《The Goddess’ Chosen》From Screwball to Aid


Cliff raised his arms, blocking a roundhouse kick from Ling, who followed up by moving back raising his right leg, curving his left arm body while hanging his right arm vertically with the palms spread out, then slammed them both into Cliff's guard in one solid movement.

An unexpected pulse emanated from his palms, which broke Cliff's guard and caused the palm strike. Ling moved back pointing out his fingers, trying to take advantage of the staggered Cliff, using the opportunity to strike. Cliff pivoted around, avoiding the attack while swinging his right arm out, trying to hit Ling on the rebound.

Ling pivoted himself with a high roundhouse, intercepting Cliff's swing. Both men then backed off, with Cliff putting up his guard while Ling stood seemingly at ease.

"Not bad. You certainly are different from before." Ling said.

"You're not bad yourself," Cliff said putting his fists up. "You reminds me of a Chinese martial artist from one of Dale's movies."

"Chinese....? Ahh, you mean that country from Terra,"

Cliff looked surprised by Ling understanding the reference.

"Yes, there's certainly a lot of similarities between my home and that world. I thought it some kind of joke when I first laid eyes on it."

"I take it you've been to Terra before."

"That's right," Ling said with a smile. "You see, I was a member of Revolution, as was Master Yensin."

"... Revolution?" Cliff's expression tightened. "... Right, I've heard about them. Some kind of terrorist organization?"

"I suppose that's one way to look at it, though we prefer the term ‘society,’" Ling nodded. "We simply wish to correct what the hero Arthur could not. Although... Master Yensin thinks differently,"


"But this is neither the time nor place to discuss such matters, don't you agree," Ling said, returning to his combat stance.

"Right," Cliff nodded. The battle resumed once again following a large splash of roots breaching the walls of the water cage in the background.


Meracle launched back, slamming against the wall of the nearby building, cracking it on impact. Gritting her teeth, she looked up, Seeing Leone rushing towards her. Ducking down and rolling, she avoided Leone's attack that tore through the wall.

Leone withdrew her left leg and launched a swift right kick towards Meracle who dodged it, raising her arms to block the next pivoted kick that brock her guard, followed by Leone pulling a fist back and slamming it into Meracle's open gut, lifting her off the ground, then roundhouse kicked her to the left. Meracle recovered in the air and somersaulted and skidded to a stop holding her right side, breathing heavily.

"You know, if you just stayed put, this wouldn't be happening." Leone said in a very serious tone. She then launched herself at Meracle again, who instinctively put up her arms again, blocking a flying kick that sent her skidding several meters across the ground.

"If you'd just been a good little bitch and not tried ta play the good guy you could've lived a decent enough life." Leone continued, lowering her leg as Meracle lowered her arms, which shook from withstanding the impact, lowering her hands slowly. "But here you are, you and those other idiots,"

Leone then lowered herself and launched towards Meracle, flailing a kick outwards.

Meracle rolled left, crouching down as Leone sent another kick towards her back. Meracle jumped, backfilling over Leone, spinning and drop-kicking at Leone, who simply turned and grabbed Meracle's outstretched left leg pulling back her right fist to punch the gripped Meracle. To her surprise, Meracle suddenly grabbed ahold of Leone's left arm, outstretching her right leg.


Taken by surprise, Leone raised her right arm, blocking Meracle's right kick loosening her grip on Meracle's left leg. With both arms occupied, Meracle spun right, breaking free of Leone's grip on the first turn then landing a solid blow on the left side of her neck on the second spin.


With a mighty heave, Meracle launched Leone to the right, rolling across the ground trying to regain her balance before going on all fours, skidding to a stop.

"You... little...." Leone gritted her teeth.

"I told you, didn't I!" Meracle spat as she crouched down. "I'm not the same screwball as before!" She then launched herself towards Leone who stood up, spinning around and sending a kick and slamming it into Leone's midsection-

"............... Myew?"

Meracle froze after she made a solid hit, but it hardly made Leone flinch at all.

"Got ya,"

Meracle looked up, seeing a palm strike slamming into her face, causing her to stagger, followed by Meracle jumping up, kicking Meracle away. Meracle glanced up, seeing Leone's usual casual attitude.

"What? You didn't honestly think I was being serious back there?" Leone said cracking her neck. "Though, I gotta hand it to ya, that last one hurt." She grinned at Meracle, "Gotten a bit stronger than last time, I got'ta say. Guess you weren't pissing away the year since leaving the thief's guild."

Meracle launched herself at Leone again, jumping and drop-kicking. Leone stood there and grabbed her foot, still smiling, spun Meracle around and threw her away.

Meracle recovered in the air, skidded to a stop and launched herself at Leone again. She sent out a kick, which Leone blocked by raising her left leg, blocking the blow on her shin. Meracle backed off; charging forwards leaped over Leone and tried to kick her off her balance. Leone jumped out of the way, somersaulted over Meracle and landed several feet away, still with a grin, raising her hands to taunt Meracle.

Knowing she was playing with her, Meracle charged forwards, jumping up to perform an axe kick. Leone sidestepped out of the way allowing her to fall through, spinning and slamming her kick into her back. Meracle coughed up blood as she was launched towards the roofs of one of the houses.

With a smug look, Leone lowered her leg, pacing towards the house while Meracle tired to dislodge herself from the broken tiles, gritting in pain.

"If I ain't mistaken, that's Cait Sith martial arts you're usin. Guessing you did pick a thing or to up from the arch sage. Actually.... Now that I think about it, I think that... uh, Cory was it? I bet she was the one that actually taught you, given how well you get along with her."

Gritting her teeth, Meracle turned around, wiping away a small trail of blood from her mouth. But when she did, she saw Leone had jumped up, towards her, raising her leg to perform an axe kick.

Meracle was slammed into the ground floor right through the roof. Leone stood at the hole she created, looking down as Meracle struggled to get back up.

"You always were good at that whole mana focusing thing. Heck, you even surprised me back there."

Leone jumped down to Meracle and kicked her out of the house, breaking through the wall, tumbling across the ground.

"But.... not matter how much good you've gotten," Leone walked through the hole created, "ya still ain't no match against me, screwball."

Meracle struggled back up to her feet, spitting out a goblet of blood as she turned to face Leone.


"Still want more...?" Leone let out a sigh, "Can't you just stop playing the hero for once?" She said as she continued, scowling as Meracle leaped towards her, spinning in the air, sending a kick towards Leone.

"Seriously...." Not moving an inch, Leone lifted her hand, catching Meracle's foot, "WHAT THE HELLS THE POINT?!!!" She yelled as she lifted Meracle up and slammed her onto the ground, hitting hard enough to cause her to bounce and spin to her front. She then raised her leg and axe kicked Meracle in the gut, hitting into the ground hard enough to shatter the earth below.

She withdrew her leg and glanced back, looking down at the broken Meracle below her.

"We're just bitches who use and abuse people. Ya can try ta change as much as you want, but in the end, that's all you'll be." Leone turned and began to walk away. "Take that to heart."


(1 year ago)

In the city of Tattoria, there was a place called the Ferkles bizarre, one of the city's main sights. Close to the castle where the king of Cataka resides, it was a bustling hub of markets and stands with many people of all races flocked to. A center of trade and tourism, and of course, crime.

That was something a human was soon to discover. A man from Miltesa, dressed in a blue trench coat and a fancy sword attached to his hip. He stood talking to one of the guards, dressed in the standard military gear of Cataka, loose metal plates fastened to a leather undercoat with a helmet with two large slots in the helmet to allow his cat ears through. He gave the man a warning of the potential thieves that roamed the area.

"Ha, such lowlifes would think twice about someone like me. I pride myself as a sensor." The man huffed and walked off, walking with an air of nobility. Suddenly, something bumped into him, nearly knocking him over. He glanced around, but saw no one around him. Even if someone were to accidentally bump into him, there were none in close proximity.

The man let out a sigh; cursing that man he talked to for giving him the fear of pickpockets, putting a hand to his hip. It was then he noticed his expensive sword was missing.

Desperation came over him. His treasure was gone; stolen. He looked around desperately but saw no one. He couldn't even sense who was responsible. Someone had just robbed him and he had no idea who. "H-Hey! Guards! Help! Someone’s just stolen my sword!"

Standing on a nearby roof was the culprit. A twelve-year-old girl with blue hair, dressed in tattered clothing with the sword in her hand. She smiled and ran.

She was a well-known thief, renowned for her speed and strength. Meracle St. Gertrude.


Meracle landed on a rooftop following a hasty retreat from the bazaar, smiling over her heist. "Myaha, looks like I- Myew?"

It was then when she looked down at her hand she saw the sword was gone. "Myaaaahhh, don't tell me someone stole it!" Meracle cursed.

Ironically, despite her skill, she got robbed herself quite a lot.

"Hoho, what have we here?" A familiar voice sounded beside her. Looking behind her, she saw the sword she had stolen in the hands of someone she wasn't happy to see. Her 'teacher' Leone, inspecting the sword she had stolen.

"Hey! That's mine!" Meracle snapped.

"And now it's mine," Leone said sticking out her tongue, trying to look cute. She then burst into laughter. "I'm just kidding, ya hear."

Meracle pouted as Leone walked up beside her and sat down, holding out the sword. "Seriously though, this is a score. Where'd ya take it from?"

Still scowling, Meracle sat beside her, staring out into the rest of Tattoria which the sun baiting over the sleepy city before them. "Some human from the bazaar. A noble I think."

"Ohh, nice one," Leone said holding out the sword. "Haha, bet that guys crying his eyes out when he found out his expensive sword is missing, huh?"

"Myew, didn't look happy if that's what you mean," Meracle said in a voice that lacked any excitement.

"What's got ya down?" Leone asked, noticing her mood. "Wait, don't tell me ya still down on that last job? Geez, I said I was sorry. Heck, I even gave ya the biggest share."

Meracle and Leone had done several jobs together, pulling off a daring heist that earned both of them a reputation in the thief's guild. However, when it came to working together, Leone would usually leave Meracle behind or have her act as a decoy often, either intentional or not.

"It's not that. I'm used to it by now," Meracle said, staring out into the view before her.

"Ok...." Leone said studying her expression. "Oh, I get it." She then sighed and landed back. "Havin those thoughts again, are we?"

Meracle didn't say anything but folded her legs into herself.

"I told you before, people like us can't amount ta much. In the end, all we'll be are just two bitches who has ta use people ta survive."

She then got up and leaped to the nearest building across the street. She then turned to Meracle and held up the sword. "Take this ta Broke." She called as she lowered the sword, "I'm sure he'd give ya a good price for it. Should set ya up for the month or so," She then threw it towards Meracle who stood up and caught it, losing her grip and fumbled around before the sword rested in her hands. "So long as no one robs ya!" Leone then leaped away.

Meracle stood motionless, her tiny hands clenching onto the sword as she scowled. She glanced down on the sword once again, and then back to where Leone had vanished.

".... Damn it,"


Meracle sat on the rooftops of Tattoria, watching the sunset over the sleepy city. Taking Leone's advice, she sold off the sword, and ended up with 40,000 rundes, which even she admitted wasn't a bad haul for the day.

But she felt anything but happy. If anything, she hated her life, where she was forced into stealing from others. She saw how upset her victims got when she robbed them, and it tore her up on the inside. She wanted more than anything to leave this life and live an honest one.

She tried many times to find a normal job, even working as an adventurer. But every job she ever took she ended up screwing up one way or the other. This was something Leone would never fail to point out every time the thought crossed her mind.

Stealing was the only thing she was ever good at. Even back at the orphanage during the hard times, she'd always steal to provide for the children, something the nuns would always scold her for, saying such behavior was a disgrace to the name she was given.

But she didn't care. The St. Gertrude orphanage was her home, her family, a place to belong, and she would do anything to help her family. Then, at the age of 7, a plague hit Tattoria, a powerful curse called the demon blight, a disease that was rare, but when it did hit, it could wipe out an entire city. It was thanks to the efforts of the Arch sage appointed at the time that cured the city completely, finding a way to combat the illness, weaving it into a spell that managed to blanket the city, curing everyone. That day was called, 'the legacy of Meracle.' Unfortunately for Meracle herself, it came too late. Everyone in the St. Gertrude orphanage, including her, caught the illness during the outbreak. As though a joke to the event's name, only Meracle survived the supposed miracle.

Glancing up, Meracle saw the Arch Sage's residence, a large tower close to the center. Seeing it made her blood boil. The 'Arch Sage' was someone who was supposed to protect the people, and because she was late, Meracle now lived this life she hated.

"Mya.... Why am I thinking about this?" Meracle sighed, reaching down to inspect her pouch. "Myew...?"

Looking down, Meracle realized that her pouch was gone.

"Myaha! Not again!!"

Shooting up and looking around, cursed her luck. All 40,000 Rundes, plus whatever else she had, was stolen.

"I can't believe this...." Meracle sighed, holding her head. "Now what... I don't have any money for dinner now!"

Sighing, Meracle knew there was only one thing to do. She'd have to rob someone. If anything, the fact she'd somehow lost what she stole as soon as she got it was the part of her life she hated the most.

Knowing curing would do nothing, Meracle leaped forwards to the next building, scanning the still bustling street for her next victim. At the very least, Meracle never robbed anyone that seemed worse off then she was. 'Only rob from the rich who had more than they needed' was her only rule.

She then spied her victim, a beautiful woman with raven black hair, dressed in an expensive looking cape. "Alright!"

Meracle leaped down from the building into a nearby ally, just ahead of her potential victim on her right. She waited for her to pass by, helpfully walking close to the building, allowing her to get a good look at what to pinch. She kept out of sight, awaiting her to walk by, then sprang out behind her, swiped off what she was after, then ducked back into the ally in a split second.

What had gained Meracle her reputation amongst the thieves were her speed, agility and her ability to swipe off what she wanted and bailing out without anyone noticing.

Leaning against the wall, Meracle inspected her prize, a golden bracelet with sparkling diamonds.

"Myahalright! This has got'ta be worth a fortune!"

"And I'd appreciate it if you gave it back, thank you."

"...... myew,"

Meracle glanced to her left, and to her shock, saw the woman she'd just robbed standing beside her, folding her arms.

Meracle jumped with surprise, glancing behind her to the street. Somehow this woman was able to appear behind her when the street was on the other side.

"So," the woman held out her hand, looking impatient.

Gritting her teeth, Meracle clutched her treasure, turned around and charged out, leaping out from the ally, running down the street as fast as she could before ducking behind another ally to her left-


- Then skidded to a halt, seeing the same woman standing before her, jumping back and putting up her guard.

"H-How did you get ahead of me?!"

"I haven't moved." The woman responded with a grin.

Meracle glanced around and saw she was back where she started, standing in the same alley where she committed the robbery from, and the very one she had just charged out of.

Not even question it, Meracle leaped up to the roof, landing with both legs on the dirt ground below her.

"Myew?" Noticing the strangely familiar ground, she glanced up and, to her horror, was still in the same ally as before.

"So.... can I have my bracelet back, please?"

Meracle jumped, facing the woman who stood with her arms folded.

"H-How are you doing this?"

The woman smirked, taking out her right hand, pointing her index and middle finger out. "That's for you to find out."

Meracle scowled and shifted her stance. As much as she didn't want to, the only way out of this was to fight.

"So you're gonna put up a fight?" the woman grin.

Meracle lunged forwards, pivoting around, sending out a kick directly at the woman who made a small circling motion with her fingers. A small ring of light suddenly opened which swallowed up Meracle's leg. A Second portal opened up to the woman's right, facing a wall, where Meracle's foot hit and punched a hole straight through the brick.

The woman's eyes widened with surprise at the unexpected strength the little girl possessed.

Meracle was even more shocked, pulling her leg away and jumping back, glancing down to see if her leg was still attached to her.

"Well well, that was mana focusing, wasn't it?" The woman said, raising an eyebrow. "Looks like you're not an ordinary thief."

Meracle lunged forwards again, flailing a kick at her opponent. Another portal opened in front of her, and Meracle fell right through, appearing on the other side. Meracle turned and unleashed a series of kicks, all of which disappeared into portals before they could connect, her legs awkwardly sprouting out from exit portals on the other end.

Meracle jumped back then lunged another kick, which disappeared into a portal again, repapering above her, slamming into her face. She pulled her leg back, dazed after her attack backfired.

"Wha... what's.... going on?" She said rubbing her cheek.

"Not bad kid." The woman said with a smile, pointing her fingers directly at her. "But you're clearly no match for me," she said circling her fingers.

A portal opened below her and she fell down, and then reappeared upside down, landing on her head. She flopped on the floor, holding her head. "Myow...." She moaned holding her head.

As she looked up, she saw the woman standing over her, folding her arms with a smug expression on her face.


"And that is why this little girl is tied to a chair."

Before Meracle knew what was going on, she found herself transported to a small cottage in the middle of the woods north of the city tied to a chair by the woman from before.

Standing in front of her were two other women, one taller with pinkish hair and the most revealing clothing Meracle had ever seen, and a shorter one with tanned skin and blond hair, with an exhausted look.

"Uh....." The blond woman nodded with a wiry look while the other woman looked uninterested by what was going on. "So.... why did you bring her here?"

"Myeah, where am I?!" Meracle exploded rocking back and forth on her chair. "And why am I tied to a char?!"

"Because you tried to rob me, remember." the woman pointed out matter-of-factly. "And I decided as punishment, you'll be doing jobs for us."

"Myhuh?!!" Meracle exclaimed.

"It's either that or I turn you over to the guard and let you rot in a prison cell for the rest of your natural life." The woman said. She glanced at the two other women, folding her arms. "Well, introduce yourselves and... whatever," She then walked away towards an open door at the other end of the room, slamming the door closed, leaving Meracle behind with the two other women.

"S-sorry about her," the blond girl said raising her arms, "Milady can be a bit... uh, hard to understand."

"That's putting it lightly," the other woman said humorlessly.

The blond girl walked up to the still tied up Meracle and bent over to her level. "Well, if you're gonna work with us, let's start with introductions," She said sweetly. "My name's Cornilia. Though, people just call me Cory for short." She glanced towards the other woman, "That's Pressa over there."

The woman, Pressa, responded with a small grunt.

"... Not the friendliest person in the world either," Cory said with a wry smile. She then turned back to Meracle, indicating it was her turn to introduce herself.

"....... Meracle," She muttered.

"Meracle? As in Lady of Miracles? Wow, what a great name." Cory bent over with a cheery smile. "Well, a pleasure to be working with you Meracle."

"I didn't say I'm gonna work with you!" Meracle hissed, rocking back and forth, "Now lemme out of- wha-WHA!!" and through her rocking fell sideways onto the floor.

"I don't think she's going to be very cooperative," Pressa said looking over the collapsed Meracle who was squirming on the ground. "I don't know what lady Elaina was thinking, letting this stray in here."

Meracle stopped squirming on the ground, her ears twitching.

"Come on Pressa, I'm sure Milady has something in mind....." Cory said looking troubled, "hopefully nothing too bad."

"Even so, I think she may be using her position as Arch Sage a little too liberally. A thief's a thief. We should just turn her into the guard and be done with it," Pressa said coldly.

"By that logic, you should be in a cell as well," Cory said, causing Pressa to twitch.

"... That was a cheap shot." She muttered as she flustered.

"You kinda brought that on ya self," Cory gave her a cheeky smile.

"Did... Did you just say the Arch Sage?" Meracle suddenly spoke up. Both girls looked down at her. "Y-You mean... that lady? Are you talking about her?"

"Hold on... don't tell me you tried to steal from the Arch Sage and you had no idea who it was?" Pressa said, pushing up her glasses.

"Uhh.... MYAAAA?! THAT EVIL WITCH IS SERIOUSLY THE ARCH SAGE?!!" Meracle exclaimed, waving her legs out.

"Yep, that's her," Cory said awkwardly scratching her cheek. "Though you might want to keep your voice down in case she hears you." She then heaved Meracle's chair up along with her. "Well... it's not every day you end up working for an arch sage, huh?"

Meracle scoffed and looked away. "No way I'm gonna work for the Arch Sage."

"Huh...." Cory, taken aback by Meracle's bluntness, leaned back, rubbing her chin. "I know milady can be a bit rude and heartless, but she's an incredible wizard and-"

"SHE'S THE REASON I’M LIVING LIKE THIS!!!" Meracle snapped, surprising Cory. "She- She's supposed to save people, isn't she..." Tears began to fall from her eyes. "So why.... Why couldn't she save my orphanage...?"

Cory looked shocked by her tears. Pressa on the other hand looked unmoved. Unknown to all of them, the Arch Sage was leaning against the other side of her door.


"Myowkay, where do I go from here?" Meracle said to herself, standing in front of the cottage. After her little outburst, Cory untied her and allowed her to go. The problem was that She didn't remember how she had got there since she was teleported directly into the cottage.

"Just continue down the forest path until you reach Tattoria. It's not too far, you should be able to reach it long before sundown."

"Alright... myew...?" Meracle looked behind her in response to a familiar voice. Standing by the door was none other than the Arch Sage herself.

"T-Thanks," Meracle said awkwardly as she began to walk of-

"So, who did you lose to the demon blight?"

- but was then stopped by an unexpected question from the arch sage. She glanced back at the woman who smiled with her arms crossed.

"You said you hate me. Something about an orphanage, was it?"

"What do you care?" Meracle said coldly.

"I don't," The arch sage said truthfully. "If you don't want to tell me, that's fine."

Meracle scowled at her momentarily before glancing down. "During the demon blight, my orphanage all got sick, me included." Her little fists began to clench. "I was the only one who lived through it."

"Ahh, so you hate me for coming too late, something like that?" The woman scoffed. "So to your mind, it would be better if you had died just like all your little friends."

Meracle turned and hissed at her. "How's someone like you an Arch Sage, anyway?!"

"Because I get the job done regardless," The Arch Sage responded with a serious voice. "and I don't care about pointless crap like what other people think about me. The fact you hate me means nothing."

Scowling, Meracle turned her head sharply, letting out a huff before walking off. "Just so you know, I ain't gonna work for you."

"So you intend to remain a thief for the rest of your life?"

She then halted from the question, glancing down.

"I'm offering you a place to stay and the opportunity to leave that life. But... if you want to keep living as a thief, don't let me stop you."

Meracle continued to walk off, putting her hands in her pockets. "Myew?" She felt something in one of her pockets. Pulling it out, she saw it was the bracelet she stole of the Arch Sage.

"That should fetch enough to keep you alive for about a month if you spend it wisely."

Meracle glanced back to the woman, looking confused. She thought the Arch Sage had taken it back. In fact, it would make sense if she had. "Y-You don't want it back?"

"You don't want it?" The arch sage asked, raising her hand. Meracle reacted by pulling it behind her back, glaring at the woman who lowered her arm. "Then by all means, keep it. I got plenty of jewelry anyway."

Scowling, Meracle put the bracelet back in her pocket, pulled a face and ran away from the cottage on the path back to Tattoria.

"What a child," The Arch sage scoffed. As though out of nowhere, Cory landed beside her, watching Meracle disappearing into the distance.

"You sure about letting her go?" She asked.

"She'll be back." The Arch Sage chuckled as she turned back to the entrance of the cottage and opened the door. "Just keep an eye on her until she changes her mind... and keep her from getting killed or something."

"How can ya be so sure she'll come back?"

"Call it a hunch." The arch Sage said as she slammed entered the cottage.

Cory let out a loud sigh. It wasn't the first time the Arch Sage had acted spontaneously before, and it always meant trouble for both her and Pressa when she did. That said it was rare she ever took an interest in another cait sith, not since Pressa.

"Meracle... huh?"



Meracle lowered her head with embarrassment as Leone's drunken laughter filled the thief's guild.

"... Don't yell it out loud," Meracle groaned, glancing at the five empty mugs before her. Another thing she hated about Leone was that she liked getting drunk. And when she was drunk, she was very loud.

"Ahh, I'm just messen with ya kiiittttyyy, ahahahaha!!" Leone chucked, laughing out loud.

Meracle let out a loud sigh, deeply regretting telling Leone anything that had happened yesterday.

"Soooo ya didnnnnt swipe annythen from mer... be grateful ya got outta there alive..." Leone continued, slamming her mug on the table, looking almost serious if not for her rosy cheeks and dipped eyes. "No kiddennn her... that woman's more of a bitch then I am.... Ya hear horror stories of people whoooo cross or somethen like that....."

Having met her first hand, Meracle had to agree with her there. Leone was a horrible person in her own right, but the Arch Sage took it to a new level.

"Geeze, how ya got outta theresssssss something ta celebrate huh?" Leone continued, raising her cup high in the air, "HEY EVERYONE!! THREE CHERES TA LITTLE KITTY FA SURVIVEN DA ARCH SAGE!!!"

Meracle ducked down in embarrassment form Leone's loud call for cheers, which where met with, to her relief, very muttered grunts from some of the more gruff patrons.

In the dark corner of the bar sat three of the gruffest Cait Sith's that anyone had ever laid eyes on, all looking at Meracle and Leone with a picked interest.

"Say... who are they?"

"Ain't that Leone?"

"... Oh yeah, that bitch. Who was the kid though?"

"I heard bout her. Some kinda apprentice to Leone. Rumour has it, she'd got some real skill with mana."

"That kid! No way!"

Two of the figures talked out loud, while the third eyed Meracle with the eyes of a predator.

"What ya think, Folio?" One of the figures asked.

"Hmmm...." The figure that was addressed put a hand to his chin, looking lost in thought.

Meanwhile, Meracle slumped in her chair, trying her hardest to lower her attention thanks to Leone who had just blurted out something she'd rather had not been shared.

Taking large gulps of her sixth mug, Leone then slammed it on the table, letting out a large burp.

"Mya... you didn't havta do that." Meracle grumbled, lowering her head, pretending she wasn't in the guild at the moment.

"Ahhh, lighten up kitty...." Leone groaned, leaning across the table. "So... did ya manage ta swipe something before she caught ya..."

Meracle's eyes twitched and her tail went stiff from the direct question. She was hoping that Leone hadn't brought up something like that.

"..... No. Not a thing."

"Ahhh," Leone groaned as she leaned back on her chair with the mug still in her hand. "Wellllll... guess I can't blame ya, huh? Be lucky ya made it outta there with ya tail still with ya...."

"Y-Yeah." Meracle nodded. If there was ever a positive to Leone being drunk, it was that she couldn't tell when Meracle was lying.


Meracle sat alone on the rooftops, dangling out the bracelet she stole from the Arch Sage. For some reason she couldn't quite put her finger on, she found it strangely difficult to get rid of. Just looking at it, she could tell it would be worth a fortune.

"I see ya haven't sold it yet."

A voice came from behind Meracle, causing her to jump, losing her grip on the bracelet, causing her to flail her arms out before she finally caught it. Looking behind her she saw Cory.

"Myow, what's with you people, always surprising me?" Meracle pouted as Cory laughed and walked up to her.

"Sorry, didn't mean ta scare ya." She said as she took a seat next to Meracle who glanced back over the scenery.

"What are you doing here away?" Meracle asked skeptically, putting the bracelet away as Cory walked up.

"I was running some errands for milady," She said as she took a seat next to Meracle who turned her head away with a huff. "I guess we got off on the wrong foot, huh?"

"That witch tied me to a chair," Meracle reminded her pouting.

"Well, you did try to steal from her, remember." Cory reminded her cheerfully, "And I think you got of pretty easy. Milady has been known to really punish people who wrong her. Trust me, she would've done much worse to ya if she wanted to."

Meracle ended up shuddering in response. Given the woman's personality, she didn't find it hard to believe, and glad she took mercy on her, to an extent.

"So.... are you here to talk me into working with you people?" Meracle asked. "Cause I told that witch I'm not working for her."

Cory let out a little sigh, "Something about the demon blight?"

Meracle glanced up to her again, looking shocked.

"Sorry... I kinda overheard you and milady talking before you left." Cory said, looking apologetic.

Meracle huffed in response, scowling. "You wouldn't understand, and neither would that witch." She said with spite.

"Actually, I think milady understands exactly how you feel," Cory spoke up, gazing into the distance. "Her mother got sick during the demon blight. She managed to hold on until just before Milady developed the cure."

Meracle glanced at Cory, looking intrigued.

"I've been with Milady a long time, even before she was the Arch Sage. I'd be the first to admit she isn't the kindest person in the world. In fact, her relationship with her mother was the worst, to the point where they couldn't stay in the same room without arguing.

"But when the demon blight hit, and milady heard the news her mother was infected sparked something in her. She worked day and night looking for a way to develop a cure for the entire city. I've never seen her so dedicated to a task before.

"Yet, despite that, her mother still passed away when she finally had a breakthrough. When the miracle came, the king offered her a substantial reward and even to make her an official noble. Milady, one of the vainest and selfish people I've known, refused, saying 'what's there to celebrate? The dead are still dead, aren't they?'"

She looked back at the astonished Meracle, smiling. "She may have hidden it, but I could tell how much her mother's death affected her."

Meracle glanced down to the streets below, looking deep in thought.

"Who knows, maybe she feels a kindred spirit with you. That's why she allowed you to keep the bracelet." Cory continued as she stood up.

"That's supposed to change my mind?" Meracle responded.

"Maybe," Cory said with a cheeky grin. "I mean... don't you ever get tired of this life?"

Meracle huddled up in response, trying not to make eye contact.

"We're still at the Atelier in the forest if you change your mind." She said as she turned around. "At least... think about it, ok Mary." She then jumped off, leaving Meracle behind, still gazing out into the city before her.

"Nya... she had ta say that?"


"So, you decided to come crawling back?" Elaina said with a cheeky grin.

Meracle scowled as she stood at the door to the Atelier pouting.

After her talk with Cory the other day, Meracle found herself drawn back to the Arch Sage, against her instincts telling her to never return.

To her relief, Cory was present too. She spied her behind her master, who couldn't help but give her a nod of approval.

"I'm not doing this for you...." She said sharply to her.

On the other side of the room was Pressa (much to Meracle's dismay) who was studying one of the many books and grimoire littered around the workshop that was as untidy as she remembered two days ago.

"Also..." Meracle glanced back to Elaina. "I'm not working for free,"

"You'll get food and shelter if that's what you're asking for," Elaina retorted. "If you want money, though,"

Meracle didn't respond and kept her scowl at the lady before her.

"Now that that's settled, let show you your first job."

Elaina led Meracle out of the cottage, circling around to the back where there was a large pile of clothes along with a rinse and a bucket.

"Well, get started," Elaina instructed, pointing over her shoulder to the enormous pile.

"Myew...? That's all? You just want me ta do your laundry?" Meracle said, sounding outraged.

"Yep," Elaina said as she walked past Meracle. "If you start now, you should be finished before it gets dark. And don't forget to scrub," She said as Meracle turned around and stuck her tongue.


"I'm telling you, it's a bad idea letting that street rat work for us," Pressa said as she continued to read.

"Come on Pressa, can’t you give her the benefit of the doubt?" Cory asked her.

"No," Pressa said bluntly.

"You're wasting your time trying to reason with her," Elaina said, sitting at the only desk in the room, flipping through several pages in the grimoire in front of her. "This is Pressa you're tiring to reason with. You'll have better luck talking to a brick wall than trying to change her mind. No offense."

"None taken."

"I'm more surprised you let her work here if I'm honest?" Cory said to Elaina.

"I'm not completely heartless you know," Elaina said with a slight grin. "Besides, we could use the extra pair of hands around here."

"I still think it's a bad idea," Pressa said, not looking up from her book. "I can tell that girls a disaster waiting to happen."

"Come on, she's just doing laundry," Cory said back to her. "How badly could she screw it up?"


(10 minutes later)

Cory stood with her mouth agape. Pressa stood next to her with an expressionless face, and finally, Elaina stood next to Pressa with an amused look.

"Myahaha...." A soot-covered Meracle stood before them stroking the back of her head as a raging fire burned behind her. "I... uh... had a little accident,"

Pressa glanced at Cory standing beside her. "Told you."

"B-b-but how...?." Cory muttered in disbelief.

"Well, at least it was mostly your clothes that went up in smoke," Elaina said to Cory with an amused grin.

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