《Journey: Rayder White.》Ch. 3: The city and Alunin.


Chapter 3: The city and Alunin.

Day 1, part 3.

After a few minutes of waiting, a basic training member comes running to help.

2 long hours of talking with various departments ensued until, finally, we eventually are shown to the finance department of all places.

‘Bureaucracy is shit even in another world, huh.’ I remark to myself.

The logistics department finally decided that I was going to be staying at an inn called the Alunin.

Oh, and I learned how the coin system works:

1 copper is the lowest currency, as far as I can tell. Then it increases in increments of ten, as shown below.

10 copper coins = 1 High copper coin.

100 copper coins = 1 silver coin.

10 silver coins = 1 High silver coin.

100 silver coins = 1 gold coin.

10 gold coins = 1 High gold coin.

100 gold coins = 1 platinum coin

I haven't heard of any higher currency, but I don't doubt it exists somewhere.

------ ×

“Thanks Klein. See you around.” I say and take a few steps before remembering I need directions, or a map to the inn.

Turning back to Klein, I ask: “Do you know where the Alunin is?”

Thinking a moment, Klein nods and says: “Yeah. Wait a mo’, I'll draw you a map.”


Bathing in the greenish moonlight of the emerald-green moon, one big red and one small and green, I stand with my standard issue trainee bag slung over my shoulder.

I am currently standing at the edge of the plaza, looking at the map made by Klein and feeling slightly confused.

I should be in the right place, according to the map, where the Alunin should be.

But I can't seem to find any sign with the right name nor do I see any symbols I associate with an inn.

Both are not much of a surprise, I guess.

Especially since I can't make sense of the written language; and the symbols can easily be something I simply don't associate with lodging and/or eating.

“Psst, hey.” A deep, raspy voice whispers from my right.

Looking to my right, where there is little else except a dark alley a few meters away; I don't immediately see anyone.

Staring into the alley for a moment, I catch the slightest of movements from behind a trash bin. Focusing in on the location, I can vaguely make out a human shape hiding in the darkness.

Peering into the alley and the very shady man, the shady man l takes a few steps towards me but stops just before the edge of the darkness.

Getting a better look, the shady man is wearing a heavy cloak that is pulled up and obscures most of his features. Add in the darkness of the dark alley and I can't see any identifying features about the man.


“You wanna buy some desu sticks?” The shady man asks in a raspy voice.

Slightly freaked out by the super shady man, I quickly reply with: “Uhh… that doesn't sound very healthy, so I think I'll pass, thanks.” and quickly stride away from the dark alley and the shady man and hurry towards the plaza proper.

Heaving a sigh of relief, as the strange man doesn't try to grab me, or worse; I walk around the plaza for a few minutes to make sure I lost him.

Looking around the plaza I spot a food stand selling some kind of BBQ-ish food. Feeling curious, I walk closer but stay at a distance and take a look at what he's selling, as well as what people are buying from him.

After a few minutes of observing his business dealings, I walk up to the stall. “How much for a BBQ stick?” I ask while inspecting the food.

It seems like some kind of kebab meat, in different shapes and sizes.

The stall owner, an old man with bushy eyebrows looks at me a moment then says “2 Coppers a piece.”

Frowning at his obvious rip-off price, I start taping my finger on the stall for a moment while I look at him pointedly. “I'm pretty sure that's double what the last one payed.” Motioning towards the individual in question, some meters away who is walking away with a whole bunch of BBQ sticks.

Waving his hand dismissively, he says: “Bah, he bought 10, so he got a slight discount.”

'Slight?? That's half price ffs!' Scowling at him for a moment, I counter with: “We both know you're trying to scam me here, so how about this; I buy 2 sticks and one of those bread rolls for 4 Coppers, and you let me ask you some questions?”

Raising an eyebrow, he shrugs and grunts an affirmative as he puts out his right hand to receive payment.

Handing him a High copper coin he swiftly gives the change back, 6 Coppers.

“So, what do you want to know?” He asks after setting everything on the grill with practised ease; never taking his eyes off the grilling meat.

“I'm new around here and I'm looking for some work. Is there an adventurers guild or something around here?” I ask as I watch the food grill and savor the wonderful smell coming from the grilling meat.

“Aye, There sure is.” the old man replies after a slight nod.”Adventurers guild is over by the centre plaza, right next to the mercenary guild and the magician guild. Over that way” he says as he waves northwards nonchalantly.


“No offence but, you don't exactly look like one of them... “ he says and gestures at, well, all of me.

Wincing slightly as I look down on myself, I can only agree. “Right you are. I just signed on for the basic training, and It's been a few rough days getting here…” I say, trailing off.

Turning the meats over and flipping the bread, he sprinkles some spice on each before saying: “If you're looking fer new clothes, you want Sally's clothing. Her shops right over there.” he says as he points to the right. “Shouldn't cost more then half a silver to get yourself a decent set of basic clothes.”

Looking over to the indicated shop, I memorize its appearance. “Thanks for the tip, I'll have a look first thing tomorrow.” I reply as I look at the clothes shop.

Finishing up the 2 BBQ sticks and the bread roll with what I can only think of as a kebab, he folds and stuffed kebab as well as some strange veggies into the bread roll.

He then wraps the BBQ sticks in a piece of cloth and stretches his hand out to hand everything to me.

Before receiving them I say: “One last question, do you know where the Alunin is? I got referred to go there but I can't seem to find it.”

Tilting his head slightly he nods over towards the left. “The Alunin is right over there, just look for a sign with a giant candle spreading light. Can't miss it.”

Looking toward where he indicated, I indeed see a sign with a candle.

“Thanks, you've been a great help. I may be back again so give me a discount then too, eh?” I say as I strap the trainee bag to my back and receive the wrapped BBQ sticks with my left hand.

Receiving the bread roll with my right hand, I start eating right away while I turn around and start walking towards where the Alunin supposedly is.

Hearing a grunt coming from behind I look back to see the old man giving a quick wave and then returning his focus to his stall.


Sure enough, the Alunin was quite easily found once I knew what to look for. After finishing the food from the stall, I make my way to the entrance of Alunin inn.

Walking in through the solid wooden door I pause a moment to take in the interior; half a dozen tables are spread out in the room, almost all being used by a group of people talking loudly and drinking.

A few glance as I enter but they soon ignore me in favour of their company.

The only open space being in the middle. Most likely to make walking to and fro the reception easier, so I decide to do just that and begin to slowly walk over towards the reception.

Just before I arrive at the reception, a very attractive teenage girl with long black hair and black eyes comes out from a door to the left of the reception, presumably the kitchen.

“Welcome!” she says cherrily. “Are you looking to stay the night?”

Giving a slight smile I reply: “Yes, I was told I would be lodging here by the logistics department at the guardpost.”

“Ah, I see. A trainee huh?” she says and smiles warmly. “Just put your ID card into this slot on the reception and it will validate and register everything.”

Smiling at her I nod and do as I'm told. After the momentary blue glow I take my card back and smile at her.

Beaming she says: “Thank you for staying with us.” glancing over a note paper she says “Your room is the first room on the left, once you climb the stairs over there.” she says and points at a staircase to the right of the room.

“Just let me get the key, I'll be right back!” she says as she disappears behind the reception only to reappear again just as quickly with a key in her right hand.

“Here's the key.” she says as she hands me the key.

Smiling shyly, she adds: “I'm Kei by the way, my parents both own and run this inn, and I help out whenever I can.”

Smiling in return, I reply with: “I'm Ray. I just arrived here this afternoon, so I don't know much of anything and any help would be appreciated. Before that though, I need to go sleep, I'm about to fall asleep standing.”

Giggling, she replies “Tomorrow perhaps, then. Up the stairs, to the left. Good night Ray! I hope you'll enjoy your stay with us.”

“Good night Kei” I say and walk up the stairs, take a left and enter my room.

After taking off my shoes and hanging my bag with trainee stuff on a hanger by the door, I then promptly proceed to walk over to the bed and fall over unto it.

Within 10 second I am asleep and snoring.


End of chapter 3.

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