《The Goddess’ Chosen》Make a miracle happen


Yuki and Sokaku's blades clashed once again, sparks erupted from the ragged edge of Sokaku's blade, both grinning through their teeth. With his left hand, Sokaku twirled the scabbard clockwise, then jabbed the tip towards Yuki's face. Yuki moved his head out of the way, barely avoiding the blow, losing the pressure he applied to Sokaku's sword. Sokaku forced Yuki back, twirling around in the process.

Yuki recovers his footing, holding his blade overhead and swinging downwards.


Sokaku blocked it with his scabbard. In the bout, Yuki realized the scabbard was metal as well.


Sokaku grinned, holding his right arm out wide and swung it forward. Yuki leaped back right at the last second before he was sliced in half, the blade cutting his shirt, leaving a small nick on his chest.

Sokaku lunged out his scabbard, followed by a swipe with his blade. Yuki was forced on the defensive by the relentless assault, the sparks emitted from each clash of the swords.

Yuki was struggling. Sokaku's movements and attacks were both unpredictable and unorthodox, at one moment using this scabbard to block while attacking with his katana, and then he'd use his sword to block before striking with his scabbard. Unlike his last opponent, the sword-armed homunculus Gamba, Sokaku's attacks were relying more on skill and technique as opposed to the savagery of the former.

In the mists of the flurry, Yuki grinned. Following a strike from Sokaku's sword, Yuki relaxed his guard, allowing Sokaku's scabbard to slam into his temple.


Yuki held his ground, ignoring the trail of blood that seeped on the right side of his face.

"Got ya," Yuki held his sword at a low arc and swung his blade. Sokaku pulled back his scabbard, bringing forth his blade, blocking Yuki's strike. Sokaku's teeth gritted together as he tried to keep Yuki's blade back, ultimately failing. Yelling, Yuki pooled as much strength as he could, breaking Sokaku's guard, who sidestepped back as Yuki's sword lightly cut into his right cheek.

Yuki attempted to follow up his attack, raising his sword overhead-


-Failing to spot Sokaku lunging his scabbard into his gut, pushing him back across the ground.

Yuki recovered and raised his sword at his opponent, flashing a satisfied smirk, seeing bloodstain Sokaku's beard on his left side, satisfied he finally was able to draw blood from his opponent.

Sokaku, putting up his guard again, flashed a grin again at Yuki again.

".... Holy shit,"

"Bro's really strong...."

Shay and May gawked in awe, watching the battle unfold. Faust remained leaning against the building, just as captivated by the battle before him.

Incredible.... I've never seen a battle between two swordsmen from Kujarat before. Faust thought, gulping at the tension created.

Back at the standoff, Yuki and Sokaku remained still as statues, both waiting for the other to make a move. Sokaku then broke the stalemate, raising his right arm to his bloodied cheek. "Impressive! Truly impressive! You're different then what you were before. Back then you could barely stand let alone fight." He bellowed, examining the blood on his arm.

"That would probably mean more if you took this seriously," Yuki grunted.

Sokaku flashed a small smirk.

"Yo bro... what are they talking bout?" May asked.

"Somethin bout holding back....." Shay responded. "But both of them are goin at it pretty hard..."

"At the moment they are just testing the others strength," Faust spoke, "I have a feeling the true battle is about to begin."

Sokaku impaled his scabbard into the ground, "Reijingu Mizu,"


Yuki flinched.

"A unique sword style to counter mana users, utilizing the user's pure physical strength and will to create projectile-based attacks. A very difficult style, and one only a handful can master." Sokaku grinned at Yuki, releasing his grip on his scabbard. "Especially for one so young as yourself."

"You know an awful lot...." Yuki grunted back, relaxing his stance.

"A long time ago I was a retainer to the previous shogun," Sokaku continued, stroking his beard. "Given the physical prowess of those who have mastered the style, two were made retainers both fought bravely to defend the shogun."

"Yeah, they did a great job..." Yuki sparked.

The previous shogun, Katsua Minamoto, was assassinated by a rogue Ninja 19 years ago. It was a well-known story in Kujarat that even someone from the sticks, like him, knew the story.

"Yes.... Unfortunately, you know how the story played out." Sokaku's expression changed to a sorrowful look, eyeing Yuki. "That is why I take issue with your fighting style. I know that path all to well... and I know it will lead to not but ruin."

".... Tch, You're the second old fart to tell me that," Yuki held out his blade with one hand. "I don't give a crap about what you or anyone else says. This is my path, my oath. All that matters to me is victory, no matter what. " He then regained his stance, holding his blade with both hands. "So stop holding back! Give me everything you got!"

"I see...." Sokaku said softly, reaching down to his gourd. "Far be it from me to ignore your request, nor talk you from this path," He brought the tip to his mouth where he bit down and removed the cork with his teeth, spitting it out before taking large gulps.

He's..... Drinking?

Sokaku then threw the gourd to the ground and raised his sword in the air, spitting the alcohol all over the blade. "As I said in the beginning, I do have an oath I cannot ignore," He then grabbed his scabbard hoisting it up, holding it out inverted in front of him. He then placed his sword's ridged edge, horizontally on the scabbard. "Let us see whose oath is stronger,"

With one sharp movement, Sokaku pulled his blade, allowing the metal of the scabbard to grind against the ridged edge. Flames erupted, consuming the blade.

"Wha-?!" Yuki stood in awe, seeing the fiery sword held out high, the roaring flames baiting Sokaku with its orange glow.

"Honō no buyō, Ryū," Sokaku muttered, flashing a grin at Yuki. "I hope you don't regret what you asked for."

Final battle: Meracle vs. Leone

Both Meracle and Leone clashed their shins together, counting the other's attack. Meracle was sent back, skidding to a halt, glancing up to see Leone's foot inches away from her face. Meracle ducked at the last second, allowing Leone's attack to pass overhead, falling sideways to the right, putting out her right hand to catch herself, raising her legs before kicking out with her left leg, aiming at Leone's open belly again.

An audible boom was heard from the impact as Leone used her left arm to block the strike, gritting her teeth. On a handstand, Meracle pulled her leg back, putting the legs back before performing a double kick that broke Leone's guard, causing her to step back with her guard broken.

Meracle crouched and sprung up. Backflipping before diving her foot towards Leone, who stuck out her leg. The two girls clashed together, wind blasting off as the two's attacks canceled each other out.


Meracle flipped back, skidding to the ground as Leone leaped towards her again, flailing her legs out. Meracle ducked out of the way as Leone passed by. Leone crouched to the ground, kicking back in a crescent movement that nearly caught Meracle who took a step back.

Leone then performed a handstand, flipping to her front with her back turned. Meracle lunged forwards, aiming to blindside Leone. Leone pivoted sharply, aiming to catch Meracle with a wide kick, aiming in her midsection.

Rather than dodging, Meracle took the hit, Leone's leg digging into her left side.

Leone couldn't help let out a grin with satisfaction, which slowly despaired when she saw Meracle with the same expression on her face. Without warning, Meracle grabbed ahold of Leone's leg-


-twirled counterclockwise, striking Leone in her belly again.

The two backed away with Meracle collapsing to the ground, grabbing the area where she was hit, and trying her hardest to ignore the pain that racked her entire body. After taking so many hits in the previous bouts, realistically she couldn't really afford to take any more.

Leone on the other hand, collapsed to one knee, holding her bruised belly with one hand, coughing out blood.

"Wha-What the...." Leone gasped in disbelief.

"... You always... try to hide when you're hurt..." Meracle painted, getting back to her feet. "When I kicked you earlier..... It definitely felt like it hurt you...."

Leone glared up at Meracle.

"You always hide.... Under that stupid grin of yours," Meracle panted, smirking back.

Leone smirked back, getting back to her feet, still clutching her belly. ".... Look who's talking," She muttered, slowly taking her hand away. "I bet you're doing everything ya can just ta stay on your feet."

Meracle's smile disappeared. She was absolutely right; it felt like it took everything Meracle had left just to stand up. Given how heavy her body felt, if she fell to the ground again, she wouldn't have the energy to get back up.

"I'll admit, you got me pretty good back there. But look at the state you're in." Leone continued, wiping her lips with her thumb, looking as smug as possible. "I'd say one more hit and you're finished."

Meracle leaped back putting distance between her and Leone.

"Not sure what running always gonna do ya!" Leone grinned as she lowered her body. "You know I can easily outrun ya!"

Meracle knew it was risky and may leave her open, but it was undeniable that she had taken so much damage that made getting close to Leone to land another solid hit. Hope this works....

She then took another combat stance, putting her legs close together and began to hop on the spot.

"Not sure what you're doing," Leone charged in, "BUT IT AINT GONNA WORK!"

Meracle then flashed out her right leg at the distance Leone, approaching in the distance. Something then flew past the right side of Leone's face, blowing some of her hair away while leaving a small graze on her cheek.


Meracle then shot out her left leg. A blunt impact then slammed into Leone's face. WHA-?!!!

The impact staggered Leone and Meracle followed up by performing a 360 degrees spin before kicking out her left leg in a rapid movement. Leone was peppered with invisible projectiles aimed at her, pushing her back.

Meracle finished her attack by leaping up, twirling around before landing on her left leg, shooting out her right leg. Another impact launched Leone back, tumbling across the ground to a halt.

I... I did it!

In her training with Cory, she was taught how to perform a 'sky jump.' It was an advanced Mana focusing technique that involved using her mana to make an effective platform by attacking the air around her feet, using that to propel herself forwards. To do so involved fast motion and reflexes, and according to Cory, took many people months, years even, to master it. Meracle managed to achieve it in three weeks.

Impressed, Cory decided to teach her an offensive variant of the sky jump, sky bust. This involved the same principle, only projecting the attack outwards. While it looked simple, it proved far harder than learning the sky jump. It required combining what she learned from Cait Sith martial arts and the sky jump to pull it off. It took her two months to project one attack outwards, with a range of only 5 meters.

This would mark the first time she successfully performed it.

"D-Damn.... Damn it...." Leone struggled to her feet. Unfortunately, the sky burst did less damage than a regular kick, but it seemed to have caused some damage to Leone. "You..... little...."

Meracle tensed, seeing a look on Leone that she had never seen before. She was gritting her teeth hard. The look in her eyes was more hostile than she'd ever seen before.

She wasn't angry, not completely. Meracle had seen her angry before, and while it was different from her usual demeanor it didn't seem that this was the case here. If she were to guess, it more resembled frustration.

"Why.... Why the hell are you here.....?" Leone muttered. " It woulda been.... So much simpler if.... you'd just- just stayed!!"

Meracle regained her stance, hopping in place. If this was to end, she had to land another solid blow.

Leone then charged again. Meracle responded by sending another sky burst at Leone. However, Leone jumped in the sky, avoiding a direct hit.

"Like I'll fall for that again!"

Meracle pivoted and sent another sky burst towards the air born Leone. She twirled around, avoiding the concussed air, then bent her legs and, to Meracle's surprise, performed a Sky Jump, rocketing towards the ground, sticking the landing close to Meracle before launching up and slamming her fist hard into Meracle's belly.

Meracle gasped as the air was forced out of her before being launched backward, tumbling hard on the ground.

"You forget I can do it to screwball!" Leone spat as she paced forwards to Meracle, who came to a halt close to the edge. "Honestly... you really piss me off!"

Meracle tried to get back on her feet, but the pain was now so bad she could barely find the strength.

"Just look at you."

Leone reached Meracle, grabbed a hold of her hair.

"What's the-"

Hoisted her back to her feet-


-and punched her as hard as she could.


Then punched her again.


And again.


And again.


And again.


And again.

And again.

And again.


Leone pulled back her now bloodied fist.


Meracle's hand then shot out and grabbed a hole of Leone's wrist. "I..... told you...."

Wh-What?!" Leone was stunned by the fact Meracle was still standing by the onslaught and the fact she had enough strength to actually hold her left arm in place.

"I'm.... here... to settle things....." Meracle glanced up at her battered face with her left eye partially swollen, and a trail of blood leaking from her nose, mouth and several cuts.

Gritting her teeth, Leone pulled back her right fist in an attempt to plumbed Meracle, only to have that caught as well. "And.... I'm not the same screwball I was,"

With an iron-clad grip on Leone, and past her defenses, Meracle lifted up and kicked out both her feet right into Leone's gut, so hard that they literally sank into her. Blood leaked from Leone's mouth with her eyes rolling back. When released, Leone took a step back before collapsing backward.

Right at the last minute, she recovered and righted herself, lurching forwards, tensing herself up in an attempt to bear the pain. Coughing up blood, Leone glanced forwards. "IT'S NOT OVER YEEEEEEEETTTTTT!!!" Leone yelled as Meracle's shin came straight at her face, making impact lurching her back to a straight-up position.

"Not yet,"

Meracle span around pulling back both of her little fists before plunging them back into Leone's wounded belly, launching her back.

Slipping in and out of consciousness, Leone just made out Meracle leaping over her.

Putting her feet together-


-and sent out double sky bursts, slamming Leone into the ground hard enough to cause a wide crater, sending parts of the plateau shooting upwards.

Meracle landed back on the ground, failed the landing, and toppled over in exhaustion. Her body was racked with pain from all the damage she had taken, almost drained of her mana.

But in the end, it was worth it. Behind her, her former mentor and partner lay at the center of the crater she had formed, broken and defeated.

"I..... did it...." Meracle muttered sitting up. "Allisa...... I.... I didn't.... screw up."

On that day, on that hour, Meracle finally made a miracle happen.

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