《The Goddess’ Chosen》Named after a Miracle


"Look, she is definitely the one. Her growth is extraordinary and her mana level is incredibly high for someone so young. I think she's the one the prophecy spoke of."

"You say that," Elaina sat at her desk, glaring into a crystal ball that dominated the messy desk space. "but you don't have any evidence to back it up. As far as I can tell, the appearance of Excalibur to a teenage girl from Terra is utterly ridiculous. Frankly, from what you've described to me, she must have the devil's luck to have survived this long."

"But Elaina-" A man's voice spoke from the crystal ball, trying to get his argument across before Elaina gracelessly interrupted him.

"You can say whatever you want. To me the words of another are nothing but words. You of all people should know Dran that I take things at face value. If you're so adamant in advocating the girl's worth, send her to me and I'll judge her myself."

There was a long pause before the man spoke again in a nervous tone. "T-To you?"

"Is that a problem?"

"N-No, of course not. I'll show you that you're wrong about her!"

Elaina smirked at the success of beating the man at the other end of the crystal ball into the reaction she was hopping. "Good. And if she turns out to be what I think she is, I can enjoy bragging rights over you for the next year."

The light from the ball disappeared, and Elaina locked her fingers together in front of her. "So, what are your thoughts?"

Standing in a dark corner of the room, out of sight from the caller's knowledge was Cory. "I don't know....." She said, sounding skeptical. "Putting the whole 'Goddess chosen' thing aside.... A teenage girl who bested a knight in combat with only two months of training seems a bit too far-fetched."

She put a hand to her chin as she pondered the information she was told. "Do you think Sir Dran was lying?"

"No. Dran doesn't lie," Elaina said automatically leaning back in her chair, narrowing her eyes at the crystal ball. "But he is 'economical' with the truth. There's definitely something about this 'Allisa Reed' he's keeping to himself."

"Even so.... are you sure about this?" Cory asked, looking concerned. "You realize we're going up against Yensin of all people."

"Like I said to Dran, he wants to advocate this girl's value to the Arch Sages. If she proves useful at this crucial moment, I'll be happy to eat my words this once," Elaina said with a smirk.

Cory couldn't help but shudder, pitting the poor girl who's playing an unwitting participant in the upcoming storm.

"Still," Elaina spoke, folding her arms. "Whether she proves her value or not, there is the prospect that there's something Dran is keeping hush about, let alone the fact he's kept the rest of the Arch Sages in the dark about her existence."

She glanced up to Cory, who nodded as though knowing what she was asking.

"If he has them, I'll find them." She confirmed with a smile. "Should be easy enough with the Crimson Blade assassin away with this girl."

Elaina nodded back before leaning forward on her desk, locking her fingers together. "He'll definitely have kept both. I know that idealist far better then he thinks."

Cory smiled and walked to the door of the office, reaching for the doors handle. "And while I'm out," She began.



".... Well, it's about Mary,"

On mentioning her name, Elaina let out a loud sigh. "Is she still moping around?"

"You can't really blame her," Cory looked back, her face filled with concern. "You saw how crushed she was. It's been five days and she hasn't left the Atelier once,"

"I'm aware.... I've been locked up inside as long as her," Elaina huffed.

"Just.... You know, get her out and about. Try to be..... you know..... kind and considerate to her feelings," she said hopefully.

"You make it sound like I'm none of those things," Elaina replied leaning back with a small grin.


"Fine. I'll find a way out of the Atelier," Elaina said with a noticeably sinister grin.

......... maybe asking her was a bad move.

Preparing for the worst

The situation following the Everndail heist was grim. In one night, around 93% of the palace's guards, including the additional reinforcements, were dead, a majority of them infected by the Praga demons. Along with them were a further twenty of the palace's staff that were present during the fiasco also met an untimely demise.

It was discovered in the morning that the vault had been blown open from the inside, and the treasure of Duke Berma, the key to the Nine-Tails, had been stolen. And to add insult to injury, there were no signs of the culprits.

Duke Berma took immediate action, using his authority to shut down the borders to the dominion and limiting sea travel going out from the ports, a move Elaina called pointless, and only caused a lot of problems with those trying to get into Cataka, and going to other parts of the Miltesa Empire.

Elaina knew that Yensin would make his next move, which would be trying to find the other half of the key or even uncovering the location of the monster in question. Knowing the man, Elaina was certain that he knew exactly where to look, meaning time was of the essence. Yet if the disaster that occurred in Everndail had taught her anything, it was that she required more help. If that meant she had to use the 'Goddess Chosen,' even if she was an unknown, then so be it.

With the books she borrowed from the duke, both her and Pressa set about decoding the messages, trying to learn the secrets of the Nine-Tails, operating under the assumption that whatever they learned, they can be sure that Yensin already knows.

However, the main problem was Meracle, who now spent most of her time mindlessly gazing out of the window. Cory had found her bleeding out on a damaged rooftop near the palace. They learned that two other members of Yensin party, the notorious thief, Leone Vastia, and a mysterious elven boy who blasted the door of the vault open with one shot, had stolen the key. Meracle also told them that she had led both of them into the vault.

Since then she'd been depressed. Her usual cheery attitude was gone.

"Mary. I'm gonna be going out for a couple of days," Cory said.

"....." Meracle remained where she was, keeping her gaze on the floating clouds above.

"Oh... you haven't touched your food again," Cory said picking up the plate with a smoked fish on it. "It's not good for a growing girl to miss meals."


Sighing, Cory tried to walk away, then stopped and turned back with a somber look on her face. "Mary. I told you this isn't your fault. We were all fooled."


"Just give up Cornilia." Pressa spoke up. She sat on the couch, studying the tome in her hand.

"Can't you be empathetic for once?" Cory said sounding irritated.

"It's a waste of time and effort," Pressa said coldly. "Frankly, someone dumb enough to be fooled by a known thief and actually talked into showing them a way into the very thing we were supposed to be guarding is not worth my pity."

"Ok, that's going too far!"

Pressa glanced up to Cory, and then gave her a small smirk. "You haven't made that face in a while." She commented to the expression Cory had as she stared down at her. "You had that same look back when you tried to kill me."

Before Cory could say anything in response, the door to the study slammed open. Elaina walked though, letting out a very loud (and fake) yawn. "Boy that was a nice cat nap. But, oh no, I'm hungry and we’re out of snakes. If only there was someone who has nothing better to do then, AH! Mary!"

Cory couldn't help but gaze in disbelief as Elaina walked up to the still unmoved. She..... really was the wrong person to ask.

"Mary, be a dear and go to town to get me something," Elaina asked with a fake smile.

"..... Ask Cory," Meracle muttered.

Elaina then grabbed Meracle's bodysuit and picked her up.


"I wasn't asking." She then threw Meracle right through the window, sending her tumbling across the ground like a bowling ball before slamming into a nearby tree.

"MILADY!!!" Cory exclaimed while Pressa let out a small chuckle.

"You said get her out of the house," Elaina said as she exited through the window, making her way over to the dazed Meracle.



"That is no way to speak to your master," Elaina said holding up her fist while Meracle rubbed the top of her head. "Now make yourself useful and get me something, preferably sweet or covered in chocolate." She threw Meracle a pouch, which she comically tried to catch before finally succeeding.

"Well get going. I'm hungry." Elaina said.

"Nyew....?" Meracle glanced at the pouch in her hands, almost frozen in place.

"I said get going before I decide to eat you instead."


After that subtle threat, Meracle charged off towards the town. Elaina looked back to Cory with a satisfied look on her face.

"You are......." Cory's eyes narrowed. "Unbelievable,"


"Myowkay! Time to get that mean old hags snacks.... Or she'll do something even worse than throw me out the window."

Meracle stood atop the rooftops, overlooking the city of Tattoria. No matter how long time changed, this sleepy city would always remain the same. Growing up, she saw this city as large and daunting to explore. But having seen Everndail, she started to realize just how small this city was compared to the outside world.


The moment Everndail came to mind, she was instantly brought back to the events that transpired only five days ago, the painful betrayal of Leone playing out over and over again, how she smiled when she stole the treasure, and more than anything else, how she led her into the vault.

"No! Stay focused!" Meracle slapped her cheeks. "Milady is counting on you..... I think," After slapping her cheeks a second time, Meracle began to leap off the rooftops, making her way to the marketplace where she was likely going to find her masters snacks.

There's no way I can possibly screw this u-

After clearing two buildings, Meracle landed on the third and lost her footing, falling backward into the alley below, crashing into empty barrels and crates.

"Myowww...." Meracle groaned as she rolled out of the debris she caused, getting back to her feet while brushing herself off. "What the hell. I never miss a jump like that. Must be a loose tile."

"It's good to see ya haven't changed one bit."

She suddenly stopped patting herself as a stray thought crept into her head. A look of defeat once again came over her as Leone's voice rang through her head.

She then saw the pouch Elaina had given her laying on the ground. She reached down to get it when suddenly a small hook caught the brown fabric and whisked it away.


Meracle glanced up and saw three small children dressed in dirty clothes. "Alright, got it!" One of them yelled as they ran away.

"S-Stop!!" Meracle chased after them running as fast as she could. "Give that back!!"

As she followed the girls to the main street where they blended into the crowds.

"Nyew... where are they?" Meracle looked around frantically, trying to catch a glance of the children who stole her money. However, she knew it was hopeless to find them in this crowd. It was the first thing she had learned as a thief, if you're being persuaded, run to a crowd to get away from those chasing you. "No no no...." Meracle hissed to herself.

"Face it kitty, no matter how much you try, you'll always be that same little cowardly screwball."

I-I'm not..... I'm not.....

Meracle gritted her teeth, rubbing her head, ignoring the strange stairs she received.

"You looking for three little kids," a voice came from behind her.

Looking behind her she saw a soldier standing behind her.

"Uh... y-yeah," Meracle nodded.

"Ahh, not again...." The soldier sighed and rubbed his head.

"Do... do you know them?" Meracle asked desperately.

"Uh... yeah, I know em. I also know where they'll be."


The soldier raised his hand. "Just... hear me out first."


Deep underground laid the catacombs of Tattoria, a large underground facility built long before Tattoria existed, built by a civilization that time had forgotten. Most consisted of tunnels and passageways, many of which remained unexplored. The tunnels were usually off-limits to civilians due to the high level of monsters that nested in the ruins.

It was the perfect place for people with nowhere to go to make shelter, somewhere far away they couldn't be found or disturbed. That was the case for the three boys. In a small section of the tomb close to the surface was an area that made for a makeshift home, protected by a thin sheet of cloth. Inside were three children; two girls standing over a mat were a boy lay panting.

"We're back," The three boys walked through the cloth.

"We managed to get some decent money this time."

The three walked up to the girls, the oldest with the pouch he stole. "How is he?"

"He's better today. He isn't in too much pain."

"That's good." The boy said as he crouched to the bed-ridden boy. "Hey, Doril. We got enough to get some medicine for you. Just hold on a bit longer."

"Rore!" One of the boys yelled, pointing to the entrance. Turning, the boy called Rore saw Meracle coming through the cloth.

"Y-You?!" The boy stuttered as the three boy's took out small knives. "How did you find us?"

Meracle didn't respond and instead glanced at the bedridden boy who was protected by the two girls. "..... Is he sick?"

Rore glanced at the boy bedridden. "Wh-What do you care?" He snapped back at Meracle. "Now get out before we do something you'll regret."

"R-Rore, please!" One of the girls spoke up. "Um... Are you the one they stole from?"

Meracle nodded.

"I-I'm sorry. But please, we just need medicine for our friend. It's expensive and.... Well, you can tell we're all orphans."

"What are you telling her this for?!" Rore snapped at the girl. "You think she's gonna sympathize with us? I told you, grown-ups don't care one bit about us!" He pointed to Meracle. "Just look at those clothes! I bet she's some kinda noble! They got more money then they know what to do with! What they care for a couple of alley cats like us?!"

Meracle couldn't help but feel a stab at the boy's comment.

"Remember, we got no one but us to rely on but us! Grown-ups like her don't care about anything but themselves!"

In some ways.... she understood exactly how he felt. But she could see their situation was different and more sympathetic than her background.

When she was in the orphanage, she stole to support her family, even knowing it was wrong. But then they all died, and she stole only for herself. She had no one, and relied on no one. She stole to survive on her own, not caring about others.

But these children were different. They were looking out for each other, even stealing from their bedridden friend.

"I-It's like Rore says!" One of the boys yelled, facing Meracle with his knife looking scared. "Sh-She's just gonna go tell the adults where we are, and they'll come and lock us up!"

"We're not scared of you!" Another spoke up, with a much more fierce look in his eye. "Come on! There's only one of you after all!"

"W-What are you doing?!" One of the girls spoke up.

"It's the only way to save Doril!" Rore said, standing his ground. "We've been fighting monsters much bigger than her! No way she'll face all three of us without a few burses!"

Meracle turned around and walked back to the cloth entrance. Perplexed, the boys kept their guards up, wondering what she was doing.

"Wh-Were are you going?" Rore asked. "Y-Your just gonna let us go?!"

Meracle parted the curtain slowly.

"D-Don't you want your money back?! That's all you nobles care about!"

Meracle paused before answering. "..... I've screwed up enough times already," she said quietly, a sorrowful smile crept across her lips. "What's one more?"


Once more, Meracle sat alone as the sunset over Tattoria. Once again, she had screwed up. Yet this time, it didn't feel as bad. Probably because now, nothing she could do or mess up will either compare or make amends to what has happened. Letting little kids go with the money entrusted to her..... Letting Leone into the vault just to steal... she couldn't tell the difference.

"Myow...." Meracle let out a long sigh, her ears slumping down into her blue hair.

"It doesn't take all day to get some snacks, does it?"

Meracle jumped at the sound of a familiar, cold tone, coming from behind her. Standing directly behind her was none other then Elaina, who looked more curious than angry that she was out so late.

"Wh- how'd you find me?!" Meracle asked startled.

"You should know better than to underestimate my genius," Elaina smirked. "So... where's my snacks?"

Meracle let out a small huff. "I don't have it. The money was stolen?"

"Who by?"

"Doesn't it matter?" Meracle huddled herself together as she gazed back to the setting sun. "Point is, I screwed up again."

"Ok, ok," Elaina shrugged, letting out a sigh. "Let's go. I'm hungry and Cory's going to chew me out when she learns you were out all night."

".... Why?" Meracle muttered. "You're just gonna kick me out so why bother trying to play nice."

"Because you feel responsible for what happened?" Elaina asked, sounding serious.

"It's true... isn't it," Meracle sobbed. "If I wasn't there... If I'd just stayed behind-"

"It wouldn't have made a damn difference whether you were there or not," Elaina interrupted, narrowing her eyes. "That man played us all for fools. He would have taken what he'd come for, regardless of whether you let them in or not. So stop with all this blaming and wallowing in self-pity cause it's starting to piss me off."

Meracle didn't respond.

Elaina let out another long sigh, running a hand through her raven black hair. "How someone one like you is named Meracle is beyond me."

"Well, you don't have to call me that anyway," Meracle said coldly, scowling at the setting sun. "..... I always hated that so much. People think good stuff'll happen just cause I'm named after the Lady of Miracles herself. Nyew, what a joke.

"The only miracle that happen was me being born even though my mommy died. I'm the only one who survived the demon blight even though everyone I considered a family died from it....." Meracle' lowered her gaze to the streets below, seeing the citizens closing up their doors, "I stole, cheated and robbed.... All I had was a worthless name that everyone thought would create a miracle and make people happy. At the guild, I was treated like a lucky charm, all-cause of my name..... Like I'm supposed to make miracles happen just by being there."

"You really are a stupid kid, you know that," Elaina said ruining the mood.


"You think miracles are something that comes to those who wait around for them to happen? If so you are dead wrong. Miracles happen to those who make them happen."


"And back to your original point, I'm not going to kick you out for this, nor am I going to punish you." Elaina continued.

"But-!" Meracle started before Elaina raised her hand interrupting her.

"Punishing someone is to force people to understand their wrongs. I don't see any point in doing that for you since you clearly understand that.... and this depressing mood of yours is really starting to get old."

".... Can't you be nice for once?" Meracle pouted.

"When have I ever been anything but?" Elaina smirked as she walked to Meracle's side.

"..... You really sure you want someone like me around?" she asked, a small smile creeping on her lips, the first true one she had ever had since the Everndail incident. "Even if I'll just screw up again."

"Don't just go around assuming you'll screw up everything you do, otherwise you will end up doing just that," Elaina said in a tone far different than anything Meracle hand heard her speak before. "Instead, stand up and continue down the road before you. And if you reach a point where you need a miracle, then make one for yourself."

Elaina stood before Meracle, baiting in the twilight before her. For the first time since working for her, Meracle could help but gawk in awe, scarcely believing that standing in the twilight with such beauty was the same rude, unpleasant, evil witch that had taken her in. With her arms folded, staring into the little girl's eyes, the woman simply smiled a smile she had never seen on her before.

"Like it or not, you were named after a miracle, so go out and become someone worthy of that same miracle."


Leone stood at the edge of the plateau, overlooking the chaos that seemed to have descended on the once sleepy village.

"Geez, these guys know how to throw a party," Leone whistled. She then gritted her teeth, rubbing her belly, which had a black burse. As much as she wanted to brush it off and pretend her battle was a walk in the park, there was no denying that Meracle's attacks had done more damage then she let on.

The last kick took a large amount of mana and will power to keep herself from showing the signs that her powerful kick nearly floored her.

Damn.... When'd the kitty get so strong...?

A tang of sorrow crept over her as Meracle seeped into her mind.

Well, not like it matters now. Ain't no way she's-

"L-Leone...." A wheezy voice came from behind Leone. Hearing it caused her freeze, slowly turning her head with a look of shook.

In the same place where she delivered the final blow, the battered and bruised Meracle was standing back up.

"No way...." Leone muttered, her teeth grinding together as her emotions began to betray her, "WHY CAN'T YOU JUST STAY DOWN?!!"

Meracle spat a goblet of blood on the ground as Leone's face contorted in anger.

"JUST LOOK AROUND!!" She threw her hand out to the chaotic vista. "This place is doomed one way or the other! You really think you guy's can possibly win against these odds!!!" She then pointed at Meracle. "Get it through your head! You, blondy and all those other losers don't stand a freken chance!" She then gave an amused smile, as she turned around to face her old comrade again. "Or are you holding out, waiting for a miracle to happen? You know, cause you got that stupid name from legend, thinking a miracle'll fall out the sky?"

"Course not...." Meracle responded, wiping the smirk of Leone's face. ".... I know better then anyone miracles don't work like that," slowly, Meracle parted her legs, "If you want a miracle to happen..... Then you make one happen," She then smiled at Leone, "Isn't that right.... Milady..... Allisa...."

"......... Ok you little bitch," Leone's eyes narrowed, resembling that of a dangerous predator, parting her legs and taking a similar stance to Meracle. "Bring it!”

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