《Mermaids And The Vampires Who Love Them》34. MAKING-OUT IN MID-AIR
Dad races toward me across Khione's snow-covered landscape. What will he do to me for repeatedly going against his wishes? Probably something bad, because he used my full name!
Behind Dad, Crumpet, fairy princess Iridessa, Gloria, and Professor Woolfson step out of the same limo. There are four limousines parked in a semicircle between the marquee and the barn. At the back of the queue, is a large silver vehicle with only one window in the front.
Dad practically knocks me over and squeezes me hard. I'm pretty sure he's broken a few bones. Even Pierce winces. I'm about to make a remark about my imminent demise when Dad pulls back to look at me, and I notice the dark circles under his eyes. In the moonlight, he looks almost like a Halloween zombie. He smells like sour milk and dried salt. His clothes are wrinkled and disheveled. His hair is a dull green, which happens when a merperson doesn't get enough rest, and he hasn't shaved, so his chin is shadowed with green stubble. Has he been this worried about me? I bite back my retort. "Dad! Are you okay?"
"Never mind about me! What about you? I've been so worried!"
"I'm fine, Dad. Wait. What's that? Who are they?" I say, pointing at a group of fairies coming out of the second car, each dressed like a different flower. They raise their wands, and the ground beneath them turns bright aqua. I peer over my dad's shoulder and see they're laying an intricate blue carpet with beautiful fish and coral and seaweed floating beneath a glossy surface.
"What are they doing?"
The other teachers and Crumpet make their way over to us. "Good evening, Waverly," the headmaster says.
"Hello, Headmaster Crumpet."
"How is the party?" he says, looking around at the costumed students.
"It's ... um ... great."
"Excellent. Sorry to interrupt, Gil," says Crumpet. "But once you're done talking with Waverly, could you please join the other teachers and me inside? We must prepare for the surprise."
"Certainly, Sir," says my dad. Crumpet winks at me, and he and the teachers disappear into the marquee.
My dad turns to me. "The fairies are creating an honorary footpath for the royal family. The Queen hates it, but protocol and all. It should only take a few minutes; then, they will proceed with the royal decrees and such." Dad takes my hands. "Waverly, I am so relieved you are alright. I would've been here sooner, but your mother ..."
I remember my premonition about my mother suffering. My heart races. "Mom! Is she okay?"
"Yes, of course, Wave. I've just come back from Pacifica. She is fine."
"Thank Poseidon!"
"She gave birth a bit early."
"What? Why?"
My dad pushes the hair back from my face. "You look beautiful, Wave."
"Thanks, Dad. But what about the babies?"
"Triplets," says my dad, grinning.
"Huh?" I say, stunned. "Three?"
"Your old dad still has it!" Can I die now?
"Gross, Dad!"
"Two boys and a girl—Kipper, Coranne, and Dart," he says, ignoring my teenage snark.
I say nothing because I, too, know when it's worth fighting a battle. And it does warm my heart to see a smile on his weary face. I guess this is why he's so tired. It wasn't because he was worried about me. "One of my brothers is named Dart?"
"You should see him, Wave. The name fits. The babies think the cutest things. I could listen to their thoughts all day. I can't wait for you to meet them."
"Same, Dad."
"Now, Waverly, about your renegade behavior! I've been working on this case for a year. I told you to leave it to the experts, but no! You. Would. Not. Listen! You had to go and put your life at risk, despite my express orders to stay out of this."
I guess my dad has recovered from the 'I am so happy you're alive' phase and moved onto the 'what the Hades were you thinking?' phase.
"But Dad ..."
"Hi, Mr. Fishwater," Pickles says brightly. "You should've seen how Waverly took down Darkins and saved the world." She points to Darkins, still tied to the oak, head slumped over, as boneless as a jellyfish.
I mouth, "Thank you," to Pickles. I know she's exaggerating to get me out of trouble with my father.
"Hello, Miss McPhee," says my dad, softening. "Yes, I see you have captured and confined Darkins." Wait, my dad knows Darkins? "Did my daughter ... um ... incapacitate him?"
"No, Sir," says Thunder, stepping forward and shaking my dad's hand. "The pack and I caught him trying to escape and tied him to the tree; then I brained him with a wok."
"Nice work, Mr. Woolfson. Uh, interesting costume."
"Thanks," Thunder says. "I'm Beauty."
"Obviously," says my dad, smiling. I melt a little, and not only because I am thrilled that Pickles' diversion has saved me from being reprimanded in front of the entire school. "Hello Lily-Bella, Cupid, Khione, Vang, Fintan," he says to the group standing near us. The rest of the kids are watching the fairies build the royal stream. Guess royals can't step on normal turf.
"I am happy to see you are alright, Fintan and Pickles. The other faculty and I have been concerned. And your mother, Queen McPhee, has been raising hell. But I knew you'd be fine. I can only imagine what Waverly would do if I threatened to lock her up in a castle. Wait! Perhaps that is a good idea!"
Pickles winces when she hears my dad mention her mother's name. "I'm fine, thank you. Mostly." Pickles looks sadly at Fintan, who's standing with Thunder and Lily-Bella. So they're not back together? I should've realized that when she created the spectacular gown for me. If she and Fintan were together, Pickles wouldn't have her powers. Poor Pickles and Fintan. Somehow I am going to help them fight this unjust rule. No way will it stand. And now, my calendar is clear after Darkins' defeat! I totally need a new project.
"Ah, I see," says my dad. "Well, you're back now, and that's what matters." Pickles' mouth tightens, and she looks at the snowy ground. "I am told your mother only left campus yesterday. We are to send word when we've located you."
"Please don't, Mr. Fishwater," Pickles begs.
"It's too bad I haven't seen Pickles," says my dad, looking at me. "The only person I see here is a dragonrider who looks somewhat like her." Indeed, Pickles looks like a flaming match with her bright red hair and black leather that matches Fintan's skin. I thought the outfit was just meant to be fireproof, but evidently, it is also some kind of standard dragonrider attire.
"Thank you!" Pickles stands on her tiptoes, and my dad leans over to allow her to kiss his cheek.
My dad's eyes flick over to the limos. The door to the third car, upon which gleams the twined sea monster crest of the royal mer family, opens. Eight guards, in teal uniforms, come out of a car, attaching long curved sabers to their belts. Once they are affixed, the soldiers march in two lines to the start of the fairy stream. Two footmen in long green coats then exit from the front of the royal limo. One footman opens the door. Dad looks at me, raises an eyebrow, and says: "Wave, can you at least pretend to be an obedient, loyal subject for a few minutes?" I can hear the laughter in his tone and know he isn't really mad at me after all. In fact, I think he's a little proud.
"Why would you even doubt it?" I say, trying to control the little muscles beside my mouth to keep from smiling.
He shakes his head. We stand in a line along the fairy stream. A footman helps Queen Anthea out of the car. She's in an all-white gown, frothy and light as sea foam. Next out of the vehicle is her husband, King Dorsal, in a white suit, his waist-length green hair tumbling like waves. I haven't seen the royal family since I was a tiny fingerling.
Finally, Prince Rip Tide, who is my age and considered the most eligible merman in the Pacific, emerges from the car as gracefully as if he was in the water. He's also in white, but with a golden cape and gold bow tie. His long hair, green and gold with streaks of burnished red, is curly and loose. He is the most beautiful merperson I have ever seen. Everyone in the lineup stares at him. He smiles slightly, a secret smile, like an inside joke known only to him. He's obviously been gawked at before. Pierce pulls me tightly against his chest. I laugh as quietly as possible. I love my jealous vampire.
Pierce plays with the hairs at the nape of my neck, gently pushes them back, and with his lips on my neck, whispers: "You know I can still read your thoughts."
His touch makes me shiver, and I cannot help lifting my neck harder against his lips. All I want is to be alone with Pierce, taking up where we left off in the limo. Now it's his turn to laugh, his chest quivering against my back.
The Queen and King, arm in arm, followed by their son, golden cape valiantly whipping out from behind in the breeze that's kicked up at just the right moment, walk down the fairy stream toward my dad and me. Pierce moves back, allowing me to curtsey. My dad bows. I hold my position, then look up at them from under my lashes to find their royal personages beaming at me. Prince Rip Tide winks. I like him immediately.
"Rise, cousins," says the Queen, her voice soft yet clear. The royal family smells like coconut cream. Wait, did the Queen say cousins? Is that a term the royals use for all merfolk? Because if we are cousins, then ... "How can we ever thank you for stopping Darkins and his evil scheme?" She glances with distaste at the still-collapsed Darkins. "We have been after him for years. Guards, revive him."
A fairy in the entourage waves a wand, and a jug materializes. A guard throws its contents over Darkins' head. The evil mastermind groans, slowly lifts his head, and opens his eyes. His face is an otherworldly red. When Darkins sees the royal family surrounded by their fierce guard, he struggles against the wires fixing him to the tree. They hold fast.
Thunder puffs his Beauty-clad chest and smiles. "There's no way to escape, dude. No one is strong enough to undo a werewolf's bindings."
"Auntie Anthea, Uncle Dorsal," says Darkins. "I would bow, but, as you can see, I am not in a position to do so. You are looking well."
Darkins is related to the royal family? "Dad," I say. "Is Darkins really ..."
"Wave, quiet now. We'll discuss this later."
"I appreciate your opinion, Dirk." The Queen's voice is dripping with sarcasm. "I cannot say the same for you. I see these young people have done quite the job on you." Darkins glares at me, Pierce, Thunder, Cupid, Lily-Bella, Fintan, and Pickles. "Here I thought you could be reformed. This time I'm afraid there is no escape. Your mother's family will never find you. I thought we had managed to overcome your demon half. But, I see now, it will always be a part of you. Nephew, I know your parentage is not your fault, but we cannot allow you to roam free and wreak havoc. Guards, take him away."
The guards step forward, cut the wires with their sabers, and escort Darkins to the silver vehicle at the back of the line. "I didn't do this alone," he screams. "It was Sharkweather too!"
"You kidnapped his wife!" says the queen. "And my cousin Fitzwilliam. You are such a fool that fools would be offended to be placed in the same category as you. We know that at first, Sharkweather cooperated with you willingly for the sake of his greed. But when he learned that you planned to destroy the oceans, he tried to back out of the deal. That's when you kidnapped his wife. He is not innocent and will pay for his misdeeds, but for now, he is united with his family—the family you tore apart."
Darkins hisses as the guards throw him into the car and slam the door. Then they stand around the vehicle, keeping watch.
"Waverly Marie Fishwater," says the queen.
"Yes, ma'am," I say. I am being so obedient and everything. Wow!
The queen laughs. "Sorry, Miss Fishwater, but you thought that so loud I could not help but overhear. And I am glad for your boldness. It is what enabled you and your friends to accomplish what we hadn't been able to. I would love to meet your friends."
"Of course." I curtsey again because it turns out I'm super good at it, and I want to show off a little bit. "Your Royal Highnesses, may I present Pierce Knightguard, my ... uh ..."
"Boyfriend," says Pierce, stepping forward and shaking the queen's hand. I don't think you're supposed to touch the queen, but she seems fine with it.
"A vampire boyfriend?" says the queen.
"Yes," I say. "A vampire boyfriend."
"Times have certainly changed," says the king.
"Happily so," says Prince Rip Tide.
"Lovely to meet you, Pierce," says the queen, patting his hand warmly.
"And this is Pickles McPhee, Lily-Bella, Fintan Byrnes, Thunder Woolfson, and Cupid."
"Oh, I already know Cupid," says the queen. "Doesn't everyone?"
"I am glad you think so, Highness," says Cupid. But he's not looking at the queen. His eyes haven't left Prince Rip Tide.
The queen notices Cupid's gaze upon her son and laughs again. Have I said how much I love our royal family?
"Do you have the medals, my son?"
"Yes, I do, Mother."
Prince Rip Tide opens a satchel and removes eight golden medallions. Trumpets sound, though I don't see any trumpeters. Must be a royal thing that you get your own magical musical accompaniment.
"These are the highest honors in the mer world. For service to the merpeople, and to all the inhabitants of earth, we welcome you into the Order of Poseidon, with all the benefits thereof. Please come forward Gil and Waverly Fishwater, Pierce Knightguard, Cupid, Fintan Byrnes, Pickles McPhee, Thunder Woolfson, and Lily-Bella. And who is this?"
Cyril has flown to my side. "Where have you been this whole time?" I ask him.
"With my lady, of course." Cyril tosses his donkey head toward a hill at the top of the property where donkey-Sprinkles is nibbling grass.
"This is my friend, Cyril. He helped as well."
Prince Rip Tide places a ribboned medallion over each of our heads. Somehow he also has one for Cyril! They are heavy. The prince seems to take extra long placing Cupid's and adjusting it on his still-bare chest. Do these two know one another?
"Now, I believe you young people have a party to get on with. Oh, and one more thing before I go. My son has expressed a desire to attend West Marin Heights, and we have consented. What you have accomplished here has proven the effectiveness of the mission statement of the school in promoting diversity and learning from other cultures. This is the future, and my son will learn to be a better leader by sharing in it. I trust you will make him feel at home, Cousin Waverly."
"Of course, I will!" I want to ask about the cousin thing, but it seems kind of rude. I will question Dad later, and if I don't get answers, I'm sure Thunder would help me get them.
"Then we shall leave you to your festivities," says the queen. "Oh, and we have another surprise." One more limo comes crunching down the drive. The footmen rush over and open the door. Out steps a tall, slim figure with long dark hair in a skintight sparkly plaid jumpsuit.
The vampires from West Marin Heights rush toward her yelling, "Patty Cary!" Who knew vampires liked pop stars so much?
We re-enter the marquee which has been transformed. This must be what the teachers were doing. There are no tables, but the room is filled with orange fairy lights and bits of the haunted house—pumpkins, and chattering teeth, skeletons, and plastic black cats—suspended magically in the air. It smells of pumpkin and spice, and there's a full werewolf band on the stage. Patty Cary hops up and grabs a microphone.
"Thank you for having me here tonight. I am honored to perform at the West Marin Heights Annual Halloween Party. I graduated five years ago. As part of my appreciation for the start Marin Heights gave me, I am donating a ridiculously large sum of money to the school to be put toward the arts. If not for the music program at WMH, I would never have become what I am today." Patty sings a song that is something about a tiger beating up a bad boyfriend.
Pierce wraps his arms around me, and we dance. "Patty Cary is a vampire?" I whisper in his ear.
"Yes, she is," says Pierce. "How did you think we knew her?"
"I guess I thought you bribed her or did your spooky vampire voodoo on her."
"There is only one person I want to do spooky vampire voodoo on, Waverly, and that is you."
And with that, Pierce effectively ends the conversation by kissing me for the rest of the bad boyfriend song.
"Okay, everyone," says Patty. "This next song isn't one of mine, but I think it's perfect for a Halloween gala. It's by Michael Jackson, and it's called 'Thriller.' There's a special dance that goes along with it. Follow along with the nymphs."
The nymphs, still in pearls, take to the stage, and the song begins:
"It's close to midnight, and something evil's lurking in the dark,
Under the moonlight, you see a sight that almost stops your heart ..."
"May I cut in?" says my dad.
"Certainly, Mr. Fishwater," says Pierce.
I am surprised when Dad puts one of his giant hands on Pierce's shoulder and uses the other to pat him on the back. "Well done, Pierce. You have brought my daughter through all of this safely, and for that, I am endlessly grateful. Your father would've been very proud of you."
"Thank you for your trust, sir," says Pierce, his voice thick with emotion. Did my dad know his dad? "And believe me, it was an arduous task." He looks at me and smiles.
"What? Was I a burden?"
"Not at all," Pierce says, taking my hand and kissing it. Poseidon's beard! Why do I have to feel that jolt of attraction every time this vampire touches me? "It's only that you have a penchant for putting your life at risk."
"Oh, all right then," I say. Can't really argue with the truth.
"But I enjoyed every moment we have had together." Pierce is holding my gaze with his sapphire eyes. My vampire boyfriend is so hot!
"You do know I'm standing right here," says my dad, laughing. "Trying not to listen to you projecting your thoughts about your hot boyfriend."
Can I die now, please? "Dad! Rude."
Pierce smirks. Of course. It's his go-to expression. "You think I'm hot?"
I roll my eyes. "Duh!"
Dad laughs. "I love your sense of humor, Wave. Never change."My throat swells. "I love you, Dad," I say, hugging him.
"I love you too, Wave. More than you can imagine. You are brave, and kind, and fair, and honorable. I am so proud of all you've done."
"But, Dad, what did you mean earlier when you said you'd been working on this case for a year?"
He pulls back and looks at me. I can see he's decided to trust me, to treat me as an equal. "Well, Wave, I am not actually a math teacher."
"I should have known."
"How would you know?"
"Counting sand on the beach? That screamed of busywork."
He bites his lower lip. "I suppose you're right."
"So, if you're not a math teacher, what are you?"
"I am a spy. But not just any spy; I am a captain in the Royal Merfolk Intelligence Service. Please don't mention this to your mother."
"She doesn't know?"
"Not exactly."
Wow, Dad must be good at this spy stuff to fool my mother! She notices everything.
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The Step-Daughter
The beginning of a taboo relationship that will evolve and ultimately change...(Thank you to everyone who has been reading this, I really appreciate it! It's actually one of my older pieces of writing and I personally don't think it's my best work but it is my most read on here. If people would like me to return to this and write the ideas I have for the two years and how the switch comes around, along with all the other deviant potentials. Let me know and I will happily focus on this.).Now available on Kindle: https://amzn.to/37eqRVF
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