《Dark Flame》Chapter 21


It can't be, Lana thought with exasperation as she rushed out of her parent's house and headed toward the hospital. She wanted to confront Arcann about her parent's disappearance and couldn't wait to get there.

Satele was halfway through the hospital's parking lot when to her surprise she saw Lana coming her way. Satele's face quickly lit up seeing her friend again. They hadn't seen each other since the Dark council sentenced them and she felt excited to see her again.

"Lana." Satele called out waving at her.

"Hey." Lana said stopping in front of her and then she embraced her.

"I'm glad to see you." Satele said with a warm smile as she gently squeezed her. "I'm so happy to see you, Lana." Then she added. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." Lana replied.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, Lana let her go, and then she asked.

"Do you know anything about my parents?"

For a few seconds, Satele stayed quiet searching Lana's face. Her despondent expression was a telltale sign that she was not in a good mood, indicating that she might have come from her parent's house. If Marr was right, they might never come back, Satele thought with sadness, looking at her friend's troubled expression.

"No, I'm sorry." Satele replied with a saddened tone. Then she asked. "Do you think something happened to them?"

"I think so." Lana replied while her crimson eyes started to swell with tears. "I think something terrible has happened and I can't shake off this feeling."

Placing her hand on Lana's arm, Satele said.

"Don't get discouraged, please. There has to be an explanation for their absence. Try to stay positive Lana."

"It's not easy to stay positive when the person who might be responsible for their disappearance is lying in that building." Lana replied with a bitter tone, pointing toward the hospital.

"What do you mean?" Satele asked confused. "Who are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about the son of the man who kept you in his trophy chamber for decades."

Lana's bitter reply gave Satele a knot in her stomach. She didn't want to be reminded about that.

"Are you talking about Arcann?" She asked gazing into Lana's eyes.

"Yes." Lana replied, and then with an angry tone, she added. "I'm talking about that scheming son of a bitch."

She wanted nothing more than to end his life if he was the one responsible for her parent's deaths. Lana was sure they were gone and she wanted to find out why he has done such a heartless act.

Sensing a great disturbance within her, Satele had a bad feeling about what she was trying to do next.

"You seem so sure about his involvement." Satele said and then she asked. "Why?"

"He gave them one of his personal shuttles." Lana replied with an agitated voice. "I watched them getting into the ship and leaving Zakuul. By now they should have been home, but they're not here."

"And you think he did something to them, because?" Satele asked confused. She didn't understand why the man who treated Lana despite her status on Zakuul almost like a queen would do such a despicable thing. After seeing the pictures and hearing Malgus's story, Satele had a hard time believing that Arcann had anything to do with her parent's demise.

"What do you mean because?" Lana asked irritated. "He most likely did that just to make my life more miserable."


"How can you say that when he treated you very well?" Satele asked, searching Lana's agitated face. "I saw pictures of you while you were on Zakuul, and none of them showed you being treated badly."

"Someone was spying on me?" Lana asked baffled.

"Lyrna said her cousins were excellent spying on others." Satele replied with a small chuckle.

"Stop it." Lana said watching her smiling face. "It's not funny."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean laughing at you." Satele replied instantly regretting her behavior.

Then she asked. "Why did you come here?" Deep inside she sensed that Lana came here to do something terrible, and Satele couldn't allow that to happen.

With a malicious tone in her voice, Lana said. "I don't think you would want to know what I'm planning to do with him."

"Please Lana." Satele pleaded. "Think this through one more time before you do something irrational."

"Irrational?" Lana asked with a mocking tone. "You think avenging my parent's death would be irrational?" Scoffing, she added. "How would you know what I feel?"

Satele wanted to tell her that she had been in a similar situation when her mother dropped her off on Coruscant leaving her to her fate with the Jedi. She was a fatherless child, and not knowing the man who fathered her made her life even harder. Some days she still thought about him. She wondered if he was still alive somewhere out there, or does he lie in an unmarked grave on some distant planet.

In a way both of them shared the same experience of losing someone. However, Satele didn't believe or agree in unjustified revenge, unless if it was Adraas. She had a feeling that behind all this was none other than him. She knew from Malgus that while she was kept in cryostasis on Zakuul, Adraas was planning to wake her up and marry her. This unpleasant thought gave her a shiver down her spine every time she thought about it. It was still hard to believe that he was alive and living his life on Zakuul, under the protection of the Eternal Empire. However, Lana needed proof and without it, Satele didn't think it was fair to go to the hospital and confront a wounded man.

"You can't do that." Satele replied with a firm tone.

"Are you going to stop me?" Lana asked stepping closer.

"I'm trying to put some sense into your head." Satele replied fearing that she might have no choice but to use force against Lana. "You need proof and you have none. You cannot just go and punish this man. It's wrong."

"What's wrong for you seems perfectly right for me." Lana replied feeling annoyed and angry. She just wanted to get this over with. As she walked past her, Satele grabbed onto Lana's arm.

"Let me go." Lana said looking from her hand to her stern face.

"No, Lana." Satele replied tightening her grip. "I won't let you do this."

A low growl escaped her mouth as Lana said.


Satele wasn't sure if Lana was bold enough to engage in a fight, but she had to take this chance to be able to save someone's life.

A sudden electrical charge buzzed in the air as Lana let out just enough Force lightning into Satele's arm to make her let go. Backing away from Lana, Satele swiftly rubbed her arm and then igniting her weapon, she said.

"Don't make me do this please."


Igniting her weapon, Lana's face morphed into a vicious grin and said.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you but you give me no choice."

Within seconds their weapons collided engulfing the nearly empty parking lot with high electrical buzzing sounds.

As Lana viciously attacked her, Satele quickly sent a Force blast toward her, which she swiftly evaded. The blast hit a vehicle behind Lana turning it upside down.

With a backflip, Satele landed on top of one of the vehicles. As she kept holding back from Lana's advances, Satele wished she had her own lightsaber back. To use a single-bladed weapon was never for her liking making her performance not as beneficial as she had hoped.

Blinded by sorrow and rage, Lana kept slashing at Satele with full fury.

As Satele evaded another Force blast from her, she shouted.

"Lana! You need to STOP! This is madness, can't you see?"

"No Satele!" Lana yelled back. "You are standing in my way! Let me do what I came here for!"

"I can't let you do that!" Satele yelled back.

"One way or another, I will kill him!" Lana growled.

Satele knew she needed to finish this ridiculous fight. She hoped that she'd have enough strength to end it. The anger she kept holding back started to take over her and as her mind went dark, she was about to use her Force powers on Lana when sudden nausea came over her. Seizing the moment, Lana swiftly sent another blast toward Satele that caught her by surprise. With a loud crash, she landed on top of a vehicle, causing the alarm to go off immediately.

As her vision cleared, Lana stared at Satele's crumpled body lying on the ground in front of the vehicle. WHAT HAVE I DONE! Lana screamed in her head realizing the terrible mistake she had made.

Rushing to Satele, she quickly picked her up and with a trembling voice, she said. "Please…please forgive me. I…. didn't mean it." Lana cried holding onto her friend. "I'm so stupid…. please Satele tell me that you're alright."

A painful frown appeared on Satele's face and then looking into Lana's terrified eyes, she said. "Now look what you have done."

"Please forgive me." Lana begged while she frantically looked around. Then picking her friend up, she stood up, and with Satele in her arms; she rushed across the parking lot.

That evening when Malgus finally arrived home, he found Satele standing on the balcony gazing at the darkening sky above. The smell of the coming rain hung heavy in the air, as Malgus stepped onto the balcony and approached her.

"Come inside." He said looking at the back of her head. "It's going to rain any second now."

"Rain is good." Satele said thinking about Marr's words.

"Yes it is, but not when you get caught in a freezing downpour." Malgus said with a mischievous grin wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Something happened today." Satele said in a hushed tone.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Lana and I had a bit of a fight." Satele said. Then she turned around and looked at Malgus, whose eyes grew big as saucers seeing the bruises and cuts on her forehead and on her left cheek.

Instant anger enveloped him and with an enraged tone, he asked.

"Where is she now?"

Wrapping her arms around his waist she looked into his eyes and in a firm tone, she said.

"It was an accident and she apologized to me like a thousand times already." Then she quickly added. "The baby and I are perfectly fine."

"An accident?" He asked irritated. "How can you say that?" Lightly, he ran his finger over her bruised face, and then his eyes landed on her belly and with a worried tone, he asked.

"Are you sure?"

Following his gaze, she placed her hand on her stomach and with a smile she said.

"Yes, I'm sure. The doctor assured me today that everything was alright."

"Why did she do this?" Malgus asked trying to calm himself down.

"Her parents are missing and she is blaming Arcann for their disappearance. She was going to kill him and I tried to stop her." Satele replied gazing into his accusing eyes.

"She shouldn't have raised a hand to you." He replied feeling the anger bubbling up inside him again.

Sensing his inner turmoil, Satele quickly planted a kiss on his lips, and in a sweet voice, she whispered into his ear.

"Go take a shower."

With a flirty tone, she added.

"I may need a massage tonight. I do feel a little sore."

Pulling up one of his eyebrows, for a few seconds, he looked at her, and then he said.

"As you wish."

That night they made love for the first time since they came back from Zakuul. As they lay in each other's arms, he ran his fingers through her hair and said in a hushed tone.

"I missed you...you know that right?"

Snuggling up against his warm body, she gazed into his eyes and said.

"I know."

"I'll give you that." He said with a sly grin. "It was a smart move from you stopping me going after Lana tonight."

"Are you complaining?" She asked smiling.

"Oh...no, not at all." He replied with a smile. "I'm just happy to be able to be with you again."

Pushing herself up on her elbow, she looked at him and said.

"She is coming over tomorrow morning to apologize again. Please take it easy on her. It's most likely that she has lost both of her parents and I don't want you to make this harder for her. So please try to be nice to her."

Letting out a frustrated sigh, he said.

"I promise I'll try."

Pressing her lips to his, with a tired smile, she said. "Let's get some sleep then. Good night."

Pulling her close, he buried his face into her hair and in a hushed tone, he said.

"Sleep well, my love."

However, her sleep didn't go as well. Her peculiar dream took her back to the strange laboratory where she had seen the alien hand before. This time, standing in the dark corner of the room, and looking around, she saw not just the hand but the whole figure of the strange-looking alien hunched over one of the metal tables. His tall frame was covered in dark leather clothing, showing off his pale blue long muscular legs with three clawed digits for toes. On either side of his elongated head were two eye sockets sticking out, making his face look strangely interesting and repulsive at the same time. Thankfully he didn't notice her, while she stood in the shadows. Then the sound of rushing water was heard somewhere above her head and then the eerie quietness of the room was interrupted by a loud ticking of a clock coming from the back wall.

The coolness of the floor beneath her bare feet somehow made this dream incredibly real, and she was afraid to move a single muscle. Feeling the cold sweat running down her back Satele wished to wake up. She didn't want to be discovered. From the alien, her eyes traveled to the back where the ticking sound was coming from. Large parts of the wall were in shadows, but she was able to make out a big rounded metal contraption that was placed against the wall. Looking at it, Satele tried to figure out what that thing was when suddenly the ticking got louder and millions of goosebumps enveloped her skin.

Wake up Satele! Revan's worried voice was heard in her head. Wake up NOW! He shouted.

Suddenly the alien's attention turned toward her. As his eyes met hers, a cold shiver ran down Satele's spine. His penetrating stare gave her a terrifying feeling.

An enormous lightning strike awakened Satele from her dream. Swiftly she looked around, while her heart raced like she had ran a marathon. When she realized she was at home in bed and safe, Satele let out a shaky breath and then pulling her legs up, she placed her chin on her knees and gazed toward the balcony. Since her awakening, she hadn't heard from Revan, but in the dream, he sounded anxious, like he knew she was in danger. Unable to go back to sleep, Satele watched as another lightning strike crashed through the pitch-black sky, while her troubled thoughts were on the alien and his laboratory.

In the hospital, while Arcann slept in the recovery room, Lana quietly opened the window and silently entered the room. Her wet footprints made a trail on the polished floor as she approached the bed. She had no choice but to use this kind of entry, due to the guards that were patrolling the corridor in front of the room per Vowrawn's order.

Standing above him, and while her eyes traveled from his face to his left side, Lana took a few deep breaths as she clenched and unclenched her fists. Swallowing hard, she felt extremely tempted to hurt him. She wanted to reach out and strangle him, but on the other hand, she also wanted to shake him and demand answers.

Satele is right, Lana thought as she reluctantly turned away and slumped down on the chair beside the bed, burying her face into her hands. I need to clear my head and give him a chance to explain himself, she bitterly thought running her hands through her wet hair. For a few minutes, she stared at the floor in front of her. She didn't want to make a mistake like she had done earlier with Satele. Thinking about their fight brought embarrassment to her. Besides the few scrapes and bruises, thankfully nothing happened to her, otherwise, Lana was sure she would have been dead by now. Malgus's rage was not what Lana wanted to bring down on her head. She had no idea why she even came here tonight. Deep inside she wanted to apologize to Arcann for being so judgemental and irrational about something she had no proof of. The intense pain she had felt all day wouldn't ease up leaving her confused. In her heart, she knew he wouldn't do something so terrible to her. He just wouldn't, she thought disheartened.

Getting up, she looked at him again and then walking to the window, Lana quietly left closing the window behind her.

When she was gone, Arcann opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling thinking about why Lana had come to visit him at this hour. The frustration, anger, and sorrow he had felt coming from her were unmistakable. If she had decided to attack him, he was definitely in no condition to fight her. With a frown, he looked toward the window and watched the rain smashing against the glass.

He didn't understand why she came here and why she wanted to hurt him. Just a day before she offered to save his life and now he felt a different sensation coming from her. Something must've happened and he wanted to find out what had triggered her. Lifting up his right hand, he reached over to his left side where the large bandage was covering up his wound. Gently, he ran his fingers over the dressing, and then he slowly reached toward his shoulder stump. Closing his eyes, he touched the scarred tissue that once was his biceps thinking about how strange it felt not having the metal arm attached to him. He felt naked without it and he didn't like this feeling. Somehow he sensed that he wasn't going to get another arm anytime soon. He was their prisoner and he didn't think they would go out their way to please him with a new arm. Then his hand traveled up to the back of his neck where a fresh scar reminded him that there was no escape from here.

Then the memory of his mother came into his mind and suddenly he wanted nothing more than to see her again. Arcann wondered if she was also imprisoned. Although they were estranged for years, while on the ship coming here, they talked about many things that happened in the past. As he lay wounded and alone in the room, he wished for her to be here to comfort him, just like she had done when he was a little child.

With barely a whisper, he started to sing a long-forgotten song. "The burning star of Izax batches the sea in light. Feel the peaceful warmth. Touch the darkest night. Calm your angry heart beneath the waves of fate. Feel the tears of Scyva. Wash away your hate."

On Zakuul, Vaylin also quietly sang the exact same song as she stepped out of the trophy room. Like in a trance, she walked toward the meeting room where her advisers were already waiting on her. From behind the wide column, Ven Zallow watched her. In the past few weeks, he had noticed her behavior had tremendously changed. First, he thought it might have been the disappearance of his brother, and the sudden weight of the Empire's responsibility, but somehow he sensed it was much deeper than that. So, he started to follow her and noticed a strange pattern in her daily routine. Every day, except for the week when Adraas was away on another mission, she visited the trophy room that Ven Zallow found interesting. He wondered what she was doing there. However, because he couldn't follow her inside, he had no idea what was going on behind closed doors.

Instead of returning to the bedchamber, this time he waited for an opportunity to get inside. There were always two guards guarding the door and he needed to figure out how to distract them. While he contemplated what to do, the door opened again and to his surprise, Adraas walked out accompanied by another man that Ven Zallow didn't recognize.

By the look of him, he looked like an important person, possibly a Senator, he thought as he watched them walking past him.

"I told you I would deliver." Adraas said to the man.

"Oh yes, of course, Lord Adraas." The man replied. "I never doubted you."

Then he added. "Too bad you lost her. I was looking forward to your wedding."

A nervous tick appeared on the corner of Adraas's mouth and then he said. "Don't worry, you'll get another chance."

With a jovial smile, the man said. "Oh, I hope so. I do love parties."

Then their voices started to fade as they disappeared from Ven Zallow's view.

Deep in his gut, he knew Adraas had something to do with Vaylin's peculiar attitude. He wondered what he was doing to her. Since her brother disappeared, it seemed like, from an ambitious, strong-headed person she changed into a much weaker, self-doubting individual. Something was going on here and Ven Zallow didn't like this at all. Although she was a Sith and considered to be his enemy, while spending time with her, he started to get to know her a little. He was sure that somewhere deep within her, there was a scared little girl trying to break free of her chains. She never talked much about her past or her feelings, but he sensed that her father, Valkorion had everything to do about who she had become. As time passed, gradually he started to feel for her and he hoped that he could save her and guide her toward the right path.

A week later, he finally had the opportunity to get answers to his questions.

This time, he managed to get into the trophy chamber before Vaylin got there. He was not fond of using a method of mind tricking, but he needed to get to the bottom of this. Closing the door behind him, he swiftly looked around and was astonished and horrified to see the long line of people and aliens frozen in carbonite, decorating the back wall. A sudden realization hit him like a ton of bricks thinking that not too long ago, he was one of them. Swiftly dismissing these disturbing thoughts, he walked around to find a good hiding place.

Not even a half an hour later he heard the door open and then he heard Vaylin's voice.

"What do you want to talk about?" She asked with an irritated tone.

"Nothing particular," Adraas replied. "I just know how much you love to come here and I wanted to accompany you." Then he added as they walked up to the pods. "You see, there was a woman, a Jedi here before that I used to love to visit. However, she was taken from me before I could have freed her."

A Jedi? Ven Zallow thought with interest listening to his words.

"Why are you telling me this?" Vaylin asked with a frown.

"I know your pet that you keep around is also from this chamber," Adraas said with distaste. Then he added. "Is he a good companion?"

"It's none of your business...Adraas." She replied annoyed.

"I know you are close to him and I was wondering if he ever asked you anything particular about your behavior lately." He replied with a wicked smile.

"My behavior?" Vaylin asked suspiciously. "No he hasn't, why would he?"

Shaking his head, he said. "Never mind. I was just curious."

"You are wasting my time." Vaylin replied with an angry tone. "Do not test me Adraas. I don't have the patience of my brother's. You wouldn't want to see me when I get angry. I would adv…" However, before she could finish her sentence, Ven Zallow heard Adraas saying something again.

"Keyword Mazkosdertanu."

A few seconds later Vaylin spoke up again. This time, her voice sounded calm and docile.

"I'm ready my Lord."

"Now." Adraas said. "Be a good girl and follow my instructions."

"As you wish my Lord." Vaylin replied.

Adraas was extremely pleased about this little gift he had received from the Chancellor. Although this code had to be applied to her daily, the sweet thing about it was that once it wore off, she had no memory of what had occurred; therefore he was able to take full advantage of it.

Adraas knew everything about Vaylin's stay on Nathema where the Chancellor owned a sanatorium. During her stay, on a daily basis, she was subjected to several brain-stimulating exercises, including mind control. Fearing her great powers, her father didn't want to take the chance to be overthrown by her; therefore he planted a secret code into her head that would make her unable to attack him. Besides Valkorion's conditioning, there was another code that would make not just her body but also her mind a useful puppet. And that is what Adraas has been using to gain control over the Eternal Empire. With the disappearance of Arcann, Adraas immediately seized the opportunity to become the head of every operation he was planning to do. By controlling Vaylin, the dream of becoming someone important was on the horizon and he couldn't believe his luck. Adraas was eagerly looking forward to the day when Dromund Kaas and its citizens would bow before him. He especially was looking forward to meeting Malgus again, and of course Satele. My time will come soon, he thought with excitement looking at the dazed Vaylin in front of him.

Ven Zallow couldn't believe his ears. He knew Adraas was up to no good, but he would have never thought that Vaylin was controlled by some kind of magic word. What Adraas was doing was unethical and disgusting. Ven Zallow's usual calm attitude swiftly morphed into an angry one and stepping out from behind the divider, his accusing voice carried through the large chamber.

"What is going on here? What are you doing to her?"

From Vaylin, Adraas looked toward him and in a mocking tone, he said.

"Oh, the once famous Jedi Master Ven Zallow. What a great surprise."

"You know me?" He asked, eyeing Adraas.

"Of course I know you." Adraas replied. "We have met once...briefly."

Ven Zallow didn't remember him, but he was sure of something, this man was evil and he was using Vaylin for his twisted games.

Biding his time, as he approached them he kept talking to Adraas.

"Yes, of course, I remember you...Sith." He said stepping closer. "How can I forget the mighty Adraas? But it's been decades since I've seen you. I can tell you haven't wasted any time climbing your way up the ranks by any means necessary."

The hint of sarcasm in his voice didn't fit well with Adraas. He knew who Ven Zallow was, and he didn't think if it came to a fight he would be defeated by the Jedi, but Adraas didn't want to take this chance.

With a sly grin, he turned to Vaylin whose blank eyes watched Zallow coming closer.

Ven Zallow knew he wouldn't stand the chance against her if Adraas were going to use her to fight him. Using the Force, he quickly pulled her closer and said.

"I'm sorry about this."

Swiftly, he punched her in the face, instantly knocking her unconscious. As Vaylin fell to the floor, Ven Zallow grabbed her weapon and ignited it at the same time Adraas ignited his.

"Did you think you could get away with this?" Zallow asked facing Adraas.

"You made a mistake, Jedi." Adraas replied with a cunning smile looking at him. "You shouldn't have come here."

As soon as he said those words, he leaped up and sent a powerful kick toward Zallow's chest sending him flying across the room. Then while the stunned Jedi was down, Adraas sped toward him ready to cut him in half.

His chest felt heavy and for a few seconds, Ven Zallow had a hard time catching his breath. Quickly, he rolled aside as Adraas's weapon pierced the polished floor on his left. While on his knees, Zallow slashed at Adraas's legs, but he was faster, and evading his attack, he sent a blast of blue waves of Force lightning toward the Jedi.

Absorbing Adraas's powers into Vaylin's lightsaber, Ven Zallow sprung up and attacked the Sith. Their lightsabers, red and yellow reflected off the marble walls as they dueled for survival. Ven Zallow was a skilled fighter, having many battles under his belt. But being on ice for decades, and not able to train as Vaylin's prisoner, his moves were a bit rusty compared to Adraas, who had years and years of experience.

As their fight continued, at one point Adraas's burning red blade came dangerously close to Ven Zallow's chin, barely missing his throat. Feeling the scorching heat of the blade, Zallow quickly leaped into a backflip and as he landed, he sent a blast of Force wave toward Adraas that caught him in the middle of his chest, which sent him colliding him with one of the pods.

Quickly regaining his equilibrium, Adraas jumped to his feet, and using the Force, he ripped the pod off the wall and sent it toward the Jedi, hoping to crush him with it. The loud sound of the alarm immediately engulfed the chamber alerting everyone in the palace.

As the pod flew through the air, Ven Zallow swiftly evaded it. However as he turned around, he noticed it was heading toward the unconscious Vaylin.

With an outstretched arm, he sent a powerful blast into the pod, altering its course away from Vaylin. With a loud crash, it landed near the door, smashing into one of the guards as they stepped through the threshold.

For a few seconds, the other guard gaped at his fallen fellow soldier, and then he attacked Ven Zallow. Joining the fight, Adraas also attacked Zallow, slashing at him with the fury of the Dark side.

Now it was two against one and Zallow had to concentrate on every single move he made against them. Although the guard was nowhere near as powerful as Adraas, still he gave him a hard time while he tried to evade the Sith's advances.

Feeling annoyed by the guard's presence, and while he was occupied with the Jedi, Adraas force grabbed him and threw him across the room, smashing him against the divider, breaking his neck.

You are mine, Adraas eagerly thought, staring into Ven Zallow's eyes. I want to kill this man, and I will, he thought with a vicious grin as his weapon met Zallow's again.

In the bright orange glow of their lightsabers, Adraas's face showed a thirst to kill, while Zallow's showed calmness with a mixture of worry. Within minutes an armada of guards were about to smash through the door and Ven Zallow was not ready to die today.

Lifting his weapon, Adraas was going to strike again, when Zallow leaned in and smashed his elbow into Adraas's face causing him to become disoriented for a few seconds. Then he twisted his body to the left, and slashing upward, Zallow cut into the hilt of Adraas's weapon mutilating his right hand.

Adraas roared like a wounded animal as two of his fingers were cut away. Immediately, he let go of the damaged lightsaber and cradled his hand with a look of astonishment on his face.

"YOU!" He roared at Zallow. "HOW DARE YOU!"

"Now you listen to me Sith!" Ven Zallow shouted pointing his weapon at the other man. Then in a calmer tone, he added. "You need to pay for the crimes against Vaylin and her Empire. Your despicable actions cannot go unpunished. To brainwash her and use her as a puppet is unacceptable and wrong."

"Whatever I do to her is none of your business...Jedi." Adraas replied with anger. Then he added. "She is my puppet and I'll do with her as I wish."

With a small chuckle, Adraas gestured toward the door. "Can you hear the guards? As soon as they enter, what do you think they are going to see?" Adraas asked with a mocking smile. Then he added. "Look around you, you fool. You are a rogue prisoner while I'm a respected person in this city. Who do you think they're going to believe?" He asked pointing toward Zallow. "You? Or me?"

There was a small chance that they would believe him. Nevertheless, he was a prisoner, while Adraas was an influential person with years of reputation. While Zallow contemplated what to say, suddenly the door flew open and dozens of guards rushed into the chamber.

"What took you so long?" Adraas yelled at the Captain.

"My Lord." The Captain said looking at the destruction. "What is going on?" He asked looking from Adraas to the other man.

As Adraas was about to give an order to kill Ven Zallow, Vaylin pushed herself onto all fours and as she slowly stood up, she said.

"Captain. Arrest him."

As the Captain signaled to the guards to grab hold of Zallow, Vaylin spoke up again.

"Not him." She said with a stern face. "The other one."

Using the Force, she lifted Adraas off the ground and started to squeeze his throat.

Vaylin wished to crush him, but if she wanted to find out what he had done to her, he was no help if he was dead. With a bright red face and through flaring nostrils, Adraas struggled to take a breath. As he was about to lose consciousness, she let go of him and dropped him to the floor in front of Ven Zallow's boots.

"Lock him up." Vaylin ordered the Captain. Then two guards approached him and after picking him up, they placed his hands into handcuffs. His raging eyes never left Zallow's as they dragged him out of the room.

With contempt, Ven Zallow watched Adraas being taken away. Then his eyes landed on Vaylin, and as he approached her, he asked.

"You heard everything?"

"I heard enough." She said gazing into his eyes. Then she added. "I never liked him anyway."

Sudden dizziness took over her and as she held onto his arm for support, he asked.

"May I?" Gesturing to pick her up.

Nodding her head in agreement, he swiftly picked her up and held her like a bride.

Cradling his shoulders, she looked into his eyes and with a thin smile, she said.

"My head feels like it's going to split in half. Would you mind telling me what happened?"

Clearing his throat, Ven Zallow looked into her eyes and then he said.

"If I tell you, you wouldn't believe me."

A sly smile appeared on her face and then she said. "Try me."

"I have to confess something. I've been following you for a while now."

Furrowing her eyebrows she asked.

"Why would you do that?"

"I've noticed that your behavior had changed and I wanted to find out why." He replied as he started to walk out of the chamber with her in his arms.

"You were worried about me?" Vaylin asked confused.

"Believe it or not I was." He replied with a smile. Then he added, as they walked down the corridor full of people who had come to see what had happened. "My suspicion about Adraas turned out to be true and I confronted him."

With an amazed tone, she asked.

"You fought for me?"

Looking into her wide eyes, he said.

"Yes, I did."

Vaylin was amazed and confused about all this. Although she didn't know what happened in the trophy room, the conversation that she was able to hear while gaining consciousness, brought her nothing but rage. She couldn't believe Adraas's scheming and disgusting way of using her. Vaylin had been suffering severe mental and physical abuse since childhood and she has had enough of being used by others. Besides her brothers, no one ever cared for her until now.

"But you are my prisoner. I have done nothing but hurt you and use you." She said gazing into his eyes. "Why would you care about me?"

"Because I like you." He said with a smile as they reached the medical bay's door. "And you deserve to be happy."

Instinctively, she pulled his face closer, and to his amazement, she kissed him on the lips. This greatly surprised him. Although they were lovers, she had never kissed him or allowed him to kiss her. This was one thing he found strange about their peculiar relationship. As she deepened the kiss, he returned it with passion and held her body tighter enjoying the moment.

In his cell, gagged and shackled to the wall, Adraas fumed on the inside. While his injured hand pulsed with pain, his mind was on Ven Zallow. In his head, over and over again he played out their fight, thinking about where he had made the mistake that led him to be here in this prison cell.

Then the thoughts of torture engulfed his mind. He hoped he was strong enough to survive until he finds a chance to escape. He had been in this room many times and seen and done several interrogations. He was well aware of what was coming for him. He couldn't believe how everything went wrong since this morning. It felt like that every time he was about to reach his goals someone always stood in his way, crushing his dreams into the dirt. The anger and frustration he felt on the inside were tearing him apart. He wished to burn the city and all of its people to the ground, but he knew it was an unrealistic dream. The only thing he had left was his miserable life that might end soon as his torture begins.

Then the thoughts of Satele enveloped his mind. He wished to see her again and hold her and kiss her, as he did on the dreadnought so long ago. She was someone Malgus truly cared for and the sweet thought of taking her away from him always thrilled him. Every time he thought about that night, Adraas felt great satisfaction remembering Malgus's terrified expression as he walked out of the prison cell with her in his arms. One way or another, I will get my hands on her and when that day comes he'll regret that he ever crossed me. Not just him but everyone else as well, he thought with exasperation.

By befriending the chancellor and supporting him, Adraas was hopeful that he would not let him rot in here, but find the way to set him free.

When I get out of here. He thought with determination. I'll return to Dromund Kaas and take what is mine.

To be continued...

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