《The Goddess’ Chosen》Hunter and the Hunted


Francesca ran as fast as she could, fleeing from the monster that was chasing her. She stumbled through the endless corridors, oblivious to where she was going or even if the thing following was still on her tail.

She simply ran down the corridors in front of her with no sense of direction until she reached what appeared to be a large room where she finally stopped to catch her breath. Looking back, she saw no sign of the creature following her. The room she was in had a large central staircase right in the center, making it look like some kind of foyer. Besides the staircase, the entire room was completely void of anything. There was a second exit to her left and another up the stairs.

Francesca thought to herself if she should take the exit up the stairs. However, her thought was cut short when she heard a shriek behind her that stood all her hears on end. With that, she ran towards the closest exit, looking back to see if she was being chased. As she turned her head back around, she then bumped into someone who had just entered the room.


Allisa crashed into something as she entered the next room and fell back. "Ow..." she moaned as she rubbed her nose.

"Please don't kill me!"

Allisa opened her eyes and saw someone cowering in front of her. She could instantly tell it was one of the people they kidnapped. "N-No, I'm not gonna- huh?" She then stopped when she realized whom it was she was speaking to. "No way..."

The girl loosened her arms and looked in shock and surprise. "What... You?"


Francesca scooted back and pointed at Allisa. "What are you doing here tomboy?" she yelled.

"Um... that's a little hard to explain." Francesca was the last person who Allisa expected to run into.

"Wait..." Francesca looked at Allisa with fear. "Are you with those monsters?"

"Of course not!" Allisa snapped. "I came here to stop them."

"What do you mean stop them? I saw those freaks! How does a loser like you plan to stop monsters like them?"

Allisa was starting to consider if she really should save her.

"Anyway, where the hell are-"

Before Francesca could finish, Allisa got up and charged a Ghoul that had just arrived in the room. The creature was too slow to react and Allisa sliced through it with her sword. the creature died instantly as Allisa's sword sliced through its skull.

"Wh-what did you..." Francesca scotched back away from Allisa in fear. "Just... What the hell are you?"

Allisa looked at the fear in her eyes. She didn't think for a second how Francesca would react when she killed the creature. Now she had to give her some kind of explanation. "Well...uh, You see-"

Suddenly, something appeared behind her and slashed out at Allisa. She was quick to realize the danger and leaped out of the way and pivoted to see her attacker.

"Blond hair,"

Before Allisa stood a dark-haired woman with several stitches across her arms. Her right hand had razor-sharp fingernails that were extended from her fingers to resemble claws. She looked at Allisa with cold, black eyes. That stare, and the fast attack that Allisa only just managed to dodge, told her that this wasn't a Ghoul.

"You aren't one of the sacrifices." The woman muttered.

Allisa readied her sword as she studied her opponent. She hardly noticed her approach when she attacked. She also moved faster than the Ghoul she dispatched. And she also noticed that the woman spoke. Is she... A Homunculus?


Allisa vs. Diane

Diane studded Allisa carefully before moving on the Francesca. By the instructions of Frosh, she was on the lookout for a black-haired girl, a big guy and a scrawny guy. She had followed the track she picked up to this room and found someone standing close to the entrance she came from. Unsure exactly who it was or whether it was her target she made a move to wound whoever it was, making sure not to kill them. Now confirming that it wasn't the target, she studded the second individual in the room, which in this case was Francesca.

Dark hair. It's her. Diane's gaze shifted again to Allisa. She must be one of the intruders Weedree mentioned.

"Who are you?" Allisa demanded.

"I have no reason to answer that." Diane then pointed to Francesca. "Hand her over and prepare to die."

Allisa stuck up an arm in a way to block Diane from Francesca. "Don't you mean 'or' die."

"No. You are an intruder, therefore I need to kill you."

"Well forget it."

Diane lifted up her left hand. The nails on her fingers then grew out, matching the set on her right hand. "Fine. I'll start with you,"

Diane then disappeared from Allisa's sight in a flash.


Diane appeared behind Allisa and prepared to slash with her right. Allisa pivoted and intercepted her. Her blade clashed against her nails, which Allisa found were as hard as steel despite how thin they looked.

"Good instants," Diane applied more pressure to her right hand, pushing Allisa back. "You seem quite experienced given your age."

She's strong, Allisa could feel the strain in her hands as she struggled to push back Diane's claws. And that was definitely quickstep she just used. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Diane's left hand move slightly. Crap!

Allisa quickly leaped back as Diane struck out with her left, only just missing her. Diane's nails then shone slightly. She crossed her arms and swiped them, sending 8 cuts of light at Allisa. Allisa ducked down as the light passed over her. The light passed over her and impacted on the wall, leaving cut marks in the wall.

"Projection?" Allisa remembered that power from her fight with Garlahad, where he shot out light from his Rapier, which traveled like bullets. As Allisa got back to her feet, Diane wasn't in front of her. Sensing the danger Allisa quickly turned to her right and blocked a strike from Diane.

Diane unleashed a volley of attacks at Allisa, who could only block, after which, Diane backed off and released another projection with one set of nails. Allisa blocked the 4 strikes of light, but her feet skidded back across the ground towards the staircase as she struggled against the prevailing force. Though struggling, she eventually managed to cut through the light, letting the fragments go by, cutting into the railing and impacting parts of the stairs.

Before Allisa could even catch her breath, Diane rushed towards her and slashed again with a downwards strike. Allisa managed to put her sword up and blocked the blow. Diane then pivoted one foot, kicking Allisa with a roundabout kick. Allisa was pushed back as Diane's foot impacted on her side and she almost lost her footing from the force. Diane then leaped in the air and released projections from both hands when she was directly over Allisa.

Allisa knew at that range she couldn't dodge. Even so, she tried to run as the light that would shred her into bloody shreds. And in that instant, Allisa disappeared, just before the projections left scars on the ground.


Diane swung round in the air and landed on the railing, baffled by how she could have missed at that distance.

Allisa appeared a few meters away from where she was, almost tripped over in surprise. "Wha- How did I get here?" She looked behind her to where she was a second ago. Did I... use quickstep? She then remembered that this wasn't the first time she used it. Back in the Triest Sea temple, she used the technique on Garlahad. Did I... Teleport?


Diane stood ground as she watched Allisa closely. In that instant, she vanished in a second and repaired. Can she do what I can? No, it seems different somehow.

A wave of confusion then started to come over Diane as more and more questions started to form in her head, all relating to herself. All her actions, how she tracked her prey, and how she fought, all of it was familiar to her, as though she had done this before. This was impossible since she was 'born' a few hours ago. So why could she perform such complex actions she had never done before in her life as though she had done it before?

No! Diane shook her head as she forced these thoughts out. Now was not the time to dwell on such detail. For the moment, she had to focus on her task at hand, and the enemy before her. Everything else can wait.


Allisa couldn't help but smile to herself. Alright, I think I can beat her. She turned to face Diane. She had some idea on how she teleported by her experience with Garlahad rushing back.

Diane then slashed the air twice, sending eight projections in total at Allisa. Allisa prepared to run and teleported before the projections hit her. Repapering on the other side of the stairs from where Diane was.

Alright, I... Allisa then caught her foot on the railing and fell over the side, landing face-first on the ground. "Ow..." As Allisa picked herself up, Diane appeared above her and released projections at Allisa. Allisa once again used teleport to escape the blow. As she reemerged, she slammed into a wall. "Ok... I should stop using that."

"Seems you don't have much control over that ability." Diane crouched on the railing where she had landed following the attack with a smirk on her face as though she was about to laugh. "Are you finished with your comedy routine?"

Allisa rubbed her nose, as she turned around, raising her sword to Diane. "Tell me," She asked. "Why is Francesca here?"

"You mean the girl?" Diane looked towards Francesca, who was standing at the exit of the room, watching the battle unfold. "Not really sure. I was born a few hours ago."

"Born?" Allisa gripped her sword with both hands. "What do you mean by that?"

Diane flexed her fingers. "I have no obligation to answer you." she replied, "You are an enemy. And as such, it is my mission to my new master to end your life."

"Alright," Allisa moved one-foot forwards as she prepared herself, "guess I can respect that."


The battle was like nothing she had seen before. Despite wanting to run, Francesca remained glued to the intense battle unfolding before her. It was like something out of a fantasy action flick, both combatants moving in split seconds that Francesca couldn't keep up with what's going on, as well as the strange cuts of light that the woman was using.

Is this... Real?

Her eyes drifted towards Allisa.

And is that really the same girl?


Diane crouched down and sprang herself at Allisa. Allisa ducked out of the way as Diane swiped. While in the air, Diane swang around and kicked out. Allisa used her sword to block her foot and was sent back several feet from the force.

She's stronger than she looks.

Diane pivoted as she landed and let loose another projectile slash at Allisa, who leaped out of the way to dodge it. As she rolled, Diane pounced at Allisa with her right-hand open. Allisa turned and blocked the claws. Diane pushed on, forcing Allisa's blade down towards her chest, getting close enough that one of her nails dug into Allisa's cheek, ever so slightly but enough to draw blood. Allisa struggled as she tried to push back. as she did, she couldn't help but look into Diane's eyes. They were cold and visible showed her Intent to kill. But there was something else, Allisa couldn't put her finger on it, but there seemed to be something else.

"Wh-What are you fighting for?"

Diane unconsciously eased up her strength at Allisa's strange question but still kept some pressure on. "What are you talking about?"

"You... seem confused..." Allisa caught her breath as she tried to push back. "Like... you don't seem to know what you're fighting for?"

Diane loosened the pressure more as doubt started to grip her once again. What... Am I fighting for?

Allisa immediately took advantage of Diane's confusion and pushed Diane's hand away with her sword and kicked her back. Diane's senses returned as she regained her balance and somersaulted back to put some distance between her and Allisa.

Allisa got back to her feet and face Diane once again. I need to end this quickly. Guess I could try that again.

Diane Allisa out a projectile at Allisa. Allisa jumped to her right and let the projectile pass by before rushing Diane closing the distance quickly. In response, Diane realized projectiles with both hands at Allisa who couldn't dodge at the distance she was in. In that second, Allisa disappeared.


She then appeared behind Diane, who was caught off guard by Allisa's move. Third times the charm. She then swung upwards towards Diane, who turned her head in time to see the blade closing in on her body.


Rubrik then appeared in front of Diane and caught Allisa's blow with his left hand. Allisa looked in shock as she immediately recognized the man who had just appeared.

The White Guy!!

She then saw Rubrik flattening his right hand and immediately teleported back from him. Great, What's he doing here?

Rubrik relaxed as he turned completely to face Allisa. She teleported? And she seems different from before. He then spied Francesca behind him who was about to turn and run and teleported in front of her and grabbed her by the throat. "You're not going anywhere." He said to her.

"L-Let her go!" Allisa demanded, still shook up by his sudden appearance.

"So you're one of the intruders?" A woman's voice came from the top of the stairs. Allisa turned to see the blond haired woman she saw in the portrait In the library. "Luvia Roswell. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

Luvia Roswell

Luvia Roswell? Allisa stared at Luvia, who was looking down on her from her position. She's... the Alchemist? There was also something else. She felt like she had seen her before.

She paid too much attention to the phone that she bumped into someone, causing them both to fall down. "S-sorry." She apologized.

"No, that was my fault." The one she bumped into was a woman with long blond hear, and a long dress. She was carrying a bag full of groceries, which spilled out when she fell. "I wasn't watching where I was going." The woman then attempted to pick up her groceries.

"Let me help," Allisa said as she crawled to gather them together. It was then she noticed that all she had was salt, sugar and a bunch of iron wool and an entire bag of bottled water. What's all this for? She wondered as she gathered them together. When she was finished she stood up and helped the woman to her feet before giving them to her. "Again, really sorry."

"It's fine." The woman said as she left. "Thanks for the help."

"Don't mention it!" Allisa called out. "That was bizarre." She said to herself, wondering what she was planning to do with the contents of the bags. She brushed the thought aside as she continued towards the comic book store.

"AH!" Allisa then stuck her finger at Luvia. "It's you!"

"Huh?" Luvia then took a good look at Allisa. Shortly after, a look of surprise gripped her face. "Oh my. You're the girl I bumped into the other day!" She then giggled slightly. "My what a coincidence."

Allisa found none of this funny. She bumped into the same woman a few days ago. She remembered the strange content of her groceries but thought nothing of it at the time. At the time, if she had known she was the person who committed all the atrocities around town....

"You-" Allisa gritted her teeth as her blood began to boil. "You're the Alchemist?"

Luvia's expression then changed. "That's right, I am." She then took another look at Allisa. "By those clothes and that sword, I'm guessing you're from Avalon. Under orders from the Arch Sage to eliminate me, am I wrong?"

Rubrik walked up to Diane, with Francesca gripping her by the arm and twisting it across her back.

"My apologies," Diane said to Rubrik. "I was taken off guard."

"Don't apologise." Rubrik fixed his gaze on Allisa. "There's more to that girl than meets the eye. You were lucky I came along when I did."

Allisa's gaze fell to the floor. "Why are you doing this?" she asked.

Luvia paused before answering Allisa. "Research."

"Research?" Allisa looked back at Luvia.

"That's right." Luvia looked upon Rubrik and Diane. "I'm attempting to accomplish what many would consider vile and inhuman, but if I succeed I will bring joy to millions." She then looked again upon Allisa again. "I am attempting to bring the dead back to life."

Allisa's expression changed to shock.

"And I'm not talking about zombies and skeletons and other ideas you may have," She continued. "I'm talking about calling back the soul of a specific individual into an empty vessel prepared for them." She gestured at the two again. "Of course they are considered homunculi since their bodies are artificial constructs, but the souls inside are real people."

"But how?" Allisa found all this hard to believe. "You said you could summon a specific soul back. That seems impossible."

"That's where she comes in." Luvia pointed at the terrified Francesca. "In my earlier study and experiments, I discovered that mana of a certain form can be used to call back a specific soul. Using that as a basis, I exchange the life of that person using their own mana and life force to call back a soul that has a similar mana signature and plant that soul into an artificial body.

"Granted, the process isn't completely perfect. It seems they struggle to remember their past, even their own name," She looked towards Diane. "All but one that is. However, they possessed the same skill set and personalities in their previous lives. Not only that, but certain skills they picked up are also transferred. Along with that, they each are able to develop mana abilities that can far outdo a normal human. Such as the abilities of imagination, conjuring an incorporeal creature, both of which are considered out of reach for humans."

"But why..." Allisa couldn't stand to hear anymore. "Do you know how much people have died? The people you've killed!" She yelled. "Just why are you doing this?! What reason do you have to kill so many innocent people for this twisted dream of yours?!"

Luvia again paused before answering, this one longer than the last. "I told you, research."

Allisa couldn't hold herself back anymore. She immediately teleported in the air, a few meters from Luvia. "YOU’RE OUT OF YOUR MIND!!" She screamed as she brought her blade down on her.

Rubrik then appeared and caught the blade again with his hand. He then kicked out and struck Allisa in the gut. Sending her tumbling down the stairs. "I believe I told you I'd cut out your heart if you persuaded us."

Allisa coughed as she got back to her feet.

"Mother, please stand back." He said to Luvia. "I'll deal with her."

Diane then quickstepped to the upper level with Francesca, throwing her down before landing herself.

"Very well." Luvia looked at Francesca at her knees. "She's all yours."

Rubrik stood at the very top of the stairs where Allisa was charging up. I'll probably need to use my full power. He then walked down three steps and raised his right hand, palm flat, and rammed it down on the stairs. "Pulse."

A shockwave was sent through the stairs destroying it completely. Taken by surprise Allisa leaped up in the air and unconsciously teleported several feet above the collapsing stairs. What was that?

Rubrik then appeared on her left with his palm stuck out. "Pulse." A wave of pulsing energy then hit Allisa and sent her crashing to the ground. Rubrik then extended his leg as he descended towards Allisa, who was recovering from the impact. "Vibrate: Right leg."

Allisa quickly rolled out of the way as Rubrik, who was still in the air, swiped his leg. An unseen force, sending dust and some of the earthwork up by the power of the blow, cut the ground below. As Allisa got back up, Rubrik appeared behind her. Allisa turned and blocked a jab by Rubrik's straightened hand, striking her blade like he was hitting it with a sword of his own. What's with this guy?

"White noise: left hand."

Allisa then felt an uncomfortable vibration travel down her arms through her sword. "Wha-"

In that moment of hesitation, Rubrik then pushed Allisa's sword aside with his left hand and readied his other hand. With no other option away, Allisa teleported a few meters back, almost tripping on a stone below her, but quickly regained her balance.

"So you can teleport as well," Rubrik said to her. "You're quite the mystery."

Allisa held out her sword as she panted. He announces those phrases before each attack. It was... Vibrate... Pulse... and White noise? Is that his abilities?

"It seems like your tiring to figure out my abilities," Rubrik said, as though he was reading her mind.

Allisa kept her cool and grasped her sword with both hands. "Why are you fighting for that woman?" Allisa asked. "She's just using you! Can't you see that?"

Rubrik teleported up to Allisa and struck down with his hand shaped like a blade, colliding with Allisa's sword with the sound of metal ringing out. "You understand nothing." Rubrik snarled. He then released his pressure and kicked Allisa in the side. "Pulse: Right leg!"

A pulse of energy then pushed Allisa out, sending her smashing through the ground before rolling to a stop. She struggled back to her feet; slightly amazed she could move at all. She was grazed along her exposed arms and legs, but apart from that, nothing seemed to be broken. The energy felt similar to the one he sent through her that morning. However, it felt a lot weaker than before and just forced her away.

"Open your eyes..." she said. "To her... you're just ginny pigs! How can you help someone like that?"

Rubrik glanced quickly to Luvia before looking back towards Allisa. "Like I said, you understand nothing."

Allisa gritted her teeth. Why... Why is this guy so loyal? Her body ached. She was using mana focusing to fight Rubrik, but even that wasn't enough to give her an edge. The effects of it were starting to set in, and she hadn't even landed a single hit on Rubrik. Not only that, but it was also clear to her that Rubrik hadn't used his full power yet.


"Let me go!" Francesca struggled under Diane's grip. "Let go of-"

Diane then struck Francesca on the back of the neck, knocking her unconscious. "My apologies." She said to Luvia. "She's unconscious, there should be no lasting damage."

"It's alright, I trust you." Luvia's eyes were glued to the battle below them.

"Are you certain we shouldn't retreat?" Diane's attention turned to the battle.

"It's alright. This battle won't last much longer."

"How are you so sure?"

Luvia pointed at Allisa. "She's using two types of mana focusing techniques, one to enhance her reflexes and the other for teleportation. While impressive given her age," she then lowered her arm. "she's obviously starting to feel the strain."

Diane looked at Luvia for clarity.

"Mana focusing focuses on the body without using an object or anything to act as a catalyst. As a result, it can put a strain on the welder's body depending on what they use." Luvia looked at Diane. "Teleportation uses less mana and puts less strain on the body as opposed to quickstep. However, she's combining it with something that enhances her reflexes and increases her natural defense. As a result, she's pushing her body incredibly hard. I wouldn't be surprised if she gives out now."

Her gaze fell back to Allisa and she put her hand to her chin. "Even so, for someone so young to have mastered mana focusing to such a degree, and not to mention teleporting is quite extraordinary."

As logic dictates, none of what Luvia said should sound even remotely familiar to Diane. Nonetheless, the phrases she used sounded familiar, casting more doubts on Diane's mind. She needed to change the subject.

"Why didn't you tell her your objective?"


Diane looked back at Allisa. "When she asked you, you didn't tell her your goal."

"Oh, I'm guessing one of the others told you," Luvia said with a smile.

"Thatch and Frosh while we were on our way to you."

Luvia took in a deep breath. "Not sure." A look of sadness came over her face, "Guess it's easier to be the villain here."

"What reason do you have to kill so many innocent people for this twisted dream of yours?!"

Luvia clenched her fists tightly as she remembered Allisa's words. It's already too late for me, so I may as well play the part of the villain.


Allisa panted as she slowly circled around Rubrik. The effects of her mana focusing were starting to take effect. This had been her first real fight since Garlahad. Even then she didn't really know how she eventually overcame him. Even so, Rubrik was very different in terms of power. Allisa was able to slice through Galahad's armor easily, but she had yet to even scratch on Rubrik.

If I don't figure this guy our fast, I'm dead.

Rubrik remained still as Allisa circled, not even looking in her direction.

He's just, standing there...

Rubrik then stuck out his arm. "Vibrate: right hand."

Pivoted and swiped his arm down, sending a slicing shock wave at Allisa. On instinct, Allisa jumped to her right as the wave just missed her. As she stumbled back, Rubrik teleported behind her with his hands flat. Allisa turned and blocked a strike. Then, unexpectedly, Rubik punched Allisa in the gut hard enough to send her back. Allisa recovered and skidded across the ground to a halt. She panted as she tried to get back the air Rubrik forced out of her.

This girl's quite resilient. I could use a full white noise to knock her out, but, Rubrik looked up at Luvia, Mother would be affected as well. He looked back to Allisa. Then again, she is nearly at her limit by the look of things.

Rubrik then stuck out his hands, palms flat.

What's he doing? Allisa raised her sword and prepared to dodge whatever was coming at her.

"Pulse: Maxim." Before Allisa could even react, a powerful shockwave which was strong enough to leave a trail in the ground, smashed into Allisa and sent her back into a wall, which compressed and cracked by the force of the shockwave and Allisa impacting it.

Blood spat from Allisa's mouth following the impact. She lost the grip on her sword and it disappeared. As she fell forwards, Rubrik teleported and stuck his right index finger into Allisa's shoulder, drilling through the flesh and pinning her up.

"White noise: right index finger."

Allisa screamed in pain as a horrible sensation passed through her body, an unbearable pain following. It felt like her body was tearing itself apart.

"I think I should tell you my abilities so you understand the hell you're experiencing." Rubrik leaned in closer to Allisa, keeping his finger jammed in her shoulder. "I have three abilities, White noise, Vibrate, and Pulse. White noise sends out a sound emitted from my body, emitted at an incredibly high pitch which can stun an average human," He scowled slightly. "You being the closest thing to an exception."

Allisa gritted her teeth from the pain. No matter what she tried to do, her body refused to move.

"Vibrate," Rubrik continued. "as its name suggests, I can vibrate my body which gives me an effective armor, as well as making my entire body a weapon. Pulse is my final ability, where I emit a sonic pulse of compressed air from the palm of my hand, you've seen the effects twice now.

"I can also focus my ability into different parts of my body, albeit making it weaker than the original, with the exception of vibrate." He then pulled his finger from Allisa and allowed her to drop to the floor. "What I did just now was sending my white noise sound waves through my finger into your body, which reacted to every one of your pain receptors increasing their sensitivity to the extent that even a light breeze blowing on you would be agony."

Allisa forced herself back up, trying her best to ignore the pain she was in.

"You can still move?" Rubrik said, slightly impressed. "You really are full of surprises."

Allisa summoned her sword and swung a slow swing at Rubrik, who simply sidestepped out of the way. After which, he kneed Allisa in the gut causing her to collapse to the ground. He then picked Allisa up by her ponytail and threw her back against the wall.

"I'm ending this." He pulled his free hand back and straightened his palm. "I did make it clear that I would take your heart for this."

Time seemed to slow as Rubrik's hand approached Allisa's chest. Her body wasn't responding. She couldn't even lift up a finger. The pain had been so intense that she could have passed out at any point. And now she was completely helpless as death slowly kept in on her.

Then, all of a sudden, a violent tremor shook the room. Cracks began to form on the walls and floor.

"What?" Rubrik then dropped Allisa as he looked around.

"What's going on?" Luvia asked, clinging on the balcony to support her self, Diane crouching to the ground to steady herself while keeping one hand on Francesca.

"An earthquake?" She said.

"This mana..." Rubik looked around. "It's... Thatch?!" His face then dropped as he realized what had happened. "What has he done?!"

The ground then gave way, as several tiles started to rise from an unseen force. Allisa, just holding on to her consciousness, looked around as the room began to fall apart and fire burst from the cracks on the ground. Rubrik disappeared from sight, along with Luvia and Diane, as a pillar of fire burst through the ground. After that, a rock flew straight at Allisa's head, knocking her out.

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