《The Strongest Spirit Form, I Was Summoned From The Future》Chapter 23 : Jin Exam, Assassination?


After Jin had completed helping Du Bai with the crow and butter task, he still had a few hours before his exam started, so he decided to take a tour in the White Night Capital.

The White Night Capital Market is one of the largest markets in the Star Heaven Kingdom.

It was a good opportunity for Jin to get some stuff. In his sight, he saw shops selling armor, weapons, and herbs as they displayed their best products in an attempt to attract warriors to come in and buy.

But these weren't the shops Jin was looking for. He was just in the middle of the evolution realm. The possibility of him passing the test as a warrior is highly unlikely. However, as a magician, it would be too easy.

Finally, Jin found a magical equipment shop. Various tools and equipment are specially made for magicians, from mana collecting wands, invisibility cloaks, storing magical energy scrolls, mana crystals, and much more. Jin's goal today was to obtain the Spell Storage Ring, an important weapon for every magician in this world.

The simplest definition of magic is using the mana to draw a circle with various inscriptions and then activate it by reading its spell.

The opponent will not wait for you until you finish drawing your magic circle during the battle. Even the magic circles stored in the scrolls need time to activate. The opponent will not allow you to read the spell. For this, the Spell Storage Ring has been created, where you can prepare the magic circles, activate them in advance, and then store them in the ring to extract them later to attack immediately.

Jin stood in front of a set of silver rings studded with blue sapphires, examining them carefully before asking the shop owner about their price.

“You are lucky. We are now offering discounts on the academic exams occasion. The ring price is only one hundred and twenty silver.” The merchant said with a professional smile on his face.

Jin smiled as he looked at the ring in his hand, then raised his hand to the shop owner and said. "This ring is not that good, but I will accept it if you give me some money along with a better ring."


The seller stared at the child in front of him, and the smile disappeared from his face and then spoke coldly. "What are you babbling about? Are you trying to tell a joke?"

"The joke is to sell a ring studded with a defective stone that will break after a month of using it. What might happen if the news of this is spread to the public."


After a short while, Jin came out of the store with a smile on his face and began to look at his new Ring of the finest types, which he had received as a gift from the shop.

"Nothing is better than catching scammers and blackmailing them. I hope they don't relocate their shop as the village doctor did," said Jin, remembering the village doctor.

The village doctor was a very stingy man, and because Jin kept blackmailing him and making him pay his food bills, he ended up leaving the whole village.

Blackmailing scammers was Jin's favorite pastime. In addition to the fun of looking at their confused faces, there is always plenty of benefits.

After he got the ring, Jin went to a tamed beast shop, which would be the last stop before heading back to the motel to enjoy the seasoned venison. That's why he choose an afternoon mission.


Time passed quickly, and it was finally time for Jin's exam. In the third area, Jin stood in line to present his scroll to the elder in charge.

"Excuse me, Mr. Jin, can I ask you something?"

A pretty and attractive girl with shoulder-length black hair and a long sky-blue dress approached him sympathetically.

"Mister Jin, did you choose the golden badge mission?”

'What a stupid question. What do you think I'm doing here if I didn't choose this mission?' Jin thought, but he did not say anything and merely nodded his head in the affirmative. Happiness appeared on the girl's face, and with enthusiasm, she went closer to him, carrying her golden badge.

"What a great coincidence, we are in the same group. My name is Faye. How about we team up together?"


"Stop bothering me, and stay away from me," Jin replied coldly, although the girl didn't seem bothered by his response. On the opposite, she just smiled and became more insistent than before.

"I'll help you get first place, and I won't ask you to share the prize. So think about it carefully. I'll see you later."

With graceful steps, the girl moved away while the men's eyes stared at him with a mixture of jealousy and envy; yesterday, they saw him with the blue-haired beauty. Today, a cute girl who is no less beautiful than her was hovering around him.

After the incident of the Magic Seals, his standing up to the guard, and also being close to Han Seol, Jin unknowingly made a name for himself.


Meanwhile, another girl with long black hair as the darkness of the night and striking beauty, dressed in a magician student's uniform, muttered to herself as she watched Jin from afar, 'You scammer thief, here we meet again, but this time things will be different.'

“What are you doing by standing here? The academy students are not allowed to stay here.” One of the elders reproached the black-haired girl, who immediately apologized.

"I'm sorry, sir, I'm leaving immediately."

This girl was none other than Li Chui, the same girl who had summoned Jin from the future, and for some reason, she was determined to find him.


Jin entered the exam area, while everyone ran towards a finish line, Jin stopped after a few meters and sensed something was wrong.

"It's a magic barrier. The path is blocked by magic. It looks like the magic students are ambushing the participants. We have either fight them or pay them to leave this barrier." A gentle voice came out explaining. It was Faye, the same girl whom he had met minutes ago.

Jin sighed, turning toward her and asking, "What do you think is the solution? What should we do?"

The girl clapped excitedly as she spoke, “Speaking in plural now? Did you agree to my invitation to join me? My father is an advanced magician and has given me some mana-boosting elixirs temporarily. So we can easily pass through a barrier of this level.”

With a beautiful smile, Faye gave the elixir to Jin.

Jin took the elixir from her hand and began examining and smelling it before drinking it all at once.

"Jin, don't drink it all at once. It'll hurt you. I mean, you'll die faster than I had planned."

Jin's eyesight became hazy, cold sweat pouring down his body. He felt his knees become weak, and he almost fell on the ground if he had not leaned on a tree.

He could feel his body stop moving, and slowly his body became paralyzed.

The beautiful girl in the long dress smiled again, but this time a scary smile, not worthy of the features of her beautiful face. Her eyes were terrifying as she stared at her prey. She started licking her lips before saying.

"What a pity, I thought it would be more difficult to catch you, for a moment I thought that my beauty would not affect you, and killing you would be more challenging, but you quickly lowered your defenses and trusted me, trusting a stranger and drinking what they give you without thinking, what disappointment."

Jin pulled a dagger out of his ring, but he was too weak to tighten his grip on it, so he dropped it down. The girl picked up the dagger and slowly and ecstatically licked it with her tongue, then she ran it over on Jin's face.

"Come on, handsome, can you let me hear your screams?"

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