《The Goddess’ Chosen》Vanguard


Who is this guy? Allisa thought as she stared at the bizarre entrance. She wasn't alone; Max was also cringing in confusion. The Samiets, on the other hand, did look a bit concerned.

"C-Celtic Hoard?" Fred stuttered, reaching slowly for a slingshot he had strapped to his side.

"Celtic Hoard?" Yuki muttered. "Ain't you with those losers we trashed the other day?"

Waze faced Yuki. "Oh..." he said as though he just put something together. "You must be the guy;s who took out one of our Magitek that pissed off the boss the other day." He said looking at Max and Allisa. "Didn't think it would be a bunch of kids."

"Well it's not like you guys were particularly tough," Yuki said.

"Yeah," Rodger joined in. "I was the one who took down that weapon of yours. That was hardly a challenge."

"Don't tell him that you idiot!" Dora said to Rodger in a hushed voice.

Waze, however, ignored him and kept his gaze on Yuki. "Havta ask, how'd you know I was around." He pointed at Max, who was standing by Allisa. "The Salamander is one thing, but..."

Yuki let out a slight grin. "When you have enough people trying to sneak up on you, you learn a few things." Yuki's grip on his sword tightened as the stand off continued. "Though I gotta give you points for trying to take us all on your own."

Waze then lets out a small, 'ha,' as a grin came to his face. "Who said I was alone?"

"ALLISA!!" Before anyone noticed what was happening, Max grabbed Allisa and leaped out the way with her while something smashed into the area where they were standing.

"Bum, bum, bum...." A low voice came from the dust. As it cleared, two massive hands could be made out. As it cleared, a large, stocky man, carrying two poles with large purple hands attached. "I missed."

A hissing sound then came from the forest close to the Samiets. Rodger, Fred and Dora stood by on guard as a man dressed in a turban, holding a flute emerged from the forest, flanked by two anacondas. "Ssssorry I'm late Waze." The man hissed. "The othersssss will be here ssssssoon."

"That's fine," Waze said to the man with the turban. "Apa, Selvester, got my permission to go nuts." Waze then bought up his right revolver to block a strike from Yuki. He then kicked back and disappeared and repaired a few meters back, firing shots off with his two guns, which Yuki cut with one swift slash.

"Not to rain on your parade pretty boy, but I've fought gunmen before." Yuki taunted. "And it usually ended with the other guy split in two."

"Given you cut my bullets at that range, you definitely have some wicked skills." Waze lowered his left revolver. Suddenly, a strong gust of wind began to blow into the barrel. "But I ain't your ordinary gunman."


Waze then leveled his left revolver at Yuki. "Gun magic. Hurricane shot!" As Waze pulled the trigger, a tornado willed from the barrel, aimed directly at Yuki, who leaped out of the way before it hit him and crashed into the ground close to where he was standing, leaving a small crater in its wake. "I may not look it, but I'm actually a wizard."

"Fine by me," Yuki said as he brought his sword up over his head, taking the first stance. "Doesn't really make a difference either way."


"Gun's magic! Hurricane shot!"

Reijingu Mizu Stance 1: Sāji.

A massive surge of wind blew from the two men, marking the beginning of the battle.


"Bum, bum, bum!" the man sung down on Max with the left hand, nearly flattening him. Thanks to his Dragon strength, he was able to avoid being crushed but was forced down on one knee as he tried to hold the pressure crushing him. To the man's right, Allisa rushed him swinging her sword down on him from above.

The man effortlessly inverted the grip of his right hand, blocking Allisa's strike with the palm of the giant hand. He then brought up the left hand, which clenched into a fist as he pivoted, swiped Allisa off balance with his right hand in the prose before hitting her with the right. As Max got back to his feet, the right hand swung around and smacked into him, knocking him off his feet. Both Allisa and Max were sent several feet back, landing hard on the ground.

"...Uh... ow..." Allisa muttered as she got back to her feet.

"Bum, bum... you seem more resilient than I thought." The man said to Allisa. He then turned to look at Max, who was also getting back up. "You being a Salamander, that wouldn't be too surprising, Bum bum."

"Man that packs a punch...." Max muttered to himself as he regained his balance. He then flared up his fists and charged the man again. The man brought up the hands and blocked a flaming punch from Max. The impact moved the man back an inch from the explosive force. Max then jumped back and assaulted the hands again. This time though, the man side stepped out of the way and began swinging the hands at Max.

Max dodged the first strike but was swatted away by the second. He regained his balance as he flew back and let out a fire roar at the man, who blocked the blast with the hands again, amazingly standing his ground at the explosion that resulted. As the dust settled, the man heaved the hands over his head and charged Max again, smashing the ground with each swing. Each time Max sent an attack at the man, he either dodged them or blocked with the giant hands. Despite his stocky build and massive weapons, he moved faster than he looked, welding the hands with such ease.

Standing back behind the man was Allisa, her sword at the ready. While the man's attention was on Max, she planned to strike him once she saw an opening. The man's movements, however, made finding the right opportunity difficult.

However, just then she felt a presence rushing up beside her. She wasn't sure if this was some other ability she had gained she gained the sword (like her rapid healing) or some kind of nocturnal instinct that she had developed at some point in her life but she could 'feel' when there was someone approaching her, and by her feeling, this particular individual was hostile. She immediately pivoted and blocked a strike from what seemed to be a sword with a glowing, laser like edge, the impact sending sparks.

"What the... a chick?"

Allisa threw off her assailant, a man who looked to be in his mid-twenties, short cropped and spiky hair, whirring leather clothing and caring a mechanical looking blade.

"Thought there weren't supposed to be humans this deep in the forest," the man said with a hint of irritation. "Least of all couple of kids."


The man fighting Max shrugged off the last attack he made. Max landed close to Allisa with his back to hers, keeping his eyes on his opponent. "Bum, bum, bum, You're late Zambi."

"Don't give me that you git! You sped off without me! Trying to hog these bastards to yourself?"

"If you can't keep up with the commander then you don't get any. That's his rules, bum, bum,"

"Would you cut out the 'ba ba ba' crap! You know it bugs me!"

Allisa and Max stood in a defensive stance as their opponents stood opposite them.

"So what's the story?" the new one asked. "Why'd you come all this way? No sane person would ever just stroll into the village here."

"What about you?" Allisa asked. "You're definitely not here to be friends."

"We're not answering that, bum, bum." The stocky man said.

"Kinda figured that," Max said to him. He then whispered to Allisa. "Will you be alright?"

"Yeah, don't worry," Allisa nodded. "this guy's got nothing on Rubrik, that much is certain. What about you? That guy looks pretty tough?"

Max grinned. "Ha, He's nothing. This might actually be fun."

Allisa smiled, "Just don't go overboard like you always do."

Max gave a small 'hm,' in response. He then bashed his firsts together while emitting frames from that. "Alight hand guy. Time to start taking this seriously."

The 'hand guy' smiled and heaved his hands up, ready to swing. "Zambi, this kids mine. You take care of the girl."

"Don't boss me around Apa." The man named Zambi brought up his sword and slammed down on the hilt, causing the blade to buzz like a chain saw. He was about to charge when Allisa teleported a few meters above him, bringing down her sword on the surprised man.

"Azure Flame!"

The wind howled and the ground cracked from the collision of the green energy from Zambi's sword, and Allisa's flames from her sword.

At the same time, Max rocketed himself at Apa, who was taken by surprise by the commotion from his partner. He only just brought one of his hands to block a flaming kick from Max. Max then somersaulted over the man and punched down, hitting the man in his big cheeks.


"Three Sssssamites. Children at that."

Rodger slowly pulled out his silver hammer as the turban whirring man approached him. Fred and Dora stood behind him.

"R-Rodger," Fred said timidly, holding out a slingshot.

"Don't worry, well be fine," Rodger said in a confident voice.

"How do you know that?" Dora hissed, trying to keep her hands steady. "He looks dangerous!"

"Relax, ya," Rodger said, taking a step forward. "Listen up you, snake guy!" He then stuck out his finger at the man. "My name is Rodger D. Huxel, a warrior from Sterland village."

"Really." The man said, hissing a snake like a tongue while the anacondas slithered up to him. "I'm Ssssssselvester." The man introduced himself with a hiss. "I'm a sssnake charmer form the principality Farsad."

"F-Farsad?" Rodger slowly lowered his hammer, tiring to tap the ground to use his magic.

"Not many have heard of it, its one of the many kingdoms within the Quintara desert."

Rodger then tapped the ground with the hammer. A pillar rose from the earth and shot at Salvester, smashing him in the chest with the force of a cannon.

"Did that get him?" Fred said.

"Not quite."

The three froze when they heard a voice behind them. Rodger then noticed that the spot where the pillar stood where a gathering of tiny snakes that was in the same spot where Selvester had one stood.

As then looked back, Fred got kicked in the face and sent flying towards Graham's grave. The same kick got Dora and send her back.

"Guys!" Rodger jumped back, facing Selvester who was now in front of him. How'd he do that?

Two snakes then descended from his robes and shot out at Rodger. Startled, Rodger fell backward and taped his hands on the ground, raising a wall, which the snakes hit. Suddenly, a snake wrapped around his leg. He was then tugged out from his spot to his left and slingshot away from the spot he was standing. Selvester stood his ground as the snake that had gripped Rodger coiled up the man's sleeve.

"Wha- what hell are you?" Rodger said as he got back to his feet. He had let go of his hammer when the two snakes were launched at him and were now where he was standing before.

Selvester smiled as he expanded his arms. Two cobras emerged from the sleeves. "Time to die my young ffffre-"

Suddenly, two balls hit the snakes then detonated.


"Rodger!!" Fred picked up Rodger's hammer and loaded it into his slingshot and fired it in the air.

"Damn!" Selvester, dazed by the surprise attack, sent a snake from his cloak after Rodger, who was running to retrieve his hammer that was descending.

Fred reached into his pouch and loaded a small ball into it and fired it on the snake. The shot accurately hit it in the head and detonated. Rodger reached up and grabbed his hammer mid air and slammed it onto the ground. Two fists shot from the ground, curved and shot towards Selvester, who leaped back before the fists hit him.

"Thanks," Rodger gave Fred a thumbs up.

Selvester skidded to a halt and stood cautiously as he faced Rodger and Fred. "Sssseems I underestimated you." He said. "Ssssseems you can hold your own in a ffffight."

The ground below him then started to crack. Selvester looked down and saw a branch burst from the earth. "Gah!!" the branch launched him into the air. As he turned midair he saw Dora with her hands to the ground.

"Plantlife," Dora said to Selvester as four more branches grew around her. "I can speed up the growth of plants and manipulate them." The branches then shot at the mid air Selvester, who realized that there was no way he could dodge. However, as the branch pierced him, his body turned to snakes, which fell apart and fell to the ground.

"Sssseems I really underestimated you." Selvester re-emerged from the woods, holding his flute he was holding earlier. Dora ran to join Rodger and Fred who had turned to face him, wondering what ability he used to evade both Dora and Rodger's attacks. "But play timesssss over kidsssss." Selvester brought the flute to his lips and started playing a melody. The forest behind him started to crack as the trees were uprooted. Behind Selvester arose a massive snake, far bigger the common variety. "Time to bring out the big gunsssss."


Waze brought up his guns to block a strike from Yuki. As Yuki applied more pressure with his blade, Waze carefully tilted the barrel of his right gut to aim at Yuki's head.

Yuki moved his head to the side just before Waze fired, narrowly missing his head. With the relief of pressure, Waze leaned back and kicked up, hitting Yuki in the chin while somersaulting backward. After his backflipped in mid-air, he settled his gun on Yuki and fired as he struck upwards with his sword. Waze was left with a shallow cut on his left shoulder while a bullet grazed Yuki's right shoulder.

Waze completed his movement and landed on his feet, aiming his right revolver, which had an orange glow in the barrel. "Gun magic: Vulcan shot." Four fireballs burst from the barrel. Yuki dodged both, sheathing his sword in the process while crossing the distance in a split second.

Reijingu Mizu Stance 4: Rasshu!

Yuki unleashed his powerful drawing technique, which proved strong enough to cut open the armor of the knight Kuradeal. Waze however, used quickstep to avoid being sliced in two, reappearing upside-down above Yuki, leveling his left revolver on Yuki. "Gun magic: Tornado drive!" a massive tornado was released from the barrel, a raging gale that by the looks of it could rip apart anyone who was caught up in it.

Yuki pivoted sharply bringing up his blade in an upward slash.

Reijingu Mizu Stance 3: Nami!

The pressurized air from the force of Yuki's upward swing collided with the tornado, the collision powerful enough to cancel each other out.

Waze allowed himself to be caught in the blast, hurting him some distance from Yuki. "You're pretty good." He said panting, a very large grin on his face. "I heard that there was some kind of technique that could project the user's attack without any kind of mana. Rare, and very difficult to master." Waze regained his stance. "To think I'd actually be fighting one of those people, Man, this really gets my blood flowing."

"I'll take that as a compliment," Yuki replied, bringing his blade back up. "Wasn't aware my sword style was so rare."

Waze grinned as he shook his left revolver and ejected the bullet casings before quickly reloading it with his right hand. "Been a while since I had this much fun before." He then did the same to his left revolver, ejecting the bullet casings before quickly putting in fresh bullets, both reloads took under four seconds. "Pretty exhilarating."

"Glad you're enjoying yourself," Yuki said in a rhetorical manner. "Though I don't really get what you people would want this far into the forest. It's pretty much the ass end of nowhere."

Waze lowered his guns briefly, still remaining on his guard. "Good point, this is the 'ass end of nowhere', and despite that, there exists a tiny little village so out of the way that they have no clue as to what goes on outside this place."

Yuki raised his sword in front of him. "So you guys are here to destroy that village? Seems like a complete waste of time if you ask me."

"I can't agree with you more."

Yuki was a little surprised by what Waze said. "Then why bother?"

Waze returned a sinister smile "Have you ever heard of Yensin?"

"Not really?"

"Well, he's paid us a pretty hearty sum of Rundes to take that village there for him. So much so that the boss feels that there's something valuable in there."

"I've been inside, hate to break it to you, but I don't see anything that could have you losers risk your lives."

Waze twirled his right revolver around and let off a shot at Yuki, who sliced the bullet in two. "The boss sees things differently." Waze let out a savage grin. "And his instincts have never been wrong before."


Allisa continued to trade blows with Zambi, each stick emitted a spark from the contact between the blows. Zambi was fast, and certainly more experienced that Allisa was. However, Allisa was surprisingly keeping up with each strike. She had developed a mana focusing ability to enhance her toughness and reflexes, and it was now refined to the point that she was unconsciously using it in every battle.

After parrying another strike from Zambi, Allisa pivoted on her right leg and twirled, spinning her blade in a fast horizontal slash. Zambi managed to block but the clash forced him to skid back about 5 meters.

Damn! This Chick's better than I thought.

Allisa stood her ground as Zambi recovered. She then brought her blade up and struck down. "Vermillion Strike!!"

"Oh Crap!!" Zambi stood startled as the vertical slash of flames came at him. However, instead of dodging it (which Allisa was hoping for) he slashed at the flame when it was close enough. The green energy surrounding the blade grew more intense as he sliced through the flame with ease.

"What the?" Allisa was surprised.

"Damn! You're quite good. Can't believe I had to use my trump card on ya."

A trump card?

Zambi grinned as he held out his blade. "A Magitek sword, Claíomh Solais, absorbs the user's mana to coat a light around the blade, capable of melting through any weapon or armor." He then clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Though spirit weapons are off the table it seems."

Magitek? Allisa recalled Nel talking about them the other day, a weapon like that robot Rodger destroyed. Wait... Absorbs?

Zambi swung his sword around his body. The green energy that coated the blade grew more intense. "One of its most deadly features is that it absorbs projections," He then charged Allisa swinging his blade at her. "Making it even stronger!" when the blade's clashed, Allisa found herself hurtling back from the force of the strike.

"C-Crap..." Allisa moaned as she picked herself up from the ground. So that thing can power up?

Zambi then charged Allisa again, swinging down with his charged up blade. Not wanting to take the chance, Allisa teleported away, seconds before the blade made contact. The blade hit the ground, splitting the rock beneath.

Allisa repaired a few meters back panting. She had doubts that she could have blocked that strike. If that had actually hit her body then she'd be split in two.

"Not bad," Zambi said as he lifted his blade. "Even I didn't expect Claíomh Solais to level up this much. Must thank ya for that Blondy."

Steam raise from Allisa's sword as it reverted back to its original form. She realized that when she used 'Vermillion Strike' against him, he slashed the flames and rendering them apart. She realized that it had absorbed the flames on impact and used it to significantly enhance its own power. If that thing absorbed Azure Flames power, then it's properly best I don't use it against this guy.

"Just curious, but what's that weapon's name?" Zambi asked.

"What do you mean?" Allisa asked, keeping her guard up.

"Every spirit weapon has a name, obviously," Zambi replied. "Suppose to be about 68 or so spirit weapons that exist outside of Aquia. True that their owners are real picky over who can acutely use them, but weapons like that are worth a lot to the right buyer."

Allisa felt a little reluctant to actually tell him the name of her sword- or 'spirit weapon' as he referred. Although, she didn't really see what harm it could do given that he will try to kill her regardless.

"Excalibur," she said.

"Huh?" Zambi looked a little confused at the name. "Excalibur? Wait, you mean from the legends?" by his tone he didn't really believe her.

"Does it matter anyway?" Allisa taunted.

"Ha, guess not." Zambi brought up his sword. "Won't matter anyway once you're dead."


"Bum, bum!"

Max leaped to the left as Apa's right hand smashed into the ground. He then quickly leaped back as the left hand swung at him, letting out a flame roar at Apa, who rolled quickly out of the way before the flames hit him.

This big guy's a lot quicker than he looks. Max thought.

He then charged Apa again. Apa moved his hands and opened them up to block the strike. Max burst out as many flames as he could around his fists, putting pressure on Apa. He then felt the hands begin to be forced back, and eventually, the guard would be down. Max prepared himself for when the hands gave way.

Unexpectedly, however, when the hands parted, Apa had leaped up soaring over Max as he fell forwards from the momentum of his own attack. Just barely registering what happened, Max quickly turned and raised his defenses while both hands, Clenched into fists slammed into him. Max was knocked back several meters before skidding to a halt.

There's something strange with this kid? Apa thought as he whirled round his hands. "What's your ability?"


"You're quite strong. In fact, you're very strong given that you can take a hit from these. Not many people have survived this long against me." He brought up his hands. "Those fire attacks of yours, and that scar on your chest. I had my doubts to begin with, but you definitely are the real deal."

Max's eyes drifted to his X shaped scar on his chest.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't think ill of you. In fact, I find you quite... interesting." Apa said with a grin.

"Really," Max pointed at Apa's weapons. "Well since we're being honest, what's the deal with those freaky hands?"

"What's this?" Apa heaved his hands out in front of him. "A Magitek weapon, Giga Hands. Massive weapons that move on the will of its wielder." He then gave him a wave with the right hands.

"...Ok, that's really lame."

Apa gave a little huff of agreement as he brought down the hands in front of him. "I do admit it's not the looker. But you should know it packs one hell of a punch." Apa chucked at his pun.

Max did have to agree with him on that. Even for him, one hit felt like a cannonball had slammed into him. "I got another question for ya," Max asked more seriously. "What the hell are you jerks planning to do to the village? Are you planning to hurt those people?"

Apa grinned as he heaved the Giga hands over head. "That should be obvious."

"Right." Max slammed his fists together. "That means you guys are dead." He growled.

"Why bother protecting those midgets? No one will care if their village happens to be burnt to the ground."

Max then rocketed forwards again. This time, as Apa put the Giga hands to block, Max leaped over them. Apa noticed and swung at him with the left hand, but Max burst flames from his foot and spun in the air, dodging the hand and kicking Apa in the cheek with enough force to tear down a wall. Apa flew away and smashed into a tree.

"That's where you're wrong pal," Max said through his anger. "I care."

Apa picked himself up from the impassion he left on the tree. Despite Max's overwhelming strength, he surprisingly seemed unharmed. He even managed to keep his grip on the Giga Hands. "You certainly are strange if nothing else." Apa heaved the hands to his side as he faced down Max again. "Try to protect them if you can. I doubt you, that girl or the other guy can take on the whole of Celtic Hoard."

Max slammed his fists together. "Just watch us!"

Walloping Willow's vs. Selvester

Rodger leaped out of the way just before the giant snake swallowed him whole. However, it landed on the ground with such force that it scooped up a large amount of the earth in its jaws.

"Rodger!" Dora slammed her hands on the ground. Roots then shot out around the snake and attempted to pin it to the ground. "I got it! Go after the guy!"

Rodger nodded and turned to face Selvester, the one controlling the giant snake. He slammed his hammer into the ground. Four earth pillars flew out from behind him and lunged at the man.

Selvester leaped back as each pillar slammed into his previous position. "Quite fasssst." Selvester then tripped on a piece of the earth that had suddenly just been raised.

"Gottya now!" Rodger then slammed his free hand to the ground. The earth around Selvester then moved up and sandwiched him between the two paces of earth that were raised.

"That must've got him," Rodger said to himself.

"No, but that was clossssse."

Rodger froze as he heard a familiar voice beside him. "Wha-"

Selvester then kicked Rodger in the air and send an anaconda from his robe which caught him round the neck.

"Gah!!" Rodger choked, dropping his hammer as his hands struggled against the snake that was slowly crushing his windpipe. How is he doing that?

"Thissss was fun, but I think itssss time I killed-"

Suddenly, something exploded against the anaconda that was strangling Rodger. As it's grip loosened, Rodger immediately freed himself, squirming on the ground coughing and spluttering as he took in some life-saving breaths.

"Damn! I forgot about that one," As Selvester turned; another ball hit him in the face and exploded. He then fell down with his face smoldering.

"R-Rodger!" Fred waved at Rodger from two yards away.

"I-I'm fine!" Rodger called back, retrieving his hammer.

"W-What about Dora?"

"She's holding off the big snake! We gotta take out the guy!" he turned to where Selvester was laying, staying on guard in case snakes burst from his body and tried to squeeze the life out of him again. However, the body started disintegrating, turning into the small snakes he'd seen before. "What the-!" Rodger then turned quickly to Fred. "I think he's disappeared again! Stay on ya toes!"

"Wha-" Suddenly, a snake shot from the ground and wrapped itself around Fred's right leg. "Ahhhh!" Fred looked to his right and saw Selvester standing away, with a snake sticking out of his robe, drilling into the ground. Desperately, Fred brought up his slingshot and fired an explosive at Selvester. However, Selvester moved to the side, allowing the ball to speed past him.

"Let him go!!" Rodger demanded.

"With plesssssure," Selvester then tugged on the anaconda and uprooted it from the earth, using it like a rope to drag the helpless Fred along as he spun him around twice before the snake let go, hurtling him into Rodger.

"Rodger! Fred!" Dora called out. Her hands were locked to the ground, trying to maintain the wood that was pinning the giant snake to the ground.

"That won't be enough." Selvester pulled out his flute once again and played another melody. There was then a sharp glow in the giant snake's eyes. With one heave, the wood around it shattered as it freed itself.

"What?!" Dora looked shocked as the giant snake slithered around to face her. She tried to summon more roots from the earth to try to pin the snake down again. However, the snake tore through them again with little effort before lunging at Dora, who leaped out of the way just before she got squished.

Selvester stood his ground, looking towards Rodger and Fred. "Did you honestly think that a couple of bratsssss like you could possibly defeat me?"

"D-Damn it," Rodger cursed as he picked himself up.

The giant snake circled around until it was close to its master, lowering its head above the man. Selvester then leaped onto the head of the snake, staring down the Samiets with a large grin on his face. "Now then, were on a tight ssssssscedual, so I besssst finisssssh you off now."

The Snake loomed over the two Samiets, virtually eclipsing them both with its two fangs alone.

"R-Rodger," Fred whimpered, trying to level his slingshot while resisting every urge to run away. "W-We have a plan right?"

Rodger stood more defiantly than his partner, keeping his eyes, not on the snake, but the man on top. More specifically, he was eyeing his flute. He recalled that it was the very flute that summoned that monstrosity. Also, not long ago when Dora had it pinned down, he played it again and it was able to free itself. That flute must be what's controlling it.

"Hey," he said to Fred, keeping his voice low enough so their opponent couldn't overhear them. "If I give you an opening, think you can hit that flute he's carrying?"

Fred eyes eventually got to what Rodger was focusing on. "....Um, I think so."

"Good." Rodger then smashed his hammer on the ground. "Hey!" he called up at the snake, attracting its attention. "Over here! Come on!" As the snake looked down towards Rodger, a spiked pillar shot up and hit the snake in its underbelly. While not being able to pierce the skin, the spike pushed the snake back several feet.

"....Uhhhh!!" Selvester almost lost his balance from the impact, only just maintaining it.

"Not finished yet!!" Rodger yelled as he slammed his hands to the ground. For fists rose up from the earth and slammed into the snake.

Rodger stood still as the dust from the impact obscured the snake from view. He knew that that wouldn't be enough to kill the snake. Sure enough, the snake burst from dust and lunged at Rodger. In response, Rodger put up a wall in front of him. The snake burst through it with little effort. However, it's pray wasn't there.

"Sssssneeky devil," Selverster grinned as he looked around for his opponent. Suddenly, two giant hands rose from the earth and gripped down on the snake. "That won't work," the snake heaved its body up and freed itself from the hands.

"Over here!!"

Selvester looked to where the voice was and saw a giant beginning to form, with Rodger standing on its head. "Let's even the odds shall we!" The giant then lunged a fist at the snake.

"Niccccccce try," The snake lunged into the giant and shattered it into pieces. "Did you really think that would work?" Selvester looked round as the debris from the giant fell. However, he couldn't see Rodger anywhere amongst the rocks. Where is he?

With his back turned, Rodger emerged from one of the rocks he has hiding in. he launched himself from the rock, gathering several of the smaller stones to his hammer, increasing its size. Selvester only just saw one of the stones falling whizzing past him. He turned and saw Rodger swinging at him with a massive hammer that was easily the size of his head. Having no time to dodge, the hammer struck him hard, shattering into pieces, sending him flying off the snake and smashing into the ground.

"Got Ya!!" Rodger grinned in satisfaction that he landed a serious blow on his opponent. "How's ya like that ya bastard?!"

As the dust settled from where Selvester had landed, Rodger saw that there was nothing there.

"Not again!" He turned quickly to see Selvester, seemingly growing from the skin of the large snake. He put a hand to his neck and clicked it.

"That actually hurt." He said with a more threatening tone. "I admit, that was a good plan on your part. I never imagined that someone like you could actually think of something like that."

Rodger gave a slight grin, trying to hide his worry that his surprise attack had no effect. "I'm not all brawn ya know,"

Selvester gave him a smirk before lashing out a kick at Rodger. Rodger ducked down, just missing the strike. As he got back up, he almost lost his footing on the snake's surprisingly smooth skin. He then turned sharply and swung his hammer down on Selvester, who used his flute to parry. Rodger continued his assault, and the flute countered each blow.

Damn! This is getting nowhere! Since he wasn't on the ground he couldn't use his 'earth mold' to fight, meaning he had to rely on his hammer to land blows. Unfortunately, his opponent was far stronger in terms of strength.

"Ssssseem desssstracted," Selvester said as he countered the latest blow. He then let out another kick, catching Rodger in his right side, and sent him hurtling off the snake, crashing to the ground.

"Ow...." Rodger slowly dragged himself up, picking up his hammer, to face the snake that was looking like it was about to pounce. He was prepared to dodge when he realised where he was, and more importantly, what was directly behind him. "No... not here!"

The snake prepared to lung when Rodger desperately raised pillars around it, trying to trap it. However, the snake slithered through them and lunged at Rodger again.

"Crap!" Rodger desperately raised a wall that curved over him and the object he was trying to protect, he enhanced it with as much of his mana as he could to strengthen it. The snake Collided with the rock, digging its fangs into the rock but couldn't burst through on its momentum. As it withdrew it left a hole in the rock. Rodger had vanished again. Selvester looked to his left and right and spotted Rodger running as fast as he could from the spot he was. Gotta lead it away from there!

"Running away?" Selvester said as the snake turned his head. No. He's too proud for that. He then turned his head to where the curved wall Rodger had formed. He's luring me away from this spot.

"Hay!! Over here!!!" Rodger yelled, slamming his hands to the ground. Pillers shot out towards the snake, crashing against the body and pushing it back. Salvester however, leaped off and landed on the curved wall.

"What'ssssssss under here I wonder?" he said, tapping his foot on the rock before leaping back. The snake then lashed out its tale and obliterated the stonewall. "Interesssting," he said as he looked at what was being guarded, Graham's grave.

Rodger stared in horror as Selvester approached the structure. "Getaway from there!!" Rodger demanded, rushing towards Selvester with his hammer raised. Suddenly, two snakes burst form the earth around Rodger and restrained him.

"Ssssomeone you know?" Selvester said as he approached the grave.

"Get away from there!!!" Rodger struggled as hard as he could to free himself from the snakes. The more he struggled, the tighter the snakes got. "D-Damn it,"

"Itssss quite niccccce." Salverster shot a sinister look at Rodger as he raised his foot.

"D-Don't you....." Rodger snarled as the snake's grip tightened.

"Ssssssorry. But I don't have any ssssssssympathy to my opponent." He then kicked down towards the grave. Just before it, a root with thorns grew out and blocked the kick. Selvester grunted as his foot got imbedded on one of the thorns. He quickly jumped back, ignoring the pain in his left foot. Around him, roots and wood grew around him and lunged at him.

The snakes around Rodger then loosened and he managed to free himself.

"You ok?"

He looked to his right and saw Dora crouching to him.

"Y-Yeah." Rodger nodded as he got his breath back.

"Damn, I forgot that I wanssssnt just fighting that brat." Selvester appeared once again on the head of the giant snake. "How carlesssssss of me."

Dora walked in front of Rodger, glaring at Selvester. "That grave belongs to a hero of our Village! How dare you try to defile it!"

"Like I sssssaid to the brat, I don't have any sssssympity for my opponent." Selvester began to twirl the flute in his right hand. "And besssssidessssss, your village isssss nothing more than an eyesssssore, asssssss are you." He was about to bring the flute to his lips when a ball hit it and exploded. The flute was sent flying away, landing somewhere in the tree line. "I also forgot that one." He looked in the direction of the ball's trajectory and saw Fred with his slingshot raised.

"D-Don't underestimate the Samiets!" Fred said in a voice mixed with determination and fear.

Selvester realised what had happened. Rodger had intently drawn his attention, making him forget that he was fighting three. Very clever. I have to give him that one.

With a large grin on his face, Rodger stepped in front of Dora and stuck his finger out at the snake with a big sense of victory. "Whatya gonna do now that you can't control that big snake!" Be boosted. "I figured it all out! You use that flute to control the big one! Now that it's gone, we got ya!"

"The flute?" Selvester then began to laugh, a reaction that Rodger wasn't expecting. "hahahaha.... That's what you were after?" he then took in a deep breath while the snake turned to face Rodger and Dora.

"Um... Rodger," Dora began to back off. "I think he can still control it."

"Huh?!" Rodger also took a step back. "B-But the flute?"

"That flute powered my pet up," Salevester announced, looking in pleasure at the despair that had gripped Rodger, Dora and Fred. "I admit, that wassssss a good move on your part! Unfortunately for you, he's already sssssstrong enough to counter your magic! Now do you underssssstand? You never sssstood a chance-"

There was suddenly a red flash atop the snake, followed by a woman plunging a short blade into the head of the snake.

"Wha-" Selvester looked in utter shock at the red-haired woman with glowing yellow eyes that had just appeared before him.

"Looks like I made it in time." She said.

Fred pointed at the woman. "R-Rodger look!!"

Dora was also surprised. "It's her!"

Up on the snake, Selvester's body disintegrated while the body of the snake collapsed to the floor. The only one left was the woman, Nel.

"Miss!!!" Rodger cried out.

She then drew her blade down, splitting apart the skin of the snake. Something slimy crawled out of the space and flopped to the ground, a large bleeding cut on his back.

"D-Damn.... Ah!!!!" The man squirm in pain as Nel hopped of the motionless snake which slowly started to disintegrate itself.

Rodger looked confused at the slime-covered man squirming on the ground before Nel. "Who's that?"

"Your opponent," Nel said to him. "My guess is he was hiding in that big snake from the beginning."

"Huh?!" Rodger looked towards where the giant snake was. "Y-You mean.... We were fighting,"

"Clones most likely." Nel certified. "He probably transferred his consciences to them to make it seem like they were the real thing.

Rodger slowly started to understand. Every time Selvester was hit, his body disintegrated, and then he would suddenly reappear somewhere else.

The man who was the Real Selvester struggled to his feet. "H-How did you know I was there?" He asked. Rodger immediately noticed the difference in how he spoke, not hissing at all.

Nel slowly drew her dagger from its scabbard. "To be honest, I was gambling. But I had a feeling where to cut when I saw your body materialize from that spot on that snake. I figured your real body was around that spot." She gave a look of disappointment. "I was hoping for a fatal blow though."

Selvester started to giggle quietly as he drew a dagger. "YOU BITCH!!!" he then lunged at Nel with his dagger raised high.

In that split second, Nel had disappeared and repaired behind him, both blades dripping blood. Selvester stood motionless for a second before blood erupted across his chest, throat and arms. His body then dropped down to the ground.


The fighting around started to scale down when the attackers noticed the newcomer, as well as seeing one of their comrades killed.

"It's Nel!" Allisa said with relief as she backed away from her opponent.

"Oh crap," Zambi swore, quickly turning his head to see what had happened. "Looks like they have back up."

Close by, Max was still fighting Apa, trying to get through his Giga hands to land a solid blow. The action stopped briefly as both took a look towards the commotion close by.

"Alright," Max said with relief, looking over his shoulder.

Apa, holding his hands in front in a defensive position, looked concerned. "This could be troublesome."

Max turned back towards Apa with a large grin. "Bout time we end this."

"You're free to try." Apa countered. "We're just the Vanguard. You have yet to encounter the main force."

"I don't care!" Max then charged Apa again. "Well take all of ya on if we have to!!"

"Like I said," Apa raised the Giga hands up to defend against Max. "You're free to try!!"


"Hurricane Shot!"

Yuki sidestepped, narrowly dodging the whirlwind Waze shot out. Waze then fired out three normal bullets with his right gun, which Yuki intercepted with his sword. Yuki stood on guard while Waze reloaded his guns again. Both men quickly glanced to the area where the Sameits were.

Bout time she got here. Yuki thought.

"Selvester was killed," Waze said in an unusually calm voice given the situation. "Seems you guys are more capable than I initially believed."

"Stick around. We're gonna send all you bastards to hell!" Yuki charged Waze one again.

Waze quickstepped back several feet, aiming his right pistol at Yuki. "Gun Magic: Fire Storm!!" Flame shot out of the barrel, spreading wide, threatening to engulf Yuki in the blaze.

Reijingu Mizu Stance 1: Sāji!

Yuki cut the flames apart. "Gonna have to do better than that!" Yuki taunted. As the flames dissipated, a bullet whizzed past and struck Yuki in the thigh, taking him completely by surprise. A second one then whizzed towards him aiming for his heart, which Yuki only just managed to deflect, catching him in the left arm. Shit! That was too close!

Waze stood on the opposite end of the bullet's trajectory, giving a smug smile. "Well damn. I was hoping for a critical hit. But I'm not that good at firing blindly." He then twirled his left revolver around. "It's been fun, but I gotta feeling that our time together is gonna come to an end."

"You're running away?" Yuki said, clutching his sword in front, ready to intercept any other surprise shots from Waze, ignoring the bleeding in his right thigh and left arm.

"We are the Vanguard, remember. So dying here wouldn't favor our main force one bit."


Ten men then emerged from the woods close to where Nel and the Walloping Willows were.

"Bout time they caught up," Waze said. "Cover our retreat!" he ordered the men who had just shown up.

Yuki charged Waze again, who used quickstep to avoid being hit. Waze appeared above Yuki and kicked him in the back of the head, using him as a springboard to launch himself towards the forest.

As Yuki turned around, Waze made a bow. "It's been, fun dude." He announced. "We'll finish this when we come to destroy that village." He then aimed his left revolver to the ground. "Ta for now." A gust of wind then blew from below and quickly engulfed him. Once the wind died down, Waze was gone.

"Shit, he got away," Yuki swore.


"Uh oh," Rodger said as he saw the men approaching them. "Not more of them."

"Stay behind me," Nel instructed to the three Samiets as she stood between them and the newcomers.

The men stopped before Nel keeping their weapons and tools out, glancing at the body of their dead comrade and muttering between them.

"Oh Shit! Ain't that Selvester?"

"That bastard. He rushes off and leaves us in the dust to get himself killed."

"Think it's those brats?"

"No way. Selvester's a creep but he wouldn't lose to kids."

"Must've been that redhead."

Nel remained poised as the men before her continued to mutter amongst them.

Fred then spoke. "T-They seems distracted. Sh-should we attack?"

"No," Nel said sharply. "Just stay put."

Rodger ignored her and slammed his hands on the ground. Just before Nel, spikes began to form and launch themselves at the men.

"Rodger!" Dora snapped. "She told us not to!"

"We got the upper hand!" Rodger argued with a big grin. "Why shouldn't we press the attack?"

As the spikes approached the men one stepped forwards and clicked his fingers. A massive explosion followed, obliterating Rodger's spikes. The Sameits were blown off their feet by the shockwave as tiny bits of rock showered them.

"That's why!" Nel yelled over the sound of the explosion. "We have no idea what they're capable of!"

Two of the men then rushed through the dust, both bearing swords. Nel rushed forwards and intercepted the first with her short blade while parrying the second with her dagger. She then jumped back, and used Quickstep just before both blades struck her. She repaired behind them, twirling her blades and ready to kill them.

However, she turned quickly and raised her dagger to block a bullet that was fired at her. As she was distracted, both men immediately turned and swung down on her. Nel had to pivot fast, blocking the first strike and sidestepped the second and kicked him aside while plunging her sword blade into the right side of her assailant.

As he grunted from the sudden pain, she drew her blade out and pushed the man back. The second man charged her again. This time, she used quickstep to go in the air, spun upside down with the speed of a buzz saw and severed the man's head. The other man collapsed from his wound.

Nel skidded across the ground panting. Another bullet then flew past her, grazing her right arm. Damn it!

Looking at the others, she saw that there wasn't a gunner amongst them, meaning that there was a sniper somewhere. And he had her in his sights. Nel activated her Piercer eyes, just in time to see another bullet heading for her head. She moved her body sharply to avoid the round, just. From what she saw with her eyes the rounds were about 39 caliber rifle rounds.

Where's that coming from?

The other men were standing by behind the rubble of Rodger's attack. They were about to charge but halted when two of their comrades were killed. Now that their sniper headed Nel up, they were preparing to charge the Sameits.

"Uh oh!" Fred said as he aimed his slingshot.

"Bring it on ya bastards!" Rodger taunted.

"Stop antagonizing them!" Dora yelled.

"Oh no!" Nel looked towards the charging men. She then immediately looked forwards and narrowly dodged another bullet. She tried to intercept them by using quickstep, but when she was about to use her footing to perform it, a bullet landed an inched before her foot stopping her. Damn! Where's that Sniper?

However, the ground below the men suddenly softened into mud, fast enough to catch the men off guard.

"Whoa," Rodger breathed, recognizing what it was.

"It's Grandpa," Dora said with relief.

"Glad to see you're alright."

Behind the Samiets stood Bush, the old guard of the main gate.

"Grandpa. How'd you find us?" Dora said.

"Thank your human friend. She said she 'sensed' something was off near Graham's grave. Seems we arrived on time."

The men caught in the mud struggled to keep themselves from slipping. One of the men threw down a small blue cylinder into the mud. "Everyone brace yourselves!" he yelled. There was then a white flash around the mud, which suddenly hardened with a faint, white glow, as though it had been frozen over.

"What the!" Bush muttered in shock.

"Wh-Was that magic?" Fred muttered.

One of the men, wearing plain white gloves with a symbol on it, stepped forwards. "Stand back!" He instructed his comrades. He raised his hands and clicked. A white spark ignited into a raging fire ball that few at the Sameits.

Rodger Reacted quickly and raised a wall around him and the others. The blaze hit the rock and exploded. The wall only just managed to hold out against the blaze.

The men then rushed forwards to destroy them. Nel however, appeared before the man in the gloves (Just avoiding another sniper shot), caught him off guard and stabbed him in the chest with her sort blade, hoisting his body in front of her to block an incoming sniper shot that punched a hole through the dying man's head.

The others immediately halted their advance and started to hassle back.

"S-Screw this! Let's get outta here!"

The men then turned tail and ran away as fast as they could. Nel would have perused but stayed put due to the sniper, using the body as a meat shield just in case.

When no shot came, she discarded her shield. By that time, the men were long gone.

"Are you ok?" She called out to the Samiets.

"We're all ok," Bush replied. "Did they get away?"

Nel nodded. "Unfortunately." She looked down at the man she used as a shield. "We should have taken them, prisoner."


Zambi and Apa noticed that the reinforcements that were supposed to be covering their retreat had been held up, and were now fleeing.

"Oh, Crap!" Zambi swore as he blocked a strike from Allisa. He had grossly underestimated her, and was now paying for it.

After he revealed that his sword can absorb mana attacks, Allisa had reverted her blade back to its base form, relying on her sword skills and mana focusing techniques at teleportation. While it dragged the fight out longer, time was obviously against her opponent, who was now paying the price for his overconfidence in his Magitek sword.

Close by, Max and Apa continued their back and forth battle. Max was still struggling to get past the Giga hands and had only landed two solid hits. Unlike Zambi, Apa took his opponent very seriously. He was surprisingly nimble given the massive hands he was wielding, along with his big, stocky frame, leaving very little openings while using the hands to block Max's flame attacks.

Damn! This is getting me nowhere! Max thought as he skidded to a halt after taking another hit from the hands.

Apa however, was getting a bit concerned that their back up had just abandoned them. This is taking too long! Apa then heaved the hands up. "That's it. It's time I ended this, bum, bum!"

He then heaved the massive hands high over his head, both of which clenched into fists and slammed them down into the ground. Max was blown back by the resulting shockwave. When he regained his balance, Apa lunged forwards, the Giga hands opened up, and swung both towards Max, Sandwiching him between the two, the force being enough to turn a normal human being into paste. That should finish him off.

Fissures then began to spread through the hands.



With All his might, Max heaved his arms out. The two hands then shattered completely.

He.... He broke them?! When did he........!

Apa then realised that through the fight, even though Max was trying to hit him, he still hit the Giga hands as hard as he could. The hands may have been strong, but they were not unbreakable. Even so, it would have taken an increasable might to even scratch them, and even longer to shatter them. Max had done that in the space of around 20 minutes of fighting.

He-He's a monster!!

Max's cheeks then puffed, and before Apa could react, he let out a flame roar that shot him like a bullet into the thick trunk of a nearby tree.

"APA!!!" Zambi yelled.

With his guard down, Allisa immediately took advantage, teleporting closer to him and knocking his sword from his hand.

Oh Crap!

Allisa gripped her sword tightly while skidding to a stop a few meters from Zambi, who was trying to back away.

"Now your-"



All of a sudden, Allisa lost all feeling in her body. Her vision began to blur while her sword disappeared.

Whats..... Happening? My body.... Won't move.....

Allisa then fell face forwards onto the ground.

Zambi, confused by what had happened, rushed back to pick up his sword, deactivated the energy around the blade and ran as fast as he could to the tree line. "Donno what that was, but I'm getting the hell outta here!" He took a quick glance at the charred and unconscious Apa. Sorry pal, every man for himself.

Max immediately rushed to Allisa's side, careful cradling her. "Hey! Allisa!"

Nel then rushed to Max. "Is she Alright?" Rodger asked.

"I dunno. She just collapsed."

Nel knelt down and put a finger to the vain in Allisa's neck. "Her pulse is fine. And she doesn't seem hurt." She looked up at Max, who looked very concerned. "Don't worry, I'm sure she'll be fine."

The Samiets then caught up with Nel, seeing Allisa on the floor.

"Whoa, is she ok?" Rodger asked.

Nel nodded. "She just collapsed. I'm sure she'll be ok when she wakes up."

"Oh, that's good." Dora breathed.

"Well, are you all ok?" Bush asked. "Looks like you all had quite the fight your hands."

"Oh that," Rodger rubbed his nose proudly. "That was nothing."

"That wasn't nothing! That was terrifying!" Dora wined.

"I thought I was gonna die," Fred said as he dropped to the floor.

Rodger turned to his exhausted friends. "Aw stop winning. We're alive ain't we."

"Barely!" Dora snapped. "You- you're lucky you're even still alive after that! What were you thinking, you idiot?"

"What do ya mean?"

"Using yourself as bait for that snake guy!"

"It worked didn't it."

"Um...." Fred interrupted Rodger. "Actually, that guy didn't need that flute, remember."

"Oh...." Rodger muttered. "Well... everything went according to my plan up to then."

"That was luck and you know it!" Dora snapped.

Bush let out a sigh of relief. "Well, just be grateful it's over."

"This isn't over," Yuki then finally walked up to the group gathered around the collapsed Allisa. "In fact, things are gonna get a whole lot worse."


"Looks like it's over, Thelma."

"Does appear that way, Louise."

The two assassins sat in the center of what was the battlefield, literally in plain sight, watching the victors dragging their fallen comrade of the ground, along with one of the fallen men nearby, and walking way, not one of them noticing the pair of mask-wearing assassins a few meters away. They overheard the swordsman mentioning that they had just fought the vanguard of Celtic Hoards army, and the main force was on its way to Sterland Village. Though that wasn't what interested them.

"Say Louise, did you see that red-haired girl."

"Yes. She killed that man with such ease, not to mention scaring off the backup."

"That wasn't it. Did you notice her eyes? They were glowing."

"I certainly did. Piercer eyes. The hidden ability of the Crimson blades."

"Making her the last survivor of them."

Both girls then got back to their feet.

"Shall we kill her Louise?"

"No. I'm not that interested at the moment."

"But she might pose a problem for Celtic Hoard."

"They all might. That will make this interesting."

"Makes me tingle with anticipation."

Both girls then turned about and started walking towards the forest.

"We should meet back up with Ellie, Thelma."

"Good idea Louise."

"She'll find this interesting."

"As will Master Yensin."

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