《The Goddess’ Chosen》To be a Real Man


"Wha... What?"

Rodger stood frozen in place, his eyes widened in shock.

"Y-you..... You killed my Pa....?"

Dolton grinned as he lowered his hands to his side, putting one on his hip while standing at ease. "Yep, guy was a real pain in my ass for years, probably right to call him my mortal enemy. Came across him when I was just starting out with my first gang, didn't take much of him at the time, just another adventurer from the ass-end of nowhere." Dolton's brows then furrowed. "And I paid for it. That bastard took down my organization, forcing me to start from scratch.

"That was about 10 or 12 years ago, I think. After that, I recovered a bit and formed another gang 6 years later; we made quite a name for ourselves, got a sweet base and all, and a sizable force. So much so that the Dominion we were in hired Adventurers as mercenaries for a strike force. And if you'd believe it, he was part of that."

He then pointed to his chest. "That time I actually fought him, the only fight I ever lost, still got a scare from one of his rock attacks." His hand then moved up to push his shades up. "Of all the people that destroyed the Wyverns, he's the only one I swore vengeance.

"Then, about 2 years ago, I managed to set up a new army, which is Celtic Hoard, and made quite a powerful friend who lent me all these Magitek. It took some time but we were finally back in business, doing jobs and such, and as luck would have it, we ran into our old 'friend' Graham in a raid."

A sinister smile grew on his lips. "He tried to hold us off until the inhabitance of the village we were attacking escaped, which worked for me." He then raised a finger. "And I finally killed him, with this very finger."

Rodger didn't budge from his position, still overwhelmed by the reveal.

"Cause, I wasn't prepared to let things just end there, after all the shit he put me through in the past. Like I said, I believe to be paid back in full. Which brings us to why we're here. And I won't rest until I burn the village that breeds him, right down to the last pebble."

As Dolton finished his explanation, Gimdo cursed quietly to himself. Of course, he knew that Dolton was his son's killer, and he kept it from Rodger so he wouldn't do anything reckless. Bush could sense his frustration, and put his hand on Gimdo's shoulder to reassure him, taking a look at Rodger, noting his shoulders stiffening and his fists tightening.

"..... So you're the one...." Rodger muttered as he gritted his teeth with rage.

"But this works out well," Dolton continued as he changed to an offensive. "Since you're actually his kid, and you remind me a lot of him, killing you will relieve me of some stress."

"So you're the one...." Rodger looked up with a look of absolute anger. He yelled out as he slammed into the ground, shooting several pillars at Dolton, who though swift and simple movements, shattered each one.

Rodger charged forwards through the fragments, trying to land a hit on Dolton, swinging his hammer in fury. Dolton simply raised his leg and took the hit with his knee. Though he hit as hard as he could, Rodger didn't do any kind of damage to Dolton.

Dolton shrugged as he kicked his leg outwards, sending Rodger tumbling back, skidding to a stop, and scraping a hand across the ground.


A giant rock hand shot out towards Dolton, who clawed a hand before intercepting it, shattering it with one hit. Rodger charged in once again, tapping the ground to use a rock pillar to launch himself forwards towards Dolton, soaring above the shattered rocks, aiming to land a blow on Dolton's head, where he dodged by sidestepping before sending a palm into Rodger's left side, knocking him back again.

Rodger grunted as he picked himself back up. Dolton was loomed over him, with one finger pointed out. Rodger rolled out of the way as his finger plunged into the ground, causing fissures around where he stabbed.

Rodger recovered again and slammed another hand to the ground, which began to flow around Dolton's embedded hand, trying to anchor him to the ground, which proved unsuccessful as he withdrew it from the enclosing rock with barely any effort before lunging again at Rodger with a finger, and as Rodger was preparing to leap back, Dolton's hand suddenly stopped short, which was proven to be a faint as Dolton kicked Rodger away.

"Can't you put up a bit more of a fight, this is pathetic," Dolton complained as Rodger struggled to get back to his feet. "I know I said I'd be letting out some of my frustration on you but this is starting to get boring."

Rodger hobbled up to his feet, wiping away some blood from his mouth. It took all his strength to remain standing. Dolton's blows were incredibly strong, strong enough that the two hits to his chest had likely broken a rib or two. But even, despite the hard hits, Dolton was holding back, deliberately. "Y-You're not even trying....." He grunted. ".... You're not taking this seriously!"

"And why should I?" Dolton said casualty as he pushed his shades up. "You may be that Pricks offspring, but you're still just that, a kid."

Rodger grunted as he hobbled over to retrieve his hammer, before tripping up.

"I mean seriously.... Did you honestly think you stand even a fraction of a chance against me? I'm just way too strong for you." He then sighed as Rodger crawled along the ground, making his way to his hammer. "It's probably best I put you out of your misery."

Rodger finally reached his hammer, pulling it close to him while Dolton slowly approached him, clicking his fingers along the way.

Pa.... A tear fell onto the silver hammer. It was more than just a weapon. It was the last thing he ever received from his father, and the last time he ever saw him again.

The Great Adventurer

(1 year ago)

"Rodger! Rodger wake up!!"

Rodger groaned as he turned in his bed, looking for the source of the disturbance. It was Dora and Fred, standing by his bed.

"ahhhh.... Why you gotta be so loud..." Rodger groaned as he tried to go back to sleep."

"Y-Your Dad's back!" Fred yelled.

"Seriously!" Rodger shot out of bed, all traces of his weariness was gone, and grabbed Fred and rocked him back and forth vigorously. "What ya mean?! He's back?! He's really back?!"

Before Fred could answer, Rodger threw him aside, grabbed his helmet and charged out the door, the other two struggling to keep up.

"All right! He's finally back!"

There was a large commotion at the gates of the village, with a large crowd gathered before it.

"Comen though!" Rodger announced as she charged straight through, bashing into nearly everyone before losing his balance and tripping and barrel-rolled out in the center.


"Ow..." He groaned.

"Hahaha... Nice entrance kiddo!"

Standing before Rodger was an older looking version of him. Tall for a samait with short stubble, a similar-looking helmet and a large cocky grin on his face, his Raccoon tail waving behind him and a massive backpack over his shoulders.

"Pa!" Rodger shot up. That man was his father, Graham D. Huxal, who immediately ruffled his son's hair.

"Been a long time kiddo!" He said to him. "Man, look how much ya grown."

Rodger grinned as he looked up.

"I was wondering what this commotion was about." The Crowd parted as Gimdo approached. "And I thought there was only one reason for it." He said with a smile. "Good to see you again, my son."

"Yo Pops." Graham grinned as he stood up. "Good to be back."

It been a little over a year since Graham had last been back home in Sterland Village. He was a rare bead amongst the Samiets, an Adventurer, and had likely seen more of the world than anyone else in the village. He barely had time to settle down when Rodger and the other Walloping Willows began pestering him to tell them about his adventures, not that he complained.

".... Check this out." Graham brought out a pouch, which he gave to Rodger, who spilled some of its contents his hand with Dora and Fred looking with amazement.

"That's sand," Dora breathed as she took the pouch from Rodger to poor some into her own hand.

"Whoa. F-from the Beach." Fred said.

"Nope." Graham shook his head. "This ain't from any kinda coast."

"It ain't?" Rodger asked.

Graham leaned in. "There's a place in the world called Quintara, a place where there's nothing but that stuff as far as the eye can see."

"No way." Rodger shook his head. "Everyone knows sand comes from the coast."

"I can promise ya, that place exists." Graham insisted. "Cause, I wouldn't recommend you go there. Ain't no green at all, not like this place. In the day, it's so hot ya can fry an egg on a rock. Then there comes night where it drops to freezing."

"Now you're making stuff up," Dora commented.

"Hey, A real man never lies." Graham countered with a smile. "Especially to a lady."

Dora blushed as she looked away.

"Yeah, My pa would never tell a lie," Rodger said to her. "So this, Sand place, what's it like?"

"Ha, the most unpleasant wasteland I've ever visited. Thousand ways to get killed, dangerous beasts looming about, small critters that could kill ya with one jab. The forest may be close hell, but this place is definitely hell itself."


A cough came from behind them, startling the three children.

"Yo, Ma!" Graham called out to the individual. Hellina, his mother, indicated him to follow her. "Ah..." Graham groaned as he stood up. " Hold down the fort would ya." He waved at the kids as he passed them. "Boss needs to have a word with me."

Hellina turned around the corner, followed by Graham, giving them thumbs up before he disappeared.

"Ahh, Stupid Grandma." Rodger sulked as he followed.


"Where are you going?!"

His two friends tried to stop him.

"I'm just gonna listen, ok," Rodger said to them.

"But it's rude to eavesdrop! You know that!" Dora scolded.

"Hey, I only have one mom figure, I don't need another." Rodger brushed off, as Fred ran to catch up.

"Not you too!" She snapped at Fred.

"Wh-Well I'm curious," Fred said timidly.

"Come on, don't tell me you don't want to hear what there sayin?" Rodger edged Dora on with a slightly wicked grin.

"Drrrrrr...." Dora went all flustered as she forced her feet to move. "T-Two minutes..." She said quietly.

"Sweat!" Rodger gave her thumbs up as he followed after his father and Grandmother.

"....... Come on ma. I'm just talking to my son, it ain't a bad thing."

"It is when you give him these ideas that it's a bad thing!"

They got close enough to hear the two, just out of sight.

"Hey, I'm just tellen them stories, I don't see anythin wrong?"

"Of course you don't see anything wrong with it. After all, you haven't been much of a father to young Rodger. Always out on your adventures, letting your wife die and abandoning-"

"I didn't abandon anyone! No matter what you or Dorian say, our future lies outside this village."

"..... Tch, stubborn as usual."

The argument died down after that, but the three remained a bit longer, not entirely sure if the argument was over.

"Sounds like they're done." Dora broke the silence.

"Th-Sounds like your gran's still against your dad," Fred said, looking to where Rodger was, only he wasn't. "Huh?"

"Rodger?" Dora looked around. He was nowhere to be seen. She then sighed heavily. "Guess we should find him."

"Leave that to me." Graham walked past them, starting both. "Don't panic, I knew you'd follow," Graham said as he gave them a small wave. "Ya best head on home. Getten late."



Rodger sat alone at the walls looking out to the glowing valley, hugging his own legs, letting out large sighs. "Stupid gran." He groaned. "Can't believe she said that...."

"Yeah, but ya gotta see it from their perspective, or whatever." Rodger turned to see Graham approaching him. "Mind if I join ya?" He took a spot beside Rodger.


"Oh and," Graham tapped his nose. "I won't tell ya gran that you were listening."

Rodger flustered as he looked away.

Graham looked out into the valley. They both watched for a minute in silence until Rodger spoke.

"Hey pa,"


"Why do you go out of the forest?"

"He, good question." Graham scratched his head. "Not sure I can give ya a proper answer." He chuckled as he looked back out. "I can't say the outside's better than what's here, still a thousand ways you can die." But...." He looked up towards the blackened tree coverage. "I guess one reason is.... A promise to ya mom."


Graham nodded. "I know what my ma says bout me, but I do love ya and ya mom. When I heard she passed away, I was gonna give up, being an adventurer altogether. But, before ya were born, she made me promise, no matter what happens, see the world in all its glory." He then grinned. "And once a man gives his word to a pretty lady, ya can bet on it that he's gonna keep it, or cut his heart out if he fails."

Rodger started giggling. "Yeah, mom would've killed ya if ya gave up."

Graham started laughing with him. "She sure would..." He looked back out into the valley. "So what're your feelings?" he asked. "I won't blame ya if deep down ya actually hate me."

Rodger stopped giggling and looked up at his father.

"I mean, I did choose my adventures over raising my own son. It ain't that I don't love ya, and love you and ya mom so much. But..." Graham let out a long sigh. "I miss so much of ya life. Ya pushing 8 or 9, and... I've barely acted like a father to ya."

"That's not true!" Rodger shook his head. "You're an awesome pa, and I admire ya for going into the outside world!"

Graham looked to his son with some surprise.

"No matter what Granma and those bastards say, me and ma always admired ya. And one of these days, I'm gonna go out and see that world you love so much!"

Graham look astonished at his son, before breaking down into laughter.

"Wha- why are ya laughing!" Rodger snapped as his face lit up. Graham then knocked his helmet off and started scuffing his heir. "That's my boy!" He said with a large grin.

"H-Hey, c-cut it out!"

As Rodger knocked Graham's hand away, Graham's gaze returned to the valley. "Goin out there is that important huh?"

Rodger looked back at Graham, who looked to be in some sort of trance. "Cause it is!"

"Then make sure you stick to it, and never look back." Graham looked to his son. "That's what it means to be a real man."


Graham stayed for a week before setting out on another adventure. During that time, Rodger spent most of his time with Graham, who told his friends some more about his adventures, and on some occasions took him out to a part of the forest to help him practice his magic.

Sadly, for Rodger, the week flew by quicker than he would have liked, and before he knew it his father was leaving.

"Hey Pa!" Rodger yelled as he ran up to Graham as he was about to depart, the large rucksack strapped over his shoulders.

"Rodger." He greeted me with a grin. "Here to see me off?"

"No way," Rodger said with a bigger grin. "I'm going with ya."

Graham laughed. "Sorry kid, you're still too young."

"Aw, but I'm way stronger now! You saw what I can do." Rodger pleaded.

"That it is, but the outside world is still very dangerous."

"I don't care! One of these days I'm gonna go out with you! I'm gonna get so strong that I'll be able to beat you."

Graham smiled at his son. "I'll hold you to it then." He then rummaged through his rucksack and pulled out a silver hammer. "But if you want to be strong like me, you're going to need something to enhance your magic." He told Rodger as he handed him the hammer. "If you want to beat me, make sure you get a handle that."

"On this?" Rodger studied the hammer in his hands.

"Remember, No matter what happens, no matter how hard the road before you becomes, a real man never goes back on his word. Never regret the decisions you make, and take each step forward and never backward." With that Graham turned to walk out of the village.

"You'll see!" Rodger called back. "When you get back, I'm gonna have moves that'll put yours to shame!" He boasted as he waved his farther off, "And don't worry about me! I'll be alright!"

Graham turned around and waved. "I know that you'll be alright. After all, you're my son."

That was the last time he ever saw him.


Dolton halted his advance as Rodger pushing himself back to his feet. "Persistent little brat, you're definitely his kid."

Rodger hobbled round, raising his hammer towards Dolton. "I.... I will.... Defeat you!"

Dolton raised an eyebrow as he stood at ease. "You seriously think you can. Your rotten father was just barely able to beat me the one time, and you don't need much imagination how he faired the second time. And you, his little kid, hasn't even scratched me."

Rodger breathed heavily as he stood more at ease, fixing Dolton with a determined look. "A... Real man.... Never goes back on his word." He then gave him a little grin. "For my Pa..... I'll finish.... What he started!"

Dolton sneered as he parted his legs. "Alright. So you wanna play hero?" He took a combat stance, standing sideways, hocking his left hand up, "I guess I can humor you." And gave Rodger an evil grin. "You're meeting your old man soon enough."

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