kill.... OLIVER!!"

Upon hearing its master calling its name, the fish monster named Oliver, let out a loud whale that encoded throughout the entire cage, causing everyone within to cover their ears.

The flesh on the sides of the creature where it's fins began to bubble and burst open in a shower of red blood. From the epicenter, two muscular, scaly hands extended from the epicenter, slamming on the ground. There was then another burst of blood from the tail end as the causal fin ripped itself from the body, freeing the monster while scaly legs sprouted.

"Wh-wh-wh-what in the goddess name is that?!" Redwol stuttered in horror as the fish monster began to stand on it's new feet. Towering over even the water humanoid.

"It's... standing...." Dora said with a sense of unease.

Helpono gazed up at the mutated fish monster. "Still not time.... Still not time....." He pointed his staff at the monster while covering his face with a single hand. "Kill them.... KILL THEM!!"

With a whale, the fish monster charged forwards towards Dora and Redwol, leaping off the ground while only a few feet away. Thinking fast, Dora slammed her hands to the ground, creating a wall of roots as the fish crawled towards them, bulldozing the roots in its path with its large hands and wide-open mouth.

"DORA!!" Bush cried as he saw the giant monster slam itself into the giant root. He was about to rush forward to see if his granddaughter was ok when the giant humanoid leaped from its position, flying over its master with its arms stretched out as it performed a somersault.

"Above up!" Gura pointed out, taking a step back.

Seeing it, Bush raised a large volume of mud to create a wall, which the giant slammed it's encrusted fists into the wall. Bush retreated back towards where Gura was just before the mud disintegrated by the shocking weight of the attack. It then walked through the devastated wall, imposing its height over the two Samiets.

"What in the goddess name is that....?" Gura muttered. He had only caught a glimpse of it from his position at the other end of the battlefield. Seeing it up-close, he could scarcely believe what he was seeing. A giant monster composed and animated entirely of water.

"Stay on your guard," Bush said to him. As much as he wanted to see if Dora was ok, he knew he couldn't so long as this monster stood in his way. His only option was to find a way to defeat or immobilize it.

"Oh no, Dora!" Fred called out, seeing the impact of the giant fish monster crash against Dora's giant root that was used to breach the water dome. Not long after, the water monster leaped into the air to the opposite end of the battlefield.

Following its trajectory, they saw Helpono approaching them slowly.

The sight of him alone was enough to cause Fred to freeze with terror. What little he had seen of this madman was enough to terrify him to his very core. While his opponent during the Rat's incident was by no means terrifying, it was unnerving given how close he came to being sent to the next life.

This human (if he could call him that) was different.

"The rain.... Everyone fears the rain....." Helpono continued to mutter as he swerved around. "Rain Rain.... Go away....." He swung out his staff, raising a hand to the sky. "'She' hates the rain...."

Melvin took a step back, holding his wand in his right hand while clutching his left side with his left hand. While he had certainly faced his fair share of wizards in his service as Arch Sage Dran's apprentice, and several other none wizards with questionable motives, fighting this cackling lunatic was a completely new experience.

"She is coming... She is coming..." Helpono continued his delusional rantings as he raised his staff, "he always hated her.... He always refused her..... you sicken her...." He then slammed his staff into the ground. A rumble ensued, nearly knocking both boys off their feet. Black crusted shells erupted around Helpono like a crown as something began to rise from the ground.

"Oh what now...." Melvin muttered as he shielding his eyes from the dust. As it began to settle, both him and Fred took a step back at the new horror to grace the battle.

A large, round based, crustacean monster with small crawler tendrils jutting from the base along with four eyes that took up the encumbrance of the base. The pinkish flesh exposed was positioned below the black shell. Helpono was at the center of the crown on its head, the four water sphere forming around him.

"Wh-What is that....?" Fred asked in partial horror at the nightmare before him.

"You'd think I'd be used to this crap by now...." Melvin said biting his lip, holding out his wand as a form of defiance

This must be the thing that blocked Allisa's attack before..... just how much tricks does this lunatic possess?

"Can't you hear her..... She's calling to us.... It's beautiful...." Helpono continued his delusional ranting, holding his staff close, the aquamarine beginning to glow an ominous, purple light. "A little more... A little more.... Just a little more...."

His bloodshot eyes drifted down to Melvin.

"It's too late... It's too late..." He raised his staff high in the air, pointing at Melvin, "Tonight.... The rain will finally stop.... Finally be free.... KILL THEM YOMAN!!!"

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