《The Goddess’ Chosen》Sterland forest


(10 minutes later)

A massive creature stalked through the woods. It towered over the group as it stalked through the woods, a massive club in hand. Its skin was gray, and its face had a horn on its forehead.

Max blasted it away with his flames.


(15 minutes later)

A large snake slithered across the ground of the forest. It hissed and rattled its tail as it sighted its prey.

Yuki sliced it into pieces.


(9 minutes later)

A large, amphibian walked out of the nearby pond on two legs. It hissed and bared its razor-sharp fangs.....

Cliff punched it away.


(5 minutes later)

In the dark depths of the forest, a large ogre emerged out from its....

Max, Yuki and Cliff destroyed it.


(2 hours later)

"Should we take a break?" Allisa asked.

"That might be a good idea," Melvin said.

Before them, sprawled on the ground, was Max, Yuki and Cliff, exhausted from the monsters that came at them nearly every second they were in the forest.


The forest proved more grueling than they initially thought. So far, various creatures along the way had attacked the group nearly every minute they trotted along in the dark forest. Of course, it would have helped if they knew where exactly they were going. According to Leone, there was a village deep in the woods that bypassed the guarded border allowing them to go into Cataka. Unfortunately, they didn't ask exactly where it was and how deep in the forest it was, and to make matters worse, the group was sure they were hopelessly lost.

Going nowhere, the group sat down and made a campfire as they cooked and ate the last creature the boys had killed, some large boar. The monsters in the forest hadn't been too much of a problem thanks to Max, Yuki and Cliff taking point. Every time one arose, it took one of the guys one move to put it down. This would be good if they knew they were actually making progress.

"We should have taken a boat." Cliff whined as he took a bite into the meat on a bone he was holding. "Maybe hell, but at least we'll actually 'get' there."

"Why did we have to take directions from a drunk?" Melvin winged looking at Nel. "We should have asked someone else."

"Too late to turn back now," Nel said. "Besides, I think we're lost."

"How can you say that with a straight face?" Cliff said to her.

Allisa leaned back against the stump she sat at. "I'm starting to get the feeling we're never getting out of here." She moaned, taking off her boot to tip out a stone that had gotten in.

"Cheer up," Max said, taking a bite out of the massive piece of meat he was holding. "We got food at least."

"And there's no shortage of game in this forest," Yuki said, taking a bite of the piece of meat in his hand. "We could last for ages here."

"How is that a good thing?" Melvin moaned at them. "You animals might like it here, but I want out!"

Allisa turned to Nel. "Is there any way to know where we are?" She asked.

"A landmark would help," Nel looked up at the long branches overhead, giving her an idea. "I could go up and see where we are."

"Great," Melvin said. "Then you can tell us how to get out."

"Wait here." Nel got up and ran to the trunk near Cliff and charged up as far as she could before she lost her momentum. Then, she leaped from the trunk, backfilled onto the next trunk, then quickstepped to the nearest branch before climbing. When she was out of sight, everyone got back to eating the boar.


"You know, my first time in Avalon, It hasn't exactly been a good experience," Cliff said.

"At least you weren't attacked the minute you arrived," Allisa said, remembering the encounter with the beast when she first arrived with Nel. Both of them siged out of common grief.

"No, but I'd say I experienced some form of Hell on that boat."

"I'd say it's not all bad, but we are stuck in this death filled forest so I can't really argue," Melvin said, letting out a sigh.

"So, let's just get out of here," Max said with a mouth full.

"Wish I could think that simply," Melvin said.

"Well, he does have the brain of a dog after all," Yuki commented.

"What was that?!" Max yelled.

"Oh sorry, my bad. That's a bit insulting......... to a dog."

Cliff, Melvin and Allisa let out a deep sigh as Max and Yuki began to fight again.

"How could they still have so much energy?" Cliff said exhaustedly.

"Must be nice to be so carefree. Does make me jealous at times like these." Melvin said amused.

"I found a hut!!" Nel called up from high up.

Everyone looked up in surprise. "Seriously?" Cliff called up.

"It's in a small opening in the trees! I'd say a few yards to the west!"

The Architect

Sure enough, the group found a hut in the center of a clearing in the forest. Small, wood-built, simple, and quite the sight for sore eyes given their experience so far.

"Who'd you think lives out here?" Allisa asked no one in particular.

"One way to find out," Max said as the group walked towards the hut.

"Hold it," Nel said, stopping the others. "Remember what that woman said."

"You mean Leone?" Allisa asked.

"According to her, the forest was home to a bandit group."

Everyone took a look at the hut, then back to Nel.

"You mean," Cliff said, pointing at the hut with his thumb over his shoulder. "Seems a bit small. Could be a woodchoppers hut."

"I highly doubt it. Given how dense this forest is along with the monsters, a wood chopper would be a little out of place, especially this deep in." Nel evaluated.

"Don't you think you're being a bit too paranoid?" Yuki said to Nel.

"It helps to be cautious," Nel said. "Anyway, why don't you check out the hut? Allisa and I will check the outside."

"For what?" Allisa asked.

"Traps and such. Or if any of the occupants are wandering around."

"And how is that not paranoia?" Yuki asked sarcastically.

"Let's just do it," Melvin said, walking towards the hut with Cliff and Max.

"If it's empty, we stay there for the night," Cliff announced.


"Hey, wait up!" Yuki called out as he ran to catch up.

Max slammed the door open. "Hey! Any bad guy's here?" he called out as he walked in with the others.

"What kind of question is that?" Melvin said as he waddled past Max.

"Just making sure."


The insides seemed simple enough, looking a lot like a hunting lodge. One room with tables and wood stacked up along the sides with the occasional hunting trophy on the wall. And by the looks of it, it wasn't disused either.

"Who's there?"

The group hired a small boy's voice echoing from the corner of the room.

"You hear that?" Cliff said as he looked around. In the far side of the hut was a small cage, and inside was a boy wearing a beige green helmet with a spike, a green jumper with overlapped jeans that was strapped over his shoulders. "What the? Someone's inside."


"Is that a... Kid?" Yuki asked as he looked.

The boy looked up at the group, immediately whipping his eyes. "Who are you guys?" he whimpered.

"Don't worry, we're not gonna hurt you," Melvin reassured him as he approached the cage.

"O-Ok," the boy muttered.

"Whatya doing in there?" Max asked crouching down to the boys level.

"What else do you think he's doing you moron? Making himself at home in there?" Yuki said to Max.

"Shut up! You know what I mean!"

"Never mind them," Melvin said to the boy while shaking his head. "Mind telling us what happened?"

"I-I was just walking through the forest when these guys jumped me...." the boys whimpered.

"Who were they? Bandits?" Cliff asked the boy.

"I-I don't know? I-I didn't do anything to them.... Please get me out of here. I'm scared."

"Ok, calm down. We'll get you out of there soon." Melvin said, reassured.

"Are these guys still around?" Yuki asked the boy.

"I-I don't know."

"How many was it that nabbed you?" Max asked.

The boy went silent for a minute, and then shot up and grabbed the bars. "AHHHH, come on ya morons! Get me out of here, NOW!" There was a very long silence that followed as the guys stared at the boy surprised by his sudden change in attitude. "oops," The boy muttered realizing he lost his temper.

"Great, just what we need, an annoying brat," Yuki said in annoyance.

"Had me fooled," Melvin said, just as annoyed.

"Ok, sorry I tricked ya." The boy continued as he sat back down. "Now please let me outta here. Come on!"

"Why are you even in there in the first place?" Cliff asked.

"Can't ya ask that later ya moron?!" The boy yelled, not noticing the annoyed expressions of the people he was asking for help. "I'm in a cage! Least ya can do is let me out!"

"I'm more in favor of keeping you in it," Cliff said bluntly.

Just then, the door then opened with the girls entering.

"Nothing on the outside," Nel announced. "Find anything in here?"

The boys pointed to the cage. The girls blinked as they saw the strange boy sealed within.

"Who's that?" Allisa asked curiously.

"Wow, two beautiful ladies," The boy said, putting his hands together. "Please misses, you gotta let me outta."

Nel narrowed her eyes as she stared at the cage before glancing up to the boys. "Friend of yours?"

"No." They all said in unison.

"We just found him locked up in that cage," Max said to them crossing his arms.

Allisa approached the cage and lowered herself to the boys level. "Why are you in the cage?"

"D-don't you want to let me out, first miss." The boy pleaded.

"How about a name first. Who are you anyway?" Cliff asked.

"Who me?" the boy grinned and sat, crossing his arms. "Names Rodger D. Huxal. Greatest warrior of the Sterland village, prime hunter of the forest, and captain of the Knighthood of the Walloping Willows."

"..... I just asked for your name, not some fourth-grade crap."

"Shut up moron!" Rodger snapped at him. "When you see someone in trouble, you don't stand round like a bunch of idiots and ask pointless questions, you go and help. That's what being a man is all about. That's what made my pa the best adventure of our village."

"This kid's seriously on my last nerve," Yuki muttered, reaching for his sword.

"Mind if I ask who put you in there?" Max asked.

"It was those bastards in the Celtic Horde." The boy replied.

"Celtic Horde?" Allisa repeated.

"I've heard about them," Nel said, putting her hand to her chin as she thought. "A very dangerous group of bandits and cutthroats. The leader is a man wanted in every dominion of Miltesa, Dolton Horus. Certainly not a group to be trifled with."

"That's right, miss." Rodger nodded. "It wasn't Dolton but it was some of the guys in the camp not too far from here. Those bastards were so cowardly they had to gang up on me to capture me."

"Must be if it was just you," Yuki commented.

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"Hey! Who the hell are you?!"

Just then, two men entered the hut, hands poised on their swords.

"Oh Crap!" Allisa said startled.

"Must be the occupants of the hut," Nel said, reaching for her blades.

"Are ya deff! Who are you guy's?" One of them demanded, flailing his sword about. "Are you with that brat?"

"Hahaha!" Rodger laughed haughtily. "That's right. Now that you captured me, their fearless leader, my henchmen will show no mercy to you."

"Henchmen?" The group repeated.

"Uh.... We're not with him. We only just met him." Melvin pleaded.

The men looked at one another. "Either way, we can't let people go loose in our forest. That will make us look bad to Dolton."

"It's not your forest!" Rodger said in a cocky voice. "And now, you guys are gonna pay for trespassing. Get em, boys!"

"Don't give us orders!" Cliff and Yuki yelled as they started kicking the cage.

"Hey! Is that any way to treat you leader ya bunch of morons?!"

Allisa and Nel looked at each other as they considered what to do. "They're not giving us much of a choice," Nel said, drawing her blades.

"I got this," Max said as he walked between the girls. He then took in a deep breath.

"Uh oh," Melvin said when he realized what he was doing. "Take cover!"

The entire Left side of the hut was blown away by Max's roar as the assailants were blasted away into the woods.

"There, problem solved," Max said proudly, putting his hands on his hips in triumph.

Yuki and Cliff then punched him to the ground, a little scorched from the backlash of the blast. "Give us some warning next time!" Cliff yelled.

"You could have burned us alive Pyro!" Yuki yelled.

"Whoa.... Awesome." Rodger muttered as the others brushed themselves off. "Can all you guy's breathe fire?"

"Na, he's a special case," Melvin said as he approached the cage. He then pulled out his wand and aimed it at the lock. There was a small spark as the lock was burned through, opening the cell door.

"Woo, thanks," Rodger said as he walked out of the cage. "Could have done it sooner through." He then walked over to a basket nearby and started rummaging through it. "Now where is it?"

"Whoa! This kid's got a tail too!" Cliff said with surprise.

"So what! My tail happens to be the softest in the village I'll have you know."

As Allisa looked, she saw a raccoon tail sticking out from his back. She also noticed fury ears squashed down from the helmet he was wearing. "Is he a Cait Sith?"

"A Samiet," Nel answered her, sounding intrigued. "A dwarf-like race known for their magic. First time I've seen one in person."

"That's right, miss," Rodger nodded. "Ah, there it is!" he then pulled out a silver hammer and fastened it to his back.

"Magic?" Yuki repeated, not even hiding his doubt. "This squirt?"

"I... Kinda find it hard to believe." Allisa said.

"Same here," Melvin said.

"Hm," Rodger shrugged and walked to the end of the ruined hut and jumped to the ground. "Pay attention Humans. You're about to witness the awesome power of a Samiet at work." He said as he slammed a hand to the ground.

All of a sudden the ground before him started moving and formed a strange, earth made giant that froze after being formed, striking a pose as it set in place. Rodger tuned to the bewildered group with a large grin on his face.

"Unlike you humans, we don't need any object or stupid words to cast magic. All I need to do is touch the ground and my 'Earth mold' does the rest." He then pointed to the hammer on his back. "Course, using an object boosts the power of our magic. With this baby and my awesome powers, the entire earth is under my power." He boasted as he grinned through his teeth.

"So with those 'awesome' powers of yours, why did you need us to bust you out of the cage," Cliff said.

"Umm...." Rodger started to poke his fingers together out of embarrassment. "I.... Can't really do metal or wood. It needs to be the ground."

"Still quite impressive," Allisa said looking at the giant.

"Look's kinda wired," Max said as he inspected the giant up close.

"Got a problem with my art," Rodger said defensively.

"Looks like something a kid would do." He said, pointing at the round, cartoon looking head.

"Hey! I consider this a masterpiece!"

Masterpiece? Melvin and Allisa thought in unison with different expressions on their faces.

"Hold on," Nel said with her hand to her chin. "You mentioned a village, is it the one in this forest?" She asked Rodger as she exited the hut.

Rodger nodded. "Sterland Village, the home of the Samiets. That’s where I’m from."

"There's seriously a village in this dump?" Cliff said with relief. "I was starting to think that drunk was pulling our leg."

"Hey, um.... Rodger was it?" Allisa approached Rodger and leaned over to him. "Can you lead us there? We were actually looking for it."

"Why? What do you want with the village?" Rodger asked with a hint of suspicion. "I mean, I get you guys aren't with Celtic Hoard, but it's still rare ta see humans wandering into the forest."

"We're looking for a way into Cataka, and someone told us that there was a village that had a road in." Allisa continued.

"Oh," Rodger nodded. "Ok. Guess I can lend you guys a hand. But first, ya gotta do me a little favor."

"A... Favor?"

"Seriously!" Yuki said in irritation. "We got you out of that cage! What else could you want?"

"Well, you guys must be pretty strong if you're still alive after going through this forest, so I figured you could help me out with somethin."

"Like what?" Cliff asked with dread. "Can't you just point us in the right direction or something?"

Rodger shook his head. "It's how the world works, you help me out, and I’ll help you out."

"Sounds fair," Max said, rubbing his chin. "How bout it?"

"NO WAY!!" Cliff and Yuki yelled together.

"We might not have a choice," Nel said, surprisingly calm. "Considering the creatures we face so far, I'm sure we won't want to stick around when night falls."

"So what is it?" Max said crouching, seeming generally interested.

"You're not seriously into this?" Melvin said, sensing Max's interest.

"We need to find this village, right? So we need his help to find it."

"He's right," Allisa sighed. "I'm sure it won't hurt to at least hear him out." She then spoke to Rodger. "Is it something to do with you were in that cage?"

"Yep." Rodger nodded. "Basically, those bastards stole a treasure from the village."

"Treasure?" Yuki muttered. "And they sent a little squirt after it?"

"Hey! I'm a man, not a 'little squirt!'"

"So, you went after them?" Max said. "All by yourself?"

"I said I would. And once a real man says he'll do somethin, he never goes back on his word." Rodger said with pride. "Course, even with my power, I know I'm no match for the whole group, so I decided that I should go in and get out without those losers knowing what hit them."

"Oh I see. So you screwed up and got caught." Cliff summarised.

Rodger turned his head in shame at Cliff's accurate description. "Shut up moron." He muttered under his breath.

"I see what you want," Yuki said with a great sense of irritation in his voice. "You want us to go in, take out these bandits and get that treasure for you!"

"That's.... one way to put it," Rodger said tapping his fingers together. "B-But it's not like I'm gonna be on the sidelines. I'll be with ya all the way."

"You're asking us to raid these bandit's main camp? That's not exactly easy, even with these two with us." Melvin said with a sense of foreboding in his voice.

Rodger shook his head. "It's a different camp, about twenty or thirty guys there. Nothing right?"

"Sounds easy enough," Max said standing up. "We just gotta go there, beat everyone up, and swipe the treasure." He summed up with a grin.

"Then you'll show us to your village?" Allisa asked for confirmation.

"Yep." Rodger nodded with a grin. "Once a man gives his word to a pretty lady, you can bet on it that he will keep it, or cut his heart out if he fails."

"Well, we don't really have much of a choice, do we?" Melvin sighed. "Good thing we have you guys." He said to Yuki and Cliff grinning.

"I didn't say I agree to this!" Cliff yelled.

"Then have fun sleeping in the woods," Nel said as she walked to where Max, Allisa and Melvin were.

"You serious?" Yuki asked in disbelief.

"The important thing is that we find the village before nightfall." She turned and smiled. "Besides, this doesn't sound too hard right.'' She then walked off along with the others with Rodger leading the way, leaving the bewilder Cliff and Yuki alone.

"He said something about cutting a heart out right?" Cliff said cracking his knuckles.

"That can be arranged," Yuki said, pushing the crossguard of his sword with his thumb.

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