《The Goddess’ Chosen》The Thief


"Milady, are you sure about sending Mary out with them?"

"She's been complaining about not having a proper job," Elaina said to Cory while skimming through a book.

"Did you forget what happened last time?" Pressa said with her eyes examining the bookshelf.

"That makes this the perfect time to redeem herself," Elaina responded.

"Are we still going on about that?" Cory sighed. "You know how bad she feels about it."

"I'm aware," Elaina said casually, not looking up from the book in her hands. "And if they screw up, there's still plan B."

"That's the worst case scenario though."

"So no harm done,"

Cory let out another sigh. It had been a little over an hour since Meracle left with the Goddess' Chosen to Löwe Höhle, and already she was nervous. Meracle wasn't the most reliable girl in the world; in fact, she was a walking disaster who has yet completed a simple task. With what at stake, Cory was increasingly uneasy about this arrangement.

"Hey... Milady,"

"Hm?" Elaina hummed, not looking up from the book she was reading.

"I've been wondering for a while now but why did you let Mary become your aid?" Cory asked curiously.

"Because she's cute," Elaina replied almost instantly.

"That was a serious question."

"And that was an 80% serious response." Elaina nodded, causing Cory to sigh again.

"So... what's the 20%?"

"She's dumb."

Cory was a little taken aback by the answer. "Ok, I'm lost. You took her on because she's dumb?"

"Exactly. And I prefer dumb people over... Well, stuck up 'know it all' people like Pressa." Elaina then looked up to Pressa. "No offense." She said before glancing back at the book.

"None taken," Pressa replied to Elaina with a small wave.

"You're gonna have'ta explain this a bit more," Cory said.

"Ok, say there was a treasure chest with something that can cure every disease, but there is a 50% chance that it's booby-trapped. Someone like you would waste time rationalizing whether or not the item is worth the risk. Someone like Meracle, on the other hand, would open it up without thinking, hell of the consequences." Elaina summarized. "Get it?"

Cory rubbed her chin before answering. "So... basically, she doesn't think?"

"Dumb people don't pointlessly rationalize and overthink. They act on instinct over all else. That is Meracle's true strength."

"B-Because she's... dumb?" Cory sighed again. "I still don't get it."

"Stop overthinking and start helping," Elaina said while she resumed sifting through the book at her lap. "If they fail we need to know exactly where it's seal. If not, we're screwed."

"Ok," Cory said walking over to the bookshelf, let out another sigh. Mary, best of luck. You're really gonna need it.


"Myahaaa!! Finally a real mission and not one of Pressa's stupid chores!" Meracle cheered as she jumped around on the cobbled road the party traveled, some of them not looking terribly impressed with the latest addition to the team, particularly since that very same girl had just robbed them only hours ago and humiliated them shortly after the theft.

"One annoying kid with a tail is enough. Why do we have to have another one?" Cliff groaned.

"It's not like I had a choice this time." Allisa sighed. "Still, let's try to get along."

"I still ain't forgiving her!" Rodger blurted out with his fists rose. "A real man must never forget his grudges. That's what pa says."


"You weren't the one robbed," Cliff said, patting him on the helmet.

"You guy's still caught up on that?" Meracle pouted. "I said I was sorry. And it's not like you had a lot on ya."

"So what did you spend that money on?" Max asked.

"Some ridiculously expensive milk Pressa asked me for. And after all that, she says I bought the wrong one."

"And you had to rob the three of us to buy it?" Cliff pressed.

"I said I was sorry!" Meracle scoffed, her tail shooting up. "Geez, can't you just let it go?"

That statement didn't do anything to reassure the boys' wounded pride, so Allisa dove in the way of the boys before any of them could respond. "Look, we're stuck with her, so let's just try to get along." The boys slowly gave in to Allisa. Meracle leaned out beside Allisa and stuck out her tongue. "That doesn't mean you're off the hook," Allisa said bopping Meracle on the head, facing her with a stern look. "Didn't your parents ever tell you stealing is wrong?"

"Nya... I don't have any parents," Meracle responded, rubbing her head. "I've been an orphan for as long as I can remember."

"Uhh..." Allisa leaned back realizing what she just said. "S-Sorry..."

"Nice going," Cliff said sarcastically.

"Very insensitive you know," Melvin added.

"Sh-Shut up!! I didn't know!" Allisa snapped.

"No no, it's ok!" Meracle came to Allisa's defense. "I mean, I don't remember them or anything so I'm not upset about it." She awkwardly rubbed the back of her head. "It's not like I wanted to steal. I literally had to in order to survive."

".... I guess I can sympathize with that." Melvin said. Before becoming Dran's apprentice, he did pretty much the same thing in order to survive.

"So how'd you become one of that witch’s aids?" Max asked.

"Witch?" Cliff looked at him. "... Not disagreeing with you on that one."

"Oh... mya, long story," Meracle said sheepishly. "Let's just say I tried stealing from her."

"Whoho, seriously?" Rodger said amazed.

"Myeah... You can probably tell it didn't go well." Meracle nodded. "But instead of turning me in she made me one of her aids."

"You tried stealing from her but she made you work for her?" Allisa asked. From first impressions, she didn't see that horrible lady do something generally nice like that, particularly to someone that tried stealing from her.

"I don't get it either," Meracle answered her. "But... in some way I owe her a lot." She looked up to the sky with a smile on her lips. "Even if she's an evil witch." She added with a weary smile.

"So any idea why the 'evil witch' dumped you with us?" Yuki asked bluntly, gaining him a few stairs from the others. "Oh, like you're not curious."

".... Well," Meracle hummed to herself before answering. "If I had'ta guess, probably cause I'm, uh.... Clumsy."

"Clumsy?" Allisa repeated. "Wait, she dumped you on us cause your.... Clumsy?"

"Well, knowing her, and how she said she needed me out of her hair, that's the best I can think of." Meracle sighed before she began to mutter to herself. "Sure I screw up time to time.... It's not like I can cook or anything but they could've been more supportive. Though I still don't get how I managed ta burn the laundry."


She muttered on and on about various screw-ups, from messing up shopping to nearly destroying the old residence just by trying to clean it. It was enough to worry the others, as well as allowing them to understand why the Arch Sage had bumped her on them.

".... This probably isn't stuff you want us to hear." Cliff interrupted Meracle.

"My 'a lot of trouble is in store for us again,' vibes back." Melvin sighed.

"Hey! I'm not completely useless!" Meracle snapped. "I mean... I'm good in a fight. You all saw what I can do."

"She's got a point there." Nel acknowledged. "She managed to hold her own against all of you."

"You had to bring that up?" Cliff sighed as he felt a sting at his pride.

"I wasn't trying to pick at your pride," Nel reassured him.

"Oh yeah, you were kinda awesome," Allisa said to Meracle. "I mean, you held against all of them on your own." The boys slumped down when she brought that up again. "What was that you did?"

Meracle put her hands on her hips and puffed out her chest. "Cait Sith Martial Arts." She said proudly.

"Martial Arts?"

"Uh," Meracle nodded. "Is a fighting style that uses ma-ma-maga...?"


"Yeah! That's it. I use it to enhance my strength and speed."

"Really?" Cliff said, sounding intrigued.

"Sounds similar to your ability," Nel said to him.

"Yeah, I guess. But mine just enhanced my physical strength, not anything like speed." Cliff said back, rubbing his arm. "Does explain the weight behind that kick."

"Hold on," Melvin interrupted. "You said you're an orphan, where did you learn to do that? I know for a fact that that kind of power and skill can't be picked up that well off the street."

"Cory taught me," Meracle said. "Though I could do that maga stuff before. Cory trained me after I joined milady. But I'm not as good as her though, I can only focus my power to my legs."

"Does explain a lot," Max said, rubbing the back of his head, remembering her burying it in the ground.

"I promise I won't be a burden to you guys," Meracle said looking sincere. "I can take care of myself, and I promise I won't get in your way." She then looked a little sad. "I won't screw up like that again." She said in almost a whisper.

Allisa scratched the back of her head as she thought of a way to respond.

"Like she said, we're already stuck with you so we might as well try to get along," Nel answered for Allisa. "Just stick close to Allisa. She'll look after you."

"Wait, What?!" Allisa turned to her.

"You're the leader so new party members are your responsibility." She said with a mischievous smile as she walked past with a small wave.

"Like she said, 'leader,'" Yuki added coldly.

"Thanks, leader," Cliff said.


Melvin and Max walked past giving her thumbs up.


"Don't worry boss," Rodger said as he walked past her and Miracle. "As co-boss, need a hand, just holler." He gave her thumbs up as ran to catch up.

Meracle looked at the bewailed Allisa confused. "Are you really the leader? Doesn't look like it."

"I am in name only." Allisa sighed. The leader thing had only recently begun when they were in Sterland Village and was literally forced on her because no one else wanted to make the decision to have Rodger join them.

Meracle then looked to the ground. "Everyone kind of sounds like I don't belong here." She mumbled.

Allisa looked to her. "You weren't in our plans that's for sure." She then smiled and patted Meracle. "But, nothing ever goes as planned with us, so no biggy."

Meracle looked up at her and smiled. "Thanks, I'll do my best to be helpful."

"Come on. Let's catch up."


The two set off after the rest of the group. "By the way, why does Cory call you Mary?"

"Oh, she gives a lot of people nicknames," Meracle said sheepishly. "But I don't mind that name."

"Do... you mind if I call you Mary?" Allisa asked. "I think it suits you."

"Sure." Meracle nodded cheerfully. "So... where are we going again?"

"La-lao- something?" Allisa scratched her head as she tried to remember the name of where they were going. "Nel's got the map so we'll follow her." She saw Meracle looking up at her confused.

"That's.... who?"

"Oh right, you don't know the others." Allisa smiled warily. "Nel's the other girl. The two kids are Melvin and Rodger. Rodger's the one with the tail. Uh, Max is the boy with the X mark on his chest, Cliffs the big guy."

"I see." Meracle nodded. "And that scary guy with the sword."

"Oh him." Allisa scowled. "That jerks called Yuki."

"Myaw...?" Meracle looked a little confused by Allisa's reaction to him.

"It's nothing." Allisa shook her head. "Come on. They'll leave us behind at this rate."


By Nel's estimate, it would take them about two days to reach Löwe Höhle by foot. With the exception of Meracle, the party had been traveling for nearly the entire day and with the sun beginning to set, so at the Next town, a small Market town called Coverstone, the party decided to call it a day.

After reaching the nearest inn the party split up, Yuki departing almost immediately after arriving.

"Whew, I'm exhausted," Allisa complained as she walked towards the town center.

"Hey! Wait up!"

Allisa turned round to see Meracle running towards her. "Oh, Hey!"

"Are you going somewhere?" Meracle asked when she reached Allisa.

"No, just wanted to explore this place a little," Allisa answered.

"Oh, can I come with ya?" Meracle asked eagerly.

"Sure, but I'm just walking around," Allisa said as she began to walk to the town square.

"That's ok," Meracle nodded as she followed on. "Kinda wanted ta ask you about your world." She asked with her hands behind her back.

"My world? You mean Terra?"

"Yeah, Cory said she's been there and told me stories about it while we were training together."

"Oh yeah," Allisa recalled that Cory said she had visited her world for a mission. Wonder if it was something like what Nel was ordered to do when we first met?

"So is it true that you have these weird boxes that light up with moving pictures?" She asked.

"You mean TV's?"

"And you have those weird wagons that can drive themselves, like those things they have in Miltesa?"

"If you mean cars they-"

"Oh! And there's this huge place where you can get almost anything, like a Market, only bigger."

"That's a-"

"And there's those tiny box thing that you can speak through, oh and-"

Allisa chuckled before interrupting Meracle's next wave of questions. "Let's stick with one question at a time." She said.

The two walked and talked along towards the town square. It was a short walk, but by the time they reached the town square, which had a stone circle enshrined in the center, Meracle was still asking questions about her world. On the way, Allisa had noticed that she was receiving a few stares from onlookers. She couldn't really blame them since she was the only one she could see that didn't have cat ears or a tail. It was similar to the looks she got from Sterland Village where she stood out even more from being far bigger than the Samiet's.

"..... So, you humans really keep dogs as pets," Meracle looked a little disappointed with the answer to her latest question.

"I take it you don't like dogs," Allisa asked amused, sitting down close to the stone circle.

"Can't stand them," Meracle replied instantly. "Especially their bark. Their monsters I tell ya,"

Allisa couldn't help but chuckle at Meracle's almost childlike response.

"Still, your world sounds pretty amazing," Meracle said, changing the subject.

"....Uh," Allisa didn't look too sure about Meracle calling her world amazing. Meracle noticed this change in her attitude.

"You don't think so?"

Allisa remained quiet and sheepishly looked down. ".... Probably cause I actually live there." She responded. "I.... I actually prefer it here." She sounded a little sad. "I mean, my world’s just so.... Complicated."

"Mew..." Meracle didn't really understand what Allisa was saying. "What do you mean complicated?"

".... It's hard to explain. I just don't feel like I fit in there anymore. Since coming here I realized just how messed up and complicated my world was. Everything was so difficult, there's bad news everywhere you look, if you're different you're picked on, if you fail at school you'll end up a loser," Allisa sighed. She realized that this was mostly based on her experience. "S-Sorry... I didn't mean to ramble on there." She said to Meracle, who looked a little perplexed.

"It's ok," Meracle said. "But... you really prefer it here than back home?" She asked looking puzzled, "It's not really any better here in this world. I know that better than most."

Allisa didn't answer immediately and cast her gaze downwards. "I.... don't really know anymore." She said quietly. "Like I said, it's complicated." She shrugged off her unease as she got back up.

"Come on, we should-"


Suddenly she lost strength in her legs and fell back down, her head began to hurt.

"Are you ok?" Meracle asked, a little confused about what had happened.

"Y-Yeah," Allisa said whirly as she tried to get back up again. "Don't worry, it's probably just-"


"And so we finally meet, Goddess' Chosen."

"AH... AHAARRG!!!"

Allisa then collapsed to the ground clutching her head. It felt like her head was tearing itself apart.

"Allisa?!" Meracle ran to her side as she rives in pain. "Hey, whats wrong? Allisa?!"

The pain then stopped as quickly as it came. Allisa slowly raised her self up.

"Are you ok? You looked like you were in pain." Meracle asked, full of concern.

"I-I'm alright now," Allisa said quickly. She then looked around. "Um... Did you hear someone just now?"

"No," Meracle shook her head. "Are you sure you're ok? I mean you looked like you were in agony."

"D-Don't worry, I'm fine, see." Allisa tried to reassure Meracle as she got back to her feet. "I'm probably just tired. It's been a long day after all."

Meracle didn't look too convinced. And being honest to herself, Allisa wasn't even sure if she was ok. After all, just a few days ago she blacked out in the middle of a battle. She may not have blacked out, but it felt similar to what happened back then.

And there was that voice she heard. It was a child's voice, a boy at that, and it was disturbingly familiar.

Allisa turned to the still concerned Meracle and gave her a wry smile. "Um... could you keep this between us? I don't want the others to worry."

"Uh, sure," Meracle nodded slowly.

They were about to leave when someone ran into Allisa hard, causing both of them to fall over, the stranger rolling on the ground before coming to a halt.

"Are you ok?" Meracle asked as she ran to Allisa's side.

"Ow," Allisa groaned as she picked herself up. "I'm ok," She then turned to the one who had bumped into her. A bald man in clothes that had been patched so many times they looked more like rags. Most notably the man didn't have cat ears or a tail. "S-Sorry about that." Allisa apologized.

The man then shot the two a look that made them jump. The man was incredibly pale, and eyes bloodshot. He looked as though he was mad.

"Uh, Are you ok?" Allisa asked.

"T-t-The moon..." the man trembled.

"The moon?" Meracle repeated.

"THE MOON!! IT WILL BE FULL!!!" The man yelled out as he picked himself up and began to run away as fast as he could.

"Ok?" Allisa got back up from the ground with a confused look. "That was weird."


Meanwhile, on another part of the town, Cliff, Max Melvin and Rodger were also walking around.

"Ya know, the world outside the forest is a lot more different than I imagined," Rodger said with his arms behind his head.

"What were you expecting?" Melvin asked.

"I donno?" Rodger shrugged. "Fields of that cold white stuff my pa called snow."

"Were in the wrong climate for that,"

"Still, must be quite a feeling being out of that place, huh?" Max said. "No more trees or those kinda monsters to get in your way."

"Ya can say that again," Rodger grinned. "I mean seriously, I couldn't even imagine land that had no trees in it before, or building's like these. So different from the houses back home." He then turned to Cliff. "So that tarry place, Is it like this?"

"Terra," Cliff corrected, "and no it's...." Cliff looked around before continuing with his answer. "Well, where I was born it's not like this. I'd say some towns in Europe share the same kind of architecture."

"Europe?" Max repeated.

"It's a continent from your world, right?" Melvin asked.

"Yeah," Cliff said absorbed in the buildings around. "Gotta say, everything I've seen so far, almost like it's out of a movie."

"Movie?" Rodger repeated.

"Uh, never mind." Cliff shook his head. "Just something we have in our world."

"Movie?" Max mumbled. "Oh yeah, Dale showed us one of those. It was really weird. The pictures just moved on their own, kinda like they were inside that TV thing."

"Yeah I remember," Cliff groaned, "and I remember you tried to stick your hand in there and pushed the screen over."

"I said I was sorry," Max pouted.

"Yeah but Dale still has a stick up his butt about it. You're just lucky you didn't break it or you would be sleeping in that back alley."

"Yeah, he sure was pissed, hehe." Max chuckled.

"And while we're on the subject," Cliff continued giving out a small cough. "Dale also doesn't like the fact that a week's worth of food, bought on the day, is all gone by the evening."

"Hey! I told you it's my ability!" Max defended himself.

"Your 'ability' is the reason why Dale is trying to find a hiding place for our food."

"What's his ability again? That fire thing?" Rodger asked Melvin.

"I'm sure we've explained this before," Melvin sighed.

"Hahaha! You certainly are a spirited bunch!" A loud, boisterous voice caught the four by surprise.

"Wha- Huh?!" Rodger nearly toppled over. "Is it an enemy?!"

"I... don't know," Cliff said cautiously as he found the source of the voice.

"Oh sorry, didn't mean to scare ya, little guy." Sitting on a wall was a very large bulked, bare-chested man with a 火 (ka) tattoo, wearing only a hakama and wooden sandals. A katana was laid beside him. "As you can imagine humans are a pretty rare sight round these parts." The man said as he brought a gourd to his lips and began to chug down its contents.

"Hey, he doesn't have cat ears," Max whispered to Cliff.

"I can see that," Cliff said, feeling a bit wary of this stranger. "Are you an adventurer?"

The man slammed down the gourd and let out a large burp. "Something like that." He said with a wide grin. "Names Sokaku Fukuoka, a traveling Rōnin."

"A.... Rowin?" Rodger repeated.

"I heard that term before, somewhere?" Melvin thought out loud putting his hand to his chin.

"Don't think too much about it kid," Sokaku waved at him. "means a Samurai without a master."

"Samurai? That means you're from Kugarat?"

"That's right."

Sokaku then grabbed his katana and stood up.

"So he's like the Sword Bastard," Max muttered under his breath.

Sokaku then walked up to the four, resting his katana on his shoulder with the gourd strapped to his hakama. "Since you're humans, I take it you’re adventurers yourself?"

"Yeah," Cliff nodded.

"Ah, After the werewolf too, huh?"

"Werewolf?" Melvin spoke with a confused voice.

"Oh, you not," Sokaku looked that the three with raised eyebrows.

"First I've heard about it." Max shrugged.

"Uh... What's a werewolf?" Rodger asked, raising his hand.

"It's a human that's been cursed with a powerful spell that turns them into a monster on full moons," Melvin explained.

"Turn... into a monster?" Rodger looked a little worried. "Is that possible?"

"Unfortunately so little one." Sokaku nodded to him. "Believe the term for people like them are Demi-Humans." Max grimaced. "Things like werewolves are common, and probably the most dangerous since they always lose control of themselves. Also vampires, which are seriously dangerous."

Cliff noticed Max had a bit of a pained expression, his hand softly touching his scar. "So are you after this werewolf?" Cliff asked.

"Ohho no. Well I'm not," Sokaku chuckled softly. "My partner on the other hands a different story," He let out a loud sigh. "He's got some kinda grudge against things like werewolves. Second he heard about it he just took off. Probably hunting for it as we speak."

"Your partner?" Rodger repeated.

"You'll know him when you see him. Guy stands out anywhere." Sokaku used his free hand to scratch his head. "Doesn't make finding him any easier. And they say I'm hot-headed." He complained. "Well, I need to get searching for him." Sokaku began to walk off. "Nice meeting you all!" He called back.

When he was a good distance from them Rodger spoke. "Who was that guy?"

"Good question," Cliff responded. "First that drunk Cait Sith woman, now this guy. We do seem to attract weirdo's."

"But that guy..." Melvin looked deep in thought.

"Notice something about him?" Cliff asked.

"... Not sure." Melvin replied, with a hand to his chin. "Probably just me."

Rodger looked back and forth between the two, a little lost to the conversation. "You think he's a bad guy or something?"

Cliff chuckled. "With our luck, I wouldn't be too surprised." He then noticed Max was being unusually quiet, and had a very somber expression. "Hey. You in there?"

"Huh? Oh, sorry..." Max responded sheepishly.

"You ok? You look a little down." Rodger asked.

"Was it what he said? About Demi-Humans?" Melvin asked out of concern.

"N-no, I'm fine, see," Max said quickly, giving a weak smile.

"So you know you fall into that category," Cliff said to him with a serious expression.

"Yeah," Max cast his gaze downwards to his chest. "Yeah, a few people have called me that. Beats monster though."

"You mean you like werewolves?" Rodger asked, not sounding like he completely understood what was going on.

"In a way," Melvin answered for Max. "Demi-Human refers to humans who've gained power through monsters. So a Salamander falls into that category since he got his power from a dragon."

Rodger thought on Melvin's explanation, then remembered the story about Max's village being destroyed by a dragon, and was able to put the pieces together. "Oh...." He then turned to Max looking apologetic. ".... Uh, sorry I...."

"Na, it's ok," Max said as cheerfully as he could, putting his arms behind his head. "It's not like I hid it or anything." He then looked in the direction of Sokaku, who was nearly out of sight. "A partner that hates Demi-Humans?" He cast his gaze down to his chest.

"If that's the case, we probably should leave this werewolf thing alone," Cliff said to him. "We should try to avoid unnecessary confrontations." He looked in the direction Max was looking. "And there's something about this guy that bugs me."

Meanwhile, Sokaku took out his Gourd and talked to himself. "These guys.... They match the ones Leone described. Which means they're the ones who defeated Celtic Hoard in Sterland Forest." He took a large swig of his gourd, letting out a loud burp while grinning through his teeth. It's definitely no coincidence they're all the way out here. I got a feeling things are going to be interesting.


In a nearby Pub, Yuki sat on a barrel with a large bottle of ale in his hands. He ditched the group the second they checked into an inn, mostly because he had the feeling he was no longer welcome among them after his outburst at Sterland Village. Not that he particularly cared though.

"Does feel like I'm traveling in a circus. What a bunch of morons." He complained as he brought the bottle to his lips-


-Only realizing that the bottle was gone.

Out of a strange instinct, he looked to his left and saw Nel smiling at him with the ale bottle in her right hand.

"Ha, ha, very funny." He said humorlessly. He then reached out to snatch back the bottle, but Nel then pulled it further away from his grasp.

"Thought it was about time that you and I had a little talk." She said.

Yuki instinctively let out a sigh and leaned back on the barrel. "This is about what I said back at the village, right?"

"That's part of the reason," Nel said as she put her hands on her hips. "I want to know why you're still with us?"

"Huh?" Yuki looked confused. He wasn't expecting Nel to ask that question.

"Gai Tsukiyo is the one you're after, correct? If he's the target for your revenge then it would make sense that you would leave us to pursue him."

"If he were that easy to find I'd have found him long ago." Yuki snapped back.

"So why stay with us?" Nel asked seriously.

Yuki didn't answer straight away and instead looked down to the ground.

"And don't try to dismiss it like you always do because it is our business."

A sorrowful expression came over Yuki as he glanced down to his sword, gently placing a hand on it. "Cause I know I can't win." He said grimly. "You saw what happened back then the village. He kicked my ass."

"And would have killed you if I hadn't intervened," Nel added. Yuki glared at her. "Sorry, continue."

With a scowl, Yuki glanced back at his sword, softly gripping his sword. "I need to get stronger." He said softly. "Far stronger than I am. So next time we meet," He's grip tightened. "I'll definitely kill him."

"You didn't answer the question," Nel said.

"I just did!" Yuki snapped back.

"I asked why you're staying with us? If strength is what you're after you can get that anywhere. You can even stay in that forest or go off to Quintara. But instead, you chose to stay with us."

"That's cause- uh..." Yuki scratched his head hopelessly trying to think of something. "Wh-What the hell does it matter what I do?!" He ended up blurting out.

"Your easy to read," Nel let slip a smug smile as she threw Yuki back his bottle. "She's not the same hopeless case she was when she started out about three months ago."

"I know," Yuki grunted. "She's way more full of herself." He then took a swig of the ale. "And annoying."

"And you're not full of yourself?"

"Sh-Shut up!"

Nel crossed her arms together as she continued from when Yuki interrupted her. "She also has a certain quality that seems to draw people to her."

"Quality?" Yuki lowered his bottle. "And what do you mean draw people to her?"

"Well, there's you," Nel pointed while Yuki scowled. "Then there's Max, Melvin, Cliff and the other hunters, Rodger, even the princess of Rosaria herself, all without really trying. It's a rare trait that even most kings and other leaders lack." She then began to walk off, giving Yuki a small wave while adding. "That's why I decided to follow her."

She didn't make it far when Yuki called out to her. "Is all that what you really think, or is that what you were ordered to think?"

Nel stopped and glanced over her shoulder. "What does that mean?" She asked in a slightly more dangerous voice.

Yuki jumped off the barrel and turned to face Nel directly. "I may be easy to read. Hell, so are the others. But you..." Yuki brows furrowed. "There's been something bugging me about you since we first met in Lers, and I've seen enough to know when someone's putting on an act."

Nel scowled. "Just what are you trying to say?"

Yuki spoke more clearly and seriously then he even had done. "You take orders from the Arch Sage, don't you? So if he asked you to kill Allisa right then and there, would you?"

A brief silence followed with neither of the two making the slightest move. In the end, Nel turned her head forwards and began to walk forwards. "I don't need to answer you." She said.

"Right, right." Yuki nodded. "I mean, stabbing her in the back doesn't really matter to a cold-blooded killer like you."

What happened next occurred in the space of a second. Before Yuki could even blink, Nel had rushed up to him and led her short blade against his throat. Bypasses were just as stunned, some stood quietly in shocked silence at a potential murder right in front of their eyes. Yuki however, despite his position, had a very smug look on his face. "Now that's a face you don't see very often."

He was referring to the look Nel had on her face, her eyes were wide open with what he could attribute as anger and begin to glow a slight yellow. She then slowly drew back her blade from Yuki's throat and cast her gaze downwards so he couldn't see her eyes.

"You know what," She said quietly as she sheathed her blade. "Just do whatever you want. I honestly don't care." She then turned and stormed away before coming to a stop. "But a little warning, I tend to lose control when I'm pissed. So next time you try to provoke me," She quickly glanced over her shoulder. "It'll cost you your head."

With a smug look, Yuki jumped back on the barrel he was sitting on. One of the bypasses that had seen the incident nervously approached him. "Um... Is everything alright?" The stranger asked.

"Yeah, don't worry about it," Yuki responded while taking several gulps of his ale. When he finished, he looked back at the direction Nel and walked off. "Yeah, out of all of us you're the easiest to read."


"Damn him!"

Nel clutched her left arm, which was still shaking. She had very nearly taken Yuki's head. In fact, if he didn't smile or taunt her, she definitely would have.

And what he said greatly disturbed her. It was entirely possible that Allisa could become a treat to the Arch Sages. And if that happened, Dran would likely order her to kill her.

"It won't come to that. I-I'm sure of it...." Nel thought out loud, grinding her teeth together. Wh-Why am I thinking about this....?

She was an assassin, and killing people was her purpose. She had killed so many people that it was literally as natural as breathing. Like when a butcher slaughters an animal for meat, to the butcher, it's just an animal, he could cut the head off without hesitation and without any feelings. That's how she took the life of others, and she had agreed to accompany Allisa knowing that she may have to kill her if her master ordered her too.

.... So why am I so hesitant?

She wasn't ordered to carry out the deed or anything. It was just Yuki's assumption. But..... Why was she so hopeful that the order won't come.

Her thoughts were then derailed when a familiar chill crept down her spine; a very strong sense of malice, and it was clear whom it was coming from.

Just passing by was a largely built human with dark skin and long platinum hair.

Whatever doubt she had simply evaporated as the man walked past, without turning her head, Nel carefully watched as the man strolled past her, who didn't even acknowledge her for being a human in a Cait Sith town. Unconsciously, she felt his mana level as they passed each other, it was a short glance, but even so, she could instantly tell the man was as powerful as Max.

When they passed each other completely, Nel stopped and glanced back at the man, who just kept on walking without turning. That man... He's dangerous.

Eternal Torment

(That night)

Luck was not on his side. It had never been on his side. Only a year ago he was a farmer, living peacefully in Miltesa. They didn't have much, but it was peaceful nonetheless.

Until that night, on a full moon, when a monster attacked them. Only he survived.

Since then, his life has been nothing but a living hell. Along with the grief, he felt at the loss of his family, he was cursed. Every Full moon, he would transform into a werewolf, a monster.

It was horrible, painful. He would lose all control and attack everything in sight. News of a werewolf spread quickly, forcing him to flee as far as he could. He lived in one place for a month, doing whatever he could to survive until the full moon when he changed into that monster. And every time, there was a gruesome death by his hands.

He fled as far away from humans as he possibly could, even making it to Cataka where he spent the last three months. But only last month, he encountered someone who had survived his attack and reported it to the Adventurer Guild. Now he was wanted and was only a matter of time until he was caught.


The man cried as the full moon began to shine in the sky. He had run as far as he could from the town he was hiding in, standing in the middle of a meadow, squirming on the ground as the change began to take hold. His clothes burst off as his muscles began to grow; hair grew out of his skin. His legs began to change from humans to a beast while his fingernails sharpened. His face began to change, growing a snout and sharp fangs.

When it was over, he was no longer a man, but a monster.

He got up from the ground, standing on his hine legs and howled to the moon. His mind was blank, all it could think about is meat.

And before he knew it, he smelt his pray, casually approaching the meadow, seemingly unaware that he was there. He found his prey. He charged in to take a closer look. A large, dark-skinned man was approaching, seemingly drawn the moon.

The man stayed out of sight using the darkness to cloak himself, waiting for an opening to pouch, carefully stalking to the prey's right. He needed the prey to come closer, close enough that he could take the prays head in one strike.

The man unexpectedly stopped, seemingly leaving himself wide open. Without thinking and to hell with the consequences, he pounced on his prey, opening his jaws wide open.

The man lifted his right arm and muttered a simple phrase. "Crash."


Fark released a bright light from his palm which hit the werewolf in the chest and sent it flying away crashing through the ground until it came to a stop and pounced back on all fours before dropping down to the ground. Gouged on his chest was deep, crisscross cuts.

"So you're the werewolf?" Fark said coldly as he lowered his right arm. "How sad. Another pitiful man who has removed himself from the world of humans."

Though pained growls, the werewolf forced itself up, ignoring the heavy bleeding on its chest wound. It then howled and charged into him swinging its left claw towards Fark.

"Whether it was your intention or not-" Fark calmly lifted his right arm to face the sweeping arm. "It doesn't change the fact that you have become an abomination of a man."

A flash of light was released from the palm. Suddenly, the werewolf's entire left arm disintegrated, the bloody chunks blasted away from the main body.

Before the werewolf was completely blown back by the force, Fark shot out his left arm and grabbed the monster's throat, pivoted and slammed the monster to the ground pinning down the right arm with his left foot.

The werewolf struggled in vain as its killer loomed overhead, staring it down with his cold, hate-filled eyes. "It's creatures like you that are a danger to us humans, like a wolf walking around in sheep's skin. You stalk in the background waiting to pounce on your prey, and then simply adorn you cloak and vanish free of judgment." The werewolf slowly stopped struggling as its eyes met with Farks, showing fear. "It will be I that shall bring judgment on you abominations." A bright light began to emit from Farks left hand that was still gripped tightly around the creature's neck. "Crash."

The ground below shattered as small fissures spread out from the center where Fark stood. He then rose up and took a step back from the remains of the werewolf and glanced down on his bloodied left hand, which had a small silver cross embedded in the palm.

"Still as merciless as ever I see!"

Fark tuned to see his partner, Sokaku approaching him. He looked down at the mangled corpse that was the werewolf. "I take it that's the beast. Not much left of him."

"It suits a monster like that," Fark said coldly as he turned and walked away. "I did the world a favor in putting that thing out of its misery."

"Can't help but agree with you on that," Sokaku said grimly. "But I still think destroying it outright was a little overkill."

"You think it wouldn't do the same if our roles were reversed?"

"Mmm.... Probably," Sokaku hummed. He then ran to catch up to Sokaku. "I still wonder why you joined with us? I mean I can understand your grudge against Demi-Humans, but you know what we're trying to do right?"

"Of course I do," Fark responded. "I have no love for them. They would see Demi-humans as people; think they're human like the rest of us. I've heard that Arch Sage Dran employees the salamander that's said to be in Rosaria."

"Salamander? Aren't they just some urban legend or something?" Sokaku said. "I mean, a human-dragon hybrid? Sounds way too far-fetched."

Fark suddenly stopped, Fark stopped behind him. "They're real, along with other abominations that plague our land." He then rose up his right hand to examine the silver cross embedded within the palm. "And with this, I will purge the world of their kind." He said as he clenched his hand into a fist. "Only then will I find peace."

Behind him, Sokaku thought back to the encounter with the adventures in town. He did notice one, the boy with an X shaped scar on his chest reacted in a strange way when he said 'Demi-Human.' He also heard the same rumor when he passed through Rosaria, about some boy with black hair and that type of scare burning down countless villages.

That boy? Was he really- Sokaku's train of thought was interrupted as Fark began to walk away without him. "H-Hey wait!"

Unbeknown to them, Nel was watching behind a nearby tree. "Those two look like trouble." She slowly sheathed her drawn dagger as she continued to watch the two depart. "Probably shouldn't. I don't think I can take on both of them at once." She glanced over at the remains of the werewolf. "That one in particular."

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