《The Goddess’ Chosen》Outmatched


Allisa shot back to her feet, staring in disbelief at the new opponent she now faced. Ellie, the woman she had encountered days before.

"Whew. Nice save El!" Leone said with her usual grin.

"I told you not to call me that," Ellie responded, keeping her eye on Allisa.

"Yeah yeah," Leone shrugged playfully.

"Wh-wait a sec! Why are you here?!" Allisa called out, not letting her guard down.

"I should be asking you that, though at this stage it would be pointless," Ellie responded, taking a step forward, narrowing her eyes at the girl before her.

Allisa took a step back as she felt Ellie's murderous intent, and not just metaphorically. She felt a chill run-down her spine; similar to what she felt when she first encountered the Homunculi. The same feeling she felt with the strange boy Yun. A feeling of malice, seeping from her very being, along with something else she was unfamiliar with; a cold emptiness from the look in her eye. Wh-What is this... Feeling?

"Oh yeah, you two have met." Leone said, keeping her foot pressed against Meracle. "And you just let her go? That's not like you El?" She continued in a mocking tone.

"She was acquainted with someone from my past, so I let her go just that one time." Ellie said, raising her sword. "And I was clear that I would not show you that same mercy." She spoke to Allisa. "This time, I will kill you."

Allisa gulped as she raised her sword up. Just by the look in her eye, she knew Ellie was dead serious. That still didn't change the fact that she was exhausted and still wiry from the beating she took from Leone. Then there was the pounding in her head, which still hadn't subsided.

Ellie then charged forwards with her blade to her side.

Allisa immediately put up her guard as she approached.


Robin floated out of the way as a large pillar was launched at him.

"Want some more?!" Rodger boasted as he slammed his hammer on the ground, sending out a barrage of pillars after Robin who floated around, dodging each one.

"You think that would hit me?" Robin said as he tried to aim his bow at Rodger. Rodger grinned as he slammed his free hand on the ground. A giant hand shot out from just below Robin with the palm up, trying to grab Robin. Robin shot up just out of the palms reach. As he did, several rocks began to float around Robin. Oh I get it.

Rodger raised his hand up and clenched it into a fist. "Try dodging this!!"

The rocks flew towards Robin at high speeds. In response, Robin squinted his eyes as the arrowhead changed into a green cylinder, which he fired into the ground. A cyclone formed which blasted away the rocks as well as some of the formed pillars from earlier.

"Trying to keep me from firing by attacking relentlessly. Guess the kids smarter then he looks." Robin said to himself while the cyclone died down, showing the wave of destruction around him. Just Robin prepared another shot, Nel had leaped up, using one of the large pieces of rubble from one of the pillars to use quickstep to rush her opponent from the rear.

Robin had time to look back to see Nel close up above him, fixing her golden eyes at him as she raised her short blade out. Robin backed off just in the nick of time as Nel slashed horizontally. She landed back on the ground as Robin floated up towards the ceiling.


"Did you get him?" Rodger asked.

Nel gritted her teeth as she held up her short blade, which had a small trace of blood on the blade. "No."

Nel's attack had left a small cut on the bridge of Robin's nose, in which a small trace of blood was trickling down. "Whew... That was close." Robin said, rubbing his nose. "If I hadn't moved back in time I'd've lost my head, in all honesty."

Nel and Rodger tensed up.

"Geez, this guy's fast," Rodger said.

"We need to make an opening to retreat," Nel whispered to him.

"Huh?" Rodger looked confused by the suggestion.

"There is no way we can with this fight. We have no choice but to run."

"Wha- Just like that?!" Rodger looked outraged by the suggestion of running away. "We can't just turn our backs to our enemies!! 'When an emery is before you, never turn your back to him!' That's what my pa always says!"

"Fine. Then die here." Nel replied coldly. "I for one don't plan to throw away my life in a place like this."

"So you'd even abandon your comrades?" A familiar voice came from directly behind her. Startled, Nel pivoted around swinging her short blade. Her arm was then caught before her blade could connect, allowing Nel to see who had stopped her.

"You?!" The one with a gauntleted hand, which held Nel's left arm, was a girl with a demon mask, the same who she had encountered back at Deadman's End in Sterland Forest.

"Then again, we are assassins. Comrades are but pawns after all. Right, Thelma?"

"Wha- Where did she-?!" Rodger was startled by the woman's sudden appearance and was about to react when something grabbed the back of his helmet and slammed his head face-first into the ground.

"Right Louise."

Nel gritted her teeth as she recognized the other assailant, a spitting image of the other. It was the Twin Assassins of Laughing Mantas, Thelma and Louise.

In response, Nel drew her dagger in an attempt to stab her assailant in the eye. The woman grabbed ahold of Nel's arm, crossing her own arms as a result. Nel then lifted herself off the ground and kicked her in the gut, which caused her to loosen her grip, in which Nel used the opportunity to escape and back step away.

"Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse."

The twin assassins regrouped together, the other still had a hand to Rodger's helmet. "It's good to see you again, Nel Zepher."

"We've been wanting to see you again." The twins spoke in unison.

"Oh, you two," Robin said as he lowered himself. "How long have you been here?"

"We only just got here." One of the twins said.

The other who had Rodger pinned to the ground raised her other hand. Nel's eyes widened when she saw what was held within, the tablet that Melvin and Cliff were carrying. "We had to get this after all. Right, Louise?"

"Right Thelma."

"Where did you get that?!" Nel demanded.

"Have you already forgotten our ability?" The twin holding Rodger down said. The other however had disappeared.

Nel's eyes widened as she recalled her first encounter. Out of instinct, she moved her head sharply to the left as a gauntleted fist passed by, part of the metal cutting her right cheek. Nel backed off immediately seeding the other assassin standing in front of her. That's right, 'dummy check.' The ability to completely blend into the background.


"Seems you haven't forgotten." The twin standing before her said as she lowered her fist. "I would expect nothing less of the survivor of the Crimson Blades."

"Did you really think telling me your ability before was a good idea?" Nel taunted. "You would have been much better off killing me then and there. Now that I know how your ability works-"

"What can you do?" The twin said, clenching her fists. "We actually got here when Sokaku and Fark arrived, but not even you, with your famed eyes that see all, we're able to notice our presence."

Nel twitched at the assassin's words. That was twice she had been taken off guard.

"So you were here earlier? You could've lent a hand." Robin said from high above.

"We are assassins. Frontal assaults aren't our thing." The other twin said holding up the stone tablet. "Our ability and technique is more about infiltration and sabotage rather than the more forward approach the rest of you possess."

Just below her, Rodger began to stir, moving his left hand out before slamming it onto the ground. The twin above him realized just in time before leaping off of him as spikes shot out around Rodger, all tilted to impale the woman above him.

"Ahhh!!" Rodger let out a gasp as the pressure that was pushing him down was finally released. "Ow, that hurt..." He groaned as he crawled out from the cavern he had created.

The twin had retreated to her sister, facing her escaped captive.

"Are you ok Thelma?"

"Yes Louise."

Nel moved slowly towards Rodger, keeping her eye on the twins. "Are you alright?"

"Uh.... Kinda," Rodger groaned rubbing below his nose. "Where did she come from anyway? It's like she came out of nowhere."

"Don't do anything stupid." She warned him. "These two are assassins like me. They are professional killers." Nel's eyes widened all of a sudden. She leaped away from a spot where an arrow slammed itself into the ground.

"I'm still here," Robin said from up above giving a sarcastic wave as another arrow materialized on his bow.

"Right! He's still around!" Rodger said as he looked up at Robin.

"You'll have to deal with him yourself," Nel said, keeping her eyes on the twin assassins, more specifically, the tablet. I'm the fastest here. If I can get my hands on it, I can make a break for it and-

Nel suddenly cut off her line of thought when she realized what she was thinking. If I do that then....

"I mean, stabbing her in the back doesn't really matter to a cold-blooded killer like you."

Nel felt her grip on the hilts of her blades tighten. Why am I thinking about this now?!

"You seem troubled."

Nel only got back to her senses, seeing one of the assassins had rushed her. Nel only just dodged by jumping back as a fist was sent towards her midsection. Suddenly, another fist came from her left and plowed right into her left side.

Nel staggered to her right where she turned to her attacker, the other twin. "Damn," Nel swore as she activated her Piercer Eyes.

"Those won't help you."

While Nel eyed the twin in front of her, she'd let the other out of her sight. That twin used her ability to rush Nel, punching her in the right of her cheek.

This time, Nel was sent to the ground, losing her grip on her blades as she tumbled across the ground.

"Your eyes are certainly powerful." the other twin said as she took her place by her sister.

"But they aren't omnipotent." The other spoke.

Nel got back to her feet, rubbing her cheek where she was hit. She then saw both assassins had vanished from view.

"Not again!" On instinct, Nel raised her arms in front of her. One of the twins appeared in her view and struck her arms. With her defense focused on her front, the assassin backed off, followed almost instantaneously by the second assassin, slamming her fist into Nel's gut hard, twisting it as it plowed into her. D-Damn! Nel coughed up blood and was sent backward once again.

The twins stayed where they were. "Eye's such as yours,"

"Cannot see what normal eyes cannot see."

"Right Thelma."

"Right Louise."

Nel got back to her feet with a hand over her belly, gritting her teeth in frustration. ".... We'll see."


Allisa put up her blade and blocked the first strike from Ellie, hitting hard enough to force her blade to fly up from the strike. Ellie then lowered her body as she prepared for another strike. Allisa teleported quickly, prepared to attack her opponent from the rear with a vertical strike. Before she could, flames burst from Ellie's left hand, and without even looking backward herself, raised her left arm in the direction of Allisa.


Allisa teleported again to avoid the wall of flames that suddenly aspired. When she reappeared, Ellie rushed forwards towards her, followed by a flurry of strikes that forced Allisa on the defensive. After the fourth strike, Ellie brought back her left palm in preparation to launch another of her magic attacks. Allisa hesitated when she saw that movement.

In that moment, Ellie clenched her palm into a fist and slammed it into Allisa's face, sending her to the ground.

"Oww..." Allisa groaned as she landed on her back. Looking up, she saw Ellie jumping up with her sword inverted. Startled, Allisa rolled out of the way quickly as the blade dug into the ground.

Allisa recovered and charged forwards, holding her blade in both hands as she ran towards Ellie whose blade was stuck on the ground.

Ellie raised her left hand in Allisa's direction. "6 Elemental: Wind!"

Allisa was slow to react as a small gust hit her, forcing her backward.

Ellie then freed her blade and charged in once again, keeping her blade low to the ground. Allisa blocked the strike but almost lost her footing from the weight behind Ellie's attack. Ellie recovered from her wide swing and was about to go in for another attack. Allisa instinctively teleported out of the way, reappearing a few steps back. She then lost her footing and fell down landing on her backside.

Ellie stood her ground as Allisa got back up. "You seem a lot more out of it than you were the last time. I also notice you haven't used that fire sword ability like last time." Ellie said. "I take it you've worn yourselves out fighting against Leo."

Allisa didn't respond. Her breathing had become difficult, and staying on her feet following Ellie's attacks had been a long more challenging than last time when she attacked after her sword was encased in ice. I honestly don't know how long I can keep this up.

Ellie narrowed her eyes towards Allisa. "Say... are you really the one who defeated Garlahad?"

Allisa flinched in surprise.

"I'll take that reaction as a yes," Ellie said, lowering her blade, but not dropping her guard. "Right, I remember now. Lire Lim saw the battle with her magic. A blond haired girl who could summon a spirit weapon, as my master said." She narrowed her eyes, "I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't fought you before."

"H-Hold on... How do you know Garlahad?" She demanded.

"You could say he was one of us," Ellie stated. "We helped him find Dorstera and let it loose on Riser in exchange for his assistance in my master's plan."

Many thoughts swirled around Allisa's head. She remembered Garlahad well. He was a knight who was one of Princess Elizabeth's protectors. However, it turned out he harbored an inherited hatred towards Elizabeth, and was planning on using her as a sacrifice to awaken a monster, but was stopped by Allisa and her friends.

"That would make you the Goddess' Chosen." Ellie continued, closing her eyes. "I suppose that would make us three kindred spirits."

Kindred spirits? She means me.... And Garlahad? And her?

"It is truly a shame," Ellie's eyes snapped open. "That you've chosen their side."

Allisa felt the grip on her sword tighten in response. "What do you mean ‘their side?’"

Ellie then charged in again with her sword held outwards. Allisa only just reacted in time, ducking out of the way as Ellie's blade passed overhead. Allisa backed off when Ellie suddenly raised her left hand in the air. She then swiped downwards, creating a visible blade of wind aimed directly at her. Allisa blocked the strike with her own sword, forced backward by the force, causing her feet to skid across the ground.

"HAAAAA!" With a heave, Allisa pushed her blade forwards, cutting through the wind blade, which dissipated. "H-Hold on...!"

Just as Allisa recovered Ellie had already rushed her already in mid swing, her blade inching towards Allisa's neck.

Allisa ducked quickly, staggering on the ground before she got back to her feet. "I said wait!! What do you mean kindred spirit?!" Allisa said.

"That's not important," Ellie said, raising her blade up, pointing the tip at Allisa. "All you need to know is that I'm your enemy."


Max leaped out of the way as Fark lunged at him again, sending another invisible force past him. Skidding back, Max let out another fire roar towards Fark, who raised his right hand to the incoming inferno.


A light emitted from his hand and dissipated the flames in an instant. Max however, wasn't standing in the way.

Narrowing his eyes, Fark glanced to his right, seeing Max launching himself towards Fark's right with a faired right hook.

"Time to roast you!!" Max yelled as he lunged his fist forwards.

Fark moved his pivot and blocked Max's blow with his palm, forced back from the force of Max's punch as flames engulfed his body, trying to stagger his opponent.


The flames then dissipated as Max was sent hurtling backward, once again. He recovered by turning in mid air, flaring up one of his palms to act as a booster to slow him down. He skidded on the floor still facing his opponent.

".... It happened again. What the hell is that?" Max huffed and puffed. More small cuts had appeared along his body, his right arm in particular. The bleeding was slowing, but he was still losing blood.

"D-Damn it. Should've taken care of that." Max groaned as he pushed on his large wound on his left side, igniting his hands in a scorching flame to try and sear the wound closed.

Fark lowered his arms as he turned to face Max. "I'm honestly suppressed that you've still in one piece. Others I've faced have been reduced to mince meat by now."

"Really? Should feel honored then." Max said grimacing through the pain of his first aid.

Fark glared at him as Max began to get back to his feet.

"You know, really seems you're gunning for me." Max continued as he took his hand off his smoldering wound. "First thing ya did was come after me. I've been attacked by assholes like you, after me cause I'm a Salamander, Demi-human or whatever." His eyes narrowed. "You seem different than the others."

Fark raised his arms again. "That is none of your concern."

Max sighed. "Sounding like that Sword Bastard now." His fists flared up once again. "Fine. I'm still gonna kick your ass and get everyone outta here."


"Wha-? Who are they?" Melvin as his tension was drawn towards the three newcomers.

"Don't know about those two," Cliff said looking at the masked women who were engaging Rodger and Nel. His gaze then shifted to the woman who was fighting Allisa. "But I saw her back at Sterland forest." His eyes shifted back to Sokaku. "I assume there with you."

"That's right. I was wondering when they'd arrive. I honestly was expecting them to arrive before even Leone and Robin." Sokaku nodded. He then looked to Melvin. "Though knowing those two in the masks, they were probably here before even those two arrived."

"Huh?" Melvin looked back behind him where the tablet was. "You mean they-"

Sokaku sighed and rested his blade on his shoulder. "It's a pity. I was looking forward to testing my mettle against the guardian of this place." He then turned around and began to walk towards the wall.

"Hey! Where are you going?!" Yuki yelled after him.

"I'm done. This battle will be over soon. There's no point to continue in a one-sided massacre." Sokaku waived.

"Don't just turn your back on this you bastard!!" Yuki yelled.

"H-hey. Calm down." Cliff groaned, trying to get back to his feet. "In case you've forgotten, fighting these guys aren't our priority."

Yuki gritted his teeth, the grip on his sword tightened in frustration.

"Also, I recall your grudge is against Gai Tsukiyo, not him!" Cliff tried reasoning with him.

"Sorry," Yuki muttered quietly. He then charged forwards towards Sokaku.

"You idiot!!"

"What are you doing?!"

Yuki ran with his blade clenched tightly in both hands. I have to get stronger! I can't lose to anyone else!

The battle with Gai played out in his mind, how he was so easily beaten. Another event played out, the beginning of his grudge. A wooden shrine, the body of a girl lying dead before him, Gai walking away as he cried out on the ground for him. The painful memories played out as he reached Sokaku, raising his blade overhead.

If I can't beat this guy, I can't possibly beat him!

Sokaku sidestepped out of the way as Yuki's blade descended towards him. "You stubborn fool." Sokaku then pivoted, swinging his sheathed sword out, slamming it into Yuki's back.

Yuki gasped as he fell forwards. Suddenly, all the strength began to leave him. S-Shit.... The fatigue from the previous battle began to hit him like a truck, his body growing heavy. This seriously the best I can do!

"Geez, that serious all you got?"

Yuki's eyes snapped open as a woman's voice played out in his mind. He stopped himself from falling, regaining his stance and pivoted sharply. Sokaku, suppressed, blocked Yuki's sword with his own-sheathed sword.

Sokaku shoved Yuki away from him, but Yuki continued his onslaught, slamming his blade against Sokaku's once again, and again, and again, repeatedly slamming his blade against his opponent in a frenzy.

"You're persistent, I'll give you that," Sokaku said.

After the sixth swing, Sokaku parried Yuki's sword, allowing the blade to slide down the sheath and slammed the pommel into Yuki's lower jaw. As Yuki staggered, Sokaku withdrew his sword before punching Yuki in the gut. The light in Yuki's eyes began to fade as the blow forced the air out of his lungs.

"It certainly is a shame. I would have loved to face you when you were at full strength."

C-Crap.... I can't move... Yuki began to fall forwards as Sokaku removed his fist and began to walk away. I can't.... LET IT END LIKE THIS!!!

Yuki once again stopped himself from falling over, visibly struggling to stay on his feet. Sokaku turned once again, astonished that Yuki was still on his feet.

"I... I can't..." Yuki groaned as he raised his blade once again. "I won't let it... end like thi-"

Yuki was then tackled to the ground by Cliff, who pinned him by resting his body on top of Yuki's back, his right hand pushing against Yuki's head while his left pinned his right arm which held his sword.

"That's enough..." Cliff said as he struggled to restrain Yuki. He then turned to the astonished Melvin. "Chain him! You can do that right!"

"But, Cliff..." Melvin trembled.

"GET OFF!!!" Yuki struggled, trying to force Cliff off him, even elbowing him in the ribs with his free arm.


Melvin swallowed the lump in his throat and raised his wand. "Chain."

Cliff got off Yuki as chains began to materialize around him. Yuki roared as he struggled against them. "LET ME GO!!"

".... Not a chance." Cliff said, still in pain from the after effects of the Level up. "Now you're gonna stay there until we get that tablet back, then you're coming with us!"

"I’M NOT GOING ANYWHERE!!" Yuki protested as he struggled against the chain. "I have to beat him! If I don't-"

"YOU'LL KILL YOURSELF AT THIS RATE!!!" Cliff snapped back. "And if you die, how are you gonna fight Gai! I thought you'd want to get revenge in this life, not the next!"

Yuki stopped struggling as he took in Cliff's words.

"So take the loss and fight another day."

"B-But...." Yuki muttered, feeling his fists tighten.

"Fighting against a strong opponent when you're exhausted is not a good move. Even you've gotta see that. We're lucky this guy's letting us go! So stop being a suicidal maniac for once and let's get the heck outta here."

"....." Yuki cast his gaze downwards. No matter how much he didn't want to admit it, he was completely powerless against this man who hadn't even drawn his sword. He's right.... I.... can't die here. A tear fell from his eye. Damn it..... This is such bullshit....!

"Yuki...." Melvin looked at Yuki. He then cast his gaze downwards.

He couldn't help but recall when they first met. How the Swordsman Kobra poisoned him, yet he forced himself to continue fighting, even willing to battle the entire Rat gang with the poison still in his system. Then there was the Homunculus Gamba, where he impaled him. Yet Yuki still followed them, literally hours after being patched, up to the labyrinth for the sole purpose of fighting him again. On that occasion, he wound up in a worse state than he was before.

Then there was the state he was in after the Siege of Sterland village when he completely lost to his grudge.

Is winning really so important he's willing to destroy himself?

Melvin shook his head to shake off the thoughts and looked back towards Sokaku, who was resting on the wall, taking large gulps from the gourd that was attached to his belt.

"Looks like he was serious about giving up on this fight," Melvin said as the chains that held Yuki began to disintegrate. Yuki slowly got back up, kneeling on the ground with his head hung low. "I don't understand what's driving you, but now we need to get that tablet back."

"He's right." Cliff nodded. "You may be in bad shape but you're still better off than the two of us."

Yuki slowly stood back up. ".... Alright." He then looked up at Sokaku. "Hey, guy with the tattoo. Didn't catch your name?"

Sokaku lowered his gourd and chuckled. "Sokaku Fukuoka." He responded.

"Yuki Akoga," Yuki responded.

Sokaku nodded and raised his gourd to Yuki. "Well then, I hope you get out of this alive! I wouldn't mind looking after my business so we can have a proper battle!"

"So you're just going to allow them to escape. Though I suppose that wouldn't be too surprising."

Sokaku then lowered his gourd, letting out a deep sigh. "That is 'if' you get out alive at this point."

Yuki, Cliff and Melvin turned around in response to the new voice coming from the main entrance directly ahead of them.

"You're kidding. Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse." Melvin groaned.

Yuki gritted his teeth as he stood at the read. "Shit! Just what we needed!"

Cliff let out a humorless chuckle as he stared straight ahead. "This is so one-sided it's not even funny anymore."


The fighting around the area grounded to a halt as two more newcomers entered the fray. Ling and Helpono stood at the entrance in full view of everyone.

"What? More?" Allisa gasped, as the already hopeless situation got even worse.

"Took them long enough," Ellie said, turning to the two.

Leone grinned at the two newcomers, her foot still firmly pressed against Meracle's head, pinning her to the ground. "Looks like we're all here. Though it's pretty pointless at this point, don't ya agree screwball?"

Meracle's eyes turned towards the newcomers, taking a glance at them. How are they?

Rodger and Nel had stopped what they were doing as well as their opponents.

"You guys seriously can't catch a break," Robin said.

"I take it there with you," Nel asked.

"That's right."

"They're finally here." The twins spoke.

On the other end, Max was still fighting Fark, sending a fire punch towards him. Fark sidestepped, raising left palm, swinging it towards Max.

Max burst flames from his feet to launch himself forwards to avoid the force emitted from the palm. He turned around before landing on the ground, skidding to a halt to face his opponent once again. That was where he saw the newcomers. "What? Who are they?"

Distracted, Fark charged forwards, punching Max in the gut once again, sending him flying back, slamming into the wall behind him. "Gak! Wh-What the hell! I wasn't ready!" Max groaned as he freed himself from the small crater he formed.

Not listening, or bothered by the recent events, Fark opened his clenched fist, showing of the cross in his hand.



Max launched himself out of the way as the force emitted from Fark slammed into the area he was, obliterating the entire section of the wall.

Tumbling on the ground, peppered with the dislodged pieces of the wall, Max came to a stop, crouching as he faced Fark once again. Nothing seems to faze this guy. He's seriously trying to kill me.

Back at the entrance, Ling surveyed the area, specifically at the party his comrades were facing. "Seems we have a few adventurers before us. Quite unexpected."

"They got here before us." One of the twins said, throwing something towards Ling who caught it with one hand.

"I see," Ling grinned as he inspected what he had caught. It was the tablet.

"That's-?!" Melvin gawked.

"Shit!" Cliff swore.

Ling looked to the three standing in front of him. "At the very least, it seems you've done our job for us. I suppose we should be grateful if nothing else. You've saved us a lot of trouble in defeating the guardian."

"No problem," Yuki replied sarcastically, holding out his sword to Ling. "Since we went through the trouble to get that coin thing, mind giving it back. We got a witch who really wants it."

"I bet." Ling nodded, holding out the tablet. "But sadly no. Our master has given us the order to acquire it by any means necessary, even if that means stealing from children."

"Figured he'd say that," Cliff said, standing beside Yuki.

"So what now?" Melvin asked, sounding very worried by the latest turn of events.

"I'll get back to you on that," Cliff responded. Suddenly, a droplet then hit him on the top of his head. "Hmm?"

Several more began to drop down, causing Melvin and Yuki to look up in confusion as the droplets increased into a light shower.

"Rain?" Melvin observed.

"Ain't we underground?" Yuki asked, holding out his hand.

The other members of the party, with the exception of Max who was still fighting Fark, looked just as lost at the sudden downpour underground.

Allisa looked up as the water droplets began to pepper against her skin. "Wait.... It's raining? How?"

Ellie looked up, looking just as confused. Then all of a sudden, her face lit up with worry. "Oh no!" She turned to the entrance. "Here? Now?"

"Wh-What's going on?" Allisa said, suddenly taking a stance, feeling her life to be in danger, as the rain got heavier.

"Yooouuu...." Helpono growled from back at the entrance. He then pointed one bony finger towards Allisa. "I know yoooouuuu....."

"Huh?" Allisa took a step back as the rain began to intensify.

Leone, who was still on top of Meracle, looked shocked, as the rain got heavier. "Oh Crap!!" She then leaped of Meracle, landing a few feet backward. "Uhh h-hey, take it easy there, we're here too." She said in a strangely timid voice.

Meracle lifted herself off the ground, looking towards the entrance. "Wh-What's going on?"

"You......" Helpono whimpered, his staff trembling in his hands. Then all of a sudden, the man burst into tears, wailing as large volumes of water burst from his eyes like waterfalls.

".... Is he... crying?" Yuki asked, taking a step backward.

"I'm getting a seriously bad feeling," Cliff said.

"Not to mention the rains getting heavier," Melvin observed.

Back at the second battlefield, Robin and the twins looked a little uneasy at their back-up. "Oh no, not again." Robin sighed, not sounding particularly urgent given the present situation.

Rodger looked confused at the bizarre man who was crying his eyes out, literally. "What's with this guy? He just started bawling."

Nel looked more concerned as she studied the man. His mana level.... It shot up when he started crying.... And it's still rising. She narrowed her eyes, instinctively moving her leg back as she continued to observe. Is this some kind of ability?

"STEEEEEVIEEEEEE!!!!" Helpono continued bawling, slamming his staff on the ground. "I'LL ALWAYS REMEMBER THE TIMES WE SPENT TOGETHER!!!!

"I still remember when I tamed you. Took you in as a tiny octopus. Gave you my mana to grow up big and strong. Ahhh... all the fishermen and passenger boats I've fed you too, and you never failed once.....

"But then..... Ellie gave us the job to eliminate that figure from her past that is causing her pain.... Ahhh, I remember that clear day, you lost many tentacles but still, you put up a noble fight....

"And then she.... With fire in hand..... WHAAAAAAAHAAAAAAA!!!!!!"

The rain intensified as the gem in Helpono's staff glowed brightly. "YOU KILLED MY BELOVED STIVIE!!!!" He then shoved his staff forward, pointing it directly at the bewilder Allisa. "HOW DO YOU PLAN TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR HIS MURDER!!! HIS COLD BLOODED MURDER!!!”

"Uh... um.... What did I do.....?" Allisa was at a complete loss about what Helpono was saying.

"?!" Helpono lowered his staff. "You.... don't know....?" Water began to collect around Helpono, gathering at the back of him.

"This is bad." Ellie clicked her tongue as she took a defensive stance. "Hey! Don't go on a rampage here you idiot! You'll get us too!"

"Unforgivable.... Unforgivable..." Helpono muttered as a large body of water began to form behind him.

"What the?" Allisa took a step back as she felt a menacing aura emanating from Helpono. Yuki, Melvin and Cliff did the same, feeling more nervous being so close to him.

"Uh... Melvin, what the hells that?" Yuki asked as the body of water grew.

"Um.... I donno. I've never seen something like this..." Melvin stuttered.

"Unforgivable.... Unforgivable... UNFORGIVABA-"

Just as Helpono began his outburst, Ling jabbed his finger into his comrade's neck. The body of water suddenly burst and cascaded as the rain instantly let up. Helpono then fell face forward into the already soaked ground. All the tension that had been built up, particularly amongst his comrades, was instantly dispelled.

"My apologies," Ling said with a bow. "My friend Helpono is one of the most powerful wizards I've ever been acquainted with. But as you've seen his mind is that of an infant, especially in regards to his Familiars. And when he uses his magic, he has a hard time telling apart friend from foe."

".... Huh?" Yuki looked confused by how the situation was defused.

"I don't get it, but the last thing we need right now is another enemy to face," Cliff spoke up.

Yuki nodded. "For once I agree with you."

Melvin's eyes were fixed on the downed Helpono. He's really a wizard.....? And what was that Magic just now.....?


"Whew.... That was close..." Leone let out a sigh of relief. "Aww... I'm soaked." She then turned to Allisa. "You'd better apologize to the poor guy when he gets up."

"Huh?!!!" Allisa jumped back in surprise. "Wha- I still don't know what that was even about!"

Ellie then charged at Allisa once again, who quickly reacted by blocking her strike, allowing both blades to grind against each other.

"Whoa, she's not wasting any time." Leone commented scratching her head as she watched the resumed swordfight. She then looked back to Meracle who was struggling back to her feet. "Oh yeah, I forgot you're still kicking.

Meracle staggered getting back up, breathing heavy, glaring at Leone.

"Well, El's giving it her all, my friends are all here, that means you guys are screwed. I'd seriously give up if I were in your shoes." Leone continued.

Meracle spat out a goblet, mixed with both her saliva and blood, before getting back into a combat stance, keeping her arms close to each other while widening her legs.

"Not giving up huh?" Leone sighed as she took a similar stance. "Well, it's your funeral."


Cliff and Yuki stood by cautiously as Ling took a step towards them. "Once again, I do apologize for my comrades I'll manners."

"Didn't get half of what he was whining about, but It kinda sounded like Allisa pissed him off before," Yuki said.

"Well, he did lose one of his familiars not too long ago. A Kraken to be exact."

".... A Kraken?" Melvin repeated. ".... You don't mean-?!"

"From the ship." Cliff finished off Melvin's deductions. "Looks like we were right."

"Oh, I take it you were there as well. What a strange coincidence." Ling chuckled. "We were targeting someone completely unrelated to anyone in your ground. I guess it's just fate that you happen to have been on that same ship. The world really can be a small place it seems."

"Guess so," Yuki said huffing. "Least we’re used to dealing with crap like that. Though I guess I owe our 'leader' and apology since I assumed that monster was after her."

"Who were your people trying to kill back then? Seems like it was a lot of trouble just for one person if you asked me." Cliff asked.

"No one important," Ling said, surprising all of them.

"Wha-What?" Melvin spoke up. "Then what was the entire point of that attack?!"

"I said, no one important. Helpono did it as a personal favor to Ellie."

"Ellie?" Yuki repeated.

"That woman fighting Allisa?" Cliff asked quietly, glancing over his shoulder.

"There's someone on that ship you were on who is the source of great pain for Ellie. She wanted to take care of the matter herself, but had the dealings with Celtic Hoard to concern herself with."

"C-Celtic Hoard?!" Melvin exclaimed.

"So you're with those guys?" Yuki asked, tightening the grip on his sword.

"I think it's more like you had dealings with them," Cliff spoke. "Something's been bugging me about those guys. The weapons they had were way too high tech for a group of bandits to possess.

"Walking mechs are one thing, but a bomb of that power.... I bet you had a hand in that."

"My quite an observant fellow." Ling chuckled in response. "But no, we only supplied Dolton's gang with Money. Even my master Yensin has no idea what kind of contract he has, though he does have some suspicions."

"Wait... Yensin?" Melvin's eyes suddenly shot up. "You mean 'that' Yensin?!!"

"The terrorist right?" Cliff spoke. "So you're with him, huh? That means we really can't let you have that."

Ling chuckled and leaped up into the air, somersaulted before landing behind the three with Sokaku behind him. "I assume you're staying out of this." He then threw the tablet towards him, who caught it with one hand.

Yuki, Melvin and Cliff turned around, keeping their guards up.

"Sorry, but I am afraid this is non-negotiable." Suddenly, Ling parted his legs out wide, drawing his arms close to his body, with the index and middle finger pointed out. "I do apologize, but for obvious reasons, we can't exactly permit you to live."

"Geez, how nice." Yuki said sarcastically, holding out his blade.

"Careful. We're all pretty much at the end of our ropes." Cliff said to him, narrowing his eyes at his opponent's stance. "And I'm not liking this aura this guy's letting off."

"I'm aware of that."

Melvin looked very nervous as he looked towards his two comrades. I'm pretty much out of mana. Cliff's still sore from the Level Up. Yuki's not showing it, but the fatigue is starting to get to him after that last fight. Out of instinct, Melvin tightened the grip on his wand. Forget getting the tablet back, we'll be lucky if we even get out of this alive.


Robin floated out of the way as several pillars shot towards him.

"Damn it! Stop moving!" Rodger groaned with both hands on the ground, sending more pillars towards his opponent.

"Of course I won't stop moving. I'd take serious damage if I'm hit by one of those." Robin said nonchalantly as a silver arrow formed on his bow. After the last pillar passed, Robin let loose the arrow at Rodger.

"Uh no!" Rodger leaped out of the way to allow the arrow to hit the ground, ready for the backlash that would come from the powerful shot.

However, the arrow curved upwards, circling around and flew back towards Rodger.

"Wha-One of those?!" Rodger slammed his hands on the ground, forming a large wall in the arrows flight path. "I can block that one, In case ya forgot moron."

"You're the moron here."

Before hitting the wall, the arrow splits into four small fragments, no bigger than a shard of glass, flew around and embedded itself into Rodger's open back. "What....?" Rodger fell forwards as the projectiles on his back quickly disintegrated.

"Didn't you forget I can make multiple arrow heads," Robin spoke out, still remaining in his previous position as another arrow with a green cylinder materialized. "Allows me to adapt to any situation, even against some kid with 'Earth Mould.'" He then fired the arrow towards the wall, which formed into a mini cyclone, obliterating the wall and blasting Rodger back several meters.

What the.... He's just as big as me..... Rodger thought as he crashed onto the floor after the winds died down. Why is he so much stronger....? Not even Steve's this strong.

Rodger forced himself back to his feet, still holding his hammer tightly.

"You really need to give up," Robin said.

".... A real man..... Never backs down...." Rodger grinned, despite how beat up he was. "I'm.... Gonna beat you..."


Yuki collapsed to his knees, holding onto his chest while looking as though he was in pain. Ling loomed overhead, keeping his stance.

"What the hell....?" Yuki grunted as he got back up, still clutching his chest.

"It's probably not wise to move." Ling mocked.

"Sh-Shut up!" Yuki charged again, swinging his blade horizontally at his opponent.

Ling dropped down as the blade passed overhead, just missing his braided ponytail, then in a swift movement, jabbed his fingers into two spots on Yuki's chest.

Yuki grinned as a wave of pain suddenly shot through his body and staggered back. Ling then moved his right leg, and right hand, opening the palm, then slammed it into Yuki's chest. An invisible force blasted through Yuki with an audible boom. Blood squirted from Yuki's mouth. "Wha...."

Ling stood aside as Yuki fell forwards, landing face first on the ground.

"YUKI!!!" Melvin called out.

"What the hell did you do?!" Cliff called out.

"Not much, to be honest," Ling said, relaxing his stance. "His body was already physically exhausted, and on top of that his Mana Level was pitifully low." Ling then turned, standing above Yuki's body, moving his right hand overhead with his index and middle finger pointed.

"Oh no you don't!!!" Cliff threw caution to the wind and charged towards Ling with a right hook. Ling blocked the strike dead in its tracks with his right palm. With a grin, Ling turned, striking his left fingers into Cliff's outstretched arm.

"Urg!!" Cliff grimaced and backed off, holding the spot where Ling had hit.

"Cliff!!" Melvin rushed forward-


- But stopped when Cliff snapped at him.

"Sorry, but you have no way to defend yourself at this point. Just stay there." Cliff instructed him, keeping his eyes on Ling. What the hell was that? That wasn't from the Level Up after effect. It felt like something shot through my body or something.

"You seem different from your friend there," Ling said casually.

"Really? How so?" Cliff asked rhetorically.

"Your mana level is a bit above average I'd say, far greater than him. But you're more physically exhausted. In fact, I'd go as far to say you're in tremendous pain at the moment. Whatever you did to yourself has some serious repercussions on your body."

"Ha.... So one of those smart-asses who try to know everything." Cliff mocked. "And by how you're talking, I'd say you're also a sensor, and a Mana User."

"You're quite observant yourself." Ling acknowledged, regaining his combat stance. "It's a martial art from Shu, capable of shooting mana from my fingertips similar to a gun or an arrow. My censoring ability is an added bonus, telling me where to hit to cause the most damage."

"Ha... With that look, you could pass off as a Chinese action movie star back in my world." Cliff joked. "I guessed it was some kind of Mana Focusing ability.

Ling grinned. "Unfortunately, that's where you're wrong." His gaze then turned deadly. "It's actually Mana Channelling."


While Cliff was distracted, Ling pounced towards Cliff.

"Damn It!!!" Cliff threw a haphazard punch, which Ling dodged to the left, jabbing his left fingers into Cliff's right side. He then backed off and pivoted on his left leg, swinging out his right leg out, which dug into Cliff's right side.

"That kick, however, was Mana Focusing."

Cliff coughed up blood as he was hurtled away.

"Cliff NO!!!!" Melvin cried.

"Wh-What the, he-" Cliff tried to get back up, immediately collapsed to the ground, his entire body beginning to shake. "N-No.... Not.... Now...." Cliff's voice sounded very strained. His body was now racked with pain that was now completely unbearable.

"Seems you reached your limit." Ling slowly made his way towards Cliff. "I'm not entirely sure what you did to yourself, but it seems to be more of a double-edged sword then it is an asset considering that you can barely stand."

Cliff clenched his fists, trying to will his body up. Come on..... Move....

Suddenly, a tiny bolt of lightning hit Ling's clothes, barely leaving a burn mark. However, it drew Ling's attention to the source.

"D-Don't you dare," Melvin said, holding his wand out.

Ling smiled as he changed his direction, walking towards Melvin.

"D-Don't take another step! I'm warning you!" Melvin said putting on as brave a stance he could muster.

"And what can you possibly do?" Ling asked. "Don't get me wrong, I'm curious as to what you're going to do."

Melvin took a step back, his wand began to shake.

"I see." Ling then rushed forwards, swooping a low palm strike that slammed into Melvin's throat, lifting him up into the air. "Such a shame."

"Gah!!!" Melvin coughed up blood. M-My throat...!

"Wizards require an incantation to cast a spell. So if the throat’s crushed you can't invoke anything."

Melvin's body was sent a few meters into the air just above Ling's chest.

"Not that you could in the first place." Ling then raised his right leg up and then brought it down, slamming Melvin into the ground hard enough to crack it.

Is this it.....? Melvin thought as he coughed up blood. ....I'm gonna die here? For some reason he couldn't understand, as he looked up at Ling raising his leg, it looked oddly familiar. Just like when he met Dran just over two years ago, pinned down to the ground by adults while he was helpless.

Just as Ling brought his leg down, Cliff suddenly leaped over Melvin, taking the kick on his back. Cliff coughed up blood, holding his pose on all fours over the dazed Melvin.

"Well well," Ling chuckled in amazement. "I didn't know you could still move."

Cliff chuckled and looked up at Ling. "N-Nether did I..." He said in a strained voice. "Guess we're no different, huh? You suicidal maniac."

Ling raised his eyebrow, confused by Cliff's outburst. Out of instinct, he turned to look around, seeing Yuki in front, his blade inches mere inches from his neck. Ling leaned back; narrowly avoiding the strike intended to take his head, raising his leg to counterattack. Yuki blocked Ling's leg, with his right arm, and with a clenched fist, moved his right arm forwards fast, punching Ling in the face, shoving him down to the ground.

Yuki then raised his blade to strike the downed Ling, but he recovered quickly, kicking Yuki in the gut before backing off immediately, rubbing the cheek where he was hit. "You lot certainly are full of surprises."

Yuki, crouching, looked up with a satisfied grin.

From his position, Sokaku raised his eyebrow as he watched Yuki. That boy..... A grin formed on his lips. What an interesting fellow. Maybe we'll see each other again after all.


Allisa dodged as Ellie launched another attack, almost tripping as a result. Ellie pivoted around followed by a slash from her sword. Allisa clashed against her blade, allowing them to grind against each other.

Ellie then raised her left hand up, facing the palm against Allisa's right side.

Allisa noticed and teleported away, to Ellie's back. Ellie pivoted around with her left arm raised. "6 Elemental: Fire!" A burst of flames emitted from her palm, sending a fireball towards Allisa who was forced to teleport again.

Ellie pivoted around, facing where Allisa repaired while lunging her blade out. Startled, Allisa put her blade up to block, parrying it from stabbing her body. Instead, the blades grind against each other sending Allisa's to the left, cutting a deep wound in Allisa's left arm.

Ellie then raised her left arm. "6 Elemental:" Allisa teleported away on instinct. "Water." A blue sphere formed in Ellie's left palm, forming itself into a sharp shard of ice. Ellie then threw it behind her as Allisa reappeared again. Allisa just dodged out the way as the shard grazed her right cheek.

Allisa recovered quickly, ignoring the blood that flowed down her cheek and left arm. She can tell where I'm teleporting myself too? Is it some kind of ability?

"Hardly," Ellie answered as though she read Allisa's mind. "When you teleport, it's usually to get within my blind spot." Ellie relaxed her stance and sighed. "You clearly are some kind of armature. I can't believe you are the one who defeated Garlahad. Either he dropped his guard around you or he truly was incompetent."

Allisa's eyes widened as anger began to build up in her. It was true that what Garlahad did was unforgivable, but in the end, she couldn't bring herself to hate the man. "How can you say that? Weren't you two on the same side?" She cried out.

"That doesn't mean we were friends. At the very least, we shared a similar hatred for this world and the ones in charge."

"What does that mean?!"


"Argh!" Allisa collapsed to her knees as the pounding in her head suddenly spiked. Her body then began to grow numb. N-Not.... Now....

Ellie relaxed her guard further. "You certainly seem more out of it. You were far stronger than this back at Sterland Forest." She then advanced towards the kneeling Allisa, stopping a few feet away, pointing her blade at Allisa's neck. "Whether you exhausted yourself fighting the guardian or something else entirely, either way, it saves me time."

Allisa glanced up at Ellie, who narrowed her eyes at her. Not good.... She tried to move her sword arm up, but couldn't muster the strength. She tried to teleport, but even that was beyond her. Is this it.....? Am I really gonna die here....?

Ellie drew back her blade, prepared to swing her blade while Allisa was helpless.

I-I don't want to die.... I can't die..... Allisa tired again and again, but her body just couldn't move in the slightest. Come on.... I need to move.... MOVE....!

"Farewell," Ellie said, just before she swung her blade. But moments before she did-


-A heartfelt cry came from the entrance. Ellie immediately froze. Her eyes widened with shock.

Allisa glanced towards the entrance, and couldn't believe what she saw. "What? No way?"

Ellie lowered her blade and slowly turned around.

Standing at the entrance, with short, messy and spiked chestnut hair, dirty traveling clothes, a rifle in hand with a small scar on her left cheek, stood a familiar face. It had been nearly a week since they had last met back at Gerlander after shipwrecking, where she departed trying to find someone. But this was the last place Allisa expected to run into this woman.

Ellie's face then hardened as the momentary shock passed her by. "So you found me, Kira."

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