《The Goddess’ Chosen》Fate set in motion


Not much had happened since Allisa's departure. Cliff had remained where he was, still drinking the same drink from when they had their talk. At the very least, it gave him some time alone to reflect on his journey in Avalon so far.

"Certainly wasn't an easy journey," Cliff sighed as he raised his glass to his lips with a nostalgic look. "Bet you didn't have nearly as much trouble when you came here, huh Jack?"

"Who's Jack?"

He then glanced up, seeing Yuki approaching him. Cliff gave a sly grin, downed his drink before responding. "None of your business."

Yuki snickered. "Ok, no need to be an ass." He said as he took a seat across from Cliff.

"Take it you spoke to Allisa?" Cliff said as he placed the glass back on the table and passed it to Yuki.

"So it was your idea," Yuki said, taking the drink.

"Nope," Cliff shook his head, "I just gave her a little push. We may have different goals and objectives, but at the end of the day, we decided to follow her. At times like this, we need to be reminded on why we decided to follow her on this journey."

"Really?" Yuki said as he stared into the ginger liquid. "Can't disagree there."

"Plus, you two needed to patch things up sooner or later."

"I was wondering when you'd bring that up." Yuki let out a sigh before taking a drink, downing the drink in one gulp, pulled a face while he put the glass back on the table. "Geez, what the heck is this?"

"Not sure," Cliff admitted taking a glance at the bottle beside him, "I asked for something not too heavy. Does calm the nerves but.... tastes a bit bland."

"That's an understatement," Yuki said, sliding the cup back to Cliff. "Next time, try ordering something that doesn't taste like piss."

"I'll keep that in mind,"

A moment of silence passed by as Cliff poured himself another drink, taking a sip, then passed it to Yuki to finish it off. The process repeated four more times, the men sharing a strange bond through the repeated process of drinking in silence. Even though the two didn't get along on paper, both of them had more in common than they wanted to admit, suffering a similar pain.

".... So," Yuki finally broke the silence, picking up the glass for the fifth time, "who's Zentas?"

Cliff looked a bit shocked by Yuki's direct question, but it quickly passed as Cliff took in a deep breath and rested his arm on the table. "Like I said, he was my teacher, taught me everything from fighting to what it means to be a hunter. Both me and Jack, my best friend, looked up to him."

"Really...?" Yuki sighed, recognizing Cliff's situation is no different to him and Gai. "So.... What happened?"

"Nothing I haven't told you back in the labyrinth," Cliff admitted, a look of sorrow washed over his face, "and nothing we've ever been able to figure out. From his motives to why he started killing other Hunter Cells and our own comrades.

"Before that, our cell had about eleven members, including Dale, Mirage, Sasha, the Elder and me. Over a week, several of us began to disappear, and we lost contact with other cells one by one. Goes without saying, I was shocked to learn that it was Zentas who was killing us. Against the other's advice, I went to confront him..... you know the rest."


While he didn't look in Cliff's direction, Yuki nodded in agreement. Cliff had told him that three others went after him, Sasha's parents and her brother, who he assumed was Jack.

"Guess I can kinda sympathize there," Yuki finally said.

Cliff smiled sheepishly, resting his arm on the table. "Your turn. Tell me about Gai."

Yuki let out a loud sigh. ".... Guess I brought that on myself."

He then told Cliff what he told Allisa, including his old friend and rival, Ayami, and how Gai killed her.

".... I see," Cliff nodded in acknowledgment, "sure explains why you charged out like a madman to fight him."

"You're not gonna let that go are you." Yuki sighed.

Cliff chuckled in response, answering his question. "So, what is it you want to do now?" he asked, seriously, "Nel probably touched on it at some point, but I want to hear why you're sticking with us when killing Gai is your goal."

Yuki leaned forwards; putting both arms on the table and gazed blankly at the table. ".... Not sure," he admitted. "Allisa's irritating, so are the two kids, Nel, and don't get me started on that pyro." He then smiled to himself, "But.... I guess after traveling alone for so long, It's nice to have a place I feel I belong."

Cliff looked a little surprised by the response but then chuckled to himself. "Wasn't expecting that from you."

Yuki huffed as he leaned back. "Your turn, why did you come with us."

"Well...." Cliff scratched the back of his head. "I guess it was because of a promise to the Elder. But, even though it's been difficult, I'm actually glad to travel with you guys."

"What kind of answer is that?" Yuki said, sliding the glass back towards Cliff.

"Probably not as deep as yours, I know," Cliff responded, snatching the glass from the table. "But like you said, It's nice to have a place you feel you belong," he drank half the content before putting it back on the table, "whether it's the hunters, or with Allisa and you guys."

"I guess so," Yuki nodded.

"So, does this mean you're not going to be as reckless as before?" Cliff asked.

"I can't promise anything," Yuki huffed. "But I don't plan to die if that's what you mean," he added, gazing down to his sword. "My sensei taught us that a sword was meant to protect the ones you love, and cut those who seek to do them harm. So don't plan on sitting back to watch the people I care about die, not again."

Cliff sighed. "You're hopeless."

He then slid it back towards Yuki who reached out to grab it when suddenly; another set of hands snatched the drink right from Yuki's grip. The two men turned their heads, not too startled, and saw Nel standing at the table, consuming the entire drink with one gulp before slamming it back on the table. "That tastes terrible."

The bottle then slid towards Nel. "Want to finish it off. Not much left." Cliff said.

Nel examined the bottle, which only had a little slither of the ginger liquid left. "I'll pass," she said, grabbing the bottle then sliding it towards Yuki.

"Suit yourself," Yuki said as he took the bottle and drank the remaining liquid.

"Feeling any better?" Cliff asked.

".... A little," Nel admitted, not trying to hide her feelings as usual. "I've had a lot to think about recently."


"About Allisa right?"

Nel cast her gaze downwards, avoiding eye contact. ".... Something like that," she then raised her gaze upwards, still casting her gaze down to avoid staring at the two men. "What's your opinion on her?"

"What's with the random question?" Yuki asked, leaning back on his chair.

"Just humor me."

"Ok," Cliff nodded, folding his arms as he thought of an answer. "To be honest, I feel kind of sorry for her. Not too long ago she was a normal teenage girl, and all of a sudden, her life was literally turned inside out. I can't even imagine the stress she must have gone through.

"That said, the last I'd do is pity her. She's trying hard to find herself in this new and difficult world she's found herself even finding a meaning for it. I also noticed she won't say no to helping people, a rare trait in itself. Plus.... I guess she just has that spark that draws people to her, myself included."

Yuki leaned back in his chair, resting his left hand on the pommel of his sword. "I stick by what I said back at the village, that hasn't changed." He then smirked. "But, like the big guy said, she's got something that draws people to her, and I've got nowhere else to go, so I guess I'm stuck with you guys."

"So what about you?" Cliff directed the question back at Nel.

"... Well," Nel looked deep in thought.

"You know, you never did answer my question." Yuki interrupted Nel, "If the Arch Sage ordered it, can you kill her?"

Nel looked up at Yuki, less surprised than when Yuki asked her back at Coverstone. The very thought had come up, far back as Triest where she found she'd grown attached to Allisa, a dangerous thing for an Assassin. However, rather than thinking about it, she just brushed it aside and ignored it, burying it deep in the back of her mind.

When Yuki confronted her about it, all her doubts burst through to the surface. What was more, she was wishing that such a situation would never arise, that she would stay by Allisa's side. But if the situation changed, would she be able to take her life?

She thought she could, even with her doubts. But when she saw Allisa dying back at Löwe Höhle, she forgot everything, her role as an assassin, her mission, not to get attached, even her own sanity, everything was lost, replaced by the burning desire to tear the woman Ellie apart for what she had done.

That was where she saw that question, the one Yuki had asked, one she could no longer put off. She had to confront her own feelings, and speak what she truly felt was what she wanted.

"............ I don't think I can anymore."


"Mew... wonder if the others are wondering where I am?" Meracle asked herself as she walked on the path to the Atelier. "Knowing those two witches, probably not."

She'd gone out to ask Allisa to join her advance party, mostly for the chance to confront Leone again, even though all she could do was beg. It was the first mission she had outside of Tattoria since Evendail. Even so, she felt she was more of a burden than an asset. In the battle with the Wyvern and the guardian lion, she felt she didn't contribute much compared to her new companions.

Wherever she went, she always seemed to bring misfortune. Even if she did nothing, anything that could go wrong seemed to go wrong with her around, essentially making it hard for her to feel like she truly belongs anywhere.

A doubt began to etch its way to Meracle's thoughts. If she went with Allisa to face Leone, something disastrous could occur, or she'd just end up screwing up.

"Maybe... I shouldn't go...."

"Oh, it's Mary."

"Yo Mary, what you doing out here so late?"

Meracle's concentration was broken as two voices distracted her. Walking towards her was Max and Rodger, waving at her.

"Nya! I told you not to call me that!" Meracle pouted.

"Aw why not?" Rodger said resting his arms over his head. "It's way easier to call you Mary then Mackerel."

"It's Meracle!"

"So what you doing out here?" Max asked. "Taking a little stroll?"

"Myew, something like that," Meracle said nervously, fighting with her fingers before speaking. "I... actually asked Allisa to take me along with you guys."

"Hm? You wanna come with us?" Rodger asked.

"S-she said I could.... B-but," Meracle continued nervously, "she's the only one I asked so I don't know if-"

"Ok, welcome aboard." Max casually interrupted her.

"Nyew? You sure?" Meracle asked for certification.

"Yeah, why not?" Rodger added. "Besides, you were pretty awesome back against that lion thing."

Meracle flustered. "B-But I didn't do anything...." She said sheepishly. "You guys were so awesome back there.... and I couldn't do anything."

"That's not true, I think you were pretty awesome back there to," Max said resting his hands on the back of his head.

"Yeah! Ya really held ya own against that lion, we probably couldn't've killed it without ya." Rodger added.

"R-Really?" Meracle said getting bashful. It had been a while since she'd been praised for anything.

"But I haven't forgiven you for stealing my food money!" Max snapped at her, ruining the mood.

"Nya, I said I was sorry," Meracle sighed. "It's not like you had a lot anyway, I barely had enough to get Pressa's milk..... then she complains I got the wrong one."

A small yelp then came from directly behind Meracle, which caused her tail, too shoot up. She turned her head and saw the small Cerberus sitting on the ground behind her.

"MYAAAAA!!!!" Meracle screeched as she lunged at Max, almost knowing him over as she body slammed into him.

"Wha-What are you doing?!" Max complained as Meracle scuffled around to his back pecking over his shoulder.

"Oh, Meracle," Melvin then arrived on the scene, running up to take a spot beside Cerberus. "Sorry, he didn't mean to scare you, right boy."

Cerberus nodded and wined.

"Oh, the weird dog thingy," Rodger said looking down at Cerberus.

"He has a name you know,"

"Y-You mean that's the same thing from before....?" Meracle asked, poking out from behind Max, still clinging to his back.

"Yep, this is Cerberus," Melvin introduced, gesturing to the small dog. "I have him out in this form sometimes. Sorry, he didn't mean to scare you. Right boy?"

Cerberus sat down, letting out small yelps, which made Meracle tense up.

"Are ya scared of dogs or somethin?" Rodger asked.

"N-No, of course not." Meracle scoffed. "He just took me by surprise, that's all."

"Ok, then could ya get off me?" Max asked, pointing out that Meracle was still clinging onto his back with her lefts wrapped around his chest and arms around his neck.

"Oh.... Sorry." Meracle apologised as she hopped off Max, still keeping her distance from Melvin and Cerberus.

"Don't worry, he's harmless," Max told her as he walked up to Cerberus and kneeled down to his level. "Ain't that right little buddy."

Cerberus let out a small yelp of agreement.

"So, what brings you out here so late?" Melvin asked Meracle. "Thought you'd be with the Arch Sage."

"Myew, well..."

"She's asking ta go with us," Rodger replied for Meracle.

"Huh? With us?" Melvin repeated.

Meracle nodded in response, explaining to Melvin what she had told Allisa, about how they may be sent in first, and how she wanted to go with them to face Leone.

"Leone? Which one was she again?" Rodger asked.

"That cait sith that was with the guys who attacked us." Melvin reminded him. "You know, the one who asked what you were."

"Hmmm..." Rodger hummed as he folded his arms, trying to recall who Melvin was referring too. When he finally did, his eyes snapped open. "Oh yeah, her," Rodger said with disdain.

"It's ok if I come right?" Meracle asked again. "I told Allisa about this, and she said it was ok,"

"Well, I don't have a problem with it. But are you sure this is what you want?" Melvin asked again. "You've seen first hand how strong those guys are. This is gonna be a difficult fight. Are you sure you want to be part of it?"

Meracle didn't respond at first. Allisa had asked the same thing when she asked. Even if her mind was made up, there were still traces of doubt in her mind. "C-Can I ask something first? Why are you guys fighting?"

"That's obvious," Max said, pounding his fists together. "I'm gonna beat the crap outta that cross-handed bastard!"

"A real man never lets a defeat go," Rodger added with an ear-to-ear grin. "No matter how strong those bastards are, we're gonna make em pay for before."

Confused, Meracle looked to Melvin who gave her a wry smile. "Not the best reasons for fighting, I'll admit." He then looked to Cerberus, patting him on the head. "My reason.... I guess its cause Allisa wants to fight, so I'm going to. Plus, there's no way we're gonna let those guys have it there way,"

Meracle was surprised by Melvin's response. ".... You guys really trust her, huh?" She said with a wry smile.

"Cause we do," Max said, resting his arms behind his head. "I made her a promise to always be on her side. No matter what she chooses, I'm gonna stick by her."

"She's our boss after all. She gave me a chance to see the outside world with my own eyes," he gave her a cheeky smile, "even if I didn't give her much choice."

"That's an understatement." Melvin sighed. "You just declared you're coming with us and she couldn't say no."

"And cause'a that, you got yourself ya co-boss."

"What gave you that idea?"

Rodger ignored him and looked back up to Meracle. "But in all seriousness, she gave me this chance I've been waiting for my whole life. So I'm gonna follow her no matter what. That's a promise I made to myself, and a real man never goes back on his word."

"And there you have it," Melvin said. "One way or the other, she's the reason why we're all together, which makes her our leader whether she likes it or not." He added with a cheeky grin.

Meracle smiled as she heard the boy's response. "... My goals to face Leone." She responded to Melvin's original question, her cheeks going red. "That's really my only reason for going with you guys. I know it's not a good goal but-"

"Who said it was a bad goal?" Max interrupted her.

"Nyew?" Meracle looked up surprised.

"That's pretty much the same reason we're going," Melvin said. "I know for a fact Yuki's going to fight that swordsman for absolutely no reason other than he kicked his ass back at the ruin."

"'A real man always settles the score,' is what my pa always says," Rodger said. "That goes for you too. This Leone chick wronged ya, so ya gotta settle the score."

"See, you're really no different from us."

"You guys...." Meracle began to whimper.

"Wh-Whoa! Are you crying?!" Max asked startled.

"Wha! U-Um! S-Sorry for- uh, what are ya crying about?!" Rodger blurted out in an obvious panic.

"I-I'm not cry! N-Not at all!" Meracle exclaimed trying to wipe away her tears.

Melvin chuckled to himself, folding his arms in front of him. "We really do attract oddballs, don't we boy?"

Cerberus, who had wandered up to Meracle, let out a yelp. There was then a long pause afterward when Meracle looked down to the small fire fur pup before, "MYAAAAA!!!!"

"Who- not AGHHHHH!!!"

There was then a loud crash as Meracle indistinctly lunged at Max, slamming the two into the ground.

"Ahh! Are you two ok?!" Rodger spoke up after the fiasco.

"And nothing but oddballs." Melvin sighed as Cerberus wined at Meracle jumping away from him, again.

Kira's request

After speaking with Meracle, Allisa decided to walk back to the Inn to get some sleep. Despite being asleep for most of the day, she felt exhausted. Part of it was to do with how many twists and turns in the day, another was probably because she was still recovering from her escape from death.

She'd be lying if she told the others she wasn't scared. Ellie wasn't as strong as someone like Rubrik who overpowered her on their first encounter, but she was extremely skilled. After hearing Kira's story of Ellie, she understood why. There was also her strange ability in her bandaged left hand, which made her fighting style even more unpredictable.

Allisa knew that this would be a difficult battle, much tougher than her previous two.

"Defeat one enemy, and several more will rise to take their place. Defeat them, and more will emerge to challenge you."

Allisa grimaced as she recalled the words of the mysterious boy Yun. Despite speaking riddles and nonsense, everything he said that day was coming to true. For her, her path was turning into a never-ending battle against increasingly difficult opponents with no rest or respite. Barely three weeks after her last battle against the Alchemist, she found herself once again thrust into another mess.

This is the life I chose, huh?

"Yo, Allisa."

Allisa's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a voice behind her. "Oh, Kira?"

It was indeed Kira who was approaching her, her rifle slung behind her back as always. "What are you doing up so late? Figured you'd be sleeping for your battle tomorrow."

"Huh? How'd you know about that?"

"Uh... I was kinda eavesdropping on you guy's discussion with the Arch Sage." Kira responded to Allisa's question with a cheeky grin.

"Oh really," Allisa let out a sigh, trying not to think about what Arch Sage Elaina would do if she found her.

"Well... let's not sweat the small stuff," Kira brushed the topic off, "I actually wanted ta see you."


"Yep. I was wondering if it was ok for me ta tag along tomorrow."

"Huh? You want to come along?"

Kira nodded.

Allisa looked back at her with a serious look. "Is it about Ellie?"

Kira seemed to have been taken off guard as she returned a wry smile. "Uh... saw right through that, huh?" she responded as she brushed the back of her hair. She then looked serious. ".... Even if you say no, I'm still gonna go. I'm not letting this chance slip by."

"Kira....." Allisa was taken aback by how serious she sounded.

"I won't slow you guys down, I was in the Beast Squad remember. I'm pretty tough and I can hold my own, even against mana users."

Allisa didn't say anything to begin with. She could tell Kira was serious about this. The way she spoke, it seemed to remind her a lot of the Alchemist, Luvia Roswell, who did anything for her daughter, even if it meant becoming the serial killer that terrorized her town.

"..... What would you do if you met Ellie again?" She ended up asking.

"Huh? Ain't it obvious, I'm gonna take her back even if she kicks and schemes." Kira said, sounding as though she was half joking.

"I'm being serious." Allisa asserted. "I don't know what she was like in the past, but like you said, she's like a different person. You saw what she was like-"

"I was serious." Kira interrupted, causing Allisa to almost flinch by her surprisingly serious tone. "I spent the last four years tracking her down cause I love her. Even is it has'ta be by force, I ain't gonna let this chance pass by." She then clenched her right hand into a fist. "I'm gonna get her back. You can be sure of that."

Allisa turned her gaze away. Regardless of who Ellie was in the past, it didn't change who she was now. She was still the enemy, and one who was trying to awaken a dangerous monster; going so far as to attack the woman she loved with the full intent to kill her. But given Kira's determination, there was no talking her out of it.

"Ok..." She sighed in defeat, realizing that there is nothing she could say to convince her against coming to Sterland Village. "You can come."

"Great!" Kira said with a grin, completely ignoring Allisa's slumped body language. "I promise you won't regret this." She then walked past Allisa, heading in the direction towards the Inn. "Whelp, see ya tomorrow."

Allisa watched her walk away, not sure what to feel about the extra help. Why do I have a bad feeling all of a sudden?

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