《The Goddess’ Chosen》Battle of Sterland Village


"Dora, wake up! Dora!"

Dora struggled out of her bed as the call of her mother awoke her. The blue light from the lake below penetrated her room.


"I'm awake!" Dora called back to her mother.

"Well hurry up! You've got errands to run today!"

"I know!" Dora let out a deep sigh, staring outside her window. "Another day huh?"


Deep in the middle of the Sterland Forest was a small village, built on plateaus above a glowing blue river. Due to the thick tree line, the sky was blocked out, with no hint of sunlight penetrating the blackened leaves. Even so, the village was brightly illuminated by the Mythril within the lake, giving off a year-round blue glow.

Sterland Village, the home of the dwarf-like race with furry tails, the Samiets. It was the home of Dora T. Valentine, a young Samiet with bright pink hair, matched by her pink ears and tail, wearing pink overalls.

"Ok... what's first?" Dora said to herself examining a lit from her parents.

"D-Dora!" A stuttering voice came from behind her.

"Oh, Fred."

A droopy boy of about the same age approached her. He wore glasses, a knit cap, and blue overalls. His name was Fred H. Sawes, one of Dora's oldest friends. "A-Are you still doing jobs for your folks?"

"Yeah, still am." Dora sighed.

"B-But it's been five days since then."

"You know what they're like, especially the fact I went out with humans."

"I guess... Good thing Rodgers not here, he would'a gone and yelled at them."

Dora's heart sank at the last comment, which she hid behind a smile. "Yeah... knowing that moron, that's probably what he'd do."

Five days ago, Dora and Fred, along with Rodger and the humans who visited, single handedly destroyed the bandit gang, Celtic Hoard, who threatened the village. In this attempt her parents, both of whom hated humans, servilely punished Dora. Dora was forbidden to leave the village ever again and was forbidden to ever see Rodger again (Who they saw as the root of her behavior). That punishment was lifted when the two learned that Rodger was leaving the village the day after. Instead, Dora had to run errands for her parents.

Though Dora didn't really mind it that much, not because it was easy work, but to her, the village just didn't feel the same anymore.

"Hard to believe it's only been five days huh?" Dora said as she gazed out into the village.

"S-Sure is a lot quieter now." Fred nodded. "Y-You think we should have gone with him."

Dora shook her head. "You really think you could go through that again?" She asked, amused.

"Uh.... P-probably not," Fred shuddered as he recalled the brushes with death he endured during the rescue mission. "I don't think I want to go through something like that again,"

Dora giggled as she looked up towards the blacked-out sky. "Well, wherever they are now, I hope he's not causing too much trouble."

"I'm sure wherever he is, he's doing fine," A large figure approached them from behind. Looking behind they saw a large built human with a notable pompadour. "Good morning you two," Good to see you up so early," Faust nodded.

"Oh, Faust," Fred waived.

"Morning Faust," Dora waved.

The man was Quintox von Faust, though everyone just called him Faust. He was previously a member of the bandit group Celtic Hoard and had fought against them in the lost city. After being defeated by fire-breathing human Max, he switched sides and fought against his former comrades. After that, he agreed to protect the village as a way to make amends. Understandably, there were many people who didn't like him. Not only was he a human, but was also part of the group that besieged their village, some going as far as attacking him. But Faust never retaliated and took whatever abuse was thrown at him.


"My apologies, I didn't mean to eavesdrop on your conversation."

"Oh no, it's fine," Dora reassured him. "We just can't help but worry about him,"

"Huh? I-I'm not that worried?" Fred said, "I mean, it's Rodger after all."

"I know it's Rodger, that's what I'm worried about," Dora said scowling. "What if he does something reckless and gets seriously hurt. I'm 100% certain that will happen."

"My, you certainly care a lot about that boy," Faust chuckled.

"N-No, It's nothing like that," Dora flustered, turning away. "Just worried he might do something stupid, that's all."

Faust looked to Fred who shrugged. "S-She's been like that since he left. Whenever we talk about him, snaps and turns away like that."

"I see," Faust chuckled. "Women can find it difficult to express themselves."

"In Dora's case, sure is," Fred said with a slight grin.

"What are you two talking about?" Dora said glaring at the two boys, which caused them to flinch.

"N-Nothing!" Both said quickly.

"Yo, Bro! You coming?"

"Hey look, it's the little sis and little bro!"

Approaching the three were two other humans. Shay, a slim man with black hair, and May, a large bald man, both carrying two war hammers. The two men were also a part of Celtic Hoard, and ambushed the Samiets and their human friends at the Berkwara ruins. They followed Faust in betraying Celtic Hoard and stayed in the village along with him.

"Oh, hey guys," Fred waved.

"Sorry you two, I got a bit sidetracked." Faust apologized.

"Aw, don't worry about it," Shay said.

"Yeah, you were talking to the little bro and little sis," May said.

"I thought I told you to stop calling me sis," Dora sighed, not liking the nickname the two had given her.

"A-Are you going somewhere?" Fred asked.

"Just outside the village," Faust told him.

"We're gonna do some training with the beasties out there," Shay said.

"If we're gonna keep this village safe from monsters and other bastards like Celtic Hoard, we got'ta stay in shape." May continued on.

"I-Is that a good idea?" Fred stuttered, "even a few miles out, the monster's are seriously strong."

"We won't be too far out," Faust reassured the two, "and don't worry, we won't be taking any unnecessary risks. We know the areas to avoid and monsters to steer clear."

"Yeah, don't worry bout us little bro and little sis," Shay nodded. "We'll be back before you know it."

"That is if you come back at all," A new voice came behind the humans. Turning around, the group saw a trio approach, a particular groan that caused Dora and Fred to cringe, recognizing them as their rivals.

The boy in front was Steve E. Ferlo, a boy with orange hair, covered by a bronze helmet with an eagle, which complemented his buttoned cardigan. Beside him were his two friends. Redwol M Caden, a boy with a cloak and bugged eye spectacles. The other was Gura E. Kailen, a large built boy with a large fur cloak and bear skinned hat.

"See you humans are still around, thought my dad would'a run you out by now," Steve said with a sly smile.

"Aw, it's the little kind who gives us crap." May sighed.

"Don't worry, he gives us crap too," Dora reassured him.

Despite the rude introduction, Faust simply smiled. "Good morning to you," he greeted Steve politely, "I trust your well this fine morning."


Steve scoffed, "Don't pretend that we're friends or anything."

"Ah, my apologies," Faust bowed, putting a hand to his heart.

"I-I don't get how he can put up with him," Fred said.

Ever since Faust had stayed, Steve had harassed him, more so after he learned Faust wasn't fighting back against others who did the same.

"I don't see how you can be so friendly with him," Redwol said to Fred and Dora, bouncing the question back. "There the ones who attacked the village after all."

"H-Hey, that's going too far," Dora snapped.

"What about the part that they were part of Celtic hoard. You forgot about that?" Steve said to them. Shay and May both lowered their heads in response.

"B-But they also helped us save the Chief and Bush in the end," Fred said in their defense.

"Yeah, we couldn't have pulled it off without them!" Dora yelled.

"And, if I remember correctly, you fought each other at Berkwara ruins," Steve said, catching them off guard. "Don't forget, we were watching those humans," he pointed to Redwol who held out his crystal ball.

"Uh... I don't get it?" Shay said, scratching his head.

"Redwol has clairvoyance magic," Dora said narrowing her eyes, "they use that to spy on Rodger when he was here. Guy's a little paranoid and thinks everyone's an enemy."

"It's called being cautious," Redwol countered, "I saw the level of magic that man possessed. If I'm not mistaken, he obliterated a large portion of the ruins with one spell."

"Oh, you mean the 'catastrophic planetary devastation' spell fire bro managed to survive?" May said.

"That was indeed my spell," Faust admitted without hesitation.

"Don't tell them that!" Dora snapped.

"But fear not," Faust continued, "I only use it if and when the need arises. Even so, I would never use such a destructive spell where it may affect others."

"D-didn't he uses it a little too close to us?" Fred whispered to Dora.

"Yeah, but let's not mention that," Dora responded.

"And why should we believe you?" Steve continued, not backing down, "For all we know, you could be plotting to destroy the village as we speak."

"Alright! That's going too far you little turd!" Shay snapped.

"You got no right ta speak to Faust like that!" May snapped.

"They have every right to!" Faust interrupted the two, causing them to back down. "One good deed will not absolve me of the crimes I have committed. I am fully aware of that."


Faust placed a hand on his heart. "I am not asking for forgiveness. I fought as a way to meet an opponent strong enough to kill me, remove this stain from the Faust's family name," Faust smiled, "and it was the fist of another, far younger yet far wiser, to show me the error of my way,"

Steve and his friends were silenced, not sure of how to respond. Shay and May on the other hand, burst into tears.

"WAHAHAHA!! That's our bro for ya!"

"So full of honor!! WHAHAHA!!"

Dora and Fred looked away from the two's awkward display of emotion.

"Why are those two crying?" Redwol asked, feeling a little awkward.

"Sh-Shut up! We're not crying!"

"Real men don't cry, you bastards!" Both men responded while looking away.

".... Not very convincing," Dora said.

Ignoring the group behind him, Faust crouched down to Steve's level. "You have every right to doubt my intentions. But even so, whatever it is worth to you, I will protect this village with my very life. So long as I still draw breath, I won't allow any wrongdoers to set foot in the village-"


As though on cue, a large object landed in the lake, just behind the plateau where the group was. It landed with such force that the water from the lake shot upwards, drenching the all nine of them. The plateau shook by the vibrations.

Faust grabbed ahold of Steve while bracing himself.

Dora, Fred, Redwol and Gura flopped to the ground to steady themselves along with Shay and May, who used their hammers to keep themselves from falling over.

"Wh-What was that!?" Dora yelled as the water stopped falling.

"S-Something just landed in the lake!" Fred pointed out, "Something really big!"

"We can see that!" Redwol said, raising his voice.

Releasing Steve, Faust rushed to the edge along with Shay and May. They were shocked by what they saw.

"By the goddess," Faust gasped.

"No way.... Only fire bro could'a done something like that." May said in disbelief.

"Well, this ain't fire bro's work." Shay pointed it out.

The sameits also made their way to the edge of the plateau to see what had landed. Many other sameits were doing the same, to see what the commotion was.

What Dora and Fred saw shocked them to the core. In the lake was a massive, albino behemoth with a broken off left horn. Along with that was terrible wounds on its body that was leaking large volumes of blood, flowing into the lake.

"The King of the Forest? But how....?" Dora gasped.

The King of the Forest was a title given to the behemoth. It earned the title by being the most powerful and most ferocious monster in the forest that not even the legendary adventurer Graham could defeat. That said, the strange human, Max, was able to not only defeat it but tamed it. A large part of Celtic Hoards destruction was due to the rampage it went in Deadman's End. After that, it guarded the village against the strong monsters that strayed to the village.

Steve, Gura and Redwol were just as shocked. However, when Gura looked up he slammed a hand on Steve's back, pointing at the sky. "The barrier!"

Everyone looked up and saw a hole in the sky that was extending as the barrier that surrounded the village collapsed.

"Bro...." Shay muttered.

"This isn't good," Faust said.

"Wh-What's going on?" Dora asked.

Before someone could answer, a large section of the wall was suddenly obliterated in a large bang, showering large, square debris over the surrounding homes.

From the hole, twelve figures began to emerge.

"Hello there!!" One called out. When the dust settled, all twelve individuals stood before the nervous crowd, seven humans, one cait sith, a floating elf, and a strange masked figure that was difficult to call human, and a human wrapped in black bandages.

Amongst the group, one human, a man with white hair stood forward, raising his arms out as though he was saying hello. "Sorry to intrude," he said as a sinister smile formed on his face, "we're here to destroy your village!"

Demon Gate

The Sameits stood uneasily by the destroyed section of the wall. Never before had someone managed to breach both the barrier and the village walls. Only Celtic Hoard had come close but was foiled by outside interference. But this time, both were breached by only a handful of individuals.

Further back, the Samiet youths and the human guardians stood at a vantage point overlooking the devastated section of the wall.

"W-who are they?!" Steve demanded.

"Don't look at us, we ain't seen em," May said defensively.

"Yeah... but," Shay muttered while squinting his eyes, "that silver-haired chick looks familiar,"

Besides them, Fred tapped Dora on the shoulder, pointing out the 'silver-haired woman.' "L-Look, it's her."

"Her?" Dora squinted.

"F-From the waterway. The one Allisa fought."

".... Oh yeah," Dora said after realizing. "But.... who are those other guys?"


"So this is what the village looks like," Leone said casually with her arms above her head. "Soooo, this would be your first time here since those Celtic Hoard guys screwed up, huh El."

"Would you please shut up?" Ellie responded to Leone's comments.

"Yeash... Still the ice queen, huh? Something's never change. Don't they, Robby?"


"Who are you people?!" One of the gathered sameits stepped forwards. The man was Dorian, leader of the 'anti-human' faction in Sterland Village who despises humans. "What are you doing in this village?"

"Hmm? I do believe I just said I'm here to destroy the village," Yensin responded sarcastically.

"Don't get smart with me you wrenched human!!" Dorian snapped. He was about to lunge when a hand tapped on his shoulder.

"Wait Dorian." Standing behind him was the village chief, Gimdo.

"What are you doing, Gimdo?" Dorian snapped.

Ignoring him, Gimdo glanced towards Ellie, immediately recognizing her as the girl working with Celtic Hoard. He then glanced back at Yensin. "I am Gimdo, the village Chief, and I demand to know why you wish to destroy our village?"

"Oh that is a long, and very complicated story I don't really want to get into at the moment," Yensin said waving an arm.

"Are you mocking us?!" Dorian snapped.

"Calm down," a woman standing beside him spoke. Her name was Welma, Fred's mother and member of the village council like Dorian. "You have to realize that these humans are nothing like Celtic Hoard, especially given that they threw the King of the Forest into the village inflecting such wounds, not to mention the power to break the barrier and the wall."

Dorian scowled at her, but cooled his head, admitting that she was right in this regard. "I know," he whispered, glaring at the enemy before him, particularly two of the most striking in appearances. These humans are anything like the last group.

"So even you are going to stand by and allow these humans to walk over us. You've grown far too soft Dorian!" A voice called out from the crowd.

In response, the crowd parted as Van and Freya walked forwards.

"If you think I'm going to allow these disgusting creatures to violate our homes like those previous humans who poisoned my daughter's mind and those bandits who claim they're going to defend us, then you are mistaken!" Van continued.

"Hold on Van, that's not-" Gimdo tried to reason with him but Freya intervened.

"My mother loved humans and she paid the price for it!"

Before anyone could stop him, Van slammed a hand to the ground. "If the council won't do anything, THEN I WILL!!!"

Roots then burst from the ground, forming a massive tide that descended on Yensin's group. Before they could hit, Fark raised his right arm. "Crash."

In a second, the entire forest of roots and thrones was obliterated, the concussive wave washed over the Samiets who braced themselves from the shower of root fragments that showered them. Several in the front line were even blasted off their feet.

When it was over, everyone stared in shock at the unharmed group of humans.

"H-How...." Van breathed as he got back to his feet, taken aback that his magic was destroyed so easily.

"That's what we were trying to warn you," Dorian said to Van as he pulled out a pistol, "these humans are nothing like Celtic Hoard. Even I can tell."

"Listen," Yensin called out, "I'm sure you all have a response or witty remark prepared, but we are pressed for time and must speed things along. Lire Lim, if you would,"

In response, Lire Lim raised her jade skull into the air as it pulsed an ominous green glow. "Froshta!"

Green portals then began to open along the walls and in front of Yensin's group. What came out of them were creatures that belonged in nightmares. Grotesque monsters, taking different shapes and sizes emerged, several with wings, a few with large bloated bodies, countless tiny monsters with only mouths and legs.

The Sameits began to walk back in horror as the terrifying monsters gathered before them. The final one to emerge, a large, bipedal horror with spikes sticking out of its back, was the first to make its move, launching the spikes which flew off in random directions, slamming into houses and plateaus across the village, exploding on impact.

What happened next was the monsters lunging forwards, beginning their attack, with the sameits running away while fighting back with their magic several monsters falling but also a few of the sameits losing their lives.


"Wh-What in the.....?" Dora gasped, horrified by the sight of the monsters that were now assaulting her village. The other youths were even just as terrified, watching as the creatures descended onto the crowd, spilling out into the area, wreaking havoc.

"Children," Faust spoke up, slipping his knuckle-dusters onto his fingers. His back was turned, but the youths knew he had a very serious look in his eye. "find a safe place to hide. Do not come out until it's over."

"F-Faust," Fred gasped.

"Wha- Hold on!!" Steve spoke up.

"You can hold your doubts if you wish," Faust interrupted Steve before he could say anymore, "but I made an oath to atone for what I've done. Even if it costs me my life."

"Y-You're not gonna fight those things alone?!" Dora exclaimed.

"Cause he ain't,"

Shay and May walked past the youths, taking their place beside Faust with their war hammers held in both hands.

"Like we're gonna leave our bro ta fight those freaks all by his lonesome," May said.

"This ain't just your fight," Shay said, "we promised to protect this place with you, and don't go back on our word."

"That's what you taught us,"

Fust smiled softly. "And nothing I can say will convince you against this?"

Both Shay and May nodded.

Faust stared onwards, clenching his fists. "Alright then. Let us fulfill our duty!"


All three humans charged forwards, leaving the Samiets behind.

"Wh-What should we do?" Fred said, looking confused and scared.

"What else! Let's do what they say!" Dora snapped.

"We're just gonna run away?!" Stave snapped.

"You want to fight those things, be my guest!" Dora snapped back.

"Steve..." Redwol muttered attracting his attention. Both he and Gura looked just as terrified. "We should do what they say."

"Wh-What?!" Steve sounded astonished.

"Like they said, you really think we can fight those things," Gura said.

"Only Rodger would be crazy enough to do that," Redwol added.

"And we'd be the ones to drag him away," Dora muttered, sighing at the hypothetical situation.

"We may not like those humans, but you have to admit they're pretty strong." Redwol continued, "Let's let them handle this."

"B-But...." Steve shook with frustration, glancing back to the carnage before them. Something about the situation frustrated him. It wasn't because humans were attacking the village, or that humans were defending the village, again. It was something else. "B-But I-"

Just before he could finish, something landed close by them, a woman with blond hair and a blond tail, and a small boy floating beside her.

"Whew... And I thought bird face was terrifying enough as is." The woman spoke, rubbing the back of her neck. "Wouldn't you say, Robby?"

"Robin." The floating boy spoke.

"Well, while those guys are tearing shit up, let's hit a few joints and see if there's anything decent to swipe. Hm?" The woman turned around, seeing the Samiet youths standing behind her, all bracing themselves.

"Oh.. Looks like we have company, Robby?"

"Uh... I give up."

A Matter of Pride

"Hold them back!!"

"Get everyone as far away from them as possible!!"

"Don't let them any further in!!"

It was utter pandemonium. The rampaging monsters devastated the area around the broken section of the wall.

All Samiet worriers available fought desperately against the hoard, firing off magic and weapons. Many of the creatures fell, killed in various ways. But more seemed to appear out of nowhere. What was more, the humans responsible had disappeared in the confusion.

"Damn it!! There's no end to this!" Dorian swore, aiming his pistol at a large boated slug-like monster before pulling the trigger. A white shot fired out, piercing the monster's midsection, shooting out the other end before turning back, making ten passes on its own through the monster before finally finishing the creature off by shooting out the head, flying upwards towards a flying monster with an exposed brain, piercing the cranium, allowing the creature to fall.

"We have to hold them back!" Gimdo said beside him watching as more grotesque creatures charged. In response, Gimdo slammed a hand to the ground. The ground beneath the monsters suddenly sunk, dropping the creatures into a deep pit.

Welma appeared behind him, throwing an orange ball into the pit, which immediately exploded into a firestorm, incinerating the monsters within.

As she did, more green portals opened, with even more grotesque monsters emerging. As they did, Welma reached into a pouch, bringing out three small rockets and threw them out. She then clicked her fingers, which was followed by the fuses in the rockets igniting, sending them into four monsters, and blowing up on impact with enough force to blow them apart. "By the goddess.... How many did that human summon?"

"We can think about it later," Gimdo said as he slammed a hand to his hand into the ground as another monstrosity landed on edge of the plateau. The area sank, sending into the lake below.

A few meters away, Van was using his vines to knock back the monsters, using them to trap the smaller monstrosities while impaling the bigger ones.

Freya ran up to him, with a panicked expression. "Where's Dora?! She's not at home?!"

"I'm a little busy here!!" Van said as another, long limed monster four massive hands and a long neck charged. The roots formed around it, anchoring it to the ground. The monster then spat out its tongue with a mouth, extending to the helpless Van.

Just before it could reach, Faust appeared, grabbing ahold of the tongue while upper-cutting the monster's chin, using its sharp jaws to bight off its own tongue.

Faust then released the snapped off tongue and pulled back his left hand, clenching it into a fist. "Fist of Iron!" His fist slammed into the monster with an audible crack, sending it flying into the wall where it formed a creator.

"Are you alright?" Faust asked a bewildered Van and Freya.

"Faust?!" Gimdo called out with relief.

Faust turned back to the hoard of monsters before him. "Get your people to safety." He said in a serious tone. "We will keep these monstrosities at bay."

Just then, a flying monster, shaped like a manta with a wide mouth on its torso flew out from below the plateau before diving towards Faust.

"Oh no ya don't," Shay then appeared above the monstrosity, striking it with his hammer, sending it slamming into the ground.

A second monstrosity, with a large body surrounded by tentacles with razor-sharp talons, crawled up from below, sending them towards Faust's back.

May rushed in, coming between Faust and the attacking tentacles. "Will of Steel!" The tentacles slammed against May's body and shattered on impact. Grinning, May twirled his hammer and charged in, slipping through the tentacles while raising his hammer and slamming it into the monster, reducing it to a bloody pulp.

Shay landed beside May, both resting their hammers against their shoulders, facing the massing monsters before them.

"These things must have'a death wish if it's gonna fight us," May said with a grin.

"Then let's not keep'em waiting," Shay said.

They then charged forwards, fending off the onslaught of monsters as Faust turned to the Samiets behind him.

"Are you sure about this?" Gimdo asked out of concern.

Faust nodded and faced forwards towards Shay and May battling the monsters. "It is time for me to repay my debt," he clenched his fists, "even if you have doubts about me," he addressed Dorian, "I swear upon the Faust family name for all its worth, I will give my last breath to protect the village that gave me a second chance."

Just then, another, slug-like monster burst from the ground a few feet from Faust, slithering towards Faust with the desire to consume him in one bit. Before it could, several quills were shot into it, causing it to seize up and stop in its tracks. A large spiked ball then landed on the monster's body, destroying the lower half while Faust finished the remaining body with a powerful punch to its cranium.

The ball then transformed into a small floating green hedgehog. Faust's familiar, Radagast, who he had summoned along the way.

"Thank you, my friend." Faust smiled at Radagast, who let out a small happy yelp.

A few feet back, Gimdo nodded and turned to Dorian, Welma and all the other Samiets around him. "Get all the children and non-combatants out of the village! They are the top priority! Any able-bodied warriors will fall back to the village proper and hold back those creatures! Leave the breached area too the human guardians!"

Everyone then broke to carry out Gimdo's instructions. Gimdo turned briefly to Faust and nodded to him, "My the Goddess be with you." He said before running.

Dorian ran but stopped, and with his back turned, addressed Faust. "Humans took something precious from me and my family when I was just a child. I always hated them as a result, and united the village with that hatred in favor of isolation," a smile formed on his lips, "and there was only one human, a naïve child at that, that I've ever accepted. I pray you make it through, so I may be proven wrong about humans again." He then began to run.

Faust smiled, "I'll try," he then clapped his hands together, "Shay! May!" he called out.


"You got it bro!"

Both men broke off from their engagement and leaped back, taking positions alongside Faust. The monsters swarmed around the breached area, converging on the three men and a hedgehog that stood in their way.

"You abominations have made a grave mistake threatening these people! Thien will of earth, rain down from the Havens, Meteor Shower!"

The monsters lunged forwards, ready to devour them when suddenly, the front creatures were suddenly obliterated by flaming meteors that fell from the blacked-out sky. The entire area that had been swarming with the monsters was struck by a relentless and powerful barrage, the monsters destroyed in mere moments.

When the dust settled, the entire area around the breach was destroyed. The two plateaus that took the most hits from the barrage were completely annihilated.

"Did we get em?" Shay said as the dust on their plateau still obscured their view. As it slowly faded away, the three were in for a shock.

"Wh-What the?!" May exclaimed.

Faust bit down on his lip. "I was wondering where they disappeared too."

In the center of the plateau, with the craters and the destroyed creatures was a single dark-skinned man with his hand raised. What was baffling them was that he was completely unscathed, despite the intense barrage around him.

"Ho ho! That was quite the attack just now!" A second figure emerged from the dust; sheathing the katana he was carrying in his left hand. Right behind him was one of the summoned meteors that were sliced vertically in two halves. "If it weren't for my Honō no tamashī, I'd be a dead man." He then rested the blade on his shoulders, taking his place alongside the dark-skinned man. "Still, I wasn't expecting any humans to be here."


Fark and Sokaku stood opposite the suspired Faust, Shay and May.

"Who are those bastards?" Shay asked.

"Dunno.... but they were with those guys who busted the wall," May said.

Faust took a step forward with Radagast floating beside him. "I must ask what your business you have with the village?"

"I could ask you the same," Sokaku countered, "after all, I was under the impression that this village hated humans."

Faust scowled. "I'm repaying a debt."

"Really? Ha, then that makes us the same." Sokaku said with his katana resting on his shoulder. "I'm here to repay a debt to the man that gave me purpose once again,"

"Even if that means harming the innocent?"

Sokaku hesitated before responding, his expression softening. "Unfortunately so," he said, lowering his Katana.

"I see....." Faust said, taking a combat stance, "then we have nothing left to talk about." He then slammed a fist onto the ground, "Earth Spear!"

Sharp rocks burst from the ground, shooting themselves directly at the opponents. Before they could impale them, Fark raised his right hand, aiming the palm directly at the incoming attacks.


The spears then shattered, with the fragments firing back towards Faust, Shay and May, who were forced to brace themselves from the backlash.

"Ahh... What was that...?" Shay said as he recovered.

"I see..." Faust muttered as he recovered. "I take it you're the one who destroyed the wall," He said to Fark, eyeing the silver cross embedded in his palm. Was that a projection? It seemed like it, but it seems different....

Faust then took a step forward with Radagast floating beside him. Shay and May were about to do the move when Faust raised his hand to stop them.

"There's still more of those creatures out there. Find them and dispose of them."



Shay and May looked astonished.

"Y-You're not planning on fighting the two of em by yourself?!"

"No way! You can't take them both on your own!"

Faust allowed their comments to wash over him, keeping his back to the two. "Their comrades are still on the loose somewhere in the village. They have likely blended into the background amongst the chaos."

"But Faust-"

"Come on bro! The three of us-"

"STOP ARGUING AND GO!!" Faust snapped at them, glaring at them.

Both men flinched with surprise. They both gripped their hammers tightly, biting down on their lips. Without saying a word, both turned and ran off, leaving Faust behind to face the two threats before him.

"Are you sure that was wise, sending them off like that?" Sokaku asked once the two men were out of sight.

Faust smiled to himself. "Because this is my fight, not there's."

Sokaku raised an eyebrow.

"I caused such pain before and took this path as a way to atone for all that I've done. Those two are not a part of my sins," Faust then raised his fist to the two, "I'm no fool. I can tell that both of you are strong. But I will not the lives of my comrades for the sake of my own atonement."

Sokaku grinned, stroking his beard with an intrigued look. "Quite an interesting chap," he was about to draw out his katana when Fark took a step forward, clicking his right hand.

"You'll take too long," he said in a low voice.

Sokaku sighed, lowering his blade once again. "Fine,"

"You wish to fight me alone?" Faust said bracing himself. "Radagast!"

Radagast spun around, shooting out his poisoned quills at Fark. Fark, however, dodged all of them with seemingly unnatural speed before charging in.

"Rock Wall!" Faust slammed a fist into the ground, raising a massive, stone slab from the ground while pulling back the other fist before punching it, lunging the slab towards his opponent. Fark halted in his tracks, waving out his right palm in the face of the incoming slab. The entire structure was then shattered by his power.

Faust, however, had charged in along with the slab, lowering his body as the incoming rocks flew past him, pulling back a right hook. "Fist of Iron!" Faust threw the punch, sending it flying towards his opponent.

Fark, however, moved his left hand and grabbed a hold of Faust's fist before it struck his chest, not even flinching.

What?! Faust was stunned that his mana-enhanced fist was stopped so easily. While still caught in his grip, Fark pulled back his right arm, clenching a fist. "Will of Steel!!"

Faust activated the 'Will of Steel' ability, a mana focusing technique that solidified his body, making it as hard as iron.

Fark's fist slammed into Faust's cheek with incredible force, launching him backward. Faust toppled along the ground before recovering, skidding his feet across the ground until he came to a stop beside Radagast.

"Interesting...." Fark muttered as Faust raised himself off the ground, "You solidified your body in that brief instant. I certainly felt some resistance there."

Faust scowled as he observed his opponent. He doesn't seem fazed at all... And it didn't seem as though he was using Mana focusing, and he's certainly not like sir Colt. He rationalized as he raised his fists up again. Is he really that strong?

Not giving him time to think, Fark charged forwards, covering the distance while swinging a large hook. Faust had enough time to put up his defenses, taking the blow with his arms, being forced back across the ground again.

Radagast floated directly above, forming himself into a massive spiked ball, descending on Fark below. Fark raised his right arm, facing his palm flat out, muttering, "Crash."

Radagast stopped as white, crisscross patterns were etched into the green spiked ball. It then exploded in a large puff of smoke, vanishing completely.

"RADAGAST?!!!" Faust exclaimed, watching his familiar vanishing before him. "Curse you!!" He then slammed his fist onto the ground. "Earth Spear!" More rock spear's shot from the ground in a wide arc, aiming them at Fark who waved his right hand at the upcoming attacks, all of which shattered into tiny fragments. However, instead of being blasted away, they suddenly stopped in mid-air.

Faust stood back with his left hand raised, hand clenched into a fist. "Stone Rain!" The various fragments rained down on Fark, who still had his hand raised. As expected, a burst of white light from Fark's hand shattered the stones into nothing but dust.

While he was preoccupied, however, Faust had used the opportunity to charge in, circling around his shattered earth spears to get alongside Fark's left side, pulling back a punch. Before he could swing, Fark moved his left hand to face the incoming Faust.

Seeing the silver cross-imbedded in the palm, Faust hesitated. Fark took immediate advantage of it, turning sharply, plunging his fist into Faust's gut. Faust gasped as the air was forced out of his lungs, skidding backward, trying his best to stay on his feet, holding his gut while covering his mouth, trying hard not to vomit.

"You use earth attacks," Fark said as Faust recovered, "it seems as though that's the only skill you possess. As you've seen, I can destroy anything that you throw at me."

".... N-Not everything," Faust muttered, lowering his hand from his mouth, revealing a grin. "When you raised your arm to me, that was out of instinct rather than a fake-out."

Fark flinched, glancing towards his left hand. "I see...."

"Y-You won't use that power on me?" Faust's tone changed, sounding more intimidating. "Am I not worthy for you to take seriously."

"That's not it," Fark said glancing at the cross embedded in his palm, "when I took this power, I swore never to use on humans, with one exception," his hand clenched into a fist, "Demi-Humans,"

"Demi-Humans? That sounds like a very specific,"

Fark closed his eyes, lowering his left arm again. "I don't have to explain anything to you."

A few paces away, Sokaku watched the battle unfold. I don't believe I've heard Fark talk that much, nor make such a mistake such as that. His thoughts drifted back to the events of the other day. That kid he fought back then must have got to him.

Faust shot a serious look at his opponent. "I see you're not the talkative type." He said, raising his fists. "Very well, let us dispense with words." He then slammed his open palm on the ground, "Tremor!" The ground below shook, of balancing Fark who stood with his arms out to stabilize himself. Faust then charged forwards while he was distracted.

If he won't use his power on me directly-

Fark saw Faust coming and lunged a punch towards him. Faust ducked just before it hit, pulling back his right fist -

Then that gives me a distinct advantage.

"Fist of Iron!!"

He threw the punch in an uppercut, catching Fark in the chin. At first, Faust grinned; proud he finally managed to strike a critical blow. Barely a second later, he paled, seeing that his punch hardly fazed Fark, who had barely moved following the punch, looking down at his opponent with a gaze that could freeze lava.

Faust backed away, staring in horror as Fark casually stroked the bottom of his chin. "That hurt."

Faust shifted his stance, trying to keep his cool. What's going on? Even if that wasn't a knockout blow, it should have done some damage.

"You seem confused," Fark said, catching Faust off guard. "I'm from the Ersken tribe's, if that helps you."

The Ersken?!! Faust clicked his tongue, cursing himself for not realizing sooner.

The Ersk, a region within the south-western region of the Quintara desert, where the Rosa mountain range meets the desert. Just east of it was a rocky hell where all manner of dangerous monsters lived, that was the Ersk. Despite the danger, there existed tribes of humans, who were renowned as some of the best warriors in all of Avalon, known for the physical prowess, even without mana to enhance them. In fact, very few-used mana yet could easily go toe to toe with the monsters of the region. Bedside the tanned skin, a trademark for most who came from the Quintara region though slightly paler, was the silver hair.

To think I'd encounter an Ersken here of all places.... Faust cursed himself. It seems the goddess is not with me today.


Leone whistled. "Man that guys pretty solid. Standing up to Fark like that."

"By his fighting style, I assume he's a battle mage," Robin observed.

"Battle... what?"

"A special kind of wizard that uses both magic and physical strength. Most human wizards only specialize in magic since it's the easiest form of Mana Channelling, and uses it to make up for their lack of physical strength or weapon skill. Battle Mages, on the other hand, utilises both magic and weapon skill and strength, making them more of a deadly opponent."

"Huh.... For an Elf, you know a lot about this stuff."

"I just find humans fascinating, that's all."


Leone and Robin turned to see the Samiet youths standing a few feet away, Steve had just bellowed out in frustration with Gura, Redwol and Fred readying their weapons, a mallet, a crystal ball and a slingshot.

"Oh... you're still here?" Leone said casually.

"We've been here all this time," Dora pointed out.

"J-Just who the heck are you people anyway?" Steve asked, pointing his finger out at them. "And what are those things that are attacking the village?!"

"Don't ask me. First I've seen it," Leone shrugged. "Though I knew old bird face was scary, didn't really know she could do shit like that."

"S-She?" Fred muttered, sounding puzzled.

"Yeeaaahh... I think she's a she anyway, can never tell under that coat, mask and that awful voice of hers. Sounds like someone dragging a nail over a chalkboard."

"I think we're getting a little off-topic," Robin pointed out.

"Oh right...." Leone stroked the back of her head. "Well.... We're here for some fox thing I guess."

"A.... Fox?" Dora repeated with everyone looking very puzzled.

"I don't really remember the details. I'm just here ta swipe any valuable stuff before bird face's monsters or any of the others destroy this place."

"In other word's, you've forgotten what we're doing here?" Robin said.

"Well, I ain't good with complicated stuff. I'm just here cause I'm being paid a tone a Rundes."

"Got to admire your honesty at least."

"So you're just here to steal from us? Huh?" Steve asked.

"Yep," Leone said with a grin, holding up two fingers.

This girl's unbelievable.... Dora thought.

"We'll, I guess that's what you can expect from a human," Steve said, pulling out his blowpipe. "It's what my dad always says about them. They're just selfish bastards that steal what they want, to hell with who they hurt along the way."

"I'm a cait sith, you moron." Leone said pointing at her cat ears that twitched in response while her tail moved into view.

"Wh-Huh?!" Steve's eyes widened in surprise. "A-A Cait Sith?!!"

"And I'm an Elf," Robin added, pointing at his own ears.

"You seriously didn't notice?" Dora said as she and Fred stared judgmentally at Steve.

"I-It was obvious those two aren't human," Redwol muttered quietly as he and Gura bowed their heads while Steve went red with embarrassment.

Leone then grinned sinisterly. "And so you know, worlds full of shitty people, don't matter if your human, Cait Sith, elf, bird mask or whatever the heck you guys are. So long as they eat, sleep and poop, you're bound ta get some rotten apples like me and Robby here."

"Couldn't you have worded that better?" Robin groaned.

Ignoring him, Leone waved to them, "So why don't you kids run off before the 'big bad monsters' chow on ya like they're doing to the grown ups."

"I'd listen to her if I were you," Robin said to the youths. In his usual 'devoid of any emotion or sympathy' voice. "You guys stand no chance against us, the others, or the things Lire Lim's unleashed. Stay and you'll die completely pointless deaths."

Everyone tensed as the tension only increased. Despite her strange and irritating personality, there was some a lot of menace behind Leone's words. And while lacking in emotion, Robin was clearly serious that they would likely die if they stayed.

"H-Hey... Wh-What should we do?" Fred asked Steve.

"B-Boss... Sh-should we retreat?" Redwol muttered.

Steve bit down on his lip, clenching his blowgun tightly. "I-I doesn't know...." Steve said timidly.

"Wh-What would Rodger do if he was here?" Fred asked a question that caused Steve to freeze up.

"You know exactly what that idiot would do...." Dora said to him. "Sure wish he was here though-"

"WELL HE AINT HERE SO GET OVER IT!!!" Steve snapped, gearing at Leone and Robin. "Listen up you bastards! I don't care whether your human, Cait Sith or whatever! My name's Steve E. Ferlo! Son of Dorian! And I'm not gonna let any of you destroy our homes!" He then brought his blowgun to his lips and blew out a compressed air bullet, aiming at Leone, who casually sidestepped it, allowing it to blow the top of a nearby rock.

"Ohh, not bad." Leone whistled.

"Heads up," Robin warned her, despite lacking any urgency.

Leone turned around and saw Gura had covered the distance following Steve's shot, leaped into the air, holding his mallet with both hands, bringing it down on the distracted Leone.

Or so he thought.

Leone lowered her body, shooting out her right leg, which slammed onto the mallet's head. Gura remained motionless in the air as his mallet remained pressed against Leone's foot. Cracks then grew around the head, and it was immediately shattered.

As the shocked Gura fell, Leone, with a sinister smile, pivoted sharply, slamming her Left foot into his midsection. Gura coughed up blood as Leone's foot dug into his gut before shooting back like a bullet past the youths, slamming into the walls of a nearby hut.

The youths started, stunned and petrified, seeing one of the burliest of Samiets being shot back with barely any effort.

"Sorry kiddies," Leone said in a jokey tone that lacked any sort of humor, her left leg still extended. "Time of the 'adults' to play."

The Hero's arrive

Faust collapsed to his knee's painting. His body was covered in bruises, and he had also lost one of his teeth.

Fark, on the other hand, had barely moved and had no bruises whatsoever.

It was not the fact that he had not managed to land any blows. He had landed seven clean hits already with his 'fist of iron,' but they seemed to do no damage at all. His only other method of attack was magic but everything he launched at his opponent was destroyed before he could even hit.

The same could not be said of him. Even with his 'Will of Steel,' his opponent's strength was overwhelming, even stronger than the Salamander, Max Colt.

Standing back was Sokaku, still watching the battle. "Seems like it's nearly over."

Faust slowly raised himself to his feet, raising his fists.

"Again?" Fark groaned.

Faust raised up one hand, raising every loose rock in the vicinity to his side, circling around him as its center of gravity.

Fark raised his right hand. "That won't work."

I only have one shot at this.... Faust thought while panting. "Stone Rain!!" the rocks around him then fired themselves towards Fark.

"That won't work,"

As expected, a burst of light emitted from Fark's hand. Every rock was shattered, creating a wide, dense plume of dust that obscured Fark's view.

"The will of Gaia, the eternal mother that binds this world, Shatter and crack before her will."

"I see now,"

Faust burst through the dust, pulling back his magic infused fist, filled with the power to shatter the earth itself.

Do not think lightly of the magic passed down the Faust family for generations!!

"Earth Breaker!!!"

Faust lunged his fist forwards, hoping to hit Fark, shattering him to pieces.

With Faust's fist mere inches from his face, Fark intentionally dodged it at the last minute, allowing his fist to brush off some of his platinum strands of hair. Fark then used Faust's momentum to his own advantage, grabbed a hold of Faust's face, throwing him onto the ground hard enough to bounce upwards. As he did, Fark punched down on Faust's chest, the impact hard enough to crack the ground beneath him when he landed.

"GHAK!!!!" Faust choked blood as his ribs were shattered by the strength of the punch.

With his opponent seemingly defeated, Fark retracted his fist and stood up straight, looming over his defeated opponent. He then walked past him-

-Or at least he tried.

Just as soon as he passed Faust's head, a hand shot out, grabbing a hold of Fark's ankle.

Fark looked back and saw Faust, desperately trying to stop his opponent from walking away.

"Why are you still fighting?" Fark asked, his voice not betraying any emotion. "You can't win."

"I-I'm..." Faust choked, "I'm.... perfectly aware... I-I cannot... win..."

"Then why?" Fark asked.

"Because... I promised.... The boy... who saved me from.... My... myself...." Faust grinned weakly. "He.... Defeated me.... saved my life.... And said I was.... 'awesome.'" He then chuckled. "I.... owe him... a rematch.... When he returns...."

Fark narrowed his eyes.

"S-So.... I must... be stronger.... There must be.... A village to return to...." Faust's grin turned into a determined stare. "That is why..... I can't.... I won't.... Surrender."

Fark shook off Faust's hand and crouched beside him, placing a hand on the downed man's chest. "Just remember, you asked for this,"

Faust sighed, staring up at the blacked-out sky. Seems like this truly is the end.... Forgive me, Gimdo. You placed your trust in me, and I failed. Forgive me, Sir Colt. Looks like we can't have our rematch.

Just then, a hammer slammed into Fark's shoulder, launching him away from Faust, causing him to tumble on the ground before righting himself.

"Don't care if you're an Ersken,"

"These hammers are Magitek weapons, Juggernaut slayers. Capable of punch holes in dragon scales."

Faust stared in disbelief at his saviors with mixed emotions of relief and anger. Standing between him and Fark where Shay and May.

"Wh-What are you doing here?" Faust managed to ask. "Y-You... Idiots!" He coughed, following his outburst. "This.... This is... my fight."

"Your wrong bro," Shay said.

"This is our fight." May finished.

Faust was rendered silenced by the two's declaration. "We were just pieces of shit before," Shay said. "We didn't care who we hurt, who we killed."

"Everyone around us treated us like shit as well," May said. "All we had was each other, not caring about others."

Shay and May clenched their hammers tightly as Fark got back to his feet.

"This ain't just your atonement."

"It's ours as well."

Biting down on his lip, clenching his fist, Faust sealed his eyes shut. "Please don't...... He's too strong..."

Ignoring him, Shay and May walked forwards towards Fark. "This place wasn't what gave us another chance," Shay said.

"It was you, bro." May finished.

A tear ran down from Faust's eye, cursing his own powerlessness. You fools..... Please, don't...

Shay and May stopped short of Fark, both pointing directly at him. "Listen up asshole!" Shay began, "This place is under our protection!"

"You wanna wreck it and kill all the little folks," May continued.

"Then you gotta go through us first!!" Both said together.

Fark didn't respond but clicked his fingers as his hand formed a claw.

"You know it's kinda rude to ignore us!" May yelled as he charged in welding his hammer, preparing to strike Fark who raised his right hand.

Shay then used quickstep, repapering directly behind Fark, prepared to swing directly at Fark's undefended back. "Weren't expecting that asshole!!"

May then halted his charge, heaving his hammer in a crescent arc while Shay did the same. "You can only use that fancy ability on one of us, then you get your head smashed in!" He gloated.

"So which is it gonna be? Me or May?" Shay added with glee.

"NO DON'T! HE'S GOT-" Faust tried to warn them but ended up coughing out blood. "D-Don't....."

Fark pivoted his body, raising his left hand to Shay's hammer, with his right hand facing May's hammer, both of which were about to hit.


A bright light burst from both palms, which in turn, shattered both hammerheads, leaving the shocked Shay and May with only the shafts.


"Oh crap-"

As both fell forwards, Fark grabbed both men by the faces before slamming both of their heads together with skull-cracking force.

Shay and May flopped down to the ground, holding the top of the heads in pain as their brains rattled in their heads.

"You obviously weren't watching," Fark said to them, "I have crosses embedded in both my hands. And I have slain far more intelligent beasts then you two." He then turned his back on the two and was about to walk off.


"Wh-where ya going asshole?!"

Fark stopped as Shay and May got back to their feet, holding their heads with one hand with their hammer shafts in the other hand, a trail of blood flowed down from there heads.

"Wh-Who said you could go?"

"We ain't done... asshole."

Fark turned around once again, confronting the powerless defenders that still stood in his way.

"You don't even have weapons to fight with anymore. Does your stupidity know no bounds?" Fark asked.

"It may be stupidity...."

Fark turned around, seeing Faust struggling back to his feet.

"We may not stand a chance of winning..." He said with a weary grin. "There are fools.... Like them.... who would define those odds...."

"Our bro's... and sis.... were the one's who saved us...." Shay said.

"If they were here.... They'd fight to their last breath." May said.

"So like hell we're gonna do the same!"

"So long as we breathe, you and your bro's aren't gonna do shit!"

Shay and May held up their polls, standing as defiantly as they could.

"SO GIVE IT YOUR WORSE ASSHOLE!!" Both yelled defiantly.

Faust smiled as he raised his fists, ignoring the pain he felt in his chest.

Fark closed his eyes, raising both arms out, the right palm facing Faust, the left palm facing Shay and May. "Very well, I've given you enough chances," he said in an imposing tone, "If you're so intent to stand in my way, then I have no choice but to destroy you."

"Think I'll let you!!"

Fark's eyes snapped open as a new voice came from behind. "What?!"

As he turned around, a fiery fist slammed into his right cheek, followed by a loud explosion that sent him flying away, crashing into one of the ruined huts. Faust, Shay and May stood with their mouths agape, staring at their savior, smoke rising from his right fist with a wild-toothed grin. "Been looking for ya.... Cross armed bastard."



Sokaku looked surprised at the appearance of the newcomer, Max. That boy.....? He's the one from before?

His expression hardening, Sokaku drew his Katana, pivoting around just in time to block a vertical slash so strong that it was able to send him back a few feet, his clogs skidding across the ground as he held his stance, his eye's spying his opponent.

Standing by was Yuki, his katana drawn out before him, his body lowered from the strike. When he raised himself, he couldn't help but flash a satisfied grin. "Well well, I actually made you draw your sword."

Sokaku grinned back. "But of course," he said with excitement in his voice, "As I told you before, I don't draw my blade on an injured man. Unless you are still wounded."

"Ha, sorry. Guess I can't give you a handicap old-timer."

Sokaku grinned through his teeth, whirling his sword in his right hand while holding out his sheath in his left hand. "Cheeky little punk."

Shay and May looked a little less impressed by Yuki's appearance, mostly because they didn't have any idea who he was.

"Uh.... Shay.... Who was he again?"

"He's with fire bro, ain't he?"

Yuki noticed the two men, narrowing his eyes while scratching the back of his head. "Who were you guys again?"

"We were asking you that?!!" They both snapped.

Faust, who was kneeling due to the pain he felt, watched Yuki's entrance. While he never met him, even after the incident with Celtic Hoard, there was one event that stood out in his mind, the siege of Sterland Forest, where the army was devastated by one man, and another that charged out into the battlefield and engaged the man in a fierce sword fight.

It's him...... that swordsman. And sir Colt as well.... Faust thought with a smile forming. Seems the goddess hasn't abandoned us yet.

Relaxing from his attack, Max turned to Yuki. "Oh, you're here too?" He said in an annoyed manner.

"Good to see you too," Yuki responded sarcastically.

Max scoffed, "Well, I don't need your help, so get lost."

"Well I don't need your help so you get lost."

"No way! I got here first!"

"Oh, you don't need to tell me that," A vain stuck on Yuki's head as a flashback started, "You yelled 'cross-armed bastard is here,' ran off leaving me to get eaten!"

"Oh yeah! what about you!" In the same flashback, Max recounted his events, "when we got here, some slug thing did eat me while you just stood there with that dumb look on your face."

"Oh come on, that thing was bound to spit you back out, which it did, AND WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN DUMB LOOK!!"

The two marched over to one another and bashed heads. "If we're talking dumb looks, your 24/7 brain-dead expression takes home the gold!"

"Least I have a brain in my head while yours is trapped in that butter knife you call a sword!"

"Least I use it! All that brain’s good for is eating, sleeping, getting all of us into deep shit and blowing shit up!"

"Name one time!"

"Ok, what about the town you demolished when we first met!"

"That was totally that weirdo's fault!"

"And Allisa's school which you torched, that corridor is still ruined!"

"That was an accident!"

"Then there was that labyrinth where I was very nearly buried alive!"

"Exploding guy's fault!"

"And that hut where we were nearly blown away cause you had the bright idea to breath while we were still in there!"

"That was also an accident!"

"And I heard you actually demolished an entire lost city, awakening a monster that chased the others!"

"Least I was there while you were taking a nap!"

Max's and Yuki's arguments droned on while Faust, Shay and May looked baffled that they had completely forgotten the situation.

"What are they doing?" May asked Shay.

"I have no idea. Hey bros!!" Shay yelled out, attracting both their attention.

"Now's not the time ta fight amongst yourselves!" May said.

"You gotta get your heads in the game or we're all gonna die!"

".................... Who were you again?" Max asked, visibly cracking both Shay and May as their colors drained out of them.


"WE'RE YOUR BRO'S SHAY AND MAY!!" Both men exclaimed as rivers pored from their eye sockets.

Faust chuckled out loud, "Even if it was for a brief time, It's good to see you haven't changed one big, sir Colt," He said with a genuine smile.

"Who's that?" Yuki asked glancing over to Faust, "And what's with the stupid haircut?"

"Oh, Hair dew guy! Good to see you're ok!" Max said with a cheerful wave.

"Hair dew guy?"

"Hahahahaha!" Suddenly, Sokaku began to bellow out, resting his sheath on his shoulder. "You two certainly are the best of friends,"


"Well, I certainly enjoyed that little act," Grinning, he pointed with the tip of his katana, "but unfortunately, we need to get back on track."

All of a sudden, a massive blast occurred from the ruined house, sending the individual pieces of the rubble skywards as a plume of dust obscured the location. From it emerged Fark, with an even more intimidating aura coating him. Max and Yuki stood with their guards up at the sudden rush of pressure that washed over them.

"So you came," he said in an imposing voice, glaring daggers at Max. "That saves me the trouble of hunting you down."

Max took a step forward, slamming his fist into the palm of his hand. "Same here. I still owe you a pounding for last time," Max snarled.

Yuki smiled inwardly to himself, resting his katana on his shoulder before turning to face his own opponent. "Sorry about the delay. After all, now that your blade's drawn, I'm itching to see what you're made of, Sokaku Fukuoka."

"Hoho, you remembered my name. You certainly are better than your friend over there, Yuki Akoga," Sokaku said amused, "and I must confess, you seem more imposing then you did back then."

Smiling, Yuki steadied his katana out before him. Max steadied himself with his back turned to Yuki's.

"Be careful," Max said to Yuki without turning around, "don't want to see you napping again like last time. You still got that bastard to kill, can't do that when you're dead."

Yuki clicked his tongue in annoyance, letting out a small smile. "Don't worry about me. You just worry about yourself. That guy almost made mincemeat out of you before. You want to stick by her side after all. So you better keep yourself in one piece or you're not gonna do a good job."

Max grinned to himself, cracking his knuckles as he stared down Fark. "You know, after all this time..... I really hate you,"

Yuki grinned in response, "What a coincidence, I also hate you."

Both then took a step out, "So you better not die," pressing their foot hard on the ground with enough pressure to crack it, "SO I CAN KICK YOUR ASS LATER!!!"

On that signal, both charged their respective opponents.

Max flared up his fists as Fark raised his left hand to launch his projectile attack to dice his opponent. Max breathed a fire roar, sending a pillar of flames towards Fark.

"Crash!" Following a burst of light, the flames were broken up and dispersed. To his shock, Fark saw Max, coming from just above him. He'd launched himself just after his attack and was descending on him with his flaming fist.

Fark raised his arm to block it. The result was a large, fiery explosion that destroyed the section of the plateau.

On the other side, Yuki raised his sword, bringing down on Sokaku, who blocked it with his own blade, as he did, the impact sent a blinding amount of sparks as Yuki noticed a strange friction among the edge of his sword. Sokaku forced Yuki off, where Yuki backed away with an amused grin.

"That's an interesting sword you got there," Yuki mused.

Unlike his own, the edge of Sokaku's katana wasn't smooth but jagged with what looked like a series of teeth biting into the blade's edge.

"Haha, surprised you took note of that." Sokaku grinned, raising his sword out horizontally. "Honō no tamashī, a blade of my particular discipline." He then lowered his katana, eyeing Yuki's own sword. "I don't believe I got that sword name."

Yuki's grip on the hilt tightened in response. "Sakura."

"Sakura?" Sokaku chuckled, "Quite a feminine name,"

"Sh-Shut up! I'm not the one who named it!" Yuki said defensively. He then held out his sword, pointing the tip at Sokaku. "It's not even the real name of the sword. But it's the name I took an oath upon, and until it's fulfilled, it will bear that name."

Grinning, Sokaku raided his stance, holding his katana out with one hand while keeping a hold of the hilt in the other. "What a coincidence, my blade also has an oath etched into the steel. That makes us practically equals."

Yuki resumed his own stance. "Don't insult me, old-timer."

"Come then, let us see whose oath is stronger!"

With that, both men charged towards each other, beginning not just their battle, but the battle of Sterland Village.

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