《The Goddess’ Chosen》That's all we'll be


Though the week since Meracle had started working for the Arch Sage (to her reluctance), she had been given various chores, all of which Meracle had screwed up in one way or the other.

Following the laundry fiasco, Meracle had to wash every dish in the Atelier and managed to break every single one.

She then had to tidy the entire study, which ended up becoming even messier than it was before.

She was given the job of preparing firewood, and before her first swing, lost her grip on the axe, sending it spinning backward through one of the Atelier's windows.

She tired cooking; preparing a meal with all her effort, ending up with something... even she thought was questionable. To her luck, no one ended up eating it since both Elaina and Pressa chewed her out, which caused Meracle to storm out.

She was sent out with money to buy a small container of salt and somehow came back with five full bags of sugar. Elaina made sure she never heard the end of it.


Meracle was thrown a mop, followed by a pail that slammed into her face. "Heeeyy..." Meracle moaned as she rubbed her nose, narrowing her eyes at Pressa who was responsible for throwing both at her.

"I'm sure you can at least handle this job," Pressa said in her usual condescending tone. "I won't hold my breath though,"

Meracle stuck out her tongue as Pressa turned and walked away. Reluctantly she took the bucket and mop outside to the well at the rear, pulling on the rope, taking the bucket of cold water to fill up the pale.

"Stupid Pressa," Meracle cursed under her breath. "She just.... assumes.... I'll always.... screw up," She muttered as she dragged the pail back with her. "I'll.... Show her.... This time.... I'm gonna- WHAAA!!!"

She then tripped on a pebble forwards, throwing the pail into the air as she slammed onto the ground. "Owww..." Meracle moaned as she got to all fours before water from the pail drenched her, followed by the pail itself comically landing directly on her head.

"Grrrrrr...." Meracle jumped up, wrenched the pail from her head, "THAT'S IT!!" threw it up and kicked it away, launching it like a rocket, past Elaina and Cory who were just coming around the corner, before crashing and splintering onto a tree.

"What did the pail ever do to you?" Elaina said sarcastically, looking at the splintered remains of the pail.

"Whoa, are you ok Mary? You're drenched." Cory said out of concern.

"Aw, did you mess up again?" Elaina said as Cory ran up to the wet Meracle. "I'm not sure if you’re unlucky or just a plain klutz?"


"I'm so.... SICK OF THIS!!!" Meracle yelled. "I can't do anything right!!"

"That's an understatement," Pressa said, leaning out of a nearby window to see what the fuss was about. "It's been a week we haven't found a single thing you have done right."

"That's enough Pressa," Cory snapped at her.

"But it's the truth," Pressa continued, glancing coldly at Meracle. "Frankly, we don't need someone who can't even manage the simplest of tasks,"

"Ok, that's going too far!"

"Mm!" Meracle huffed and began to storm off. "I'll save you the trouble. I quit." She announced, passing by Elaina and continuing on towards the path that leads back to Tattoria.

"Wait, Mary!" Cory called but to no avail. "Mary...." She turned to face Pressa, "That was uncalled for." She said in a serious tone.


"It's the truth and you know it." Pressa said coldly. She then went back into the cottage, closing the window behind her.

Still scowling, Cory looked to Elaina, who held her silence during the incident. "I'll go find her." She announced as she began to run, sprinting past Elaina, following after Meracle.


"Nyew... what a joke," Meracle grumbled, sitting on the rooftops, once again looking over the city of Tattoria. "What was I thinking? There's no way that would work."

Numerous thoughts swirled around in her head, from everything that had happened over the past week to what Leone had always told her. In the end, no matter how hard she tries, there was nothing she could do besides stealing from other people.

Meracle let out another loud sigh as she dug into her pocket; pulling out the bracelet she originally stole from Elaina over a week ago. Despite everything, she still held onto it.

".... I better just sell this,"

"Quite the jewel you got there, kitty."

Meracle's ears twitched as she heard an unfamiliar male's voice from behind her. She shot to her feet, turning around to see a tall man with brown bushy hair with brown ears sticking out, wearing a green jerkin, brown pants and a long golden earring.

"You're that kitty who always hangs around Leone, aren't ya?" the man said.

Meracle stood on guard. She recognized the man; she recalled his name was Rolfa. Unlike her, he was a murderer who would kill his victims before robbing their corpses. He was part of a trio who were infamous in the thief's guild, nicknamed the hyenas.

"What do you want?" Meracle said, keeping her guard up, slowly placing the bracelet back in her pocket.

"That's not very nice, I just came ta say hi." Rolfa mocked, smirking at Meracle. "Anyway, was wondering where you ran off to. You haven't been in the guild for about a week. Leone's been wondering where ya ran off to."

Meracle glanced to the side, seeing where the other hyenas were around. "I was.... off on a heist of my own." Meracle lied quickly.

"And that's where you snapped that bracelet," Rolfa said, taking a few steps towards Meracle who tensed up, taking a step back.

"Geez, you look tense. We're just having a friendly conversation, ain't we?"

Meracle moved her leg backward, glancing to her right. She could instantly tell this man was after anything but a 'friendly conversation.'

"So.... Mmmmmm, Meracle, right?" Rolfa smiled, moving slightly to the right, clearly trying to block her escape route. "Mind if I see that for a sec?"

With his true intentions revealed and leaving her actually escape route open. Meracle launched to the left, using her renounced speed to make it over the gap to the next building. Before she could make the jump, a whip suddenly coiled around her leg, pulling her downwards into the ally below.

Startled, Meracle glanced down to see another figure directly below her. On instinct, Meracle kicked out with her free leg, at her attacker, causing the man to block suddenly by raising his arm. As the whip loosened its hold on her leg, Meracle backflip, landing back on the ground, facing her attacker.

Standing in front of her was someone she recognized as another Hyena. A man that was slimmer then the previous man with an orange Mohawk, wearing similar rags to his partner with the leather whip used to drag Meracle down in his hand. If she recalled, his name was Haby.


"So you this little kitty that robbed the Arch Sage?" He spoke, coiling his whip.

"Yeah, that's her," Rolfa landed behind Meracle, blocking her escape while reaching to his back, sliding his hands into two clawed gauntlets that before bringing them out to bare.

Meracle glanced over her shoulder at her new opponent. She now realized that he deliberately circled to force Meracle left. In other words, she's fallen into their trap.

"Too bad for you Leone's nowhere ta be found." Rolfa continued, pacing towards her holding out his clawed gauntlets, "Not that the bitch could possibly help you in this situation,"

"Now be a good little kitty and hand over what you got in your pocket," Haby said, giving Meracle a sinister grin, "And we promise we'll go easy on ya."

Meracle snickered as she parted her legs as wide as possible, holding her arms to her side, "Myeah, I'm not that dumb ta trust low lives like you,"

"Ha, smart little," Haby cracked his whip.

"Look at your situation," Rolfa said as he braised himself. "You got me blocking your way to the street, and my partner there to keep ya from escaping up."

Haby chuckled and raised his whip. "May as well-"

Unexpectedly, Meracle suddenly launched herself at the man, who reacted quickly, sending his whip to try and catch Meracle.

Grinning, Meracle leaped up, avoiding the crack of the whip, forward flipping over Haby who desperately tried to recoiled his whip when Meracle extended her right leg, spin kicking catching Haby just as he turned around, sending him toppling back across the ground, right into Rolfa who charged forwards to assist, colliding with him.

Meracle spun once more around, landing peacefully on the ground, turning to the two men, sticking out her tongue.

"That... little bitch!!" Haby groaned as he held his face.

"You ok?" Rolfa asked as he got back to his feet.

"Yeah.... but that kid sure is tougher than she looks...."

Meracle changed her stance, pulling her feet closer together while lightly hopping on the ground.

"Guess this won't be a walk in the park," Rolfa said as he extended both his arms. "Ok kitty, guess we gotta do it the hard way!"

He charged forwards, the two claws held at his side. He approached Meracle, swinging his claws at her in a wide arc. Before he reached her, however, Meracle performed a handstand extending her legs outwards, which connected with his outstretched hands, forcing them off. Meracle then closed her legs around the man's neck, pushing up from the ground, somersaulting over Rolfa.

Rolfa pivoted around to his left, putting his claws together to slice the descending Meracle, who spun around, blocking the swing with her right foot, circling around before kicking the man in the gut, sending him backward.

"Gonna have to do better than that!" Meracle mocked as she began bouncing once again.

Behind her, Haby cracked his whip, trying to catch Meracle.

Meracle turned and sidestep to avoid the blow, still smiling.

"I'll wipe that smile right of!" Haby blurted out, cracking his whip in a flurry of attacks, which Meracle dodged just by moving and ducking continually, avoiding getting hit.

"Damn! Quit moving about!"

"Ok," Meracle suddenly grabbed a hold of the flaying whip, surprising Haby as the leash tide around

"Nice! Hold her there!" Rolfa called out, charging forwards with his arms held out.


Haby attempt at warning came too late as Meracle grabbed a hold of the whip's leash. She then pivoted around, pulling on the whip with a surprising amount of strength, pulling Haby overhead, crashing him onto the unsuspecting Rolfa.

"Wha-What the hell...." Rolfa groaned in pain as he looked up, seeing Meracle sticking out her tongue before turning around, launching herself to the opening she created to get out onto the street.

"So long lose- GACK?!!"

Just as she made it onto the street, something stood in her way, followed by what felt like a fist slamming into her gut, throwing her back into the ally, tumbling on the ground.

"So you're the junior cat burglar, huh?"

Meracle's tail went stiff at the sound of a deep, gravely voice before her. She looked up in horror at the new opponent; a large, well-built Cait Sith, bare-chested with bushy chest hair, two fangs stuck out from his massive face, with bushy sideburns running down his cheeks.

Meracle knew at first glance who it was, a man even Leone had warned her never to mess with. The leader of the hyenas; Folio the beast.

"Heard you pulled something off recently. Something about the Arch Sage?" Folio continued.

Meracle jumped to her feet, taking a defensive stance. Not good.... Why him of all people…?

"Took your time, huh?"

"Sorry Folio. She's a lot stronger then she looks."

Meracle glanced back, seeing both Rolfa and Haby standing up.

"The bracelet," Folio spoke again, taking a step towards Meracle, "Hand it over."

Biting her lip, Meracle turned to the staggering opponent before her. Looks like I don't have a choice.

She sprung into action, launching herself, pivoting around and kicking out her leg into Folio's chest with as much strength as she could muster, the impact sending off winds blast on impact.

"My, you certainly are stronger than you look. I actually felt that,"

Meracle stood frozen in place, coming to the realization that her attack did literally nothing.

"Was that all you got?"

Meracle snapped out of her trans in response to the voice, looking up only to see a giant fist slamming her into the ground.

"That's disappointing."

Meracle struggled back to her feet. Her body felt heavy after just one hit. She'd heard of the overwhelming strength of the beast capable of crushing a bolder with his bare hands, but she never realized exactly how strong he was, until now that is.

I-I gotta get away-

Folio then slammed another fist into Meracle's gut. She gasped as the air was forced out of her lungs, as she was sent hurtling back, only just recovering to skid across the ground.

"But you are tough, I'll give you that much." Folio continued lowering his arms.

Meracle glanced up holding her stomach with one hand while wiping away a small trace of blood that trickled from the side of her mouth with the other.

"Alright boys. Let's finish up."

Suddenly, something snapped onto Meracle's neck, tugging her back while strangling her. Meracle kept her footing while clawing at what was around her neck.

"Got her!" Behind her was Haby who held tightly to his whip. Meracle had been so distracted she'd forgotten about the people she'd been fighting before. "Alright! Go for it!"

"Don't have to tell me twice," Rolfa said, standing beside him, holding out his arms. As Meracle glanced back to look at what was coming, Rolfa suddenly disappeared. In that split second, a whirlwind surrounded Meracle as cuts began to be carved into her while she stood helplessly in response.

The wind suddenly died down as Rolfa then repaired in front of the bloodied Meracle, grinning as he raised himself up from his crouching position. The whip around Meracle's neck loosened, allowing Meracle to fall forwards.

"Ha-ha!! You didn't think we were actually fighting for real back there?" Rolfa said as he turned around to face the fallen cat burglar as Haby began to join her. "Gotta admit though, I was pretty surprised that you were a mana user, especially at your age."

Meracle gritted her teeth as she glanced up at Rolfa who approached Meracle's left side and crouched down, "Too bad you're just a kid in the end," and dug into her pocket, pulling out the bracelet. "Damn girl... how you swiped this is something?"

"Looks like we're done," Haby said as he crouched down at Meracle's right. "So, what should we do with her now?"

"Would like to let her go. Sure a little girl like her would make quite a beauty later on." He looked back to Folio who was walking towards Meracle, cracking his knuckles. "Hey, what's your call."

Folio stopped right in front of Meracle, who was trying to push herself up. "Hm, weak," He then stomped hard on Meracle's head into the dust below.

He withdrew his foot, nodding to Rolfa and Haby grabbed a hold of Meracle's arms and hoisted her up.

"The very name Meracle refers to the Lady of Miracles herself. Growing up, I was enchanted like with her tales." Folio said, grabbing a hold of her hair, pulling it up. Meracle yelled as in pain as her head was forced up as Folio lowered himself to her level. "It almost sickens me that a worthless little thief like you inherited such a noble name."

Meracle then spat on Folio's face, shooting him a pained grin. "Don't... wanna hear that... from a... worthless killer like you...."

Folio grunted as he released Meracle's hair and stood back up, wiping the spit from his face. "Little brat," He growled as he pulled back a fist. "I was planning for this to be quick,"

Meracle weekly glanced up.

"But for your snark and disrespect, I'LL MAKE SURE THIS HURTS!!!"

She then squinted as the fist flew towards her, waiting for the inevitable impact as those holding her arms maintained their grip.

She felt warm drops of blood splatter on her face..... but strangely, the hit never came.

Myew.... What's... going on…? She opened her eyes and saw Folio's fist inches from her face, and to its left, she saw something had stabbed into it.

"Wha-What....?" Folio looked perplexed, glancing down to see at the culprit, standing at his left, holding a sai in one hand which held his enormous fist in place. "Who-Who are you?!"

Meracle was suddenly dropped to the ground as both Haby and Rolfa jumped back with shock, readying their weapons.

Groaning, Meracle glanced up at her savior, standing at her right, completely motionless. "C-Cory....?"

It was indeed Cory standing with her back turned to her, holding one of her sai's in her hand. Or at least, she thought it was Cory. She didn't know why, but her posture, and the feeling she got from her, she seemed.... different than her usual cheery self.

"You," Cory spoke, turning her head to Rolfa, drawing her second sai. "You took something from Mary. Give it back,"

The tone she spoke sent shivers down Meracle's spine. Her speech was far colder than anything she'd heard Cory talk before.

"Ohh, you're a friend of hers?" Rolfa said holding out his arms, twitching his fingers, allowing the claws to stick out. Hope you realize you aren't gonna be getting out of this alive. Not after what you just did to our boss."

Haby coiled his whip, backing off from his partner, grinning at Cory in the process. "We were just gonna tear that little kitty apart, but since you seem to be acquainted, we'll let you two die together."

Meanwhile, Folio stood back, holding his bloodied hand, glaring at Cory who hadn't moved an inch from when she appeared.

"Hope you said your prayers girl?" Rolfa then vanished from his position. Busts of wind were emitted as he moved at speeds that could not be seen by the naked eye. Approaching Cory as he did with Meracle, he prepared to strike. Unexpectedly, Cory vanished from her position just seconds before Rolfa struck. Rolfa reappeared just as suddenly, his eyes widened with surprise as blood squirted from a deep cut in his neck.

He walked several paces forwards before collapsing to his knees, holding his neck as blood squirted from the cut.


Before he could comprehend what had happened, he was stabbed in the left side of the head by Cory who had just reappeared to his left, facing Haby as she pulled her sai from the man's head, a small trail of blood followed as Rolfa fell forwards.

"ROLFA!!" Haby cried out, watching his comrade fall before his eyes. "Why you-!" Scowling, Haby cracked his whip at Cory who vanished before his eyes, reappearing at the other side of the ally.

"QUIT SQUIRMING YOU-" Haby raised his whip once again to strike Cory when she suddenly vanished, reappearing directly behind him. Haby fell forwards as six separate puncture wounds squirted blood from his chest while another in the center of his forehead.

Meracle, still lying on the ground, could barely comprehend what had happened. In less than a minute, two of the three feared Hyenas had been killed, and by the last person she'd expect. It's true she didn't know much about Cory, but from her actions, and the scary predator glare in her eyes, it was almost as though this was a different person.

A dark shadow then loomed over Cory. Glancing back Cory saw Folio looming over her, clenching both hands into each other, holding them above his head.

With a mighty swing, he slammed them into the ground where Cory stood, dust shot up from the impact.


Folio gritted his teeth, glancing up from his crouched position, seeing Cory reappearing in a crouched position in front of the man, holding her sai's out, gearing back at the 'beast.'

"You certainly are a nimble one," Folio said as he shook both his hands, clearing the dust from them. "I can see why those two lost their lives. You seem more of a killer then we could ever be."

Cory raised herself up, just as her opponent hunched over, crossing over his arms, snarling at Cory. "Folio the beast...." She muttered quietly, sounding like a completely different person. "Current bounty of 20,000 rundes."

Folio flashed a beastly grin at Cory, raising his bloodied left hand to his mouth, running his tongue across the wound. "It's been a while since someone has left such a wound."

Cory changed her stance, lowering her center of gravity.

Folio threw his hands to his side, letting out a loud roar, like a beast, charging forwards at Cory. Cory vanished, followed by Folio stopping and raising his hands as wind-blasted around him as Cory reappeared behind him, skidding to a stop in a crouched position.

Folio smiled, turned and punched down towards Cory who leaped back in surprise. "You think those puny weapons can penetrate my skin?"

Folio then sent another punch at Cory who had enough time to just raise her arms, the impact hitting her with enough force to send her through the wall of the building behind her.

"There's a reason why I am known as the beast," Folio said cracking his knuckles. "I'm a mana user just like you. I specialize in hardening my skin."

He then walked towards the hole in the wall, holding his fists by his side. His amused smile from before was replaced by a pained scowl. "I'm going to make you pay for what you did to my friends you bitch-"

Unexpectedly, Meracle suddenly drop kicked Folio in the left side of the cheek. Meracle immediately backed away, trying her hardest to fall. Rolfa still grievously wounded her, which was plain to see from her body language. She was panting, holding her body low to the ground with her blood dripping from the gashes on her body.

"Right.... I forgot about you," Folio said rubbing his cheek where Meracle's had left a small burse. "You seem to have a death wish, brat."

Meracle parted her legs, trying her hardest to keep herself from falling over. "I.... won't...." She panted as she spoke in a pained voice, "let you..... hurt Cory....."

Folio walked forwards towards Meracle, "What do you think you can do. You can barely stand as it is."

Meracle sprung into action, lunging forwards, spinning around, and kicking directly into Folio's hairy chest, and to his shock, sent him skidding a few feet back.

"S-So what...." Meracle mocked, flashing a sly grin at the surprised Folio.

Folio's expression changed, his shocked look replaced by a feral grin. "Seems you have some claws hidden," He straightened himself, stroking the spot where Meracle had kicked him, "That actually hurt."

Meracle waddled back to a standing position. Most of the energy she had left went into the last two kicks. Between the previous blows and the cuts, she doubted she could run even if she wanted to. If she was going to die, then at least she could do it knowing that she landed a blow on the legendary 'beast' of the thief's guild. .... Leone's not gonna be happy at this.

"Any last words brat?" Folio said, pulling back a fist.

Meracle weakly looked up and stuck out her tongue.

"Ha! Snarky to the end." Folio then punched down with another earth-shattering punch, shattering the ground below him.

Blood then burst from a wide gash that suddenly opened in his left shoulder. Wha-WHAT?!!

Shocked, Folio backed away, holding the gash with his right hand, trying to comprehend how it even formed in the first place.

"That was a close call, huh Mary?"

Folio froze at the sound of a familiar voice before him. "I-Impossible!?"

A few meters in front of him was Cory who stood with a prone Meracle lying behind her.

"But you…?" Folio's eyes darted to the hole in the wall where he punched Cory through, then back to Cory, who was seemingly unhurt by the impact.

"You weren't kidding back there. That skin of yours certainly is pretty thick," Cory continued as she walked slowly up to Folio, an amused smile on her lips. "Was honestly hoping I caused a deeper wound than just a silly little cut."

Folio roared and lunged his left fist at Cory, who ducked out of the way, spinning her sai's in her hands before repeatedly stabbing them into Folio's chest, moving so fast that they seemed to be nothing more than a bluer to the naked eye. Folio stepped back after the onslaught ended, collapsing to the ground. Blood leaked from the 100 multiple stab wounds that grazed his chest.

"For a 20,000 rundes bounty, I was expecting something a little more,"

His eyes darted up, seeing Cory standing before him. From his kneeling position and the sharpness of her cat eyes, it wasn't a petite girl before him; it was a predator standing before him.

"...... what are you?"

Cory's arms moved faster then he could comprehend, slicing through his neck-

"Rest in peace,"

The last thing the beast saw in this life, was his own blood smeared on the face of a true monster.



"Geez, you're a mess," Cory said to Meracle as she wiped her face with a wet blanket. "Sorry I couldn't get there sooner."

After the run-in with the Hyena's, Cory took Meracle to a nearby park. Their Cory treated Meracle's wounds as best she could by the park's fountain. She bought a healing potion for Meracle (which tasted awful), bandaged her and used a rag to clean her as best she could. Meracle's clothes were luckily holding together, but there was absolutely no way she could wear them any longer. Even if the claw marks were patched up, there was still the blood that wouldn't wash out.

"Gotta say, you held your own pretty well, all things considered," Cory said as she dipped the cloth in the fountains crystal clear water, "never would have pegged you for a mana user." Speaking has she rinsed the cloth out. "That probably explains how you were able to swipe something from milady in the first place."

"..... Ma... maga user?" Meracle said puzzled.

"Mana user," Cory corrected, "You know, someone who can use mana. Didn't they teach you that back at the orphanage?"

Meracle didn't answer, which told Cory all she needed to know.

"Ohh, sorry. I didn't mean to..." Cory stood back up, taking another look at her handy work. "Shame Pressa's not here. She's an expert at healing. Though actually getting her to help ya would be a different story."

Cory gave out a small chuckle, as though to try and defuse the tension. But in the end, it fell flat as Meracle remained motionless, her gaze glued to the ground.

"Uhhhh... well," Cory muttered awkwardly, glancing towards the setting sun. "We should probably be getting back. The others...... well.... Milady's probably wondering what's taking so long."

"...." Meracle kept her gaze squarely on the ground.

Cory noticed Meracle's silence and sighed. "Look, don't take what Pressa said personally. She's like that to everyone."

"Nyew, But she's right," Meracle finally spoke up, letting outa small weak laugh, "I can't do anything right. When I try to do something, it goes wrong one way or the other."

"Come Mary, don't talk like that."

Meracle rose her legs up, hugging her knees. "I don't know why she wants a little screwball like me around. I'm not perfect like you, or Pressa-"

"HAHAHA!! Pressa perfect?!!" Cory interrupted, letting out a loud laugh that took Meracle by surprise. After Cory got the laugh out of her system, she took a seat next to the confused Meracle. "You know about two years ago there was that notorious slave trader group that terrorized the city."

Meracle nodded. She knew she was referring to the crime syndicate that had connections to the deepest parts of the underworld that went around, performing high-level kidnappings across the city, mostly Cait Sith women. It wasn't until the Arch Sage found their base and obliterated them that the kidnappings stopped. Meracle had only heard the rumors within the thief's guild, but she knew some of the members took jobs for them.

"Well," Cory continued, "believe it or not, Pressa was actually involved in that mess."

"Myew?" Meracle's ears twitched with surprise. "Y-You mean.... She was one of them? A slave?"

It would explain her attitude in some ways. Even making her more sympathetic. The slaves had undergone such hell that most of them were never the same again.

"Almost," Cory grinned. "She was the accountant."





"Yeah, I'm not kidding."

"Y-You mean? MYOWW!!" Meracle shot up from her perch with shock. "She was one of-of.... them?!"

"Are you kidding? She practically ran that entire operation. Even the boss followed her orders," Cory continued sounding amused, losing herself in nostalgia. "When the two of us first met, we were honestly trying to kill one another. And trust me on this, you do not wanna make her your enemy if you know what's good for you."

Meracle couldn't believe what she was hearing. Pressa, of all people, was involved with such atrocities. "B-But why is she-?"

"With us?" Cory finished Meracle's question. "call it, one of Milady's beliefs."


"She believes that the best people to have around are those with.... less than glamour's backgrounds. She told me 'people who are squeaky clean are the easiest to get dirty. May as well have filth around.' Though it can be seen more as a whim if anything."

Meracle couldn't help but cringe, as that sounded exactly like something she'd say. But the way Cory said it, and that look of admiration, made it sound almost noble. "You really look up to her, don't ya?" she ended up saying.

"Well, yeah," Cory nodded. "It's probably because I've been with her for so long so, long before she was Arch Sage. So.... That's probably the reason. I've got nothing but the utmost respect for her."

".... Even though she's mean and awful?"

"Hahaha! Yeah, even that!" Cory laughed out loud, standing up, reaching into her pocket. "She can be very unpleasant when she wants to be, there's no denying that," She then pulled out something and approached Meracle, "but, despite all that, she has her moments."

Cory then gently pulled out her hand and placed the item in Meracle's hands. Meracle glanced down and saw it was the bracelet. In all the confusion, she had forgotten all about it.

"You may not agree now, but stick with us. I can guaranty milady will surprise you one day,"

She pulled back, leaving Meracle almost mesmerized by the sight of the gold in her hands.

"Now let's go home. Milady's gonna be wondering what's taking so long."

"Uh... r-right...." Meracle shoved the bracelet into her pocket and ran after her.


To Meracle's surprise, they did not return to the Atelier in the woods, but rather the Arch Sage's residence, a large mansion with an observatory attachment. Growing up on the street, Meracle had seen it many times before from a distance. The Thief's guild had an unspoken rule of never infiltrating the mansion, based entirely on the Arch Sage's reputation alone. Of course, that didn't stop some from trying and met with their capture.

The interior was what she would expect a mansion to look like from the inside, at the very least with how it's designed with a branched terrace in the foyer. Besides that similarity, the interior was just as much a mess as it was at the Atelier. Between the books and papers that littered the floor, the dust and cobwebs and random splattering of junk, there was nothing worth complimenting.

Cory led Meracle through the dusty corridors to the observatory where Elaina was waiting, and what was arguably the cleanest room in the mansion....... Or at least as clean as she'd expect from Elaina. Due to the equipment and potion set up, a bubbling cauldron, a mountain of books, it looked more like an evil witches layer than an Arch Sage's work area.

"There you are," Elaina greeted the two as they walked in. "Wow, you look terrible,"

Meracle stuck out her tongue at Elaina, just when something was thrown at her, gently settling on her head. Meracle pulled whatever was covering her off her face, feeling its thin fabric in her hands. "What's this?" Holding it out, she saw it was a blue body suit that left the belly and heels exposed.

"You're new clothes," Elaina answered, folding her arms.

"Nyew?" Meracle looked up in surprise. "This is.... for me?"

"You want to wear those rags?" Elaina said with a smirk.

"N-No! Of course not!" Meracle exclaimed quickly. The clothes she wore were her only set of clothes she had and had been repeatedly patched up. "But.... why are you giving me this?"

"Well, you're my aid, are you not?"

Meracle's ears twitched at the word 'aid.'

"I can't exactly have you walking round in that. It won't be good for my image."

"Your image?" Cory spoke up, trying her hardest not to laugh. If there was one thing the Arch Sage never cared that much about, it was her image, given how negative she's managed to present herself.

"I care about that stuff from time to time," Elaina defended. She then glanced at Meracle, who seemed frozen in place, keeping her eyes glued to the suite. "Don't like it?"

"Nyew?" Meracle glanced up, realizing she was being spoken too. "Oh, no! I like it a lot," She said quickly. "B-But...."

"What? Spit it out," Elaina said folding her arms.

".... You, you just called me your aid," She looked down at the clothes once again. "A-Are you sure you want someone like me? All I do is screw up."

"Well things have been a lot more entertaining since you arrived, there's no denying that," Elaina said thoughtlessly with a smirk.

"HEY!" Meracle hissed, her tail sticking up.

"But it's not like you'll screw up forever, right?"

She then froze in response to Elaina's response. Usually, when Meracle screwed up once, she was thrown out on the street, which cost her most of her jobs in the past. No one had ever taken the risk that she could improve. Even Leone had told her, multiple times, that being a thief was all she could be. For the most part, she believed her, just looking at her track record of jobs she's messed up in the most basic way.

Yet, even though she constantly screwed up, the Arch Sage hadn't thrown her out. And here she was, calling her one of her aids.

"How long are you gonna stand there?" Elaina spoke up, folding her arms. "Hurry up and try it on."

Meracle snapped out of her trans and nodded, not even hiding the beaming smile that lit up her face. "R-Right!!"


"Ha, is this a joke kitty? Cause it's not very funny."

Meracle lowered her head in shame, standing before a grumpy looking Leone.

"It's not a joke!" Standing beside her was Cory, looking serious. "Mary's now one of Arch Sage Elaina's aid's."

Following the encounter with the Hyena's the other day, Meracle, accompanied by Cory, went to the thief's guild, announcing she was quitting. While it did spark a lot of protests from the other thief's Cory's presence helped in making them back off. It was strange that a lot of them backed off after one chat with Cory. Despite her appearance, Meracle learned that Cory can be terrifying when she wants to be.

Just when they had finished, Meracle encountered Leone in a back alley, the one person she wanted to talk to over all the other thieves. At that point, she had heard about her decision to leave, and to say she wasn't happy about the decision was.... putting it lightly.

"I wasn't talking to you, shorty." Leone shot at Cory.

"I-It's like she said," Meracle spoke up timidly. "I-I'm finally gonna live an honest life."

"Hahaha! Come on get real! You? Live an honest life?" Leone laughed. "Please, there's no such thing as an honest life in this shitty world. All there are is people like you and me using others to get by."

"T-That's not true!" Meracle exclaimed.

"No, it's completely true and you know it." Leone said, her tone changing. "No matter how much you want to deny it, you and I are exactly the same. We're just a couple of bitches who use who we want and take what we want. That's all you and me will ever be."

Meracle froze. She'd never heard Leone talk with such seriousness before.

"Only difference is that you're trying to run away from that life like the little coward you are."

"Of course I wanna run away from it all!" Meracle yelled. You think I like living like that?! You think I like stealing from other people?!" She took deep breaths, her eyes beginning to water. "Y-Your wrong! I'm nothing like you!"

"Yeah, you got a point," Leone crossed her hands. "I know what I'll be at the end of the day, and I'm not a coward like you are."

"Funny, cause you always seem to have no problem using Mary as a decoy to run away like the scared bitch you are," Cory suddenly spoke up before Meracle could respond.

"You say something?" Leone said, sounding more dangerous.

"No," Cory said letting out a small smile, "Just pointing out that not wanting to change and scared of losing her decoy is more a coward in my book."

Dangerously silent, Leone took a step forward, crossing the distance between her and the two girls, ignoring Meracle to stare down Cory. "Wanna say that again?"

"I think I made myself clear,"

Meracle couldn't help but feel intimidated by the standoff before her. Leone was far taller then Cory, it didn't seem to intimidate her at all. Then there was the look Cory had, which was the same as the one she had when she faced off against the hyenas.

In response to it, Leone grinned at Cory. "Well well, you certainly are more then ya look."

She then chuckled and backed off, walking in the other direction. "Do whatever the hell ya want," She said nonchalantly. "We both know ya gonna screw up one way or the other. It's just a matter of when right screwball?"

Clenching her fists, Meracle ran out in front of Cory, stopping short. "YOU'RE WRONG!!" She yelled at the top of her lungs, causing Leone to stop in her tracks. "I'll prove to you!! I won't screw up ever again!! You hear me!! LEONE!!"

Leone scoffed and began to walk away once again. "Whatever," She said as she made it out onto the street, blending into the crowd.

Meracle remained where she was, tears beginning to flow down her cheeks. Unexpectedly, Cory hugged her from behind, pulling her close.

"You won't screw up. I promise that." She said softly. "Cause you're named after a miracle, that's all the proof you need."

Meracle sniffed, nodding gently. "... Yeah..." She whimpered. "Thanks.... Cory...."

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