《The Goddess’ Chosen》Merciless killer


"How disappointing."

"We expected so much more."

"From a member of the famous Crimson Blades."

"Right Thelma."

"Right Louise."

The twins stood before a kneeling Nel, beaten and bruised, but still with her two blades in her hand. "D-Damn it..." Nel swore as she got back up, waving back and forth. Her eyes had lost their yellow glow as she long deactivated her piercer eyes. Since her opponent's ability allowed them to completely disappear, even her eyes cant find them.

There has to be some way for me to track them!

The twins chuckled and then took a step forward. Nel braced herself, and she just as she blinked, the assassins was out of her sight again.

Damn it!! Nel put her guard up as she surveyed the area around her. If I can't focus on sight. I'll have to use other senses, sound, smell, touch, even there mana-

Two fists slammed into Nel's gut, sending her backward skidding across the ground until she came to a stop, gasping for air while clutching her stomach.

"You should know it's useless to try and track our movements. The twins once again stood before her.

"We told you, didn't we,"

"We don't turn invisible, or undetectable,"

"Dummy Check allows us to blend into the background."

"It alters your cognition to remove us from attention."

"Like a rock,"

"Or a single blade of grass,"

"We are seen,"

"But not noticed."

The twins explained as they stalked towards the winded Nel.

Damn it! How can I fight them if I can't see them coming? Nel thought as she raised her blades. She senses the others around her, and they were just as outmatched as she was. Then, out of the corner of her eye, she saw Allisa on the ground, at the mercy of her opponent.

"Allisa?!!" Nel's eyes widened as she rushed forwards towards her opponent. She didn't get too far when another fist slammed into her open right flank, pushing her away. Nel only just recovered as one of the twins appeared before her, sending a ferrous flurry of punches that Nel was forced to block. In the exchange, Nel's guard was broken and the twin backed off as the second followed up with a double kick to the face.

"You seem distracted."

"Not a wise idea."

Nel gritted her teeth as she glared at the two twins, how were deliberately standing between her and Allisa. "Move...!" She growled as she raised her blades.

Just before she launched herself forwards-


-A cry came from the entrance. Nel looked at and was surprised by what who she saw. "That's.... The woman from the boat?"

Painful Reunion

Allisa stared in disbelief at the new person who had just arrived. It was none other than Kira, the adventurer she met on the ship on transit to Cataka. "Wait.... Kira?"

Ling turned his head to Kira, raising his eyebrow. "Hmmm.... Now that was unexpected."

Yuki and Cliff also gazed at the new arrival, not entirely sure what her presence meant. "One of... your friends?" Yuki said in a strained voice.

"No. I can say with certainty I've never met this woman before." Ling responded. "By your reactions, I take it she's not with you."

Cliff, who sat beside the unconscious Melvin, narrowed his eyes at the woman. "Feel like.... I've seen her before." He said with a more strained voice.

"I was thinking the same thing." Yuki glanced towards Allisa, taking note of her expression. ".... She seems to know her."


Max, who was panting hard while his back was against the wall, just noticed the newcomer. "Huh? Wait isn't she-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Fark rushed forwards with his right palm lunging forwards.

Max dodged quickly out of the way as Fark's palm slammed into the wall, followed by the large section shattering into fragments.

"Damn it! Forgot you only care about coming after me!" Max grunted as he flared up his fists.

Allisa couldn't even comprehend why Kira was here. She was still shocked to see Leone, more so when she turned out to be the enemy, but Kira. "Wh-Why are you here?" She asked.

Kira didn't respond, either she didn't hear her or wasn't listening. "Ellie..." Kira looked conflicted, seeing her the woman she had been searching for all this time.

Ellie didn't share that expression. Instead, her expression hardened. "Why are you here?" She asked coldly.

Taken aback by how cold Ellie responded, Kira took a few steps forward. "Come on... Forget this crap and let's go home." She pleaded.

Ellie walked away from the kneeling Allisa.

"Wh-Wait!" Allisa called out and almost fell forward as the numbness in her body was still present.

"Ellie...?" Kira looked distraught by Ellie's silence.

"Was it them... who ordered you to find me?" Ellie spoke in a menacing tone.

"W-Well...." Kira stuttered.

"I thought so...."

"That doesn't mean anything! I came to find you!" Kira pleaded, causing Ellie to halt her advance. "Let's go home. Our home. Forget about all this shit, we can run away somewhere they won't ever find us! We can be free, just like you wanted!"

"I made it clear to you four years ago," Ellie raised her left hand, "as long as they exist, I won't ever be free."

".... Ellie." Kira took a step back as the light on her face began to fade.

"That's why I will use that very chain to destroy the world that binds me." Ellie opened her palm, glaring at Kira.

Kira bit down on her lip as she brought out her rifle slung on her back aiming her sights directly at Ellie.

"Wh-What?" Allisa couldn't understand what was going on. "Are you seriously gonna fight?"

"Stay out of this!" Ellie snapped at her.

Kira glanced to Allisa, giving her a wry smile. "Sorry, not much of a reunion huh?" She then looked back to Ellie, keeping her sights trained on her old friend. "You know I can't let you do this." She slowly closed one eye, aiming her gun at Ellie's gut. "And I'm gonna bring you back home! Even if I have'ta drag you back kicking and scheming!" She then pulled the trigger, sending four bullets towards the target.

"Water wall."

Suddenly, water rose from the ground, stopping the bullets.

"Huh?!" Kira exclaimed with a suppressed expression.

"Six Elemental: Fire!" Flames began to emit from Ellie's palm, which was forced forwards into the wall. A wave of steam flowed though, engulfing Kira.

"The hell..." Kira kept her stance, holding her rifle out trying to find her target despite visibility being reduced to zero. She could hear the pitter patter of feet, charging across the wet ground, which met Ellie was coming to her. However, they were coming in all directions, making it impossible for Kira to determine where to shoot.

Kira slowly reached down to her waist, drawing a combat knife from her belt just as a dark shadow emerged behind her. Kira pivoted around, blocking an upcoming strike. Ellie brought her gun around to try to fire while Ellie raised her left hand positioning her fingers to flick. "Six Elemental: Wind!"


A massive blast of wind slammed into Kira, knocking her back while blasting away the steam. Kira skidded across the ground, keeping on her feet, which ran across the soaked floor. "L-Looks like you got yourself a new power or something..." Kira gasped, looking up at her former friend, who had her left arm outstretched.

"The Six Elemental crest. A little gift from my master."

Gritting her teeth, Kira brought her gun forwards just as Ellie raised her left arm.

"6 Elemental: Earth!"

She then slammed it to the ground as Kira fired. A wall shot up before her, absorbing the bullets. Ellie then charged out from behind the wall to the left, keeping low to the ground. Kira responded by firing again. Ellie lightly touched the ground as she ran, small walls rising up, blocking the bullets as she circled around Kira.

"Shit!" Kira swore as she ceased firing.

The walls then stopped forming, and Ellie shot out from below swinging a low blow towards Kira. With no time to draw her knife or even fire, Kira blocked the strike with her rifle.

"Heavy metal!" Ellie clenched her fist and then slammed it into Kira's gut with an unusual amount of force.

"Wh-GHA!!!" Kira gasped as she staggered from the force.

Ellie partly withdrew her fist, opening up her palm and muttered a phrase. "6 Elemental: Wind!"

Kira's eyes widened. "S-Shit!"

"Scythe blast!"

A powerful gust of wind slammed into Kira's gut, sending her flying backward. Deep wounds were carved into her front. "E-Ellie...." Kira landed on her back as her top began to stain red.

"Those are deep wounds," Ellie said as she approached her former friend, raising her blade. "At the very least, you deserve a quick and painless death.

Kira glanced up to see Ellie looming over her with a raised blade, a look of sorrow was written all over her face. "Goodbye, Kira." Ellie muttered softly as she swung downwards.



Before her blade hit, Allisa suddenly appeared in the way, blocking the strike with her own sword. Gritting her teeth Ellie jumped back, keeping her blade raised. "You....!" She hissed.

"A-Allisa?" Kira was beside herself, seeing Allisa saving her life so unexpectedly.

Allisa groaned as she tried to stand up. "I.... I won't let you...." She said in a strained voice to Ellie.

"Fine," Ellie charged forwards with her blade raised. "Then you can die first!”

Allisa raised her own sword, holding it horizontal to block Ellie's upcoming strike, when suddenly-


-Her entire body seized up. All sense of feeling simply vanished. N-Not now! Her sword then vanished from her hands seconds before it could block Ellie's swing, allowing it to fall through.

Then, everything went back and white. The only color visible to her was red. She didn't know what had happened. Only that she had lost all feeling in her body. There was a thick wave of red, erupting from her own body. Coldness crept over her as her eyes widened with shock, her already wavering consensus recovered enough for her to realize; that wave was blood. Her blood, flowing from a wide cut that was carved from the left of her neck, dragged down and touched her left breast, ending just above her waist.

Ellie's attack had got her. No..... Way.....

Kill switch

Cliff and Yuki were stunned. They watched powerlessly as something unimaginable occurred right before their eyes.

"What the..... Hell?" Yuki gasped.

"I'm seeing things, right?" Cliff spoke in barely a whisper.

Sokaku, who was watching the fight, sighed as he took another swig of his gourd.

Ling chuckled, just loud enough for the two men to hear him. "That was disappointing. I was expecting a bit more of a fight."

Yuki's face contorted in rage. "YOU BASTAR-" He then tensed up, clutching his chest.

"It probably wouldn't be wise if you shout in your current condition," Ling said, taking in the two men's hateful glares. "Don't give me that look. You'll be joining her too."


"Looks like it's over, huh?" Leone said relaxing her stance when Meracle looked in the direction of all the commotion. "Shame, I kinda liked her."

"......Allisa?" Meracle spoke in barely a whisper. ".....Allisa?" Her knees buckled and she collapsed on the ground, her eyes widened in shock. ".... No... No." Tears flowed down her cheeks as she stared at the unbelievable spectacle. "This.... can't be happening." Her fingernails scratched the ground as the tears began to hit the ground.

"Well, one down, seven to go." Leone said as she approached the still stunned Meracle.


Max had only looked back once while dodging another blow from Fark, which forced him to the very rear of the battlefield. When he did, everything went red. Behind his current opponent was someone very important to him, falling backward with a large amount of blood flowing from her.


Without thinking Max launched himself forwards in frenzy, determined to tare the one responsible to pieces.

As he passed by, Fark grabbed Max's face and forced him down to the ground with enough force to utterly shatter it. "I'm still your opponent, demi-human."

"Get.... OFFFF!!!!" Flames erupted from Max, forcing Fark off him. Once he was free, he launched himself forwards again.

But Fark stood in his way, pulling back his left palm.

"OUT OF THE WAY!!!!" Max roared as flames erupted from his right fist, lunging it forwards to incinerate Fark.


Fark lunged his palm forwards, meeting Max's flames. His power impacted against the flames, causing a mini explosion, pushing him back a few feet while launching Max backward, slamming him into the wall behind.

Fark then glanced over his shoulder towards what had attracted Max's attention. "That girl.... Is she important to you?"

Max freed himself from the wall and collapsed to the ground. The last attack had left more gorges in his skin, and all of them were bleeding profusely. "D-Damn it...." Max growled as he fell forwards, his own blood leaking on the ground like rain, coming from his now bloodied chest and his horrible wound on his left side.

Fark looked towards Max. "I certainly pity you."


"Demi-humans don't deserve to care about others. After all, the more they care for someone, the more painful it will be when you lose control and kill them with your own hands."

Max froze up by Fark's cruel worlds.

"You understand, don't you? All these people that travel with you, that child, the swordsman, that assassin, that girl you care for, your very existence puts them all at risk."

"Th-That's not true!" Max cried out. "I.... I wouldn't..."

"It's not a matter whether you wish to harm them or not. You will bring harm to them. That is the full extent of a cursed being such as you."

"S-Shut up...."

"You were distended to always be alone. You don't belong anywhere."

"Shut up...."

"All that is left is for you to die. Alone. Purged from this world as the abomination you are."

"SHUT UP!!!!" Max charged forwards towards Fark again. "AND GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!"

Fark dodged Max's right hook by sidestepping him then slammed him to the floor with a powerful downwards punch. Max tried to stand up but Fark stomped on his back hard, pinning him to the ground.

"I suppose this will be some kind of mercy for you. You can die with those you believe as friends, while they are unaware of your true nature."


"Ah... Oh no! Allisa!!" Rodger exclaimed when he noticed what was going on.

"Oh, that girl's dead. What a shame." Robin said nonchalantly.

Rodger glared up towards Robin with a furious expression. "You bastard! You're gonna pay!!"

"Come on now. I'm not the one who killed her or anything." Robin shrugged. "Besides, the rest of you are gonna be reunited in the afterlife very soon so don't get sour at us."


"The girl’s dead."

"It looks like it." The twins observed the battle between Allisa and Ellie coming to a decisive end.

"I suppose we should finish this. Right, Louise?"

"Right Thelma. Hm...?"

Nel was seemingly frozen in place. Her eyes wide open wide with shock and disbelief.


The outside world became a blank to her. All outside noises vanished until all she could hear was the sound of her rapidly increasing heartbeat.


Her breathing became heavier and heavier. Her grip blades unconsciously tightened. Her eyes then began to flash yellow, on and off like a broken light.

"I..... I will...."

The twins took an involuntary step back, concerned by the sudden change to Nel's mood.

"See's open. Should we attack?"

"No.... Something's wrong."

"She's.... W-What is this.... Thelma?" The twins jumped back and put up their guards. They couldn't understand it. Their opponent was clearly vulnerable and they could finish her off at this point. That said there was a particularly sinister aura emanating from Nel, one that was terrifying both assassins.

"I will.... I will...." Nel continued muttering, taking a single step forward with her head low. Even her arms hung low to the ground. She then took another step. "I will....." She then lifted her head slowly, casting a look that terrified the twins.

From that point on, Nel was blind to the world. With the exception of one person.


"Allisa!!" Kira stared in stunned silence as Allisa lay before her, arms held wide. All light from her eyes had vanished, as her white top was stained red with the blood escaping from the open wound in her front.

"Hm... Serves you right for interfering." Ellie scoffed, swiping her blade out to wash the blood off. "You stupid little girl."

Kira clenched her teeth and reached out to grab her rifle, but Ellie moved quicker, stabbing her in the hand. Kira cried out in pain, glancing up at Ellie. "Wh-What the hell's wrong with you....?" She groaned, staring daggers into Ellie. "What the hell happened to you to kill a kid like that?!" She demanded.

Unmoved, Ellie opened her left hand over Kira. "I told you before, I'll do anything... to be free."

Suddenly, there was a violent gust of wind coming from behind Ellie, followed by a dark shadow looming over her. Reacting quickly, Ellie freed her sword, pivoted around and blocked an incoming blade strike-


- Which hit hard enough to force Ellie's arm downwards so the blade dug into her shoulder.


The blade then retracted almost instantaneously as the figure spun around at an unimaginable speed, slamming a leg right into Ellie's right side, hitting so hard that it dug right into her skin. Bloodshot from between Ellie's teeth as she was sent flying, tumbling across the ground, leaving marks as she landed.

Ellie recovered, clutching her right side as she tried to catch the breath. "Wh-What in the world was...!" She glanced up to see her opponent. "Y-You?"

Kira was completely stunned. It happened so fast that she could barely comprehend it. Standing before her was Nel, who stood with her back to her, facing the direction she had just kicked Ellie.

Sh-She's one of Allisa's friends? She thought as she took in a gulp. Something was obviously wrong. She didn't know Nel too well since they barely spoke and only saw her in action briefly against the Kraken on the ship. That said, she was far less intimidating than she was now. And while she just stood in place, her very posture was very different to what she remembered.

Ellie gritted her teeth as she got slowly back to her feet. "Everyone seems to be getting in my way...." She growled, holding onto her right side.

Nel then began to walk towards Ellie, waving side to side with each stride, which was enough to make Ellie nervous.

"Fine, you want to avenge that girl...." Ellie continued, putting up a defensive stance. "Then come on! I'll send you to meet-"

Before Ellie could even finish her sentence, Nel rushed forwards, covering the distance between them in such tremendous speed. Ellie quickly put her blade up to block Nel's upcoming strike with her short blade, the two blades clashing against each other. Nel's wide open eyes were shining a bright golden color as she glared back.

Ellie was almost too transfixed by Nel's feral look; she almost missed Nel drawing her dagger out with her left hand. Ellie moved her head just in time as the blade scraped past her left cheek.

Ellie jumped back raising her left hand to Nel. "6 Elemental-"

Before she could use her ability, Nel vanished from sight.

"Sh-Shit!" Ellie immediately raised her blade, blocking a lunge from Nel's own blade. Nel then backed off and roundabout kicked Ellie, knocking her back several feet away. What the hell?!

Nel then vanished again. Gritting her teeth, Ellie blocked a series of vicious strikes from Nel, where after each blow she vanished and repaired, circling around Ellie in a storm of slashes. S-So fast!! Ellie thought as she received several cuts when she failed to block the myriad of slashes. I still have wind equipped!

Gritting her teeth, Ellie raised her left arm up. "Wind!" Nel was knocked back by a powerful whirlwind that circled around Ellie. Nel performed a backflip while in flight, landing on her feet while keeping her body low to the ground.

Ellie resumed her stance as the winds died down, slightly unnerved when Nel glanced upwards, glaring at her with her glowing eyes.


"H-Huh?" Meracle started; feeling both astonished and at a complete loss over what was happening. Right after Allisa was struck down, her opponent was suddenly attacked and overpowered by Nel. Or at least, it looked like Nel.

"What the....? Is that even Red?" Leone muttered.

Meracle looked back to her and saw an expression that she had never seen on her old acquaintance before. She was completely spooked by Nel's shift.

Looking back, Meracle could sense what was making Leone so uneasy. She may not have known her for too long, but it seemed as though this woman before her was a completely different person.


"How peculiar," Fark muttered, walking forwards. It was the first time his attention was not focused on Max, who was still lying on the floor wounded. "Seems you're not the only wolf in sheep's clothing."

His anger had somewhat subsided, only because of the current events before him. "I-Is that..... N-Nel?"


Ellie steadied herself, keeping her guard up as she maintained her distance from Nel. Given how fast and vicious her attacks were, attacking her frenzied opponent head-on would be suicide.

It was the glow in her eyes that was the most unnerving to Ellie. It wasn't the fact that they were glowing yellow (Which she could assume was some kind of ability), with her gaze, and her erratic and unpredictable movements, she looked more like a feral animal than a human being.

Right now I have wind equipped. If she gets close I could tear her apart. Ellie slowly moved her left hand outwards. But given her speed.... I might not be able to nail her like Kira.

Nel then slowly raised herself up from her crouched position. Ellie tensed up. She's coming.

"I don't think so."

Before Nel could move, one of the twin assassins grabbed her right arm and pulled it back, holding on to the wrist with one hand while positioning the other just above the shoulder. "Don't make any strange movements or I'll break your arm." The assassin said.

"W-Where'd you come from?" Ellie said, startled by the sudden appearance of her comrade. She then relaxed quickly and let out a sigh. "Never mind."

There was then a loud clang that interrupted the flow of the conversation. Nel had dropped her short blade, much to the surprise of the Assassin holding her.

"I said don't move." The assassin said applying more pressure to reinforce the point. Nel ignored her and placed her free hand on her right shoulder. "Hm...?"

Nel then moved her body downwards rapidly until an audible click could be heard.

"Wh-What?!" The twin was suddenly thrown over Nel's shoulder while maintaining her grip on Nel's surprisingly limp right arm, slamming into the ground hard enough to shatter the groundwork below. Sh-She dislocated her own shoulder?!! Startled, the twin glanced up at Nel. I could have understood if she used her blade to try and strike me. In fact, that would make more sense in this situation....

Above, Nel clicked her shoulder back in place, burning her gaze into the twin. She then suddenly ducked, avoiding a swing aimed at the back of her head from the second twin who had come at her from behind.


With the twin off guard, Nel pivoted on her heel, punching the assailant in the gut.

The mask was thrown off as a result of the impacting force as the air was forced out of the twin's lungs. H-How? Dummy Check was active. She couldn't've-

The twins' train of thought was interrupted as Nel grabbed her by the hair, tugged her head up and headbutted her in the nose. She then pivoted around, kicking the dazed girl in the left side of the neck.

"LOULISE!!!" The first twin cried as she saw her sister being knocked to the ground. She then froze when she saw Nel looming back over her. Wha-What is she?

Before Nel could make a move, Leone, Ling and Robin charged in.

"You owe me one El!" Leone yelled.

"Taking out the biggest threat must take priority," Ling said.

"Guess I gotta," Robin said in his usual manner.

Before any could launch an attack, Nel vanished.

"Huh?" Robin muttered seconds before Nel reappeared above him, kicking him down to the ground, vanishing again as she landed.

Ling skidded to a halt and put his arms up as Nel reappeared, blocking another powerful kick that managed to force him off his feet.

"Sorry ‘bout this Red!" Leone called out as she leaped in the air, spin kicking towards Nel, trying to catch her in the neck. "What?!"

Nel had managed to block Leone's kick with her dagger, which dug into her shin. Nel followed up by punching Leone just below her left breast. Leone gasped as the air was forced out of her lungs. Nel withdrew her dagger and kicked Leone away.


"Whoa...." Rodger gawked as he watched Nel completely overpower the opponents they were struggling against. "That's awesome! We can still win this!" He looked to Cliff and Yuki, who did not share his enthusiasm. In fact, they looked far more disturbed than excited. "Huh? What's up?"

Cliff shook his head. "Something wrong.... I've never seen Nel attack so viciously before."

"Huh?" Rodger crooked his head.

"Yeah, he's right," Yuki said to Rodger. "Her fighting style depends on quick and clean strikes to end her opponent in one blow. But this..... It's like she's completely forgotten all that and just attacking just to inflict pain on her opponent."

That wasn't the only thing that was bothering Yuki. It was the look she had. It was exactly the same when he provoked her back at Coverstone.


"What the....?" Kira muttered, sitting up while watching the chaos. "E-Ellie!" She tried to get back up but was still bleeding badly from the wounds she received from Ellie's wind attack. "D-Damn it...!"

Lying beside her was the wounded Allisa. Her head was tilted towards the action, seeing what was going despite the light disappearing from her eyes.



"Damn it!!" Ellie gritted her teeth as she watched her assailant fight off five of her comrades with what looked like very little effort. It didn't take her long to bring her attention back to her main target.

Anticipating the attack, Ellie raised her left hand, just as Nel rushed forwards. "Scything Winds!" A blast of wind burst from her palm, slamming into its intended target, who didn't even bother to dodge. Large slashes were cut into her, along with a long blood spray.

Nel landed on the floor, ignoring her wounds, and charged forwards once again.

"D-DAMN YOU!!!" Ellie lunged her blade forwards to kill Nel. To her shock, rather than dodging or blocking, Nel reached out to the blade, allowing it to pierce her hand, running it all the way to the cross guard.

Ellie was both stunned and horrified as she was held in place. Nel just continued to burn her gaze into the hapless Ellie, raising her right arm with her dagger.

"N-Not good!"

Nel was about to plunge her dagger forwards when suddenly, a hand caught hold of her wrist. Nel snapped her head around to see who was interfering, and the first time, her expression changed. Ellie, on the other hand, was even more shocked as she saw who her savior was.

It was Allisa, holding on to Nel's wrist despite the massive wound to her chest. Her own blood trickled down her body, pooling at the bottom.

Nel stood, completely stunned, the light in her eyes faded from her eyes. "A-Allisa....?"

"D-Don't....." Allisa said in a strained voice. "N-Neee...." She then let out a groan as her legs began to tremble.

With Nel's grip loosened, Ellie freed her sword and lunged forwards towards Allisa. Nel grabbed ahold of Allisa and used quickstep to gain some distance, repapering a few feet away, laying Allisa on the floor.

"Hey! Allisa-Argh!!" Trying to cradle her, Nel was racked with pain, only just realizing the state she was in. Her muscles seemed to have been strained, there was a hole in her right hand, and not to mention the various cuts across her. "Wh-What was I.... doing?"

"Nel! Allisa!" Meracle then ran up to the two. She halted just before when she saw just how badly Allisa was wounded. "Oh no."

"Snap out of it!" Nel snapped at her, turning to face Ellie, who was advancing.

"Seems your back to normal," Ellie spoke in a very cold voice. "I'm not one for revenge, but you did quite a number on me, so I feel I should pay you back at the very least."

"As should we. Right Thelma.

"Right Louise."

Behind them were the unmasked twins, glaring at Nel.

"Seems you've backed yourself into a corner," Ling said chuckling.

"Get her for me too!" Leone called out, sitting down while holding onto her bleeding leg. "Can't exactly move right thanks to her."

Nel grunted as she crouched low to the ground, snapping her head around at the various threats gathering around her.

"Um... I-I picked this up." Meracle said timidly, holding Nel's short blade. "Y-You need it to fight them off right."

"I appreciate it," Nel said with her back turned. "Unfortunately, I can't use my left hand at the moment."


"Allisa!" Max got back up and charged forwards to help. Fark then moved in front of Max, blocking his path. Max skidded to a halt before him before jumping back. "Move it!"

Fark ignored Max's demand and raised his right arm, opening his hand to show off the silver cross embedded in the palm.

Max clicked his tongue and flared up his fist. Unfortunately for him, he was in incredibly bad shape. He wasn't showing it, but he was struggling to remain on his feet. "D-Damn it...." Max swore, realizing just how powerless he was against this opponent.


"That's not good," Yuki said as he, Cliff and Rodger watched Nel and Meracle who were surrounded.

"I know what you're thinking, but don't," Cliff said to Yuki.

"Yeah, I know," Yuki grunted.

"We're just gonna abandon them?!" Rodger exclaimed. "Na ah! A real man never leaves someone in need! My Pa definitely wouldn't!"

"Then be my guest. But you're gonna be going in alone." Yuki said. "Big guy can't move, the perv's completely out of commission," He then reached to his chest, holding it tightly. "and as much as I don't want to admit it, that ponytailed baldy did a number on me."

Rodger looked back to the battle, unconsciously tightening his grip on his hammer.

"I hate to say it, but I gotta agree with the kid on this. We can't just leave them there." Cliff said. "I'm sure Max will be fine, he's resilient if nothing else. All we need to do is to create a distraction for Nel to get Allisa and that cat out."

"You guy's got something in mind." Kira suddenly spoke, surprising the boys. She was standing up, not too far from where the four boys were. She was also in bad shape from the wound to her front and blood was flowing from her wounded right hand.

"... Who were you again?" Yuki asked, crooking his head.

"Even if you run, they'll just catch up and kill you in no time." Kira continued. "So you must have something in mind to get us outta here."

Cliff nodded. "But we're not leaving without them." He said in a stern voice.

"Right." Kira looked to Ellie, and then closed her eyes. "Sorry Ellie.... Gonna have to be next time." She said quietly as she reached into a pouch on her belt with her left hand.

"What are you doing?" Yuki asked, instinctively putting his guard up.

"Getting your friends out," Kira responded, pulling out a gray cylinder from the pouch. "Hey Red!" She called out.

"Huh?" Nel looked towards her confused. All the others who were advancing at her also turned to look.

"Nyaa.... Who's that again?" Meracle asked.

Ignoring the threatening looks, Kira put the cylinder to her teeth and pulled out a pin. "Get ready to move!!" She yelled as she threw the cylinder up in the air. Seconds later, the object burst into a bright light, causing everyone to shield their eyes.

"A stun Grenade?" Ellie yelled while shielding her eyes. "D-Damn you Kira!!"

At the back of the area, Fark was also affected by the sudden burst of light, ducking down to shield his eyes.

Max was largely unaffected due to his dragon side and used the opportunity to sprint past the dazed Fark.

The light then subsided as quickly as it appeared. Ellie, the twins, Ling and Leone were disoriented by the sudden burst.

"Aww... Son of a Bitch!" Leone complained as she rubbed her eyes. "Hey El, which one of'em did that?"

Ellie ignored her as her vision began to return gradually. After a second had passed, she could clearly see what was in front of her; or rather, what wasn't in front of her. "They're gone?!"


Ellie's head snapped towards the entrance as a portal suddenly opened up just outside the room they were in. Standing before it was there enemy gathered before it.

"Whoho nice! Why didn't you do something like this before?" Kira asked Nel, who had the wounded Allisa on her back.

"I would if I could!" She snapped.

"Alright! Let's get outta here!" Cliff yelled, carrying Melvin on his shoulder. Grabbing Rodger by the slings of his pants, he leaped through the portal followed by Meracle who jumped in after them.

Back at the rear, Fark had regained his senses and saw that Max was gone. He turned around to see Max running away from him.

"So long!" Max called out giving a sarcastic salute to Fark before boosting himself forwards from the flames in his feet- "CRAPMOVEMOVEMOVE!!!!!"


-And then collided into Yuki's back, pushing the two of them into the portal together.

Ellie charged forwards with flames emitting from her left hand. "You're not getting away!!" She stopped as a massive firestorm formed behind her. "6 Elemental: FIRE!!!!"

The flames burst out of the entrance, blowing away the fog as it spread out and cast an orange glow on the area before it dispersed. The portal was gone, as was Nel and Kira.

"Damn it!!" Ellie stopped her foot in frustration.

"Looks like they got away. Ha! Quite a grand escape!" Sokaku said as he walked out from where he was sitting, taking a drink from his gourd.

"Why didn't you help?" Ellie snapped at him.

"It's against my honor to fight an injured opponent," Sokaku said with a weak wave. "And it looked like you had everything taken care off back then. Even I was surprised by that woman's transformation."

"It certainly was a shock to say the least," Ling said, raising his shaking hands. "My, such ferocious power. My hands are still shaking from that blow."

"It's not something to be impressed!" Ellie snapped at Ling.

"I'm with ya there El! Look what that bitch did ta my leg!!" Leone said, clutching her bleeding shin.

"It was quite the transformation, I must say." Ling thought out loud. "Do you two know anything about that?" He asked the twins who were retrieving their masks.

"Hard to say."

"It was like she completely closed her mind."

"One could say she 'went berserk.'"

The twins responded.

"Went berserk?" Leone repeated. "Well, ya got a point there. It was like she was a totally different person back there." She turned to where Robin was lying face down in the dirt. "Wouldn't ya say so Robbie?"

Robin's head instantly shot up, and he looked as though he wasn't even hurt after being kicked to the ground. "Robin." He corrected as he floated back up.

"Were you playing dead?" Ellie snapped at him.

"Yep." Robin nodded. "Don't get me wrong, that did freak me out back there. She was so fast I still don't know how I ended up in the ground."

"I barely saw it too." Leone said. She then snickered at Ellie. "Seemed pretty intent on killing you though. Even after kicking our asses she went right back to you in the end."

"I noticed," Ellie responded irritably.

Robin looked forwards towards the entrance, losing himself in thought. Red hair. Glowing eyes. Definitely matches the description. Probably ask the others later.

"WHAHAAAA!!!?" An irritating wailing then came from the entrance, which indicated that Helpono had woken up. "Hmmmm...." Getting back to his feet, he glanced around. "Y-Your all hurt...... WHAAAA!!!" He began to bawl again.

"He's awake. Probably should fill him in after he calms down." Sokaku said as he walked away from Helpono. He approached Ling and handed him the tablet.

"It was quite eventful, but we have what we came to retrieve. And without fighting the guardian of all things. We should consider ourselves lucky." Ling announced.

"Hm... Lucky," Ellie scoffed. She couldn't get Allisa out of her mind. Even after being struck down, she still managed to get back up, albeit briefly, and stopped her own ally. That girl..... Allisa.... What a strange girl.

Fark then walked past her, exiting the area without saying a word, even ignoring Sokaku and Ling.

"He's in a mood I see." Leone said leaning back. "Going quite strong back there. Never seen him wanting ta kill anyone more than that kid." She let out a sigh. "Always the hot ones I guess." She then looked up to Ellie. "You seem a bit outta it. Surprised ta see your girlfriend again?" She said with a cheeky grin.

"I see you're the same as ever," Ellie muttered. "What about that kid you were fighting? You seemed to know her."

"Ah, she's nothing. Just a stupid little kitty I knew back in the day." Leone shrugged. "So you're fine like this? Letting them go?" She asked.

"Hm?" Ellie looked back at her, then looked away again. "There's nothing we can do now. And we got what we need so we should proceed with Master Yensin's plan once we're all healed." Ellie said before letting out a sigh as an irritating wailing pierced her ears. "Once that crybaby calms down."

"What about Allisa?"

Ellie looked back to Leone, raising an eyebrow.

"You seem a bit intrigued by her. I could tell while you were fighting." Leone said with a cheeky grin.

"Maybe..." Ellie admitted. "But it doesn't matter now. There's no way she could survive that wound. I'm sure this will be the last time I ever see her."

"Really?" Leone membered. "Ok, how about you put some money on it. I bet 100 Rundes you see her again. Deal?"

"Fine. Whatever." Ellie responded halfheartedly. Her attention was on her left arm that was bandaged up. "Even if she does survive, by the time she recovers it will be too late." She felt her hand clench up. "And if Kira does interfere again, I won't hesitate to kill her."

"Damn that's cold." Leone joked. "You must have a lot riding on this gig huh?"

Ellie turned her gaze back to Leone. Leone was almost frightened by the seriousness of her expression. "More than you could possibly know." She then turned around. "Even if it means becoming the very monsters I hunted before, I will break these chains that bind me. And I won't allow anyone get in my way. Be it Kira, that girl Allisa, that senile old man in Miltesa or any of the others." Ellie then raised her left arm upwards, focusing her gaze on it. "I won't stop until I'm truly free."

Leone watched Ellie with a mix of fear and fascination. She didn't have any noble goal or anything she particularly wanted. Her only motivation was the riches promised to her by Yensin. At least, that was about over half of the reason. Seeing all the others before her, the opponents they're up against, and how things were progressing. This was all just a show to her. Entertainment that she could watch, commit half-heartedly and back out if things got too hairy.

I got a feeling things are about ta get real fun. With that thought in mind, a sly grin kept on her lips. I can hardly wait.

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