《When Paths Converge: A MHA Fanfic》38. Murder is Plan Z
"You what?!" Dabi placed his head in his hands.
"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!" Yui had her hands clasped in front of her in a praying motion, "I just felt....with your brother coming to UA soon it was now or never! They're your family....so they're kinda our family too." Yui mumbled.
"The less time they have under the flaming trashcan's abuse the better." Yui knelt down to where Dabi had collapsed onto the couch.
Dabi was silent for a long moment before sighing scratching heavily at the back of his head,"Huuuuuaaaagh! You're right!" He rested his elbows on his knees his hair covering his eyes with embers drifting on the air, flitting out just as quickly.
Looking up at Yui he gave a weary smirk, "I just thought I'd have longer till go time ya know?"
"So it's alright it I tell my dads about everything?" Yui gave a nervous thumbs up.
"I mean the rat already knows. I get you told him cause it's likely they'll be in his school, and he might be able to protect Shouto, but you clearly trust your dads...If you're gonna treat my family like yours, I might as well do the same for you right?-oOf" Dabi was cut off as Yui was clearly trying to crush his ribs.
"Tight....tiiiiiight hUUuua" Dabi took in a breath raising an eyebrow at Yui's sheepish grin before returning the hug at a more moderate force.
"Thanks for being ok with my meddling. I'd call it off and we could do something else if it was crossing a line for you." Yui mumbled.
"s'fine" Dabi patted her back, "We'd have to explain things to all of them at some point or another. You saw an opportunity and you took it fearing the moment would pass. I get it."
She grinned at him giving him another squeeze, “Thanks Dabi! You won’t regret it. We’ll definitely get them free from him.”
He smiled softly as he patted her back, “I know you will, brat.” He pulled back, a slight frown on his lips, “Have I ever told you I hate that you’re my height? You better be done growing.”
“Hey, it’s not my fault that you’re on the short side. I’m definitely not done growing. You just don’t want me to be taller than you. That’s petty. You’re petty.” She stuck her tongue out at him, she was at his height now, at fifteen she probably had a little more to grow yet.
“How can you be an imp when you’re taller than me? I miss the days you only reached my shoulder. At least Himi and Izu embrace their imp-ness.” He sighed dramatically, pretending to wipe a tear from his eye.
“I’m going to laugh if they have growth spurts that put them taller than you. Then you’ll be little bro Dabi.” She grinned as she avoided the nooggie he tried to pull her into.
“You’re a little shit.”
“Yet you still love me.”
“Yeah, yeah-”
“You two stop hiding in the kitchen! We’re gonna pull out Twister!” Himi called out from the living room.
Yui chuckled softly as she refilled a coffee mug for Aizawa and two mugs with green tea with honey for herself and Yamada. Dabi grabbed three sodas from the fridge and followed her out to the living room. “Okay, Himi, but before we twist our ankles we have to have a family discussion.” She handed them their drinks and sat down on the floor, her fingers wrapped around her mug to warm them.
“A...serious discussion?” Izuku asked, taking the soda Dabi waggled in front of his face.
“Yeah, but you and Himi already know. It’s more about bringing them into the loop.” Dabi nodded toward the two adults on the couch.
“Ooohh, is this the discussion I think it is?” Himi grinned as she sat down next to Yui, “Twister can wait.”
“Alright...you aren’t going to tell us one of you have killed someone, are you?” Yamada asked, his eyes flicking from face to face in a search for answers.
“You caught us. Izu has actually brutally murdered yakuza members and now we need your help to hide him.” Yui kept her face blank, her tone dry as she met their gazes before Izuku smacked her with a pillow.
“See? His violent tendencies are coming out. Hide the knives.”
“Did you need a knife, Izu-chan? I have several!” Himi grinned as she pulled a pink pocketknife out from under the couch.
“No! I don’t need a knife!”
“Yeah, he’s deadly enough with just his hands.” Dabi smirked as Izuku gave him puppy dog eyes.
“It is not pick on Izuku day.”
“Yeah, you’re right. That’s March tenth.” Dabi agreed.
“We really adopted them and all their craziness, didn’t we?” Aizawa mumbled as he sipped his coffee.
“Yeah you did and I have your adoption paperwork! You can’t return us without the receipt!” Izuku grinned at them as he sat down beside Yui.
“...How did you...never mind, I don’t want to know how you got into our safe, just don’t lose it.”
“Oh please, your safe has an electronic lock.” Yui chuckled softly.
“Point taken, you still shouldn’t be in our safe.”
“I didn’t want you to give us back...” He said softly.
“We would never! You’re stuck with us for life now, green bean!” Yamada quickly cut in.
“What has this conversation turned into?” Aizawa muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose, “Of course we aren’t giving you back, problem child.”
Yui snickered softly as she ruffled his curls, “Alright, let’s get back on track...Dabi, did you want to tell them?”
He lifted one shoulder in a half shrug, “Sure might as well rip the band aid off,” He turned toward the two, “My real name is Touya Todoroki, I faked my death when I was thirteen, because my father is an abusive asshole. He only married my mother for her Quirk and was obsessed with creating the perfect offspring that could surpass All Might because he never could.”
Yui barely stopped herself from face palming herself as Yamada and Aizawa both stared at Dabi as if expecting him to say ‘sike’. Izuku worried at his lip as he watched them as Himi sipped loudly at her soda. Dabi raised an eyebrow at them, “I’m serious. Endeavor is both a neglectful parent and an outright abuser who pushed me until I was sick, burning and exhausted. I can only imagine he’s doing the same to my little brother. I heard that he put my mother in a mental hospital. My little brother has a scar over his eye. I thought, you know, if I died due to a training accident...maybe he’d stop, maybe he’d realize that it was wrong to push your own ambitions onto your children to the point of injury...But I get it, if you don’t believe me.” His voice got soft as he crossed his arms over his chest, looking away from them as he sunk down in his chair.
“He’s not lying.” Yui met their eyes, “I don’t have any proof...he doesn’t have cameras in his house, but he did have Rei Todoroki admitted to the hospital after a ‘psychotic break’. Apparently she’s the one who burned Shoto with boiling water over his eye. But she never had any records of any mental health issues until she married Endeavor. Now she’s kept on Quirk suppressants and anti-depressants, and she isn’t allowed to leave without her husband’s permission. He’s never seen with Fuyumi or Natsuo, and from the public appearances I’ve seen of Shoto...he’s closed off, antisocial and not in a shy way...the kid has private tutors so he doesn’t get any normal social interactions.”
“Woah...woah, it’s not that we’re not prepared to believe you...it’s just...it’s a lot to take in.” Yamada said softly, holding his hands up.
“I fucking knew there was something wrong with that asshole.” Aizawa muttered.
“You know that prick has been getting worse over the years. Property damage from his conflicts have been escalating, two S-tier villain mortalities, and his civilian injuries have been growing. They used to be the odd scrape or a broken bone, but he's been getting more reckless. Several scenes, the only reason the worst didn't happen was because other Heroes who would have been better spent evacuating civilians, had to work together to deflect the splash of his attacks. He's becoming sloppy. He paralyzed a mugger a few months ago, Zashi. Thank Kami the kids stopped being vigilantes before the Commission sicked him on them. With the gear he might not have realized they were kids.” He sighed through gritted teeth, steely black eyes coming to rest on the kids, “So, if I know either of you you've got a plan?”
Dabi blinked, “Plan?”
“You told us for a reason, right? No offense, Dabi, but you're not the type to give out personal information just because.” Aizawa raised one eyebrow at them, “If we have to hide a body, you have to give me some time to prepare.”
“Shouta!” Yamada whacked him with a pillow, “We will not resort to murder! We have to set an example for the kids.” He leaned in to whisper in his ear, and Yui was sure she only heard him because of turning up her hearing aid, “Murder is always plan Z!” She almost snorted covering her mouth.
“Murder is Plan Z, but it can be Plan A. I know of some locations where they’d never-”
“No! Livewire, we cannot solve every problem with murder. Not even for scumbag child abusers. So what’s Plan A?” Yamada huffed as he crossed his arms.
“Okay, so, I actually was talking to Nedzu about this-”
“You let the rat know before us?” Aizawa tsked.
“The opportunity presented itself and I took it! Anyway, the plan is kinda...convoluted.... but Nedzu thinks it’d give us the highest chance at success and he hasn’t been wrong yet. So, it’s starting with research. Collecting and documenting everything we can about Endeavor, from the very beginning of his hero career to now. Every mission, every arrest, everything. That’s going to take a while unfortunately. In the meantime, Nedzu is going to focus himself on how to get Rei away from the hospital, and yet still teach me things since apparently, I can’t just focus on collecting dirt.” She shrugged, rubbing her thumbs against her mug as she took a sip.
“Okay, why do you need all that information?” Dabi asked, raising an eyebrow at her.
“For phase two. That’s where things can get…messy. We’re hoping if Rei is out of the hospital, that maybe your siblings will speak up. But as number two hero…I hate to say it, but Endeavor has too much pull whether intentional or not. The Commission will cover up his misdeeds so people don’t lose faith in hero society. They won't want to throw away their #2 especially while All Might is in America. So, we need to start to destabilize the people’s faith in Endeavor. We need to knock him from the number two spot, hopefully out of the top ten.” She bit her lip as she looked up at him, Dabi’s eyes wide as he stared at her.
“You really think you could fucking do that? Trust me, we tried to call the police on him, they either never showed up or thought it was kids playing a prank on their dad, when they realized it was Endeavor. It never helped. Mom was just too much of a wreck to help much.”
“It’ll take time, but we are a society that is dependent on social media. Forums, message boards…heroes are discussed and dissected daily. We just have to prove Endeavor isn’t worthy of his position. That just beating villains isn’t enough, not when his property damage is so high, not when civilians get hurt.” She looked up at him, a fire in her eyes. “It’s possible, Dabi. And once he’s taken down some pegs…then we have a better shot at getting custody from him. Custody that can go to your mom. And then we get restraining orders, maybe get Endeavor moved to a different country.”
“Like Antarctica.” Izuku grinned, “And I can help! I’m on the hero forums all the time, and I have followers that enjoy my analysis. I can do some pieces about Endeavor that won’t paint him in a good light. There’s an underground group that shits on Endeavor a lot, I’m not sure if they’re villains, but I could probably…convince them to help spread the articles.”
“Izu-chan, that’s so underhanded! I love it!” Himi grinned, “And I can make mean comments on videos! Just tell me what to do and I’ll help!”
“I see Nedzu is playing to your advantages.” Aizawa sighed, “If he’s in on it, it’ll probably work. Just, if you need help, ask us, okay? And if his way doesn’t work out, then we can consider other options”
“That asshole better hope I don’t see him. I might ‘accidentally’ loose control of my Quirk.” Yamada huffed, “And blast him right into the river. Or into a wall. Or in front of a truck.”
“Hey now, you told us no murder, pops.” Yui grinned, pointing her finger at him.
“Yeah, and it still holds true for you four. And I wasn’t threatening murder, just bodily harm.” He shrugged as he sipped on his tea.
“If I catch him in a fight, his Quirk might accidentally get Erased.” Aizawa flashed a cheshire smile before it vanished as he sipped his coffee.
“Oh that would be just terrible Sho!” Yamada grinned at his husband, before he turned to them, “There’s nothing we can do about his kids?”
Yui sighed, “We need proof. Unless they go to a reporter or news station airing live and say they’re being abused…we have no proof. Anything that would have gone to the police has been wiped, I checked. The Commission doesn’t even have anything saved in their computer systems.”
“You hacked the Commission?” Dabi raised an eyebrow at her.
“A couple times. Their security doesn’t compare to Nedzu’s.” Yui sighed, “Seriously, I don’t understand how they don’t get hacked more.”
“Yui-nee, not all of us can whisper to computers and learn all the secrets of code.” Izuku teased, “Seriously, you mutter in your sleep, and I swear you speak in binary.”
“I know you’re just being dramatic, I don’t do that.” She huffed, before they all looked away from her, “Oh come on! I don’t sleep talk in binary!”
“Um…you muttered something in ones and zeroes before, brat.” Dabi grinned, “We have a video.”
She narrowed her eyes at him, “You know what? Usually I don’t hack the devices of family members, but I might make an exception.”
“Don’t you dare, we all know you have a blackmail folder.” He pointed at her, “This is just fair play.”
“That’s my thing, get your own thing, Dabi. Izu has his puppy dog eyes, Himi has her knife, I blackmail. Now show me the video.” She pulled out her phone, “Or I’m posting the video I have of you sleeping with the Hawks’ plush and hacking the algorithm so it’s on everyone’s recommended.”
“…Fine.” He huffed, pulling up the video on his phone and tossing it to her. She pressed play, Izu and Himi looking over her shoulders. Her face flushed pink as she heard herself mumble out ones and zeroes like they’d said.
“It’s okay, Yui-chan! It’s cute!” Himi giggled, patting her back before she blinked when Yui’s face paled, “Yui-chan? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing…this is your only copy of this, right, Dabi?” She asked as she deleted it, wiping it from the phone completely.
Dabi frowned softly as he nodded, “Yeah, brat. I only had that. What’s wrong? What were you dreaming about?”
“Nothing important.” She tossed his phone back into his lap, taking a sip of tea. She didn’t often remember her dreams, and she was okay with that. She wanted to forget everything before she met Izuku. “Anyway, that’s plan A. I’m sorry it’s more a long term plan and not something immediate.”
“Hey, it’s okay. Yes, I’d like to just kidnap them, but it’s not that smart. They don’t even know I’m alive. “ Dabi shrugged, “I mean, I can’t even be around the man without going into a panic attack, so any help we can get for them…I’m really grateful for.” He rubbed the back of his neck, looking away from the group.
“We’ll get them away from him Dabi, I promise.”
“Yeah! We’ll help them!” Izuku looked up at him, familiar fire in his eyes, “We can do it together!”
“Yeah!” Himi grinned as she pumped a fist in the air, “And if you need me to stab a bitch, I will!”
“I told you we should have stopped swearing around them.”
“It’s not like she screams swear words at the top of her lungs in public, and she was referring to Endewhore. It’s fine.” Dabi waved his hand, like he was going to wave the issue away.
“Lots of kids swear. Though if you get too excessive, we’ll start a swear jar.” Aizawa sipped his coffee, black eyes zeroing in on them. “And it’ll go for the adults too, we should be setting a better example for you kids.”
“It doesn’t count for game night, right?” Yui asked.
“Instead of swearing, we can yell out ice cream flavors!” Izuku grinned, “Like, Oh, mint chip! You strawberry swirl! What the fudge brownie!”
“I’ll start doing it in German.” Yui shrugged.
“We’ll know what you’re saying if you only use German to swear, problem child.”
“Then I’ll just use random German words. It’ll be funnier that way. Oh schnitzel.”
“Oh! If Yui-chan is gonna do German, I call French!” Himi waved her hand, bouncing up and down.
“Why French?”
“I’m a classy baguette.”
“Oh dear Kami, I need a drink.” Dabi groaned, covering his face with his hand. Not like he could hide from their insanity like that anyway. “Can we play Twister now?”
“Yes!” Himi jumped up to grab the mat and the spinner so Izuku and Yui could move the coffee table. They didn’t need another instance of Dabi slipping and falling on top of it. Yamada grinned as he stood up, pulling Aizawa with him.
“Come on Sho, let’s show the kids how it’s done!”
“I call referee.” He plucked the spinner from Himi’s hands.
“Spoil sport.” He pouted at him.
“Only four of us can play at a time, Zashi. I’ll play next round.”
“I call the trickster.” Dabi grinned at them as he stood up.
“Trickster?” Yamada tilted his head at him.
“It’s a challenge we created. Usually the referee can play the trickster but we have more people. The trickster can go around and try to mess players up. Calling out the wrong color, scare tactics, tickling, or poking. No shoving or picking up.” Yui explained, “Dabi is really good at hitting weak spots. That’s my only warning.”
“Bring it on!” Yamada grinned, Aizawa calling out different colors and hands and feet, Dabi occasionally calling out the wrong ones. He waited until the four playing were pretty tangled up before he let out a huge gasp.
“Izu there’s a spider in your hair!”
“What! Get it out, get it out!” Izuku yelped, twisting and knocking other limbs out of the way to swat at his curls. Yamada let out a shriek and jumped up to hide behind his husband. Yui even let out a little yelp when Izuku’s flailing knocked her on her butt, scrambling back just in case Dabi wasn’t just lying. Himi cackled as she kept her place.
“I win!”
“There’s really no spider, r-right Dabi-nii?” Izuku turned big puppy dog eyes up at him.
“No, kiddo, it was a ruse. No spiders, I promise.”
“I can’t believe I live with three people who are afraid of spiders.” Aizawa rolled his eyes as he smacked his husband with the spinner.
“You know I can’t stand bugs!”
“Dad, they’re so creepy!”
“At least you two don’t throw fire at them.” He glared at Yui, the teen only shrugging as she stood.
“I try to burn down the house one time to get rid of the eight-legged creepy crawly, and you won’t let me live it down. You still haven’t given me my torch back.”
“There are easier ways to get them out of the house that doesn’t involve burning the place we live!”
“Fire is the only way to cleanse the house of them. I’ve seen the video where they hit the spider with a broom and it exploded in babies. I’m not risking that shit.” She glared back at him, “Dabi always used fire to get rid of them.”
“Dabi has a Quirk that lets him shoot fire out of his fingertips. It’d be a lot more controlled than shooting fire at a corner of the room!”
“I said I was sorry, and we put out the fire a second later.”
“I had to explain to the fire department that my family used a homemade flamethrower to kill one spider.”
“Yeah, and they had a good laugh. And I cleaned up and repaired any damages. You can’t guilt me forever, dad. At least I didn’t break all the windows in the room.”
“Hey, don’t bring me into this!” Yamada called out in defense.
“What are you guys going to do if you run into a villain with a spider Quirk?” Himi asked, tilting her head at them. The three of them paused, looking at each other before they answered.
“It’s a villain, I can scream at them until they’re blasted away.”
“If it’s a villain…I have my taser staff, I-I think I’d be able to fight them.” Izuku bit his lip as he fidgeted with his fingers.
“You can’t burn people alive, Yui.” Aizawa groaned.
“Why not? Endeavor does it.”
“He is not a good role model!”
“Tell me about it.” Dabi mumbled, chugging the rest of his soda.
“Okay, okay, kids. The night is young, let’s keep playing.” Yamada grinned, holding up the spinner.
“If I win, dad gives me back my torch.”
Aizawa rolled his eyes, “Not a chance.”
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