《Dragon Fantasy》v1-c16: Anne’s level, Iris Paris, and an Uppercut.


Chapter-16: Anne’s level, Iris Paris, and an Uppercut.

Hearing that Agun was interested to participate, the student smiled like businessman and said,

“Then for registration, you have to pay 1 silver coin.”

Nodding at him, Agun took out 100 bronze coins and put on the table. He didn’t have any silver coin in his pocket right now. But it’s not like he’s in his poor state as he has almost 10 platinum and 60 gold coins, this money he earned by cooking in the past. In fact, in his orphanage town he was on the list of the top ten richest people, well it does not matter for this academy’s many individuals who have tons of black diamond coins. He is wondering he was even on top 10000 richest people list of this academy.

[100 bronze = 1 silver, 100 silver = 1 gold, 100 gold = 1 platinum, 100 platinum = 1 Black Diamond. Imagine like that, 1 usd = 1 silver coin]

Receiving the coin, the student took out a card and then those coins had vanished into the air. Actually, that card is Bank Card; people can store their money on it. Agun also has one. This is where he took out his 100 bronze coins from. It’s a really convenient thing where you can take as many as numbers of coins you want. It also helps the holder to count money.

“Money had received. Here is your token. You are 39th no. competitor. Currently 34th contestant out, the participator who is standing there he’s no 31st if he won this he will be one of the winners, and then 35th and 36th no. players will be on the stage, as the 31st contestant will fulfill his continuous 4 winning match challenge. Even if a player loses in his first match he can play his remaining three matches after the last person standing on the stage.”


“Ah! I understand.”

Agun then looked at the screen. He understands the main stage is in the Doppelganger Reality which is broadcasted on this screen.

He felt a gaze on his body, when he looked for it he saw Anne was looking at him. He almost forgot her. He smiled embarrassedly and asked her,

“Hey, do you want to participate?”

“No, I am above beginner league.”

She calmly replied.

Now that Agun thinks about it, he couldn’t detect Anne’s League or Level before. But he was too ignorant to bother about it as various think happened.

“Can I know which League are you in?”

Agun asked with the curious tone.

“I am in the 5th level of Raider League.”

She easily replied. Agun gasped, but if he thinks about it she was in the Class A1. That means she really has to be strong.

“Then why didn’t you have accepted as Class S student?”

“Because I am not a genius.”

She replied immediately.

Agun was speechless. The genius picking of this academy is a too complicated system. He somewhat feeling proud of himself right now while thinking in his mind, ’Am I somehow awesome?’

Then he heard an announcement,

“The winner is Iris.”

Everyone was in shocked seeing that battle while Agun was in deep thought

“What Zafor lost? I can’t believe it!”

“I thought Zafor is strongest under Raider League.”

“He is the 2nd year now; he should be experienced more than anyone under Raider League…”

“Who is that disciple?”

“I-I recognized her. She is got the 2nd place in admission test if you do not count Class S students. She is freshman of this year’s class A1.”

“So, she is the Iris Paris! I heard that she could defeat even Raider League expertise.”


“No wonder she wins this match. Zafor had met such a bad luck sigh!”

Agun almost got thin sweat on his forehead hearing the hitting peanut gallery.

But his lips were smiling and said inwardly, 'it's a shame that I cannot face her even if she wins her all matches.'

As if to justify her worth Iris Paris has won all 4 matches. To everyone surprised she won her match in a two to four moves.

"My heaven!! She is more than we thought. And she is the only one who wins this challenge yet."

Someone blurted out.

"Alas! If she was in Raider League she might have chosen as Class S."

Someone let out a sigh.

Agun was looking her fight with curiosity. she is a strong one. Agun knows how powerful he is. if they face each other there might be a possibility that they will be even. So even he was also confused why she was not chosen as Class S.

But then suddenly a thought popped out in his head, 'wait if she is number two then...'

"Hey Anne, can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

Anne responded.

"Is it possible you are the number one in A1 class?"

Agun asked in a serious tone.

"Look it is your turn. you will be late, so go fight."

She avoided his question. Agun smiled with helplessness and went in front of the student who registered him a moment ago.

"Number 39 Agun and number 40 Jumbo on stage."

And then a light wrapped Agun and when lights are faded he saw he was in a familiar place. It's the similar arena where he has battled with Orion.

Then some moment after he saw another light appeared. When it faded out a tall man... no boy appeared.

That boy was almost 6 feet in height. and had a rough looking face.

Agun could excess his level. He is on 10th level in beginner League.

The man watched him carefully and said, "Man it is my lucky day. At least I can win even one match today."

It was clear that the tall boy was looking down at him. The tall boy thought Agun was nobody as he never saw his face. He might be some brat from freshman class A as he was a 10th level beginner while he was the 2nd year so he thought he might win this match easily as he is more experienced than the boy in front of him.

"Sorry junior brother, it's not your lucky day. But to make you less suffer I will finish it fast."

Saying that the boy came at Agun while making an Iron Fist with the dash.

But he was too slow in eyes of Agun who can see 300 km per hour speed. And he knows that Iron Fist technique, it's from northern martial art. It has speed but also has a weakness, the projectile of this fist cannot be changed.

When tall boy thought his fist will connect to the chest of Agun. Agun swiftly stepped aside to the left then deliver an uppercut on his chin.

Result.. it will be too gore to explain, so let's skip that and hear the result.

"Th-the winner is Agun!!."

The registrar student announced with a shocked voice.

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