《Daemon Born》Chapter 2 | Part 6


A few hours later back at the alliance encampment, the paladin and rifleman that were rescued from the white wasteland of snow. The Captain along with Pyron went ahead along with some tactical troops, and found them laying in the snow unconscious, the paladin was bound with heavy magic, and they both had some kind of charm casted on them.

Later on inside the main caravan, the danger duo, Shawk and Gallow had heated blankets casted around their bodies. They were both shivering from the freezing cold that they were exposed to just minutes ago.

On the elliptical table that was set up for meetings like the one which was taking place at that moment, sat Shawk. Across from him sat their Patrol leader, Pyron, and beside him was the captain, who was busy staring at a map of the local area. He had a very bothered expression as he scratched his face. He gave out a sigh and slammed his palm onto the table.

"This is impossible." He said in a low and annoyed tone.

He turned over to one of the agents that sat across from him and fixed his gaze on him. He stared back with a hint of surprise.

"Are you sure, that it was a triple S?" A serious expression plagued his features.

"Yes sir, we made sure of it. We had the cloak check the bindings on Gallow when we rescued them. And they said that they were sure of it, that kind of magic could only come from a Category SSS." He sounded nervous as he said that. The sweat that dripped from his face was very visible, even when it was pretty cold, even inside the vehicle.

The captain sat back down and rested his eyes as he rubbed his forehead. He was trying to think about a plan to deal with this monster. He already had his hands full with trying to contain the threat that they were currently facing, and the reason why they were here in the first place. He was more stressed out than anything. Then at that moment, Pyron raised his voice and asked him a question.


"Uh, excuse me captain, but what exactly is a Category triple S? I don't think I've ever heard of anything like that, is it a new category?"

The captain raised his head from his hand and looked at the armoured lad that was sitting beside him, and curiosity was all over his face. He grunted and scratched his head before answering, and then he took a deep breath as the boy leaned in closer to listen to his words.

"Well, uh... yes and no. You see Pyron, those kinds of Riftlings were always present. Shortly after finding most of the kinds and classes of demons that had come pouring into our dimension were done, the elders, one of the oldest knights, had come into contact with one of the strongest demons that she had ever met."

"Wait, she? You mean the angel? I thought that was just a myth!" Pyron had interrupted the man with the vest. He was very surprised to say the least.

"Well she isn't. After the first rift was opened back in 2015, the order had done some secret ritual stuff to contact 'God' and apparently, he sent them their first agent. Suzahn, the angel."

Pyron was awestruck by what he was hearing. The first agent was an angel? He knew that angels existed at some point, but to think that one of them was the first agents.

"Now where was I? Oh, right. She had accompanied the orders knights to ground zero, where the first rift opened up. After about fifteen hours of non-stop battles and endless fighting, the angel triumphed and managed to defeat all the demons that had leaked into this plane. But as she was leaving with the troops that were left, a heavy presence had appeared, and they all froze in their tracks."


The wind outside howled and the blizzard had continued on. The vehicle was being driven back to the camp. Only the dispatch soldiers were inside the vehicle right now, because they had rescued the two freezing agents. The captain continued with his story.

"The blizzard had thickened and they all stood their ground, after about a minute of silence, with only the sound of the cold wind blowing. A figure had started walking out of the fog. He was wearing nothing but a black cloth around his torso and waist, and his eyes were a gleaming green. He raised a hand and gestured beside him, and almost instantaneously a portal had immerged from six purple crystal-like objects which started rotating in a circular manner and formed a screen of a strange hole that looked like space, that had seemingly come from nowhere. It was a rift."

When Pyron had heard this, he interrupted the captain again.

"Wait, what?! He made a rift?! That's not possible!"

"Exactly, that was the first time they ever witnessed pure dark magic. After that though, I'm not too sure what happened. The old documents didn't really say much, but they had a big fight and... Some knights and the angel..."

He looked down, with an agitated expression.

"They went missing."

"I heard of that, sort of." Pyron had said.

"You did?"

"Well, just some stories and gossip around HQ, but I never actually put much thought to it. It just, seemed too strange to be real."

The captain grunted as he slouched back in his chair.

"Well you're going to have to get used to strange if you want to stick around here."

"Yeah, I know."

The caravan was filled with semi-quiet whispers and plans for how to deal with the new threat that has risen. The blizzard continued to fall harshly throughout the wasteland as they traveled through, the snow and the wind dancing around to a perfect tune of frost and noise.

This was going to be a long ride, and Pyron knew it.


Sorry for short chapter. I'm working on something.

Also, I wanted to ask if you like Danny better, or Pyron so far. Don't worry, I'm just asking.

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