《The Goddess’ Chosen》Seeds of Malevolence


Allisa caught sight of Yuki moving slightly. She sighed in relief that he wasn't dead. That said he was injured badly, covered in blood from multiple cuts all across his body, adding to the already crimson bandages on his chest. She then turned back to the person calling himself Rogner, catching a glimpse of Rubrik. Rubrik had an expression of worry, like nothing he shot at Allisa during their fight. Seeing that expression made Allisa understand the danger this man posed.

"Wh-What do you mean demon?" Luvia asked. During the fighting, she'd taken cover close to Vina, and was only now emerging given the horrible turn of events. "What have you done to Gamba?"

"Whatever do you mean?" Rogner said sarcastically, "You're the one who binned me to this body."

"What? I... I didn't summon a demon."

"Oh but you did. You see, thanks to that alchemic formula you used to bring the dead back, we found an opening and crossed over, merging with the souls you brought back."

"Merged?" Rubrik said, sounding more shocked than Luvia.

"I wouldn't worry about you," Rogner said to Rubrik, "your pesky personalities was enough to keep us from possessing you completely." Grinning, he pointed at himself with his thumb. "Of course, this one was an exception given how unstable he was." He then lifted his blade up to the sky. "And there was the one that blew himself up. Likely his rage boiled over and he lost control of his demonic powers, resulting in his mana going out of control."

"D-demonic..." Luvia felt as though she could fall over.

"Didn't you wonder how your human imitations were able to possess mana abilities that went against the normal limitations of humans? They were using our power this whole time."

Rubrik slowly lifted up his hands, finding it hard to believe all this.

"No..." Luvia shook her head violently in denial. "I-I didn't want this..." Tears started to form in her eyes. "I-I just wanted... Vina... I wanted to bring her back and..."

"Vina? Oh, you mean that corpse over there." Rogner pointed at the vat. "Hate to tell ya, but you had no chance of bringing that back. And even if you were successful, the demon you brought though would likely have possessed her the instant it reached her body."

A sadistic smirk appeared on Rogner's lips. "But if you're so intent on seeing her, I can always send you there," He then burnished his blade and slowly approached Luvia. "Since you provided me a suitable body, I can at least offer you a swift-"


A compressed shockwave hit Rogner, sending him into the wall. The shot came from Rubrik.

"I've had enough of your ramblings," He sneered as he lowered his hands. "Even if you are Gamba, I won't allow you to threaten Mother!"

The dust despaired alarmingly quickly as something burst out at incredible speed. "Is that a fact?" Rogner said, appearing between Rubrik and Allisa. "Then you can join her." Before Rubrik could react; Rogner kicked him away, sending him hurling across the room.

Allisa regained herself from the surprise and attacked Rogner. However, without even looking, Rogner blocked the strike by simply moving his arm blade behind his back effortlessly.

"Wait your turn."

He turned around, shaking of Allisa's blade before kicking her in the flank, sending her hurtling across the ground in the opposite direction, coming to a stop near the spot where Francesca had taken cover since the chaos began.


"Are you ok?" She said to her.

Allisa forced herself back up, giving Francesca a weary nod as a reply. She was bewildered at the man's vast increase in strength. Not only that, his speed left her very little time to react.

"How weak," Rogner said as he faced Allisa. His face then changed when he noticed Allisa's sword. "What the-" he then started to laugh hard, "This has to be a joke!" He said through his laughter.

"What's so funny?" Allisa said as she got back to her feet.

"You are!" Rogner then pointed at Allisa's sword. "If that sword is what I think it is, then it made a funny choice in its wielder, ay girl!"

Allisa's grip tightened on her sword. Although what he said at this point was nothing new to Allisa, being made light of by this monster seemed to irritate her more.

"You know, I think I've changed my mind," Rogner lifted up his blade. "I'll start with you,"

Rubrik then appeared behind Rogner and struck him in the back with his invisible chainsaw blades. However, the blades barely penetrated his skin. Grinning, Rogner turned and struck down with his blade. Rubrik blocked with his two blades, resulting in a clash, blowing a powerful gust from the impact.

"Interesting, you compress the air around your arms to create effectively a chainsaw that looks like it extends from your arms." The violet energy on Rogner's blade grew more intense, pushing down on Rubrik who was struggling just to hold him in place. Rogner's blade started to cut through Rubrik's blades. "Too bad it's not strong enough,"

Allisa then appeared behind Rogner summoning flames to her sword. Rogner kicked Rubrik back before parrying Allisa's strikes.

"Oh, Not bad," Rogner said to her as their swords locked.

Rubrik then appeared in the air behind Rogner, extending his leg. Realizing what he was doing, Allisa forced Rogner's blade down so he couldn't counter Rubrik's next attack.

"Vibrate! Right leg!"

Rurbik's leg impacted on Rogner's Neck, hitting him with enough force to send him to his left, scaring the ground as he tumbled from the force. Rubrik then landed beside Allisa, panting.

"Alright, Nice one," Allisa said to him.

Rurbik shook his head. "It wasn't enough," He said with despair.

As the dust settled, Rogner could be seen standing up, blood gushing from a wound on the right side of his neck. "Two against one, hardly fair." He said with a mocking tone. "Then again," he placed his hand on the wound and withdrew it, then licked his palm, "If that's the best you two got, It wouldn't make any difference."

Allisa felt a rush of fear descend on her. Rubrik's kick looked as though It was capable of knocking his head off given how much force he had behind it. And still, Rogner took it and lived, with just a scar, acting like it didn't even hurt. Is this... the power of a demon?

Max, and Melvin watched the skirmish against what looked like Gamba, with Bill and Tristan cowering further back.

"Oh crap..." Melvin said. "This doesn't look good. That sword arm guy just took a strong hit from the white guy like it was nothing,"

Melvin didn't even have to look to know how frustrated Max was feeling. "I know how you feel, but we're just too weak at the moment. I'm nearly out of mana as it is, and you haven't recovered enough from your fight with exploding guy, not to mention that beating you took from that huge Homunculus."


"I can't just sit here doing nothing!" Max yelled. "I gotta help Allisa!"

"And what can you do in your condition?" Cliff arrived, with the bloodied Yuki draped over his shoulder. "That guy's too powerful for you to deal with how you are, even I can tell that." He laid Yuki up against the nearest column. He seemed unconscious, but alive, even if it was barely. He still had his sword in his right hand, clinging to it as though it was glued to him.

Cliff ran out to pick up Yuki from where he was, getting him away from the one who looked like Gamba.

"I know it sucks, but you cant-" Cliff then suddenly dropped to one knee, breathing heavily.

"Are you ok?" Melvin said, alarmed.

"Don't worry," Cliff said with a strained voice. "It's just been a while since I leveled up, kinda forgot how painful it can be afterward."

Melvin thought back on when Cliff was explaining that ability to Edasa, picking up on something Cliff said about it that was bothering him. "Accelerating your blood, removing mental restrictions," He began. "It has a risk to it, right."

Cliff nodded. "Yep. The level up can put a massive strain on the body, and after it goes, the user would feel the effects. Even using a x2 for less than a minute can leave you sore for hours. That's why it's more of a last resort thing." Cliff glanced a look at Gamba. "And it looks like I used it too soon. Damn it."

Just then, several crashes could be heard at the opposite end of the ballroom, an area that hadn't seen much in terms of fighting, which took part mainly at the end where the girl in the vat was located. Large amounts of dust were flung into the air as the ground was shattered by several impacts. Little could be seen of the cause of such devastation, but just then, after a massive crash sent a large cloud of dust, and bursting from it was Nel, backfilling before landing on her feet to catch her breath.

"Quite nimble, for a human anyway."

Up in the air was Weedree, or at least, it looked like him. However, he was floating, not being held up by any wires as usual. Not only that, when he spoke, he spoke with two voices like Rogner, second one sounding like a woman, with miasma emanating from him.

Looking up, Rogner smiled. "Looks like I'm not the only one."

Luvia gazed at Weedree, breaking out in a cold sweat. "W-Weedree," She called out.

"Huh?" Weedree looked towards Luvia. "Talking to me?"

Rubrik, also looking with Allisa, was shocked by what he said. "Me?" he then bit down. The fact that he referred to himself in the first person told him all he needed to know. "You're a demon as well?!"

Nel looked towards Rubrik with surprise. "Demon?"

Weedree nodded. "My name is Zentrira. And I'm female in case you're wondering." The person speaking looked at Luvia. "Seems that human merged me with the body of a male, so, unfortunately, I'm stuck like this."

Nel returned her gaze to the 'woman' calling herself Zentrira. That explains this ominous mana coming off him, or her. She then looked towards Luvia. "You're the Alchemist, right?" she said to her, "what's going on?"

Luvia shook her head, her face looking pale. "I-I don't know, I-I didn't do this... I didn't want this?"

"Right," Zentrira looked towards Vina, "you just wanted to bring that back to life. We were side products." She then raised her hand. Wires started to gather together to form an eagle. "What a waste." The eagle then zoomed at Vina smashing through the vat, it's green liquid spewing everywhere.


Luvia shrieked as she ran towards the vat, where the body of Vina lay. The eagle had torn through her left side, leaving a gaping hole where it pierced her. The room filled with Luvia's cry's as she fell besides Vina, crying her eyes out.

"How pathetic, crying over something that's already dead. Humans certainly are stupid creatures."

Allisa couldn't help but feel angry at what had happened. Her sword grip tightened and she gritted her teeth. "You..." she snarled.

"Something wrong blonde?" Zentrira said to her. "Don't tell me you feel something for that woman. Your enemies, are you not? Or are you just one of those 'bleeding hearts' types?" with a flick of her wrists, seven other eagles formed, "I can't take her whining anymore." She then sent another eagle directly at Luvia.

"MOTHER!" Rubrik cried. He was about to teleport directly into the path when Rogner appeared directly behind him.

"Forget about me?"

Rubrik was taken off guard as Rogner swung his blade horizontally at him. Rubrik quickly shouted "Vibrate" to block the incoming strike with his right arm, but the blade wrapped in energy carved through it like it was nothing. Rubrik teleported out just before the blade finished him off. But only a few feet back, and nowhere near Luvia. All he could do was watch while holding where his right arm used to be.

Luvia looked up and saw the eagle coming at her. She couldn't move in time and was devastated at what had happened so she had no will to dodge. In the end, she just closed her tear soaked eyes and waited for the eagle to hit.

Suddenly, someone appeared before Luvia and intercepted the bird with a blaze of fire. As Luvia opened her eyes, she saw her rescuer was Allisa, standing in front of her with her sword held in front of her.

"Wh-Why?" Luvia said, almost speechless.

"You were gonna take that, weren't you?" Allisa asked, keeping her back towards Luvia. "You were just gonna let yourself die, right?"

"So what if I am?! I have nothing else left to live for!!" Luvia yelled, her tears flowed non-stop down her cheeks. "I-I've done such horrible things.... I killed so many... And it was all for nothing... In the end, I failed her again..." she bet over, keeping herself up with her hands to the ground, looking like she was praying. "You were right... I did this all for selfish reasons... I didn't care at all about the people I was hurting... I just wanted to bring my daughter back... But in the end, it was impossible."

Allisa then came to an understanding about Luvia. Her turn seemed too sudden compared to what she was like when they first met. What she wanted more than anything, wasn't for her daughter to be brought back to life, especially through the means she employed. More than anything, she wanted someone to stop her.

"You really think dyings the way to go? You think that's what she would want?"

Luvia looked back up, startled by Allisa's words.

"I don't know what you're going through, but it's clear from that picture that she loved you. Do you think she would want you to waste your life trying to bring her back through such cruel methods?"

Luvia's gaze shifted to the floor. "...Vina...."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not doing this for you. There's no way you can be forgiven for what you've done. But I won't let you take the easy way out." Allisa glared at Zentrira. "I'm gonna take you in! And you're gonna face justice for what you've done! So don't you dare die on me!"

Nel couldn't help but smile at Allisa's conviction.

Rurbik was just as moved. She... Protected mother? Even after everything we did, she didn't even hesitate.

Zentrira was less impressed. "You're strange." She then sent the rest of the eagles at Allisa. "Fine, You can die with her."

Allisa braced herself for the incoming birds when suddenly they were all cut down by white slashes that intercepted them, severing the wires completely.

"Wait, that's..." Allisa recognized the slashed. They were projectiles. Turning her head, she saw Diane, standing a few feet away with one arm stretched out. Allisa had completely forgotten that she sent her flying back when she first used Azure Flame. Her clothes and skin were burnt, but nonetheless, she was alive.

"Diane?" Rurbik muttered as he got the bleeding from his stub under control.

"Wonderful, another pesky rat," Zentrira said in a sarcastic tone.

Luvia looked pleased to see Diane was alright. Diane however, gave her a cold look.

"Looks like your still holding on." Zentrira continued. "Guess your pride is too strong."

"That's a pity," Rogner said. "Kinda hoping it wasn't just two of us, even if it's against vermin like them."

"Allisa," Nel called out to Allisa. "I trust you and the white man can deal with that one.”

Allisa nodded. "How about it?" She asked Rubrik.

"You do realize I was trying to kill you not too long ago." He said.

"Yeah I know, but now's not the time for that." She ran up to Rurbik and extended her hand to him. "Right now, none of us can fight these guys alone, so we need all the help we can get." She then smiled. "We need each other help if we're gonna get out of this alive."

For the first time since his creation, Rubrik smiled, mostly out of the irony of what was happening. "You really are strange," With his remaining hand, he grabbed Allisa's who pulled him up. "So we're clear, this doesn't make us friends." He said to her as he faced Rogner.

"You! Diane was it?" Nel called out to Diane, while keeping her eye's fixed on Zentrira. "Mind giving me a hand with this?"

Diane looked towards Zentrira and then back at Nel. "Alright," she nodded as she enlarged her nails.

"Two against one," Zentrira said, in a mainly sarcastic tone. "Hardly fair, if you were fighting normal humans."

Rogner grinned through his teeth as he smashed the ground with a swing of his arm blade. "This will be fun. I'll make sure your deaths are glorious!"

Fight of the flies

Allisa and Rubrik stood side by side as they faced down Rogner. Rurbik had stopped most of his bleeding by using his 'vibrate' technique to force the wound closed. Nonetheless, he was in very bad shape between his fight with Allisa and Rogner.

Allisa, on the other hand, was in much better shape, mostly due to her rapid healing. However, she did feel weaker than she did from when she did against Rubrik. The only explanation was that she was running out of mana, mainly because of Azure flame, which was proving to be a real drain due to its power.

To add insult to injury, their opponent seemed well beyond them in terms of raw power. Allisa had fought him before when he was Gamba, who got the better of even Yuki through brute strength alone. Rogner seemed 10x stronger. What was scary was that before, he didn't seem to be using his true power yet.

"Hey," Allisa said to Rubrik, "that 'White noise' ability. You think..."

Rubrik shook his head, anticipating what Allisa was planning. "The others ears were modified specifically for my ability. Considering you're with me, that would put us at more of a disadvantage." Rubrik's face then lit up as an idea popped into his head. "... Although..." He turned to Allisa. "We need to keep him occupied for now."


"Not enough time to explain, you'll just have to trust me on this."

"Not sure what you're planning," Rogner said, growing impatient. "But I can tell you it won't work."

Allisa held her blade out. "Ok, I trust you."

Rubrik extended his left arm and formed his 'Vibrate Maxim' blade with his remaining hand. "For now, just survive against him. Do not worry about me."

"Got it,"


Zentrira formed more eagles and shot them at her opponent's, all at incredible speed. Using her Piercer Eyes, Nel was able to effortlessly dodge them though somersaults and acrobats. Diane intercepted them with her projectiles, forming a white net around her, which shredded the birds.

"This isn't going to work," Zentrira said to herself. "Time to do something else." Zentrira moved her hands over one another and started weaving them around.

As the Eagles stopped, Nel and Diane took this as the opportunity to strike back. Nel Quickstepped into the air, appearing behind Zentrira and swiped down with her short blade. However, a sword made of wire blocked the strike, pushing her back. Diane launched four slashes of projectiles, thirty-two in total. Before Zentrira, wires formed into something that resembled a shield, blocking each and every strike.

Nel landed back on the ground, cursing slightly. Their opponent had just blocked their attacks without even moving a muscle. Her power and abilities seemed far beyond what Weedree was ever capable of.

"This should do it," Zentrira finished weaving her hands and raised them. Wires then came together to form the outline of swords, dozens of them. And with a flip of her wrists, the blades shot at the two ladies, who both dodged out of the way as the blades tore through the ground as they impacted.

"Not very original." Nel taunted as she landed.

"I wouldn't get so cocky."

One of the blades then burst from the ground and flew at Nel, who only just noticed and narrowly moved out of the way, the blade catching her on the cheek. More then burst out of the ground and flew at Nel who leaped out of the way again. As she landed, the blades came to her again. Nel brought up her blades and knocked two out while leaping to one side to avoid the others. And like before, the blades changed their trajectory and directed themselves at Nel.

"Move all you want. Those blades are aimed directly at you."

Diane faced similar problems. She tried to shred them like the eagles with her projections, but the blades effortlessly smashed through the blades of energy like it was nothing. All she could do was dodge like Nel. Eventually, the blades unraveled themselves and dissipated, allowing the girls a moment of respite.

"Huh? Looks like my Devil Arm isn't strong enough. Either that or this body isn't compatible."

"D-Devil Arm?" Diane said between pants.

"Is that the name of those wires?" Nel asked.

"No, a Devil Arm is the main weapon or ability a demon possesses. Unlike humans, Devil Arms are tied to our very beings." Zentrira twirled her fingers and created a rose outline out of wires, "This is the true power of my Devil arm, which greatly compliments my love for art."

She then looked over Weedree's body. Although it was impossible to see through the gas mask, it was easy to imagine her cringing. "However, it seems I've been given the body of a human male, and an imitation of a human at that."

Nel moved and kept her ground, surveying the wires around Zentrira with her Piercer eyes. The core difference from what they were before was that they seemed to possess a mind of their own, swerving and curving like snakes around the body of Zentrira.

"Then why possess a body like that?" Nel asked her, stalling for time.

"It's not like I chose this form. Honestly, I would prefer your body. I mean, you got nice curves and all. Not to mention your physical prowess and those freaky eyes. Anything then this stick insect."

"Hold on..." This time, Diane was the one who spoke. "That one that has Gamba's body said that we all have demons..." She was conscious at the time to hear what the one in Gamba's body said about them.

"If you're worried about that don't. If you haven't turned I'd say you're repressing your demon with your will. This one had a very weak will, which is why I was able to possess him when he came close to death. You, on the other hand, seem to be in control." Zentrira tilted her head and looked at Diane, even though it was meaningless given that her host was blind. "You've only partly manifested, and those mana techniques are human abilities."

Just then, Nel circled round to Zentrira's back and threw her dagger, which was blocked by a shield of wire.

"That won't work," Zentrira said. "I may not be able to see, but I can sense everything you're doing."

Nel rushed forwards to grab her falling dagger, continuing till she was underneath and launched herself at Zentrira. However, the shield that she had used to block Nel's dagger unraveled and formed directly below her feet where Nel was approaching. Seeing the danger, Nel turned in the air, and hit the shield with her foot before leaping back down to the ground.

"You seem to be one of those humans that uses their mana to enhance their physic. No human can move that fast or jump that high on their own."

Nel gazed back at Zentrira, keeping her eyes fixed on the wires, trying to look for a weak point. "You seem to look down on humans," She said to her.

"Of course. Humans are the weakest of all races that can use mana. It's questionable how you even survived this long."

"Don't underestimate humans!" Diane interrupted. "They aren't as weak as you say, because those that are weak die. It's the rules of nature that all live by, and only the strong remain."

"Bold words from an imitation of a human," Zentrira said.

"I'm already dead, I was weeded out long ago. That woman brought me back," Diane's fingers twitched. "and for that, I hate her for it."

Both Nel and Zentrira were surprised by what Diane said.

"Its like you said, I'm a fake. This body, this power, none of it is truly mine."

"So just die. If you don't like being alive how you are, then just kill yourself."

Diane's posture changed. "If I do that, then it would be a betrayal of my pride as a huntress. If I am to die again, it will be in battle, to one superior to me."

"I see." Zentrira weaved together a sword. "Then I'll send you to the afterlife again since that's what you want." The sword then flew itself at Diane who moved out the way as it scared the ground.

Diane then released projectiles at Zentrira, who created a shield to block them.

"Try something else. This is getting boring."

Diane then disappeared from Zentrira's sight; reappearing directly behind her, with her fingernails glowing, ready to release a projectile at point-blank range. As she swiped Zentrira flipped down, avoiding the projectile before kicking Diane back in the chin.

"Not bad." As Diane fell back, Zentrira brought together some of her wires. "But not good enough." The wires turned into three needles which stuck Diane's back, going right through her. they then unraveled as Diane fell to the floor. "You seem to forget that I can sense every move you make."

Diane struggled back to her feet, coughing up blood. The needles were well aimed, piercing her vital arteries. Blood was flowing from the holes non-stop. At that rate, she would bleed to death in a minute or two.

"What was that you said about natural selection? The weak die so the strong remain?" Zentrira said, imitating Diane's words, lowering herself till she was close to the ground, feet nearly touching the ground. "As it stands, you are the weak one, about to be defeated by a stronger opponent."

Seeing the opportunity, Diane rushed forwards at Zentrira, swiping her fingers out. However, predicting it, Zentrira skimmed out of the way while bringing up her right hand and twitching her middle and index finger. Diane's right arm, left hand and her left leg below her knee was sliced off. As Diane fell forwards, Zentrira raised her left and wrapped wires around Diane's body and caught her.

"I think I'll leave you up so you can bleed to death." Zentrira hovered around till she was face to face with Diane. "You humans are so pathetic, prattling on about worthless ideals and honor. In the end, victory is all that matters in a fight. Quite often, idiots like you come along, unafraid of death, but nonetheless, fight to preserve their life."

Diane gave a weary grin at Zentrira.

"Why the smile. Glad you're about to die like you wanted to?"

"No..." she choked. "I'm s-smiling... cause I've won..."

"You won? Mind elaborating how you've won."


"Huh? Wh-What?" For some reason, Zentrira's head had just flipped a full 180 degrees. Now she couldn't feel anything below her neck. It took her a while before she realized what had happened. Nel was on her shoulders and had just turned her head around, dethatching her skull from her spinal column.

"Wh-What the?" The wires around Diane loosened and she fell to the ground. As Nel jumped off Zentrira, she fell to the ground, getting on her knees, unable to feel anything below her neck. "Y-You?!"

"Seems you get caught up in tormenting your victims, you leave yourself wide open," Nel said, walking in front of Zentrira.

"You... used that woman as a distraction?"

Nel drew her short blade, giving Zentrira a cold look. "No, but I kept back, waiting for you to lower your guard, just like I did with the man whose body that belonged to."

"H-How can a human be so heartless?"

"That's rich coming from a demon." Nel's gaze intensified as she raised her short blade in the air. "I'm an Assassin. Killing is my business, no matter who it is. All you are to me is just another target."


She then struck down and severed Zentrira's head. The miasma around Zentrira/Weedree's body then dissipated as the headless corpse.

"That takes care of that." Nel then crouched to Diane, lifting her up gently.

"Seems... we won..." She muttered. She was very weak; all the color on her face was draining away.

Nel realized what Diane had done. She knew Nel was looking for an opening. She attacked Zentrira in order to give Nel that opening. Even if it gave them victory over the demon...

"Why did you take such a risk?" Nel asked. "You didn't have to go this far."

Diane gave her a weary smile. "I... dead before.... This... Is just... how nat-ure... works..." Daine then went limp.

Nel rested her on the ground and stood back up. She found it difficult to draw her eyes away from Diane, how peaceful she looked.

"To some, death is a kindness," She recited to herself words her father spoke of during her training as an assassin. It wasn't anything new to her, seeing people she killed smile at death. It was just something she never got used to. How can people consider death to be a kindness?

Nel shook her thoughts out of her head. Now wasn't the time to be caught up on this. Right now, she had other things to worry about other than the mind of an enemy. With that, she turned her back to the sound of explosions behind her. The room was starting to crumble, making Nel wonder how long they had before the ceiling caved in. We better hurry.


Allisa rushed forwards and strike at Rogner, who parried her blows, before kicking her back. Rubrik then appeared close by and swung at him with his own invisible blade. Following two strikes, Rubrik teleported away before Rogner could react.

"Oh come on! Is that the best you've got!"

Allisa appeared above Rogner and sent down a torrent of flames from her blade. Rogner swiped them away as Allisa descended. Rogner sidestepped and allowed Allisa to hit the ground, and brought his blade around at Allisa. Seeing it, Allisa held up her sword to block but was knocked back by the sheer force behind the strike.

"Still too weak!"

Allisa turned and skidded across the ground, amassing a large amount of flames in her sword. "Vermilion Strike!"

The crescent of destructive flames approached Rogner, scaring the ground.

Rogner whistled. "Impressive," he then raised his blade in the air. The violet light on the blade intensified. "Guess I should reply in kind!" He then struck the ground.

A large strike of energy split the ground as Allisa's flames were sliced through effortlessly, the strike continued along, just passing Allisa before slashing into the wall behind her, destroying a large section of the dome, causing some of the debris from above to pile down through the cracked dome.

Allisa slowly turned her head to the devastation that had just happened. Frankly, if it hit her, it would have split her in two. That... with one swing?

"Oops," Rogner said casually as he took out his blade from the ground. "Probably should hold back a bit since we're underground. Don't what to bury myself in the process."

Allisa regained her composure as she faced down Rogner.

"Still want more?" Rogner said. Suddenly, Rubrik appeared behind Rogner and stuck his finger in one of the scratches on his back, digging into his body. "Huh?" Rogner tilted his head to see Rubrik. "Oh right, you."

"White noise! Left index finger!"

Rogner then grunted as his body started overloading with pain. "Wha... what is this?! What are you doing?!"

"You may be a demon. But that body can still feel pain. Right now, I'm overloading all of your pain receptors."

Allisa's body shook as she remembered when Rubrik used it on her.

"Girl! Now!"

"R-Right," Allisa then charged Rogner, putting her blade out in front of her, ready to impale him. However, she was taken off guard when she saw that Rogner was grinning.

"N-Nice try," He raised a foot and slammed it to the ground with the force of a meteor, sending the earth flying in all directions.

Both Allisa and Rubrik were blown away by the resulting shockwave. When Allisa stopped rolling, she found herself knocked back some distance.

"Ahh, Much better." Rogner lifted his foot out from the ground and fixed his gaze at Allisa. "I admit, that actually stung,"

Allisa struggled to get back to her feet, dazed by the shockwave Rogner made by just stomping on the ground. She now had a few more fresh burses and cuts from the flying rocks, and her clothes were worn and ripped in parts. How strong is this guy?

Rogner extended his blade arm out, the violet energy's growing until sparks of energy started flowing of the blade. "Personally, I would like to kill the sow and her pet first. But since you are the Goddess' Chosen, I'll start with you." He took a step back and then swung down with all his might. Sending a wave of energy at Allisa.

Still on the ground and unable to move out of the way, Allisa held out her sword by instinct to try and block the energy. However, Rubrik then appeared before Allisa.

"Vibrate! Chest!"

The energy smashed into him, carving deep into his flesh. If it weren't for his ability, it would have easily sliced him in two. Allisa, startled by what had happened, Caught Rubrik in her arms as he fell back.

"Wh-Why did you do that?"

"I-Don't... know!" Rubrik said, choking up blood. "I just... did,"

Rogner stride towards the two, swiping his blade out with a satisfying grin on his face. "That was unexpected. Oh, well. I guess I can finish that bastard first since he's on death's door."

Allisa rested Rubrik on the ground and got back to her feet and held her sword up at Rogner again, barring him from finishing of Rubrik.

"You're protecting him?" Rogner said to him with a hint of amusement in his voice. "Aren't you guys supposed to be enemies or something?"

Allisa didn't answer. Instead, she took her blade in both hands while Rogner got closer and closer to her.

"Oh well. Not that it matters." Rogner brought his blade up close to his face. "Since you are the chosen of harmony, I'll make sure your death is as painful as possible."

Just then, someone ran up to Rogner and stabbed him in the back. It was Francesca, clutching the dagger Luvia had before.

"Y-you?!" Rogner snarled as he freed himself and took a step back.

Francesca stayed her ground, holding out the bloodied dagger in front of her. It was plain to see that she was terrified.

"What are you doing?!" Allisa yelled. "Get out of here!"

"Sorry tomboy," Francesca muttered. "B-But I'm... I'm not gonna be the damsel in distress anymore!"

Rogner smiled a big sinister smile. "Ok then," he raised his blade up. "I'll make your death first."

The bravado Francesca had a second ago vanished as soon as she saw the massive blade above her. Trembling she dropped the dagger and slowly began to walk back. Before Rogner could swing down, Nel then appeared crouched before him, back turned and arms held out with her blades in her hands.

"You're gonna attack me too?" Rogner asked.

Nel relaxed and stood up. "Already have,"

Blood then shot from multiple gashes that opened up around Rogner's body. "Wha... How... When?"

No one saw Nel attack. She used quickstep to wiz through Gamba, slashing his skin with her two weapons, making a total of 11 separate cuts.

Rogner stepped back from the shock, which only lasted for a second. "Another fly huh?"

Nel looked back in surprise, turning sharply to bring up her blades. It wasn't enough?! She realized that the wounds she inflicted were only shallow ones, even though she had slashed at the vital arteries. The fact that she didn't cut deep enough showed that his skin had hardened.

Rogner smiled, lifting his blade in the air, ready to slice Nel in two. Suddenly, a fist punched his right. Cliff could be seen, grunting loudly as he put all of his strength into the punch, sending Rogner flying into the other side of the room.

"Ok, NOW!" He called out.

"Got it," Max walked past him, took in a deep breath, and roared as much flames and power as he could in the direction where Rogner flew off. The impact caused a massive explosion, sending shockwaves that shook the already crumbling foundation of the dome.

"Allisa!" Melvin waddled over to Allisa. "Are you ok?" he asked.

"Y-Yeah," Allisa nodded. She felt released to see her friends before her. That said they all looked in pretty bad condition.

"Well, that's all I got," Cliff, said as he fell to one knee. His body ached from the level up so he wasn't in any state for a prolonged fight.

Max kneeled as well. His foot was broken so it was difficult to stand. "Did I ...get him?" He wheezed.

"No," Nel said grimly.

The smoke before them parted as something cut through it, continuing on to slash the wall of rubble behind the group.

"Not bad, not bad," the deranged voice of Rogner could be heard. He stood there, scorched with a small trail of blood coming from the side of his mouth, but nonetheless unscathed. "I really have a habit of letting fly's like you take me by surprise."

"N-No way," Melvin fell to his knees. "It didn't do anything?"

"Oh come on," Max said. "I put everything I had left into that!"

"All it did was piss him off even more," Cliff said.

"So this is the true power of a demon," Nel said.

Cliff looked towards Nel. "Got any Ideas?" He asked. "You and Allisa seem to be the only ones who can still put up a fight."

Nel shook her head. "Not at the moment. His skin seems to have hardened so it's difficult for me to inflict a fatal wound."

"What about me?" Allisa asked, holding out her sword. "If I can do that strike when I hit him-"

"I can sense that the form your sword has taken is using a massive amount of your mana. You're about to reach your limit anytime now."

Allisa could really argue with her logic. After the last 'Vermillion strike,' Allisa started to feel really weak and exhausted.

Just then a hand touched her on her shoulder and pushed her aside. Everyone turned and, starring it, surprise and disbelief of the person walking casually through the group, despite his grievous injuries.

"All of you stay out of this."

Rogner halted his advance, dumbfounded by the opponent standing before him. "It can't be?"

Yuki stood before the group, sword in hand, clothes were torn, and blood covering his entire body. "This bastards mine."

"Y-Yuki..." Allisa muttered in stunned silence.

Cliff was speechless. You can barely stand. He thought. Why are you doing this?

"I have a score to settle with that sword armed bastard."

"Till that time, I won't lose to a single person who calls himself a swordsman."

Cliff bit down on his lip, as what Yuki had said before sunk in. You're willing to go this far, for your oath, for your revenge?

"Are you nut?" Melvin yelled. "You're the worse out of all of us! That guy will kill you!"

"Come on! You're gonna kill yourself!" Max yelled.

"SHUT UP!!" Yuki yelled, silencing everyone. ".... My whole reason for coming is to fight that sword armed bastard." He raised his blade out before him, pointing it at the monster before him. So just shut up and stay out of my way."

"Didn't I kill you already?" Rogner scowled, swinging his blade arm out. "Doesn't matter. Either way, you're at death's door," He then lunged forwards, his blade scraping across the ground, shooting off fragments. "THIS TIME I'LL CLEAVE YOU IN HALF!!"

Yuki braised just as Rogner reached him, raising his sword arm overhead, overflowing with violet light and bringing it down on his pray. The blade struck Yuki's sword, blasting out strong winds, cracking the very ground before him. Yuki stood there, taking the fullbring of it. His muscles bulged, blood continually squirting from his open wounds.

"Hahaha! I can't believe you've actually survived this long! Even for a human that's impressive!" Rogner jeered as he increased the pressure, trying to force Yuki down to the ground. "But the bottom line is you're a human! Even worse than that, you barely have a drop of Mana in you! You couldn't possibly defeat someone like me, a denizen of the Void. You may have bested that insane reck of a soul, but in the process, you sealed your fate. To me, your nothing more than flies."

"..... God you're annoying."

Suddenly, Rogner's blade began to rise again, being forced up by Yuki.

"What...?" Rogner looked surprised as Yuki slowly began to overpower him. "I-Impossible...." Rogner exclaimed, trying to push back.

"Even that sword armed freak didn't talk as much as you," Yuki muttered as he pushed back against the astonished Rogner.


With one final heave, the deadlock was broken, Rogner's blade arm flying upwards, the violet light vanishing. Yuki followed up his attack, holding the hilt of his blade in both hands, striking down against Rogner's chest.

Rogner leaped back in response. Glancing down, he saw a small gash open up on his front. H-He cut me?! He thought, staring at Yuki with dismay. He didn't have any mana?! How... how could he cut me?!

"I swore never to lose to anyone," Yuki raised his sword over his left shoulder, holding it out with both hands, blade pointed at Rogner. "Not even a freak like you. Not until I've killed him!"

"....You...." Rogner gritted his teeth in anger. He's just a human.... A bug.... Nothing more!!


Rogner then grabbed his head as a voice rattled. "Y-You?"

"I must kill him..."

"No... you... you're mine..." Rogner began to swing his sword wildly as his head began to tear itself apart. "I-I'm in... I... You can't... Kill... kill..." Little by little, Rogner's personality began to fade away as Gamba resurfaced and eventually took over. "Come... Swordsman...." Gamba raised his blade arm and charged widely, a massive overflow of violet light seeped from the blade, far more powerful than anything that had been used before. "LET'S SEE THE TRUE YOU!!!"

Yuki took in a deep breath as Gamba fast approached, sweeping his arm out in front of him.

Reijingu Mizu Stance 1: Sāji!

Yuki swiped down as Gamba passed by. A second later, Gamba's blade shattered and his body cut clean through. The violet light that had shrouded it dispersed suddenly. His final words came from Rogner. "I... Can't... to a... human..." the miasma around his body dissipated as he fell to the ground.

Everyone was dumbfounded. Yuki, who was worse out of all of them, had just killed an enemy which all of them combined couldn't slow down, in just one strike.

"W-Whoa..." Melvin breathed. "Knew he was insane but..."

"Not arguing there..." Max said.

Nel kept her eyes on Yuki. She remembered back when they first met when he sliced through Kobra's thick sword despite being poisoned. He didn't use any kind of mana ability. Her gaze fell on Yuki's sword, which he still held in both hands. What kind of technique did he use?

Just then, Yuki dropped his sword and collapsed. Everyone ran to his side in response.

"He alive?" Max asked.

Nel crouched down beside him and felt his pulse. "Barely," she said.

"Melvin, can't you heal him?" Allisa asked.

Melvin shook his head. "I don't have enough mana to do anything at the moment."

Suddenly, the area began to shake. It felt like an earthquake was starting.

Tristan and Bill then came out from where they were hiding and ran to the group.

"Hey! That doesn't feel good!" Tristan yelled.

Nel quickly assessed the situation. She took note of the growing cracks forming in the dome. "The room’s starting to give way!"

As if on cue, a section of the ceiling collapsed, sending in the rubble from above. Rocks started falling down all around.

"Crap! This is bad guys!" Melvin said.

"We're gonna die!" Francesca schemed. "I don't wanna die here!!"

"Void rings!!" Cliff yelled over the others. "You have them right?! Use them to open a portal to home!"

"What? How?" Max yelled, sounding confused.

"Just do it!! It's the only way out!!"

"Open!" Nel was the one who opened the portal. "Everyone in!"

Tristan and Bill were a little reluctant, but Cliff picked them up and leaped through. Melvin followed, then Max with the unconscious Yuki over his shoulder and his sword in his other hand. Francesca was about to go through when she noticed Allisa wasn't moving.

"Allisa! We have to go!" Nel snapped.

Allisa's gaze was fixed at the far end of the room where Luvia was. She remained where she was, cradling Vina in her arms.


Allisa ignored Nel and yelled at Luvia. "Hey! We need to go! This place is going down!"

There was no response.

"Forget them!" Francesca yelled at her, taking her arm. "You forget what the bitch was doing?! Come one!"

As the room crumbled around her, Luvia starred into Vina's peaceful face. her tears dripped down freely.


What a mother would do

It was years ago.

I studied at Miltesa Academy, one of the few institutions in the country to study the craft of magic and mana. It was there where I learned the skills and talents of Alchemy. After I graduated, I worked at the Imperial Hospital as a doctor, specializing in medical alchemy and basic surgery. It was there where I met my husband. We fell in love and got married. Soon after, we were blessed with a beautiful baby girl. My life was perfect. However, that can change in a heartbeat.

Frist was my husband. While away on business, a monster attacked the place he worked at, over half the team was killed. Unfortunately, He was one of the deaths.

I was shattered, and for a time, I just wanted to die. But, Vina was there with me.



My eyes snapped open from my slumber. I had fallen asleep at my desk for some reason. Vina stood by me with a big grin on her face.

"What is it sweetie?" I said.

"I made this for you." Vina then held up a drawing.

It was a crude drawing of what you expected of a child. It was me and her on what I assumed was grass. Above us was a man, which I assumed was my late husband. We were all smiling.

"Gani said that when people die, they always stay with us no matter what, always looking down on us where the dead are sent." She continued.


"You've been so sad when daddy died. I miss him too. Allot." I could tell she was putting on a brave face for me. "But, daddy wouldn't want you to be so sad all the time. He'd want you to live with a smile on your face. If it were me, I'd want you to be happy, and I'd always look over you."

Tears formed in my eyes. I put the drawing down and crouched to Vina to give her a hug. "Thank you, Vina. It's a wonderful drawing."


Vina and I lived alone after that. It was hard, but we were happy. Fate, however, seems to veer its ugly head at happy times.

Vina suddenly fell ill. Starting off as nothing serious, it eventually put her into a coma. It was a very rare condition where a child's mana became unstable and started tearing her apart. There was no cure for this condition. Even the Arch Sages were powerless to combat such disease. Many said I should just let Vina go, but I refused.

I had heard tales of the other world, Terra, with technology that far surpasses ours. If there were any way to save Vina, it would be there. I pleaded with the Arch Sage's to take me there, but I was refused every time. And when all hope seemed lost, someone approached me, and they recommended me to a man who could help me.

His name was Lord Cob.

We met in a dark room, where he agreed to give me a ring to go to Terra, for a price. I was prepared to offer anything, even my body if need be. However, he asked for my family diamond, something that had been passed down my family for generations, and something I would gladly sacrifice if it meant saving my daughter.

I was transported to the world and met with a strange young girl in a dark cloak, who showed me to an underground complex which would be my home. She also gave me the money of this world, which I could use to save my daughter.

However, when I took her to a hospital, the doctors declared her dead from massive organ failure, and there was nothing that could be done to save her.

And so, I sought a way to bring her back. I looked into the materials I brought with me, as well as books from this world. I preserved her body in an incubation vat and researched ceaselessly to find a way to save her. Eventually, I found a way through the art of creating a homunculus, combining it with necromancy, a rare and dark magic. One such thing that was required was a living sacrifice, as well as replacing Vina's failed organs. I did this by abducting people from the nearby town, using the organs of the same blood type, and using the remains to create a body for my first experiment.

Eventually, I created a homunculus. Not just any, but one with a soul of a deceased. Unfortunately, the man's memories were hazy at best, not even remembering his own name.

So I gave him a name, Rubrik.

After that it was trial and error. Things became easier with the creation of the third, which I called Sharly. I finally came so close to reviving Vina, to see my daughter again. I didn't care if she would be disgusted at what I've done, so long as she was alive I wouldn't care if she killed me for what I've done.

And now, it's all over....


"I'm such a fool," Luvia said, stroking Vina's hair. "I'm so sorry. After losing Joseph, I didn't want to lose you too. And because of that I... No, there's no excuse for what I've done."

"Do you think that's what she would want? Do you think she would be happy knowing how much lives you took all in order to bring her back?"

Allisa's words rang in her head. Luvia couldn't help but laugh at herself for not realizing something important.

"When people die, they always stay with us no matter what, always looking down on us where the dead are sent."

"Vina, if that was true, then I'm so sorry. I don't deserve to have such a wonderful daughter as you." Luvia then brought her head down and kissed Vina's forehead. "I would hope to go where you are, but that's probably not possible. Wherever you are, I hope you're happy."

As Luvia bowed her head till it connected with Vina, a single tear fell, a tear from Vina.

Life of dedication

Allisa freed herself from Francesca and ran towards Luvia. "Hey!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, "Come on! You're coming with us!"


A shockwave then pushed Allisa back to the ground. As she stared up, she saw Rubrik standing before her with a somber look on his face.

"What are you doing?" Allisa snapped. "We have to save her!"

".... I'm staying with mother," Rubrik said.

"Are you stupid? This place is coming down! You'll die!"

"I'm already dead. I died long ago. This is where I belong. Please, let me stay."

Allisa shot to her feet and shook her head. "No! I won't accept this! You're coming with us so you can answer for what you've done! I won't let you die! I won't!" tears started to form in Allisa's eyes as she pleaded with Rubrik, "This.... This isn't how it's supposed to end!"

"Allisa, was it?" Rubrik smiled at her. "Thank you, for saving mother."

Allisa couldn't reply and simply rubbed her eyes.

Rubrik turned his back. "This is not where you belong. Please, live." He then started walking to where Luvia was.

"Allisa!!" Nel yelled after her. Francesca had already gone through the portal. "We have to go!!"

"Ok," Allisa said quietly. She closed her eyes and ran as fast as she could towards the portal, keeping her eyes fastened shut. Nel followed after Allisa and the portal closed behind them.


All his life, he dedicated it to one person. He was a protector, giving his life to protect the one he cared about. To him, she was the only person who mattered. For her, he would devote his heart and soul to protect her. However, he failed. He didn't protect her as he should have, and she lost her life. After that, everyone shunned him.

"Why wasn't it you?"

"You failed her!"

"How can you live with yourself?"

So much hate filled words were directed at him. But how could he live with himself? He's lost the only reason he lived for. He lost his purpose in life. There was a hole in his heart that could not be filled.

Why wasn't it him?

It should have been him that died.

Eventually, barraged by the accusations of his failure, the man did the only thing he could, and committed ritual suicide, not to preserve his honor, but as a penance to his failure.


Rubrik watched over Luvia as she opened Vina to remove some of her organs, and replaced them with ones he brought.

"I really appreciate the help," Luvia said.

Rubrik remained silent.

"Still not talking huh?" Luvia said cheerfully. "Ok then."

"What are we to you?" Rubrik finally said. "You've created us three in order to bring that girl back. What about us? Are we just byproducts of your experiments?"

Luvia simply smiled. "I can understand why you think that," she then let out a sigh. "And I can't blame you." She then stopped what she was doing and turned to Rubrik. "I won't deny that I thought that way at first, but know, you're like family to me."


Luvia nodded, stroking the operating table she stood at. "That probably won't mean much to you at this point." Her gaze then drifted towards Vina. "But when she wakes up, she's going to need you. All of you, as her big siblings."

"Us? What about you?"

Luvia shook her head. "I think I've lost that right long ago. I failed to protect her, and now I'm doing such terrible things. The last person she'll need is a monster like me."

"Mother," Rubrik spotted a tear strolling down her cheek.

"Rubrik. I know it's selfish, but please, please protect her." Luvia turned her back to Rubrik and wiped her eyes. "Please, give her the life she deserves to live."


Rubrik approached Luvia, huddled over Vina. "Mother."

Luvia looked up as Rubrik crouched and put his remaining arm around her.


"This isn't your burden alone. I am no different from you. I just wanted someone to protect again." He smiled at her. "Thank you, for giving me a purpose once again, even if only briefly."

Luvia smiled as she looked at Vina again. "If you see Vina, if you get to where she is... don't let her be alone anymore. Be her family for me."

"You have my word."

Both closed their eyes as they huddled together as the room collapsed completely. Tears fell from the two and continued as the rocks finally claimed them both.

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