《The Goddess’ Chosen》The Monk of the rain


Max leaped back, landing on top one of the ruins sticking out from the shallow water with his back against a collapsed pillar. Without even being given a moment's respite, Max leaped up as Fark lunged forwards slamming his palm into the pillar Max was resting. The section shattered and burst into pieces.

In the air, Max backflipped, bringing down a flamed right kick on Fark below, who blocked it by taking it on his right arm. The hit was strong enough to create a crater in the ruin below Fark, but not enough to force him to his knees.

Fark forced off Max, swiping his hand away to catch Max off guard, and while his prey was still in mid-air, pulled back his left arm and lunged it forwards, sending out a burst of light which left a large crisscross pattern on the walls of the plateau in front.

A loud splash came from behind him. Turning his head, he saw Max standing in the shallow water, which only came up to his knees, panting, but unharmed. Right at the last minute, Max let loose a burst of flames out of his feet to propel himself over Fark, just before he was caught in his latest attack.

"You're not too bad," Max said with an amused grin, wiping his forehead. "I'd say your stronger than that exploding guy I fought back in Allisa's hometown."

Fark slowly turned around, pulling back his left arm while twitching his fingers.

"Still not talking, huh?" Max said as he clicked his knuckles. "Fine by me," He then took in a deep breath and let out a fire roar towards Fark who lunged out his left hand.


The light-emitting from Fark's hands dispersed the flames. Max, however, was out of his sight. Fark, pulled back his right hand, glancing up, ready to intercept Max.

But he wasn't in the air either.

Cracks then formed beneath his feet, with small bursts of flames leaking through the cracks. Fark quickly leaped back as a pillar of flames shot from the spot where he was standing.

From below?

Max then burst from the flames, steam rising from his body with a flamed right fist. With no time to use his power, Fark raised his arms and blocked the blow, which managed to force him all the way to the edge of the ruin.

When he looked up, he saw Max hand grab ahold of the remainder of the pillar and throw it at him. Fark reached out with his right hand as the pillar slammed into him, forcing him into the shallow water below. Max landed at the edge just as the pillar shattered into tiny fragments.

Crouched, Max clicked his tongue after which he rose back to his feet, looking down at Fark from below. Fark glared back at him as he got back to his feet. The look of hatred he had was enough to unnerve Max.

Throughout his life since gaining his power many people looked at him differently, with fear, contempt, and for those who challenged him, the thrill of the fight. Only one that stood out was the Homunculus Thatch, who himself wasn't human, and fought like an animal, like a child lashing out at the world and everything around him.

This man, however, his anger, his hate, was focused. His last battle showed him as much, how he attacked with so little thought other than to destroy him. That look he had now, was exactly the same.

"Not sure what your problem is with Demi-Humans," Max spoke, glaring back at him, "but I don't get why you gotta get the little guys involved in all this."


Fark still didn't respond. Instead, he took a step back, raising his right arm forwards showing off the cross embedded in the palm.

"Fine," Max changed his stance, firing up both his hands. "Ain't gonna make much difference either way! I'm still gonna kick your ass!"


Yuki and Sokaku's blades collided; sending a small shower of sparks flying off from the rough edge of Sokaku's blade. Gritting his teeth, Yuki applied more pressure, trying to force back his opponent who was giving him a toothed grin.

While in their deadlock, Sokaku moved his blade slightly before pulling his blade. The sparks nearly blinded Yuki, causing him to stagger. Sokaku broke from the deadlock, taking a step back while swinging his blade horizontally.

Yuki duked, the blade just missing his head, trimming off some of his fair hair. Gripping his sword with both hands, Yuki swings his blade from the crouched position. To his surprise, Sokaku blocked it with the scabbard of his sword, which he still held with his left hand.

Grinning, Sokaku raised his sword up and brought it down on the crouched Yuki, who quickly pulled back his blade, rolling backward while blocking the strike, kicking Sokaku in the chest, pushing him away from him.

Sokaku skidded across the ground, keeping ahold of both his sword and scabbard. Yuki meanwhile jumped back to his feet, readying his sword once again.

Sokaku grinned, "Not bad, Yuki Akoga," He said as he regained his stance, holding out his scabbard while holding his blade to his side. "I must confess, you are beginning to interest me,"

Yuki grinned back. "Good to know, Sokaku Fukuoka."


"You ok bro?" Shay asked as he lay the injured Faust down by the wall of what remained of one of the plateau's ruined buildings.

"Mmm...." Faust grunted in response, grabbing his chest, "...... I'll live," he said in a strained voice. He had sustained considerable damage fighting against Fark, he was beaten, bruised and was in considerable pain, especially with his broken ribs.

His pride, however, had been broken once again. In the end he was completely powerless to even stop two of the invaders. No, he couldn't even stop one.

I really am pathetic.... Aren't I, brother?

"Yo, Faust!" May then ran up to the two. "You ok? Ya took quite a beating back there."

Faust shook his head. "Never mind me," he glanced up at May, "Sir Colt is fighting the Ersken, correct? How is he faring?"

Faust recalled seeing Max force Fark down into the lake below. The water level near the village walls was shallow enough, so long as the battle didn't force itself out further into the village. Yet despite Max's skill and power, Faust couldn't help but feel concerned for his well-being, especially against an opponent as strong as Fark.

"Fire Bro's holding his own," May said, sounding concerned, "But man, there seriously tearing up the place down there."

"I see," Faust glanced down. "It will be up to him now," his fist lying by his side clenched as shame built up inside him.

"Y-You don't have to worry about Bro," Shay said quickly, picking up on Faust's mood, "I mean, this is fire bro where talking about! No way he can lose!"

"Yeah, what Shay said!" May joined in. "And if he's here, that means the other bro's and sis's gotta be here too."

"They'll beat those jerks just like Celtic Hoard."

Faust smiled and nodded at the two, agreeing with them, at least on the outside. I wish I could share that enthusiasm, my friends.


"Although," Shay spoke, glancing towards the battle taking place in the middle of the plateau, "Not sure with that guy,"

Back in the center, the fight between Yuki and Sokaku continued. Yuki swung his blade towards Sokaku in a vertical strike. Sokaku blocked the blow with his scabbard, which made a loud clang on impact.

Grinning, Sokaku followed up, pulling back his scabbard while sending a horizontal strike with his sword, which Yuki managed to block, the impact sending sparks as a result.

Yuki was forced to squint his eyes as he took a step backward, allowing the blade to slide off his own, causing Sokaku's blade to continue its swing, just missing him. Yuki followed up with another swing, which Sokaku blocked by pivoting, blocking with his scabbard pushing Yuki off before striking again with his sword in one fluid movement.

Yuki jumped back just before the blade hit before continuing the offensive, forcing Sokaku to block with his blade, followed by several strikes.

Back from their position, the three men watched the two Kugarati swordsman trade blows, keeping their footwork and strikes in a constant too and fro.

"Oh yeah, I just remembered him," May spoke, breaking Shay and Faust's concentration. "He was that guy who charged across the battlefield to fight that other guy. The one that wasted us on his own."

"Yeah, that's him." Shay nodded, looking grim, "Fire bro's one thing, but this guy... don't know anything bout him."

"Yeah, he got his ass kicked by that guy just like the rest of us back then. Will he even be ok?"

"He'll be fine," Faust interrupted, attracting the others' attention. "You are judging him for one defeat against a powerful opponent that could battle all of Celtic Hoard, the officers, and even Dolton with little effort on his part. I can assure you that if anyone can defeat that swordsman out there, it is that man."


"What makes you so sure....?" Shay and May looked confused.

Faust simply smiled, keeping his eye on the battle before him, watching the almost choreographed blows between both fighters. "That man was Gai Tsukiyo, a swordsman who can defeat even a Rosarian Knight with no effort, and against all of the officers he didn't once look as though he was taking it seriously.

"However, against that man before us..."

Faust looked forwards as the battle continued, both Yuki and Sokaku continued trading blows, Yuki going on more of the offensive, ignoring the constant shower of sparks as well as the scabbard which Sokaku was using like a club, waiting for an opening before using it to either catch Yuki off guard or block with it.

"I could tell by the way he fought, the way he countered every blow. Against that man, was the only time he out in a considerable amount of effort."

"H-Huh?!" Shay and May looked stunned, watching the battle continue.

Faust smiled as we watched, It seems the goddess hasn't abandoned us yet. His eyes then glanced outwards into the rest of the village. Good luck, my friends..... for I fear this is just the beginning.


Dora, Fred and Steve's group ran as fast as they could away from the plateau they were on, not looking back. The rest of the village was in chaos, and also completely vacant, with the residence having been completely evacuated with a few warriors staying behind the battle the monsters that were still coming through.

In the distance, the youths could make out the King of the Forest, who was drawing most of the monster's attention, battling them with its usual ferocity.

As the youths arrived on the third plateau away from their starting point, Steve suddenly stopped, causing the others to stop.

"Steve?" Redwol spoke, pushing up his glasses that nearly fell off from the sudden stop.

"What's wrong?" Gura asked.

Steve said nothing, only glancing back across the drawbridge they came down.

"..... Hey, will he be ok?"

"Huh?" Dora looked a little puzzled by the question.

"S-Sure he will," Fred answered for Dora, "h-he's Rodger after all."

"That's not very encouraging...." Redwol said.

"Seriously, that floating kid took out one of the plateaus with one shot!" Steve continued, "Do you really think that loser will stand a chance against him?"

"... Wh-Well," Dora stuttered. If she said that she believed that Rodger could win, she would be lying. It had only been five days since Rodger left so realistically he shouldn't have improved that much.

Even so, that wasn't the issue. Even though the floating boy barely did anything, anyone could tell the differences in strength.

"W-Wow, I didn't know you cared that much for R-Rodger." Fred said to Steve.

"Wha?! C-Cause not!" Steve stuttered.

"Hey guys," Gura suddenly spoke, which came to a relief to Steve. When they turned to him, Gura pointed out over the village.

The youths traced his figure to see what he was pointing at.

"What the?" Dora said.

"Is that...... Rain?" Redwol muttered.

Right in the village center, a plateau that was the biggest in the village, where it served as the village center. On that very plateau, and nowhere else, it was raining.

"I-I'm not just seeing things, right?" Dora asked.

"No.... I see it too." Steve said, gazing out to the strange phenomenon. "Hey Redwool, what's going on over there?"

Redwool brought out his crystal ball, which began to hover in front of him as he held out his hands. A bright glow then emanated from the center, creating a clear image within the center. The other youths circled around to take a look at the image.

Redwool's clairvoyance magic was his specialty, which allowed him to view distant objects from about 7 to 8 miles, though the further out it is, the image gets less clear. Since the image in question was close, the image was clear allowing them to see the standoff that was happening that very moment between two different groups.

"D-Dora!" Fred pointed at the crystal ball. "I-It's them!"

"Huh....? Oh your right!!"

Both Dora and Fred recognized one group as the humans that Rodger joined, standing opposite two individuals that they didn't recognize. And among them was a single Samiet.

"Is that..... Grampa?!" Dora exclaimed, grabbing ahold of the crystal ball.

"H-Hey!" Redwool exclaimed.

Ignoring him, Dora stared at the individual who was indeed her grandfather.

"Oh no...." Dora then threw the ball and began to run toward the drawbridge.

"D-Dora!!" Fred called out to her, causing her to stop, "Y-Your not seriously gonna go over there?" he pointed at the crystal ball, "T-Those two look really dangerous."

Dora stopped short of the bridge, keeping her eyes on the plateau where the rain continued to pour. "Sorry. I need to see if he's safe." She said before running off down the bridge.

"D-Dora! Wait!!" Fred ran after her, leaving the Awesome Frogs behind.

"Charging headlong into danger. Those two are more like their boss then they realize." Redwool commented, standing alongside Gura, watching as the two charged towards the raining plateau. "What should we do Steve?" Both then looked back to Steve, who was looking behind them again. "Steve?"

"Huh?" Steve glanced back, realizing he was being spoken to. "Oh, uh...." He crossed his arms as he thought on the question.

"Well I'm going to help," Gura announced as he walked off after Dora and Fred.

"Wha-Have you lost your mind?!" Redwool exclaimed.

"We were brought together because we wanna protect this village from the humans, just like our pa's." Gura said, stopping short of the drawbridge. "I honestly never thought much about it since there were no humans to come here, but I looked up to you guys and my pa. But when Celtic Hoard came and did what they did, we just sat aside and did nothing while those human and Rodger's gang did everything. Now that the village is being threatened by humans, I'm not gonna just stand around like before."

He looked back on Redwool and Steve, both of whom were speechless. Gura was never one to speak his mind, and mostly just acted as muscle for there gang. This was the first time he ever spoke out like he did.

"If you wanna run and hid.... I honestly won't hold it against ya." Gura continued. "But I for one am not gonna sit on the sidelines while others fight our battles for us." He then ran off, his destination the raining plateau.

"Wh-Wait!" Redwool then followed.

Steve was about to run off but then stopped, glancing behind him once again towards the plateau he ran from, clenching his little hands into fists.

"..... Damn it!!"

Devils Aquarium

The group stood frozen in a stalemate, the rain pouring around them. The atmosphere was tense, particularly with Cliff and Melvin in the front.

They had both encountered Ling before back at Löwe Höhle, and both of them were soundly defeated, Melvin even being knocked unconscious.

They had encountered Helpono before at the same time, but he was knocked out before he could do anything. But the way his own allies began to panic meant he was the most dangerous out of all of them.

Even just standing silent, Allisa couldn't help but feel unnerved by his demeanor. She also felt something else radiating from him, the same kind of malicious intent that she felt from others she had dealt with, but nothing like she had felt before.

Beside her was Bush who was glancing up at the sky, confused by the unusual downpour happening only in that spot. "What is this.....?" He asked out loud.

"I don't know," Allisa shook her head in response, recalling how it started raining indoors when that man appeared, and how it stopped when he was knocked out. "But I have a feeling he's behind it."

Ignoring the rain, and his companion, Ling took a step forward. "Quite the reunion. I was a little worried you wouldn't make it to our little party."

"Almost sounds like you were expecting us," Cliff said back to him.

"You work for the Arch Sage Elaina, do you not?" Ling asked, letting out a sigh. "Honestly, that woman can be more terrifying than Master Yensin himself."

"She may be a lot of things," Melvin said, "but at least she doesn't go around destroying homes,"

Ling shot Melvin a sly smile, "And what makes you believe that? Her word alone?"

"Wh-What....?" Melvin stuttered.

"You seem to be convinced that your side is the side of the righteous," Ling glanced out to the others, eyeing Allisa in particular, "but do you truly know the people you serve, or the depths they would willingly descend to for their notions of peace?"

"Don't let him get to you!" Nel announced, cutting Ling off. "He's obviously buying time."

Ling let out a small sigh. "Saw right through it didn't you?" He glanced up to Nel, fixing her with an amused look. "Though I was hoping to have a little-"

"Hey! Jackass!"

All of a sudden, Kira yelled, bringing forth her rifle. "You said Yensin. That bastard is really here?!"

"Kira...?" Allisa muttered.

"Hmmmm...." Ling eyed Kira who scowled back. "Ah yes, you are a part of our dear Ellie's past, the one she had Helpono try to kill over a week ago, correct?"

Cliff, Melvin and Nel's eyes widened, glancing towards Kira.

".... A week ago?" Melvin glanced towards the silent monk, "You mean that Kraken was.....?"

"I see," Cliff growled, "So you guys had a hand in that!"

Nel glanced towards Kira, who was gritting her teeth in anger.

"My apologies. I don't think Ellie meant to kill you along with her," Ling continued, "It must be fate that brought you together."

"STOP IGNORING THE DAMN QUESTION!" Kira yelled pointing her rifle at Ling. "It's cause of you people...... It's cause of Yensin.... That Ellie...." Kira muttered, her rifle shaking in her hands.

"You think we are controlling her, or manipulating her?" Ling asked before letting out a chuckle. "We haven't done anything to her," He then shot her a sly smile, "Everything she's doing, is of her own free will."

Kira's eyes widened as she went blind with rage. She pulled her trigger, letting loose a hail of bullets towards Ling, who, still smiling, leaped backward allowing the bullets to miss, souring out of the rain and onto the next plateau, still with a smug grin.

"You get back here you-"Kira was about to give chase when Nel stopped her by grabbing her tunic and pulling her back.

"Wait!" She said sternly.

"What the hell Red?!" Kira growled at her. "You just gonna let that bastard get away?"

"He's not trying to get away from us," Nel clarified, nodding towards the only remaining enemy.

"Youuuuu......" Helpono muttered, extending his hand towards Allisa. "You're the one who killed Stevie..."

Allisa took a step back, unnerved by the man before them. He spoke in a far calmer voice then last time, which only added to the tension.

Helpono then lowered his hand, glancing up at the sky. "It's raining... I don't like the rain....."

"Wh-What's this guy's problem....?" Kira said as Nel released her.

"It's so sad....." Helpono continued, allowing the rain to patter his face. "When it rains....." his bulging eyes suddenly lowered down, gazing at the party, "'she' gets excited."

On the plateau behind Helpono, Ling smiled as he walked to the edge. "I almost feel sorry for them."

He folded his arms into his sleeves, waiting for what he knows will happen. "Once he's in that state, very few have survived what's to come."

Back at the plateau, Helpono began to raise his staff, where the aquamarine embedded in the top began to give off an ominous glow. Water around him began to bubble, giving off a dangerous aura around him.

"What the...?" Kira muttered.

"It's the same thing as before," Cliff said as he took a combat stance. "Don't do anything rash. We don't know what he's capable of."

Bush looked disturbed, watching the man before him. The rain, and the silhouette of the man before him, all seemed to unearth some painful memories. It..... can't be.....

Kira clicked her tongue and aimed her rifle at Helpono. "You guys wanna play it safe, fine by me."

"Kira wait!" Allisa tried to calm her down, but to no avail as Kira fired in full automatic, each one hitting an invisible wall a few meters' from Helpono's body.


"A barrier?" Melvin said, biting his lip. So he is a wizard.

The rain then suddenly stopped, almost suddenly as Helpono raised his staff, his building eyes staring at the group. "Let the depths break them," He muttered, holding his staff in both hands, and then banging it to the ground. "Devils Aquarium!"

The moment he spoke, water at the edge of the plateau circled upwards.

The party glanced around as walls of water formed around the plateau, forming a massive dome of water that entrapped them on the plateau they were on.

"What the...?" Allisa spoke, horrified by the situation.

"Please don't tell me where trapped," Cliff said.

"I could..." Nel said glancing around with her piercer eyes activated, "but it would be a lie."

As though proving the point, Allisa approached the barrier, tapping it with the tip of her sword. Even though the water sprayed from the tip, Allisa couldn't force her blade any further, the water surprisingly as hard as iron.

"Damn it!" Melvin swore, glaring at Helpono. "Why are you doing this?!" He yelled, in a voice full of disgust. "What do you people want?!"

"What we want......" Helpono muttered, tears beginning to leak from his eyes. He then bellowed at the top of his voice, water pouring from his eyes. "FFFFRRREEEEEEEEDDDDOOOOOOMMMMMM!!!!!!!"

Everyone took a step back, almost unnerved by the sudden mood swing.

"....Freedom?" Cliff muttered. "Freedom from what exactly?"

Helpono stopped crying, just for a moment, "Freedom....." He began, crooking his head, "from the Arch sages,"

Everyone looked shocked.

"They..... aren't required in this world anymore," Helpono continued, pointing at his head with his index finger, motioning it as though he was drilling into his skull. "That.... is master Yensin's wish, and our wish....."

Kira felt her hands tense up. "You want freedom? Is that the bullshit you feed Ellie?"

"Ellie....." Helpono grinned through his teeth. "She wants this more than anyone else... our poor Ellie..."

Kira was about to fire her gun again when Nel quickly pushed her rifle down. "Firing at random won't get us anywhere." She said sternly. "We need to find a way out of here and keep moving."

"Well, we’re open to suggestions," Cliff said, glancing around.

Grinning, Helpono raised his staff, "You're not going anywhere.... Not until 'she' is satisfied."

The water gathered around her bubbled and rose from the ground, forming into three lumps that surrounded him. "Time to play, my lovely Linda."

The water burst upwards into multiple streams with three-fingered hands attached to the top. Each one whirled around in the air before descending towards the party. Each member jumped out of the way, trying to dodge each blow that embedded itself into the ground. Nel and Allisa dodged by using teleportation and quickstep, narrowly dodging the tendrils. Bush used his mud to form a thick layer as a shield which only just blocked the hands. Cliff, Kira and Melvin each had to dodge out of the way.

"What the hell?!" Cliff swore trying to catch his breath.

"Cliff, look out?!" Melvin warned.

Cliff looked back, and saw a massive bubble of water forming to Helpono's right, who pointed his staff at it.

"Water cannon."

A large jet of water fired towards Cliff.

"Oh shit!!" Cliff swore as he leapt out of the way, just dodging the blast that left a scare through the plateau, crashing against the water cage in a large splash. "What the.....?" Cliff said with his mouth agape.

"Are you ok?" Melvin asked. He glanced towards Helpono where he saw another water bubble forming, which then began to spike up.

"Water needles."

A barrage fired towards Melvin who put up his barrier in defense. The barrage of needles peppered against the barrier, which held for the most part until cracks began to form, with the final one breaching the barrier, leaving a small cut on Melvin's cheek.

"Ahh, my darling Luvia...." Helpono muttered. "So loyal and clear... always... can cut through any before you."

"Azure Flame!"

Allisa suddenly appeared before him, flames gathered around her blade as it transformed with a large amount of flames bursting from the blackened sword.

"Vermillion Strike!!"

Allisa swung her blade in a horizontal arc, sending a wave of flames that covered the area before her.

"Holy shit!" Kira muttered with her mouth agape at Allisa's power. "Well, guess I saw this before so I shouldn't be surprised."

Nel watched them as parts of Allisa's flame touched the water wall, and noticed that where the flames touched, small gaps were made in it, that only lasted for about 10 seconds before closing up again.

Allisa took a step back, letting out a short sigh of relief. "Did that do it," She said, looking forward towards the smoldering area as the smoke began to clear. "..... HUH?!!"

When the smoke cleared, a large blacked, oval object was seen in the center, a few meters away from where her opponent was.

Cracks began to form, and then cracked apart, almost like an egg hatching. In the center was an unharmed Helpono, still gripping his staff.

Allisa leaped back, holding out her blade. "H-He withstood that?!"

"Weak weak weak...." Helpono began to mutter. Water began to bubble around him. "You killed Stevie with that very attack..... AND IT WAS WEEAAAAAAK!!!"

Allisa took a step back in horror as the water began to take a human shape with a fish like head. Brown crusts of armor began to form around it, with a mask that resembled a shark, with massive balls taking the form of its hands.

"Destroy her...... BOART!!!"

The creature, Boart as he was referred to, raised its arm and swung it forward, the water stitching out as it slammed into the ground, shattering it.

Allisa, who had no time to dodge, would have been crushed if someone hadn't grabbed ahold of her and wisped her, and carelessly threw her on the ground as the individual skidded to a stop a few miles away.

As Allisa groaned as she got back up, she was it was Nel who had saved her.

"You could've put me down rather than throw me...." Allisa groaned.

Nel didn't respond, and instead glanced around the water cage.

"Allisa!" Bush rushed up towards Allisa.

"I'm ok, don't worry," Allisa reassured him as she got back to her feet.

"Damn it... we don't have time for this..." Cliff said as he and Melvin gazed at the giant before them. "What kind of magic does this guy even use?"

"I don't even know....." Melvin admitted. "He definitely cast a spell before but.... I'm not sure what he's doing after that is part of that spell or something else..."

"Melvin!" Nel suddenly called out. "Cast 'fire bolt' at the water behind that man!"

"Uh.... huh?!"

"Just do it!"

".... Okay," Melvin didn't quite understand, but went along with Nel's plan. "Fire bolt." A fireball shot from his wand, deliberately missing the giant by reasonable margin before hitting the water behind it, which as predicted did nothing.

"So.... What was the point in that?" Allisa said to Nel.

"That Vermilion strike you did," Nel continued, ignoring Allisa's question, "how much power was behind it?"

"Huh? Umm.... Not that much." Allisa said truthfully, "Probably as much as I use normally. Nothing compared to what I used against that Lion."

"Ok, that's good." Nel nodded. "I think I just worked out how we can get out of this."

"Why are you all ignoring me..........?" Helpono spoke, unnerving everyone once again. "I don't like being ignored..." He raised his staff, where a large blue magic circle formed. "Oliver, KILL THEM!!!!"

A bright light emanated from the circle, and from it emerged a large fish like creature, armored with a large mouth that took a quarter of its body, floated in the air above the party.

"Another one?!" Cliff exclaimed.

"How many familiars does this guy have?" Melvin said, aiming his wand.

The fish glanced down at the party below them, then opened its mouth, letting out an ear-splitting roar. Everyone covered their ears as it screeched.

"Damn it!!" Kira yelled over the screams, covering one ear while blindly firing her gun at the monster, which pelted harmlessly against the armored skin, which managed to stop the screams.

Allisa was about to summon flames to her sword to launch another strike.

"Don't," Nel said sternly. "Save that shot."

Allisa glanced towards Nel, expecting to hear a plain when-

"Here it comes!!"

Bush gave out a warning as the monster began to dive down, aiming to swallow Allisa, Nel and Bush who were close together. Bush slammed a hand down, mud burst from the ground, forming a thick wave where the monster slammed into it, sliding off towards the cage's wall where it seemed to disappear completely.

"What the...?" Kira began. Suddenly, the monster burst from the water again, coming out seemingly from the thin layer of water, sweeping towards Kira who leaped out of the way. Having missed, it curved upwards, disappearing into the water again. "Ok, this random shit is starting to piss me off!!"

"Worked anything out?" Cliff asked as he and Melvin stood back to back.

"Honestly.... I'm not even sure what's going on anymore...."

Suddenly, a dark shadow loomed over them. Both leapt quickly out of the way, just the large water humanoid landed in the spot between them.

"I forgot about that one!" Cliff said as he put up his arms as the monster swung its body 360 degrees, throwing a punch in Cliff's direction, the blow knocking him back several feet, tumbling across the ground.

The monster spun its upper body around once more. Slowly following up on its attack by turning its attention to Melvin, who leaped out of the way just as the ball fist smashed into the ground.

Melvin rolled out of the way, aiming his wand at the monster. "Lightning bolt!" A shot of lightning burst from his wand, penetrating through the armor and water and burst out of the other side.

The monster, seemingly unfazed, stood its ground, extending its arms, which wrapped around its body, then spun its body around like a gyro, wailing its arms out which extended outwards. Both Cliff and Melvin were hit, Melvin putting up his barrier which protected him despite it shattering while Cliff was forced to put his arms up, taking a knockback.

"Damn it, what the hell!" Kira muttered.

"Kira look out!!" Allisa let out a warning as the fish repaired out of the water cage, aiming for Kira, who was unable to dodge due to the monster's speed.

Allisa appeared beside Kira, grabbed her on the shoulder and teleported both of them away as the monster continued onwards, disappearing into the water once again.

They reappeared close to where Melvin had been pushed back too, Nel and Bush running towards them while Cliff was caught up with the large water monster.

"Thanks for the save." Kira said to Allisa, "Didn't know you could do that."

Allisa nodded in response, realising that she only just found that out recently. She looked to Nel. "You have a way out of here, right?" She asked.

"Yeah," Nel nodded, turning to Allisa. "Use Vermilion strike on the cage."


"When some of the flames touched the wall, it made a small hole for about ten seconds. If you concentrate on a single spot, you might be able to make a hole big enough for us to escape before it closes up again."

"R-Really?" Allisa glanced down at her sword.

"Guess we got a way out."

Back at the water monster, Cliff stood his ground, catching a blow that was thrown at him just as the fish appeared. Clutching the cannon ball-shaped hand, Cliff heaved, pulling the monster off its feet and throwing it towards the monster, which curved upwards to avoid being hit, flying upwards until it disappeared into the water again.

"Hate to say it," Cliff spoke up to them, catching up on what they were planning to do, "but I don't think the cry baby over there is gonna let us go so easily."

"He's right," Melvin nodded, "If we all go at once, he's just gonna come after us, and who knows what other tricks he's got up his sleeve. One of us is gonna have to stay behind to fight him." He let out a long sigh. "So you guys better run make it count."

"Huh.... Melvin?" Allisa muttered with her eyes wide, realizing what he was thinking.

"Believe me, I'd rather not. I know my own strengths and weaknesses, and this guy looks even more dangerous than any I faced before." He glanced up and smiled, "But don't worry, I am gonna be the next Arch Sage after all. Last thing I should do is back away from someone like him."

"Young man...." Bush said, almost speechless.

"And I thought those two morons were reckless," Nel said, letting out a small sigh.

Melvin flashed her a toothed grin, before looking back over to Helpono where his expression hardened. "If this guy's meant to be a diversion, then time's against us." His grip tightened on his wand, "And if he's a wizard.... then I got something personal against him."

"You are all ignoring me again......" Helpono growled as water began to bubble up behind him.

"All right, we'll leave it to you!" Cliff called out as everyone braced themselves.

"The bridge is just behind him," Nel called out.

"Got it," Allisa nodded just as hands began to burst from the water. Allisa grabbed a hold of Nel and Kira, who stood beside her and teleported away just as the long water hands slammed into the earth while Melvin and Bush dodged out of the way along with Cliff.

After the barrage, Allisa reappeared, grabbed a hold of Bush and disappeared, then did the same with Cliff a second later.

Allisa reappeared where she had carried everyone else off, the area just before the drawbridge that continued onwards towards the chief's hut.

"Ok, we’re all here," Nel said.

Allisa nodded as the others parted, allowing Allisa to face the wall of water, pulling back her blade, flames bursting from the black blade. "Vermillion Strike!" She launched her attack in a vertical slash, which burst against the water. As Nel predicted, a wide gap opened up with water flowing around it.

"You are leaving?" Helpono said, turning around. "You can not-"

A fireball then hit his barrier. He turned back around, seeing Melvin still standing in front of him.

"Ok, let's go!" Nel called out as she and Kira charged through the opening.

"Melvin! Good luck!" Cliff called out as he and Allisa followed on. As Allisa looked back, she saw Bush was staying put.

"Bush!" Allisa cried as she stopped running.

Bush shook his head. "I can't leave the lad alone to fend for himself. It would be against my ways." He said, giving her a wink. "Don't worry about me. I may be old, but I'm still a warrior of Sterland Village." He said just as the water began to flow, closing the gap.

"Allisa! Let's go!" Nel called out.

Allisa glanced towards Nel, who stood on the drawbridge with Cliff and Kira, and then glanced back to the water cage, clenching her fists. She knew that Melvin was right, that they didn't have the luxury of time, but leaving behind one of her friends to fight us an unsettling enemy.....

Allisa clenched her fist as her sword reverted back. "..... Right," She nodded and turned around, running to catch up with the others. Melvin..... be careful.

Back inside the water cage, Melvin noticed Bush had stayed behind, and part of him was relieved about that. Helpono stood in the center of the two, with the large water monster looming close by.

"You're a wizard, aren't you?" Melvin called out. "Why..... Why are you using your magic to kill people?!" He snapped.

"Why....?" Helpono's eyes rolled towards Melvin. "If I don't..... she.... She will leave me..."

".....She?" Melvin took a step back, unnerved by the look Helpono gave him. "What do you mean she?"

"She is she...." Helpono said a small trail of tears rolled down his cheeks as he clutched his staff close to him. "She gets mad..... hungry... cold..... Lonely.....

"I tired.... Kept her fed.... Spilled the blood and mixed it into her tears..... and for that...." His look turned deadly, "They.... Cast me out.... Tired to kill me...."


"I worked for them...." Helpono glanced upwards, "the Arch Sage.... A wizard in his service... And the king..... I gave them everything..... that's when I found 'her'..... we did everything.... She taught me so much...... and they.... They threw me away...." Helpono pointed his staff at Melvin, "You look like him.... talk like him.... you even have his wand...."

Melvin glanced down at his wand.

"You..... you remind me of him....." His eye's began to shift towards Melvin. "She.... She has been waiting for him.... to drink from him..... you remind me of him....."

Bush stood by, narrowing his eyes at the man. His memory went back to one event, a day that it rained, the day his wife was killed by a human. The human that almost took his life and the life of his daughter and son-in-law.

There's no doubt about it. Bush thought clenching his fists. I can never forget someone like him.

"I don't know what you're raving about," Melvin said in a low voice, "and I couldn't care less. All I know is that you threatened these people and wreaked their village. And worse, you're using magic to kill people, something I can never forgive." he pointed his wand directly at Helpono, "I'm Melvin Stride, apprentice of Arch Sage Dran! And by his name, and my honor as his apprentice, I will stop you!"

"Dran.... Dran...." Helpono flashed a crazed grin. "They call me..... Helpono...." He lowered his staff to the ground, "The monk.....of the rain....." He turned his entire body, cackling at Melvin as he did. "COME!!! Child who resembles him!!! Quench her thirst!!! SATISFY HER!!!"


The party ran from the area onto another plateau, skidding to a halt as they tried to catch their breath.

"Ohhh Boy," Kira breathed from relief as she collapsed to the ground, "Geez what was with that loon? Forget a few screws loss, I'd be surprised if anything was tied down. Know what I mean?"

Nel looked unamused. "The boat on the way here, it was after you?" she said, sounding dangerously serious.

"Don't look at me like that. I didn't know Ellie knew anyone who could summon shit like that." Kira shrugged. She then got back on her feet.

"That girl.... The one with the bandaged left arm," Nel continued putting her hands on her hips. "Why is she going after you?"

"Like I know," Kira said with a wink, "playing hard to get."

"Take this seriously!"

"Sheesh, learn to take a joke red."

Cliff glanced to Allisa, who was looking towards the dome of water that separated Melvin and Bush from the rest of them.

"I know how you feel," Cliff said to her crossing his arms. "Believe me, I don't wanna leave them alone with that psycho. But we got our own problems to worry about. If we don't stop these guys, there are only gonna be more chaos."

Allisa looked to Cliff, then back to the water wall.

"He made the choice. He's staying behind of his own accord to give us a chance to do what we need to do."

Allisa's expression hardened, as she closed her eyes and glanced down. "Right," She said slowly as she turned to Cliff. "Let's go and-"

Before she could finish, Cliff suddenly charged out towards her, pushed her aside with one hand as he raised the other. Just above, a dark shadow drop kicked into his arm. Cliff ground his teeth as he withstood the blow, following which the figure somersaulted backward, skidding to a stop.

Allisa glanced upwards, seeing Ling standing before her and Cliff in a crouched position.

"My my, what an unusual turn of events," Ling said with an amused grin. "I don't think anyone has ever escaped from 'Devils aquarium' before. At least not while Helpono is still conscious."

Nel and Kira took defensive stances when they saw Ling.

"Forgot about you," Cliff said as he clenched his fists.

Ling stood back up, grinning at Allisa. "Ahh, now I remember. I thought you looked familiar from somewhere. You where the one involved in the Dorstera incident."

Allisa flinched when he mentioned that.

"What do you mean?" Nel asked.

"We had a hand in that incident. Loria and Daud were our agents working for us to awaken the monster and control Garlahad if he became a little too unpredictable."

Allisa' felt her blood beginning to boil when he mentioned that.

"So.... you people were involved in that as well?" Nel said, narrowing her eyes.

"Don't look like that, we played no part in that tragedy. We only sponsored that man and his activities to bring down the Arch Sage. What transpired was all that fool Garlahad's fault for launching a half-baked plan based on such a petty grudge."

Allisa heard enough took a step forward when Cliff stopped her by holding out his hand. "He's just trying to rile you up." He said. "Chief's hut's not that far now. You guy's better hurry."

Allisa glanced up at him with surprise. "C-Cliff...."

Ling raised an eyebrow in response. "You want to fight me alone? Are you certain?" He said with a smug grin. "You remember what happened last time, don't you?"

"You had to bring that up," Cliff snickered. "Though I got a feeling it won't end up like last time."

"Hm, such confidence,"

Cliff glanced towards Nel, who nodded, grabbing ahold of Kira's shoulder, who looked at her, lowering her gun.

He then glanced towards Allisa, who still looked reluctant to abandon another of her friends against the powerful foes they were facing. "We all got our own battles to fight," Cliff said turning back to Ling, "my fight is here, yours is elsewhere, putting a stop to this madness. Isn't that right?"

Allisa glanced towards Ling, then again to the water cage where Melvin was fighting his battle. Not just him, but out there in the chaos, Rodger, Meracle, Yuki and Max, all her friends were fighting their own battles, where they were needed. Allisa had her own battle, her own opponent to fight. Almost as though it was preordained by fate.

"Right," With a look of resolve, Allisa nodded to Cliff, "Good luck." She turned and ran off towards the next drawbridge with Nel and Kira following behind her, leaving Cliff and Ling alone, who continued their face off.

"Sorry about the delay," Cliff said as he lowered his body, tensing his muscles. "Shall we get started?"

Ling grinned and took his own stance, parting his legs while drawing his arms close to his own body, pointing out his middle and index figures. "Let's. I was getting tired of waiting."

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