《The Goddess’ Chosen》The Everndail Heist


(11 months later)

"Ok, let's go again."

Meracle stood in the field in front of Cory, performing various stretches.

"Ready?" Cory announced, positioning herself sideways, raising her left arm.

"Uh huh," Meracle nodded with a grin. She then began to hop in place, loosening her body up. "Ready!"

Meracle stopped bouncing and launched herself forwards. She sent two sweeping kicks, passing by Cory who parried each strike with one arm.

Skidding to a stop, Meracle lowered her body, pivoting around, performing another sweep, aimed at Cory's legs, who jumped up to avoid the first blow. Meracle turned around, standing on her hands, kicking out with her other leg at the airborne Cory, who raised both arms to block the upcoming strike, being pushed back several feet, landing on both feet.

Meracle rose back to her feet clicking her tongue.

Smirking, Cory raised her left arm once again. Meracle launched herself forwards, sending a flurry of kicks at Cory who parried each one, moving back a step by the onslaught.

Meracle halted her advance, pivoting while sweeping her left leg upwards. Cory caught it with one hand. Meracle then lifted herself up, swinging out her free right leg, trying to catch Cory in the neck.

Cory reacted by catching her wayward leg. With both arms occupied, Meracle freed her left leg, span once again, putting as much power as she could behind it. Cory instinctively blocked the blow that sent her skidding across the ground, leaving grooves where her legs dragged through the ground.

Meracle landed on the ground, resuming her stance. It then quickly dismissed into a large grin, followed by her jumping up and down with glee. "Myow! I did it!"

After her third jump, Cory suddenly rushed forwards; grabbing ahold of Meracle's bodysuit in the front threw her over her shoulder, slamming her to the ground.

"Never take your eye's off your opponent, even if victory seems to be at hand." She said as she released the dazed Meracle, giving her a cheeky smile as she raised a 'V' sign. "Looks like I win again."

"Myaaa..." Meracle groaned as she sat back up. "I still managed to force ya back. Don't I get something for that?"

"That's true," Cory nodded, waving her arms. "You're definitely getting the hand of Cait Sith Martial arts. I actually had to put some efforts behind blocking that."

For the past eleven months, Cory had been teaching Meracle cait sith Martial arts, a Mana focusing fighting style that involves buffing the body for short bursts of strength. Meracle learned she already had a foundation for it even though she wasn't aware of it.

"You seem to have gotten the basics down, and you don't seem to be wearing yourself out as much as before." Cory praised. "I'd say in a few years you'd be a pretty formidable opponent."

Meracle grinned-


-Just before a large book hit her square in the face.

"Myow! What was that for?!" She yelled at Pressa who was standing behind Cory, who looked very unimpressed. While she got along very well with Cory, Meracle and Pressa never seemed to get along at all.

"Milady wants to see us," She said to both her and Cory.

Sighing, Cory turned to Pressa, putting a hand on her hip. "Can’t you a little nicer to Mary?"

"No." She said bluntly as Meracle got to her feet, pulling a face at her.

"Right, dumb question," Cory said scratching the back of her head. "Wonder what Milady wants us for."



"Everndail?" Meracle said scratching the back of her head. She was standing in front of Elaina's desk at the Atelier alongside her two other colleagues.

"It's part of the Miltesa empire to the east of here," Elaina said. "We have a request from the Duke himself."

"From the Duke?" Cory said, sounding more lost than Meracle. "Why us in particular? After all, there's Arch Sage Ondwill in Miltesa,"

"That senile old bastard with one foot in the grave," Elaina scoffed. "Let's just say, this job, in particular is off the record.”

Cory looked lost in thought, contemplating what Elaina meant. Then all of a sudden, her face lit up as though she came to a realization. "You don't mean... they might be something that he doesn't want the old man to know?"

"Exactly," Elaina nodded, standing up from her desk. "Pack your bags. We're off to the empire as soon as we're ready."


Being the largest city and the regional capital, Everndail stood as large and grand as one would expect, and a style that greatly differed from what Meracle used to back at Tattoria.

On the journey, Cory had explained that the dominion of Everndail was an agricultural-based economy due to the wide plains and humid climate with a number of orchards. Due to its position near Cataka, the architecture and style were similar to Tattoria, yet on a much grander scale.

The buildings were far larger than any she'd seen in Tattoria, a city that seemed almost out of place due to the large plantations that surrounded the city, featuring a large plaza in the center that strongly reminded Meracle of the Ferkles bizarre back at Tattoria.

Upon arrival (which Meracle had to be dragged along to stop her from gawking), Elaina was led by an armed escort to the governor's palace, a building that was far larger than the others, noticeable for its large dome on the roof.

The guards lead them to a large set of doors where they opened it for the four Cait Sith, allowing them into a large study. Sitting at a massive desk was a man dressed in a full military attire, short-cropped hair, his aged face dominated by an almost comically large mustache.

"Lady Elaina of Cataka," The man greeted in a deep gravelly voice, standing up from his desk, bowing to Elaina as she walked up to him. "It is an honor that you'd find the time to travel all this way to meet with me."

"The pleasure is all mine, Duke Berma of Everndail," Elaina said, not even trying to sound like she meant what she said.

Meanwhile, Meracle was led by Cory to the side of the room with Pressa. "Uhm, Cory..." Meracle spoke in a hushed tone, as not to interrupt her master. "Who's that?"

"Oh, that's the Governor of Everndail. Duke Segrain Berma." Cory answered while Elaina took a seat at the desk.


"I told you on the way how each dominion has its own separate laws and customs. While Miltesa is the capital and where the Emperor rules from, what happens there is more about national and diplomatic relations. Meanwhile, the dominions set their own rules based on the ruler, not answering directly to the emperor."

"Nyew...?" Meracle looked a little confused by the explanation. "So.... he's like a king?"

"Not quite. He's able to rule the dominion, but he still has to answer to the emperor, who has the power to intervene in case he does anything that goes against the will of the people or the empire as a whole."


"It's basically a glorified caretaker," Pressa responded callously. "They may have the illusion of autonomy, but that power can just as easily, and legally, be taken away."

".... Well, that's true," Cory hesitated to agree with Pressa. "It's a little different from a caretaker though."

"Has that ever happened?" Meracle asked. "The.... Taking away part?"

"A couple of times in the past," Cory answered her. "The last time the Emperor executed that right was about 10 years ago in Loborn. The details are a bit sketchy, but apparently, the ruling Somfal family was convicted of corruption and abuse of their power."

"Myew, really?"

"Well... like I said, the details are a bit sketchy, and the current Logras family has a lot of bad rumors about them."

Meanwhile, Elaina and Berma sat down, facing each other. "So, now that formalities are out of the way let's cut to the case," Elaina spoke with her usual condescending tone.

"O-Of course," Berma nodded, twirling the edge of his mustache with his finger. "There is a.... matter of grave importance."

Elaina raised her eyebrow.

"You see," Berma loosened his collar, matching eye contact with the increasingly impatient Elaina. "I received a calling card. One of my most prized possessions is about to be burgled."

"........ I see," Elaina gout up and turned around. "We're leaving," She called to her aids.


"H-Hold on!!"


Berma, Cory and Meracle called out as both Elaina and Pressa made their way to the door.

"In case you didn't get the memo, I'm an Arch Sage," Elaina said in a very hostile manner. "Stopping burglars stealing from pompoms asses with more money then the sense is, quite frankly, beneath me."

"I-I understand that! And I wouldn't be calling you out if it were not serious," Berma stuttered as he ripped open one of the desks draws, pulled out a piece of paper. "But please, at least read the notice!" He asked, waving the note frantically in front of him.

Elaina glanced back, looking plainly annoyed by being called out to stop a simple burglary, as she saw it. Reluctantly she made her way back to the desk, and snatched the paper out of Berma's hands.

Pressa made her way back to the other aids who watched as Elaina examined the note.

"Ha-" Her mood suddenly sifted as she read on. "Hahaha!!" She laughed out loud, a swing of mood that took everyone in the room of guard.

"M-Milady," Meracle muttered out of concern.

"Is something wrong?" Cory asked, taken aback by Elaina's outburst.

"I-I can assure you I am not making this up!" Berma protested, taken aback by Elaina's sudden outburst. "The man appeared before me to deliver it, bypassing all my guards and security!"

"Oh it's definitely him," Elaina said, placing the note on the desk. "Only man I know who can pull a stunt like this."

"Milady?" Cory spoke up, walking towards the desk, glancing down at the note on the desk. As she read, her eyes widened in shock. "Yensin?" She asked Elaina.

Elaina folded her arms and stared at Berma. "So... any particular reason why you're being targeted?" She spoke in a tone Meracle had never heard her speak in before. "The guy may be a clown, but even he never acts without a reason."


Berma led Elaina through his palace, followed by the three aids who brought up the rear. He brought them to the basement, a room that was dominated by a large vault door. It was gold, adorned with a large circular lock with runes etched into the surface around it.

"Behind this door is a secret passed down through the lords of Everndail for the past 300 years. No one, not even the Arch Sage Ondwill, knows of this place." Berma spoke, his voice echoed through the chamber.

Elaina stopped alongside Berma, folding her arms, keeping her gaze on the large vault that blocked the path. "You brought up an interesting point I wanted to ask," Elaina spoke. "Given Yensin's reputation, the most logical approach would be to request that old coot for assistance, rather than me, the Arch Sage of Cataka."

"You are correct," Berma nodded, stroking the left and of his mustache. "However, the duty to protect what's in this vault has been passed down from Arch Sage Anna herself.

"And.... I understand that you are an expert in the subject matter of what's contained here."

Elaina's eyes snapped to Berma, a flash of curiosity glimmered in her brown eyes.

"You will see." Berma raised his hand, showing off a golden ring, bearing his seal. "Open!"

On his command, the circular lock began to slowly turn clockwise. The sound of the screeching metal echoed through the room. Meracle covered her ears while Cory stood by, trying her best to bear it, while Pressa seemed unaffected.

Once the cylinder performed a complete 360 degrees turn, the vault's door then creaked open, revealing a large room. At the center was a single alter with a large stone coin with the right half broken off, lying to rest on a pillar in the center of the room. The only ray of light that shone through the darkness was a large spotlight that shined only on the coin itself.

"There it is," Berma, said, his voice sounding almost in awe at the object that lay in the center of the room. "The secret we've been guarding."

Elaina moved up towards the pillar in the center, her eyes never leaving the stone tablet before her. Her aids and the duke followed on after her. Meracle glanced a look at the coin, seeing the image of what looked like a monster engraved on it.

"This is..... the key to Kitsune?" Elaina said to Berma who was following on behind them.

"Now you see the gravity of the situation?" He asked.

Elaina let out a loud sigh, folding her arms together, her eyes never leaving the tablet before her. ".... Unfortunately."


After showing what was in the vault, Elaina went off with Berma, who had more to show her in regards to the tablet. Meanwhile, her aids had retired to the palace's library. Since Meracle hadn't followed the situation, Cory gave her a quick summary, explaining Elaina's past as a researcher to the Six Emperors, powerful monsters that had laid waste to Avalon 300 years ago, and how the stone tablet they saw back in the vault was a key to Kitsune the Nine-Tails.

"And that's what this..... Yensing guy wants?" Meracle asked, scratching her head. "Nyew, This is complicated..."

"Well, you understand the situation at least," Cory said with a wry smile.

"It sounds like she has a history with that man," Pressa spoke up. She was sitting at a small table, sitting with her legs crossed while resting her head on her hand, "The way she looked when he was brought up said as much."

Cory nodded, "Yeah, the two knew each other long before she became Arch Sage. It was before I joined so I don't know the details about their relationship, and it's not something she's brought up a lot since.

"Over the years we've encountered him a number of times." Cory looked at Pressa. "Last encounter was just before milady took down the syndicate."

"Is that right," Pressa said, looking vaguely interested. "I admit, I have heard rumors of him while working for those losers. None of them are good."

"Nyew....? What exactly did this guy do?" Meracle asked.

".... Take your pick," Cory said grimly, "everything from assassinations to thefts to blowing up government buildings. There really is nothing this guy hasn't done."

"Myew...." Meracle couldn't help but shudder. Even though she had met many 'scary' individuals during her time in the thief's guild. Even so, this 'Yensin' sounded like someone who she should never cross paths with if she could help it. "So.... us three are gonna be fighting this guy?"

"Three?" Pressa scoffed. "What makes you think you'll be any help?"

Meracle hissed at her. "I can totally be helpful! I'm not the same thief I was eleven months ago." She said proudly, "Right Cory."

Cory didn't say anything.

"Nyew..... Cory?"

"..... Mary," Cory muttered, "I.... think you should sit this one out."

"..... C-Cory....?" Meracle took a step back in disbelief.

"D-Don't take it the wrong way," Cory said quickly. "It's for your own good. Trust me, going up against Yensin is scary business."

"B-But I'm stronger than I was before!" Meracle protested, pouting while putting her hands on her hips puffing out her chest. "I'm not the same kitten I was Milady tied to that chair."

"You have eleven months of Cait Sith martial arts training," Pressa pointed out bluntly. "Hardly stronger."

Meracle turned and stuck out her tongue at Pressa.

"Ha ha, you have a point." Cory smiled, leaning down and patting Meracle on the head. "Then... how about you patrol around the governor's palace for us. Spot anyone that looks dangerous, then find me or Milady and let us know."

Meracle still looked down, despite the attempt to cheer her up.

"It's an important job. We need to know who to keep out eye on. Ok Mary?"

"..... Ok,"


"So this is Everndail, huh?" As the sun began to set, a blond-haired Cait Sith stood on the rooftop with a full view of the governor's palace. The Cait Sith, Leone, whistled, shielding her eyes from the setting sun. "Not bad. Lot bigger than Tattoria, that's for sure."

"This is actually the smallest city in Miltesa. If you think this city is big, just wait till you see the others." Floating down beside her was her 'partner,' Robin Wind.

"Aha, sounds pretty awesome, Roby."

"I told you my name's Robin."

"Might I remind you you’re not here to sightsee?" Walking up to Leone and Robin was one of her current employers, a woman called Ellie, who seemed to have taken an instant dislike to her.

"I know, I know, just playing around." Leone said playfully. "You really need ta learn to loosen up El."

"Ellie. I told you to stop calling me by that nickname,"

"Aw, ya know I only do it cause it gets under ya skin,"

Scowling, Ellie folded her arms, letting out an annoyed huff.

Robin floated up beside Ellie with his arms over his head. "Why exactly did you hire her if she drives you nuts?" He asked.

"I didn't," She said bluntly. "But.... we need an expert in this, and her reputation in the thief's guild at Tattoria's is well-founded."

"Aww, ya gonna make me blush," Leone called back with a goofy grin.

"Although...." Ellie muttered, her eyebrow twitching, "I would have preferred someone with a little more professionalism."

"Hehe, a friken palace," Leone muttered to herself (ignoring what Ellie had said) standing on the edge of the roof, staring at the palace with a hand over her eyes, "Wonder what kinda things I can swipe?"

"You're only stealing one thing," Ellie said, walking up to Leone. "The treasure of Duke Berma, the stone key to the Nine-Tails, nothing else."

"Yeah, yeah, I haven't forgotten El,"

"And it goes without saying," Ellie turned to Robin who had floated closer to the two ladies, "But don't cause too much of a scene. According to master Yensin, Arch Sage Elaina is already here at the request of the Duke,"

"Aw, wouldn't worry too much about her," Leone said, stepping away from the edge, resting her arms on the back of her head, "that bitch is overrated anyway."

"That may be, but we only have time to deal with one Arch Sage at this point," Ellie said, folding her arms. "What we don't want is for Ondwill to get involved at this point."

"Yeah, heard he's a piece of work," Leone said, glancing over to Ellie, noticing her right hand digging into her bandaged arm. "Sounds pretty personal to you though," she said with a grin, "something to do with that arm of yours?"

Ellie shot a cold glare at Leone.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding," Leone said, turning her attention back towards the palace. "Don't worry, I can get what ya what without causing too much of a fuss."

She then leaped away to the next building, leaving Ellie alone with Robin.

"Tch, why her?" Ellie grumbled, putting a hand to the bridge of her nose.

"You really don't like her, do you?" Robin asked.

"That's putting it lightly," Ellie said as she returned to folding her arms. "But... there's no denying we need someone like her for this job."

"Yeah, I guess," Robin said nonchalantly. "She seemed to touch a nerve back there," he glanced at Ellie's bandaged arm. "You're from Miltesa originally, right? Are you really ok doing this? It will destroy your home."

Ellie shot a cold glance to Robin, which was enough to tell him not to push the matter further.

"Ok, I get it. You don't wanna talk about it." He then began to float off. "I'd better catch up to make sure she doesn't cause a ruckus."

Ellie glanced back to the palace, raising her bandaged arm in front of her, her fingers stretched to cover the vista before her. "It won't be long now....." She said in barely a whisper, her hand clenching into a fist. "A little longer and I'll finally be free."


Leone hopped from rooftop to rooftop, circling the palace, studying the exterior. The daunting palace was the most out of place building compared to the very small buildings of the rest of Everndail.

For Leone, this would prove to be her greatest challenge to date.

Most of her heists included small-time robberies of local businesses and wealthy nobles' homes. The most daring and dangerous job she had done was raiding the local barracks, the only job she ever failed and was lucky she still had her tail at the end of it.

After that, she made it a point never to never take any ridiculously dangerous jobs ever again.

Then, a week ago, she was headhunted by Ellie and Ling, a man from Shu, who took her to the infamous Yensin. He explained they were going to free a powerful monster from its seal, and part one of the keys they needed was in the position of Duke Berma of Everndail. The second was in a ruin called Löwe Höhle, guarded by a powerful monster.

Naturally, Leone refused. Even for her, this job was borderline suicidal. Even for all the money in the world, she'd never take such a ridiculous job. But...... Yensin offered her something she'd wanted and would kill for.

So.... here she was, scouting out a way into one of the most secure buildings in the dominion.

"Geez, I can't believe I'm really going through with this," Leone said to herself, gazing at the building before her. "Sooooo.... How do I get in without causing too much of a fuss?"

Putting her hands over her eyes, examining the dominant palace before her. "Sure wish I had the little screwball with me on this." She let out a loud sigh as she remembered her old partner in crime. The little Cait Sith Meracle, who had left the thief's guild.

"Speekin of the little screwball, wonder how she's doing? Been nearly a year. Wonder if the Arch Sage's kicked her out yet?" She sighed and looked down to the street. Her tail then suddenly shot up, "Huh?" She leaned over the edge, narrowing her eyes, which suddenly widened with surprise. "Is that...? No way!"


"Mya.... Who am I even supposed to be looking out for?" Meracle asked herself as she walked through the streets of Everndail on.... what she thought was a patrol, as Cory called it.

Her first 'mission' was to walk around the palace, trying to find anything suspicious. Living on the street, Meracle had developed a sense of who to keep her eye on. In her experience, even the most innocent child could be an enemy in disguise.

That said it was difficult when she was drawing so much attention herself. She had seen humans before, visitors to Tattoria, many of whom she robbed from. This was her first time in a city full of humans, where she was the one who was so different. Walking through the streets, she could feel that there always was a pair of eyes on her, mostly due to her tail that wagged behind her. Fortunately, with the sun going down there were few people around. That said, a Cait Sith in a human city really stood out.

She didn't mind, however, since most were out of curiosity, with one little girl actually approaching her with fascination being the first non-human she had seen. Everyone was very nice to her, one store owner who was taking down his stand for the day, gave her an apple as a welcome gift. Despite the nice attention she got, it did make her job at spotting crooks difficult when she clearly stood out so much.

"Nya.... I don't even know whom I'm looking out for," Meracle said as she dragged herself through the streets, exhausted from the endless walking. She came to a bench placed on the side of the road which was noticeably wider than anything she'd seen back at Tattoria.

She slumped down on the bench, leaning back to gaze into the orange sky, feeling a little down. While Cory stressed that this was an important mission for her to undertake, she still couldn't help but feel as though they wanted her out of their hair for this important mission. As much as she wanted to complain, she could see the reason why. After all, she still screwed up small jobs every now and then; to the extent, Pressa expects nothing of her.

"Myow! No! This is just as important!" Meracle said to herself, sitting up while patting her cheeks. "Cory's counting on me, so I can't let her down,"

She shot up with her fist clenched, "I need to find these guys that work for.... Yegsomething. Cory's counting on me." Her ears and tail suddenly slumped. "Only... I have no idea who these guy's are."

Letting out a sigh, Meracle sat back down on the bench gazing mindlessly up to the sky-

"Wow, I was right!"

-which was suddenly blotted out when someone leaned over her.

"MYOW!!" Meracle shot up from the bench, putting her guard up. "H-Huh?"

"Hahaha! Sorry, didn't mean ta scare ya there!"

"..... Leone?"

The woman before her was none other than Leone, her old partner, and in a way, a teacher. It had been eleven months since they last spoke. With her usual chirpy grin, Leone straightened herself up and gave a short wave. "Long time no see, huh?"

Meracle's greatest screw-up

The sun was beginning to go down, giving way to the night. With the absence of light, crystal and oil lamps were used to illuminate the private library of Duke Berma where Elaina sat, studying an ancient tome provided to her by the duke. The book was the secret history of Everndail over the past 300 years, detailing the duty they were given by Arch Sage Anna.

As a former scholar, Elaina would have jumped at the rare chance to see such secrets in person. However, the situation being what it was, she couldn't enjoy the opportunity. While immersed, Duke Berma entered the room carrying more tomes, setting them down on the 10 other books he brought to her already.

"I assume there's some kind of code in these books," Elaina said as she leaned back on her seat.

"That is correct milady," Berma said, patting himself on the back, strained after carrying all the heavy tomes into the library. "There contains the location to where the second half of the key is sealed, and where the beast lays in slumber."

The duke let out a sigh of relief. "Even if he was successful in this threat, Yensin lacks the curtail information needed to awaken the monstrosity."

"I'm pretty sure that maniac already knows exactly where to look afterward," Elaina said in a serious tone.

"Wh-What!" Berma spluttered. "B-But that-"

"We're talking about a man who could bypass your security just to deliver you a warning he's going to steal your prized possession. Trust me when I say common sense doesn't apply when dealing with that man." Elaina let out a sigh. She raised her right hand, pointing out, waving them counterclockwise. The book on the table before her suddenly dropped through a portal that opened below it. She then did the same thing to the other ten books that were provided by the duke, dropping down through the portal that had opened below.

"L-Lady Elaina?!" Berma stuttered by the direct theft of his books. "T-those tomes are a one of a kind! P-Part of my private collection."

"Don't worry, I'll give them," Elaina said as she stood up folding her arms. "I have a feeling I'll be needing them.

The two walked through the now darkened hallways of the mansion, gently illuminated by the light crystals that hung from the pair.

"I've taken the liberty to increase the palace's security ten times over." Berma spoke as they walked. "Even for skilled mana users, getting in would be difficult."

"You can increase it a hundredfold, it probably won't make a difference," Elaina said.


"Yensin is no pushover, I can tell you that. He has followers, or people he hires, all criminals or outlaws that you'd be able to find on wanted posters, bounty guides or bingo books. But one, in particular, is that's the biggest threat. Lire Lim, the witch."

Elaina stopped and turned around, pointing at her face. "There's a chance you've met her. It's that freak with the bird mask."

Berma gulped, glancing down nervously at the floor. That told Elaina all she needed.

"You can increase the guard many times over, and it may even be enough to stop whoever Yensin has under his payroll. But that witch has magic the likes you've never seen." She then turned and continued to walk down the darkened corridor.

"You seem to know a lot about Yensin," Berma said as he followed on behind the Cait Sith. "Do you two... share some history?"

Elaina, for once, looked unprepared for the question. "..... you could say that."

As they turned the corner to a T-junction, both Elaina and Berma stopped dead in their tracks. Before them was one of the palace's guards slumped to the wall. Just above the man was a blood splatter, which dripped down towards the slumped man.

"My god!!" Berma ran up to the man, kneeling down in front of him.

The guard's face was blood red, with a hole opened up in his forehead.

"Looks like we have problems," Elaina said grimly, having walked up to the dead man, her eyes glancing to the left and right.

Berma took his eyes off the man to glance down the right corridor. When he did, his blood froze in horror. Before him was the sight of a massacre. Twenty guards littered the halls, all dead. On the left, nine additional guards lay dead.

"Wh-What on earth happened?" Berma stuttered as he got back to his feet.

"I think all those preparations have just gone down the drain," Elaina said calmly.

"My lord."

Suddenly, a timid voice came from the left. Standing amongst the corpse was a large, plump woman wearing a maid outfit, brown hair with gray streaks tied into a bun. Elaina had only met her once after her meeting with the duke. She recalled her name was Helga, the top caretaker of the palace, in charge of the cleaning of the palace.

"H-Helga!" Berma spoke, trying to regain his composure after the shock he had just experienced. "Wh-what happened? Did you witness who did this?"

Helga stood in place, holding her hands tightly behind her back. ".... I need you both to come with me."

Elaina's eyes narrowed in response. By first glance, she could see her as a stern woman who would strike fear into anyone who would do an inadequate job. To hear that timid demand said enough to her.

"Wh-What do you mean?" Berma said. "Do you know who's responsible?"

"I need you both to come with me...." Helga repeated more desperately.

".... Helga?" Berma looked confused, which only proved Elaina's hypothesis she developed on what was going on. "You are acting strange? Do you know something about this?"

"I need you both to come with me...."

"Why are you-"

"Alright," Elaina interrupted the duke taking a step forward.

"L-Lady Elaina...?" Berma stuttered, confused in her actions.

"We're not gonna figure anything standing here like idiots, don't you agree," Elaina said flatly. "Helga, right? Lead the way,"

Helga led the two past the collection of corpses, continuing through the palace's dark corridors, all littered with the occasional bloodstain and corpse.

"By the goddess....." Berma muttered, holding his mouth as they walked over one of the bodies laid around. "What has happened here?" he asked Helga, who did not respond or even looked back once.

Irritated, Berma spoke up. "Helga, I command you to tell me what is going on by my authority as lord of Everndail!"

Helga's posture did not change.

"Answer me!!" Berma said, losing his temper.

"Calm down," Elaina said to the man.


"It's all pretty straightforward what has happened." Elaina scoffed. "In fact, it's so obvious a child would be able to catch on."


The two were led to the palaces dining room, a large room you'd typically find in a palace with a wooden table dominating the room. The moment the two walked through the doors-

"Ah, there you are. I was so worried you might not get the invitation,"

-Berma froze in horror while Elaina seemed less shocked.

Sitting at the head of the long grand dining table was none other then Yensin. To his right, the hag, Lire Lim. To his left was a young, terrified maid with short brown hair.

"Y-YOU?!!!" Berma exclaimed, reaching for his sword before Elaina reached out and stopped him from drawing.

"Good to see you again, my old chum," Yensin said waving. "My deepest apologies for the mess on the way, but I wanted a 'of the record' discussion with you, and my dear friend Elaina."

"How did you get in?!" Berma demanded.

"Same way as last time," Yensin replied with a smile. "Oh and on that topic, you really need to do something about that abysmal security of yours. Honestly, they're letting maniacs like me intrude twice. That's bad for your reputation."

"I did what you asked," Helga spoke up before Berma could respond. "Now, let Iras go."

"Hm," Yensin raised his eyebrow, glancing at the girl, Iras to his left. "Well, I was hoping she'd join us for our little party."

"That wasn't the deal!"

"The deal, my dear woman, was that you escort them here and I would not harm her in any way." Yensin glanced at Iras, "and have I harmed you in any way? Physically? Mentally? Oh, and terrifying doesn't count as harm, that's not something I can help."

Iras didn't respond.

"I asked you a question, my dear," Yensin pressed, sounding more sinister, speaking in a loud whisper.

Shaking, Iras frantically shook her head.

"See," Yensin leaned back on his chair, "And Lire Lim here can testify, can't you?"

"Uhrgu....." Lire Lim wheezed.

"It is relevant, I need to assure our guests that I am a man of my word." Yensin turned back to the terrified girl. "In fact, why don't you join us? There's enough room." He gestured to a girl, who shook in response. "Come! Sit!"

"Don't worry girl," Elaina spoke up as she made her way to a chair at the right center of the table, "If he wanted to kill you, he would have done it by now." She said as she took a seat.

"Ah how well you know me." He then turned to Iras, who nervously shuffled as far away from the man, taking a seat opposite Elaina. "Good girl."

Yensin looked at the still frozen in place duke. "Well, come on. Sit! Let's be civil. Oh! Helga, be a dear and get us something to drink. Uhhh, Everndail gold brew, that should do the trick."

Berma slowly pulled the closest chair and sat down.

"Actually, just the bronze. Let's... keep things civil."

"I'll have the gold," Elaina spoke up to Helga.

"Are you sure? It's pretty strong?"

"I can hold my liquor, remember."

"Ah, that you can. Ahh, it's been too long since we had a nice sit down like this." Yensin glanced at the nervous Berma. "So, the Gold? The Bronze?"

Berma glanced at Helga, flabbergasted on the direction of the conversation.

"The Bronze will be fine for him," Elaina answered for him. "Like you said, let's keep things civil."

"True, civil." Yensin nodded. "Well, chop chop! We don't have all night!"


The sun was beginning to set as Meracle and Leone walked through the streets, engaging in ideal gossip.

"Haha! How the hell'd ya manage that?!" Leone laughed out loud after Meracle talked about several of her mistakes she made since working for the Arch Sage.

"Myew..... I told you not to laugh." Meracle groaned. She didn't want to tell Leone her most embarrassing moments.... but Leone always knew how to squeeze it out of her.

"Sorry, sorry," Leone grinned, resting her hands over her head. "Guess I got a bit too carried away. First time we've seen each other in.... hmmm, wow, nearly a year. Time sure flies, huh?"

Meracle couldn't help but feel a jab of unease in her stomach. She remembered that day very well. The day she was given the chance she always wanted, the day she left the thief's guild, was also the day they parted on such poor terms. As much as she wanted to forget, and for her to go back to how they were before.... She wanted it more than anything, but....

"Y-Yeah, sure does," Meracle muttered.

"You ok? You seem down." Leone said, noticing the lack of enthusiasm in her voice.

"Nyew?" Meracle realized she was spacing out. "Uh... it's nothing," She said quickly. As hurt as she was by the parting and how conflicted she was to see her here in Everndail, a part of her wanted to patch things up.

Leone, however, glanced back, seeing Meracle's conflicted expression. "Uh... is this about what I said back then?" She asked bluntly.

Meracle flinched in response. She had forgotten how well Leone was at telling what she was thinking.

Seeing she was right, Leone let out a loud sigh, suddenly stopping. "Look.... Uh..... I'm sorry, alright." She said which surprised Meracle. "I admit I went a bit too far back there."

Meracle was at a loss for words. For as long as she has known Leone, the last thing she'd do was apologizing for anything.

"T-That's all I wanted ta say," Leone said quickly, her cheeks going a slight shade of red as she continued walking, resting her hands on the back of her head.

Meracle followed on, looking curiously at her old friend.

"So.... why did you say those things to me?" Meracle pressed.

"I donno...." Leone said. "Guess... I really didn't want ya ta leave. I mean, us two had been through thick and thin together.... Ya know, like sisters."

Meracle's eyes widened, her ears shot up. As long as she had known her, the Leone she knew would never say anything like that. Is this really.... Leone?

"Tell anyone I said that and ya dead kitty,"

Myaha, yeah that's Leone. Meracle chuckled as she ran up to catch up to Leone.

"So... what are you doing here anyhow?" Leone asked. "No offense, but this would be the last place I'd expect ta run into you again."

"Well, I'm here with milady on an important mission," Meracle said, putting her hands on her hips.

"Ah, so you're here to pick up that famous Everndail booze, are ya?" Leone joked with a grin.

"Hey, I'm serious!" Meracle snapped.

"Haha! I'm just yankin ya chain," Leone said with a grin. "So what's this job? Kinda looked like a lost little kitten for a while there,"

"I'm looking for bad guys?" Meracle pouted. "Milady was called to protect the treasure of the duke here, so me, Cory and Pressa are helping."

"Wow, you're protecting some big gold statue of the guy, haha!" Leone jokes, letting loud a chuckle.

"Na, it's some weird stone coin thing,"

Leone's grin suddenly disappeared. "I-Is that right? Just some stone coin?"

"Myeah, half of one actually," Meracle said, not noticing the sudden change in Leone's tone. "Suppose to be something important, but I don't have a clue what it's used for. Only that Yen... Yen.... Some bad guy wants it."

"Really... huh,"

Meracle then noticed Leone had slowed her pace down. She had a very distant look on her face. "Leone...? What's wrong?"

"Ahh, its nothen," Leone shrugged it off. "Still, seems like a lotta hassle for some for just some stone thingamabob?"

"Nyew, I don't really get it either. Just that milady seems pretty serious about this. And I've never seen her so serious before."

"You don't say," Leone glanced down to Meracle, still looking relaxed with her hands over the back of her head. "Say, mind getting me in there?"

"Nyew?" Meracle glanced up in response to Leone's strange request.

"Got me curious to see what all the fuss is about."

"W-Well... thing is....." Meracle stopped suddenly.

"What, you don't trust me?" Leone said in a way she intended to be a rhetorical question.

Meracle instead narrowed her eyes in response.

"Ok...." Leone said, feeling Meracle's eyes stabbing into her. "Have I ever screwed you over before?"

Meracle's gaze intensified.

"Ow, that kinda stings," Leone said, sighing and rubbing the back of her hair. "Come on, you said it yourself it's half a piece of junk. What the heck would I want with it?"

"Mywell...." Meracle mumbled. Leone did have a point. Whenever she stole, it was always for something 'shiny.' Even if it were a statue that was worth a fortune, she wouldn't touch it (Partly because it was hard for her hid it due to her usual outfits). "Thing is it's locked up in a magic vault or something. Cory said only the duke could open it."

"Really?" Leone's optimism dropped. "Yeah, never mind then."

"But.... I remember seeing a way in," Meracle said, causing Leone to stop in her tracks, glancing to Meracle. "There's a vent in the top I found while I was in the vault, and also found out where it leads," She continued, almost proudly.

"Ah ha," Leone nodded. "So... mind showing me?"

".... W-well...." Meracle muttered, contemplating whether she should give her old mentor what she wanted.

"What, you don't turst- uh, never mind," Leone stopped herself as Meracle narrowed her eyes at her again. "Come on, you said it's half a broken piece of crap. Even if I swiped it, I'm pretty sure it'll be worthless,"

Meracle believed what she said. The Thief's guild in Tattoria were not treasure hunters, and would never accept anything that didn't have any kind of monetary value. She was certain that what she saw in that vault would be completely worthless to the guild. But she couldn't sake this feeling that something was wrong.

"So?" Leone pressed.

Reluctantly, Meracle nodded. "Myowkay...." She then put her hands on her hips. "But ya gotta promise not ta tell anyone about it."

"Yeah yeah, I promise." Leone said with a grin.

Meracle couldn't help but grin too. After eleven months, following the terrible parting, it was good for her to know that one of the most important people in her life was back, even if she hadn't changed much.

Unknown to her was a floating boy hovering above the rooftops looking down on the pair.


"Looks like it's getting dark," Cory said as she and Pressa walked into the courtyard of the palace. "Getting worried. Mary's still not back yet."

"She probably got lost again," Pressa said coldly.

Meracle had been sent out to patrol around the palace, to use her knowledge of the underworld to keep an eye out for any suspicious individuals. However, in truth, they really needed her out of the way on this important request.

"I told you bringing her along was a bad idea," Pressa continued.

"We didn't have any idea Yensin would be involved in this." Cory said defensively," And besides, it's a good experience for her to see more of the world outside of Cataka. She's spent her whole life in Tattoria after all, this could do her some good."

"Provided she doesn't screw up again,"

Cory then stopped, scowling at Pressa. "Why are you so hostile towards her."

Pressa stopped and looked towards her collogue, gently pushing up her glasses. "I just don't like her. She's nothing more than an immature brat."

"She's thirteen. You can't expect people to grow up overnight."

"I don't, but I at least expect her to have grown up some more,"

Cory was about to say something else when Pressa suddenly raised her arm. "We can discuss this later. After all, we have more pressing matters."

Cory raised her eyebrow as Pressa turned. "How many guards did we pass on the way here?"

"Guards?" Cory raised her hand counting with her fingers. "Well, about five-"

Before she could finish, her eyes suddenly widened, realizing what Pressa was saying. Berma had told them that he had increased the security of the palace after Yensin had infiltrated it, so by that logic, there should be a larger garrison, especially with the sun setting. Yet the halls they walked through and the courtyard where suspiciously quiet. Even if it was a big palace, they were bound to pass or see more guards then just five.

"Oh dear, looks like we weren't subtle enough." A male voice came from behind the pair.

Both turned sharply, Pressa unclipping the grimoire attached to her hip while Cory drew her sais. There stood two men, one man dressed in a red Chingshan while the other wore a long robe, clutching a staff with an aquamarine in the top.

"What say we skip the formalities?"



Elaina raised her glass, allowing the still terrified Helga to fill her glass.

"No need to be so stiff, we're all friends here, right," Yensin spoke across the table. He sat leaning back on his chair, swirling his wine glass around with one hand. He looked so at home, almost mocking the duke that sat nervously on the opposite end of the table.

Sitting opposite Elaina was the maid Iras, who hadn't muttered a single world since sitting down.

"Have to admit, I'm surprised you're here," Elaina said, taking a small sip of her wine. "I thought you'd be down below, trying to blast open the vault doors."

"Oh please, I would never do anything so barbaric," Yensin said to her, glugging down his wine. "No.... that's what my companions are for. For my line of work, I require madness and chaos that I or," he waved a hand to his left, "Lire Lim.... Though she does stir up the occasional shit storm when asked,"

"Jarr Yourd Keglur....."

"Yes yes, you don't need to go into detail," Yensin straightened his posture, gazing at the duke sitting opposite him. "You see, our way of recurring, my dear duke, greatly differs.

"For example, you- if I'm not mistaken- you hired around 200 additional guards on the grounds that I, and my esteemed grumpy colleague, was able to get in. Now you see, that's quantity over quality. Has its uses, I will admit, but I prefer more than just simple pawns, just fodder for whatever cannon I happen to throw them into. No nononono, you see, I prefer those who will get the job done- much like our honored Arch Sage here."

Elaina narrowed at Yensin who sat with his usual grin on his face.

"If I'm not mistaken, you have... two, three....?" Yensin pocked, and Elaina answered by giving him her middle finger. "Yesh... sorry sorry," He let out a sigh and looked towards Berma raising his arms. "Women, right?"

He let out a little huff. His expression then changed, looking more serious than before. "And... with the fabled 'Goddess Chosen' in the possession of that deplorable Dran-"


"- I've felt the need to find some... effective help. Especially after that whole mess in Tiest. You can guarantee that crafty git will find some way to blame me. Ha ha ha, can you believe that? I mean, yes it's true, totally true that I had maybe, sort of, 20% of the blame, but..... *Sigh* It's honestly tiring being the bad guy."

Chucking as though he delivered the best joke of the evening, he glanced at the shocked expression on Elaina's face. Then he stopped laughing. "W-wait... you..." he then chuckled, locking his fingers together. "You don't know, do you?"

Elaina didn't answer.

Yensin let out a loud sigh. "That shouldn't be too much of a surprise. That weasel has been known for some... questionable activity."

Standing up, Yensin circled round to the left of the table, "Well, it's not fair to keep you in the dark." He came up to Iras, who tensed at his proximity. "Let's see.... I think it was around two or three months ago. One of those.... Shady bats that lurk in the background, they picked up on a... strange phenomenon in a small, sleepy, middle of nowhere town in Terra." He stopped short of Iras, placing a hand next over her chair. "I didn't take much stock in it at the time. Those guys are proper weirdo's, and you know me, I don't associate with people I consider proper weirdo's.

"That was until about two weeks ago when Dorstera- yes, that Dorstera- was destroyed. Loria, one of mine, was dead. As was the Assassin I hired and one of my men, Hecka... Hecka... (Clicking his fingers) some guy with bronze armor. Lire Lim, do you remember him?"


"Why am I asking? Oh, and Garlahad, my..... business partner -I suppose you could call him that- yes he was dead as well. And everything I had worked towards," he then grabbed Iras's hair and slammed her down to the table, "WAS RUINED!!"

Yensin shouted, panting while throwing a crazed grin. Berma shot to his seat while Helga froze in horror.

After a series of pants, Yensin let go of Iras, who sobbed on the table in terror.

"Look at that.... I-I lost my cool," Yensin took a deep breath in and out. "My sincere apologies for that. Just thinking about it drives me, batshit crazy. Hehehe, can you believe that? Anyway..." He coughed before continuing on his speech while circling back to his seat. "The first person I blamed was myself for... for not really taking it seriously. Lire Lim here managed to catch a glimpse at Garlahad's demise. I was honestly expecting someone like Rowin, or another knight.

"But... no, it wasn't either. It was- you're not going to believe this- a teenage girl with unusually high mana level, and to top it off, a sword.... that bears a suspicious resemblance to the descriptions of Excalibur, the legendary sword of the Goddess."

For the first time since sitting down, Elaina looked surprised. The Goddess Chosen.....? Dran, this lunatic better be wrong....


Back in the vault, on the domed roof of the dimly lit area were four small vents. These lead to locations within the palace, but well hidden in plain sight to avoid any potential thief's breaking in. Meracle had spotted the vents just before she did her patrol searched the building for any obscure vents, calling on her experience as a thief to find any obscure vents, knowing that if the room required an air flow, they had to be somewhere in the palace or close to the grounds of the palace.

She found five. First four just lead to different places in the palace. The fifth, one on the outside of the palace, which she decided to check on a whim, led her down into the vault.

The way there was narrow, just small enough for her to fit through due to her build and was able to enter the vault along with the rim of the dome.

The first time she visited, she left immediately as she had no reason to stay. This time, she gently pushed the grate aside and slid out, crouching on the rim. The room hadn't changed since the last time she was there, which was good.

"Uhhhrrr.... Little help...."

Leone emerged from the vent, comically stuck. The corridor was just big enough for her to squeeze through.... Except for one place in particular.

In the vent, only her head was sticking out of the vent with her arms close by.

Trying her hardest not to laugh at her old partner's misfortune, Meracle gabbed ahold of Leone's head and pulled.



With a great pull, Meracle managed to free Leone, but fell back down into the vault once she was released. Meracle grabbed ahold of Leone, spun in the air and landed on the ground on her feet, holding Meracle in the bridal position.

"Wow, than-MYOW!!" without warning, Leone dropped Meracle.

"That's for nearly pulling my head off." Leone said.

"Myow..." Meracle grumbled as she got up from the ground. "It's cause of your boobs you were stuck."

"Aw, I know you're just jealous cause you're gonna be flat for the rest of your life."

Meracle pouted at her last remark. "I'm gonna grow into them at some point you know." She remarked childishly while puffing her chest out as much as she could.

"Whatever," Leone grinned. She then turned to the center of the room. "So, that's it, huh?"

Both walked to the center of the room where the broken coin was located on a pedestal. Meracle the same sense of awe she did when she first lay eyes on it. Leone, on the other hand, looked unimpressed.

"Seriously? This big old vault to protect this piece of junk?" She commented, putting her hands on her hips.

"Hey! This piece of junk is really important!" Meracle pouted.

"Sorry, sorry," Leone giggled. She glanced back at the coin, "Sooooo.... What is it?"

"Nyew...... Something related to a powerful monster," Meracle mumbled, rubbing her chin, her tail and ears slumped down. "I kinda forgot. All I know is that it's really really important."

She turned to Leone. "So.. I'd really appreciate if you didn't tell anyone about how to get in there."

Leone remained frozen in place. Her eyes seemed glued to the stone tablet before her.

"L-Leone?" Meracle spoke, feeling nervous about the silence that seemed to have befallen her usually loud partner.

"Hmmm," Leone mumbled, and then finally made a move, putting her hands on the back of her head. "Ah, don't flatter yourself," She said, turning to Meracle with her usually toothy grin. "Seriously, I can't think of anyone who'd want this piece of junk."

"Apart from Master Yensin, of course." A young voice echoed through the chamber, causing both girls to jump and glance up.

Floating above them was a small elven boy that Meracle had never seen before. "Myow! Who are you? How did you get in here?!" Meracle exclaimed with shock.

"Name's Robin Wind." The boy said with a wave, "And I followed you guys here," He pointed to the open vent.

Meracle cursed under her breath as she changed her stance, parting her legs. No... don't tell me I messed up?

"What are you doing Leone? I mean that's what we're here for, you know." Robin spoke.

On mentioning Leone's name Meracle's blood froze. She glanced slowly towards Leone, who was locked in place, looking in the direction of Robin. "L-Leone.....?"

"Wow, you were completely fooled," Robin spoke, rubbing the back of his head. "Can't blame you. After all that she said to you it is cruel to think that all of it was a complete lie."

Meracle took a step back from Leone, her eyes wide. "Th-that's.... That's not true right?"

Leone remained silent.

"Oh.. Or perhaps you did mean it," Robin's eyebrow raised. "The prize was right in front of you and it looked like you were gonna just walk away without touching it."

Meracle glanced up to Robin then back to Leone, still trying to grasp the situation.

"Given what he's offering you, can't say I blame ya for backing down."

Leone flinched suddenly.

"Yeah, I know what master Yensin's offering to give you, and it's definitely not worth much. Definitely not a betrayal like this, right?"

"L-Leone?" Meracle muttered, her chest beginning to clam up from the shock of what was happening. "Th-That's..... he's lying, right?"

"........ It's good to see ya haven't changed one bit," Leone said, her lips curling into a smile. "It made my job so much easier."

She then pivoted around, kicking out her leg into Meracle's belly. Meracle flew back several feet, recovering in the air while skidding across the ground.

"Hahahaha! Oh man, I can't believe you actually thought I was being serious back there!" Leone laughed out as though the whole thing had been one big joke.

Meracle could do nothing but look with a shattered expression on her face.

"Ohh, you really did think I was being serious? Aw, poor little kitty," Leone reached out and picked up the tablet. "Looks like I was really was right about you. You never change."


"I mean look at you. Here I am, holding what you're supposed to be protecting- that you so happily let close to- and you're just sitting there with that stupid expression. Either you're just too scared cause you know you can't take it back or cause you took the crap I said seriously."

She then tore herself away from the frozen Meracle to look at her partner. "Yo Robby, how bout an exit."

"Robin," Robin took out his bow and aimed it at the door where a silver arrow was loaded. He then fired it at the door, which shattered on impact.

Leone looked back to Meracle with a sinister smirk. "Face it kitty, no matter how much you try, you'll always be the same little cowardly screwball." She said just as the dust began to settle, with the pieces of the door slamming to the ground. "See ya," She then leaped through the new exit in the door.

Meracle remained on the floor on all floors. "I.... I gotta get... I need to..." Tears began to trickle down on the ground between her hands.

"I...." Meracle tried to move but all strength she had was gone. "L-Leone...."

She needed to move-


-but all she could do was cry. Cry at the helplessness and the shattering betrayal she had just faced, as well as the prospect that she has.... Once again, screwed up.


In the courtyard, two large pillars of water slammed together. On both sides was both Pressa and Helpono. Helpono stood with his staff clenched in both hands, wailing as a massive wall of water shot out from it. On the opposite end was Pressa who held a grimoire in her left hand while holding out her right hand. Surrounding her was a serpent-like body of water that spans around her, firing a thinner spout at the much thicker water, drilling into its sacrifice as it tried to make its way towards its intended target.

Meanwhile, Ling and Cory were caught in a two and fro battle. The battle seemed to be seen with Ling on the defensive, talking his martial arts stance moving, swearing and sidestepping, avoiding each and every one of Cory's seemingly lightning-fast strikes. Despite Cory's speed, Ling managed to keep up, occasionally taking jabs and kicks at Cory, each one missing but forcing her off her target or backing off.

Cory appeared behind Ling, who swung his leg around to catch her, and Cory responded by performing a forward flip, springing her legs out to kick Ling in the face with both arms wide open. Ling moved fast, raising his arms quickly, cross guarding his face as Cory's feet slammed into them. Cory continued her flip, rolling over Ling, raising her sais before plunging them down, trying to stab Ling in the back.

Unexpectedly, Ling performed a split, instantly lowing his body in an instant, allowing Cory's sais to bush his scalp. He lowed his body onto the ground with his left palm layer flat across his body. Cory noticed and curled herself into a ball just before Ling pushed forwards his palm, releasing an invisible shockwave that slammed into Cory, shooting her up into the air.

She twirled around, landing on her hands before pushing herself to her feet, performing two backflips towards Pressa, whose water attack had smashed through Helpono's, slamming into him, only to see him turn to water. The shot continued on, punching a hole in the palace.

"Tch, They are quite skilled opponents," Pressa commented, pushing up her glasses.

"I wouldn't expect anything less from Yensin's men," Cory said, holding out her sais.

"You two certainly live up to your reputation," Ling commented as a puddle formed to his left, with Helpono emerging from it.

"Sh-She's scary..." Helpono whimpered, clutching his staff as tears rolled down his cheeks. "She... She must die,"

"Now now, no need for that. After all, our role in this should be coming to an end."

"You got that right," Cory said, regaining her stance. Just then, there was a massive bang that sounded as though it came from below. Cory glanced back with her eyes widened. "Please don't tell me that's-"

"Cornilia!" Pressa yelled. Cory looked up and immediately tensed up.

"Oh look, our 'reinforcements' are here," Ling said with a smile. Behind him were dark human-sized figures slowly stalked towards them.

"You bastards!!" Cory hissed.

"Behind us too," Pressa alerted, seeing more black figures converging on them. "....Is this Yensin's work?"

"Yeah," Cory nodded as she turned to look at the oncoming attackers. "More specifically, that witch at his side."

"It's been fun, but that's our cue to leave," Ling called out.

Pressa glanced back towards him just as he took out a small silver crystal. In response, she swiped her hand across her body. Five small drops of water formed in front of her. "Water Bullet!"

The five drops shot themselves forwards at the two men.

"Teleport," Just before the water bullets could hit their targets, both men vanished almost instantly in a flash of light, the shots continuing on, hitting two of the figures behind, who still continued their march towards the girls.

"Damn," Pressa cursed as she and Cory stood back to back. "Just so you know, I'm not going to show any mercy to them."

Cory nodded in response. "There's no hope for them anyway," Cory said, biting her lip in frustration. Mary..... please.... Please be ok.


"What was that?!" Berma shot up from his seat in response to an audible boom that shook the very foundation of the palace.

"Already?" Yensin sighed disappointedly. He downed his wine in one gulp and got up from his seat. "I do apologize my dear duke, but it looks like this is where we must sadly say our farewells."

Berma glanced back to Yensin looking confused.

"Anyway, it was lovely to meet you. Sorry for the mess..... yada yada yada. Thank you for the wine."

"How cute," Elaina said, elegantly setting her glass back on the table, "You actually think I'm going to let either just walk away," She slowly raised from her seat, running her fingers across the wooden surface.

"Oh by the goddess, I wouldn't dream of it." Yensin said with a smirk. "But, as much as I would love to settle our differences in an epic battle that could potentially destroy this place I am, tragically, pressed for time."

As Yensin finished his sentence, Iras suddenly fell out of her seat.

"Iras!" Helga ran to her side. "What's wrong? Iras?!"

Helga reached down trying to roll the girl on her side, and to her horror saw black ooze leaking from her right eye. Berma and Elaina, who couldn't understand what was happening, only caught a glimpse of a dark mist rising up from the girl's body.


"And I was true to my word, 'I' haven't harmed a single hair on her pretty little head," Yensin said with his arms held up as he slowly backed away with his partner lifting out her jade skull. ".... Lire Lim, on the other hand, may have slipped something on her."

Elaina glanced to Yensin and his partner.

"Oh and for your own good, I wouldn't stand to close. These things can be so unpredictable."

And with those simple words her eyes widened. "GET AWAY NOW!!!"

Her warning came to late. A black blade plunged into Helga.


The senior maid could barely register what had happened. She looked down to see the black blade that had sprouted from a thick black and purple ooze that covered Iras's left arm. It had run her through her gut, her maid apron beginning to stain red with blood.

"H...H.... Helllllpppp..... Meeeee...." Iras groaned as she forced herself up, lifting up the impaled Helga. Berma took a step back in horror as he saw Iras. Her left side of her face showed her in such incredible pain, while the right was dominated by the festering ooze, dominated by a large, bulging, yellow eyeball.

"Damn you..." Elaina hissed. She recognized the ooze as a Praga, a low-level parasitic demon that lashed onto living creatures, feeding off their mana, growing in size and area of infection. The only way to stop it was to destroy it by blasting the eye, which the shock could kill the host, kill the host directly, or exorcise it with light magic spells (which she couldn't use).

Either way, the poor girl was doomed.

The infected Iras threw Helga off the blade and began waddling towards the stunned Berma, who drew his saber, nervously backing away. "Iras! What has happened to you?!"

"Try not to let her cut you," Elaina instructed, turning to Yensin and Lire Lim. "You call that a distraction?"

"Her, no," Yensin said, clicking his fingers. The door behind him slammed open, as did the second door to the room.

Both Elaina and the duke looked in surprise as the palace guards, all infected with Praga, some with horrific mutations, or with most of their body taken over by the black ooze, waddled in.

"Them on the other hand,"

"My guards....." Berma muttered in horror. "By the goddess..... What have you done?"

"Just made a few new friends!" Yensin said as a green portal formed behind him. "Quantity over quality has its uses when it really matters! Like when you need to make a quick getaway!"

Ripple-like portals then formed at Elaina's back who pointed her two fingers at Yensin. Arrows of light fired out from the portals, aiming towards Yensin. Just before they hit, Lire Lim's Jade skull shone. The arrows struck a green barrier that formed, each one hit shattered like glass.

"Until next time, Arch Sage Elaina!" Yensin gave a sarcastic wave as Lire Lim disappeared into the portal. "Quantity or quality? Which will you choose for the coming shit storm? Either way, I predict absolute chaos in the coming weeks! Oh I can hardly wait!"

Yensin leaped backward into the portal, which suddenly disappeared just as fast as it appeared.

Meanwhile, Berma stood in the face of his former soldiers that walked mindlessly towards him. "D-Do you have any idea what you're doing?!" He yelled as he held his saber out in from of him. "As your lord, you are all to stand down-

His speech was interrupted when Iras shrieked, lunging her blade forwards towards the man's back. Elaina raised her right arm and spun her fingers counterclockwise. Iras's black blade disappeared into a portal that opened up. A second portal opened up by the girl's head, and the blade continued on, piercing her skull.

"They are not going to listen to you," Elaina said coldly as Iras's body fell backward. "If you want to live, stay close to me and keep fighting."

Elaina held out her left arm towards the upcoming hoard. Four golden ripples began to shine. Arrows of light shot from them, each one hitting its intended target, the big golden eye on the soldiers' bodies. Each one hit, the soldiers schemed in pain before collapsing to the ground, the ooze hardening.

Berma followed her advice, quickly parrying a blow from one of his infected soldiers before stabbing him in the chest. The soldier, not showing any signs of pain, held the duke's blade in place, raising its sword.

Berma struggled to free his blade as more of the infected soldiers began to converge around him. A portal then opened up below him.

"Wh-AAAAHHHHH?!!!" Berma screamed as he fell through. The portal closed up shortly after.

The seemingly confused creatures turned to Elaina who twirled her left fingers while holding out her right. An open bottle of Everndail Gold fell through a portal just below her right hand.

"He's not going to be happy about this, but at least I won't have to deal with him here." She said as she casually poured the wine into her glass as the infected soldiers began to circle around her. "And with him gone, I don't have to hold back."

She put the bottle down on the table and took her glass, raising it up as though it were a toast. "To all of you here, if you can hear me. I know it's not much solace, but I promise that bastard will pay for the shit he's pulled." She raised the glass to her lips, "And to you disgusting eyeballs," A smirk crept onto her face. "You're about to find out how terrifying an Arch Sage can be."


"Whew, that went well, huh Roby."


Following the getaway from the vault, the elf and cait sith made their escape from the palace, with Leone leaping from rooftop to rooftop with Robin floating behind her.

Since they had escaped unopposed by the guards (even after the loud bang from the getaway, it seemed the planned diversion had paid off.

"Haha, my first palace heist," Leone grinned, the coin tucked between her left arm. "Shame it's all for this piece of junk. If it were gold or silver, then I'd totally brag about it back home."

"We still got what we came for," Robin said, glancing towards her as she landed on the next rooftop. "Who was that girl anyway? Act or not, the two of you definitely knew each other."

"Oh... uh," Leone froze at the question. "She's.... Nobody. Just a little alley cat I knew back then."

"That's all?" Robin said, raising his eyebrow. "Seemed there's more to it than that. Your act was a little too believable."

"Shesh, aren't we being a bit nosey," Leone shrugged the question off as she began to charge forwards again, leaping towards the next rooftop.

"Heads up."


Just as Leone jumped the gap, something slammed into her back, pushing her further then she intended. She recovered in the air, landing on the tiled roof, her feet blasting the tiles apart the tiles as she skidded across.

"What the..." Groaning she looked up and to she shock saw Meracle on the opposite end of the roof. "Wh-What are you doing here?" She muttered.

"Give it back..." Meracle whispered, standing her ground. "It's not yours....." Clenching her teeth, Meracle took up a fighting stance.

Robin remained in place, watching the events unfold from a distance. Wow, she actually caught up with us. Guess there's more to her then I thought.

Leone swallowed the lump in her throat, regaining her stance. "Geez, you don't know when to quit." She joked, "You think a little screwball like you could take me on-"

"SHUT UP!" Meracle yelled. She shot a fierce look at Leone, whose eyes suddenly widened.

"I won't screw up again. Give. It-"


Blood erupted from a gash that opened in Meracle's back. Here shocked eyes wide with shock, she fell forward, landing face-first on the roof.

Standing directly behind her was Ellie, holding her sword out with Meracle's blood dripping from the tip. She looked to the frozen Leone. "What was that about not causing a fuss?" She said coldly. "I thought that meant getting in and out without being followed."

Leone glanced up to Ellie, "Hey, I got what we were after, right?" She said with a pout. "A 'thank you' wouldn't be too much to ask El."

"Stop calling me that," Ellie responded irritated but the silly nickname. She then glanced down to Meracle lying prone on the ground, paying attention to her tail and cat ears. "I suppose she's with the Arch Sage."

"Yep," Robin said as he floated down to Leone's side. "Surprisingly good too. She was able to follow us all the way from the vault."

"Is that so?" Ellie said as her eyebrows narrowed together. "She's still alive. I suppose she unconsciously used Mana Focusing to limit the damage." She inverted the grip of her sword, a move that caused Leone to flinch. "I should finish her off. The fewer enemies after us, the better."

"Ah, don't bother," Leone spoke up, causing Ellie to hesitate in delivering the final blow. "Trust me, she ain't worth it."

Robin glanced sideways at her, letting out a small 'hm.'

Scowling, Ellie glanced down to Meracle again. ".... If you say so," She said as she sheathed her blade. "Ling and Helpono should have retreated. That means the dominions soldiers won't be far behind."

Ellie walked up to Leone, who held out the tablet with one hand. "You remember where we're meeting?" She said as she took the tablet from Leone.

"Yeah yeah," Leone said as she rested her hands on the back of her head. "Some ruin in Cataka in one months time, right?"

"At least you remember that," Ellie commented. "And it goes without saying, but keep a low profile. Master Yensin- for some reason- still requires you for the upcoming plan."

"Aw, you know you'll miss me if I ain't there," Leone said with a grin.

Ellie sighed and took her leave, jumping down from the rooftops into the alleyway below.

"Let's blow this joint Robby." Leone said as she turned and leaped to the next rooftop, continuing her getaway.

Robin remained where he was, watching Meracle, seeing a slight movement in her arms.

"Robin." He finally said as he floated to catch up to her.

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