《Immersion》Chapter 2: A Party Forged from Blood


Tyr had signed up to join the game world the moment that registration opened. The city for initial spawn was crawling with people. Excitement filled the air as people discussed strategy, support roles, secondary skills, and many other aspects of the game in which they were about to partake in.

Tyr gruffly walked past the crowds and out of the city. All players started with basic stats and could gain either a basic weapon or spell based on their chosen preference. Tyr raised his right hand and accessed his personal menu.

Player Name: Tyr

CLASS: Spell Caster

Level: 1 - Exp: 0.00

HP: 100 / 100

MP: 10 / 10

POW: 10

INT: 10

WIS: 0

DEF: 10

AGI: 10

Tyr noticed other players speaking about how they have STA instead of MP but those players seemed to have been strictly warrior or ranger classes. Swiping his hand once more he dismissed the menu and continued walking across the massive city towards the gates leading to the hunting grounds. The spell he'd been granted was a lucky early start, flames. He recited the stats of the spell as he proceeded on his walk out of the city.

Spell: Flames

Cast Time: 0 sec. Spell Cooldown: 10 sec.

Mana Cost: 1 MP per second DAMAGE: 1-5 per second

Remembering the stats reminded him that he could only cast the spell maybe twice per hour with his current MP. The guidebook all players had been given when they entered the world made it clear. It takes one hour to fully regain an MP bar. Because of this many players opted for the warrior classes but Tyr knew that he wanted to feel power within his hands. Being a spellcaster was a big disadvantage early on in terms of game play. This game strongly encouraged team play and because of this many warrior type players had taken to bullying spellcasters who needed to partner with them for support. Some of the bargains being made to form parties were tilted heavily towards the warrior and ranger classes. Taunts as he walked past a large group of warriors by the gate didn't delay his stride as he stepped out of the city.


Reaching the fields beyond the gate, Tyr was overwhelmed by the massive amount of hunting parties everywhere. He wandered through the field as the hunting parties kept the spawning points locked down. Two hours had passed before he finally got beyond the parties, and he saw his first opportunity to battle. Close to the city there were packs of boars spawning. This will have to do. He waited until one moved off on its own, and then he unleashed flames on it. The flames encased the boar, and as it turned to charge him it fell. A small dialogue screen popped up in front of him showing he'd earned 2 copper pieces and 1 experience point. He dismissed the screen, and then waited patiently for his mana to recover. Rinse and repeat, he killed several in this fashion. The boars seemed easy enough to kill, and he continued to do so until they stopped spawning entirely.

All at once the sky darkened, and the sun which hung in the sky very quickly dipped below the horizon. Not like in the real world. While thinking this he started noticing several spots glowing around the field. The ground glowed as creatures spawned, and out of the ground skeletal hands slammed down forcefully. Arms, shoulders, and skeletal bodies clambered out of the ground following the hands. It looked as though they were climbing out of deep holes. Skeletal heads looked up at the sky with a red light glowing from their eye sockets. At this point they were still spawning several hundred yards away from him. He started to wonder if he should head back now, just as one of them spawned only 10 yards away. As it scrambled out of the ground, it immediately started rushing him. Instinctively he jumped back, swinging his hands up defensively.

"FLAMES!" Tyr roared, and to his surprise he felt a tingle in his arms. It felt like a static electricity discharge. Flames rushed forward, and he could feel heat leap from his fingertips. The spell engulfed the skeleton, and he was very surprised to hear the creature screech as though in pain. A skeletal arm shot out through the flames. Leaping backwards he avoided the thrust, while at the same time willing more energy forward. As he willed the energy forward he felt a surge of power, and the flames in front of him intensified. The sounds of bones rattling as they hit the ground quickly followed. The spell ended as he closed his hands, as did the tingle of energy he felt in his arms. The skull rolled forward to his feet, and the red light within the eyes went black.


Tyr was feeling truly exhilarated. He could literally feel the power he had in his hands in a way he never imagined before. Raising his right hand he opened his menu checking his status.

Player Name: Tyr

CLASS: Spell Caster

Level: 1 Exp: 50 / 100

HP: 100 / 100

MP: 4 / 10

POW: 10

INT: 10

WIS: 0

DEF: 10

AGI: 10

A grin crossed Tyr's face as he reviewed his stats. He had used six points of mana destroying the skeleton. It would take him seven minutes before he would regenerate one point of mana. Nonetheless it was still an exciting feeling for him. He was happily staring at his stats, when suddenly pain shot through his shoulder. In surprise he leapt backwards, but he still couldn't see anything as he panned his head left and right. His status menu was still open, and before he could swipe it closed he felt another surge of pain emanate from his back.

"Watch out!" A loud voice rang out, and a crashing sound of bones followed. Tyr's eyes fixated on a warrior class player wielding a rusted sword. The warrior yelled while lunging forward, striking down the skeleton that had been stabbing him in the back. With a jerk he turned to face Tyr,

"What the hell is wrong with you? Are you trying to get yourself killed out here?!" His face was flushed and anger flashed in his eyes. Tyr shook his head.

"No. I'm sorry, but thank you for saving me." Tyr was shaken from the encounter, and feeling overwhelmed by the sudden urgency of the situation.

"Look. I know you're level one, but getting yourself killed comes with major debuffs. Not to mention you'll lose all of your experience you've already gained." He shook his head angrily. Tyr tilted his head up, and saw Brutus (Lv. 3 Warrior) hovering in the air above him.

"I'm sorry Brutus. Honestly." Tyr felt a sense of resentment build in his chest. It felt like he was in school again being reprimanded for not understanding a question a teacher had asked him. "I only just now got to fight something substantial, and I was checking out my menu to see where I stood with my stats."

"You need to be more aware of what's happening around you." Brutus said, as a pop up appeared in front of Tyr.

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