《Spirit King's Incarnation》Chapter 7: Task to save the world


Back then I fell asleep right after I explained to my parents about Arthur’s situation. He would be my adopted brother.

He’s still shy so it might take some time before the two of us become closer. He was my first friend and also my new brother so I wanted to make him feel welcome.

My parents didn’t agree with the idea at first. My mother even said we should rather take him to an orphanage. Some orphanages have a tendency to make the orphans suffer from child labour and even abuse from the others orphans.

My father listed all of the “why’s” and “why not” of sending him to an orphanage. In the end they decided to let him stay.

Since Arthur is aiming to become a knight, my father would be able to teach him the ropes. My father was also promoted so money should come rolling in unlike before.

“Where am I?”

A white space spread throughout my vision when I opened my eyes.


A roar suddenly came from behind.

I turned and saw a yellow beam heading towards me.

“Is that a person–“

“Suffer the judgement of this divinity hammer, you scoundrel!!”

The female figure dressed in a white robe then summoned a giant hammer out of nowhere.


It was heading straight for me.




She then exclaimed when a vibration shook the space we were in.

I opened my eyes and saw a large white barrier blocking the woman’s strikes.



“GRRR!! Why isn’t it disappearing!? How can a barrier survive a god’s strike!?”


Did this crazy loli just say god?

“What did you call me, immortal scum!?”

She kept bashing the shield protecting me. She was releasing so much power that could crush any normal person.

Yet how was I still standing?

“What is an immortal?”

She stopped for a moment and looked at me.

She looked at me as if she heard the most absurd thing in her life.

“...What is an immortal... he said...”

She then pulled her hair and shouted.

“You think I don’t know your tricks, immortals scum!? You high jacked a soul! Did you think we wouldn’t figure it out!? Hah!?”




The space broke apart a little from the god’s hits.

“W-Wait! I’m not an immortal! I don’t even know what that is!”

What the hell is even going on?

I woke up and saw a white space filled with nothing then get attacked by a crazy loli?


The bashing finally stopped.


She looked at the runes on the shield that shone in golden light.

“No way...” The giant hammer disappeared, “No way!”


“This is the shield of a Primordial god! How the hell do you have it!? There’s no mistaking the ancient god language used to craft them!”

For a god she sure liked to swear.

“Primordial god...?”

“So that was what happened.”


The goddess ,Sol blinked her eyes.


I was expecting a beautiful big sister with giant boobs but instead got a little sister loli goddess. Is she really the god whose religion dominates the majority and has the most followers?

My disappointment is immeasurable.

“Then how did you...”

I explained that I was actually a reincarnated person.

“How did you land in this world?”

“Ah, I tried saving a girl who was about to be run over by a car.”



Sol’s eyes opened wide and blinked repeatedly again.


“Guh! My ears!”

She shouted with such a loud voice that it caused my head to ring.

“You stole the reincarnation of a hero, you idiot!” She hit my head repeatedly, “How could you! This world is doomed without her!! Idiot! Idiot!”


“Mother left her domain up to me and yet I failed in even controlling the destiny of a hero properly!”


I held her hands. She thumped her head against my chest and screamed.

“You doomed this world! You should’ve never saved that girl, you idiot!!”

“Would you stop....”

I sighed and scratched my head.

“Can you explain what you mean without screaming?”

“Uuuu...!” She pouted with her head down, “You changed the destiny of this world.”

“I don’t get it.”

Sol then placed her hand on top of my head and closed her eyes. Her hands glowed for a second before disappearing.

“Do you remember how your mother and father were told by the doctor they were expecting a girl?”

Come to think of it, I do remember something like that. I found them in the living room that one time talking about what the doctor said.

“That was not a mistake. Although, the baby was an empty cell that had to be filled with a soul. This world is doomed...”

Goddess Sol said with a face as if the sky had fallen.

“The strongest hero was saved and is living a normal life as a high school girl... Why does this sound so strange to my ears...?”

Tears streamed down her face.

“What do you mean she would have become the strongest hero?”

Sol wiped her eyes and started to explain.

“There was a prophecy which involved the chosen one and the hero of another world. The Elder God had a vision which showed her two people; a man and a woman standing together and fighting gods. These gods are the immortal descendants who used a certain core to ascend to godhood.”

“What are these immortals?”

“I do not know. None of the gods of this dimension know. We cannot search their origins or where they come from. The only thing we know is that your world, the world I govern has a thick smell of these immortals coming from it.”

“That high school girl was the saviour of this world...”

I did the right thing which caused this world’s doom?

Sol then got up with a mad expression.

“You! Clyde Astley will save this world!”


What did this loli just say?

“Me? A toddler, saving the world?”

“Of course not now, when you’re older!”

“Please let me go back now. I feel like the stuff you want me to do is too crazy.”

“But you were the one who caused all of this!!”

“How was I supposed to know? Doesn’t it sound messed up that you intentionally kill a person just so they can save your world!? Are gods really that selfish!?”


“Why should I take this responsibility when I had to die in her place? Can’t you just kill her again, you crazy goddess?”

“Wha–!? You dare call a goddess crazy!?”

Sol pouted.

“All you have to do is fetch the girl. You don’t have to fight a demigod or slay a titan.”

“Fetch her?”

Sol nodded confidently.


“I can use Star ranked magic to teleport you back to Earth!”

My mind blanked.

I could go back to earth.

“Star ranked?”

“Ah, that’s a grading system for the magic of us gods. It’s similar to your magic systems. Anyway, will you do it? There’s no danger involved other than the pain of seeing your past loved ones.”


Did I really want to see them?

I looked down. It was only then that I noticed that my body was the same as back on earth. Similar to a fat man older than his appearance suggests.

“You are special. That is why I want you to take this task. Even though you’re standing before a goddess, my divinity cannot crush you like other mortals. And there’s that shield of the Primordial god as well... Many mysteries surround you. This is why I suspected you of being an immortal. I cannot even see your future or your past. Hell, I didn’t even realize the hero wasn’t born until now.”

“...How long will this take?”

“16 years. Be ready by around twenty years of age. I can only use this magic once without permission from my father. You’ll have to do many other things like–“

I held up my hand.

“If this can save the world then what do I get? I should be able to benefit too since I’m the one who has to go to Earth.”

“Um, that’s...”

“I only wanted to live a normal life and now I have to do a task which is normally given to protagonists? Sure it’s just fetching her on earth but shouldn’t you think about how it’ll affect the both of us mentally?”


I turned my back on her and crossed my arms.

“Technique... magic...” She mumbled from behind me, “Ah! I got it!”


“I can give you a technique!”

“Ho? Really?”

I turned back towards her.

“Yes! How about a technique that can stop time? Its seems you have authority over space and gravity so this is perfect for you!”

She rubbed her nose looking proud.

“Stop time...?”

My mouth was wide open in shock. There was actually such a thing?

“This technique has to mature before you can take full control of your space element...” She made hand signs and then a golden light appeared in her hands, “Space magic users are rare in this world. Time mages are even rarer. If you can nurture this technique to its fullest potential then you’d become invincible. That depends how long it’ll take, though.”

She pushed the light towards me.

“I call this technique [Lightborn] covenant of time! Do you like it?”

The light entered my chest and moved through my entire body.

Green lights flickered around me at that moment.

“These lights again?”

They were different from the blue lights that circled around me last time.

“You don’t know what those are?”

I shook my head.

“Those are time spirits. You have the ability to control spirits. In short, you’re a spirit mage.”


The little light shook its body and released its energy towards me. It was then that the breaking of glass entered my ears.

The entire open white space turned grey with black lines all around the area.

“See? This is the technique. I’m not sure how far you will come with it, though. It depends on the person.”

“Whoa...” It was like I was looking at a grey world.

“This is your world in the Lightborn technique.”

Sol also looked around with amazement.

“No one has ever been born with two cores in this world before. You surely are an anomaly, Clyde." Sol then clapped her hands. “So! Before I send you back, I would like to apologize for suspecting you of being an enemy. I really was trying to kill you.”

“I-I see.”

“You are about to swear on the God’s Code that you will do this task for me. Disobey it then your soul will disappear.”

“It’s that serious...”

“We must use these rules for mortals favoured by gods. Two very strong beings, by our standards, are protecting you from me.”

I wonder what this Primordial is. Who is this second being anyway?

Sol held out her hand. I placed mine against hers.

A golden light wrapped around our bodies and grew smaller until it covered our hands.

“With this pact, you are to return to earth and retrieve the saviour of this world by any means necessary.”


“Good. [Sol’s Code-God of Light].”

A red rune wrapped around my pinkie finger.

“What’s this?”

“It’s the ultimate pledge of promises amongst us gods. Break it then a million divinity judgement poles will impale your body.”

The white world suddenly began breaking down.

“What the!? These damn beings are even interfering in this too!?”

Sol stomped her feet in anger. Her body was also turning in particles.

“I will summon you 16 years later. Become a member of my religion and pray everyday!”

With that, her body disappeared.

–Damn Loli.


I heard a voice before my consciousness faded.

It was the voice of an old man.



“A-Ah, you’re awake?”

When I opened my eyes, I saw a face right above mine.


“What are you doing?”

He hurriedly backed away.



I scratched my bed hair without thinking too much about his odd behaviour.

“Lady Eleanor said she’ll be back with breakfast later on.”

“It’s not Lady Eleanor.” I pinched Arthur’s cheeks, “It’s mother.”

“B-But that’s embarrassing...”

Arthur was dressed in casual hunting clothes for some reason.

“Where are you off to?”

I stood by the closet and began undressing.

“Mister George said he’d take me hunting. He said it’s important to learn to catch your own food on a battlefield.”

“The heck? You’re six.”

A year has already passed since he came to us. He was getting used to living with us. It’s just that he keeps referring to my mother and father with formality.

“Are you coming with?”

“I’ll pass. I want to try and see if I can learn any more spells.”


Arthur’s expression turned sad.

–Arthur, let’s go!

“Ah, in a minute!”

Arthur quickly grabbed his short sword and turned the doorknob.

“Um...” He turned towards me before going out, “Your right arm was acting weird last night. It was shining like a lamp.”

“Huh? Are you sure?”

“Yes. It wasn’t anything serious but you should still tell Lady–tell mother. I don’t understand magic so much so I didn’t know what to do.”

Arthur then left through the front door .

“My right arm was glowing?”

I looked at the small hand belonging to a toddler.

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