《Project Pegasus》V 1.1 Chapter 15: The Flame that Burns Light.


November 9, 2016:

After weeks of experimenting, all demon parts transplanted on Ada were rejected by her weak constitution. Her condition was getting worse for every experiment performed. Each day that passed by was like a weeks’ worth of life removed from her. The necromancy to extend her life was not enough. I had no choice but to halt the experiment.

March 20, 2017:

It’s already been three months. I had tried everything I could think of, yet, all of it failed to cure her. I was too late; Ada died. However, I must fulfill my promise to Agatha. Our daughter must live. I asked my friend to cast necromancy to preserve her body. Even if I sell my soul to the devil, I will revive her.

July 22, 2017:

After an endless wandering in Razzia, I met one of my colleagues from Khina. He told me about a top-secret project they made 10 years ago after the ‘Legendary Hero’ died, extracting the consciousness of a human being.

My hope was restored. If I can’t transplant demon parts to Ada’s body, then I just have to transfer her consciousness to a demon.

July 29, 2017:

Using the article he gave me, I began studying, researching this method. However, it didn’t go according to plan. In order to preserve a person’s consciousness, a demon’s corpse was not enough. It required something mechanical. Thus, the project aimed at creating a modern Frankenstein was born, Artificial Demon Android or Project: A.D.A.


“I can’t believe someone would do this to their own daughter.”

[Emi] Master, I am detecting a number of unidentified beings approaching us.

Eight guards entered the room each carrying a gun. Half of them wore something on their heads similar to NVD or Night Vision Goggles.

“We know you're standing there,” a guard announced while pointing his sub-machine gun at me. “Resistance is futile. Come with us or we will shoot you.”

How can they see me? Is it those goggles?

“Deactivate your invisibility now, and raise your hands,” the same guard from before shouted.

Tsk, I don’t have a choice.

“Barrier.” Using magic I created a translucent shield made of mana. Seeing this the guards were alarmed and they repeatedly shot at me. However, the barrier blocked all of their bullets.

Zero has a built-in defense mechanism, but I need to be sure.

“Water Whip.” In combination with looping, a function I invented before, a number of runes appeared and created water whips enough to disarm all my opponents. Soon after, I cast fireball knocking out the guards.

While walking towards the door, I examined them to confirm something.

Thank God, they’re still alive. I know this is a mission with our lives on the line but I can’t just bring myself to kill someone.

“I’m still not ready to do that.”

As I went out of the room, I saw a familiar girl with her head staring down on the left side of the corridor, gazing at her every step while plodding towards me.

“Wolf? What are you doing here?” However, she didn’t respond. Waves of silence pervaded the entire place. “Wolf?” Suddenly, she dashed towards me and punched me. It was too fast that I couldn't react. It threw me to a considerable distance, producing cracks on the wall behind me. Good thing the defense mechanism of the suit worked or I might've died in that attack. Staring at the girl, a lot of questions arose in every part of my mind. “What are you doing, Wolf?” It was Robyn, my partner in this mission.




“I’m not Arisa! My name is Alice,” the elf shouted.

[Aria] Sexy Demon, are you really sure she is the abducted princess of the Elven Kingdom?

[Lucie] Yes. I’ve seen her a lot of times when I went to Gapan for a mission. There’s no mistake. She is princess Arisa.

[Aria] What are we going to do now?

[Lucie] We have no choice. We must protect her until we return to the castle. After that, it’s up to the King’s decision what we should do next.

“Ahhh. Put me down. I need to find Ciel onii-chan,” the princess shouted.

“I’m sorry, princess. Please, you have to stay with us. We are currently in a very dangerous place.”

“Ahhhh. Put me down,” the princess squirmed continuously with annoyance. “Put me down,” she shouted as black flames exploded from her body, blasting everyone near her. Everyone was dumbfounded. In that split second, all of us had seen complete darkness. After that, the princess ran away to the lab.

“Shit,” Lucie cursed. “Yellow Goblin, follow the princess, quick. Make sure she’s safe,” she ordered one of the soldiers.

“Sexy Demon, what’s happening? How can an elf use a cursed flame?” I asked, looking at Lucie with a paled face.

“I don’t have time to explain! Esper, can you contact team B inside the lab?” Lucie asked.

Victor tried to use telepathy, however, no one answered her query.

“What’s happening inside the lab?” Lucie pondered while walking left and right while her hands rubbed each other’s skins. “Team A proceed to plan B. We will go inside the lab for reinforcement. However, saving the princess is our top priority. If you find her contact us immediately.”


---A Certain Man---

[Voice of a woman] How many times had we seen this portrait again? We’ve been walking for so long, yet we always end up in the exact same place.

[Voice of a man] Shut up, you stupid dragon.

[Voice of a woman] You’re so bad at directions. You should’ve brought Alice along.

[Voice of a man] As if I can bring that kid in a dangerous place like this.

[Voice of a woman] Oh really. How many dangerous situations did you get her in the past again, huh? Do you regret killing the guards now? You could’ve just used your telepathy to get information. I always wonder how you even got your esper abilities. This is why simple-minded guys like you are so...

“Ahhhhhhhhh. Are you going to shut up or not?” I shouted.

[Voice of a man] I’m trying to concentrate. Don’t interrupt me,

[Voice of a woman] Heh… If you want me to shut up then use your power. Oh, right. You can’t. Since we’re basically one.

[Voice of a man] I swear. If I ever restore your body back, I will kill you.

[Voice of a woman] Heh. I want to see you try, young man.

Exploring the lab, I saw a weird looking door. My curiosity emerged and made me want to open it. After entering, I was greeted with a room full of light, enough to temporarily blind anyone unprepared. As my eyesight returned, I saw a girl standing while staring at me.


[Voice of a man] Oi Oro, there’s something weird about that girl. I can’t read her mind.

[Oro] Hmm. Come to think of it. This room is also weird. Ciel, we’re not casting normal shadows in this place

[Ciel] I think they’re using soft light to reduce the shadows in this room.

[Oro] Soft what?

[Ciel Soft light. It’s a technique used in filming. Did they know we’re coming?

[Oro] Tsk. I can’t use my morphing ability with this quality of shadow.

[Ciel] I know, and it seems my telekinesis is not working with that girl. I’ve been trying to move her, but I can’t. This is a trap.

[Oro] If only Alice was here. Do you regret not bringing her now?

[Ciel] No. I can do this just fine.


---Dr. Albert ---

“Sorry kid. You underestimated the capabilities of our security system,” I whispered while looking at the monitor with the invisible person on screen.

“Most of our technology came from Khina who already reached Technological Singularity, but I’ll still let you play it for a bit. Still, I would like to know how you created your perfect invisibility cloak. Will you please give it to me so I can study it?” Relaxing on my reclining chair, I gazed again at the monitor, cackling a maniacal laugh.

After that, I moved my eyes to a different computer. “Now, let’s watch this other guy.”

“I’ve heard rumors about how you abducted the princess and attempted to murder the Elven Queen but to think that you would actually attack my lab… Investigations showed that you’re able to use shadow magic, but I never expected that it was actually the Shadow Morphing Ability of a Dragon. Entertain me, oh most famous criminal of Gapan; Black Wolf, Ciel.”



I’m at a disadvantage. I can’t fight her in this narrow space. I need something spacious. My invisibility cloak is also useless with her enhanced senses. What’s happening to Wolf? Why is she attacking me?

[Emi] Master, I am detecting a child-like figure in the direction you’re going.

“What?” As I continued running, a girl with pointy ears stood in front of a door. Looking back, I saw Robyn threw a large boulder. “Shit! Move out,” I shouted, but the girl didn’t respond. Immediately, I pushed the girl to the ground, and the boulder went over us. After that, I ran while carrying the girl. “I’m sorry kid. It’s dangerous here.”

“I’m not a kid. I’m a 22-year old elf,” she shouted while squirming.

“Please, stop moving.” Realizing something, my pace slowed for a second. “Wait, you’re an elf? This is my first time seeing an elf in this world.”

“This world? I think I’ve heard that somewhere before,” the girl murmured.

“I’m sorry for calling you a kid back there.”

“Onii-chan… Arigatou.” She smiled, hugging me tightly that I nearly let go of her.

“Don’t move too much or you’ll fall.”

“Gomenasai. This is the first time someone acknowledges my adult charms so I’m just happy,” she replied with sparks in her eyes.

I didn’t really say that last part, but, oh well.

“Ne ne onii-chan, why are we running away?” she asked.

“Shit. Emi, check the map for a wide space.”

[Emi] Scanning… Master, I found a large area which seems to be a testing ground for weapons.

“Emi, direct me there, right now.”

While dodging several of Robyn’s attacks, Emi guided me to that room.

A few meters before I reached the place, Emi spoke.

[Emi] Master, it seemed the room is locked. Would you like me to hack and open the door?

“Yes please.” The door opened; I quickly jumped inside, but I was welcomed by a man flying fast and crushing towards the wall on my left.

“Ciel onii-chan,” the elf shouted. She broke free from me and ran towards the man.

“What just happened?” Looking to my right, I saw a missile ready to fire from a girl. Based on its trajectory, it aimed at the man and the elf. I tried running towards them so I could block it, but I was too far away. “Dodge it,” I shouted while staring at them, slowly awaiting their doom.

Fortunately, the elf was alerted. “Don’t bully Ciel onii-chan,” she shouted as black flames came out from her right hand, going towards and blasting the missile. The area surrounding them, and the path the flame took towards the missile turned completely devoid of light after a few seconds it disappeared.

“Is this… a curse?”

Before, while conversing with Satrillo in the castle, he explained to me the difference between magic and curses. Magic, even though it seemed unreal, still followed the Laws of Physics. All fire magic still needs the Triangle of Fire to work, while most water magic turns the air around into liquid. It’s also the same for other forms of magic. However, curses are different. It’s a type of magic that even I would have a hard time mastering. Like how Lucie has an ability that goes beyond just creating hallucinations and reading the mind; or how I retained all of my senses despite not having the body part responsible for it; curses could distort the laws of physics. It seems fictitious at first, but this is the truth. It was the only explanation I could think of after seeing an impossible flame. A flame that does not produce, but rather consumes light.

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