《The Goddess’ Chosen》Mist filled Canyon


"My King. May we speak?" Fredrik approached me.

"Of course my friend." I nodded to him. "And I told you, I am not your king. Speak to me as you would a friend."

"If only it was that easy," Fredrik smiled and sat down with me.

It had been many months since my arrival in this strange new world. Since then, the conflict with Rosaria spilled into my world, to my beloved Britain. Men from Avalon came to my world, burned several towns to the ground. Most of my knights were powerless against their knights who overwhelmed them with the use or mana.

Only through our return to my world, accompanied by Rina and the Elves, we forced the invaders off. But the damage was heavy. Camelot itself was almost left in ruin while London was burnt to the ground. The roundtable then came to a decision to go to war with Rosaria for what they have done.

But I know alone, we stood no chance against the magic wielders of Avalon. Even with Merlin on our side, there was too much of them to win in an all-out war. Are only chose to strike against them in a battle that took away their advantage, much like the battle of Homic pass where we used the valley in our favor.

And so we march to Riser, not to besiege, but to infiltrate. Fredrik told us of a hidden passage that would take us to the castle. From there, we will proceed to the throne room and confront King Roudolf.

I admit this plan is risky with the short numbers at our disposal, my own knights of the Roundtable, Rina and the Elfen warriors and a handful of Rosarian warriors who have thrown their loyalties to Fredrik.

But I have confidence in Fredrik's tactical skills. He has never led us astray, and I have every confidence in his skills. Although, while we spoke mostly on the upcoming battle, I could sense there was something on his mind.

"What else is troubling you?" I asked.

Fredrik looked surprised at first, but then relaxed and looked out over the scenery before us. "I'm just wondering what will happen after."

"After? You mean with your father?"

Fredrik nodded. "It won't change the fact that there is still conflict in our world. The King of Thorns will still be a threat."

I couldn't help but agree. Even if we save Rosaria from its corruption, it doesn't change the fact that the King of Thorns is still out there.

"The elf, she says you are destined to save our world from chaos." Fredrik looked at me. "Can... can you really fix this broken world?"

It was quite a challenge, even for me. After all, I know nothing about fixing my fragmented world.

".... If I can defeat the King of Thorns, then maybe this world can be saved."

"I agree but...." Fredrik looked uneasy. "Can you defeat him? Many of the strongest in all of Avalon challenged him, but none survived. It said he has the power to destroy entire armies single-handedly. Can you truly defeat such overwhelming power?"

I looked back out over the view. "I have too," I answered simply. "I made a chose to create a fair and just world that everyone is proud to live in." I reached out my hand before me and clenched it. "Even if it takes a lifetime, it is a dream I hold dear."

"That's nice, but it's best you don't make promises you can't keep."


Both Fredrik and I were startled to our feet by a voice coming from behind us.

"Who's there?" I demanded as I summoned my sword.

"You really think you can save a world so blackened by malevolence so thick not even a thin ray of light can penetrate? It is a bold statement, and one I feel you will suffer for in the end." Emerging from the darkness was the strangest thing I had ever seen in my life.

A small boy, but with hair whiter than snow, skin so pale as though the sun had never kissed it, and those blood-red eyes giving the image of pure evil.

He smiled at me and spoke once again. "And so we finally meet, Goddess' Chosen."


Allisa gasped as she snapped her eyes open, her head pounding more than usual. "What the....?"

It was another dream, she knew that, and as usual it skipped forwards from her last dream to the point she had forgotten what this series of images was about. But that last one stood out, the strange boy at the end, the very same boy she met in Triest Sea Temple.

"That was... Yun." She thought out loud, grasping her pounding head. It may have been a while but there was no mistaking it. "But how...?"


Allisa jumped slightly. Nel was already up and was dressed.

"Oh... morning." Allisa nodded. She'd forgotten that the girls were sharing a room. She looked over to Meracle, who was still sound asleep, lying backward on her bed with her hands stretched everywhere.

"Are you ok? You look pale." Nel asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah..." Allisa said though it came out groggier than usual. "Just a... bad dream."

Nel looked skeptical but nodded as she picked up Allisa's clothes from the floor. "If you say so." She said as she tossed them to Allisa. She then walked over to the still sleeping Meracle and grabbed her tail.

"MYAAAA!!!!!" Meracle shot up and landed on all fours while hissing at Nel.

"Thought that would work." Nel nodded.

Meracle slowly sat back down on her bed, her face all flustered. "... You meany," She groaned. "You're no better than Malady.

Ignoring her, Nel took her blades and strapped them on her person as she departed. "We'll meet downstairs." She announced as she opened the door and left the room, ignoring Meracle who was sticking her tongue out at her.

"Did that hurt?" Allisa asked Meracle.

"Mmmyaa..." Meracle groaned as she brought her tail to her view. "... My tail's really sensitive." She said. She then looked at Allisa, and her expression softened. "Hey.... Are you sick or something?"

"Huh? No, I'm fine." Allisa said as she got out of bed.

"You sure? You look kinda pale."

Allisa walked to a nearby mirror and saw what she and Nel were talking about. It wasn't too bad, but she did look a little pale. "D-Don't worry, I'm fine, really," Allisa assured her quickly as she walked back to her clothes that were on her bed.


Allisa was about to put her top on when she felt Meracle was staring at her intensely. "Wh-What?"

Meracle grumbled loudly as she looked down to her chest and then backs at Allisa. "Uh... How old are you again?"

"Uh... I'm 15." Allisa answered, not seeing where this conversation was going.

That didn't seem to cheer her up. She looked down at her chest again. "...Hmmm, there's only a two-year difference." She muttered to herself as she started touching her chest.


Allisa still didn't know what she was getting on about, and she had a strong instinct telling her that she didn't want to know. "L-Lets get a move on," She said as she quickly put her top back on and picked up her shorts. "Otherwise, Nel's gonna chew us out."

Howls in the Wind

The party continued on their journey to Löwe Höhle, a mostly uneventful journey through the countryside. With Nel leading the way, they passed through farmland, and the occasional village until they reached a large canyon covered in a thick fog. There was a strong wind that blew through the entire canyon, making a low, growling sound.

The paths they took were particularly narrow, mixed with the fog, this made traversing dangerous.

"Wha!!" Rodger was about to slip but was saved by Cliff who grabbed the straps of his trousers. "Thanks." Rodger nodded.

"Just watch where you're going," Cliff instructed.

"I can't see anything," Allisa commented as they continued along the path. She looked forward to Nel who was leading the way. This time she had no map in her hands, as the map they were provided with by the Arch Sage did not cover the canyon. "Hey Nel. Are you sure we're going the right way?"

"Probably," Nel responded.

"..... Probably?"

"The map doesn't say exactly where the temple is, just that it's somewhere deep in this canyon."

"That's not very helpful," Melvin said to her. He then almost slipped due to the uneven ground, but quickly caught himself. "What's with this fog anyway?"

"I dunno," Cliff muttered as he looked out into the fog-covered drop. "But it feels pretty ominous. Like something's gonna jump out at us."

"Please don't say that," Melvin responded looking concerned. "With our luck, that's bound to happen now."

"Sorry." Cliff bowed his head.

"Ah, what ya worried about?" Rodger said, sounding more relaxed than the others. "If anything does come out, we'll just beat the crap outta them."

"Sounds like a plan." Max agreed with him.

"Wish I had your optimism." Cliff sighed.

Max then looked back to Allisa and Meracle, who was trailing behind them with Yuki bringing up the rear. "You two ok back there?"

"Yeah, we're fine." Allisa nodded to Max.

"I'm ok too," Yuki muttered without looking.

"I wasn't talking to you," Max said coldly, in which Yuki snorted in response.

As they quietly continued, Allisa looked to Meracle, who looked very nervous, indicated by how she was fiddling with her fingers and with her tail hanging loosely. "Everything ok?" She asked.

"Mmmm...." Meracle looked down to the ground. "I..... I don't like this place." She said quietly.

"Not alone there." Allisa agreed with her. Max then suddenly stopped, causing Allisa to bump into him. "Ow, why'd you stop?" He immediately swooshed her and looked out to the valley with a serious look in his eyes. "M-Max?"

Everyone ahead then noticed Max's change of attitude and stopped. "What is it?" Cliff asked.

".... There's something out there." He said.

Everyone listened carefully, hearing the strange groaning that resonated around the valley.

"That's just the wind. R-Right?" Allisa asked.

"I dunno," Yuki said as he slowly gripped his sword. "That doesn't sound much like the wind."

Nel also took note of the strange noises and looked troubled by something. "We should keep moving." She announced as she began to continue walking. "Keep your eyes peeled. We might not be alone."

The party walked on in silence, nervously looking out to the crevice. They eventually took the path across a rock bridge that stretched out over the gap. The winds were stronger while walking across, and also amplified the moaning in the wind.

"Does anyone else get the feeling those sounds are getting closer?" Allisa asked, using one hand to keep her hair from blowing in her face.

"There's definitely something out there," Max responded. Allisa was surprised by his tone, which was more serious than it usually was.

"Can you smell anything?" Melvin asked tapping his nose.

Max shook his head. "Whatever it is, it's masked it's sent," Max responded.

"Hey, are you ok?" Allisa asked him.

"Uh... yeah! I'm fine. Why?" Max responded surprised to be asked.

"You seem tense."

Max was about to deny it, but then looked down to the ground with a saddened expression. "... It's just," His gaze looked out to the canyon. "This place kinda brings back some memories." His expression was enough to tell Allisa that it wasn't good memories.

Nel then suddenly stopped, causing the others to stop as well.

"What is it?" Cliff said with a sense of urgency.

Nel responded by raising a hand. She then concentrated her hearing on the howls in the wind, and they seemed to draw closer and closer. "Something's coming." She announced suddenly, drawing her blades.

Alerted, everyone gazed out into the valley where she was looking, Allisa summoning her blade, Rodger and Melvin taking out their tools while Max, Cliff, Meracle and Yuki took defensive stances.

"What is it?" Allisa asked.

Nel activated her piercer eyes to survey the area in front of her. Where is it? The howls were beginning to get louder and louder.

"Nel, what are we doing?" Cliff asked as he tensed up.

"Quite," Nel instructed as she concentrated. Despite the superior vision, her ability gave her, visibility was still poor due to the fog that blanketed the area. If there was something out there, it was well concealed.

However, Nel was able to pick up something, a shadow that was visible in the fog, and moving towards them. Realizing this she immediately shouted out, "EVERYONE DOWN!!"

At her instruction, everyone ducked, just as something swooped past them at high speeds, followed by a loud roar. The creature turned sharply and hovered a few feet away from them. It was a black creature with a long neck, bat-like wings, covered in scaly armor, with legs that sharp talons.

Only one thought crossed Allisa's mind as she saw the creature. "Is that a- A dragon?!"

Meracle was just as startled as she was, timidly putting her defenses up while budging closer to Allisa.

"Technically it's a wyvern," Nel responded. "There a smaller breed. A lot less dangerous."

"So? There still dragons no matter how you look at them!"

Allisa looked to Max, who had an expression she'd never seen on him before, one of pure hatred, grinding his teeth hard with a scary scowl.

"M-Max?" Allisa said nervously.

Cliff looked at him, seeming just as concerned as Allisa. "Wait, what are you-"

The Wyvern then charged down at them, opening its jaw wide. Max then crouched down to the ground. Before anyone could stop him, he launched himself forwards, propelled by flames from his feet at the speed of a bullet and slammed into the monster's torso hard enough to force it back. As Max began to fall, the Wyvern recovered and spun around, letting out an angered roar at Max.

Max grinned savagely as his hands ignited. "Want some more, huh?" he taunted.

"Wyverns fly in groups, you idiot!!" Nel suddenly called out.

"Huh?" Max looked behind him at the others. As he did, a second Wyvern burst from the fog and slammed into Max, swooped overhead the others and disappeared into the fog.

"That moron," Nel cursed under her breath.

"MAX!!!" Allisa called out to him.

"Is he ok?" Meracle asked as the two of them looked in the direction Max disappeared too.

"Was he eaten?" Rodger asked.

"It'll take more than that to take him out," Melvin reassured them.

Before they knew what happened next, Yuki grabbed both Allisa and Meracle and leaped backward while Cliff dragged both Melvin and Rodger in the opposite direction. The Wyvern Max had just swapped towards them and smashed through the rock bridge, separating the two groups.

"Shit!" Cliff cursed as he saw the gap created.

"That was close." Yuki sighed as he looked up as the wyvern that was circling towards him and the two girls.

The rock they were on was starting to crack and showed clear signs that. What's more, the Wyvern that had broken the rock bridge had turned around and set its sights on his group.

"Not good," Yuki clicked his tongue and looked to Allisa and Meracle who were getting back to their feet. "Sorry bout this."

He then rushed the two and picked them both up by wrapping his arms around their bellies.


"Wh-What are you doing?!"

Both squirmed as Yuki rushed to the edge. "Teleport to safety!" He instructed.


Before they got any answers, Yuki tossed both of them into the canyon before pivoting on his heel while pushing his swords cross guard with his thumb, just before the Wyvern smashed into him and disappeared into the fog.

Meanwhile, the second group was running towards the edge of the canyon as the rock bridge began to give way.

"Why can't anything ever be easy?!" Melvin complained while running.

"I'm starting to wonder that myself!" Cliff added as the edge was catching up to them.

While running, Rodger looked back to see shooting up from below and was diving after them. "Uh... ones coming towards us!! Whatta we do?!!"

"Just keep running! We can't fight back with this thing coming down!" Cliff yelled at him. The path ahead was leading to a cave, which would save them from becoming food for what was after them. Unfortunately, the wyvern was diving faster than they could run and was bound to catch up to them before they reached the cave.

"Not. Gonna. Make it!!" Melvin yelled when he realized that fact.

Nel sighed and drew her blades out. "Keep going to the ruin. Where all bound to meet up there."

"Wha- What are you thinking?!" Cliff asked.

As though answering, Nel skidded to a stop and pivoted around and used quickstep to launch forwards, charging into the Wyvern and stabbing it in the head with her short blade. The Wyvern halted its dive and wailed in pain, lifting its head up as it roared. Nel plunged her other dagger into its head and clung on for dear life as the beast flew upwards again, just as Cliff, Rodger and Melvin reached the sanctuary of the cave.

And so, once again, the party had become divided amongst the canyon, pray to whatever foul creatures lurked deep within the fog.

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