《The Goddess’ Chosen》The One-sided Battle


"What the? What happened here?"

Kira had reached Howls canyon a while ago and descended into the dense fog covered valley. On the day down she encountered several dead Wyverns along the way, which indicated that someone had made their way through the area recently.

Right now she was in a large opening, where there was dead wyverns littering the area. Studying the corpses, the wounds were strange. Some of them looked scorched and burned while others were sliced by what she assumed was a sword.

".... May have been Allisa's group."

She recalled the battle with the Kraken on the voyage, one of Allisa's companions, a boy with a large scar on his chest, used some strange fire attacks. Another was a swordsman, a pro at that.

"Guess it was their handy work. Must really be here." Kira said to herself. "But....."

There was something that was bothering her. It was something she saw on some of the wyverns further up, and there were several here too. With those ones, some of them had crisscross patterns on their bodies. Others, like a few she saw here, had large chunks of their bodies 'diced,' chunks of meat blown off.

Doubt it could be that big guy. Could be that redhead but.... Na, those were done at the same time. Kira thought. She then shook her head all of a sudden. "Why am I thinking about this? I got bigger things to worry about."

With her rifle slung she charged forwards. She had no idea what was even in this canyon, and frankly, she didn't care. There was only one reason she was here, and she had this feeling that she was on the money.

I know you're here Ellie. Kira bit her lip as she moved forwards. It may've been four years but I know when you're around.

Allisa's party vs. Leone and Robin

"Shit!!" Cliff swore as he blocked another one of Leone's powerful kicks with his left arm, trying his best to ignore the pain.

Melvin drew out his wand and pointed it at Leone.

Leone grinned before backing off. Allisa appeared before while Meracle leaped up, both trying a pincer attack to catch her off guard.

Leone grinned as she put her arms up to block Meracle's kick while extending her leg to block Allisa by aiming for her hands when they came into view. Allisa was forced to back off while Leone pushed Meracle away, pivoted and kicked her in her side as she fell. Allisa Charged in again with an overhead swing, but Leone skirted out of the way, leaping up slightly and kicking Allisa as she fell though right in the back of the head, causing her to collapse to the ground.

"Urg..." Allisa tried to get back up, but the blow to her back of her head had disoriented her slightly, adding to her fatigue she felt before the fight began.

"Seem a bit out of it." Leone said as she walked up to her raising her right leg upwards ready to axe kick.


Leone's attempt was flawed when Meracle launched herself towards Leone. Leone was forced onto the defensive as the two began to exchange kicks that canceled one another out.

As the two were kept busy, Allisa managed to force herself back to her feet, rubbing the back of her head.

Melvin and Cliff watched the events unfold, cursing themselves that they couldn't do anything to help in their current condition.

"G-Go!" Allisa instructed them. "While her attention’s on us."


"But-" Melvin was about to speak up when Cliff grabbed him by his cape.

"Make sure you guys get out!" Cliff said as he dragged Melvin with him.

Leone saw the two feeling during her skirmish with Meracle. She sidestepped Meracle's next kick and struck her with a punch to the face before leaping after the two.

Allisa, however, teleported herself in the way while swinging her sword, repapering in mid-swing with her blade's edge a few inches from Leone's eye line. Leone leaned back just in time as Allisa's blade passed overhead and backflip back.

"Whew, that was close. Could've taken my head there."

Allisa steadied herself, breathing heavily. Her fatigue along with the dizziness she felt was only getting worse. I'm not sure how much longer I can keep this up. Seriously feel like I could pass out at any moment.

Leone stood up straight as Meracle stood several feet behind her, taking her martial arts stance.

"Ain't this a bit unfair, two against one and all that." Leone said, shrugging.

"There's no such thing as fighting fair. You're the one who taught me that." Meracle said scowling.

"Oh yeah, that sounds like me." Leone let out a sigh. "Reap what I sew I guess." Leone's stance shifted. "Guess I gotta start taking this seriously."


Max and Yuki leaped out of the way while Rodger ducked as another of Robin's arrows passed by, impacting in the wall behind them with enough strength to pierce through the wall itself.

"Missed again huh?" Robin muttered nonchalantly as another silver arrow materialized on his bow.

"Again?!" Rodger exclaimed as he slammed his hammer down, creating four walls in front of them. The arrow passed through all four, forcing those behind to leap out of the way again as the fragments peppered them.

"Damn those things pack a serious punch!" Yuki swore as he tried to regain his composure as what was left of the walls crumbled. Robin however, wasn't in front of them.

"He's gone?" Max exclaimed.

"Nope," A voice came from above. Robin was directly above him with an arrow already materialized on his bow.

Max swore as he leaped out of the way as quickly as he could before the arrow was loose but was caught in the unexpected shockwave that followed from the arrow hitting the floor. Max recovered enough to brace himself as he rolled across the ground.

"They may be strong, but my aim can be a bit off," Robin muttered as another arrow materialized. "Or you're just faster then you look."

A series of pillars suddenly launched from behind Robin, aiming at his back. Without even looking, Robin zipped quickly too the right while aiming his arrow towards Rodger, who had his hands to the ground.

"Uh oh!!" Rodger leaped out of the way before the arrow slammed against the ground, blasting him away by the shockwave.

As another arrow began to materialize, Robin glanced to his left, sensing something coming towards him. On instinct, Robin floated backward as an invisible force cut through the pillars, and passed by him by a narrow margin, clipping the feather in his cap.

"Projection? Na seems different." Robin evaluated as the cut pillars began to slide downwards towards the ground.

Yuki then leaped up onto the falling pillars before launching himself towards Robin, striking down with all his might at him.

Robin responded by blocking with his bow but was forced backward by the weight behind Yuki's strike, sending him crashing into the ground.


Yuki landed on the ground, keeping his on his toes. Suddenly, another arrow was fired. Yuki raised his blade in response, catching the arrow on the flat of his blade. "?!!" He was then sent flying through the pillars before he forced the arrow away, skidding across the ground leaving a trailed behind him. "Ow... bad idea," Yuki groaned as he forced himself to his feet, holding his sword out in front of him.

Robin was still where he was before, his bow still aiming at Yuki. "Your blade's not broken. Must be made outta something special. My arrows can penetrate most human armor so that sword should've shattered if it wasn't channeling Mana."

"Well, you not far off .... Guess I got my sensei to thank for that." Yuki said, still groggy from his flight. "Thank the goddess or whatever."

"I'll say," Robin said as another arrow materialized. "Let's try that- huh?"

Robin turned around sharply as Nel appeared behind him slashing downwards with her short blade, blocking the strike with his bow.

"Oh right... you. Thought you were trying to kill Leone." Robin said to her.

"She's next," Nel responded, drawing out her dagger, her eyes beginning to shine yellow.

"Hm..?" Robin pulled away from Nel, aiming his bow directly at her.

Before he could lose an arrow, the three boys had surrounded him; Rodger launched himself into the air with his hammer, which had collected rocks around the head. Max had rocketed himself towards him with a massive fireball forming in his hands. Yuki was down below, preparing to slash upwards.

"Gott'ya now!"

"I'll burn that stupid bow to ash!"

"No way you can dodge all three of us!"

Just before all attacks could hit, the arrow suddenly morphed into a green cylinder, which Robin aimed and loosed at the ground below him. A tornado followed suit, engulfing Robin in the center while blowing all three boys away.

Nel raised her arms overhead, shielding herself from the winds as Rodger landed close to her while Max and Yuki were forced further away.

"Are you alright?" Nel asked Rodger.

"Urgh..... Yes.... Maybe...." Rodger replied wirily, retrieving his hammer, which had lost its attachment to the rocks around the head following the blow back.

"Aw... What the hell was that?" Max yelled out as he struggled up.

".... That was a cyclone, I think." Yuki groaned as he forced himself to sit up.

"... Looked like a tornado to me."

"It's the same thing pyro."

Nel, being the only one who was still standing, narrowed the eyes at the bow. "I assume that's not an ordinary bow you've got there?"

"Cause not, I am an elf you know," Robin said casually raising his bow. "Its called Sifflet. And as you probably guessed, I can materialize different arrows that have different attacks." He then looked around at the boys who were still struggling to their feet. "That last one was just a barrier to keep you guys off me so it should've hurt that much. You guys must be worn ragged from fighting against Leo. Luck really isn't on your side, huh?"

"L-Leo?" Max asked as he got back to his feet along with Yuki.

"The guardian you just faced, enhanced by all the twelve other zodiacs." Robin responded looking back at Max. "You guys seriously didn't know that? Don't you work for the Arch Sage or something? Sure she knew something about it."

"... Yeah, like that witch would tell us anything." Yuki retorted.

"Oh yeah. Arch Sage Elaina's the one who sent you guys. Heard she was a piece of work."

"What makes ya think we're here cause of her?" Rodger spoke up, drawing Robin's attention. "After all, we're adventurer's who seek danger and excitement! We don't take orders from no one!"

"... Shut up you pipsqueak." Yuki groaned.

"How else could you have known about this place? Everyone knows everyone else here knows that this place is filled with monsters. Not even this place is known unless you decipher ancient text that only my master and that Arch Sage knows." Robin responded.

Nel suddenly appeared in his field of view, swinging her short blade towards Robin's neck, getting within a hair's width until Robin suddenly blocked it with his bow and backed away quickly avoiding Nel's next strike with her dagger.

"Whew, that was close," Robin said as he halted while Nel put her blades up. "I was talking you know."

"So? It's my instinct to take an opening when I see one." Nel responded.

Robin tilted his head. "... Your eye's glowed back there. Are you an assassin or something?"

Nel didn't respond.

"Thought so." Robin nodded, taking Nel's silence as confirmation. "What's an assassin doing playing adventurer? Aren't your missions about killing people?"

Nel hesitated slightly. ".... I don't believe that's any of your business." She responded sternly.

"Good point." A silver arrow began to materialize on Robin's bow, though slightly smaller than the previous ones. "Oh well. I've already killed loads of your kind before."

Nel's eyes widened.

Robin then loosed his arrow towards Nel, who dodged it by sidestepping to her left. Her eyes followed it as it continued forwards. Then to her shock, it changed direction during flight, curving around till it was aiming directly at Nel once again.

Startled, Nel stuck it with her short blade out of instinct, knocking towards the ceiling where it changed direction again. It's tracking me?!

Nel used quickstep to dodge the arrow, but it still followed her in the direction she took off, aiming directly at her back. Nel was about to turn around sharply in time to see it coming. A wall of earth then rose upwards and protected Nel. The arrow hit the wall and embedded itself into the rock before crumbling to dust.

"Whew, that was close." Rodger let out a sigh of relief, a hand on the ground. "You ok Nel?"

"Yeah, thanks." Nel nodded at him.

"But what was that? It was way different than the last one."

"Weren't you listening?" Robin asked him. "I can materialize different arrows that have different strengths. That first one pack a punch as you guys saw but the aim is way off. That one I just used can track who I want it to track at the cost of its punch. Get it?"

"Oh, kinda like Fred's slingshot," Rodger said scratching his hair beneath his helmet.

"I suppose that's that's one way to look at it," Nel said, keeping her defensive stance.

"..... I got a feeling I just got compared to some kinda droopy looking kid or something," Robin muttered as another arrow materialized on his bow. "meh, doesn't really matter. Your all pretty much half dead as is."

Reijingu Mizu, Stance 2:



Robin quickly floated down as one of Yuki's projectiles passed overhead, coming from his right.

"Don't sell us out yet!" Yuki yelled, holding his sword in front of him.

Robin turned sharply to aim his arrow at Yuki, intending to fire at him. Before he could, Max had launched himself towards Robin's right with a massive fireball in his hand. "We still got alotta fight left you floating leprechaun!!"

Robin turned to face Max who was already several feet away, ready to launch his fireball at Robin.

Got him now!

Before Max could carry though with his attack, a large, cloaked figure suddenly appeared to his left. Outstretched was a large, muscular and tanned arm with the palm opened up. Before Max could even comprehend what was happening, a bright light glowed from the palm as a single phrase was muttered.


Following a bright flash, Max was blasted across the battlefield, slamming into the lion statue in the center of the room.

Yuki, Nel and Rodger stood with their mouths agape, completely dumbfounded at what had happened. Max's impact had also drawn the attention of the other battle. Allisa, Meracle and even Leone turned to see the cause.

"Oh boy," Leone scratched the back of her head. "You guy's are screwed now."

At the statue, Max forced himself forwards, coughing up blood in the process. "Wha-what the- Argh?!!" As he stood up, a sharp pain came from his left side. Outing his hand there he felt a wet patch. He then realized that most of his left side from just below his armpit to his waist was covered in blood. What the hell? What just happened?

At the spot where he had been previously, stood a massive, dark and bulky man with long, silver hair, wearing a ragged cloak and trousers. His left arm was outstretched with a silver cross embedded in the palm of his hand.

Robin, w floated towards the man with his bow still in his hands. "Nice save Fark. That could've been bad if that hit." He said.

The man, Fark, didn't respond. Instead, he lowered his left hand, keeping his menacing gaze fixed at the wounded Max.

"Wh-who's that guy?" Rodger muttered, trying hard to keep his cool. "He just sent Max flying..."

Yuki gritted his teeth as he faced the newcomer. That pyro's tough, so for him to be wounded like that.... Just what did that guy do?

Nel looked more disturbed than the others. Now that she had a good look, she instantly recognized the newcomer. It was only yesterday that she saw him in Coverstone, where he mercilessly tore a werewolf apart with what she could assume to be a projectile attack. Then there was the immense amount of mana she could sense from him, enough to unnerve even her. Then there was the malice and bloodlust she felt from his gaze.

Closer to the entrance of the ruin was Melvin and Cliff, who was nearly at the exit but stopped at the commotion that had just occurred. "Who's that?" Melvin said with his eyes widened with shock.

"No one good, that's for sure," Cliff said.

"Guess he leaped in again. Must've been something up with that kid after all." A familiar voice came from directly in front of the two.

Standing before them was a familiar man with a 火 (ka) symbol etched on his chest and a Katana resting on his right shoulder.

"H-He's?!" Melvin exclaimed.

"Yeah! That guy we met yesterday." Cliff said gritting his teeth.

The man grinned while scratching his beard with his free hand. "Quite the unexpected reunion, wouldn't you say?"

An unwinnable situation

Allisa and Meracle drew their attention to the newcomer that was blocking Cliff and Melvin's escape.

"Yo So! You guys are second!" Leone yelled at him cheerfully waving.

"Haha! Guess I owe you a drink then Leone!" Sokaku called back.

Cliff and Melvin took a step back nervously. "You're that guy we ran into yesterday aren't you?" Cliff said to him, raising his left arm, keeping the tablet behind his back. "I'd ask what you're doing here, but that would be pretty pointless."

"Hm, that's true," Sokaku said with a very wide grin lowering his sheathed sword. "The fact that we are meeting here in this place under these conditions means we are enemies."

Melvin gulped as Cliff tensed up. "Honesty, what do you think our chances are?" Melvin asked Cliff.

"Can't really tell you at this point," Cliff said to him grimly.

Sokaku grinned as he raised his left hand, keeping the sword in his right sheathed. "Don't worry. Drawing my blade on an injured man goes against my honor."


"Oh no." Nel gritted her teeth in frustration.

"Don't worry. He won't kill them." Robin said to Nel. "He may be one of us, but he's got honor, I think."

"You think?" Rodger repeated.

"Well, he is one of us, so I dunno."

"Nel, kid," Yuki called out, drawing their attention. "Take care of those two." With those simple words, Yuki took off in the direction of where Cliff and Melvin were stopped.

"Huh? Where you goin?" Rodger looked confused as he watched Yuki charge off, not sure what he was doing.

"He'll be fine," Nel said to Robin sternly, keeping her eyes on Robin and Fark. "We've got these two to contend with."

"Yep." Robin said to Rodger, raising his bow. "Though it'll be a one-sided massacre with my new partner here."

Fark suddenly rushed away from the group, charging directly at the wounded Max right arm raised.

Max reacted quickly leaping out of the way as Fark reached him throwing out his right arm. What was left of the lion statue was shattered to pieces by an unseen force.

"What the-?" Max groaned as he picked himself up, holding his wounded left side. Just as he looked up, Fark had rushed forwards towards Max, swinging his left palm out towards Max.

Max once again ducked out of the way as a light emitted from the cross embedded in Fark's palm, scaring the ground in a crescent wave of destruction, blasting pieces of the ground out as the force carved its way through the ground. Max barrel rolled out of the way before getting back to his feet. "You're starting to piss me off!" Max snapped as he took in a deep breath and let out a roar of intense flames.

Fark stood his ground as the flames got closer and closer, raising his right had towards the flames. "Crash."

A bright light emitted from the palm, which dispersed the flames. Max put his arms up as an invisible force crashed into him, skidding backward across the ground. "Huh?" Max looked up at his astonished opponent. Blood was dripping from his hands as light criss cross cuts were etched into his skin. What the heck was that just now? My flames were just snuffed out.

Fark slowly lowered his hand as he glared at Max. "That mark on your chest.... And you're still in one piece when you were hit point-blank range by my projectile. Then there was that attack, almost like a dragon breathing fire." Fark's eyes narrowed. "You must be the rumored Salamander in Rosaria."

"R-Rumored?" Max painted grabbing his wounded left side.

"'A punk kid dressed in back with his chest exposed. A large scar on his chest along with the ability to emit flames from his body, even breathing it like a beast. Supposedly working for Arch Sage Dran.'" Fark chuckled humorlessly. "The Arch Sages must be growing senile if they would stoop so low as to employ abominations such as yourself."

A flash of rage sparked in Max's eye, ignited by Fark's words. "What was that?"

Fark rushed towards him again with his right arm raised. Max dodged out of the way as another force passed by him. Enraged, Max faired up his right leg and launched it towards Fark, who blocked by raising his left arm. Max jumped back, flaring up his fists before launching back at his opponent yelling at the top of his lungs.

Fark dodged the first blow and punched Max as hard as he could in the gut. Max gasped as air and blood escaped from his mouth following the blow, the flames on his hands were snuffed out as Fark withdrew his fist, allowing Max to collapse to his knees grabbing his gut.

Fark loomed over him raising his right arm up over Max's back. "Crash."

On instinct, Max rolled out of the way as Fark struck his hand downwards, damaging the ground beneath. Mas was caught up in the backlash of the force behind the blow, and was sent rolling further way. When he looked back, there was a small crater beneath Fark's right hand.

Fark slowly raised his hand back up, looking towards Max once again. "Is that all you've got?" He asked in a deep voice, raising his right hand up while clenching his fingers. "I was expecting you to put up more of a fight then this. Is this the true extent of your strength, or did you use up all your strength in defeating the guardian?"

"... Just having a bad day, that's all." Max gritted his teeth in frustration as he tried to get back to his feet. "You got some moves their old timer. Definitely seems like you have it out for me or something." He said in a partially jokey manner.

Fark lowered his fist as he continued to glare at Max.

"Not gonna tell me huh?" Max pressed as flames erupted on his right fist.

Fark slowly extended his arm out, opening his palm out towards Max, showing off the silver cross embedded within his palm.

"Right." Max then charged at Fark. "Not like I need to know to beat the crap outta you!!"


"He seems more aggravated today," Robin said watching Fark. "I seriously wouldn't wanna be that guy.

Rodger and Nel were also distracted by the battle between Fark and Max. "Whoa, that guy's intense." Rodger gawked.

Nel had her Piercer eyes active as she watched Fark's movements. That ability.... It's some kind of projectile attack emitted from his palms. Definitely some kind of Mana Channeling ability. Nel's eyes narrowed. But his strength.... It's not enhanced with mana, yet he can match someone like Max on brute strength alone.

"Since he's taking this seriously, guess that means I should finish this soon," Robin said as another arrow materialized on his bow.

Both Rodger and Nel put their guards up in response.

"That's what I was about ta say, floating pixie." Rodger taunted.

Nel looked more concerned, taking into account the strength of there new foes and how worn out they were following the previous battle. We need to retreat. We can't win this.


"GHA!!" The tablet fell from Cliff's hands as he took several steps back before collapsing to his knees.

"C-Cliff?!" Melvin exclaimed out of concern.

Sokaku stood over him, lowering his fist. "Seems you're in no condition to fight."

Cliff took deep breaths as he tried his hardest to get back to his feet, staggering as he rose up again, pulling back a fist. He then threw it forwards towards Sokaku's face. Sokaku back-stepped as Cliff staggered slightly before slamming his own fist into Cliff's gut. Cliff let out a cry as he collapsed to the floor once again, clutching his gut.

S-Shit... I can barely move.... It feels like my muscles are tearing themselves apart. It wasn't long ago that he had used the Level Up against the lion and the after effects were kicking in. Before he could at least bear it enough to walk, but fighting a strong opponent was another story. I'm in absolutely no condition to fight against someone this strong.... Damn it! What can I do?

Sokaku then began to walk away from Cliff, making his way towards the tablet.

"Wh-Where are you going." Cliff stuttered.

Sokaku looked back at Cliff. "It is against my principles to fight against an opponent who cannot fight back."

"Don't you even....!" Cliff gritted his teeth as he tried to put his remaining strength into getting himself up. "I-I can still...."

Sokaku sighed as he walked back towards Cliff and put his clogged sandal onto Cliff's back and gently pushed down, enough for Cliff to collapse back to the ground. "By the looks of it, I guess you have some ability that can increase your power at the cost of your body. An effective solution if you were facing a powerful opponent. The drawback is this. Without any time to recover you are more of a liability than an asset."

Cliff looked up at Sokaku, staring daggers at him.

"It certainly is a pity. I would have enjoyed a battle if you were in peak condition." Sokaku removed his sandal and turned back towards the tablet. Melvin stood over it, aiming his wand towards Sokaku. "Oho, I take it you're a wizard." Sokaku grinned as he stroked his beard. "You got guts lad, but I think you're a little out of your league."

Melvin gave him a determined look.

"That said I like that fire in your eyes. Makes you look like a true man." Sokaku said.

"R-Run..." Cliff grunted. "Your... in no shape to fight either."

Sokaku looked back at Cliff, then back to Melvin. "He's right. Even I can tell that just by looking at you." He said to him.

Melvin gritted his teeth and aimed his wand at Sokaku. "Don't underestimate me! I may be a kid, but I'm the apprentice of Arch Sage Dran!" He shot a determined look at Sokaku. "And one of the rules my master gave me was to only use my magic to protect others. That includes the friends I've made! Fire Bolt!!" A small puff of flames burst from the wand before quickly vanishing. "Eh?"

Sokaku sighed as he began to make his way towards Melvin.

"F-Fire bolt! Fire Bolt!" Melvin repeated the spell again, but only a small puff was emitted. "What...? I can't use magic?" Melvin stared in disbelief at his wand. Don't tell me.... Did I over do it back there? I know I summoned Cerberus and used a level 2 spell.... Don't tell me that's all I can do....?

As Melvin racked his brain, a dark shadow loomed over him. Looking up, he saw Sokaku standing in front of him, looking very imposing, almost as though a giant was standing over him. On instinct, Melvin reformed his barrier around him. Sokaku, however, kicked out, shattering the barrier like glass and catching him in the gut, the wooden clogs on his sandals dug in. Melvin was sent flying back, tumbling across the ground.

"Melvin!!" Cliff called out, trying to get back up but collapsed to his knees once again. "C-Come on! Move!"

Sokaku watched as Melvin tried to get back up looking, frustrated as he got to his hands and knees. "Is this.... All I can do?"

Sokaku sighed and turned towards the tablet once again. His expression then hardened as his grip on his sword tightened. A grin then formed on his grizzled face. He then pivoted around, raising his sheathed sword as Yuki charged in behind him, striking downwards at him.

Sokaku's arms buckled under the weight of Yuki's strength, but he didn't lose his grin as he stared into Yuki's face, which wore a similar expression of primeval joy. With a heave on his part, Yuki was forced off Sokaku before back-stepping back, keeping his blade fixed on his opponent.

"Yuki?!" Melvin exclaimed.

"Wh-What are you doing?" Cliff asked looking up.

"Ain't it obvious. I'm here to save your sorry ass." Yuki said, not taking his eye off his opponent.

Sokaku grinned as he lowered his right arm. "Quite a powerful swing you got their boy. Any normal man would lose their blade and their life."

"I'll take that as a compliment," Yuki said. "Now draw your sword."

Sokaku's expression changed. "Like I said to those two, I don't draw on and injured man."

Yuki grimaced. His expression grew darker. "Then I'll make you draw." He then charged forwards towards Sokaku, raising his blade overhead. Sokaku blocked once again with his scabbard and pushed Yuki back. Yuki then unleashed a flurry of violent strikes against Sokaku, who parried them with his sword still sheathed. Growing frustrated, Yuki backed off once again, positioning his blade to his right, ready for a vertical slash.

Stance 3: Nami!

Yuki unleashed his projectile attack, sending it towards his opponent, who just stood his ground, sidestepping at the last second as the cut passed by him, leaving a grove on the wall behind. Yuki then rushed forwards again, leaping into the air, raising his blade overhead.

Stance 6: Taki!!

The ground cracked underneath as dust and debris were forced into the air under the power of Yuki's attack. Melvin and Cliff watched the dust settle, unsure about what had happened.

When the dust finally settled, Yuki was still in the air, a look of disbelief was written on his face. His blade's edge was but a hair's width from Sokaku's forehead, and his own sword was by his side. He had blocked Yuki's attack by grabbing Yuki's swords hilt with his left hand.

What....? He blocked it....?

Sokaku then struck his sword forwards, hitting Yuki in the gut with the pommel of his sword. Yuki gasped as he was forced back, landing on the ground, tumbling on the ground.

"You certainly are strong," Sokaku said, glancing to his shaking left hand, "there was so much weight behind that swing if I'd loosened my grip even for a moment, that attack would have cleaved me in two."

Yuki gritted his teeth as he stood back up.

"But your fighting style is.... questionable."

"What's that suppose to mean?" Yuki asked annoyed at how his opponent worded the last part.

Sokaku rested his left arm while resting his sword on his shoulders and closed his eyes. "I can understand the desire to live, especially in this situation where you are forced into a difficult battle shortly after your last." Sokaku then opened his left eye. "But that's not what I felt from your attacks, they were not interested in self-preservation, nor to protect your comrades."

Yuki hesitated when he mentioned that.

"You swing your sword with the burning intent to kill.... No, not even that. I'd call it a desire to win. And to do that you blind yourself to everything else, to your comrades, to yourself."

Yuki charged forwards again, scheming as he struck down on Sokaku who blocked with the sheath of his sword. "Stop talking all high and mighty." He growled. "You don't know a damn thing about me!"

"Oh no?" Sokaku grinned as he punched his left arm into Yuki's gut, pushing him back. "Then why are you fighting me?"

"H-Huh?" Yuki gasped for breath, holding his gut.

"Did you honestly challenge me because you wished to save your friends? Are they even on your mind at this moment?"

Yuki cast his gaze downwards. "I-I...."

Sokaku huffed. "I've fought enough of your kind before to tell. You don't fight for others, and you don't fight for yourself. Its as though your seeking strength..." He gave Yuki a serious look. "Or, you're trying to hid your weakness."

Yuki's eyes widened. "W-Weakness?"

Images began to flood his mind, one of his past, a shine with a body of a girl before him covered in blood, and the other of his fight with Gai in Sterland Forest.

You've lost.

Gai's voice rang through his head.

You can't defeat me.

"Like I said..." Yuki growled, holding his blade out before him. "YOU DON'T KNOW A DAMN THING ABOUT ME!!!"

Cliff looked at Yuki's enraged face with narrowed eyes. Looks like he's got Yuki completely worked out. He felt his fists clench.

"It's why you hate Yuki, because he reminds you of yourself," Cliff remembered the words of the Elder after the Alchemist incident.

Guess we have more in common then I thought.

Melvin had just got back to his feet, watching the battle between Sokaku and Yuki. "That guys even got Yuki tied down." He then looked towards where the tablet was. Then his eyes widened. "Wh-What?!"

The tablet had gone.


"Geez, quite a mess now huh?" Leone said looking around.

Allisa and Meracle were lost as to what was happening. The two newcomers had just ruined their plains to escape, and both were putting up a strong fight against the already worn out force.

"Wh-Who are they?" Allisa regained enough composers to ask Leone up front, holding her blade out.

"My Friends, or something like that." Leone said with a cheeky smile. "But since those guys are here, the others shouldn't be too far behind."

".... Others?"


"Urg..." Allisa ground her teeth as another wave of pain struck. Not now...

"Allisa look out!!"

Before Allisa could properly regain her senses, Leone had rushed forwards, grabbing her arm, pivoted and threw her over her shoulder.

Allisa hit the hard ground on her back hard enough to crack it, letting out a gasp as she bounced off.

"In case you haven't noticed, you guys are completely screwed now. Forget about that coin thing, you'd be lucky if any of you get out alive." Leone then slammed her right foot into Allisa's gut.

"GHA!!" Allisa coughed as the air was forced out of her lungs.

"Oh and in case you were wondering, I wasn't trying to kill you guys off when first met. Though I gotta admit, I didn't expect you ta make it outta that death trap of a forest alive, or beat Dolton's group in that matter. Man, that made me laugh."

Allisa's left hand moved up to Leone's foot, trying to force it off. "Y-You knew about Dolton?" She groaned. "Did.... Where you responsible for the attack?"

"Not me, but it was my group that wanted that place out of the way." Leone grinned at her. "Never would have thought that you guys would actually save that place. Guess you're trying to be heroes or justice or some other crap like that."

Allisa's eyes widened. She tried to lift her blade in her right hand, but Leone had saw this coming and slammed down on her right hand. She let out another groan of pain as her eyes burned. "Y-You bitch!"

Leone's expression changed once again to a more serious one. "Like I said, this is nothing personal." She then raised her right foot off her belly. "Just buis-"

Before she could react, Meracle appeared and kicked Leone in the back of the neck. Leone was forced off Allisa and was sent flying forwards where she flipped over and skidded across the ground, holding her neck. She then glared at Meracle, who was standing before Allisa.

"M-Mary?" Allisa looked up at her.

Leone stood back up straight, rubbing the back of her neck. "Bad move kitty."

Meracle looked back to Allisa and smiled. "Are you ok?"

"D-Don't worry about me... Just run." Allisa instructed her.

Meracle looked back at Leone, narrowing her eyes.

"W-We can't win this... where all worn out from that lion," Allisa coughed, grabbing her gut. She was more winded then she had previously believed, and the pounding in her head wasn't going away.

"I won't screw up again." Meracle said to her as she lowered her body. "That's way I promised myself if I ever got an important mission again."

"Wh-Who cares about that?! Just run!!"

Meracle smiled. "I know milady didn't give you much of a choice, but I'm glad you took me along." She cast her gaze downwards. "It was short, but for the first time in a while, I finally felt I belonged somewhere again."

Allisa looked up at Meracle with widened eyes. The way she was talking, it sounded almost like her last words.

"M-Mary... What are you-"

Meracle then launched herself towards Leone, who continued to glare at her. "Seriously wanna do this little kitty?"

Meracle dropkicked towards Leone, aiming for her face. Leone raised her hands and caught Meracle's kick, which hit hard enough to force her back.

"Fine by me." Leone grinned as she forced Meracle off where she somersaulted backward.

Meracle's head jerked upwards as she launched herself back at Leone, sweeping a kick out towards her midsection. Leone grabbed a hold of Meracle's outstretched leg, blocking it to Meracle's surprise. Leone then pivoted around, spinning Meracle around before throwing her away.

Meracle spun around before skidding to a stop before launching herself back at Leone, bending over while launching, lifting up from the ground, followed by an upward kick towards Leone, who leaned back to dodge allowing Meracle's leg miss. Still upside down, Meracle touched down with her hand to spin herself clockwise with her legs extended like the blades of a helicopter rooter.

Leone blocked Meracle's blow with her right arm, followed by a powerful kick from her left leg, striking the venerable Meracle who was unable to dodge in her present stance, sending her tumbling away. Meracle recovered and skidded to a stop, holding her gut where Leone had hit.

Meracle launched herself towards Leone again, throwing out another kick, which Leone dodged by sidestepping, allowing her to pass by. Meracle landed close by, pivoted around, throwing a sharp right hook towards Leone, aiming at her face. Leone moved her head out of the way while throwing her own right hook, which slammed right into Meracle's face. Meracle was staggered backward from the blow. The punch had broken her nose which resulted in a nosebleed. As she fell backward, Leone moved quickly, ducking and sweeping her legs to trip the staggered Meracle, followed by a sharp upwards kick that shot Meracle into the ceiling, the area underneath shattered under the force.

"MARY!!!!" Allisa cried out.

Huh? What.... Meracle fell back towards the ground along with several fragments. The attack had left her dazed. Before she hit the ground, Leone appeared in the air, spinning around, followed up by a hard kick that sent her crashing into the ground with enough force to form a small crater around where she landed.

Allisa could only stare in shock as the dust settled, showing a battered and bruised Meracle.

Leone landed back on the ground, looking towards the injured Meracle, who was trying to stand back up. "You must've known this is what would happen." Leone said with a sly grin. "There was no way you could possibly beat me, even if you hadn't fought that guardian thing down below."

Meracle finally got back to her feet, wiping a residual trace of blood from her nose and mouth, glaring at Leone who taunted her by waving her fingers in 'come here' motion.

"AHHHH!!!" Meracle schemed as she charged forwards. She didn't get too far when Leone launched herself forwards into her right foot landing on Meracle's face, hitting gently enough not to send her flying away. Using a gentle enough push, she forced Meracle onto the ground with her foot still implanted on her face.

"Geez, your such a joke, trying ta act all cool back there." Leone said while Meracle grabbed ahold of Leone's leg to try and force her off. "Its exactly losers like you and that girl over there who try to be heroes that are the first to die."

"Urgh... Rrrrgh..." Meracle groaned as Leone slowly applied more and more pressure to her foot.

"You seriously wanted ta change and look where this got you. Its exactly the same thing before, you try ta play the hero and wind up under my foot, literally." Leone's whimsical look disappeared as she looked at Meracle struggle. "Must be fate that this happened again. This time though, there's no chance of you getting out alive."

"G-Get off her!"

Leone's attention was drawn away from Meracle. "What was that?"

Allisa had struggled to her feet, breathing heavily. She fixed an angered stare at Leone. "You heard me," With her sword in hand, Allisa charged forwards towards Leone. "GET OFF MARY!!" Allisa yelled as she raised her blade overhead, prepared to strike down on Leone.

Just as she reached her, another figure rushed in between the gap. A loud clang of metal meeting metal resonated across the battlefield as the newcomer blocked Allisa's strike.

"What?" Allisa was bewildered, only just noticing a bandaged hand positioned over the blade that blocked her sword.

"6 Elemental,"



Allisa instinctively teleported away as an inferno blasted the area in front of her.

She reappeared a few feet back, staring in shock at the newcomer.

"So it's you again. I should've known."

The newcomer was instantly recognizable to Allisa. With short silver hair and a scar by her right eye, armed with a sword, wearing dark jeans and a black bikini with her entire left arm from her hand to her shoulder bandaged. It was the same person she encountered back in the underground waterway near Deadman's End. The person Kira, the woman from the ship, was searching for.


The woman gave Allisa a cold stare, slowly raising her blade, pointing the tip directly at her opponent. "I had a feeling you'd show up again. It truly must be fate."

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