《The Goddess’ Chosen》Dragon Pulse Martial Arts


"Come on you bum, wake up."

Yuki's eyes slowly opened. Everything before him was hazy, but he could make out something before him, a woman by the looks of it.

"Didn't you say you're gonna beat Gai? No way you're gonna do that if you sleep around all day. You won't be able to beat me at this rate."

The voice sounded familiar, soothing. "A-Ayami......?"

"Bro? Not sure what you're seen but don't follow whoever it is?!"

Yuki's vision slowly returned to him, the silhouette of the woman vanished, replaced by the visage of a big burly bald man who was right up to his face.


"Ahh! May!!" A second man ran to his friend who had taken a boot to the face. "What the hell was that for Bro! He was just trying to help!"

"Get that close to me again and I'll flay you!" Yuki snapped with his foot raised. He then grimaced as a sharp pain overcame him.

"You shouldn't move around so much sir Yuki. You took a lot of damage against that man." A third man with a pompadour said kneeling beside him. "I healed you to the best of my ability, but I wouldn't recommend any strenuous movements at the moment in your condition."

"H-Huh?" Yuki glanced down and saw his chest was wrapped with bandages. He also took note he had been moved from where he collapsed, his back now resting against the wall of one of the ruined huts of the plateau.

"We moved you after you collapsed." The man continued. "To be honest, I'm beside myself that you're still alive. You certainly have the goddess' protection."

"....." Yuki didn't respond to the man, staring blankly to the blackened sky, still concealed behind the thick bushes. "Where's my sword?"

"It's right there!" The large man said, holding his nose.

"We put it back in its sheath after you up and collapsed!" The thin man said. "You just focus on gotten some rest!"

Yuki glanced to his left and saw his katana resting beside him. "Good...." He let out a sigh of relief, resting his head against the wall, feeling at ease that his pride is beside him. "By the way...." He looked at the man by his side. "What's with that stupid haircut?"


"Ha.... Ha..... I won...." Rodger painted, trying to catch his breath following one of the most intense battles he'd ever fought.

"H-How are you still able to talk after all that?"

Rodger turned his head to see Steve waddling over to him.

"He he.... A real man.... Never drops in the middle of a battle," Rodger replied with a grin. "Though... I could use.... A little rest."

With a sigh, Steve took out a small canteen and threw it to Rodger, the brass container landing on his chest. "Huh?" Rodger picked up the canteen.

"Phoenix Dust," Steve said, looking away. "My dad is in charge of the refinery of the potion, remember. I always have some on me."

Rodger blinked. Steve's father, Dorian held the position in charge of the brewing and distributing of potions, the village's main source of trade due to the unique materials in the forest, which included Phoenix dust. This is what gave him such influence in the village and while he would always condemn humans, the position forced him to concede to sell the potions to them, usually after some convincing.

"Don't take it the wrong way, loser! You need it way more than me." Steve yelled going red.


"Hm!" Rodger pouted, looking away from Steve. "I don't take handouts. A real man-"


Rodger reluctantly complied and chugged down the canteen's content as fast as he could. He choked and shot up coughing and spluttering. "Ahh, I hate that stuff!" He complained, wiping his mouth. While Phoenix Dust was a special healing potion that could rapidly heal the body, it didn't change the fact it tasted terrible. "You should really make this test better."

"Don't complain to me about it! At least be grateful I shared it with you!" Steve snapped.

"Tch, I didn't ask for your help," Rodger huffed. However, it didn't change the fact he was wounded badly from his battle with Robin. He could feel the effects of the Phoenix dust working. The pain was beginning to subside. "But..... thanks. Guess I owe you one."

"D-Don't mention it," Steve said quietly, swallowing more of his pride. "Anyway, now that it's clear, mind telling me what the hells going on!" He yelled pointing to the destroyed village. "I mean, who are these guys anyway? What the heck are they after?"

"I donno, something bout a fox," Rodger shrugged.



Steve clicked his tongue in frustration. "Guess it was asking too much of you."



Interrupting them, the stone slabs burst apart in a hale of dust, violent winds spewing forth, threatening to knock the two boys over the ledge into the lake below.

"Wh-What the?!"

"Wh-what now?!"

Both boys screamed over each other as the winds blew past. As Rodger opened his eyes, he saw a small blue butterfly pass the left side of his head.

"That was way to close." A familiar voice struck fear into the hearts of both youths.

"N-No way....." Steve said, going pale. "Don't tell me...."

As the dust began to subtle, a swarm of blue butterflies could be seen rising up from the rubble, converging on one point. In the center was none other than Robin, holding out his left hand as the butterflies converged together, taking the shape of a crescent arc. His clothes were torn and his cap was off. Yet he was in one piece, seemingly unhurt despite the damage sustained.

"I guess congratulations are in order," He said coldly to Rodger. "If I hadn't used the full power of Sifflet, that could'a been much worse." The butterflies converged together, forming his silver bow.

You're kidding… Steve thought as he fell to the floor. After all that he's still in one piece.

Rodger gulped as he took a step forward, grasping his hammer.

"What? You still want to fight?" Robin said curiously.

"Couse," He said, holding out his hammer. "Like I said; a real man always settles the score,"

"R-Rodger...." Steve was almost about to talk him down, but something caught in his throat, stopping him from raising his voice against his foolhardy rival. Instead, he got back to his feet, "I told you I'm gonna take him down."

Rodger grinned as he lowered his hammer. "Na, just watch as I take this bastard down."

".... You two are serious huh?" Robin said, narrowing his eyes at the two boys, seeing the reignited fire in their eyes. "Ok.... Guess there's only one thing to do."


Rodger and Steve braced, preparing themselves for whatever they had to throw their way. No matter how terrifying his ability was, the two resolved themselves to see the battle through to its conclusion.

"I give up."




"Wh-What?" Rodger looked confused, thinking he was hearing things.

"I give up." Robin repeated, his bow vanishing from his grasp.

The two boys stood with their mouths agape. "J-Just like that....?" Steve muttered.

"Just like that." Robin nodded as he began to turn in mid-air.

"H-Hold on!" Rodger called him out. "After all that you're just giving up?!"

"Yep. I was only doing this to kill time. You thought I was taking it seriously?" Robin said nonchalantly. "Though I gotta admit I didn't predict I'd take this much damage. I think I may have taken it a little too liberally back there."

"Wha- hold on!"

"That said, I could have easily destroyed you right from the get-go. But if I did that I'd be giving myself away. Don't want Yensin or that red-haired assassin to pick up on it." Robin glanced around at the village, and it looks like things are beginning to die down now. "It'll be time for me to get what I came for." He began to float away without any sense of care for the fact he had admitted defeat.

"I said," Rodger slammed a hand to the ground, "HOLD ON!!" sending a rock spear at the floating boy who vanished before being hit.

"Damn- AH!"

Robin reappeared before Rodger upside down and flicked his forehead. "If you somehow survive what's coming, let's have a proper match." He then floated backward with speed, reaching the edge of the plateau before giving the boys a flick salute, "See ya," before disappearing completely.

"H-He's gone," Steve said, the tension in the air had vanished. "..... Who the hell was that guy?"

Rodger just stood frozen, feeling a mix of frustration and irritation. The battle he had fought tooth and nail for had ended in such an anticlimactic way.

Cliff vs. Ling

In the shadow of the large water cage, Cliff continued to do battle with Ling. Cliff skidded back following a lunged kick from his opponent.

With his arms raised, Cliff held his ground as Ling spun around in the air sweeping a left kick towards him. Ling turned in the air, kicking with his right leg.

Ling landed on the ground, pulling back his left palm. Seeing this, Cliff leaped back cautiously just as Ling lunged his palm forwards, keeping his guard up.

Ling recovered, starting with an ear-to-ear grin. "You're acting cautiously."

"Golden rule is not to underestimate your opponent when you don't know what they're capable of," Cliff grinned. "I like to think of myself as the careful type, unlike those reckless morons I could mention."

Ling chuckled as he took his stance with his fingers placed together.

Cliff put his fists back up. His fingers..... He gulped as he recalled his previous engagement. When they hit, it felt like something was stabbing through me. He said before it's some kind of Mana Channeling. In that case, what's the catalyst?

"Back then you could barely put up a fight," Ling spoke, "It seemed more than being exhausted from fighting Leo. I bet it's some kind of trump card."

Cliff narrowed his eyes, as Ling spoke, raising his fists higher.

"I must say I'm intrigued,"

Cliff moved his head just as Ling lunged forwards, covering the distance in a mere second before lunging his right fingers out. A small scratch appeared on his left cheek.

Ling smiled wickedly. "I think I'd like to see it before you die."

Instinctively, Cliff jumped back, raising a hand to his left cheek. "What was-"

Ling spun around, keeping his body low to the ground before crossing the distance, stabbing them into Cliff's torso before he could have a chance to react. He flinched as a sharp pain shot through his body from where he was 'stabbed.'

Ling then pivoted to the left, kicking him in his right flank. Cliff dug his leg in to keep himself from being knocked back, throwing a left hook at the man. Ling flexibly dodged by leaning his upper body. Cliff threw another punch, missing as the man when he bent forwards. After a third punch, Ling backfilled away, getting up while grinning.

There it was again. Cliff thought, putting his fists back up. When his fingers hit it definitely felt like something just stabbed me.

Ling changed his stance, keeping his legs together while resting his right hand behind his back, putting out his left hand, taunting Cliff.

Now he's just messing with me, Cliff grinned. I should remain cautious. I know he's still holding back.

Digging his foot in, Still, Cliff charged forwards. I won't get anywhere staying on the defensive!

With a grin, Ling raised his palm, blocking a right hook. Cliff pulled back his fist, throwing another fist at Ling who curved his body to dodge. Cliff threw another fist, only to have Ling to brush it by.

Cliff continued his attack, throwing fist after fist that Ling either dodged with his acrobatics, all with a smile on his face. He's definitely messing with me.

With a grin, Cliff threw out a right hook, which Ling responded by putting a hand out to parry. Only it was a faint. Stopping short, and with his opponent taken off guard, Cliff sent an uppercut, catching the man in the gut, letting out a small huff that he was able to finally land a blow. That was short-lived when he noticed he had his left hand out before his gut, blocking the strike.

"Nice try," He said calmly as he slammed his right palm into Cliff's chest, sending out a pulse that forced Cliff back several feet. "Oh ho, you actually blocked that with your mana,"

Cliff gritted his teeth, putting a hand on the part where the pulse hit, only just blocking it. Damn it..... I still haven't landed a single hit.

Ling parted his legs, lowering his stance while pointing out his fingers. Cliff once again charged forwards once again. Ling grinned as he spun to the right, avoiding his right hook. With his arm stretched out, Cliff spun to the right, trying to backhand the man.

Ling ducked, avoiding the swing. Cliff followed up with another punch, only to have Ling dodge again by a narrow margin, jabbing his fingers up, hitting Cliff's outstretched arm.


Cliff ignored the sharp pain, throwing out a kick, which Ling dodged again, twirling low before slamming his palm into Cliff's chin. He spun around with an elbow jab into Cliff's gut. Trying to ignore the pain, Cliff tried to uppercut him. Ling dodged once again, pivoting around before kicking Cliff into his gut. Losing his footing, Cliff stumbled in the ground before recovering.

"D-Damn it...." Cliff groaned as he picked himself up on the floor.

"You never took me for the reckless type," Ling said, relaxing his stance.

Cliff grinned back at his opponent. "I'm gonna go out on a whim and say that way of dodging is part of your ability?"

"Hm...." Ling gave an amused smile, taunting Cliff with another wave.

"Tch," Once again, Cliff threw caution to the wind and charged.

"You will throw a right hook,"

He stopped short by throwing a right hook that Ling dodged the left.

"Followed by a left uppercut to my belly."

He followed with an uppercut, seeing Ling jump back to dodge.


"You will take a step forward, throwing two punches."

Cliff took a step forward, throwing out his left fist, which Ling parried, followed by throwing out his right fist, which Ling blocked with his palm. Gritting his teeth, Cliff leaped back again, putting his fists up. What was that just now? Was he..... was he predicting my moves?

"Is that all?" Ling said in a mocking tone.

Charging in's gonna get nowhere. He's definitely showing off that he can predict my movements. And I get the feeling he's still trying to bye time. Cliff thought rationally, standing back up. "Tell me something, what exactly are you guys up to, going through with this?"

"Hm?" Ling raised his eyebrow.

"That lunatic from before said something about freedom. This seems a bit much for that. What exactly are you guys after?"

Ling smiled. "As I said, master Yensin has other plans. He aims to correct this world from stagnation."


"You're from Terra, correct? You must know of its history of conflict." Ling raised his hand, "That conflict, is what we desire."

"..... You desire conflict?" Cliff scowled. "That doesn't make sense. And that doesn't explain what you guys are doing here."

"Use your head. You know the history of this world. 1500 years since the coming of Arthur and the fall of the King of Thorns has brought about an age of peace. Yet in your world, it is a never-ending spiral of conflict. Now think, what is the key difference between the two worlds?"

"............... The Arch Sages?!" Cliff's eyes widened. He recalled the words wizard speaking of something similar. "But what do you gain from this? If you wipe out the arch sages that will just throw this world into chaos!" Cliff then gasped. "That's it.... That's what he wants."

"Correct," Ling said, raising his arms. "That is what master Yensin desires, conflict."

Cliff smirked, "I see what Arch Sage Elaina meant, that guy really is a lunatic."

"I can't disagree with that, master Yensin is known for being quite eccentric," Ling changed his stance.

Cliff put his fists up. Crouching, Ling lunged forwards, covering the distance in a split second. Cliff moved the right, lowering his body, pulling back a fist.

Ling blocked the blow with his shin, once again taking the brunt of Cliff's punch. Cliff pulled back his left fist, sweeping another punch towards Ling, who dodged by a split second, jabbing at Cliff with his left fingers. Gritting in pain, Cliff swung another fist out. Ling ducked jabbing his fingers into Cliff's torso before backing away before his opponent could respond, flinching as he felt the sharp pain that assaulted him.

"I must say your fists pack a punch. I feel I had to put some considerable effort into blocking that attack." Ling spoke again, gesturing to his leg. "Yet that strength is also your weakness. Each punch leaves you open to attack."

He's right..... Cliff thought He's too damn fast and agile. Not to mention that way he can predict my movements.Hate to say it, but this was a bad matchup. Reluctantly, Cliff put his fists back up, ignoring the stabbing pain in his chest. A level up could give me an edge.... But.....

Ling smiled, changing his stance, standing sideways, pulling back his left hand while bending his right arm, this time pointing out all his fingers and his thumb, making a dragon's head.

Cliff put his guard up, not recognizing the stance. Guess this guy's stepping it up.

Suddenly, an azure glow appeared on the very tips of his fingernails.


He then lunged his fingers forwards, a burst of aura emitted, taking the shape of a dragon's head. Cliff leaped out of the way as the head reared past him. What in the world?!

Ling then covered the distance, jabbing out his left fingers, striking Cliff in the chest. He cried as he felt a painful piercing through him. Ling then pivoted around, swinging his right leg out, striking him in the side of his head. Cliff groaned, feeling the weight pressing on his neck. Ling pivoted around again, kicking his right leg twice into Cliff's chest before pivoting around, striking both his palms into his chest, emitting a pulse that forced him away.

"Urgh!" Cliff grunted again holding his chest. He managed to limit the damage again, but this time only just.

"Hm hm hm," Ling chuckled. "I can't say I'm not enjoying this. I'm starting to show you more of my power. I think it's only fair you do the same,"

"N-Not gonna happen...." Cliff said with a grin.

"Oh, you still want to hold back, even though you have landed no solid blow on me."

".... You really love to talk, don't you?" Cliff mocked, taunting Ling.

"Hm, as you wish." Ling moved back his leg, which suddenly began to sink into the ground. "Hm?" Around him, the ground began to soften into mud, veering up in order to consume the man. For the first time in the battle, Ling looked shocked.

"I got him!"

"Right! Hold that human in place!"

Roots then fired from around the mud like a forest, aiming to pierce Ling.

"Hm, what pests...." Ling raised his left leg, a blue aura shrouded his leg, twirling his leg around clockwise, emitting the blue aura that took the form of a dragon, blasting away both the roots and the mud. With his trapped foot freed, Ling leaped into the air, landing on the ground with his legs stretched out. "I was under the impression that all your creatures have fled following Lire Lim's demons," He said as he regained his composure.

Cliff was taken aback, recognizing both abilities; Bush's mud and Dora's root attack. That said the ones who came to help were not people he recognized.

Standing at the entrance to the Plateau's edge was Van and Freya, looking astonished that their combined attack was countered.

"What did he....?" Van gritted his teeth. "Damn that human."

"What are you two doing?!" Cliff yelled, causing the two Samiets to glance towards him. "Run! This guy's too dangerous!"

"W-we don't take orders from you, human!" Van yelled, pointing at Cliff. "This is our home, it's a matter of pride that we are the ones to defend it!"

"Forget about pride! This guys-!"

"I suppose you have a point. This is your home," Ling said pacing forwards. "As you said, it is a matter of pride that you defend it to the last. By that notion, you have more than those other cretins that fled the hoard Lire Lim summoned." He smiled, stopping with the Samiets before him with Cliff at his 3 o'clock. "That does make my job that much harder."

"Are you mocking us......?" Van muttered, holding back his rage.

"Oh... now that I've got a good look at you, you are the ones who tried to attack Master Yensin at the breach," Ling said, glancing at Van and Freya. "Something about how one of your relatives was killed by a human?"

Both Freya and Van tensed, recalling that incident where Van lost his temper and attacked the attackers, only to have his entire attack destroyed.

"You certainly have guts back then opposing us. Yes, it's only fair that you be disposed of."

"I said your fight was with me!" Cliff yelled as he charged in pulling back his right fist.

Ling raised his right hand, blocking Cliff's punch with just his right palm. "Your attacks are so easy to read." He said flashing a grin at Cliff.

Van slammed a hand to the ground, shooting four roots towards Ling as he raised his left leg outwards, pointing down his foot. Spotting this, Cliff leaped backward, just as Ling spun clockwise, the tips of his foot emitting a blue aura. Singing it out, the blue aura destroyed the incoming roots. Cliff was blasted by the backlash of the aura emitted by Ling, skidding across the ground several feet before righting himself.

"Yes, that was the attack you used before," Ling said with a smug grin.

"Damn it, this is no ordinary human...." Van hissed.

Freya didn't say much, glancing over towards the water dome; a sense of unease came over her by the mere sight of it. Her thoughts suddenly went back to one of the men that were present at the breach, one with green hair and wearing a monk's habit.

Then she noticed something sticking out of the dome.

"I told you to say out of this!" Cliff yelled at the pair.

"We don't take orders from humans!" Van snapped back. "I told you this was our village. It's our right to defend it! Not leave it up to humans!"

"Damn it... Look, I get it! But this isn't-"

"DORA!!" Freya yelled pointing at the water dome.

Van followed his wife's gaze towards the water dome when he did his face contorted in horror.

"Huh?" Cliff turned back to the dome were Melvin and Bush were fighting the crazed wizard. There he notices something sticking out of the right side of the dome. "Wait... is that...."

He saw a large root sticking out. His mouth slid open, his eyes widening as he recalled one samiet youth who could create roots from the ground. "Oh no.... don't tell me that-"


Without warning, Ling slammed his palm with his five fingers bent into Cliff's back. "AAAAHHH!!" he screamed as he felt a sharp pain shooting through his body.

"It's the height of bad manners to turn your back on your opponent."

Cliff stumbled forwards, collapsing to one knee while gritting his teeth. What.... What the hell was that? It was that attack from before but so much worse....


"It's him, I know it's him! Not my daughter!"

Van and Freya charged towards the bridge that connected to the plateau with the water dome. Seeing them, Ling leaped up in the air, the blue aura returning to his right foot as he descended towards the makeshift bridge.


With a wave of his leg outwards, shattering the bridge entrance, stopping both Samiets in their tracks. "NO!" Freya cried seeing the wooden bridge falling towards the other plateau.

Ling landed back on the ground with a smug smile on his face. "Believe it or not, I did you a favor." He said at the furious Samiets. "My colleague is quite unstable at the moment. I almost feel sad for the poor boy and old man who are in there with him. Who knows what unspeakable horrors they are witnessing in there."

Frustrated, Freya slammed her hand on the ground, mud forming into a fist sending it towards Ling. In response, Ling pulled back his left palm.


Throwing his palm forwards into the mud fist, the impact blasting apart the mud.

Van followed up by slamming his hand on the ground, sending a hoard of roots towards Ling who pointed his fingers and thumb on his right hand.


Thrusting them forwards, a blue aura burst from his fingers, destroying the roots in one shot. Van raised his arms, guarding himself against the incoming splinters.

With her hands still on the ground, Freya spread out mud from her position towards Ling, who was relaxing his stance. His feet began to sink into the mud, threatening to swallow him whole.

"I've got him,"

"This is the end human!"

More roots began to push itself up from the ground surrounding Ling, threatening to impale him. Despite being in the ground with his feet slowly sinking, Ling smiled.


The mud around his legs burst away, and with a wide crescent arc, the incoming roots were shattered. "That won't work,"

With his hands still in the ground, more roots shot up from the ground. Ling dodged each and everyone with a series of acrobatic dodges. At the same time, a large root sprouted from the edge of the plateau, creating a bridge to replace the one lost.

"I'll hold him!" Van said to his wife, keeping his hands on the ground. "Go get our daughter!"

Freya nodded and turned to the root bridge.

Van smiled, watching his wife escape. He turned back around-

"Oh I see,"

-Just as Ling passed Van by.

His eyes widened, realizing that his target had just passed him by, and was heading straight towards his wife. He moved so fast Van hadn't noticed even after he passed right past.


Freya turned around seeing Ling jab his fingers into her back. She cried out as she felt a sharp pain penetrate her body. "Not a bad move. Distracting me as you make a break for the water dome."

Gritting his teeth, Van sent a large root towards Ling. "YOU BASTARD!!"

"But like I said-" Ling ducked out of the way of the root which missed by a split second followed by a kick up that broke through the wood. "I'm doing you a favor."

The root coiled back like a snake, five more branches threatening to erupt from the surface. Ling acrobatically dodged the coming roots, allowing them to penetrate the ground. Ling moved to his left, pointing out his fingers. "I should do you a further kindness and put you both out of your-"


Before he could finish, Cliff had charged from Lings left, throwing a fist that slammed into his left cheek, sending him crashing through the root, skidding across the ground to a halt.

I-I hit him? Cliff thought to himself. Before, Ling dodged each and every blow with relative ease, almost like he was mocking him. He was not able to land a single hit on the man. But this time, his opponent made no effort to dodge, as though he was able to take him unaware.

From his position, Ling regained his composure. His mocking grin had disappeared, returning a cold gaze as he rubbed his left cheek. "That hurt."

Cliff shot a grin at Ling, "Surprised you didn't dodge that one, given how you were playing around before."

Freya picked herself up from the ground, clutching her back where she was 'stabbed.'

"You ok?" Cliff asked. Freya didn't respond, keeping her eyes on the water dome on the other side of the root bridge. "I wouldn't go there if I were you." He said, anticipating what she would do. "This bastard one thing, but that partner of his is on a whole other level."

"Are you saying we should just leave our daughter to die?! Van spat.

"..... One of my friends is in there, along with Bush. If she is in there, she'll be fine." Cliff responded, trying to put aside his own doubts. "Regardless, if we want to help them, we need to get rid of this guy first." He glanced at his fist.

"Are you saying we should work with you?!" Van snapped, looking almost offended by what Cliff was implying. "You humans are the ones who caused-"

"I don't know why you hate humans so much," Cliff interrupted, "but far be it from me to try and tell you otherwise. But you have to agree now's not the time for that stuff,"

Freya glanced back to the water dome. She knew her daughter was there, and by the sounds of it, her father as well. The very sight of it brought a foreboding chill down her spine, vibrating in her tail.

"I don't know what made you guys hate humans, but it definitely feels more justified then Dorian." Cliff continued, drawing Freya's gaze away from the water down back to the human who took a step forward. "I'm not gonna ask you to change your opinions of us. In fact, I can honestly understand if you hate our kind more." He said at Van who was also mulling over the situation. "All I ask is you trust me, just until we beat this bastard. After that, feel free to treat me however you want."

"You seem to be getting ahead of yourself," Ling said. "Don't feel confident after one lucky punch."

Cliff smiled and tensed his muscles. "True. I'll probably feel more confident after I slug you again."

Van bit down on his lip, his little fist digging into the ground. "Alright....." he said quietly, swallowing his pride as he stood up. "But only until we defeat this human."

Freya glanced back again at the water dome. Dora..... father..... Please be careful...

She stood back up, turning to face Ling once again. "They better be safe, you understand." She said coldly at Cliff.

"Don't worry," Cliff said as confidently as possible. "That kid may be small, but I'm confident he'll think of a way out of it."

Meanwhile, Ling parted his legs, lowering his stance again while pointing out his left two fingers downwards while extending his two right fingers up behind him.

"Three against one hardly seems like a fair fight," He said with a smile.

"I thought you liked those odds,"

"Oh I do. Very much so,"

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