《The Goddess’ Chosen》Goodbye Sterland Forest


It was known as the battle of Holmec Pass, where my legend in this world began. My Allies, the knights, Merlin, Rina, Comite, and Fredrik came across the army of Rosaria. Outnumbered by such a wide margin, even with some of the Elven army supporting us, victory would seem like a dream of a madman.

There was a small comfort though, the pass itself was incredibly narrow, meaning that Rosaria could not use its advantage in numbers, and thanks to Fredrik, we were able to capitalize on that weakness.

Using the ridges of the pass, we caught the enemy by surprise, attacking the rear and center columns. Rena, Lance and I took the front, confronting the General, Louis de Vellron. He was a strong opponent, far exceeding any knight or Saxon I have ever encountered before, due to his use of the magic he had access to. If it weren't for Excalibur, I dare say I would have been defeated.

Rina and Lance fought back the enemy soldiers surrounding him, ensuring that none disturbs our duel. It was here where Lance's battle prowess would become widely known across this world of Avalon, and Rina showed us how she earned herself the title of........


Allisa awoke from her dream, sitting up while putting a hand to her head, due to the headaches that annoyingly accompanied her dreams. It was even more distressing than usual; since this was a battle she bore witness too, playing out like she was there. She knew there would be much more to follow, leading up to the one where Arthur would fight against the one with the black sword.

There was also something else, a name that was blanked out, much like Azure Flames name. She glanced down and looked at her hand.

Probably best not to dwell on it too much. Allisa thought to herself, clenching her fist. She got out of her bed and hurried over to her clothes that had been cleaned and repaired again, and proceeded to put on her vest and shorts as quickly as she could. Yesterday, when it was announced that Gimdo was taken hostage, Max had barged in on her, seeing her half naked in the process, a situation she does not want to repeat.

Following the chaos that had ensued yesterday, things calmed down relatively quickly. Rodger for one began to receive a lot of attention for defeating Dolton single handedly. At first, many people thought he was just bragging as he usually did, but was backed up by Gimdo and Bush who saw the whole fight, and it was enough to get him out of being punished for something that was arguably stupid and reckless. Welma also didn't punish Fred, only giving him a small slap on the wrist.

Dora, on the other hand, wasn't so lucky. Her parents were furious, and even raised their voices to Nel first, who then directed them towards Allisa (Since she was the leader, apparently), for the injuries she received from her fight with her opponent in the final battle. Eventually, they were calmed down with help from Bush and Welma, who stepped in to take the heat off Allisa. She was now forbidden from setting foot outside the village ever again.

As for Faust, Shay and May, there was a debt in the village council on whether or not to hand them over to the empire along with Dolton. Faust, however, interrupted the council and asked that Shay and May would be allowed to leave unharmed, and in exchange, he swore to remain in the village, and be subjected to whatever treatment they saw fit, even getting down on all fours, bowing his head to the ground. In the end, Gimdo allowed Faust's request, sentencing him to be the village protector for as long as he lived.


Despite Faust's protesting that he was getting off lightly, he accepted the ruling. Shay and May however, despite being told they could leave, insisted to remain by Faust's side and protect the village with him. Of course, Dorian told his displeasure to this arrangement, but to everyone's surprise, didn't openly object, giving Faust a warning that he'll be keeping his eye on them.

Then, of course, there was the King of the Forest. The entire village was amazed that Max had tamed the monster they had feared for so long. This didn't make them feel any better, especially since it didn't move from the entrance of the village. Max had insisted to the party that they should take the beast with them, which was completely shot down by everyone, with the exception of Yuki who didn't have a clue what it was (Since he was absent when they had encountered it in the ruined city).

Speaking of Yuki, he'd calmed down a little from yesterday, and was right back to argue with Max, but hadn't apologized to Allisa over what he had said to her. Though in fairness, he hadn't apologized to the others either for his outburst, though Allisa found it a little hard to just let what he said to her go.

Despite all that, today was the last day they'd be spending in Sterland Village. According to Gimdo, today was the day the road to Cataka was to finally unflooded, allowing them to finally reach Tattora, and meet with Arch Sage Elaina. Which meant Allisa had one, quite important decision to make, whether or not to allow Rodger to join the party, a decision that was literally forced onto her by the others, and to be honest, she hadn't made up her mind yet.

"What should I do?"

Gimdo's request

"As I said before, this village owes you a debt we cannot repay."

Allisa and the entire party sat with Gimdo at the dining table with Hellina along by his side.

"Not only did you save my life, but also dealt with Celtic Hoard, something that no one in the village was able to," Gimdo said, bowing his head. "And for what it's worth, I am sorry you got involved in our affairs."

"There's no need to apologize," Allisa said. "We were glad to help. Right guys?"

She turned to her friends and received mixed reactions.

"Yeah, don't sweat it, old geezer," Max said with a wide grin and his hands resting on his head.

"... Wasn't really on our to-do list or anything," Cliff said letting out a sigh.

Nel gave a small chuckle as she sat with her eyes closed and arms crossed.

"Probably should've seen it coming, huh?" Melvin said with a little smile.

"I'm just sorry I missed it," Yuki said, leaning back in his chair.

"Not like you'd be any help if you did," Max said quietly.

"I heard that pyro!"

Allisa let out a sigh, remembering that she did practically push everyone into the little adventure. "W-Well, we're happy things worked out at least."

Gimdo chuckled. "Yes... even if it was short, I'll still miss you all." He said, with a large smile.

Hellina nodded in agreement. "I also owe you thanks for keeping my two idiots alive." She said to the party, bowing slightly.

"L-Like I said, it's no problem," Allisa said quickly, getting slightly embarrassed at being bowed at.

"This afternoon, the road will be accessible," He then let out a long sigh, "and while we're on the subject, I do have a request for you." He looked up at Allisa, a look of sadness. Hellina looked a little more depressed, handing her head low.


"A request?"

Hellina put a hand on her husband's shoulder as he took in a deep breath. "If it's not too much-"

The front door then slammed open, with Rodger walking in. "Yo!" He waved as he entered. "Glad to see you guys haven't left yet."

"We're gonna be setting off this afternoon, according to your grandfather," Melvin responded to Rodger.

"How come?" Rodger asked as he walked towards the table.

Both Gimdo and Hellina sighed. "The highway," Gimdo said.

Rodger had to think a little, before making a gesture that he remembered by hammering his fist in his palm. "Oh right, I forgot."

Both his grandparents gave an exhausted sigh. "I'm still not for this...." Hellina whispered to Gimdo.

".... I see your point." Gimdo responded.

Rodger breathed a sigh of relief. "For a minute there, I thought you actually left without me."

"We wouldn't do that," Allisa said with a smile, "Huh?" Before picking up something in what Rodger said. "Y-You mean, you're coming with us?"

"Well duh," Rodger nodded with a grin.

Cliff and Yuki immediately shot up from their relaxed position as their faces lit up with some form of concern.

"Wait, he's coming with us?" Yuki asked, pointing.

"Huh? Uh..." Allisa looked back and forth between Yuki and Rodger with some confusion.

"He asked to join two days ago." Nel casually reminded her.

".... Oh, right..." It slipped her mind. Two days ago Rodger had asked (Sort of) to join the party, and much to her displeasure, this hard and possibly important decision was forced onto her. "Remind me why I have to make this decision?" She asked her.

"Because you're the leader, ergo, your decision," Nel responded.

Allisa slumped down. "Right," She muttered in an indifferent tone.

"I see you haven't made up your mind yet," Gimdo said to Allisa.

Allisa turned and rubbed the back of her head with an awkward smile. "I... kinda got sidetracked," She said.

Gimdo nodded. "In any case, it makes things easier." He looked to Rodger and gave him a smile.


He then looked back to Allisa. "If it's not too much trouble, I want you to allow Rodger to accompany you on your adventures."

There was a very long and awkward silence followed as everyone looked to Gimdo with suppressed expressions. Rodger however, was the most taken back.

"G-Gramps.... Are you serious?"

Gimdo gave Rodger a nod. "Knowing you, you'll go either way. " He smiled at him. "So it will put me more at ease if you were to go with them. That way you at least won't do anything too reckless."

Rodger, still mouth wide open looked to Hellina. "Gran,"

Hellina sighed. "We talked about it last night." She then looked at Rodger with a serious but warm expression. "Don't get me wrong, I'm still very much against this. But.... You are your father's son. And If I try to stop you, I'll just end up looking like the villain." She then looked to Allisa. "You better make sure you keep him alive."

"Of course the choice is yours," Gimdo continued, addressing Allisa.

"What choice is there?" Rodger said, turning to Allisa, barely containing his excitement. "Ya saw what I can do, right. I promise I won't get in your way or anything, and I won't do anything too stupid."

Allisa, turning red from being put on the spot, turned to her friends, only Cliff and Yuki shaking their hands trying to tell her not to allow it. She then turned back to Rodger, seeing the hope in his eyes, as he grew impatient on Allisa's answer.

"......................... S-Sure," she said quietly nodding and giving a weak smile.

There was then a loud thud as both Yuki and Cliff fell backward off their seats.

"Saw that coming," Melvin said, sighing.

"R-Really, It's ok?" Rodger asked again, his eyes sparkling.

"Well, I can't really think of a reason why not," Allisa replied.

"I can think of a thousand reasons why we should take that brat!" Yuki snapped as he got back to his feet.

"No one asked you," Allisa replied colder than she intended to.

Yuki snorted and picked up his chair and slumped back down. "Whatever you say 'leader.'" He said in a sarcastic tone.

Cliff, who was next to him, simply sighed as he took a seat again. Guess this is something that will go on for a while.

Gimdo, sensing the hostility looked between them, and then to Nel who just shook her head, silently telling him not to pry.

"HAHALRIGHT!!!" Rodger leaped up and down with joy. "Need'ta get ready, got stuff ta pack," He then towards his room before skidding to a stop and hopped around, "Better tell'em first," He then charged to the door and exited the building.

When he was gone, Cliff spoke up. "Are you sure about this?" He asked Allisa. "You remember we're not on a sightseeing tour."

Allisa scratched her head. "I know." She gave a small smile. "...C-Couldn't really say no though,"

Cliff let out a long sigh. "I thought that was the case."

"B-But it might be good to have someone with his kind of magic with us.... Maybe,"

"I don't see a problem with it," Max said with a grin. "Besides, he beat that Boss guy all on his own so he's pretty strong."

"Guess we gotta give him that, but he's still annoying and full of himself," Melvin said, propping up his head on the table with his arm. "... Though, it would be nice to travel with someone my age for once." He then sighed and nodded with a weary expression. "Oh what the hell. Can't say no to him now anyway."

Cliff then looked to Nel, expecting an answer.

"We did say it was her decision. So we can't complain."She said with the hint of a smile.

Cliff gave out another sigh as he face-palmed. "You lot really are gonna be the death of me someday," He then smiled at Allisa. "Don't worry, I know when I'm beat."

Yuki just sat silently, letting out a long sigh of defeat. "Great... another pain in the ass." He grumbled.

Gimdo smiled and bowed his head. "I know he can be a little reckless, but... Please keep him safe."

Allisa nodded. "He's in good hands." She said confidently before turning to her comrade where her confidence dropped. "... I think,"

A Sweet Farewell

"Y-You're really going?" Fred asked, astonished.

"Hehe, yeah, I'm finally leaving this dump for good," Rodger replied in a very cheerful tone. The very first thing he did when after Allisa's answer was to find Fred and Dora, which wasn't so difficult since they ran into each other.

"W-Whoa... That's amazing." Fred breathed.

Dora was being very quiet. "S-So.... You're really going?" She asked.

"Yeah, we leave this afternoon." He said with a grin.

"... Oh, right...." Dora mumbled as her head dropped.

Both boys turned to look at Dora. "Are you ok?" Rodger asked, noticing that she looked a little down.

She shook her head quickly. "I-I'm fine, really." She said, forcing a smile before turning around.


"I-I got some things to do." She said just before she took off out of sight.

"Was it something I said?" Rodger asked Fred while rubbing his chin.

"She's p-probably upset about you leaving," Fred replied.

"Oh... Right," Rodger said with a little ping of guilt. When announced his intentions to join Allisa two days ago, he and Dora had a big rough, which was interrupted due to Celtic Hoards attack. As he thought on it, with all that had happened, the issue wasn't properly resolved.

"I-I'm sure she'll come around." Fred tried to reassure him. "Y-Your leaving this afternoon, I promise she'll see you off."

The two were then approached, unexpectedly by Steve and his two friends, Redwol and Gura, who looked just as surprised as they were.

"Oh it's you." He snorted as he looked at him.

He'd been in a bad mood ever since Rodger's return, even feeling a little betrayed by his father for not only acknowledging Allisa's party but also allowing the former Celtic Hoard members to remain in the village. Then there was also Rodger defeating Dolton single-handedly, which meant that Rodger had one up over him.

"Don't get too ahead of yourself, ya hear. You just got lucky."

"Na ah," Rodger shook his head and puffed out his chest. "I won cause I got skill and power,"

"And luck," Fred muttered under his breath.

"Heck, I bet I can take you one now." Rodger boasted pointing at him.

Steve snorted. "Like you could beat me. You beat Dolton cause you were lucky and you know it. Sooner or later, those humans are gonna regret taking you along."

This caught Rodger and Fred by surprise, until Steve pointed at Redwol, reminding the two that he had clairvoyance magic.

"I kept a close watch over those humans for the past three days, so we can act when they show their true colors," Redwol said, bringing out a crystal ball.

"Well that was a waste of time since you saw how awesome they were," Rodger said looking smug.

"Shut up!" Steve snapped, slightly embarrassed since he seemed to agree with Rodger in this instance. "Humans are all the same! I don't know why they decided to bring you along! Probably to be their mascot or something, but when you start to become a burden to them, which you will, they'll just dump you to the nearest slave traders or something and that's the last you'll be seeing of them."

"T-They won't do that!" Fred snapped before Rodger could even respond. "They... they're good people. A-A bit crazy and s-scary, but they risked their lives to save the chief and Bush for nothing!"

Steve was immediately silenced, mostly because they had been watching them and knew that they really did do what they set out to do for practically nothing. "Well... Oh come on, they have some reason for helping us...."

"You're just jealous that I'm finally leaving this dump while you're stuck here," Rodger continued. "I'm seen the world my pa saw, and when I get back, I'll be able to beat you flat."

Gritting his teeth, Steve about turned and walked off. "Don't get too cocky," He called back. "They're gonna see how useless you are and kick you out. Mark my words!" Redwol and Gura followed after him.

"W-Whoa, you actually shut him up," Fred said looking astonished.

"I did, didn't I," Rodger said turning to Fred with a large grin.

Fred returned a smile, which then turned into a small sad expression.

"Awe come on, not you too," Rodger said, awkwardly stroking the back of his head. "Not like you won't be seen me again." He then gave him with a big smile. "And when I'm back, I'll tell ya and Dora all about where I've been. Just like pa did."

Wiping his runny nose on his sleeve he nodded at Rodger.

Rodger then gripped Fred's other sleeve and pulled him along. "Now come on, Need ta start getten ready,"



"There you are," Bush said as he approached Dora, huddled up in front of Graham's grave. Taking a deep sigh, he sat next to his granddaughter. "I heard Rodger's leaving with the humans. I guess you already know."

"Of course..." Dora membered. "That idiot told me..."

Bush patted Dora on the back. "I can understand why you'd be upset. You looked up to Rodger, almost like an older brother."

Dora didn't respond immediately. When she finally spoke, her voice was trembling. "It's... It's not like I want to stop him.... after all, this is what he wants... And there's no way I can go with him... I don't have even half his courage."

Bush smiled a sympathetic smile as tears began to flow from Dora.

"So why... why do I wish he wasn't going?"

With another big sigh, Bush got back to his feet, looking down at his Dora. "I'm afraid I can't answer for you." With a smile, he patted Dora's head. "He should be leaving by this afternoon. I know it might be painful for you, but it would mean a lot to Rodger if you saw him off."

He left Dora with those words and departed who just remained where she was, who huddled herself closer together.

"... What do I do?"

She'd always looked up to Rodger, even if he was brash, impulsive and full of himself. She lost count of how many times she scolded him for pulling stupid stunts, mostly hunting the more powerful monsters of the forest and nearly being killed in the process. But in a way, that's what she admired most about him. No matter what happened, no matter what anyone tells him when he says he'll do something, he'll do it even if it kills him.

And that was what worried her the most, and why she didn't want him to leave the village. The fight with Celtic Hoard was tough. She knew better than anyone that they wouldn't have been able to save her Grandfather and the village chief on their own.

Even just their fights, with the golem and then the solo battles against them almost killed them, in fact, it was luck that Rodger even won against Dolton.

But she knew better than anyone that there is no way to talk him out of it. Even if the humans said no, he'd go no matter what.

"He really does take after you..." Dora muttered to the grave, finally smiling. "'A real man never goes back on his word', right? Hm, what an idiot." She then finally got back to her feet, letting out a big sigh. "Guess he's my idiot."

She thought back to when she first met said idiot. All she did was taking a walk out of the village, against her parent's wishes, and was attacked by vicious wolf monsters. Then he showed up, like a knight in shining armor to save the damsel in distress.

In reality, however, he lost and was about to be killed along with Dora, and they both would've if it weren't for his father coming to save them. But she never forgot the smile he had. Even when he got cut, bitten and knocked about, even when he was sprawled on the ground, battered and bloodied after they were saved, he always had that stupid grin on his face.

And he never lost that smile. It was that which Dora admired about him.

"... Ok, I think that's enough crying," Dora told herself as she wiped away her tears. "Last thing I want is for him to think I'm a crybaby."

His Adventure Begins

The time remaining flew past quickly. With not much to do, the party just got things ready for their departure. Nel had consulted with Gimdo about the route they should take to reach Tattoria, the capital of Cataka, and their destination. While it was a simple route it would take about a day to reach by foot, which meant they needed some previsions. Then there was getting Rodger ready, who had tried to pack all his possessions at first, before Nel and Cliff forced him to leave it behind.

But the time finally came when all 7 of them were ready to depart. They had gathered by the village's second gate, located on a similar-looking valley to the main entrance, with the exception that the ground was far lower down, which was the reason why it was prone to flooding.

A few people had some come to see them off. Gimdo, Hellena, Fred and Bush to see Rodger off, and surprisingly, Faust, Shay, May and the king of the forest to see Max off.

"Farewell," Faust said to him. "Though it was short, it was an honor to meet you."

"Aw thanks, hair dew guy," Max said, putting his fist forwards with a large grin. "When I come back, what say to a rematch?"

"Hmmm, I would welcome that." Faust nodded and bumped fists with him. "Though I'll have to begin training if I were to have any chance to defeat you." He added.

Shay and May then spoke. "Don't ya worry bout the village, bro," May said.

"Yeah, with us with Faust, any beasties or jackasses who wantta hurt them will be sent flyen over those trees before they set foot in the village," Shay added.

Max grinned and fist-bumped them. "Thanks, counten on ya."

".... Who were they again?" Yuki asked absentmindedly.

"Don't ask," Cliff responded.

The king of the Forest (Or Dug) then came up to Max, lowering its head down. Thanks to Faust and the villagers, the beast was mostly healed from its injuries it received from the battles the other day, with the exception of the left horn which Max snapped off when they fought.

"Aw come on, you're gonna make me tear up," Max said as he patted the king on the head. "Come on, Cheer up. Not like you're not gonna see me ever again."

The king then liked Max, panting like a dog.

"Ok, ok," Max said, chuckling and wiping the slobber off him.

".... And what's that thing again?" Yuki asked again, just as absentmindedly.

"Don't ask," Melvin responded.

While Max said his goodbye's to his new friends, Rodger was looking around at people who had come to see him off, noticing there was one person missing.

"...Dora's, not comen, is she." He said, sounding sad.

"I-I guess not," Fred lowered his head.

Bush let out a deep sigh. "I haven't seen her around lately,"

Rodger shook his head. "Don't worry, it's ok...." He smiled and scratched his cheek. "I did kinda spring this outta the blue after all." He then looked up to his Grandmother, who looked the sadist of all that had come. "Hey, come on, gran." Rodger grinned at her. "It's not like I'm gonna be gone forev-"

Hellina then unexpectedly pulled him in in a bear hug. ".... Just.... Be careful out there."

Gimdo chuckled as he pulled Hellina way before Rodger chuckled. Reminds me of when Graham left the first time.

He then approached Allisa and handed her a small vial of silver liquid. "I meant to give you this earlier."

"Huh?" Allisa took the bottle and examined it.

"It's a healing potion made from the Mithril in the waters around here known as Phoenix Dust."

"Oh, this stuff?" She recalled Melvin mentioning that when they first arrived. "Th-Thanks but..."

"Please, I insist," Gimdo said waving his hand. "It's not like we can't make more. Think of it as a way of rewarding you for what you did for us."

Allisa gripped the vial and nodded. "Well, when you put it that way,"

"Might come in handy sometime in the future. Make sure you don't lose it." Nel said to her.

"I won't lose it," Allisa said defensively.

"And don't go wasting it either," Nel added.

"I won't mom."

Gimdo turned back to Rodger. "I hope you're ready? It will be dangerous, no doubt about that."

"Don't worry Gramps, I'm all set." Rodger nodded as he turned to the others. "Alright henchmen, time ta set off."

"And we're back to 'henchmen.'" Cliff growled as Yuki eyebrow twitched.

"For the record, this is one of the worst decisions she's made so far." Yuki hissed.

".... As much as I hate agreeing with you," Cliff sighed.

"Wait," Allisa stopped him. "S-sure you don't want to wait a little longer? I mean, she could still-"

"Na, its cool," Rodger said nonchalantly. "It's ok, really.... I mean, I wasn't really expecting-"


To everyone's surprise, Dora burst through the gates of the village, passed through the crowd, and stopped before a surprised Rodger and bent over as she huffed and puffed, trying to get her breath back.

"D-Dora!" Rodger turned round to see her. "You ca-"

Dora interrupted him by sticking her fist out to Rodger's face; causing him to jump back a little, thinking he she was going to punch him. Hanging from it on a little chain was a small bear plushy.

".... Took.... Longer... then I thought... to... find it..." She puffed before straightening up, her face going completely red.

"....Uh," Rodger looked at the bear a little confused.

"It's a good luck charm my gran gave me!" Dora said, a little louder than she had intended.

"Oh... uh..."

"Just take it already!"

Rodger quickly took the charm and studied it in his hand. He was about to say something before Dora pointed at his face.

"Listen up! You promise me you'll come back alive!" She said in a very assertive manner. "And when you come back, you're gonna tell us stories about what you've been up to, just like your dad! Ya hear!"

Rodger simply stood there with his mouth agape. He then started laughing, which made Dora light up bright pink.

"Wha-what's so funny?!"

"Na, I was just worried ya hold yaself up in your room cryin ya eyes out."


Rodger then took out his hammer and attached the charm to the bottom. "It's a promise," Rodger said with a smile. "And a Real man never goes back on his word, no matter what."

Dora blushed and looked away. "Y-You better..."

Everyone else stood by and smiled as the two made their final goodbyes. Then finally, Rodger and Allisa ran over to the group, Along with Cliff who was dragging Max away from his new friends. As they finally began departing, large shouts and cheers came from the walls of the village. Nearly everyone in the village had come out to see off the heroes who had saved them, most waving goodbye to Rodger.

Seeing this, Rodger quickly turned around before they noticed that he was beginning to tear up, and stuck his hand up in the air and waved as he charged on ahead without looking back, followed by his new friends.

Though the time was particularly short, the adventure in Sterland forest was finally over. But to the 6 who had originally entered three days ago, fate had once again thrown an unexpected surprise, in the form of a new comrade, and while their journey was continuing, for him it was only just beginning.

Out of the Woods

To the west of Sterland Forest, stood the remnants of a ruined city. Obscured from most by a thick blanket of fog that sweeps through the silent buildings. The only real structure that still stood was a large overgrown temple, a place that had long been abandoned by whatever civilization used to call it their home. There was only one reason why Ellie and the twins would come here, to meet up with their associates, and their boss.

"Do you think were the first ones here?" One of the twins asked as they approached the large structure.

"Doubt it," Ellie answered. "For one, I bet master Yensin is already here."

"You're probably right." the other twin asked as they began to climb the stairs towards the large opening.

After the debacle of Celtic Hoard, with nothing else to do, the three girls made their way to the scheduled meeting for their group, somewhere very far away from any settlement, and away from the watch of the Arch Sages.

Walking into the wide-open and desolate space, Ellie's guess was confirmed by a loud cracking sound to their left. Sitting on a down pillar sat possibly one of the most intimidating men you've ever seen. A large built man with Carmel skin and long, platinum hair. He wore a large cloak that covered most of his body, and extending before him was one of his muscular hands, pieces of rubble flowing from his fingertips.

His name was Fark. Despite working with him for a while now, Ellie knew almost nothing about him, from his origins to his mysterious ability.

"He looks the same, Right Thelma."

"Right Louise."

The twins spoke to each other as the three passed by while Fark kept a hawk's eye on them.

"Ha! If it isn't Ellie!!" A loud, boisterous voice came from the right, a voice Ellie knew very well.

"Sokaku," Ellie muttered.

Sitting cross-legged atop a pile of rubble was a man of similar build to Fark. Wearing only a Hakama and wooden sandals. His chest was completely bare with a 火 (ka) symbol tattooed in the center.

Beside him, leaned against the wall was his Katana, and in his hand was a large gourd, of which he was taking, large gulps out of it. his face was less intimidating than Fark, with an overgrown beard covering most of it.

His name was Sokaku Fukuoka, a traveling rōnin from Kugarat, and a man who irritated Ellie to no end.

"Haha, how long has it been, little Ellie!" He continued after putting down his gourd. "Three mounts by my count! Hahaha!!" He laughed in a jolly way before addressing the twins. "And you two, uh... Thelma and Louise was it? Hope little Ellie has been good to you two?"

Ellie sighed. "This isn't a social get together, remember?" She said to Sokaku in a low and humorless voice.

Sokaku let out a sigh as he lowered his gourd. "Still the same old little Ellie." He said as he took another glug.

"Well well, welcome back 'princess.'"

Ellie's faces the two new men that were approaching them.

The source of the voice came from an old man, balled with the exception of a long and braided goatee, and wore a red Changshan.

That man was simply known as Ling, hailing from Shu, a small island off the coast of Kugarat. Besides that, Ellie knew even less about him, only that he's been with Yensin longer than she has, only that he was some kind of martial artist.

Sniveling beside him stood another man, dressed in a monk's habit with the hood down, revealing his short-cropped hair.

He was Helpono, a wizard from Rosaria. He was very powerful, which was really his only saving trait given his personality.

"Were you first?" Ellie asked Ling.

"Still the same I see," Ling sighed. "And no, Sokaku and Fark was first." He then walked away. "The meeting will begin when the last group arrives."

"Right." Ellie fixed her gaze on Helpono, making him jump.

"Y-Yes..." He said timidly.

"I need a word." She said and approached him with her arms crossed. "It's about that-"

"Yo!! Ima back!!"

Ellie cringed as she recognized the annoying voice from belonging to one of the two that had just walked in.

The woman was Leone Vasta, a Cait Sith thief they had hired for an important job a few months back, and quickly grew into the most irritable and annoying person Ellie had ever met in her life.

Hovering behind them was Robin Wind, an Elfin boy. He'd only just joined Yensin, but besides that Ellie knew even less than she did about Ling. Whenever one of the others try to ask him something, he just avoids the question.

"Haha! Welcome!" Sokaku waived.

"Yo So!" Leone waved as she leaped up to where he was. "Got more of that Sake?"

"Hehe, thought you'd ask that." Sokaku bought out a second gourd and threw it to Leona.

"Sweet!" The two toasted and began to chug down their drinks.

"Didn't you just drink this morning?" Robin asked as he floated up to Leone and Sokaku.

"Ah, Lighten up Robbie, ya party pooper."

"It's Robin." Robin sighed as he floated a few meters back.

"She's just as lively,"

"And annoying." The twins said.

Leone then spotted Ellie and waved at her. "Yo! El! Come join us!"

"Yes Come! There plenty to go around!" Sokaku added, raising his gourd.

"I don't drink," Ellie said in a stern voice. "and I told you to stop calling me that!"

"Aw, don't be like that El," Leone pouted.

Ling chuckled to himself. "She does liven up the place."

"But why her...?" Ellie grumbled.

"You can't deny her skill. After all, she's the reason why we have the first half of the seal. Literally snuck right under the watch of the Arch Sage." Ling said.

Ellie sighed. "Of course I can't deny that. What I don't like is that carefree attitude of hers."

"Still don't see why you're complaining," Robin said as he hovered over to Ellie and Ling. "I have'ta put up with her, remember."

"Fair enough," Ellie said as she then looked towards Helpono, who jumped again.

"Y-Yes?" He whimpered again.

"That favor I asked, what happened?"

"...uh... uh.... WHAHAHAHA!!!" Helpono dropped to the ground as he began to bawl like an infant. "IM SORRY!! I FAILED!!! WHAHAHA!!!!"

Ellie sighed and plugged her ears. "I'm aware of that. I just had an encounter with someone from the ship."

"I EVEN LOST STEVIE!!!! THOSE HORRIBLE PEOPLE KILLED HIM!!!!" Helpono continued to bawl as he hugged onto Ellie's leg.

"G-GET OFF!!" Ellie snapped as she tried to wrestle her leg free.


A large rock then smacked into Helpono in the back of the head, hitting hard enough to render him unconscious. Ellie then freed her leg and looked to where the rock had come from.

"You're too noisy," Fark spoke as he lowered the arm he used to throw the rock.

"Aw, poor Heppi," Leone said as she took another sip of Sokaku's sake. "What was Stevie again?"

"That huge squid thing, I think," Sokaku said looking at Ellie. "Still trying to kill that girl you were involved with? Kira was it?"

"Don't say that name!" Ellie snapped. "And yes. I got a tip-off that she was coming over from Rosaria. Last thing I want is to cross paths at this stage."

"So you enlisted Helpono to kill her." Ling finished for her.

"He was closer," Ellie said, "and I had that business with Celtic Hoard to deal with, remember."

"I haven't forgotten. And while we're on that subject..." Ling gave her a sly smile. "I heard an interesting rumor that a group of Samiets turned in the leader of Dolton was turned into the Empire."

Ellie swallowed hard as he mentioned that. "Y-Yes... It was a failure."

"Whoaho! Ya mean those little dwarfs fought them off?" Leone said astonished.

"Hahaha, that's certainly surprising," Sokaku laughed as he lifted up his gourd.

"Actually..." Ellie continued, her voice a little lower. "It was a group of adventurers."

"Adventurers?" Robin asked.

"About five in total,"

"Accompanied by three Samiet youths." The twins spoke in turn.

There was then a long quiet as the information sunk in, which was then interrupted as Sokaku and Leone burst into laughter.

"Oh my god, what a bunch of pussies, hahaha!!!" Leone blurted out while Sokaku slapped her on the back while holding his gut to try and stop himself from laughing.

"What part of this is funny?!" Ellie snapped at them.

"Almost all of it!" Leone said, sticking out her tongue.

"I have to agree with them on this," Ling said. "They were quite full of themselves when I last met them with master Yensin. To lose all they have to a handful of adventurous.... What beautiful irony." He then looked at Ellie, with a little more serious expression. "Still, that is quite worrying. Did you fight them?"

"I just fought against one," Ellie said. "Some blond haired teenager with a spirit weapon."

"We just observed, Right Thelma?"

"Right Louse?" The twins said.

"I see..." Ling said. "What were their numbers? The adventures I mean?"

The twins answered.

"There's their blond girl Ellie let live."

Ellie looked down in shame when they mentioned that.

"Don't look so distraught my dear, I would've done the same thing. It was their fight after all." Ling said to her. "Please, continue." He nodded to the twins.

"There's the red-haired Assassin,"

"A large, fair-haired man,"

"A small child,"

"And a boy with an X shaped scar."

"Huh? Ya don't say?" Everyone then turned to Leone who, to everyone's surprise, seemed to be thinking.

"Something wrong?" Sokaku asked.

"Na," Leone shook her head. "Just ringen some bells."

"What about the people you met in Soma Rand?" Robin asked her. "They seem to match the description."

"Soma Rand?" Ellie said.

"Yeah, bout three days ago I meet some adventures, three complete hotties along with some kid and two chicks." Leone said. "They were lookin for a way inta Cataka but the borders were closed, so I told'em about... Sterland... Forest..."

Everything when quite as Leone began to piece things together. Everyone else reacted in some way to Leone's stupidity, mostly Ellie's mouth dropped open, Ling face-palming, Robin looking indifferent and the twins giggling at Leone's supposed mistake.

"NO WAY!!!" She then burst into laughter again. "Aw man, what are the odds huh!!" she gasped as she finished her laughing fit.

"SO THIS WAS YOUR FAULT!!" Ellie snapped.

"Aw, lighten up..." Leone said waving at her as she calmed down. "How was I suppose ta know this would happen? Besides, no big deal, right?"

"No big deal?!" Ellie snapped and drew her sword and pointed it at her. "Because of you, our entire plan's ruined!!!"

"I wouldn't go that far,"

She stopped when a low voice came from the darkened area of the temple, followed by footsteps.

Ellie froze as she recognized the source of the voice. "M-Master Yensin,"

"Celtic Hoard wasn't completely integral to our overall goal, but more of a convenience, to us. A middle man if you will." In the darkness strove out Yensin, a tall, middle-aged man, wearing a long trench coat with bleach white hair, giving him a vampire look overall.

Followed behind him was Lire Lim, the best way to describe her was either a hag or a crone, covered in a wide and heavy-looking cloak, her face obscured by an intimidating bird-like iron mask.

"That village poses no threat to us. In fact, with all of us gathered here, we could take it by... oh, I reckon lunchtime." Yensin chuckled continued as he stopped before his followers. "Of course I cannot be everywhere and these matters require a delicate matter. Still, having someone so ready to burn that village to the ground for free would certainly be convenient. So, he gets to destroy the village, we can just stroll in, everyone wins. Well… almost everyone.

"Dasi... rroo.... Whennneeee..." Lire Lim groaned. When she spoke, it sounded like something grinding against a rock.

"Hahaha... I see your point." Yensin replied. Strangely, he was able to interpret what Lire was saying. Yensin then looked towards Ellie, who had just sheathed her sword. "So long as you have that arm, are plans remain unchanged."

Ellie's expression hardened when Yensin mentioned her left arm, which she instinctively touched with her right hand, looking down.

"Ah, I don't mean to upset you, my dear," Yensin said as he approached her, gently cupped her chin, lifting her head to gaze into her eyes. "That arm may be important to me, but your dedication to our freedom is just as important. So long as you possess both, you will be of use to me.”

Ellie turned away quickly. "Th-Thank you, master Yensin."

With a quick smirk, Yensin walked past Ellie and addressed everyone in the room. "Now my friends, time to bring this show to its penultimate conclusion. Lire Lim, just this morning, has located the second half of the seal of Kitsune, the Nine-Tailed Fox. Undoubtedly, the Arch Sage Elaina will do all she can to stop us, so it is advisable that you all go together. She won't come herself, I'm sure of that, but she will send someone of considerable strength to oppose you, or even try to beat us to the punch.

"If that's the case... hmm, I'll leave that part up to you." He then strode towards the entrance with Lire Lim following behind him. "Just make sure you don't die. I may still have some use for you afterward."

He stopped short of leaving, staring out into the fog, a large grin on his face. Everyone behind him had gathered behind, including Helpono who had just regained consciousness, huddling close to his staff, and was standing a few steps from Fark, who stood with his arms, crossed while scowling.

Leone wore a large grin while she held her arms over her head. Sokaku stood beside her with his sword resting on his shoulders, holding it by the scabbard. Robin floated above them, looking relaxed.

Ling stood with hands at his back also with a grin, while the twins, Thelma and Louise stood beside him.

Standing close to Yensin was Ellie, standing with one hand her sword, wearing a very serious look.

Lire Lim took her place alongside Yensin, who looked up as the fog began to clear. “Let's go blow some shit up.” He said, his face stretching into a sinister grin.


"We're finally out!!"

"I'm never going through that deathtrap of a forest again!!"

Max and Melvin cheered and collapsed to the flat ground before them. Before the party lay flat grassland stretching as far as the eye could see.

"We're finally out," Allisa said with a great deal of relief. "Felt like forever ago since we've seen the land with no trees." She took a look to Rodger, taking in the look he had, his mouth opened with amazement as he looked at the land stretched out before him.

"Oh yeah, this is your first time out, right?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah." Rodger didn't take his eyes off. As though he was possessed, he took steps forwards beyond the group, still gazing at the open land before him.

"I did it... I'm finally out..."

While Rodger had his moment to bask in the adventure, Cliff and Nel walked up to Allisa.

"I know it's a bit late, but are you sure about this?" Cliff asked Allisa.

"Uh... Well we can't say no now, can we?" Allisa replied. "And I'm sure he'll be good, maybe...." She gave them both a weak smile, which didn't fill them up with confidence.

"Like you said, too late now," Nel said with a smile.

Yuki then walked up. "I for one still think this is a bad idea."

"Yeah, I know," Allisa said back as the two exchanged cold stares, causing both Nel and Cliff to sigh.

Meanwhile, Melvin and Max had gone to join Rodger. Since he had joined them, the group had to fill in their new member about who they were and what they were doing.

"Just checking," Melvin said, snapping Rodger out of his daze, "you did understand that stuff we were talking about, right?"

"Huh, oh yeah." Rodger turned and nodded. "Um... basically, Allisa's got some magic sword, and she's from this 'other world' and now we're going to this art sage chick cause she wants ta met her."

"...... Close enough." Melvin sighed at the simplified version of what they told him

"Well, its first time outside kiddo, how'ds it feel?" Max asked.

"Hmmm..." Rodger mummed to himself as he looked back out to the plains. "Juries still out.... But no denying this feeling."

Allisa and Nel then caught up with them. "So... We still got a day to go, huh?" Allisa asked Nel.

"That's right." Nel nodded. "Hopefully, if there are no more delays, we'll reach Tattora by morning."

"I hope nothing else happens," Melvin groaned. "Our trip's already four days longer than it should've been."

Allisa felt a little prick of worry as she just remembered that she had dropped everything in her world to come here, and it had already been a whole week. The time in the forest had made her completely lose track of how much time had passed since she left her home in Terra.

And she still had no idea how much longer it would take before she could return. Strangely though, she didn't really care too much. She felt the same when she came back from Avalon the first time, and now that she was back-

"Best not to think too hard about it." Nel interrupted her chain of thought.

"H-How do you even know what I'm thinking about?" Allisa asked, a little startled.

"I don't. I just recognized when you're lost in thought." Nel said with a little smirk. "You do it quite often."

"Well sorry," Allisa pouted. "It's not my fault I have a lot on my mind." She muttered quietly.

"No one said it was," Nel said, surprising Allisa.

Geez her hearing's scary.

They were about to set off when Rodger spoke up. "Hey, ya got a sec?" He said, grabbing the attention of Allisa, Nel, Max and Melvin. "Just... Wanna say thanks for letting me tag along." He nervously tapped his fingers together. "I don't really get what you guys are involved with... but I'm gonna prove myself. I won't hold you back or nothen."

"You don't have to prove anything." Allisa interrupted him. "We're friends now, and we don't need to prove ourselves to each other." She said smiling.

"That's quite a simple response," Nel said.

"Well, why should it be complicated? As long as you have fun and watch each other's backs, what more is there."

Max and Melvin nodded in agreement with Allisa.

Nel chuckled. "You got me there."

"Besides, you beat up that Dolton guy so we all know you're pretty tough," Max said with a big grin while putting his hands on the back of her head.

"Even I have to agree with him on that," Melvin said. "I've never seen anyone with 'Earth Mold' as strong as yours."

"See," Allisa said to Rodger and kneeled before him. "So don't feel you need to prove anything, cause no matter what, we'll have your back."

Rodger looked up at Allisa with a sense of awe. He then looked away and wiped his moist eyes. "T-Thanks... That means allot." He then smacked both his cheeks to psyche himself up and ran past Allisa, sticking his fist in the air and announced, "Alright Henchmen! Let's get to adventuring."

"We're still henchmen, huh?" Melvin sighed as he followed after him.

"He might get bored of it, eventually," Allisa added as she and Max walked on to catch up.

"Ahem!" Nel grabbed the four's attention. "Tattoria is that way." She pointed in the direction opposite to where they were going.

Cliff and Yuki, who were a little further back sighed deeply as the 'children' of their group corrected themselves.

"Things are gonna get pretty lively now," Cliff said.

"Don't have to tell me that," Yuki replied.

The two then caught up with the main group as they continued their journey towards Tattoira, and at long last, to Arch Sage Elaina.


Meanwhile, a little further away at a remote farm, a short chestnut-haired girl with a rifle slung over her back was asking the couple living in that house about a girl that was in a photograph she was showing them. The couple simply shook their heads.

The woman bowed and left, one hand on the sling around her chest that held her rifle in place, and another at the photograph. It was taken about five years ago and had a picture of her and another girl with long silver hair and just visible was her bandaged left arm above her long sleeve of the tunic she was wearing.

"... Ellie.... Where are you?"

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